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Flip army fag here , they got rid of me in intelligence and moved

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Thread replies: 312
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Flip army fag here , they got rid of me in intelligence and moved to the frontlines in ISIS infested Marawi, this may be my last post here and if i survive, I will post pics and webms of me mutilating mudslimes for you /pol/
anyone gets 88 in this thread you survive, re

godspeed anon
If not LARPing, good luck flipflag. Hope you get a high kill count and don't die.

And remember, you are NOT welcome in my country you filthy foreigner
Wish you the best bro if you die I'll impregnate your sister for you
kill em good senpai
what are they telling you to expect?
don't die faggot
keep fighting the good fight brother stay safe for fuck's sake
Remember to kill everything that moves.
You want memories to cherish.
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Do it for him, Anon
good look flipflop
Keep coolio broh, kick mudslim shit out Philippines
Record/take pictures of the war zone please, I fucking love pictures of that sort of shit yet online most of the stuff is the same old shitty images every fucking news website uses a billion times over
Be a local flip hero but dont die one!
Best wishes.

if no 8's, F
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>do a flip
I'm jealous desu.
May St Michael, St George and Jesus watch you.
Stay strong and don't forget to deliver the pics and webms.
Also give me your initials so I can pray for you.

yes i will this will be my time to shine after 3 years in intelligence
I will pray to Buddha for your safety, South East Asians together!
Fight hard Flip, show the world how to deal with muslim extremists once again.
Good luck and Godspeed, flipbro
maybe not the time but if you would- how did you like working in military inteligence?
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Don't die, flip. this humble burger thanks you for your contribution to the planet in advance, and please don't stop with terrorists.You know all muslims are sleeper agents for shit like this.

yeah this be my first time to kill muzzies cuz in intelligence I only kill Drug addicts and pushers in my spare time while monitor rebel settlements and movements
>yfw Hitler was an islamboo and would have sided with isis
Slaughter them. Don't forget to put some pork over their dead bodies.
Gospeed, son
Roll, I need:
>I will post pics and webms of me mutilating mudslimes
I know him irl and his initial's are F.A.G

it was fun but very scary, i once lost a partner when the rebels knew about us. He was shot with a .45 on the back of his head while walking, the witnesses said that the killers said "1 more to go", i know they meant me but luckily i was off visiting my brother. i got transferred after.
Post proof flippy flip. <spoiler>I'll belive your larping anyhow cus i want to so good luck kiss some mudslime ass.</spoiler>
I want to kill mudslimes so bad, I dream about it.

Godspeed, anon.
alahuakber my friend, may i just say that i love you , im drunbk rght now but rdrunk is the best most honest time. i love you man, you risk your life for my freedom. andi fucking hat the nwo . for the evil shit they do. VBUT I LOVE YOU. I FUCKING LVOE YOU .
i want you to live, im sayign this from my heart im fucking wasted. i weant you to liv e. pl;se get wasted to feel what iam feeling.

i want you to run for office in the future be a real fake ass nigger. andc win.

and save yourself and us,.

i love you my brother pls live.

pls fuc k over the CUNTS who fuck us. collectively. FVUCK TYHEM

i love you man. thank you
fucking thank you man,

kill as many as you can without huryting you.


fuck our enemies man , i fucking love u
jesus, I thought it was more of a desk job
shit i meant kick not kiss.
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Good luck op! Kill as many of the ISIS mutherfuckers as you can!
>anyone gets 88 in this thread you survive, re

Bowling for 88s.

The Emperor protects!
Fillimanlets stronk, remove kebab. Go do your thing and come back with your shield, or on it.
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pls belive me i amd fucked up right now and this is from my hear. fucking lvoe you man ,
your a reall fucking hero man.

fucking thanking you for you srvice n fuck the niggers and the fucker face cunts that pl,ay yusl. fuck ufcku fardl them

i pray i really pray. even though i don pray. i pray for yuor saftey and the safty of your seed man
plese dont think im playing cause i am drunk n this is my realy fucking deelings

fuck pls god look after my brother on pol
lok after him and help him
anmd dliver his enemies into his hands.
n bles him with numerless bitches amen.
sure you did...
we all know pakis and poo in the loos want to hate fuck
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is this the true nature of australia?
Are you ok anon?
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Go get em boy

Put the mudshits in the ground where they belong.

Based OP
i drank alot because of heart break. i came on pol because of red pill im crying cause my brother saving us. im fucked up. and my brother is goin into danger. fucking want to make a power armor kill all of our enemies and save my brother. im so fucked up but i fell great,. if you got ghard liqor drink right now and feel what im feeling.
Remember to coat your bullets in pig blood before slaying some mudslimes.
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Anon, drink some water and go to sleep
could you please stop projecting? like, seriosuly, just stop projecting. thanx
Good luck pal, will keep an eye out for your future posts.
Prayers be with you based Flipbro!
> implying it won't be 1 isis militant to 10 gov fighters


Kek wills his survival.
Give those MILF's hell.
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You will survive, anon.
send pics of dead muslims
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God speed you on your mission

I'm sorry you have to go through this. Good luck and Let us know if you survive!
This is 100% true but most /pol/ fail to see that.
I gotchu flipbro
Best of luck to you anon!
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Long live the Crusaders.
I feel you fellow Ausanon, got a bottle of jimmy lined up.

What are you drinking mate?
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i am real;ly dfucked up but i am really crying,. io fucking love our brother anon for his service.
i couldnty join the army cause i fuck up myu life.

but i feel just like fguckving fucked. man really guvking crying cause my brotyhr.
im going to bed. god bless man, god b.ess you

fi there is a god he will bless you cause there aint shit left to bledd man. god bless you man. hpf god protect you man ,

im going to hbed now i love everyone of you red piliing mother FUCKERS on 4 chan.

god is great man
good job kebab
aldi high lander earl
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thank goodness obama said ISIS (not that he ever called them that always used some bullshit other made up name) are the JV team and already beaten.

PS pls Kek grant me 8888 for the flip gunmonkey
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Some of you Flips are wondering whether or not you'll chicken out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you'll all do your duty. War is a bloody business, a killing business. ISIS is the enemy. Wade into them, spill their blood or they will spill yours. Shoot them in the guts. Rip open their belly. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt from your face and you realize that it's not dirt, it's the blood and gut of what was once your best friend, you'll know what to do.
Please don't waste time doing videos.
Just kill, kill, kill.
The future of Humanity lies on your shoulders, the more subhumans you kill, the more chances we have of surviving this jewish millenia.
Today a Kraut saved two people through the power of digits

lol no, you blend with the common people, u become a street vendor,etc
>Please don't waste time doing videos.
please flipsis record some hd high quality videos of you kicking mudslime ass. it boosts morale and is entertaining very so please take good high quality camera with you bro thanx
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But the Consul's brow was sad,
And the Consul's speech was low,
And darkly looked he at the wall,
And darkly at the foe.
"Their van will be upon us
Before the bridge goes down;
And if they once may win the bridge,
What hope to save the town?"


Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods,


"And for the tender mother
Who dandled him to rest,
And for the wife who nurses
His baby at her breast,
And for the holy maidens
Who feed the eternal flame,
To save them from false Sextus
That wrought the deed of shame?


"Haul down the bridge, Sir Consul,
With all the speed ye may;
I, with two more to help me,
Will hold the foe in play.
In yon strait path a thousand
May well be stopped by three.
Now who will stand on either hand,
And keep the bridge with me?"
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Stay alive, kapatid. We'll hold the fort here on /pol/. I'll be waiting for you to report back.
Kill them all
I'm heading to the Philippines for 10 weeks this summer. Rapu Rapu island near Legazpi and then Cebu. Probably go Boracay too. It's for a medical elective.

Teach me what I need to know

sounds cool as hell man. sorry to hear about your partner.
He was germanic after all
Go get 'em, Champ.
Show no mercy.
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send them to judgement.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
May you have a good time cleansing your country from sandniggers.

You gotta see it as an opportunity, you get to kill mudshits with no repercussions. You might even get medals for it.
You just gotta do what the island is telling you bro
Protip: tell them you're Aussie and looking for a nice girl to bring home
You'll practically be in your own season of the British Bachelor
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I'm also drunk and this brought tears to my eyes. Fucking Australia... I.. I didn't fucking ask to feel right now.
I fucking love you OP. I saw the double 88's rolled in this thread and I hope from the bottom of my heart meme magic is real. I know it is. We know it is. It always has been.

God speed. Please, come back and let me know you live if you do. Anyone who has the courage to browse this board because they hunger for the truth has a place in my heart. If we weren't so far apart and the time came to fight (((them))) together just know I'd fucking die for you in a heartbeat. I'd die for anyone on this board. Any day of the week.

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May you be accursed, unbeliever, agent of the Pharaoh Duterte.
Post it man
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If youre not larping i wish you good luck and I hope you have a massive body count so you can be immortalized thorugh the ages with songs and storys about you
sounds like you're brown. who else would vendor the streets other than another arab.
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Shoo shoo pooslime
OP is safe. Now you can do crazy shut knowing the spirit of /pol/. Show no mercy.
dont forget the water like i did
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Nice not-quads, unbeliever. Do you get boat people down in New Zealand? Offer them your daughters as a gesture of goodwill.
>boat people
Nope, too far for niggertech sorry :^)
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Oops forgot my pic
You're trying too hard to incite a reaction. Be gentle.
Kill Mulsims my dear friend,you are literally on the GOD's side fighting the militia of death cult.

Everyone missed this 88.

I have a few friends who are also in the service and ready to fight these goatfuckers. Sumainyo ang Panginoon, kapatid.
you got /pol/'s blessing
now go kick some goatfucking mudslime ass
Hope you have enough AR500 armor plates, Watch out for dem snipers and remove kebab with extreme prejudice
Use your ears and pay attention! Focus on your front sight! May God be with you brother! /(-_-)7
Take 2 down with you
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Mabuhay brother.
God speed faggot
intelligence is pretty dangerous as well.

knew a friend who was in pursuit on a suspect and he just got shot.
Deus Vult, Flipfag. Kill one for me.
intel fag here, i don't belive you
OP is a liar, intel don't fight hes a fucking fake

Lay off the goon, m8.
>I will post pics and webms of me mutilating mudslimes for you /pol/
nice. Good luck out there
May you have our blessing
>what is intel in a country without drones and satellites and where the enemy barely have phones
read the thread larp-kun
There is literally nothing wrong with losing your life killing muslims as long as you take atleast two with you.

Remove kebab for us, senpai
yea thats bare minimum
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What are you afraid of? They should be the ones afraid of YOU.
Good luck OP and may your gun never jam. Kill those muslim, no matter if armed or not, no matter if giving up or not, no matter if posing as civilian or not. Kill em all.
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>Flip army fag here , they got rid of me in intelligence and moved to the frontlines in ISIS infested Marawi, this may be my last post here and if i survive, I will post pics and webms of me mutilating mudslimes for you /pol/

What a bro.
Fucking imbeciles. Context. 80 years ago islam was just a weird harmless cult followed by a few goat fuckers. Hitler liked them because they hated jews, which were the real problem.

Today, he'd hate islam like any other right winger leader.
fuckin oath just starte hitting the rye

one day i hope i will be sent to clear out western sydney
>flip intellectuals
Compared to Jews, Muslims are great because they're quite honest about how they want to kill us and actually do the killings themselves, personally.
Go forth and rain death upon the muhammedan. You will live.
Die are cast, hopefully flippy keeping his livvy
> OP doesnt reply anymore
> OP is dead
>op is on his way to fight ISIS scum
if you are not lying godspeed filip anon

they saw you posted on 4chinz and decided you might be a future threat

so now ure cannon fodder
Ukrainian army fag here , they got rid of me in intelligence and moved to the frontlines in Donetsk People Republic militants Debal'tsevo, this may be my last post here and if i survive, I will post pics and webms of me mutilating mudslimes for you /pol/
top kek
Takes these 8s

Please kill NPAs too!
KEK will be with you. He will protect you and guide you in the front lines. Kill as many Muslims as you can.


helping hand
My the spirit of /pol/ be with you, amen.
show respect to the god of war and you'll be fine
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bump for potential muzzie gore
Be safe bro, did a deployment to the sandbox and i actually had a lot of fun. Show no fucking mercy and be safe man. Rolling to keep your ass from getting pegged by ISIS cocksuckers.
Godspeed, anon.
good luck,stay safe,fight hard.
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Former U.S. Army fag here. Kill 'em all and let Allah sort them out. Godspeed anon!
Where's our bro? Is he alive? Plz be alive
Never too late m8
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If all true i can understand why your president is going hard on druggies and the sort

I don't know who you are, jarhead, or what sort of game you playing. You're obviously good at intel seeing how you obviously have some compromising material on god, but we check'd em and the maths works out.
You're coming home, and you get to pick someone to come home with you.

Use those quads for when you get home.
Praise Kek
Is the Philippines safe to visit as a white tourist?
Stay safe my fellow coconut nigger, remove kebab for a better world
Yes, just don't visit Western Mindanao.
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Stay safe OP.
Good luck mate, and enjoy.
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Godspeed brother, show them how we fight!
God Bless you anon , and good luck !
Kill many sand niggers make pol proud. Make the world a better place
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>larping /int/ faggot

yeah fuck off
Good luck based flip of kebab removal.
If you manage to drive the goat fuckers away I will visit at some point.
Looks like you're destined to die OP
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Please survive to kill more of those fuckwads.
Please let him live
Bump for potential dead sandniggers
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Pajeets rolling for kebab removal
Flip save get.
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If treble digits he gets beheaded and the video put on liveleak
Godspeed son.
Why nobody is talking about this?There aren't even thread on /Pol/
Rollin for flipbro
make our country safe again
Roll for the flip
are you retarded?
LOL me etoo, fucking drunk as a plank here at 4 pm i cant wait to die. fucking gjealous of op btw, i would desert and shoot that bitch just to see her jiump and fall
Kill them all anon.I wish I could help
godspeed anon
88s coming in
When you fire your weapon pull the trigger at the same point of your breath every time. It ensures a more accurate grouping. Don't be scared. Most of them can't shoot and literally pray that their bullets will find their target. Go make your country proud and kill some camel jockeys.
how does it feel to kill?
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have fun op
are you going to use karate?
i roll for you brother

holt shit boii, i always wanted to go arny but im also a lazy nerdy pos so yeah

how is it? you enlisted or u an officer?

goodluck though ans keep your head down
yes anon. we need some good webms of mudslimes getting brutalized. please make sure you take good care of your go pro.
I'll get an 88 for you to survive anon
God I wish that was me
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>Hitler would have sided with the people that invaded his homeland and raped his people
For my flip friend.
Check em
Stay safe flipanon. Don't forget to yell DEUS VULT for my people when you slay those goatfuckers.
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Take care anon and remember, every slain muslim make God smile
come on guys

you will live anon, he is with you
Can you yell out Pepe in your beheading video before they decapitate you?
god's speed flipbro
how about trips 8
trip 8s and he comes back and instantly gets a blow job
Krazy 88 for my krazy flipbro
I will keep your sister warm as long as she doesn't fuck up my Timmie's order Flipbro, god speed and good luck!
Hey Get Right with Christ before it's too late.
Give them hell, anon. Wish I was there with you.
God bless you anon
Stay safe
May kek guide my repeating symbols.

Give me those pics and vids, based OP. I talk to you Phillipines everyday at work. You guys and gals are good folk. You don't deserve such brutal cultural enrichment.
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God speed anon
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Godspeed, anon. Be sure to shout latin phrases at them.

get for flip anon
Good luck, anon.
Deus Vult Roll
Different context.
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God damnit, duerte is gonna be pissed

go kill those fucking faggots op
For OP, you're a good man
Canada is with you brother. Deus Vult.
Hahaha. Die Spanish inbred rape baby.

If their is one thing I hate just as much as Muslims

It's flips

Good luck ching pang Rodriguez
I dont usually like you filps, but I do like to see you guys defend your nation from mudslime incrusion. Keep up the removal rate.
Best of luck, flip friend.
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Kill them all.

Godspeed Flip Warrior.

May you be fast and accurate.

Muslims are cowards who hide amongst the civilian population. Do not be afraid to purge. Strike first, strike fast.

What you do now will set the stage for the global war to come. Inspire us with your courage, your tenacity, your warrior prowess. That others may see your example and strike back.
We'll take care of your women based soldier
Easy roll
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may kek bless you anon
If you're fighting, doesn't that mean you won't have time to take pics and videos?
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>I will post pics and webms of me mutilating mudslimes for you /pol/
you're a god damn hero sir
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God bless you anon.

Good luck.
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My friends mom use to make us pancit when we were growing up. God speed anon I will be thinking of you. Survive so you may consume more delicious pancit.
If you capture one, makesure you make him cry and denounce his faith before you kill him.
Bumping for flip anon


Plz carry a GoPro with you and make sure to have someone to upload the videos in case you meet Jesus
I will save our friend
I'll save you
(((Hitler))) was a kike puppet who gave white identity a bad name, makes sense he was pro Islam.
Deus vult and you will gain salvation.
this is so strayan it went forth and back
u had the chance and you missed
Deus Vult, Pinoybro.
May Shiva guard you my friend. May you kill dozens of those isis fags.

Mabuhay, please poo on a koran plz
Just make sure no raping, even a half mudslime is still a mudslime.
I believed you until you said that
>KYS larper
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noice, but hillary in the bed would be better
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the spirit of the warrior will always be with you
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Mohammed was a pedophile and a cunt.
Alloha snackbar
Here's your 88, best of luck.
Good luck removing kebab, Angelo. Get lots of gore to post here. Also please let REEEEE be your battle cry.
heil hitler
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Kill some fucking towelheads mate, god speed
if youre not moving then shoot, if youre not shooting keep moving, dont peek out from the same cover twice, avoid walking through busy streets, use backyards and buildings instead, a grenade is the best way to make sure a room is safe to breach, dont bunch up with your squadmates, and most importantly always carry condoms and a pack of cigs, these two things alone will get you everywhere, milfags worldwide know this
Good luck bro
please 88
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Spanish army fag here. They got rid of my inteligence and moved my front to the headline of Gibraltar's border. This may survive as my last post here if I post pics and webms of mutilated me on /muslim/ pol
Good luck Op, you have spanish strength inside your blood, this 88 will save (you)
flip shall kill them all.
it is known
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Fight till the end filipino bro.
Good luck Anon. Avenge your killed partner.
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god bless you flipfag
It is not enough to fight with bravery, one must fight with grace. If you belive in Mary and the Saints imagine yourself trying to impress her so hard you cuck the holy ghost and true heroism will fill your soul.
Nice PATTON, senpai
In all seriousness though, good luck and remember that you are part of the most powerful race in the world. We're proud of you flipbro.
Can someone explain why the hell ISIS is in the Philippines in the first place?
reroll for dead niggers
one more reroll
Godspeed flip.
hope you're an azn and not a yellow fever bogan retard
we got enough HAPAs over here
so close...
God speed jungle chink, god speed.
Don't forget to sprinkle your bullets with pig blood before entering the battle flip bro.
I pray to Jesus you get shot in the head and sent to hell you fucking faggot.
you invaded sultanates of Moro back in 1870s
they want out.
Good luck and Gods speed OP, be sure to collect head scarves from confirmed kills to show us when you get home safe and sound.
who are your tacticians
Plz Kek, help out OP
Kek be with you Flipfriend
Don't forget to add gravy to your Mud.
>Pour pig's blood on their mutilated corpses
Desperate for ISIS cock, huh?
Get rekt Abdullah
me too, anon, me too
God bless you Australia
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mighty drill smite.png
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It sucks but if you end up killing some mudslime ISIS you will become a legend and can use this fact forever until you die.

Battle is temporary, glory is eternal. May you survive without damage. Godspeed, strongest race.
Why is there toilet paper on the cross?
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If 88 Op gets Odin to wake up and gets him to exterminate all mudshits on our planet to the very last mudshit toddler.
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Seriously, though, I'd be glad to take out some of these goatfuckers.
[spoiler]And allahuakbar myself in the process. Please end my life ;_;[/spoiler]
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