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FBI memo shows Seth Rich had the emails

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Job Biggs says he has the goods. Anyone know if he's an attention whore?
would be yuge if true
Well he quit infowars over pizzagate
Pretty shit to release it on a 3 day weekend, but he shouldn't announce it.
Biggs is legit.
why did AJ can him over Pzzag8?
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>news says they have sources saying trump campaign and cabinet members have done unsavory stuff with russia
>fake news
>some faggot on twitter talks about getting a memo that blows the seth rich shit out of the water but won't release it
>wow based dude i can't wait to watch the dems crumble this time for sure!!!
> trump campaign and cabinet members have done unsavory stuff with Russia

What "unsavory" stuff? Like, diplomacy and shit?
Until he actually puts it out there who cares
Im sorry but at this point anyone who announces in advance is lying. People that really have the goods DIE. Thats the real world. You talk you die you leak you die and if you really had info and you announce it first you die.
he just committed suicide 2 gunshot to the head...with different calibers
Joe Briggs? The same Joe Biggs that got canned from Infowars for reporting on an obviously fake pizza gate "menu" that some schmuck made in photoshop.
you don't get it anon. It's a jewish tactic.

he has nothing, but by making an outrageous claim without evidence, most people will be swayed by his statement.
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But what if he does have it and they do kill him. Wouldnt that make it obvious?
How could they sweep that under the rug with all the seth rich autists?
External pressure and threats
This generally seems to be accurate
He's a fucking idiot. You do not pre-announce shit like this. He probably got tricked again and is about to make a fool of his self yet again.
u think any of the pizzagate shit have to do with his court hearings ? i.e we'll take yer kids away cuz of the pizzagate crazytalk
Joe Biggs is a patriot, a veteran, and has been on the frontlines trying to expose truth for years. I wouldn't dismiss this immediately.
bump it up
Biggs did leave over Pizzagate, but only because Jones needs a cutout for stories that he can get sued over. Biggs still does contract work for Infowars.
Check this out!!!

A person tweeted Joe a screenshot of their DM with Guccifer 2.0 where he states "Seth" was his whistleblower.


Here is the pic of the screenshot.

Guccifer 2.0 was DNC trying to obfuscate first guccifer. It's been basically proven. So that makes these screenshots shit, doesn't it?
it's probably a hoax sent by a troll
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This is it?!
where did you get this, please?
But is it fake? Or of any value?
whered you get this bitch
wew lad
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>90% redacted except for the most incriminating keywords. No way to verify authenticity.

This is likely a hoax
can't say much. But you guy keep going.
Smells like a hoax to me
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Bah, the Trump video was released on a Friday and it got coverage until the election.
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The numbers

They're blinding
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look at the bottom right "ig email" any ideas??
We need to get that laptop if it still exists. Our friends at the FBI should look into this
fake news
>Won't deliver
>Will say because he got 'pressures'
The life of a liar and an attention whore is tough
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I know I can feel it
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>Our friends at the FBI
/pol/ 2017
What's this?
The fuck have you done here?
"unsavory" is a word liberals use when they cant use "illegal" but really, really, really want to.

they think it sounds the same.
What dis is
this. its bullshit.

redacting everything but wikileaks? come on. partially redacting seth richs name? please.

obvious hoax is obvious
Looks like inverted color. He needs to post a higher resolution picture of this shit.
It might have been redacted by the fbi source before he sent it to Biggs to eliminate everything that wasn't crucial. Really roasts them almonds...
This idiot is being used to make Seth Rich's murder appear to be pizzagate tier conspiracy theory.
in that case, its redacted to the point of not being believable which defeats the point, doesnt it?

"oh here anon, have a fucking black piece of paper with an fbi logo you can get anywhere, with "wikileaks", "DNC" and "set ich" on it." by the way you cant name me as a source, this has to be off the record..

brilliant. fire up the presses.
Horry sheeet
forensic imaging. im not the greatest at it, but to me it looks like the text was added on after the fact. id really love to be proved wrong though

1. That's not how redactions look.

2. No document like this would ever be released. It would be withheld in its entirety.

3. The FBI would never release documents in an active murder investigation 9 months later via FOIA.
it's a journalist version of a foia doc. they get less redacted versions.
Will release next Tuesday. I promise guys.

You're either drunk or a moron. FOIA requests are not uniquely tailored to the person making the request. They are the same regardless of whether it's the CEO of Buzzfeed or a lunatic in Idaho. There are "journalist versions."
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wouldn't this type of thing only really show like diffs in text/image from manipulation?
wouldn't the compressed image text look like that regardless?
not sure how this really shows it was added after the fact

anyway, i'm still really skeptical. the redaction in this looks suspicious and wonky
There are *no "journalist versions."
I'll bet you it's the end of "communicating"

There are document experts who can verify it depending on how the text fits, pic related
Who said it was a redacted doc from a FOIA request? Biggs didn't.
"Just got a heavily redacted FBI memo mentioning Seth Rich laptop and says emails detail DNC and Wikileaks. Will be releasing soon"
Why would the FBI have redacted an in house file? They have refused FOIAs, and have said they aren't investigating.
Doc leaked from FBI agent?
debunked bullshit
My initial thought was the only way this file with this redacting would make sense is if it was a leaker with the intent of showing everyone was onto something with the "conspiracy." It's still fishy.

So someone with access to classified material leaked a document to a person who then posted the document rather than just quoting the document? And blocked out the first "h" in "Seth Rich"?
This is gay, I quit /internet/
Blackpill it is
I didn't say I had all the answers. But people are acting like this is a released document from the FBI docs. They haven't admitted to even doing an investigation.
You guys honestly believe this crap?

I thought you were smarter than that
What are you doing in Thailand you pedo bastard?
Anon used edge detection and inverted colors in GIMP to try and discredit the document.
From another thread...
The actual document is written on official DOJ/FBI letterhead, with an official case code. That's about as legitimate as i've seen so far from this investigation; and i've been lurking around since last summer. It was clearly redacted by someone who only wanted to confirm the cases existence, without revealing the details of the investigation.

To me, an honest FBI source would do this. If he is caught, and faces trial for leaking classified documents; he will have the whistleblower defense. I mean, look at that thing, it looks like someone took a black highlighter to the entire page. The ONLY knowledge one can gain from it, is that the FBI has seen Seth Rich's laptop, and so has the D.C. Metro PD, and it is in regards to his contact with Wikileaks.

No jury would convict someone of leaking classified intel. This clearly shows good faith and the whistleblower defense would hold strong. If he can stay alive to see that day in court.

It seems there are 400+ odd pages on this report. I'm sure we'll be seeing more pages leaked to the public soon.

Blame The_Donald.

> Based Biggs releases smoking gun!
>It's still fishy.
If this is exposed as a fake, it will convince normies that sinister forces are out to frame Hillary and the DNC.
BIG if legit
it's real like pizzagate

race war
this is why everyone should be very cautious of this shit, but they won't be

they already successfully pushed out a bunch of fake news about kim dotcom "hacking seth rich's email" because it received a welcome email from mega
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what ?
that's what Borderland Media, who released it, is saying... you putin cockholster.
wow fox is going to looks pretty fucking stupid after fire Hannity after this
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>The actual document is written on official DOJ/FBI letterhead

Found in 5 seconds on google.

> with an official case code.

Seth Rich's initials, "DC" and a number. No way that could be thought up.

> That's about as legitimate


My favorite part is the typewriter font. Lends that nuance of credibility, doesn't it?
who dat ? ex u.s army ex infojew/ op ?
LMAO the moron messed up the horizontal line

/pol/ look at this. panda is how sr discovered podesta's web of pedo relationships. see link to article below. discusses how panda software framework can be used for complex relationship analysis of the dnc email leak, which was precursor to the podesta dump. sr was a panda/python engineer while at dnc

He got fooled. that "memo" is obvious bullshit.
It's linked in the catalog, or should still be there if not 404d.
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This is the one
>To me, an honest FBI source would do this. If he is caught, and faces trial for leaking classified documents; he will have the whistleblower defense. I mean, look at that thing, it looks like someone took a black highlighter to the entire page. The ONLY knowledge one can gain from it, is that the FBI has seen Seth Rich's laptop, and so has the D.C. Metro PD, and it is in regards to his contact with Wikileaks.

It was also revealed on FOX by the PI, so it's only revealing stuff that's now open source. The stuff is exactly what the PI said; laptop, FBI had it, and Seth Rich and Wikileaks.

This, if real, confirms the PI's source and FOX.
The Huffington Onion
Cable Onion News
Microsoft National Onion Company
Onion Broadcasting Company News
National Onion Company News
Columbian Onion System News
The Washington Onion
The New Onion Times
Those are their new names if the document is real!
huge if true
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>I think this is like one of my television TV stories and am responding to it with the same expectations. Little do I know that I have revealed the full scale of my faggotry.
Yeah. As soon as I copied from the other thread, it 404'd. I agree with the part about the whistleblower and classified info. Cannot be in trouble for releasing classified.
If those are authentic, and the case code wasn't known before, could people use that to request it through FOIA?
I would think so, but I really don't know.
I read that the FBI had already turned down a FOIA, but I don't know how the request was worded.
And they still haven't admitted they ever investigated.
He is, but he wouldn't fuck around with this, it would bury him, I still have a hard time believing it, someone could of made that "official doc".
Someone gave some good advice on how to word the FOIA request, that would make it easier for it to pass, but i dont have the pic saved anymore. The request had to be quite limited, instead of "everything you have on Wikileaks" etc, so case number might help,
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this retard BIGGS again
remember when he rushed to twitter with that outrageous pizzagate document that turned out a fake/troll?
its pinned on the donald now too, fucking wow
this guy is an embarassment and would "break" a story about martians talking with Trump
>those MS Paint redactions
Bump for Seth!
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>gets document 4 hours ago
>tries to get in contact with FOIA expert journalist from buzzfeed to confirm authenticity for 1 hour
>releases document after 1 more hour (2 hours after he got it)

this guy is only interested in "scoops" and getting there first, he has no integrity and is worse than MSM in every conceivable way
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Friendly reminder its not too late to get your signature on this petition before you get too sleepy! this story isnt going anywhere, we have time for petitions.

White Power
the document is wearing a burka... cant read shit.

we need to foia that shit... (and or meme it hard asking trump to DECLASSIFY) that document so we can read it
Don't you have a shooting by an off-duty police officer to attend to?
but its "ig" not "ing" not too many works ending in "ig". Config is one I can think of.
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allright boys this one has ran its course - document is a pretty obvious fake, only question is does this make Joe Biggs dirty? Is he trying to intentionally mislead us or did he just fuck up?

Better threads here:

/SRG/ - Definitely Panda, Disprove the Narrative Edition

/SRG/ - Panda, Parents, Podesta, Pizza, and Georgetown Edition
This. Only fools or liars announce shit like this before just releasing it. If someone really has such critical information and they go around making a scene about it before revealing it, there's a high probability they're going to end up as another Breitbart or Seth Rich
This guy actually released in few hours.
I remember mid day yesterday (Sat) someone mentioned a SCR photo but link back was missing.
I have already told everyone I know about Seth Rich, including a 1000 people on FB
You're right on the document being fake also

Except this isn't real FOIA release. It's a leak from FBI insider and that's why he left exactly those relevant parts not redacted. To prove Seth case is real.

Then why to redact at all, you ask? Because if caught, it's easier to appiel Whistleblower Protection Act.
It's a good tactic. You prepare the public for the announcement, therefore making it bigger.

Fox and Biggs probably have access to the same info. Who is gonna trust the msm and the dnc after this is widely know?
Here's a legit declassified doc for reference.
Everything we have worked for is finally coming to a close. A major shitstorm is about to unfold
Did i miss anyone define the "ig" reference?
This could be big
Democrats are diverting the issue to the, still unproven, murder of Seth Rich, labelling it as a conspiracy theory. But that is actually very secondary. If the investigators have the mails and the proofs of being in contact with Wikileaks... that's all that matters. After this is known people will not have a doubt about who gave the orders.
Here's the reference superimposed over the Joe Biggs leak.
A reminder that EVERYONE can initiate a FOIA request, and you all should be doing so by the masses. Each worded different than the one before it. Make sure they are specific requests, vague requests like "give me all the documents you have on Seth Rich." will almost certainly be denied. But "I would like to see the unredacted version of the attached file SCRDC-408." will have a better chance of being accepted.

The website for FBI FOIA requests is :

This is interesting. Bump.
You know you're on the right track when nonstop #pizzagate denier shills are in the thread
Thanks, Joe. :thumbsup

discreditable to jones discreditable to me
its says "ig with" NOT "ing with"
Thailand only shows up when a cover up is underway.
Considering he got fired from InfoWars for being too nutty, what do you think?
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>russian shills in full panic
mueller's gonna drain the swamp

no amount of seth rich fake newsing is gonna turn him off the trail
"SCRDC " Seth Conrad Rich DC. Is 408 the number of pages or something?
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sounds like literally nothing like the 10000 times before
It's fake. The reason this wasn't "leaked" to a real journalist is because they would do their due diligence and realize it's a forgery. They gave it to a loud, easily discreditable guy, so they can make fun of how stupid people who believe in this conspiracy are.
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