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Women in Sweden gallop against patriarchy

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Thread replies: 259
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> When you look at the city and the sculpture park we have, there are a few men on horses and other men. Most women who are naked and quite small, says Anna Källblad.

>Together with the artist Helena Byström she now wants to start a debate about public space. Bystrom has a background in video film and photography, but also worked with art in social situations.

>We need a counterweight to all the great hordes of men who take the city in different ways. This is an option, says Helena Byström.
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I'm actually kind of tired at laughing at the Swedes at this point

I kind of just pity you now
hahahaha what the fuck is going oooonnnnn!!!!?????

please lets just let islam take over the west these women need to be put in their place, they want to be oppressed so bad well let's give them what they want. fuck me i want to die right fucking now
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Fucking. I'm not angry. I swear it. I'm not. Nope. No anger.
If Helena was black she'd say there aren't enough black sculptures. If she was in a wheelchair she'd say there aren't enough disabled sculptures. Etc fucking etc. The wheel turns but the hamster is dead.
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Are the Jews basically just toying with Swedish women at this point? The missions been accomplished, they've been 100% demoralized, is it a matter of amusement now?
Nothing better than drinking beer and watching the world burn
Anon5 was right when he said that feminism caused the downfall of human civilization in other planets.
these women are actually an embarrassment. i would be ashamed to be associated with these women in any way. the world has actually gone mad
They want black men to ride them, it's pretty obvious
vem fan är blattejäveln som pratar i inslaget? varför i helvete har vi negrer och blattejävlar i våra kulturnyheter?

det här landet är fan i mig helt jävla kört. folkmord när?
Swedish people are nhilistic hedonistic athestic materialists, islam will give these people a meaning in life, and it will not be by terrorism, they will convert when they see how meaningful islam is compared to their current norms of their society.

People will see the light that gives their life a new meaning beyond their anti human behavior, faith in something will give new life to Sweden.
tuff kille som skriver "negrer och blattar" på nätet, du är säkert en lycklig och framgångsrik människa...
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>And now to something completely different!
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What? you don't know Adbul Himbombo? He is one of the most talented journalists in our country. Picture related, he's the one to the right.
Idk wtf you call these creatures but not human surely. This is what old texts spoke of when they mentioned female "hysteria"
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det kommer från blatten som kallar svenskar nihilistiska hedonistiska ateistiska materialister. du är en jävla undermänniska, fattar du inte det din bruna apjävel?
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Sweden is proof that feminism will NEVER stop with their bullshit, no matter how minuscule a perceived "injustice" is. They'll ALWAYS look for something to complain about, or they can't be the victim anymore.
Kill yourself sub human sweed, You guys are lower then niggers at the moment.
if only you knew Canada...


It's gonna come to you very soon
The untalented artist does something controversial just to be noticed
Objective achieved.
Women have never been able to accomplish anything because of the oppression in the past. Now they can.
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How long until swedes snap and fight back?
The power of feminists people. Fear them.
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>We need a counterweight to all the great hordes of men who take the city in different ways. This is an option, says Helena Byström.

>Proceed to import great hordes of male refugees

>The left blocks logic

Fucking Cuckholm I swear
>det kommer från blatten som kallar svenskar nihilistiska hedonistiska ateistiska materialister
Inga motargument här inte.

>du är en jävla undermänniska, fattar du inte det din bruna apjävel?
Hahahah, ännu ett bra argument från nazi tangentbordskrigaren, ska du inte kalla dig för viking medans du ändå håller på? Stäng ner 4chan och testa och säga det där utanför din lägenhet, lille tönt
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What the hell Sweden? Are your people seriously this retarded?
Why should a woman support an antiquated system that fucks her up?
skjut dig själv undermänniska. du har ingen jävla rätt att sitta och uttala dig om mitt folk på 4chan som om du är någon jävla auktoritet. du är en apjävel som hade kravlat runt i sanden om det inte vore för mig. uppfattat?
I dont really want to date a feminist but sometimes I think it might be interesting to go to Sweden get in a maledom or DDlg type relationship with a Swedish girl and have fun putting her in her place all the time.
How would be the best way to go about such a thing? would just being open from the beginning with my politically incorrect views make them want to stay away because they dont want to be associated with a bad evil raycist bigoted etc man?
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god I fucking hate women
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baby boomer feminist leftist are handling the new youth to a hole of nonsense
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Now I feel sad for the cat. Gonna go hug mine
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Sweden has a covert muslim brotherhood and turkroach problem

SAPO needs to get on it
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>let's "gallop" against the patriarchy in the most cucked, pussified, non-patriarchal feminist country in human history
>meanwhile let's support more Islamic immigration, the most patriarchal religion

Fucking control your women Swedecucks.
"Beware the wrath of the patient man."
>The absolute state of Sweden

Holy shit
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These women will become old and lonely once their past their prime.
They're just getting in touch with their pagan animistic roots. Varg is beaming with pride. Paganism is back.
That's fucking hilarious m8
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>tfw when this is gone forever
they just need some refugee cock in their mouth
Döda mig
nice post, you can be white for a day
And then US troops can slaughter your people when WW3 breaks out. Based
Sweden doesn't exist. It's all made up.
do most swedes live in slums or what?

also, do they suffer from seasonal dissafective disorder? that might be a problem

Denmark should invade TBQH
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>skjut dig själv undermänniska.
Nä, jag myser hellre med min svenska brud. Antar att du inte har någon? ;)

>du har ingen jävla rätt att sitta och uttala dig om mitt folk på 4chan som om du är någon jävla auktoritet.
Newsflash, 87% av svenskarna som tillhör ditt "folk" och håller inte med dig om dina nazistiska åsikter, men jag antar att du är i någon form av psykos som har utlösts av att du är en nazist i ett mångkulturellt samhälle, vilket har försämrat ditt logiska tänkande.

>du är en apjävel som hade kravlat runt i sanden om det inte vore för mig. uppfattat?
Haha, stora ord på internet, tror du starka män skryter om deras styrka och hotar andra på internet? Givetvis inte, du är inget annat en en liten tönt som känner dig trygg bakom dataskärmen. Testa och kalla någon neger eller blatte utanför ett anime forum och se vad som händer, svenne tangentbordskrigare
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>oh... it must be a swedish fan of Tucker Carlon's new show... r-right?
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jag gör det dagligen, vad ska du göra? blattejävel?
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Could you two cucks shut the fuck up and stop embarassing yourselves
>And then US troops can slaughter your people when WW3 breaks out. Based

Are you proud of your army? you are nothing but a pawn in the grand scheme of things, you do as you are told filthy fat american
Ironisk hanrej-postande gör dig fortfarande till en hanrej.
Sure thing, nigger.
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Speaking of logical thinking, where do you see Sweden in a decade or two?
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Sure thing bud... Have you taken your meds today son?
look at this sad pathetic shitskin who has to go a fucking internet board to talk shit about the very people that took him out of the jungle to give him a life.

this is why 99% of humanity consider you people subhumans who need to be kept in cages you brown little monkey fuck
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This very obviously the next kike move. To rewrite history of whites and remove all national pride. We have already seen jewish leftist take down historical monuments in the states. Now the kikes are attacking europe with the same thing. Not long before they take down our mighty and beautiful historical statues. Next step is to remove all historical buildings, castles included.


What are you even doing on /pol/ brown piece of shit?
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What in the actual fuck?
How does this do anything to the patriarchy?
How does this accomplish anything other than make them look like fucking idiots?
I don't understand.... I don't understand at all...

t. ahmed al rapin
I'm brown and this still infuriates me. People like this should be executed.
>Being this triggered
>on 4chan
Nigger and shitskin (and cumskin and cuck) is thrown around here all the time. Fuck off you newfag arab redditor pussy.
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It's so funny, let's just laugh at the madness. Hahahah ha ha

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You mad bro?! :D
Pathetic people

u jealous you will never be white HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH
Om du utsätter andra människor för rasistiska påhopp dagligen är du garanterat ingen lycklig och framgångsrik människa, jag hoppas att du söker psykisk hjälp för du mår uppenbarligen inte bra.
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It's not real you idiots.
Is that what you'll say when you're being led to the firing line for your execution? Kek
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Every day we see more of this, the humiliation of the Swedes. It used to be fun to laugh at, but it's honestly depressing. It's just completely unbelievable how far they've fallen, and I'm scared that there really is no hope left.
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I'm cool bro, I'm more white then the average sweed. BTFO
Hold nu kæft perker
>next move
This move was initiated many years ago. Museums have had a delibrate and open initiative to "Disturb homogeneity" relating to the past. In true critical theory fashion, the idea that Sweden has ever had an homogenous culture has been attacked by blowing up minor occurences of cultural artifacts from our past, mostly stuff the vikings brought back. As well as describing the old Sweden as diverse because rural areas often had their own traditions.
women crave attention from males but can't admit it to themselves so the play games to get attention but hate that themselves for having these feelings so they blame others for their self hate. Or some shit like that. Bitches be crazy.
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Sorry pewdiepie
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They deserve what's coming to them.

>Swedish Feminists Flee Suburbs Due to Islamic Fundamentalists Anonymous
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>parasit som överlever på bättre folks allmosor uttalar sig
Du och dina undermåliga gener kommer drivas från Europa på ett sätt eller ett annat. Inavlade sandapor kommer vara de första som försvinner när tiderna blir dåliga
Stick tillbaka till aftonhoran och skriv en vettig artikel om hur du suger kuk bäst.
That galloping was pretty sexy though.
At the end of the day women are human horses who just needs a good dickin and a firm hand.
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Fuck off leaf
HAHA, nice fantasys you have on internet, good luck invading sweden, you are a brainwashed nazi bro, go outside
What I don't understand is how long will it take before Sweden changes its name to Swedamn.

Be prepared, the next step is they'll start attacking us with their menstruation
As literal children would do eh?
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Sweden.... what have you become. In the early 2000s you were still pretty cool.
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They really are so far gone.
A testament to what unchecked liberalism will do to a country. And in such a short span of time too.
Abow, tuff kille på internet, vad rädd jag blir :((((
Nigger detected.
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never say that anon
the dark is thickest just before the dawn

women can be lawyers, doctors, and scientists, but still find some form of oppression.

I got their next oppression coming up. Growing old and alone.
Aschberg är du här och shillar eller är det sommarlov?
Why the fuck is Abdul narrating. He can barely speak swedish ffs. Literally 99% of the adult population would do a better job. How did he get the job?
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pic related: you
Because he's a nigger
A great question to any feminist who supports Muslim immigration is "Why do you think Muslims are going to become westernized when you call assimilation a hate crime? You do realize that their societies are extremely male dominated, right? Are you really just getting revenge on white male or are you just ignorant of international realities?"
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>A great question to any feminist who supports Muslim immigration is

"How many cats do you have?"
At least it's just retarded women prancing around doing pony play. At least they didn't go Australia's route.
what percentage fo swede opoulation lives in slums

what percentage lives in the country

There are no slums in Sweden.
no wonder arabs and niggers get horny all the time in Sweden when even boys walk around like this
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women outside the house without a male family member?

we all know whats going to happen here.
Me too, kinda feeling sleepy from all the kekking. Probably time to go to bed and take a nap
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This is the worst "slum" in Sweden
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Say that to my face and not on the Internet, see what happens. You unarmed nigger.
nice rape courtyard
All you need to know is that most of the ethnic swedes live in ethnically swedish enclaves. They will preach "diversity" but they move when the area they live in becomes too immigrant-heavy, as they do not want their kids in "problematic" schools and so on. The only exceptions are students who will live where it's cheap, as well as poor people/drug addicts/etc.
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Complete with bdsm swings and a pile of rocks to stone unbelievers!

and that rather common isnt it

enviornment must be fucking with all your heads

guys need to get back to nature and aspire to own a house and create suburbs
These places are like 99% muslim
It satisfies women to degrade and diminish their nation.
Women are basically EU4 playing autists in reverse.
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and where are young people mostly living/ going to school
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There's usually one of them in every big city where immigrants congengrate.
Native Swedes mostly live in the city or in the suburbs like the pic
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I love the OP-pic so much.

revoce womens rights already and slap behaviour into them !
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I have grown so very tired.
t. Muhammad
Don't ever change Sweden. Fucking Kek.
this is what women desperate for real men look like. a complete breakdown of their mind and emotional state.
You think you're joking, but it really does. Women are hypergamist, and they know invaders will not kill the, but take them for their own. Inviting invaders has always been what women do. They get to elevate competition to the highest degree, and whoever survives, they go along with. Jews, oligarchs might be behind globalism, but think about it, they're far too small of a group to be able to pull it off on their own. Sure, they have their puppets and retards who work against their own self interest, but women aren't working against their own self interest. Globalism, and an authoritarian, yet immoral, nanny state is the foundation required for women to achieve their hypergamist utopia. Women would burn their own house down, and kill their own children just for the chance of sharing the alpha male. Female sexuality has done more to topple empires than standing armies.

Hva faen i helvete Sverige. HVA FAEN!!!

Hvorfor er dere så jævla tilbakestående?
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Someone needs to work on a 2017 Sweden collage, it's been a particularly bad year.
I thought swedes were all blond with blue eyes? Why is the reporter a shitskin?
not all swedes are super sayan aryans
not all southern europeans are shitskins
don't fall for these memes

Another name added to my kill list. Thanks.
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Don't do that. We have to solider on. Remember who did this.

I'm getting tired of this shit. Seriously.
Now, these hypocrites would not like what I'm suggesting, even though it's EXACTLY what they are asking for:

> Bronze statue in classical style
> Depicting a fully armored Mother Svea, the traditionally female representation of the Swedish Nation
> Raising a sword in one hand, holding a huge Swedish flag in the other

Put these statues everywhere.
Feminists get their stronk womyn, all right? What are they to complain about?
It's a shit test. Just say no.
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I'm all for it, I would also like a few more Germania statues in Germany.
>Abdul Hibombo

Why cant our feminist atleast do it properly, become ethno nationalistic feminists. I dont mind putting up a few statues that show white swedish women in power. It would piss of muslims and please feminists, so its a great idea.
Don't speak faggot. If you gonna do it, don't speak. If your not gonna do it, don't speak.

Hold nu kæft man.
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win-win. Really, but they would find ways to complain anyhow. They won't be happy until it's a hijab wearing black woman in a wheelchair or something.

We could actually make statues in classical style featuring some old queens and other female figures from Swedish history and norse mythology as well. I mean, why not. They're part of the culture and tradition.
I was offered a job in projection management of new house buildinga in Aweden for migrants. I declined it when I learned houses were destined for immigrants. I'm not shlomo seeking for shekels, I understand how cucked sweden is now so I had no intentions of deteriorating even marginally the situation by rooting immigrants in a foreign country that already has problems with them.
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A great statue of Freya or something would be really cool to be honest. Maybe a shieldmaiden..

Pic related its Odin saying goodbye to Brynhilde.
Jesus you need Islam Sweden your women are nuts.
That was very pretty.
You know, I really want to laugh at you Swedes, it used to make me feel good. But the shit you do now is just making me fucking angry, makes me embarrassed that we used to be under your rule.
Also, neoclassical architecture in general. I believe there has to be a reclaiming of the arts. I'm waiting for the repopularisation of nationalism as an artistic element. This will need to happen.
Lets appreciate some classic Swedish pagan music.

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maybe you should all convert and subvert the cancer from the inside, with immunity from being labeled and being able to wield the sharia law, well just think about it.

War is deception.
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Things are going to get better soon, or go somewhere else at least. They can't keep the lid welded on the pressure cooker much longer.

Unfortunately that is antithetical to feminism which is basically communist jewry designed to take down civilizations.
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W-what did i do to deserve this /pol/?

I don't understand,
how could it go this wrong?

I have been one of the very few speaking out against this madness for a long time and I've only been shunned and hated for it.

Public schools in Sweden are literally SJW brain-washing facilities.

In the past admitting that you thought taking in unlimited amounts of refugees was a bad idea was social suicide.

Especially admitting it to women who were FAR more positive to accepting the entire middle east / Africa; being a branded as a "racist" by these people meant they would have nothing to do with you.

What should i do /pol/?

Sell my apartment and leave this shitty country before it's too late?

Wait until the election next year and hope SD gets enough (30%+) votes do be able to completely control immigration?

Should i kill myself?

Help me /pol/.
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women were given too much freedom
So American minorities are better than Swedish white, you say?
Hold on tight, senpai. You're in for a ride. We can all see where this is heading. Nationalism will rise in Europe. In Sweden as well. SD is already hovering around 20. Either now or in four-five years nationalists will take power. But it's happening. I can promise you that much.
>anon stop standing around there on the sidewalk being all depressed!

>Don't you want to join me and fight in the racial holy war?

>it's time to save Sweden, hop up!
I think it is against the laws of 4chan and the FBI and SAPO to give you the advice you seek.

Think for a moment about how the terrorists elects certain targets, think about Manchester... Now, how would you achieve the same effect?
Move to canada
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>Women do something that has no affect
Well I do think that that's stupid and waste of time and resources. Life in Sweden as a female is a privilegde itself and they really can't say that they were oppressed by patriarchy.

But in all honesty the more I meet redpilled conservative men who'll tell me that just cause I'm a woman, I should stay at home and shut the fuck up, the more it makes me lean towards feminism. I kid you not.
Get your act together. Work out. Eat well. Take martial arts classes. And wait.
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Wow, and here I though feminists finally did something cool - rounding up some horses for an elegant demonstration with beautiful women.

Nope. Of fucking course not. Are feminists trying their best to ensure no one will ever want to fuck them?
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The root of the problem is not really the mudslimes though, it is the SJW ultracucked swedes who are fully opening the gates to let them flow in.

That's what needs to be stopped right away.

I don't know how though other than waiting for an election.

Me killing a couple of mudslimes and going to jail for 25+ years won't solve it.

I will only hurt myself and the swedecucks would only condemn me for it.

I literally cannot win.
>start a debate

Why do they always say this when what they mean is

>do what we say?
>even commie leddit r/Sweden is laughing at this retarded shit
Like how these cowardly fuckmeats don't try tacking womens rights in oppressive places like the middle east. They need a completely secure place to start their drama.
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YES! Leave. You don't owe your destroyers shit.

As of now, you're isolated an ineffectual. Get your ass in a country that will respect you for your courage.
>Have retards do something that achieves absolutely nothing
>Stops them from getting to a position where they can cause actual dangerous damage

I see no problem with this.
Its like giving your kid a toy phone, it has bright colors and make funny sounds but will stop them from fucking around with the real deal.
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You're a cell in a body dying of cancer. That's the only way the mudlsimes had a chance.

Don't sacrifice yourself anon. You've managed to take the red-pill in the worst possible environment. You deserve a good life. GTFO!
Neighbours, please
Literal fake news, but I had to look it up to be sure.
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Yep... slumless Sweden... and only going to get slummier and darker... worst people in the world, actually asking the sandnigger to fuck the white out of your women and paying them to do it.
Are this people retarded?

Don't they know that sweeden it's the standar for white countries and if they keep on campaining against it, they just weaken the white supremacy arguments?
How much blood does she suck in exchange for fuck?
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The root of the problem are the Jews who control the EU, your goverment, media, educational institutions, and almost everything else in Sweden. They've brainwashed your population to be like this. Sweden has essentially become a social experiment for them. And with Sweden's socialist policies, it's massively enforced through the state. See: >>127374658

That's the root of it, and that's why Sweden is so cucked beyond recognition. They control everything the Swedish population reads, watches and listens to, so they lead you wherever they want. You need to diminish their influence and wake up your fellow countrymen.



Not fake.
>be sweden
>change your government, policies, and entire way of life in order to cuck to (((((((feminism)))))))))))
>dykes still not happy
Never, ever give in to femiterrorism, lads
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I hate people who really to every post in one go, they are scum.
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Jelly anglos.
No, what Sweden warns other white nations about, is never let your guard down. Sweden had life easy, bought into a delusional view of the world and ended up destroying themselves by inviting their conquerors in.
The country it's still fine, it's you who destroy it, by given free publicity to retarded stunts that aren't worth anyone's attention.
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Du gamla du fria...
>Lajva att man är en brud
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>tfw I encounter a dumbass Dane who tried convincing me Sweden wasn't that fucked and was just as good as Denmark
>tfw i see this thread
You are not white.
No, its cucks like you who continue to deny the fact of the changing landscape of Sweden that keep ignorant asshats believing this is migration not invasion.
maybe they should get on real horses and murder a horde of invading somalis or something
earn their fucking statues
yes my friend, its literally fake. There is no mention of that article anywhere. Looked around for it.
It's legal migration the arguments for white culture made from an amerindian country have no real weight, but the ones made from scandinavian countries do, learn what you are supposed to protect and don't destroy the image of a white country unecessarily, it's a terrible tactic.
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That article is fake.

We're not that cucked yet. (almost though)

You wish you were as white as us
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These people are mentally ill. I'm not even exaggerating about that, they are legitimately fucked in the head.

Instead of addressing the daily rapes committed by refugees, an actual threat to women, they are bitching about a non existent patriarchy. Feminists are a fucking parody of themselves at this point. I couldn't make them look this bad if I tried. Keep up the great work girls!
>delusion: the post
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That's because you live in 1984 dystopia.

I remember when it was originally posted. She joked about it, it was not the exact words, but they were talking about it.
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Look at the bright side, bro.
Can it get worse? I don't think so.
You will never be disappointed anymore. Anything that happens is a bonus and cool thing. That's a pretty bright future when you think about it.
Again, literal fake news. You can look around EVERYwhere and you wont find a tracer of that article
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Sweden doesn't need to have people trying to destroy its image, it's doing that to itself. It's even become a joke among progressives.

It's an example to be made out of when you want to talk about the dangers of unrestrained socialism

>Sweden’s Multicultural Center Expert on Islamophobia Joins ISIS

>What one month of Muslim crime in Sweden looks like


>Swedish Cop Posts Epic Facebook Rant On Immigrant Crime; Ignites Nationwide Firestorm
>Swedish cop who spoke out about immigrant crime now investigated for "hate speech"

>Number of children wanting to become the opposite sex is doubling each year in Sweden


>1 in 4 women will be raped in Sweden after wave of mass immigration
argentina plis
>Can it get worse? I don't think so.
Oh, boy, it can get a lot worse. This is essentially the start of a revamped marxism where our people are seen as the kulaks in old Sovjet. Mark my words, there will be an uprising and we'll all be sent to camps and silenced based on our ethnicity, sexuality, and gender.
But the country it's stable economically and has uphold white culture and traditions to this point, including eating disgusting food, if you make them into "an example" you destroy everything that sweeden whites had done so far, you make it harder for the white sweeden to recover those traditions, and let them at the mercy of their critics, until they reach the point of no recovery, if instead you celebrate sweeden white culture they could recover a lot faster.
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Why is Sweden such a special case? At least there's people in England and Germany that speak out or at least try to fight back in a small scale. There's nothing of that in Sweden.
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>"gallop against patriarchy"
>think it's just some stupid emotional headline
>they're actually doing it
Watch as the Swede, completely emasculated by his government lashes out at anythis bar the source of his torment. He will march on, shoulders slumped and head down to his own demise.
I'd retort but I know you've already been broken.
I'm sure you'd know burgerman
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Fun fact: from 1870 through 1936, Sweden was the fastest growing economy in the world. But after 1975, when mass migration really started to kick in, Sweden’s economy noticeably slowed, falling from the 4th richest in the world to the 13th by the mid 1990s.

Now some reports anticipate it will become officially classified as a third-world country some time after 2030, and the only reason the economy is "stable" is because they increased the national debt hugely to make up for it. That's something most people never talk about,


Sweden's debt as percentage of GDP 2017:
38% of GDP and rising.

2016 they had a surplus of 41 billion KR. 2017, Sweden's government is flanging for a deficit of 42 billion KR.

Poor families have increased from 8-9 percent to 15 percen

>Sweden’s ugly immigration problem. More than half of welfare gets spent on immigrants. No-go areas and wide-spread unemployment among non-Swedes.

And yes, you need to uphold the traditional Swedish culture as good but they haven't really upheld them well especially in places like Stockholm and Malmo, the cultural marxist cancer must be torn down.
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Google translate is getting pretty good
Jeg foler med deg. Men vær så snill og ikke kom til Norge. Det er nok av venstrevridde svenske jenter i Oslo.
You can attack cultural marxism without attacking sweeden this was a classic pinzer startegy to weaken the morality of scandinavian countries, that will side between themselves unless they aren't percieved as scandinavian countries anymore, you took their online resources to fight back.
except there literally are, lol
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Fucking kek.
Varför skulle han inte få komma till Norge? Uppenbarligen är han själv inte vänstervriden
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its too late for you guys

only memories now
Nuclear fire will cleanse the earth of such things
yeah, the statues are the problem, not the 100,000 new rape apes every year
Sweden, you should be ashamed of yourself and you need your ass kicked so fucking bad. Look at the garbage you've produced. Grow some god damned balls and go slap these bitches and knock some sense in their stupid heads.

Sweden is a science fiction horror film.
I'm on nofap day 10 and honestly i would

i would

i would hate myself after but i would
organized by two bitter looking woman past their expiration date what a surprise
Don't you dare call yourself white with the situation your so called "country" and more importantly, your nation is in. Fuck off.
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This is just beginning m8.

They haven't totally gotten hold of the internet yet, but it's right around the corner.

>Germany wants to fine Facebook, Twitter up to $53M for "fake news"

>EU states approve plans to make social media firms tackle "hate speech"

>Swedish school bans the Swedish flag (but doesn't ban the ISIS flag)

>Sweden passes law to criminalize any criticism of immigration

>Sweden targets intellectual enemies with “hate list” register (including gaming personalities PewDiePie and JonTron)
The best you Swedes can hope for now is sharia law.
It will actually liberate you faggots
>literally Ukrainian mental disease

It's spreading, huh?
>meanwhile girls in America

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Sweden wtf?
These people are worse than the myth of Hitler.
Just swap Jews with white males.
Whats the cituation in Norway? Norge er også der, eller ikke ennu?
Lol swedes are so stupid.

The white female is and always been human shit.

I would rather segregate swedish males from females then force the females to live around muslims and blacks so they experience nonstop agony.
Mass migration didn't kick in in 1975, mass socialism did
>Now some reports anticipate it will become officially classified as a third-world country some time after 2030
This is a big meme and honestly it should not be regurgitated, normies aren't going to buy it. Things are going to have to change though, cost and income are not aligned currently.
You are lying if you don't revel in it because it allows you to deem Sweden inferior to glorious 49% masterrace murica.
Are commie professors trolling feminists to make them act retarded for lulz?
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what the fuck does sapo even do?
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There's no country in Europe where they have so much control than in Sweden except maybe Germany. It's not nearly as bad in Norway or Denmark.


Swedish government is Orwellian and arrests people for criticizing migrants, and their media puts out degeneracy on a level that would put the Weimar Republic to shame. Norway is still hugely left-wing and their level of immigration is also getting worse, but they're not as cucked as Sweden.

>Norway loses 4.11 million for every none-western immigrant

>Norway: 90% of all rapes committed in Oslo by non-western immigrants.

>Norway has begun to self-segregate pupils based on ethnicity to avoid ethnic conflict even with just a tiny bit of diversity

>Mass migration didn't kick in in 1975, mass socialism did

1975 is when David (((Schwarz))) forced Sweden to adopt multiculturalism by adopting it into law and making all government agencies responsible for implementing it. That's when mass immigration to Sweden really started.


>This is a big meme and honestly it should not be regurgitated
I'm just quoting that report, it comes from a UN projection. Even it doesn't pan out, it might as well be true the way things are going.
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ironic: the post
Couldn't they just do a marathon?
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bahamas is right, plus muzzies are woke to the JQ and once the rats have been driven out you can go deus vult
Not even triggered. You are 100% right. First the Western Socialist democracies killed god. Then they killed the family. Then they killed the individual. The people are STARVING for some kind of meaning im their lives and they aren't finding it in the drugs or the hedonism or the degenerate art. Ironically, the people have preconditioned themselves to Islam through blind faith in authoritarianism.
>literally no infrastructure for building reception
>has to use own fucking antenna on balcony

But this is the very same thing that makes me fear for the moslems.

I say it like it's a joke, and maybe Hitler really did nothing wrong, but man, I'd be afraid of the culture and rase that thought out concentrationcamps...

It's like all these cunts crying about white power don't really believe it... cuz the killingfield will make whatever 88 did or didn't do or wished he did look like the bad dream of an innocent child.

WOE to the arabs.
I would tell you to come to America but even as woke asbyou sound I know you are still an atheist neo-marxist who would vote for gun control and abortion and the Democrat gangster state. Sorry, swedebro. Its like when the doctor calls with the lab results and says sorry, anon. Its terminal. Enjoy what life you have left and leave this earth quietly. Remember the good times.
Dude, it is already too late. Knock it off with that shit.
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>Europeans shouldn't be allowed to immigrate here because [insert bullshit reason] and obviously they're "neo-marxists" even though I have no evidence for it
>demoralization shilling

>these are the only posts the shill makes
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