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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 133

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>tfw you once planned on emigrating there.
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>tfw this man will never be your prime minister
>(american education)
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He's such a faggot
Aahahhahahah allahhhH AKBARRRR!
I think this is the first time I have heard him speak and he is far gayer than I imagined. Good god, Canada. Get your women in check.
I don't understand Ramadan. Do they really not eat for a whole month? Or do they eat before the sun comes up?
A living meme
>Ramadan Obama Barrack
What did he mean by this?
They feast when the sun is gone, it's not even remotely close to being fasting.
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I wonder if Trudeau will stop sucking lock for a whole month out of respect for Muslims.
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reminder that trump is pandering more to jews than trudeau panders to muslims
from sun rise to sunset Muslims on each day of ramadan cant eat, drink or have sex. This is for the sake of the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The one God. The only God. It is to teach obedience and control over a person's desires. A Muslim is taught to control their desires and only obey God's commands.
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Ah, so like vampires. They only eat after dark.
did he do the same thing during easter fasting a few months ago? Oh wait, Christians aren't as important as muslims according to the prime minister

Also he didn't do deliver the speech bilingually. big no no
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What about murdering people? Is Allah cool with that?
haha, what a faggot
instead of fasting they should be taught to stop raping people
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never imagined him to sound this homosexual
Feast is an understatement. They fucking gorge themselves with 5000 calories. When the sun is up and they're fasting, all they do is shop. Good luck getting a Muslim to do actual work during this stupid month. They'll just say Insh'Allah which essentially means "whenever I feel like it".
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>Trudeau panders to muslims
>And Merkel
>And Stefan Lofven
>And the entirety of the EU
once the sun goes down they can eat
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Well they claim to be so hungry and weak, and idiot SJWs who don't understand Ramadan let them act like that. Leftists seem to think Muslims don't eat at all over Ramadan, I guess since they typically don't live near or even speak with the Muslims they claim to be sticking up for.
You can't make this shit up
I opened this video expecting to see him wearing a hijab.
no. Murder is a grave sin in Islam like it was in Judaism and Christianity. If you're referring those verses in the Quran that was God's instruction to Muslims during the time of the prophet while on the battlefield. You have to learn the history of islam to understand those verses. The Quraish aimed to wipre the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslims from the face of the earth. The Muslims only ever defended themselves. ISIS is not Islam. They do not reflect the teachings of the prophet Muhammad who taugh muslims to treat prisoners of war with kindness.

>, the citizens of Medina and such of the emigrants who possessed houses, received the prisoners and treated them with much consideration. ‘Blessings be on the men of Medina’, said one of these prisoners in the later days, ‘they made us ride while they themselves walked. They gave us wheaten bread to eat when there was little of it, contenting themselves with dates.’ “
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No, he will still do it, but out of respect, he will spit instead of swallowing.
Goddammit, we're going to be forced to invade Canada. We can't have an Islamic country on our border.
DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't bury your shame, leafs. Open up and talk about it to someone.
You gave me an idea...
Sex before marriage is forbidden in Islam. So anybody who rapes or has sex out of wedlock is wrong. The people who rape people aren't Muslims. Those losers who drink and do drugs all invalidates their prayer for 40 days and during that time they are in a state of disbelief. There's a lot that goes into being a Muslim. But let's not pretend for a second that rape is limited to one group of people. It's a universal human problem that needs to stop

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Sounds like a faggot. Sort yourselves out, lads.
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What's the deal with liberals smirking every five seconds? Emma Watson does this in Beauty and the Beast, and it ruins everything.

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Didn't even make it past the title!!!!! Oh myyyyy Caaaanada!!
Like fucking fingernails on a blackboard
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the next happening will be in canada
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why did canadians vote for a man who prefers foreign cultures over his own
Overcompensating because of their French origin.
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uhhh problem?
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Whats the cuckiness order of western coutries?

UK > Sweden > France > Canada > Germany

am i correct in my assesment?
nah it's like this:

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>salam maleku
>stop wathing
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What a cuck
Is Islam a problem in Canada? No... You can laugh all you want, but Canada has had no integration problems with Muslims... Could Trudeau be the leader of UK, France, Germany or Sweden.? No. But he's not. Those countries have demographic, criminal and extremism problems that Canada doesn't have.
>bongistan education
he's right he won't be our Prime Minister because the U.S. doesn't have a PM ya dunce
Holy shit, his pronunciation of Esalam alaikum is perfect, Canada needs to boot this towelhead
>Holy shit, his pronunciation of Esalam alaikum is perfect

Well you'd be an expert on that subject.
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Theologically, the gates of muslim hell are locked for seven days.

Which is why we see a rise in jihadi attacks over this week; they literally cannot go to hell.
He panders to religions, as a government official. That's all you need to say. Once that stops, you will see the true faces. Wether it's good or bad, we can't have government backing and pushing a religion so obviously onto people.
DEUS VULT! first stop on the way to the holy land, Toronto
>The Muslims only ever defended themselves.
nigger you stole my get
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You can't make this shit up
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Ban this leaf pls.
Waste of a get
didnt he remove the christmas theme from some annual party or something?
It's like intermittent fasting.
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what a cuck
Yeah, he is cool with it. that is why you see 1.6B people Murdering and Raping

and I was going to immigrate to Canada. It's cucked.
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holy fuck,you can't make this shit up
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LOL disabled like/dislike bar (wonder why?) but not comments, look at the top comments
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Nice gay lisp, faggot.
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Tumblr meme of a prime minister
>muslims make Canada insclusive
Canada should belong to the UK.
Now America needs two walls.
Maybe rather than insulting us, you guys should learn from us. Treating muslims with love and respect actually does keep them from becoming isolated and angry. We do not have terrorism here because Canadians aren't barbaric regressive faggots like the French, British and Americans.
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The UK should reforge the British Empire and forcefully take back Canada
>no sikhism
>zoroastrianism not respectable
goddamnit canada why are you guys so fucking pathetic......

this affects all of us, you know?
>We do not have terrorism here

Plus allowing just ~10k per year, carefully vetted and selecting, is like fishing in a barrel.
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Holy fucking kek
tell that to sweden, retard

in canada, they dont even need terrorist attacks. theyll do like they did in the post-commie states. get more and more political power, until they can seize whatever remains

your children will be singing muhammeds praises (or get shot), just you wait
you see justins gay little smile after he says Be-leafs
You guys all need a little more love and empathy in your lives... Justin FTW!!!!
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Everytime that I think that my country is a clusterfuck I remind myself of the leafs
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fucking liar, kill yourself:




We aren't bitch ass Norwegians, Canadians always fight when it matters.
Maybe that's his message to us, and he's really /ourguy/, just doing this for shits and giggles? I bet he's in this thread right now, aren't you, Trudeau?
Every single one of those cases, was committed by a muslim, however with the exception of the Toronto arrests all were the result of mental illness and not Islamism or jihad
Fuckin' hell, mate!
>all were the result of mental illness and not Islamism or jihad
like there's a difference.
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Let me guess, its not 'rape' if its a bachi bazi or a little girl and its not 'murder' if its an apostate?

complete and utter bullshit, "mental illness", the lamest excuse fake news has ever come up with

are you admitting then that islam is a mental illness?
So what was the tentative to kill Pauline Marois ?
Wasn't it the same left that went on a literal crusade against wishing people a merry Christmas?
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There's a big difference, the parliament shooter was hearing voices in his head.

Islamism is a political ideology, which utilizes terrorism in an attempt to further a cause.
You are the nigger
This hurts
my sides never had a chance
getting a bomb attached to your body (suicidal tendencies) and planning to kill dozens of people (psychopathy) sounds very much like "mental illness" to me, no matter the reasons.
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Indeed I would, I am bilingual and considering Sweden will fall and devolve into Swedarabia, it felt like a good idea to learn Arabic.
Our government wouldn't do this, too busy saying sorry to abos.

Meditations, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
- John Lennon
Fucking baby boomers vote Liberal because "muh pension". So they overlook the fact that Trudeau wants to flood Canada with brown people and Asians, and us younger whites are left to fend for ourselves.
how do you know he was "hearing voices in his head"? were you inside his head listening too? can we ask him now that he's dead?

let me guess.. every attack that you don't want to blame on islam is simply caused by mental illness, because who in their right mind would throw their life away like that right? how fucking convenient

jesus you are brainwashed to the core and stupid as fuck, you are everything that's wrong with this country and the reason why we are the world's laughing stock
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Not even Sweden is this cucked.
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My sides have been obliterated

Thanks for posting this
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>Trudeau still doing his thing
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>muh battlefield context
thats a lie
>muh interpretation
thats a lie
>muh muslims only ever defended themselves
thats a lie
>ISIS in not Islam
thats a lie
>They do not reflect the teachings of the prophet Muhammad
thats a lie
based Estonia
but Canada belongs to Pakistan now.
and Pakistan belongs to China,
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>he even says the world muslims like a muslim
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I love you Estonia.
Ramadan is so fucking retarded. The worst thing is that it gets forced on the children too.

Back in school I saw some muslim children actually fast during ramadan. They would go to school and not eat or drink anything the whole day. They looked as miserable as it sounds.
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this makes me so sad

I wouldn't blame you
wtf i'm dying
glorious, Esti
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hahahaa fuuuuuuuck you
this goes beyond the usual retardation of canadian posters
youre an actual liberal

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Fucking leafs your country is an embarrassment, do not post until you fix this.
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holy shit my fucking sides
Improving mental health services would help to reduce violence.
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This needs and edit for truth....NOW. Holy shit the cringe, it's too much for me save me lord kek!
yes because it would get rid of lunatics like you who hold the gates open to plagues and rabid animals, and then the rest of us could finally leave in peace
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terrorists don't go to psychiatrists to tell them their plan in confidence.
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>When your autism reaches critical mass!

>why did canadians vote for a man who prefers foreign cultures over his own
canada has no culture lel
We do have a good public healthcare system. But their needs to be more awareness about the mental help facilities especially within more vulnerable communities. The services are there, access needs to be improved.
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What kind of shitty voting system canada have to elect a guy like this
Muslims rekt the fuck out
christcusk are semites you cuck
Leafs, I have an idea. After we get Mad Max elected let's push to get sharia law banned in Canada on the grounds that we can't have two opposing parallel legal systems in place, and sharia law is medieval garbage.

Then, we watch as lefty faggots and muslims twist themselves into pretzels trying to claim that this is both islamophobic and that sharia law has nothing to do with Islam.

What do you think?
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Holy shit Canada get your shit together
Are you fucking serious?

Almost every person that left canada to join ISIS was a 2nd generation immigrant.

Anti-semetic incidents have sky rocked it Canada as well. From arabic news papers to imams.

At our current immigration levels I'd put us about 10 maybe 15 years behind Europe.

Stop being so naive.
>a brazilian
>your country isn't a joke

one that at least doesn't need to remove its president every year
I think I see a pattern here.
>muslims immigrate
>muslims shit out a horde of kids
>kids grow up
>kids become terrorists
>one that at least doesn't need to remove its president every year

I never said my voting system was not shit

Two round system is super shitty, less shitty plularity system, but still shitty

all plularity and two round system elections were irrelevant
women and immigrants
Leafs are really the dumbest shits walking around. I thought it was ((us)), but they beat everything by a mile.
There is no Sharia Law in Canada

Go back to T_D
More Canadians have died due to white nationalist /pol/ posters than Islamic terrorism
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Somewhat true, but let me explain what happened to Trudeau to come to this conclusion.
>Trudeau was born in Ottawa, Ontario
>He was raised there up until 10
>He moved to Montreal afterwards and went to private schools and Anglo universities
Here's the issue, he never experienced any pure and true "canadian cultures". Such as the Quebec, plains, BC, maritimes or even native cultures. That's the main issue with Canada: there was too many main cultures to begin with. While we could easily divide them in three categories: Native, French and English, there's many sub-cultures.
So this fuck bought his daddy's speech and started to believe his own culture(s) was worth just as much as India's or whatever.
He's just a messed up kid.
hello abdul muhammad mehmet mahmood
>it's not even remotely close to being fasting.
Actually, it is. A fast is an extended period without eating. Biologically and medically, someone is fasting if the food in their stomach has had time to be digested and had its nutrients absorbed. You might have heard of people having fasting blood tests, where they refrain from eating for several hours to remove complications from incoming nutrients that might mess up test results. 8-12 hours puts most people in this state. Normal sleep periods are usually considered fasts, so the meal following sleep which ends the fast is called breakfast.
Checked here and canada use first past the post also known as plularity system


Its shittier than two round system.
Stop misgendering you Nazi!
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
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>H-h-happy Ramadan everyone
>Gee aren't Muslims just super rad?
>Does anyone like my socks?

Fuck this "guy" is pathetic
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a fucking leaf.jpg
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Apparently butchering anything non-muslim is rather described as "mercy".

Any other law you can bend by calling it "Taqiya"(or however it's spelled).

So i've heard my little birds speak.
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So far.

There has been quite a few foiled plots already.

Look up the Toronto 18

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This fucking guy
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Estonia pls...

Happy birthday btw <3
Yea, I am a slav btw so I don't care about degenerate Estonian hoes I am cool with my Russian qt lol
Post her feet.
Trump did the same thing

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We arrested 18 Muslims a few years ago and put them all in jail you stupid lying cock sucker!!! They were going to blow up parliament and several other targets...as well as behead the PM....KYS!!!
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my sides.jpg
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I guess ShareBlue does not work on the weekends or during the holiday? Damn /pol rocks when the f*ckers aren't around
If this guy dies suddenly they could replace him with paul rudd and no would notice.

I hope he gets the girl in the end.
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Canada Yes.png
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We are getting there lads
>If you convert, they lose.
Estland Bestland.
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Why is it that normie lefty types always say it as 'muss lim'? I have noticed this.
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What wonderful form and head movement. Hard to believe he got tagged there.
I think it's because the captchas were broken for a while and they gave up and didn't want to buy passes.
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Jesus christ, what is his approval rating?
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So what happens if you are Muslim during Ramadan in the far north hemisphere where it never gets dark?
off the charts.
canucks are literally cucked.

don't forget to downvote
Same thing can be said for any city dweller that has never lived anywhere rural. People fail to realize multiculturalism kills culture by homogenizing it. I always find it hilarious liberals push multiculturalism, when their agenda is basically to destroy it.

This just says everything doesn't it? Trump really is the last hope the West has to regain its glory and pride.
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Or brainwashed? If you bring them facts instead of namecalling maybe you can change that.. If you redpill the right man/woman it can start a chain reaction
remember when that french muslim guy beheaded a cop or something, and lamented that the enemy wishes Muslims happy Ramadan.
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I'm thinking, he's probably having an affair with that Muslim cunt in his administration, he goofs around.
Meanwhile all the whites in Canada are regularly white flighting out of shitskin ruined cities

But he y, diversity
love it
>Truth tier
LMFAO Christcuckity is semite-tier and shitty AF.
lmfao, fucking leafs man what is your problem?
Make Albania islamic again.
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such a beautiful faggot
Inshallah hinduism will die.
My Wife's son and I welcome you muzzie bros
How will my country out do th- oh wait
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the madman actually did it
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Maritimers weren't much help either
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New Saudi anti extremist online iniative detected, Fuck off. Your religion is a savage ideology, Why were no Muslims at any peace vigils held? They're all at home celebrating.
this -> >>127329715

they eat a meal equivalent of 3 people in one sitting every night.

Some Jains do a fast in the week of Paryushan, where they literally don't eat for a week straight (water is consumed though)
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please nuke us
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Does he also deliver this type of message during Christmas or Easter?
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I'm voting for conservatives. I CANNOT stand these fucking hijabi shits
murder is only a sin if its done to a muslim. they do indeed reflect the teachings of muhammad. he taught both peace and violence. he was dualistic to get people to follow his religion
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no, only for muslim/sikh holidays
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Jesus fuck! What a canuck cuck
What a fucking cuck.
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he's getting there

>i ab berbegded da digg sugging libs
>come ad me boys. hid ub my kig.
Thank god for Trump
Really surprised to see comments here, I expect them to be taken down soon.
Iv never seen him make a video like this for Sikhs, could be wrong.
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no, but your last president was an actual muslim.
Literally No True Scotsman Fallacy: The Post
cuckada is swedenistan-tier kek
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Why does he talk so feminine?
can´t tell if Justin Trudeau or Spencer Rice
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its his shtick, he wants to be as "neutral" as possible, the way he speaks, his mannerisms, even the way he sits, he wants to be as effeminate and approachable as possible since he thinks it gives him the best chance at reelection.
What a fucking faggot not even joking
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>claims to be a feminist
>makes every federal employee learn about MUHWAGEGAP
just look at this fucking shit!

"While many advances have been made, significant equality gaps remain. Today, women in Canada who work full-time earn on average only 87 cents to every dollar earned by men (Statistics Canada, 2017). Women are also more often the victims of domestic and sexual violence. They also continue to be under-represented in leadership and executive positions, occupying just 21.6% of board positions in Canada’s top 500 corporations (Canada Board Diversity Council 2016 Report Card)."
As this video was playing all I could hear in my head was our national anthem...

We're truly fucked, aren't we?
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yes of course Muslims circumvent this problem by entering into a "temporary marraige" where they're free to rape and have sex all they want. Don't act like you don't know this, shitskin. Yes rape is a problem all over the world, of course, but Muslims are the primary perpatrators.
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does anyone else get irrationally angry when they hear about this wage inequality bullshit or females in board positions/executive roles?

I feel like (((they))) just have a list of never ending shit for people to be outraged about and we're going to keep hearing about this or that until eventually, one day, we'll get some big sensational media headlines "STATISTICS SHOW THAT ON AVERAGE WOMEN EARN $1 FOR EVERY $1 MEN EARN!!!!" but then it'll just onto the next goddamn bullshit made-up problem for people to blather about. Society is so fucked, what I wouldn't give to have been born in the 1950s
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>87 cents?
>what happend to 73?

Canada fucking lol. You've officially overtaken Australia. Well done.
Well it doesnt help that the number keeps jumping around. Social science is a fucking shame, and every Canadian that works for the government needs to swallow it hook line and sinker if they want to keep their job.

At this point im cheering for the terrorists, this country is a fucking joke.
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Kek is this an official channel? Those fucking comments
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>Get your women in check.
>>moose limbs
why's this not stickied?
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J-just gonna...
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well, you would know a thing or two about muslims sven
im cringing feeling sorry for him lol
It's a fucking sham. They don't eat during the day but at night they have this gigantic feast and fill up. Then they act all sanctimonious to their white cuck friends and pretend like they actually starve. It's hilarious.
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S-stay right her-... here... in this thread...

It has to be, the like/dislikes are disabled
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Fucking amazing
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leafs are so cucked! When is dude weed gonna surrender to the caliphate and start calling the country Canadistan?
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>be utra liberal
>hate the man
>win election
>become the man

Please read this and pass it on. Wake up.
this needs to be placed on the lonely keanu bench edit
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I hate Canada. All Canadians please report to your nearest RCMP station for the Day of the Rake.
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>Official channel of cuckdeau
>only 8k subs
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Do faggot things, win faggot prizes.
Sweet baby Jesus. It's worse in Cuckada than it is here
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>tfw i can ftf
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What a pathetic cuck. Mad Max needs to give this bitch the boot come election time.

Sometimes I wonder if Justin even believes the shit he's saying, or if he's too focused on trying to pronounce things properly. The focus you see in him is that of a 16 year old delivering a speech in English class.
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Pot. Kettle. Black.

To be perfectly fair, Canada is cucked at a rate probably 1/1,000th of what Germany and the UK are. You really can't point fingers.

Especially you, UK. Let's not forget recent events, hmm?
No it really isn't. You guys let a double murderer refugee get 5 years in prison and the man whos daughter he killed shook his hand and accepted his apology. KEK
topum kekum
play a faint nasheed or a call for prayer and you're golden
Google gives "horse with a nose bleed"
Allahu Akbar thanks so much Mr Trudeau, may Allah (SWT) guide this phenomenal, brave and fearless leader of Canada to the right path. I wish you and your family the best in life. I became so happy and almost teary eyed knowing there is a good leader in the Western world who is actually an ally and friend of Muslims. There is so much hatred in the world, I can ignore the hatred coming from despicable Islamophobic losers on the internet and thugs and violent animals on the street but what has really been getting me down lately is seeing even world leaders, media figures and even normal people saying such venomous and wicked things about Muslims and Islam. To be honest I can tolerate people criticizing those who claim to be Muslim yet do negative actions but I feel sick when I see people deliberately insult Islam and the Prophet (SAAWS), even non-Muslim orientalists say that he was the most influential and greatest man in history and then random internet warriors speak such filth about him, it's hard to take sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if this spate of truck and terrorist attacks lately are like 9/11: a false flag to create more hatred against innocent and defenceless Muslims who just want to live a peaceful life, unfortunately the sheeple believe everything they see on the Ziomedia and don't study Islam for themselves.
You idiot should be crying not laughing.
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Topkek, we can enjoy soon a libertarian/christian union in germany, and we have a face of neutrality, aka merkel.

Also, almost no germans approve of refugees, soon we will rise again, what can you say canada?

You can never rise, because you never did.

Germany and the UK hat complex politics for the last 1000 years, you are a wannabe country, exactly the same as the usa, just smaller and less important.

So it's OK to hate jews but not muslims?

What if I just decide to hate both?
He (Muhammad) was Chink puppet.
Have fun.
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>thinking Merkel and her Zionist shills won't continue to run Germany
>thinking you will ever be free

You had your chance(s) Germany, and you fucked them both up. Shouldn't have allied with those subhuman nips in Japan, everything would've worked out for you.

You're like the guy on the Titanic with a bucket, furiously bailing water.

You really just need to bail. The fact that you can't see what's wrong with your country is exactly what's wrong with it. You're so deluded, just like the French when they thought they would get their country back.

Just like the UK when they thought Brexit would fix everything. Too much damage has been done. You literally need to be rounding up people and gassing them en masse to get the numbers down to manageable levels. And that will never happen.

And Merkel isn't a face of neutrality, she's an openly apologetic anti-nationalist, self-hating piece of leftist shit.
Yup. Explains why the center is clean.
Does this mean all the leaves are going to move to the states?
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