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Syria General /sg/ - Road to DeZ Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 102

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Raqqa May24
>Mosul May24
>East Aleppo May23
>Palmyra May23
>S Syria May20
>N Hama May7
>DeZ Apr26

Developments May 23
>SyAF escorts troops to Tanaf
>SAA librate Al-Ajouzyah area in E. Aleppo, 6km to Maskanah
>SDF captures 4 IS held towns, closing in on Raqqa
>SAA battles US-backed rebels along Jordanian border, secured al-Sweida and most of E. Rif Dimashq
>225 civis killed by US coalition airstrikes in 30 days
>Car blast kills 4, 35 injured in Homs
>SAA large gains E of AL-QARYATAYN,captured Qaryatayn’s hills,advancing to al-Busairi Crossroads
>Somali pirates hijack Iranian fishing vessel
>IS affiliate group takes over Marawi city in Philippines, martial law decleared
>Yemeni troops kill entire Sudanese contingent paid by Saudi Arabia

Prev >>126924083
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Reminder, that retarded shill invasion is just another sigh of MAJOR VICTORY.
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xth and nth for hoholmaps in denial
5th for Tiger Suhil
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5th for the capture of maskanah
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In case you missed it
Mosul: Fight against ISIS from the sky in 360 video - BBC News

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In for HIGH ENERGY, troll the Trumpies.
well here are dev's

Developments May 24
>report:SAA meet Hashd (PMU),Syria -Iraq connected
>SAA liberates 5 villages in E Aleppo
>Palmyra:SAA full control over several hills overlooking Arak Gas Field
>AFP:NATO to join Anti-IS Coalition
>SAA foils another IS attack on SW Aleppo, attack intended to cut off supply line to Aleppo
>SDF captured Yamamah village & established fire control over Baath dam
>US Coalition kills 16 people in Raqqa
>IS kills 14 Syrian soldiers near Palmyra silos
>Philippines: 9christians executed,120 civies rescued from besieged hospital, priest+civies taken hostage by militants
>Philippines TV:Marawi under control; small and short firefights still linger,Snipers deployed throughout the city
>Houthis repel major attack in Sana’a province
this is dumb and dishonest
On the other hand I have noticed that this new tactic of batch baking breads is working great at feinting the shillbot into failing to get the first post anywhere.
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This is what /ptg/ actually believes
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Maskanah map that is different from the one in thread hat.

No it's not, it's an alternative fact.
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Map n video of the [supposed] syrian-iraqi meet up
I was lurking in the catalog to see how many breads we have and found this


the shills are in full force
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If this is true, then pic related is reality.
The next months are gonna be weird..

After dez is liberated by pmu and saa, we will know how they will deal with Kurdshits, and whether the US will allow the Axis to impose it's will across Syria and Iraq.
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ASSad' war crimes in Aleppo

Wtf fucking reddit cancer
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they are retards. they also spew > muhhh isis but support them all the time
That's probably the Serbian anon we had yesterday messing around with them.
lets be real if Trump said ISIS are our allies ,they would be confused for a moment ,and after that they would start waving with black ISIS flag
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big if true, the burgers must be in a state of JUST
If it was true we would know by know. It's over, they'll never make it to Iraq, Syria as a country is over :_
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>Syria as a country is over
you are wrong tho
There are unconfirmed reports of a plane going from Damascus to Moscow
Probably Assad and his family...

It's over, today is a sad day.
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dude quit sniffing glue, Assad isn't going to fight kurds, they will reach some diplomatic agreement
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We have the best Wahhabis! Nobody has better Wahhabis than we do!
sorry but this guy is correct >>126941916
There is no way the SAA could take on the heavily armed k*rds, crossing the eupherates
UK police arrest fifth person in connection with Manchester attack
A fifth person has been arrested in connection with a suicide bombing in the northern English city of Manchester which killed 22 people, police said on Wednesday.The man, who was carrying a package, was arrested in the town of Wigan, 17 miles (27 km) to the west of Manchester city centre."We have made an arrest in Wigan this afternoon in connection with the investigation into the horrific incident at Manchester Arena," a spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police said."When arrested, the man was carrying a package which we are currently assessing." (Reuters)
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Guys... the PMU post has been deleted.
https://www * facebook * com/story*php?story_fbid=370190566716338&id=192607444474652
Maybe they have an agreement to keep this low-key?
Israeli defense minister says uneasy over US-Saudi arms deal
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Wednesday he was uneasy over a massive US-Saudi arms deal announced at the weekend, saying it was part of a “crazy” regional arms race. In the first public comment by an Israeli official on the $110-billion US sale of ships, tanks and the latest anti-missile systems to the kingdom, Lieberman said he had expressed his concerns in recent talks with US National Security Adviser HR McMaster. “I’m not at peace with any arms race and the huge Saudi purchase for sure doesn’t add much to our peace of mind,” he said in an interview with Israeli army radio. “It’s not just the Saudis, its also the Emirates, also the Qataris, also the Iranians; they are all acquiring weapons,” Lieberman said. “We are following developments and are aware and have ways of dealing with this.” (AFP)
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Shia radicals are more this /pol/'s /ourguys/ than Zionist sellouts ever will be.
Turkey’s Erdogan: If Berlin wants to pull troops, we’d say ‘Goodbye’
Turkey would tell Germany “goodbye” if it decided to withdraw its troops from the Incirlik air force base, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday. Erdogan, who was speaking in Ankara before flying to Brussels for a summit of NATO leaders and a meeting with EU leaders, also said that Turkey had not received any indication from Berlin on the possible withdrawal of troops stationed at the southern Turkish air force base. The future of the German troops at Incirlik has been thrown into question after Turkey blocked German lawmakers from visiting the troops this month. Some 250 German troops are stationed at Incirlik, where they contribute to the US-led fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). (Reuters)
>watch combat videos, read news and all that
>tfw i'm missing out on the ultimate oportunity to test my manhood
>tfw i'm missing out on the most important event in many years
>tfw i have no excuse not to go there and fight
How could one go there and fight? I would lke to support Assad, but how would I do it?
Trump arrives in Brussels, ahead of EU, NATO talks
US President Donald Trump arrived in Brussels from Rome on Wednesday ahead of meetings on Thursday with other NATO leaders and the heads of EU institutions. Having met Pope Francis at the Vatican earlier in the day, Trump will meet Belgium’s King Philippe and Prime Minister Charles Michel in Brussels later on Wednesday on the fourth leg of his first foreign trip since taking office. (Reuters)
The ateocities & genocide that have taken place in Syria are a direct result of Bashit Al-Assfucks decisions these past 6 years.
Philippines’ Duterte may place entire country under martial law
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Wednesday he wouldn’t rule out placing the entire country under martial law if the threat of Islamic State spreads. Duterte cut short a visit to Russia and placed the southern island of Mindanao under military rule on Tuesday, and said he would keep it that way for a year if necessary. Duterte assured the public he will not allow abuses under martial rule, even as he repeatedly said he will deal with terrorism harshly. (Reuters)
Are you envy or what?
You missing opportunity to catch bullet in a head.
Learn some useful profession, learn language and help rebuild Syria, if you want help that much.
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al-Baghdadi? Is that you?
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You have to be 15 at least
>inb4 mummy calls for dinner
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Hey Syrian guy you wanna join my gay discord ?
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reported to the hashd
prepare your anus
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>Yazidi girl is candidate for Miss Iraq title, she is hope for all the Ezidi women that they suffered ISIS abuse.
>Miss Iraq
>looks like shit
This is why I am against banning the Burqa in countries where muslim women exist.
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>looks like shit
Nigga u gay
For a MISSSSSSSSSSS x-country
SHe looks shit
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just fuck my shit up.png
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I'm not underage, just autistic.
But still, im bored out of my mind, and feel useless. The sheer boredom with everything is get into me, I can't help it. Have I played too many games and read too much fiction?
Pentagon: Russia intercepted a US plane in an atmosphere of Syria.

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>looks like shit
>those digits
Kek has spoken, US plane interecepted!
>in an atmosphere
We space war now
Baghdidi himself has arrived to /sg/
Am I too optimist or we're having LOTS of gainz?

Map development looks like ISIL is crumbling.
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>uselss ass*dist knows that he is useless
If this map happens then it's the end of the Kurds.
Pajeet use poal.me
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Counterpropaganda against NATO imperialism is also welcome and necessary.

Use your brain instead of dreaming of weaponry
>U.S. and Russia boost dialogue about Syria operations to include generals
They're forcing us into the same thread with /ptg/ fuckkkk
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com

http://archive.is/GzJfO <- washingtonpost.com article
are there really that many k*rds lurking on /sg/?
you dun goofed
I know I know, kurds are surrounding Raqqah, and not just that NW tigers advancing but also the desert areas around Palmyra.

And Mosul is almost liberated.

Looks like ISIL will soon fall apart except maybe in Raqqah.
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Is that really necessary when using an adblocker?
>inb4 /ptg/ fags get butthurt about muh kek and shit
>There is no way the SAA could take on the heavily armed k*rds, crossing the eupherates
SAA is already across the Eupherates. Did you forget about the Qamishli and Hasakeh garrisons. Once DeZ is secured the Kurds are literally finished.
>No feudalism
>No integralism
>No techno-futurist transhumanism
>No anarcho-primitivism

Fuck this poll.
#Aleppo | Situation in the refugee camps in #Jarablus after rains


#Just wait before they start going back to government controlled areas

#Aleppo | #Turkey to form 10,000-fighter army to battle #SDF in Northern #Syria
http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13960303000841 …
>Qamishli and Hasakeh garrisons
surrounded by kurds, they could take them

>Kurds are literally finished.
but basically will be given independence in iraq

i'm not so sure lad
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6 families already returned
when i suggested this would happen in a previous thread burgers shat all over me.
>surrounded by kurds, they could take them
Not with constant airstrikes holding them back and now with an AD system active in DeZ (meaning no US intervention is possible).

I'm telling you, once DeZ is secured, the K*rds are finished. SAA doesn't even have to attack them. They will be cut off from Iraq and Jordan, Turkey will destroy them.
we have a shitload of soviet larpers
I understand now that >>126945032
clarrified as i thought this >>126945224
>ISIS crumbling
>Raqqa threatened
>Tabqah lost
>Mosul lost soon
Eastern Aleppo offensive prominent ISIS figures killed by Tigers since restart of operations 2 weeks ago:

– Abu Uday Al-Iraqi, military commander of IS forces in east Aleppo;
– Abu Walid Al-Tunisi, IS-appointed court judge of east Aleppo;
– Ubadah Al-Da’boul, emir of Dibsi Farj town;
– Abd Al-Rahman Motawe, emir of Thogor town (Saudi national);
– Abu Muhammad Al-Najdi, emir (Saudi national);
– Abu Mosab Al-Masri, minister of war in IS.
>but basically will be given independence in iraq
Iraqi Kurdistan is turkish protectorate.

>burgers shat all over me.
Burgers are known for sucking kurdish cocks on daily basis. "Based" here "secular" there.
At this point I'm willing to believe that ISIS is made up of a lot of K*rds, since everything they're doing is in K*rd's interest.
Is there a troll /sg/ thread set-up?
– 19 IS tanks;
– 5 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles;
– 11 VBIEDs, or simply, car bombs;
– 6 artillery pieces;
– 9 ammo storages;
– 2 communication centres;
– 61 bases and encampments.
There was that one Danish anon that posted a supposedly leaked map of a partition of Syria which included Syria getting completely cut off from the east.
I suppose the recent gains in South Syria have prevented that?
>when i suggested this would happen in a previous thread burgers shat all over me.
Is it because they thought you're the bongroach? Or are you the bongroach?
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/sg/ BTFO
>Saudi nationals
Wow, i sure am happy for that 110 billion dollar arms deal :)
this will be my permanent disclaimer.

it was probs some newfags, as it was when the kike tried to raid /sg/ with cunts from /ptg/
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E. Aleppo footage

>links to the most plebbit infested part of /pol/
I am afraid you need to go back.
Again, dude. There is must be something you really enjoy doing. Aside from reading and gaming.
I don't know how things in Spain, but surely you can try jobs different from office drone or retail cuck. Find something you enjoy and try to become better in this.
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Y'all mind if...
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... I burn down some millions in US-made vehicles?
>jobs in spain
As long as DeZ doesn't breach, the Israeli dreams are over.
No fucking twitter gains updates in forever, this has to stop!!!
Assad should nuke the White House once he regains all of Syria (Maybe not Rojava because k*rds)
Youth unemployment in Spain is over 40% mate
Its really fucked. No wonder he finds option to get shot my ISIS appealing.
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Not at all, carry on
lol you seem to be fugged up, get a life, get it now
trump is JEWED
>being this sad
You aren't living up to your Mediterranean legacy brother.
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You spelled "Allahu Akbar" wrong

Try harder noob or get your ass back to /ptg/
>people actually go to /ptg/ willingly to shitpost
Don't be morons.
It's the US plan. The entire coalition strategy for the gradual defeat of ISIS was structured such that ISIS pressure on Assad would be maximized as ISIS was pushed out of other areas. Thankfully Hashd prevented the ones in Mosul from escaping, otherwise DeZ might have fallen by now
>czech republic
>youth unemployment of 1%
>lowest of the EU
Fuck we WORK.
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Nordic welfare IS social democracy, dumbass
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According to our libshits, any EU country is SHINNING PARADISE. So i don't really know much about situation there. But that sound tough.

/pol/ "nacists"... they are praising anglo-zionists while Hitler main gaol e was to break anglo-zion world order

>when the kike tried to raid /sg/ with cunts from /ptg/
Speaking of which, I am seeing a concerted effort by a bong to encourage cross board raiding from /ptg/, are you that bong and if not are you going to add that to your disclaimer too?
when is the full interview?
For the Germans maybe.
But all the others never really reaped the benefits from such a market.
While others were completely annihilated
t. Grease
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Libshits in Russia are a modern day cargo cult.
How high is youth unemployment in Russia?
Basically all the southern countries are economically fucked and this is just one of the symptoms.

But. Yeah. Our journo death ratio is pretty low.
basically the med is completely fucked economically thanks to EU
learn to program.
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>Navalny Supporters
you mean he got "koshered"?
>t-totally not me g-guys.
>l-look I am a namefag now
May as well ask here.
What is the tl;dr on kurdish people?
Any non-tl;dr version would be appreciated, too.
spooky tank
spoopy tank

what aaaaare they feeeding youuuu
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It encourages the shills, we already have the best shills, we don't need /ptg/ Ameritards too.
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who dat
/ptg/ has some sort of obsession with hating on /sg/ and sucking jewish cock, as there is also a south african among the bong and kikes trying to raid /sg/, though his shit bait posts are fortunately unsuccessful.
An iranian and roach had homo anal sex thousands of years ago and a k*rd popped out.
Not our fault they have literal cognitive dissonance since April
Navalny seems great at first, with his immigration policies mostly and his anti-corruption rhetoric.
However, his external policy resolves completely around doing everything the west tells him.
Also, most of his base are liberal scum who probably don't actually care about the above 2 points and should never ever be left near a position of power, or voice.
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no, i get bully enough
Pretty much, he's a political whore and is only popular because he's the most relevant edgy contrarian to Putin. Literally criticize him about how he wants to suck Western cock and all you'll get is "MUH ANTI-CORRUPTION"

Kinda glad he's a punching bag to everyone in the Kremlin
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One of the best descriptions of k*rds I've seen in a while
>SAA spies from reconnaissance units( managed to infiltrate Maskanah city and released a video
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"[spoiler] Alexandra Daddario[/spoiler]"
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Doesnt this just negate the purpose of spying there?
Buddha was Ukrainian.
we all know they key part of arab warfare is saying exactly what you are doing and what you are going to do next
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We've completely overran and de-railed a /ptg/ though.

/sg/ gainz tonight are mad.
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Shut up t*urk from /ptg/! We see trough your lies!
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i suppose they released this vid after the guy exfiltrated.
Now it just works to rub it in their faces mostly.
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>raiding /ptg/

God damn it. Now they're all just going to come here.
He just had his daily autism attack
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NO!! I promise I am no the k*rd, I just asked about the kurds in a post, I am not a /ptg/ faggot either!

believe me
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I think he's telling the truth>>126948534
This looks like the shill bong>>126940251
When Ivan linked the /ptg/ thread I clicked and lurked, a bong is shilling hard over there against /ptg/, he also posted the pic in this post >>126940251, he's talking about /sg/ and Assad in a manner clearly meant to trigger the Plebbitors over there, which will result in obvious raiding.
yeah, im currently a student and i fucking hate it. I also workout a lot, but dunno man. Maybe it's that i am in finals..... Or maybe I idealise it too much, eventhough I know war is hell
But thanks dude.
most of NATO is already in Syria, that announcement was a meme.
Its even higher but we have a shitload of white niggers that can't even do simple tasks.

Ive never been unemployed but i work designing medical devices. If youre not retard you can live well despite all the corrupt leechers in power.
Pay no heed until actual confirmation. Leith is special.
Fucking newfags, number 1 rule of /sg/ is we don't do raids. Stop attention whoring and stay away from /ptg/. We need less retards here, not more
This lad speaks the truth, thanks m8, gtta put an end to jewish /ptg/ and raiding faggotry
i don't give a shit you fucking roach, this just creates more shitposting that will fuck up future threads.
Hezbollah is not ISIS you dumb faggot get out with your burger education
yes but the real roachbong >>126948902
is fucking about and in turn encouraging raids on us

I'd change to Assad, Saddam was a real cunt to his people.

Plus he went down like a bitch, Assad is still going strong.
Hezbollah song.

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National Capitalism is an oxymoron
Why do some Kurds lie about history so much? They're like We WUZers at this point.

>muh Assyria was Kurdish!
>muh Acheaminid, Parthian, Sassanid and Safavids were Kurds!
>muh Ayubid dynasty was a Kurdish dynasty, that means everyone they ruled over was Kurdish even though there was no colonization!

These people are so dumb. Looks like a common theme of people who barely have a history to take it from others for a political agenda of separatism.
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fresh OCs incoming
>im currently a student and i fucking hate it.

I´m a student aswell and my mood goes from best thing ever to end me already from days to days.
We chose this hell.
Assad will win
This is getting every sad.
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>what do you mean recapture Marawi?
Whoever missed the stream, here's the recording of hour-long footage of Tiger Forces operations:
Hoholadmin will never let this pass.
You think that army will take over northern Syria and then hand it back to Assad? Permanent turkroach colony. Not good.


The kurds are shit really.
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nah ,turks cant take northern Syria

it will just weaken both sides ,and Kurds might go back to negotiate with syrian government reintegration
>attracting /ptg/ shills
Guess im out for today
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I've heard jews like money
>I´m a student aswell and my mood goes from best thing ever to end me already from days to days.
same man
Assad might lose Rojava, it will come it's own state and eventually join together with Iraqi Kurdistan once it becomes independent. And since Iran is failing economically besides nuclear programming. Iranian Kurdistan might hold a referendum as well. The Middle East will have two israels. One for kikes and one for K*rds.

Spotted the shill.

You're just trying to make /sg/ fight itself now encouraging raids on /ptg/ isn't enough for you.
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good work anon lel
one day will get a Syrian waify
I just checked and there is some macedonian trying to trigger them too. If its our resident i will indeed be very dissapointed.

>Syrian Army Ally Harakat Al Abdaal celebrating after liberating more that 1200 square kilometers in the Syrian desert towards Iraqi border
Ah, they're probably just celebrating the "kotel" they made in Sweida/damascus countryside...

I wonder if all of the ISIS professionals will die in a last stand or relocate to fight elsewhere and let the less sophisticated recruits die for them.
Kek we are winning the internet front

>Tiger forces redeployed to Marawi

>ywn plow yazidi teen pussy you purchased for 12$
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>We've completely overran and de-railed a /ptg/ though.
You've done that, true /sg/ posters don't raid, so one of two things is going on with you;
1. You are just trying to stir up shit between /sg/ and /ptg/, which just causes our /comfy/ general to get infested with shitposters. You may have no real stance on Trump/Syria/Assad, and are just trolling.
2. You are new to /sg/ and think it's cool to go raiding /ptg/ not realizing how you shit up our thread and reputation.

I hope it's the second option, our dedicated /sg/ shills are one thing, bringing plebbit trash here is another.
Fucking lengths these shills are going to trying to make /sg/ raid itself while pretending to be /ptg/ posters.
you mean this guy? >>126950468

P.S not a roach
I thought it was you? it is you isn't it?
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We will see. If its true >>126950468 needs a proper talking to. Not cool. /sg/ is a board of peace.

Still helps reduce the traffic measure which is a metric for paying advertisment.
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We're missing out.
Could've bought a Yezidi for a glock
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I saw that too and had the exact same thought.
>forced to namefag
Feels bad man
not me i just came on from eating
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>posting Maghreboi's memes
When did you get Israeli proxy maghrebi?
she a thot
Belgium is also a dangerous flag for obviously kurdish reasons.
I see. I never believed those screeching, but always thought that Greece was more or less exception. Countries like Spain always viewed as pretty rich and successful in Russia.
Breddy high. Total around 5,5% and from that up to 30% are youth. But it's not because there is no jobs. It because 90's "everything connected with Soviet are bad" propaganda. Young people just don't want to get worker profession (not sure if i translating it right). There is really big amount of jobs at factories, construction and similar sectors, but everyone want to be fucking manager, law-goy, work in banking sphere, etc.
Many young people call working at factory "sovok bydlo job" and prefer just sit without job at all (often cursing Putin in a process). I remember seeing vacancy for workers at factory in my town. Only requirements was "finished school, no drug or alcohol addiction". No past experience or anything, free tutoring, salary slightly higher than average office drone, modernization up to western standards. And still they can't hire enough workers.
Just give it time, dude. Finish education and shiet. And try to find something you really like doing. It will help.
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people are mistaking me and now we have mistaken this guy >>126950921

this lad still thinks i am a roach >>126950837

all around shitshow tbqh
what the hell is going on ?
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Mate I am obviously fucking with you.

/ptg/ roach
I was shitposting in the other thread until I realised it wasn't a fake /ptg/ thread. Now I'm confused cause I could have sworn there was a group of /sg/ regulars in there as well.

Wtf just happened in the space of the last hour?
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>Nuh uh y-you are the shill!
Classic shill response.
I spend a lot of time here on /sg/, you are shilling, I see through your shit.
hire private planes, purchase weapons when you get there.
WTF who did this?
You raided. You tasted the butthurt and could not get enough. You will never be the same.
Now away with you.
No GAINZ for you.
Bad! SAD!
finish your degree than go kill some ISIS fucks. Don't forget your sword.
/ptg/ or a shill made an anti-/sg/ /ptg/ thread and retards here have big egos so they raided it et cetera
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God bless our bread

Glad to see @SYRedCrescent & @ICRC_sy supported bakery running at full capacity in #Al-Tal thanks to the supply of a new generator. #Syria
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Jesus, watching this is worse than watching isis videos
was meant for>>126950454
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Arak gas fields captured. Deir Ez-Zor soon.
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>every faction is getting gainz except the FSA

IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!1

Bomb it!
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Ugh, the sight of a working bakery irritates me so much.. I can't stand it, barrels on their way.
al sukanah before howerver, should be fucking juicy
Sounds like some LotR Numenorean shit.
Been away for quite some time. How goes the war? Will it be over anytime soon?
It's him lad, when I called him out he said I am the shill. He's the one who posted the same pic here and in /ptg/, look at his posts now that he's been called out too.
>How goes the war?
Not bad, all things considered.

>Will it be over anytime soon?
*barrelbombing intensifies*
al sukanah before howerver, should be fucking juicy alright

yes he confessed here >>126951646
all been confusing desu
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I see. A similar dynamic is happening here in the US. I myself have a Chem degree and my dumb ass doesnt want any more university shit to deal with and now i fix cars while Ubering.
Let this libshits starve or send them back in a time machine to feel the hunger their parents felt in 1996.
Also, in American English, 'worker profession' can probably best translated as 'blue collar' worker or profession. White collar referring to managerial jobs and the jobs you listed.
Kurds are actually interesting, at least their native angel-religions and anatolia has some beautiful places. As a humble mountainpeople they could be regarded neat and cultured if they stop durkaing... but well you dont go far without a massive egocomplex if you want to secede from 3-4 countries at once.
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no thanks
It will be hard to hold the town. A lot of desert and road between Palmyra and Sukhnah.
hello /ptg/ how are you?
No they're not. There is nothing interesting about Kurdish culture. Besides some Kurds themselves, only retarded Westerners make a big deal about it.
Wait wait wait, did I miss something ? Syrian forces reached the border while I was away ?
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>I-I was just pretending to be a shill

RT @NajTV : #Bahrain woman screams at #Saudi soldier: "Go to #Yemen. If you are real men, go to Yemen & see what Houthis have done to you!"


Saudis inferior to based Houthis

This image is so on point.
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I now understand the reference of your picture... anime is slowly ruining my life.
And Kurds aren't even from Anatolia, nor had they controlled any serious land there. They're from Iran and formed an identity only thanks to Islamic rule. It's not a coincidence that it's only up to 10th to 11th century that Kurds are seriously considered as a people instead of vaguely mentioned in some writing without any description of who they are.
No. Just fake news.

Arabs with daggers..

Thank god they don't drink!
I know that alevits are from anatolia were the kurds life and alevits are the friendliest of turks with an islam that actually seems like a honourable religion.
So something good comes from there.

Wait for FSA gains against the K*rds. Apparently roaches are training up and expanding their numbers for an offensive on them.
Saudi troops don't wear that uniform... That's Bahraini security. So much fake news these days.
Oh, that's too bad. Thankfully it'll happen soon enough anyway.
Even with Saudi money it's more apparent that it's becoming a Vietnam for them.

I am left-wing, FUCK your brother Islam is a threat to everybody, even themselves
saudi soldier because he serve for saudi regime.
You can't tell who is who. I doubt that hashd al-shabi and the saa linked forces at tanf. This looks like dudes having fun after having secured arak gas fields.
Alevi are not an ethnicity, they're a religious group. Maybe you're dumbass is confusing them with Azeris who are Turkified Iranians.
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ISIS Capture 4 militants of SDF near Al-Tabqa #Raqqa

Next video soon
Btw lads, I'm baking 2 consecutive loaves of bread rite nao! ;^)
That's like saying Assad troops are Iranian soldiers. They're Bahraini cops, whethere they're a proxy or not is irrelevant. They're not even soldiers and those aren't the type of people to carry out military operations in Yemen. They're there for riot control.
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>report:SAA meet Hashd (PMU),Syria -Iraq connected
WTF how? They don't have a frontline.
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Alevits are an ethno-religious group as they only marry within their own group as the jews, mandeans, ezidis.. basically every religion in the middle east does that is not islamic.

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War between Syrian military, Turkish-backed FSA, and SDF when?
They don't have their own language like Jews do. Alevis are not ethnoreligious, for they aren't even an ethnicity.

It's a shame they're being too heavy handed in that Shia region of Saudi Arabia chimping at the moment. If only there was the excuse to arm them turn that into another Yemen.
no dont there is all ready one back up bread
>>126939995 next bread
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>inb4 Zazas

Not all Zazas are Alevi, many are Sunni. Alevi is just a religious sect.
The other bread is up to 66 posts right now, bolan is over there with a few other lads, did they forget it was backup bread or what?
he essentially gave away all of chile's resources to america
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I was being ironic lad, especially with the two consecutive part.
>NO assad will never rule syria again
This CIA-backed puppet is also a nu-/pol/ dictator.
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>Two explosions took place in Azaz. Infighting took place among Turkish-backed FSA groups.
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Based Pinochet
ok lad
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Not the ones that mattered. He kept all the copper.
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Did the guys that just take a city in philippines calles themselves MILF? :-------------Dd
when is this shit general going to end?

commie mudshits loving faggots
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>not even the t***s can keep them together
Literally just a bunch of subhumans tbqhwyοιkογένεια
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>not to be confused with Mother I'd Like to Fuck
Hahahahaha the absolute madmen

If something fucks only under itself and does so for hundreds of years its an ethnic group in my book. Anyway, what im saying is that kurdish or not Anatolia as a region is not uninteresting and while hating kurds for their military shenanginas is understandable speaking low of their history in general seems unnecessary
Honourmurdering, sectarian peasantpeople, but not without quirks.
You seem to be pretty invested in this, I see them screeching with commi signs at my local lane once a month since im small and am less butthurt. You are not an anglo leaf are you?
you G-D EMPEROR is supporting and fighting side by side with the turd commies you know
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now that you proved you came from ptg, can you explain me why is propourse of ptg? sg is about live event, but what you do there, just asslick (((donald))) 24/7??
USAF Gen: US ready to strike Iranian-backed forces again in Syria. "If [coalition] threatened, we're going to take the necessary action."
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we love you too (((america-kun))) <3
Its not really his fault. Its the fault of the people linking /ptg/ threads that bait people from here to respond.
Spot the T*rd
>Straight from /ptg/
Fuck of T*rd lover

Always confuses me that some pictures make it looks like Suheil uses fake tan, despite the obvious need not to there.

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Best K*rds are dead ones.
>in my book.
Your opinion doesn't matter. Only facts and science matter. Ethnicities are correlated with endogamy but that doesn't mean all endogamy is ethnic. There is religious endogamy as well.

The biggest evidence for ethnicity is language. There never ever was an Alevi language, nor is there one now. You're talking out of your ass because "feelings".
>hating kurds
No one is hating Kurds. I'm calling some of their lies out. It's like calling Afro Americans lies about history. This doesn't make one racist, nor is telling nordics that they wuz not romans make one racist either.

>You seem to be pretty invested in this
Just knowledgeable. I made one post before your autism got hooked in and had to try to refute what's been said to lessen your cognitive dissonance.

Regardless of where you're coming from, facts are Alevi are just a religious group and Kurds being from Anatolia is at the very best dubious if not utterly false.
>Its not really his fault
Once I called him out he tried to play off that he was just pretending to be shitposting, if he's the same guy that made the /sg/ bread with /ptg/ in the title the other day then he is showing a pattern of trying to stir up shit, or he's new and ignorant to how a regular /sg/ poster acts.
it seems that they are really desperate to save their ZOG-bots in South Syria lmao


get rekt you faggots
>I think I can I know I can I think I can I know I can I think I can
>Presses button to bomb Syria again
>Russia shoots down his plane

SIR our flying shit got shot down, what do?

>Fucking Russians are embarrassing me, cruise missile their base

FUCK sir, they just bombed our base in Turkey, there's nothing left of it.

>What the hell are they allowed to do that? We have to teach them a lesson. Launch the MOAB.

Sir, MOABs can't be deployed from an efficient platform in that theatre.

>Fuck what do we have that can teach them.

Sir we have a B61-12 on standby in Tel Aviv.

>Yeah whatever lob one in their direction to shut them up. I'm going off to "golf" in Mara Lago with my wife Ivan-- I mean my daughta

[WW3 intesifies]
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so this... is the power of shitposting... whoah...
have another (you)... master pede...
you deserve it
Issam popping caps in jihadi ass
No that was cyprus.

that's some fucking delusion

>o-one more attack and we'll hold Israel accountable!

bombs pro-assad brigad


Daily reminder israel has been bombing assad endlessly and he has yet to do anything, let alone take on the k*rds or turkey
Could have sworn there was a bong that did it too, either way a bong was very actively shilling in that thread, and I bet the one here is the same one.
Nevermind that. Why isn't Russia doing something? They're literally the worst ally at this point.

Because he's not taking the bait. Second SAA shoots down an Israeli jet or intentionally fires on their territory it's an excuse for the US to do what they've been trying to provoke for ages and get their full-scale escalation and invasion.

Every non-response to Israeli fuckery is cockblocking the US plans.
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