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Brit/pol/: Bob haircut was better edition

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Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 79

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>5 or 6 People Dead After Incident On M6

>LBC live

>Roger Moore (89) dead

>Threat level raised to critical, having been merely severe since 2014

>May condemns "sickening cowardice" whilst suspending all election based activity

>Conspiracy Theorists blame Tories for attack

>7 in 10 brits support One World Government(tm)

>Monuments around the world [once again] display the Union Jack
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that feel when nothing to hide and nothing to fear
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The real victims of Islamic terrorism are the innocent Muslims.

Remember that 98% of the 1.7 billion Muslims are not terrorist.

Only 2% or roughly 34 million Muslims are.
Reminder if you haven't impregnated a white British woman with your white British seed, you are part of the problem.
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Friends remember him as a good footballer, a keen supporter of Manchester United and a user of cannabis.
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How comes people use the argument that more Muslims will turn to radicals if we forcefully group up and deport/imprison those on the suspect list?

Surely by their logic that would mean that Islam is very fragile and every Muslim could become an enemy at the flip of a switch? Surely this should lead to us discussing the problem of Islam, yet no one calls them out on what they're saying.
One of Are Jez's nutjobs is acting up.


And, of course, it's a woman.
May needs to grow her hair out more, tie it back and tone down the lipstick tbqh
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>tfw apolitical bird I fancy at uni has randomly come out with a fucking "muslims dindu nuffin" rant on kikebook
>Reproducing outside of wedlock
According to Pew research in the largest study ever done of Muslim beliefs 10-25% of them hold opinions that would be deemed radical or extreme.

Or close to 400m people. Muh Radical minority.
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nothing to hiders BTFO
The hard left think it's a tory false flag. They've gone off the deep end since last June.
she had her beef curtains trimmed yet?
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Fight them. Until the whole world is for Allah alone.

There is no God but Allah

Muhamned is the messenger of Allah
Already seen it.
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Squaddies not please
Going to vote conservative this time lads
Post it here
Really makes you think
when they harbour radicals i dont give a fuck if they are "moderate" or not, they need to be hung with the charge of aiding terrorism.
The Trump/Russia line has completely shot the credibility of the left. In and of itself they're getting away with it but they've inadvertently opened the doors to complete lunatics and legitimised people who are clearly insane (Louise Mensch in particular).
the armed police need to realise how offensive it is to imply that there's a significant risk of muslim mass murder.
if you ever win her over, its easy to change a womans mind. Dont worry.

What did he mean by this
>bomber previously travelled to Syria
How was he not arrested?
Voting for Comrade Corbz this time lads.
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Why are we always talking about the fucking BBFC?

Who gives a shit? Aren't we grown ass men? We can watch whatever we want for fuck's sake.
>legitimised people who are clearly insane (Louise Mensch in particular).
I do remember the US leftists getting triggered when she was pro-brexit on article 50 day.
Are you saying that someone should be arrested just because he had traveled to an active warzone for suspicious reasons? FUCKING RACIST
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How are the people reacting to the snackbaring so far? Have politicians done anything else than the usual notallbarbarians speech?
Not sure if referring to porn or tv.
A judge in Hawaiishire overturned the ban.
isn't everything fine in Damascus? Surely OK to visit there
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Some mong is triggered by his haremshit and CGDCT anime getting 12/15 ratings
What's wrong with going on holiday to Syria with the lads?
what does brit/pol/ think of Lowkey?
I love the guy, great message on terrorism, war, globalisation, media, ideology. One of the best political voices of a generation, banned from the City of London for shaming the govt

I want a race war 2bh lads.
Because there's about 80,000 police officers, and about 300,000 muslims fucking off to iraq/iran/syria/afghan every year to see family

you either get more police or ban flights to there, but it's unrealistic to track all of them
Depends how he got there. If he travelled via Libya to visit 'family', how would you know?
where do I find it. for research purposes?

Dogshit nigger "music".
James OB legit triggered me today lads. Claiming that people having a problem with the teachings of Islam are the same people that kick pregnant Muslims in the stomach. Is there anyone more sanctimonious in the country?
Funny thing is that Corbyns director of communications, Seumus Milne, is a full on Russia shill.

Called the invasion of Crimea an act of defence. And attends some Putin journo circle jerk.
Wow anon are you saying just because someone goes to an Islamic State training camp to learn how to build bombs it means they're going to build a bomb and use it to kill people in the name of Allah?
That is really presumptuous and bigoted of you and you need to apologise right now
A few angry rants by the public. Standard rhetoric from politicians. Army deloyed in support of the police. Not much else.
He's an Algerian Muslim. It's not like a Syrian going to visit family is it?

They go via Turkey. Should be vetting of any muslim going to the middle east to be honest.
you gonna involve yourself? Gonna be a good boy and listen to your CO?
They've just raised the threat level put military around potential terror targets to give us the impression they're taking action.
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I am marrying a blonde-hair blue-eyed austrian

Is this close enough?


listen to the lyrics and get back to me, is your mind still open?
Question for Brit/pol/

If a terrorist murdered a member of the royal family, would the cucked portion of your population finally wake the fuck up?
I never knew 11 year olds browsed /pol/.

Damn we fucked up with r/The_Donald.
>James O'Cuck
How can you Brits stand to listen to this left wing leaning parasite?
>The Trump/Russia line has completely shot the credibility of the left.
um no sweetie, proof has been caught on tape, drumpf will be impeached
Done a couple good songs but I get the same vibe from him as I do from Akala.

He never acknowledges the faults of Islam and instead blames everything on our ruling elites. He isn't wrong but he's an Islamic apologist so he can fuck himself desu.
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Don't let people take this verse OUT OF CONTEXT
>expects me to listen to nigger shit

Sing along lads

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OP do you also love mummy
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Whats the matter Brits? I thought theywere moderate rebels who dindu nuffin?
So most of the missing were just people not yet identified?
Probably not just by the murder alone. The media backlash might convince some of them.
>ban flights to there
Now there's an idea, but that'll be racist like Trumps banning, and the HM Government cant be seen as being racist.


Really, really makes you think.
When are we going to sack up and carpet bomb the Kaaba lads
>Former Special Air Service serviceman says enough is enough
No, she's a globalist cunt.
guessing this is in stokholm?
I dunno if he's underage, but somehow shit like Amagi getting a 15 makes him screech autistically.
Thread theme


nw senpai, i gotchu. show me where the "nigger shit" is in this verse..

It seems like the Rag-heads and Paki's are worrying your dad
But your dad's favourite food is curry and kebab
It's funny, but it's sad
How they make your mummy hurry with her bags
Rather read the Sun than study all the facts
Tell me, what's the bigger threat to human society
BAE Systems or home-made IED's?
Remote-controlled drones killing off human lives
Or man with home-made bomb committing suicide?
I know you were terrified when you saw the towers fall
It's all terror, but some forms are more powerful
It seems nuts, how could there be such agony?
When more Israelis die from peanut allergies
It's like the definition didn't ever exist
I guess it's all just dependent on who your nemesis is
Irrelevant how eloquent the rhetoric peddler is
They're telling fibs, now tell us who the real terrorist is
No, I'm a republican so would only care that people died. Fuck ISIS, but also fuck the monarchy. Everyone in England is pretty redpilled on ISIS anyway, and this is coming from a Londoner!
verse just after
>Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,
Tomorrow's Question Time is still going ahead, but it has been moved to Salford.
Guests not yet confirmed.

t. QT panel poster.
The cucked ones hate the royals.
Why can't people who accidentally create a new thread shortly after another is created just delete the thread?
"To read about your own culture is a revolutionary act"
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Why has daddy been subject to so many acts of terror lately?
Its as if with Brexit the UK is constantly told how evil and racist it is and its causing it to alienate the Muzzies
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He's gotta be 11 then.
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>I'm a republican
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>be sikh
>worried people will think you're a muslim after Manchester
>give people free taxis to deter such accusations
>MSM puppet notices it
>uses your story to defend muslims
You're too thick to understand that the very concept of rap is nigger-tier. You may as well just jog on now, off you go!
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You can't delete threads you mong
Im more impressed by that womans glass carrying ability
Start buying guns.
It's going to be absolutely insufferable.
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It's funny how you Christians on this board seem to mock the invasion of Syria and the mindless destruction there, and yet you're governments are actively working to assist terrorists in the murder of fellow Christians and the obliteration of the main place where Christianity spread, Damascus.

You gullible idiots only now question things when you find a terrorist has returned from Syria. Do you think he was fighting for Assad?

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>Buried in a pencil case
How? I'm not a farmer. Unless you mean illegally kek
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>if you like a curry or a kebab you have to like the people who make it
How original.
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The west's funding of the """MODERATES""" is fucking awful
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>that outfit
>worried mongs will think you're a muslim after Manchester
fixed mate. only a fucking imbecile would look at the turban on their head and not realise.
>invasion of Syria
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>headteacher at school dead little girl went to is shocked by the "randomness of the attack"

How fucking stupid and sheltered are people to think there was anything random about any of this?
Yup, why else would Russia Today be shilling for him.
>believing that a family, completely detached from British life, is better than your own family.

>Done a couple good songs
Completely different. Having something to hide implies having something you're not proud of. Having something to say implies something you are proud of.

I'm against snooping, but that is a stupid analogy.
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Lads if I just soak some chillis in rubbing alcohol and put it in spray bottles will that make for decent improvised pepper spray?

And, y'know, just putting that idea out there for anyone preparing to take direct action in the near future.
Christ he's nearly 70?
Doesn't look it
Old news. Everyone on this board knows that he is thick.
You're posting this in the wrong place. We know all about the "moderate" rebels.
If you like this specific foreign dish you have to like literally everything about that culture, are you a bigot or something my dude?
woah watch that edge sweetie (;
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Depends on who; if it were a major royal, HRH Queen Elizabeth, HRH Prince Philip, Princes Harry or William and family, there would almost certainty be mass violence.
if race and religion don't matter and we're all humans what possible reason could the attacker have?
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Falklands 2 when?
There really needs to be a brit/pol/ reading list of history, poetry, etc.
I don't agree with it, but it's a good poster. How is it even related to trannies?
These are the people teaching our kids.
>"he'sa man of the people because he's fick yet still got a career in politics because of his extremely privileged upbringing"
Akala's """proof"" that we are a racist country that the police enforce racist policies is a guy that died in 1998 in police custody and there were """claims""" that as he was dying monkey noises were made by the police.
After 2 (TWO) separate trials by Jury reviewing all the evidence, both Juries unanimously found that the monkey noises were not coming from the police but other prisoners and the police were not to blame for the man's death.

He's a fucking retard. He also claimed that the word "nigger" was the bloodiest word in the history of mankind, forgetting "genocide".
probably when the argie economy shits the bed or something like that
>making that poster
literally convincing UKIP voters to vote tory

When has it ever not been in a shit filled bed?
They're not necessarily stupid or sheltered, just in denial.
Accepting that the target was deliberately selected means accepting that there are people born and raised in this country who would select a concert hall full of young girls as a bombing target. Combine that with the fact that 99% of teachers are moronic 'every child is special' social optimists and they just can't do it.
They have no operational planes and would need to use civilian ferries (against the Geneva convention) to invade.
>Some police officers are racist - institutional racism.

>Some muslims blow people up - not muslims, Islam dindu nuffin.

the very concept of rap is nigger tier
so poetry is nigger tier?
free speech is nigger tier?

what do you stand for pham? some sort of authoritarian dulling down of life? i prefer creativity, novelty, looking deeper at things. although you probably wouldn't understand

Our security services are complete and utter mongs

Sasanach betas take note, this is how real men defend their country.

>bloodiest word
What does that even mean?
Argentina's navy is rusting in port. A few jets (which we have on the islands) could sink it all
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It's Blukip all over again.
The four Typhoons stationed there would be more than enough to obliterate anything they bother to send.
>the internet is the source of Islamic extremism, ban it.
>Mosques and the Koran are ok though
well maybe it'll get so bad argies will desperately try to flee their burning country and take over the falklands, only to be gunned down on the shore like a zulu D-day
You can make exactly the same argument that the people complaining are the transphobic ones.
It doesn't even make sense by their own standards.
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She loves you all
whats an acceptable age to tell kids about this terrorism?
>Lib Dem plan
>offer people a choice between staying and keeping free movement or leaving and keeping free movement
Do they understand how cancerous this position makes them
Gave some muslim women a dirty look today lads. Doing my part.
Yea he's a complete cunt and misinformed on the topics he's given a platform to speak on.

Not sure why people have him on to talk about things desu. He got smashed in debate by Tommy Robinson and then he claimed a victory.
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>Bobby Sands dies

Northern Ireland is still British

>Martin McGuiness dies

Northern Ireland is still British

>Margaret Thatcher dies

Northern Ireland is still British

More like how Irish men lose.
Word with the most deaths associated with it, I guess.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

Location: Manchester, England, United Kingdom (UK/GB)
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That's fucking dumb.
There's some beautiful farmland and small villages surrounding Milton Keynes, lads, and they're going to knock it all down and build a million new houses for all the immigrants. Fuck this fucking country. It's all going to hell.
>>7 in 10 brits support One World Government(tm)
Link is bullshit. They asked 1,012 people in Britain their opinion, and you know where abouts in Britain. Why would you even post a link that contains a survey with such a small sample size that renders it completely bollocks? It's quite blatant that 62% of the Brits don't consider themselves "global citizens", we barely even refer to ourselves as "european citizens". STOP POSTING SHITE
What about the girls that are still missing over the "free rides" story?
Mussolini was so based.
They all have to go ahmed
Maggie is dead. The Happening is not happening.
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Into the trash you go.
Is it actually good for the economy to invade weaker countries like Argentenia or say a shity african one
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I'm moving offshore to the Shetland Isles lad.

One of the few places in the UK that are decreasing in population. I'll fit in perfectly up there.
You been watching the new series?
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Let me guess, this guy is still as popular as ever?
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>rap is poetry
Neck yourself.

It's built on the same relativist foundations as those upon which an unmade bed is considered a work of art deserving of a place in a gallery.

Poetry is built on deep linguistic foundations, as every other art form was, and while people did experiment and break off from the rigid structures in place they had a very firm grasp of those basics before doing so.

Triggered me desu; I dumped a girl because she kept insisting Eminem was the greatest poet of our time.
Wow someone admitting the mosques are a problem
sikhs are OK, you cretin.
>there are people in this thread too proud and belligerent to suck it up and vote tory
>these people would rather throw their vote away on a nowhere meme party than seize a once in a generation opportunity to destroy one of the two major parties
Do your duty lads

Irishmen are willing to martyr themselves for their country.

You on the other hand live in fear of 5% of your population lel. If you saw a muslim irl you'd probably look down at your feet cuckboy.
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Real men defend their homelands, regardless of the odds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9MRbek0JXk
He's actually pretty unpopular as he went back on all his campaign promises instantly
Ban return tickets.
Or make the tickets super expensive.

Its time to discover and eat some of Britain's wildlife, lads. Best of all it's free.

Foxes – Delicious . . . It is a lean meat and there is never any fat. Young foxes . . . taste slightly like chicken.

Mice - They taste weird - there is no other food quite like them. They aren't particularly nice and have a very bitter flavor. They are of course so small that they are almost worthless.

Rats - They are most delicious . . . They are quite like pork but quite salty. They are delicious and the meat is great on its own.

Moles – They are horrible and have a rancid taste. They have an unpleasant taste in their skin to ward off predators. Wild animals don't eat them. I've only had one once and never again.

Hedgehogs - When you get in it's all fatty meat. It's not nice but okay if you like eating fatty foods.

Squirrels - They are most delicious. They provide a good firm white meat which is quite similar to rabbit but not as overpowering. Not many animals taste like what they eat but squirrels do have a nutty flavour. It's fantastic stuff.
yeah but how much do machine guns and ammo cost
pretty based
The problem is that since 2001, London alone got rid of 500 Churches and built 453 Mosques.
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>who your nemesis is

Don't forget that these brave heroes of the resistance aren't just fighting the military industrial complex.

Their nemesis is the west itself, the very essence of dar al kufr.
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>not voting for Mad Mike of the Monster Raving Loony Party
>The real victims of Islamic terrorism are...

What's Brit/pol/'s thoughts on M A D N E S S ?

>Couldn't even beat a rag tag group of rebels in 1919

>Had to reach a peace deal in 1997

Fág an Bealach!
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Why would you need to be a farmer, anyone can get a shotgun certificate and to get a firearms certificate for a rifle or LBP you just need to be a member of a club.
How do you meet right wing girls while living in a conservative held area with mostly small local events?
Huh what would this guy know he's only in the SAS #Hashtag

Nah, I expect it to be shit and even if it's not I'd rather wait until it's all out and then marathon it
NI will be negotiated back to Ireland within next 20 years.


>Last time my constituency didn't vote Tory was 1924
I don't think it matters too much chap.
Church, if you have the balls to go to one.
you dont. just get a girl and change her ways.
>sikhs are bro tier my dude, they hate mussies too!
>blacks aren't the problem, they assimilate really well
>it's okay if these people replace us, they're really nice about it and not violent at all
Is there ANY point in voting UKIP any more?

Join Mummy May, lads.
Hobgoblin is such a shit meme beer
The age where they can keep shtum about what you've told them.
Bet you like Ariana Grande you cunt.
Its mental. Pure Lynch. If you don't like Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive you'll hate it though.
>do your duty
>keep reinforcing the status quo
I was wondering how you spell that!!
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picturing this brings a tear to my eye
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Who reckons John McCririck will turn out to be a toucher?
Church is CoE advertising pro-refugee shit. I'll pass
>it's okay if these people replace us
thats your problem. go have sex and procreate, you soft cunt.
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>No duck
>No Rabbit
>No pheasant
>No pidgeon

wtf are you on mate?
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post your poetry then m8, sorry you got your heart broke, she was wrong btw.
Do you where you're posting?
Spoiling my ballot. Mummy can go fuck herself, the smaller her majority is the faster Brexit will be done.

I would take your word for it, but I still need proof, since it`s a conservative area you`re talking about.
Women, at times like these, behave the same way as we do.
And then pay to raise those kids, while others can have a squadron and all paid for free.
What is your pronoun today?
I don`t want to go to a Canadian jail.
>blames Islamaphobia and the calling of Muhamnad names as legitimate reasons for radicalisation in young men
>then referred to 'far-right' as 'knuckledraggers' in the same sentence

Just what did he mean by this?
>post your poetry then m8
Didn't say I was a poet. It's just particularly incessant bullshit which encapsulates many of the problems I have with modernity.
We should though, I'm just saying that we a never going to be able to afford their birth rate.
And that's intentional.
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Interesting tidbit lads
Churches in the UK are overwhelming cuck-tier with rapefugee charity shit all the time
They can go be OK somewhere else.
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vote milliband
I imagine most people just wish they could afford to raise children, in terms of both money and time. What's the point of having kids if you just spawn them out and have to live in squalor and never get time to see them?
>implying (((Canadian))) law is at all legitimate.
>pathetic excuse
man up. you saying youre jealous of benefit scroungers? fucking hell
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This. You're a bunch of a shitheads GCHQ, a couple of autists on /pol/ could do your job better.
I'm going to move to the Lake District in Cumbria. The locals won't like it, but I don't even care.

I don't know why... butI think I've got the hots for Theresa my fellow Bing-Bongs...
leak the names/intelligence of every cunt on the watchlist
"My personal beliefs have not caused this issue. It is my opponents who are at fault".
even though all the dead are accounted for, there's still six missing children from the chaos.

This shit isn't normal. I'm starting to believe in the taxi abduction theories.
only americans and brits are allowed in brit/pol/ threads monkeyboy
Post your best milimemes
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>How is it even related to trannies?
Did someone mention Trannys?
Has anyone seen that retarded meme that british soldiers are out in force to prevent riots?

>the soldiers wouldn't join in
They're too busy watching out for far-right nazis on Twitter. We make their job too difficult for them.
How much do you pay for your kids, and where does the money originate? Out of interest
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Brit/pol/ Discord:
everyone knows what they taste like though
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That's normal lad she's sex on legs
King Goblin is a good one, though. It's Hobgoblin but 6.6%. I drank 14 of them once. I was completely wrecked.
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>We should stand up to these terrorists
>By allowing the police unquestioned access to our private data
Why do I keep seeing this everywhere in comments sections?
How do their plans work every single fucking time?
They're only at Downing Street/Parliament/Embassies anyway
>how much?
genuinely dont know, but you get tax credits regardless how much you earn aslong as its less than 50K
>and where does the money originate?

They put this shit in the village shop. I can either shop with cucks or shop with pakis
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>this fucking cuck
>t. carling drinker
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That wouldn't surprise me at all. If it turns out that that's what's happened, it's time to get serious.
Fair enough, how many you got?
>under rated
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What am I supposed to do with my life lads?

I am 25, unemployed, trying to find a job with no luck. Should I just try for an apprenticeship? If so, what would I do it in.

I legitimately have no drive or direction at the moment. Just sitting at home wasting away.
okay guys i'm going to post something radical but bare with me for a moment

i think we should give up on bringing back old britain and instead build upon it and carve something new.

i love what britain had, but its culture spirit is dead. i've never seen a culture spirit revive after dying, nowhere in the history of ever. i think it's naive to try to bring back what once was, as much as it may hurt us to believe otherwise.
we need to usurp the current british culture of hedonism, tolerance and the NHS and replace it with something far more grand.
i don't know where to begin or what it will look like. it's daunting, but it has to come or we are permanently dead and soon to be islamic.
There is a word limit, anon.
Happy to post more if there's enough interest.
1 right now
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Not easy getting an apprenticeship at that age.
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>Conservatives backtrack on £60m for primary school breakfasts

>conservacucks will defend this

Ireland is turning Nigerian, you fight for 800 years then give it up because of muh socialism.

If that isn't cuck behaviour I don't know what is.


Guerilla warfare going on long enough can never be beaten unless you are willing to exterminate people.
Join the military in some capacity. Please. We need you. Don't make the same mistake I did. I'm too old and too fat to join now.
find what you're best at and work as hard as you can to make money out of it
Play the Witcher Trilogy
how can i tell you what to do when i don't know what you want to do

>no drive or direction
can't choose the best direction without a destination
Not radical, this has been people's thoughts for years now. That's why we're not reactionaries
>save enough money for a ticket to the us
>go straight to a girls dorm at a liberal arts college
>spend the rest of your life fucking american girls who get wet whenever they hear a british accent
We tried and failed less than a century ago, it's over.
>t. sophisticated real ale enthusiast who is above pleb drinks like lager
Incidentally I don't drink lager mate but that doesn't mean beers immediately become good just because they say 'ruby ale' on the label
109D Monopoly.

What inbred doesn't give their kid breakfast? Just let them die off if this is happening, Labour voters are beyond saving.
Literally the same situation, lad. Recently started getting /fit/ so I can join the armed forces. Not sure which branch I'm going for, but getting rejected by McDonalds of all places really make me question my existence.
well, I think its safe to say that the people of London didn't vote for him based on his policies.

also checked
Why not more? You'll need another two just to get past replacement rate
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imagine having this actually saved on your computer
do you people here approve of may?

her bantz is good, but her real achievements so far are zero.
>Fiddling while rome burns

Don't care about tiddly shit right now.
I think you've misunderstood what most of us want lad
In a minute recycle this old thread
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It's very easy for our Politicians to tell us to carry on as normal despite not having to live amongst the enemy and having a literal army protect them.

Immigration won't go down under the Tories, Islam will continue to grow and any opposition will be shut down as racist. They're going to further regulate the internet and clamp down on "hate speech" and also going to eliminate "fake news"

This country is fucked.
What else can you do though? Peeking in your systems is most of the time the only way to find out if Mehmet is going to carry out an attack.
tfw Witcher 2 PC port is fucking awful
i suppose i should have said potentially offensive to sensibilities instead of radical tbqh
Im just one man, anon. Id like to pace it out a bit
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She could be worse, and there's worse on offer. That's about as far as I'll go.
>nw senpai, i gotchu. show me where the "nigger shit" is in this verse..

All throughout
my friends think im sort of toff for tucking into a few pigeon breasts every now and then.
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always been substantial...
Put your back into it lad
>looking for a job
>Because I have to make something of myself and make other people wealthy
NEET lifestyle forever. We live in a country where we literally can choose not to work, and your biggest problem becomes how to spend all your free time.
Get a tobacco round on the go, get out and make contacts.
>25 years old
If yo uhave your own place, then get a grow on the go lad
If you live at your parents, then become an MMO champion or something.

Everyone needs to stop being productive until this whole 'carry on as normal' bullshit stops.
Do you like anything?
answer in new thread if need be
Take up a martial art as well as doing your fitness training, lad. The extra confidence and ability will help you excel in the military. You can do it, man.
lel, are you me?
Ah! Bad news. That doesn't happen any more.

You need to be an American minority liberal now.

Or black with a -BIG- cock.
>We live in a country where we literally can choose not to work

doesnt the job center harass you and force you to take trash jobs?

So because missiles are more dangerous than nail bombs, we shouldn't care?
See >>126909273
anon, do you have any clue what kind of life you would have to live in in order to be happy to be alive?
Was thinking of doing. Apparently it's a lot easier to get in if you can prove your a bit social and into a sport. Was thinking of Archery tbqh. I'm a bit of a social nightmare after staying inside for so long.
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>Police too busy arresting the people exposing Muslim pedophiles and extremists and cracking down on 'hate speech' to patrol the streets and enforce our laws
>Constant cuts to essential public services
>Cheap fuckers will give the rich tax cuts but won't pay for free school meals
>Censorious, Blairite trash
>Or black with a -BIG- cock.
Yeah but you turn up stinking of beer and tell them you're <Having difficulties> and they cut you slack for a few months. Change advisor and rinse and repeat.

They aren't as thick as people make them out to be. They know there are 'unemployables' about, you just have to make yourself one of them.
you're a leech whose justified being a leech
What branch are you thinking of going for? Leaning towards Army because I'm not too smart and I'm fairly sure I can at least point and shoot shit.
If you want advice from someone who thought about doing it a long time ago and didn't then do it.
Archery is fine and will be very useful to you, but also try to implement actual unarmed combat training. Boxing, kickboxing, jiujitsu or a combination of all of them and more in MMA. Whatever you've got in your area. I guarantee your confidence and fitness will go through the roof after 3 months of proper training.
Just saying lads, it's only going to get worse.

Eventually the army will be deployed 24/7, cities will be in constant lockdown, Police with assault rifles on every high street corner. Think children of men without the mercy that everyone will die eventually.
the wet dream. towelies shot on sight
Half Life 2 crossed with 1984 and A Brave New World, basically.
Cheers lads, sorry for blogging. Good to get peoples help with shit like this though. Once I've gotten my weight down a bit I'll start looking at stuff like that. I know we have boxing in the area and I'm a big lad so I can probably do that fine. Ta.

Learn programming or web development. By 30 you could be earning £50k
If you don't mind my asking, what are you weighing roughly at the moment? I was quite fat when I first started kickboxing and jiujitsu. Within a month, the flab was dropping off at an insane speed. If you're tall, you'll be fine. They won't laugh at you. They'll help you, mate. And the ones that don't will wish they did when you start blasting those pads and lighting people up in sparring.

Go work in a beach bar in Cambodia.
If you want an easy way to lose weight just start walking, if you're going to join the Army you'll be doing a lot of it anyway. Download some podcasts and just start walking. it's summer so it gets you outside too, try and do like 5m a day for a month and don't eat like shit. Last summer i walked across an entire country and lost like 30lbs :)
Walking is good. Running, body weight exercises and martial arts training are thousands of times more effective for body, mind and spirit.
117kg at the moment, 6 foot 4 as well.

Been doing the couch to 5k for the past 4 weeks as well, lost about 4kg from that alone. I don't snack a lot anyway so the diet I'm fine with. It's just the time it's going to take for it to come off that's the hard part. Bit impatient.
>117kg at the moment, 6 foot 4 as well.

Hah! Exactly the same as me! I haven't trained for 11 months but I got down to 90kg when I was at my best.
Aiming for 90kg myself. If it keeps up like this it shan't be too long coming. Going to be nice to see my penis again as well.
Get yourself down to that boxing gym in your area next week. Make sure you fucking do it. No excuses. You can thank me later.
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