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34 Migrants Drown off Libya, Mostly Toddlers

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At least 34 migrants, most of them toddlers, drowned on Wednesday, as coastguard boats and other vessels tried to save hundreds of others packed into boats off the coast of Libya, rescuers said.

One of a group of boats listed suddenly, sending about 200 people tumbling into the Mediterranean, Italian Coast Guard commander Cosimo Nicastro told Reuters.

"At least 20 dead bodies were spotted in the water," he said. Rescue group MOAS said it had already recovered 34 bodies. "Most are toddlers," the group's co-founder Chris Catrambone said on Twitter.

The coast guard called in more ships to help with the rescue, saying about 1,700 people were packed into about 15 vessels.

More than 1,300 people have died this year on the world's most dangerous crossing for migrants fleeing poverty and war across Africa and the Middle East.

In the past week, more than 7,000 migrants have been plucked from unsafe boats in international waters off the western coast of Libya, where people smugglers operate with impunity.

Despite efforts by Italy and the European Union to bolster the Tripoli-based coast guard and funnel training and equipment to fight trafficking to the U.N.-backed government, record numbers of migrants are coming this year.

More than 50,000 migrants have been rescued at sea and brought to Italy so far, a 46 percent increase on the same period of last year, the Interior Ministry said this week.
Good riddance to bad rubbish
Yeah but not in the ocean, there's enough shit in there already.
Seeing how you subhumans are glorifying the deaths of innocent children, I would rather you trade places with them

Their parents made the die.

Libya is a country at civil war.
Why NONE of the "refugees" is libyan? WHY?

Their parents should be jailed when they arrive in Italy.
So if 1,000,000 boats each containing 5 children and 90 military-age men all came over from North Africa, Europe should rescue and take in all of them?
Maybe the NGO's should stop taxi them across the mediterranean sea 24/7, just an idea.

fucking globalist pieces of shit
All the men already ran away to europe, no one to save them.

If they have stayed in their countries they would still be alive.

In the case they are refugees, there are always refugee camps protected by the UN in the neighbouring nations surrounding an armed conflict.

There are dozens of peaceful muslim nations, much closer to their homelands, who could employ them and where they could integrate much better.

Instead, they decided to be greedy and take a dangerous trip to a very distant land for the free European welfare checks.
>be sandnigger
>puts one of my 13 children on a rinky-dink smuggler boat
>I hope this one makes it to Germany and collects lots of free shit for when I get there!
>boat capsizes, kid drowns
>Lol oh well, I'll just impregnate one of my three wives and replace him.
>White liberals find more at fault with edgy jokes on the internet than with me literally throwing my child in the ocean to drown
>God's Revenge?
more like men and women stupidity and degeneracy

No one really gives a fuck about Libyans, unless you're a Negro yourself.
they should toss a bomb in the water to make sure
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Even King Neptune hates the ragheads, and decided to do his part.

Cheers, Based Neptune!
Good. They can fuck off.
God doesn't want them here and neither do we.
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How terrible
Play stupid games, become shark food.
>1 post by this ID
>Why NONE of the "refugees" is libyan? WHY?

What are they then?
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Thank you based Poseidon.
>most of them toddlers
34 less jihadis.
Thank you based Posidon!
This anon is right.
how many fighting-age men survived, how many come everyday to the shores of the once greatl Europe ?
34 is what one of their eggs spawn in a day. Need to amp it up and make it 2.000.000/day
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>At least 34 migrants, most of them toddlers
Pic related.
isnt it ironic that you dont care when these children die?

there kids for fucks sake the should not die for the their parents dicisions.
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God wanted those degenerates at the concert to die.
both can play your sick game
Nobody forced those filthy savages to cram their kids on shitty boats. They're using their kids as anchors under family reunification laws. If they don't care about their kids, why should we?
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its quite funny isnt it? now both ides are wishing for the deaths of innocent children.

how many of you actualy cared when that 8 year old died?
or are you just using the eqivalent of "right wing" verteu signaling to further your political goals?
uh oh, a terrorist attack happened? quick, let's show dead muslim babies on TV
It's not ironic. I expect everyone to look out for their own. My anger with the sheer number of terrorist attack in the West is as much, if not more, to do with the fact that our governments aren't protecting us, and other white people aren't seeing those attacks for what they are - acts of aggression in a cultural war of attrition.

I hate Muslims because their culture is not mine, and they are waging war on mine. However, I understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. It's not something I moralize over.

Kids or not kids, it's not our fucking responsibility to look after them. If their parents are stupid enough to let this shit happen, it's on them.

As a white ethnic nationalist, I have absolutely no interest in looking out for the safety and interest of non-whites.
90% of this thread is edgy as fuck but this wouldn't happen if the refugee crisis wasn't a thing. These fucking people aren't at war.
why should the kids be condemed to drowning for their parents mistakes?
>toddlers in charge of sailing boats
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They are not our children.

And this is what you do to European children.

But then you expect us to care about yours, when they die due to their parents own stupid decisions trying to reach the Welfare Paradise when they could have stayed safe in their land or in neighbouring muslim nations?

Fuck off.
>More than 1,300 people have died this year on the world's most dangerous crossing for migrants fleeing poverty and war across Africa and the Middle East.
Soo... when do we start shipping those bodies to the starving Africans?
Fuck off you literal nigger. No more appeals to our conscience. These jedi mind tricks are losing their power.
>kids that would have become ISIS
good riddance
Well at least they died before they got married off in a year
Keep picking them up every day Europeans.

Be the taxi service for your invaders. Welcome your own doom and don't even dare try to flee to NZ or Australia when you destroy Europe.
>They are not our children.
both sides can play this sick game of death.
the muzzies will say not our children and you will say not ours why should children die for this?

>And this is what you do to European children.
also what do the children have to do with the rotherdam schandel?
nice strawman making the assumtion that am a mudshit.
Awwww wait






this is my crying face




this is it

they will never breed isis personal . hunt down these niggers
Australia stopped the boats. Why can't Europe stop the boats? Could it be, because Europe is controlled by frumpy, old, barren, childless, cunts?
So, 200 people. 34 died mostly toddlers. means the others were likely women. Grats, EU you just got an even higher density of military aged men invading your countries.

Enjoy that culture enrichment.
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better they go now than detonate later
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34 less mudshits here
I prayed for god to take revenge on Islam for Manchester

Thank you God
Thank you based Poseïdon.
so it was child jihad
muslims cant do anything original?
I don't fucking have to. My parents weren't retards putting me shitty boats going across a sea.

If they had stayed there and not been trying to migrate to easy money land they'd be alive.

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Call Malta and fuck off.
Women in power is a real problem. They aren't programmed to have empathy for anyone but their own offspring and their close family. Men generally are much more empathetic than women. So when these childless hag politicians see Europe being literally raped you have to wonder if they are getting some perverse satisfaction from it.
Kek thanks God f@mpie. I know the Bible says turn the other cheek, but I know deep in my heart your will is for us to create heaven on earth, and that will take years of sending people to hell on earth. In the name of peace, advancement, and prosperity- I praise you, Great One.
keep the good work Poseidon
What about the strawman you are using by intentionally twisting my words?

They are not our children, so we don't have responsibility nor emotional or cultural or tribal attachment to them.

That doesn't mean we want to see them harmed.

If they are endangered and they drown it is because of their parents fault, it's the sea who swallows them, not us. But when our kids are endangered it is because a fucking muslim rapes or murders them, not the sea. Big difference here.
Of course, don't you know how to go full cuck? You go purely off of feels and not logic.
>They are not our children.
They are not mine to. and how are they your kids? you are from Spain you Sand-nigger faggot.
>whines about child murder

celebrates the murder of inocent children.
deep irony isnt it?
so children should be punished for the mistakes of their parents?
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>Muslims kill children in Manchester
>god drowns Muslim children with a higher killcount

Excuse me while I do a little dance

hope there will be more
The cunt who just bombed Manchester is the son of "refugees", kids grow up, it's sad their dumb parents dragged them on such a dangerous route, the parents and the liberals who encourage all this have blood on their hands, but Europe should now reverse all the libtard politics and be for those with European ethnicity and culture.
Looks like someone is upset that their god isn't real and mine is :^)
Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Senegal, Mali, Sudan, Bangladesh, Somalia
In this order, mostly Nigerians though
lets reach some common ground ok?

They are not our children, so we don't have responsibility nor emotional or cultural or tribal attachment to them.
thats the same argument achmeds giong to make when hes giong to make when another rape grooming scandel happens.

>That doesn't mean we want to see them harmed.
what about this? hypocracy at its best.
>isnt it ironic that you dont care when these children die?
You know what?

You are right.

We should care.
We should track down those responsible-their parents.
We should kill the parents of these dead toddlers.
>Muslims kill children in Manchester

God let those people die, they deserved it.
It'S also not their mistake when they get raised to hate all infidels and proceed to become terrorists.
They still do enough damage and are too big of a risk.
>drowning because you can't swim but you need to traverse the Atlantic Ocean for some sweet whitey bucks
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Post your faces when you see Muslim children drown
Amazing how the boats that sink are always full of babies but the photos of people coming off the boats that make it are always full of fighting aged men.
They were not punished for any mistake. They were killed by their parents. Not him, he didn't punish anyone.
Only western children are innocent

Muslims children and are merely immature demons

If you observe Muslim children you can see they lack the childlike innocence of the human soul. Demon spawn.

Being a Christian means I can see evil people and good people from looks alone
blame the parents for the brainwashing not the kids there susepteble to rainwashing and molestation.
"youre still celebrating the deaths of children.
Not Allah? Doesn't god not exist, according to you?
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>shitskins throwing their kids into rickety boats and watching them drown is in any way comparable to white kids being raped by migrant invaders

LMAO you absolute fucking retard.
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It's a good start at least. Not nearly enough though.
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God hates you. He made you the same colour as shit for a reason.
>most of them toddlers
"oh no my shipment of brown toddlers" - john podesta
I am not celebrating anything about this world.
I will probably have a shitty end too and I was lucky to have a nice life until now.
Maybe there is justice in the afterlife, but not here.
On earth, it's only important which culture remains at the end.
>Only western children are innocent
>Muslims children and are merely immature demons
>If you observe Muslim children you can see they lack the childlike innocence of the human soul. Demon spawn.
>Being a Christian means I can see evil people and good people from looks alone

"those who fight monsters beware you dont become monsters yourself "

your becoming what you hate a religiuos zealot using his religeon to exuse the deaths of kids.
>blame the parents for the brainwashing not the kids there susepteble to rainwashing and molestation.
I am blaming the parents for murdering their children.

And I agree with you, they should be held accountable.

We should kill them for being kinslaying baby-murderers.
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Thank you, based Poseidon!
holy shit this board is so freaking racist and sick, you people are disgusting
I will celebrate the death of every Muslim man, woman and child until they are eradicated. Problem?
so have we reached common ground blame the parents not the kids?
lmao good post
They are now In Heaven while your man and those migrants are In hell :)

Even if you killed all of us, you'd only send us to heaven while when you die it's time to say hello to hellfire

Hypocrisy implies you are on the same level as human beings.

As a default, white people are inherently good, while non whites are inherently evil

You're a different species which means you are treated with different standards to which I treat my own :)

Bad luck demonspawn

Those children would only have grown into murderers and terrorists and gods judgement has been done.

See how pathetic your bombs are when faced with the divine power of gods will. Sinking your boats with ease. While we can enjoy your deaths without the sin of murder
Based Poseidon strikes again.
dont complain when the muzzies do the same.
your giong to create a vicous cycle of death mate.
Were they all muslims? If so, no one gives a shit, no one wants them anyways, better they become fish food than ruin europe.
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>niggers dying
I'm ok with this
>listed suddenly

Isn't it proven from multiple videos that atleast the men aboard these boats purposely sink the ships in order to force the coast guards to act?
fuck off saudi bitch. you are the cancer of the world, kys
Sure, the ones that were too young to run away from their abusive parents? They were just illegally crossing the border and deserve extradition.

The parents deserve to be killed for endangering the lives of their children.

The adults passengers on the boat deserve to go to jail for criminal neglect before being extradited.
Yes because being nice has really stopped them blowing us up hasn't it? All of our tolerance and hospitality, they really appreciate it don't they?
As a default, white people are inherently good, while non whites are inherently evil.

so youre the same as those blm niggers claiming the white devil is pure evil?
and blacks dindu nuffin?
youre more simular than you think to the demons mate.
Everyone in this thread thinks they're North African muslims
Go back to the Congo
This african is more sensible than 50% percent of my fellow country men.
The difference is mine is actually real so I can sit back while he punishes your kind

There's a reason why your kind have to do the work yourself and we in the west can put our feet up and you die and starve in the millions

Gods love will protect us :)

Kill and we merely ascend to heaven, no matter how many lands you acquire, you can never acquire the Kingdom of Heaven.

That's why I can sit back already knowing my people will always win the game.
They should all be killed. Anyone attempting to enter Europe illegally should be killed. They show absolute disdain for our laws and way of life so they shouldn't have any benefit of it, including trials or imprisonment. Swift death is all they deserve.
To survive in this world, it is necessary to become a demon yourself.
Being good is a luxury for better times.
where did i say we need tolerance im trying to say that this is giong to create a cycle of child murder and death for both sides as we will eventualy become what we hate.
Why are European navies not sinking these illegal ships?
You are being intentionally stupid here.

These drowned kids weren't victims of European agression, they were victims of their own parents stupid, unnecesary and dangerous decisions. We didn't physically attack or harm them.

Meanwhile the British kids were victims of muslim agression. It wasn't their parents, it wasn't the sea, it was other people intentionally targeting British kids and harming them.

There is no common ground here, you are mistaken.

>what about this? hypocracy at its best

People memeing and lashing out their comprehensible frustration.
We have no reason to be ashamed here. Deep inside some part of you is glad these babies are dead.
Post tits for based poseidon.
Not enough. More.
>The difference is mine is actually real so I can sit back while he punishes your kind

you actualy think im a nigger huh?
well lets wip out the old testament and debate on your ground mate.
Listen mate,

Westerners aren't sending their kids across the Mediterranean in dinky little boats, putting them at the mercy of the sea.

They sent their kids to a fucking concert. It's completely different. Besides, why are they sending their kids illegally to Europe. If Europe stopped taking in these refugees then less of them would be dying in the sea.
Dirt resents water because it's superior

In your attempts to steal our essence of purity you only become mud

We will wash over you and always win.
For even in our absence we persist
I would rather drown you in the fucking ocean.
>People memeing and lashing out their comprehensible frustration.

AT who kids who dont have anything to do with this? blame the parents for the manipulation not the kids.
Killing them just reduces the labour pool of Africa.
If you want a harsher punishment? Castrate or sterilize them before extraditing them.
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>from Africa
>niggers cannot swim
>italians keep saving lives

shoot the boats... dont save these floating shits who want free stuff
The funniest part is that most of the times they don't even reach European waters, but they expect us to send maritime aid to Lybian, Turkish and other nation waters when some of those boats are sinking, and then bring them to our countries!

It's an absolute insanity.
youre doing a shit job at it mate.
also why do you assume im a nigger?

also are you a roman catholic?
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niggers aren't people

>More than 1,300 people have died this year
>More than 50,000 migrants have been rescued at sea and brought to Italy so far,

FUck me
Dude, they toss out the kids into the ocean all the time. That hero captain that took over the sinking boat and lost his kid and news took photos if the bidy pising it around, turns out he was from turkey and tossed the kids overboard way before the boat took on water. They put the hole in it themselves just to get rescued.
god the same one who is backstabbing you by letting the rapfugee crisis happen?

the same one who created the niggers who you dispize so much?
also yu forget muslems arent a race there are muzzies who are blonde haired.

>kill dictator
>shithole becomes even more destabilized
>shitskins still can't stay in their own countries

there is no helping them
>Africa vs Middle East

Assuming you are both actually in the countries it says you are its sorta like a video game.
whose wife is that
>no pictures
Cant fool me mr shlomo
7000 a week is insane we need to start sinking those ngo ships
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Islam (sandniggers) and Christianity (whites) have been warring on and off since Muhammed first lead an army of child raping pillagers.

It will only end with one of our extinctions.

I hope you understand why our bioengineers work tirelessly on exterminating you subhumans.
You're either an African or some butt-hurt marxist exploring /pol/ for the first time.
Either way I don't care for your open-boarders one global race horse shit. Blood is thicker than water.
divine people?

humans (Homo sapiens, primarily ssp. Homo sapiens sapiens) are the only extant members of Hominina tribe (or human tribe), a branch of the tribe Hominini belonging to the family of great apes. They are characterized by erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals; and a general trend toward larger, more complex brains and societies
i dont know mate the fit the bill.
fuck off
This board is a board of peace. Now fuck off nigger.
Stop saving, start sinking
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>you subhumans.
>You're either an African

every body i dont like is a nigger or a marxist.

where did i say i want open borders?
im pointing ou the ypocracy that you are celebrating the deaths of kids while at the same
complaining muzzies do the same.
>all humans are equal
Fuck off with your relativist dogma
Your skin might not be black

But your soul is. I can tell someone is a Muslim just by looking at their eyes. Regardless of race.

They have the demonic eyes.

God did not create these things. The Devil did.

Nothing that happens on earth matters because our deaths result in heaven and yours result in hell

True faith is not fearing any of these global crisis or even death itself

Because I have faith of my salvation

While you walk in the dark, too afraid to listen to that voice in the back of your head. The one that knows your damned.
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>i dont know mate the fit the bill.
I knew I saved this for a reason...
>innocent children

Someone hasn't heard of original sin.
half of /pol/ didn't care about the teenagers because they're degenerates. The other half felt mad. Stop lumping /pol/ into one group and you'll stop being so confused dumb dumb.
There is no hypocrisy when dealing with the enemies of God
where in the same species retard but there are different breeds or races.

do you even bother to read?
Good goyim waste your time on distractions created by the bigger problem.
Those won't be innocent children in 15 years. They will be fully grown invaders who will multiply like rabbits. You should not hate on "subhumans who glorify deaths", but instead focus your hate on the root of the problem, their arrogant parents who lack self control. They don't care if they can't raise their children because they are poor, they don't care their country is overpopulated, as long as they have their sexual needs fulfilled and can fuck like rabbits. It's not their responsibility, right? In the end, they will just send their poor little children to Europe to be taken care of by its tax payers and just blame white people for not showing pity, while they are the ones who actually killed their own children.
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The divide of the soul makes you an animal. You are not the same as us.
Sounds like a great place to fish for sharks.
>Muslim just by looking at their eyes. Regardless of race.
>They have the demonic eyes.

anybody can jion the muslem faith smartass.
even whites.
dammed for what?
the same god who has backstabbed you and let them in
the same god who CREATED the "hellspawn"
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Where did I say you want open borders you absolute faggot cuck?
>go ahead remind me which I fallacy I just broke

I don't give your types $.02 of mind. I celebrate the death of every Muslim, every nigger, every Zog globalist kike, and every faggot who sympathizes with them on any level.

Deal with it.
>. You are not the same as us.

yet agian he assumes im a nigger.

The divide of the soul makes you an animal
difine soul also you got any proof for your claims other than muh god?
For not being Christian

And I will be able to see in that whites eye the demonic evil eyes. You make no difference.

The world is not the Garden of Eden

The trials exist to test our faith before ascendency to heaven
Some bees make honey for us
Some bees pollinate flowers and food crops
Some bees sting us
Some bees will swarm and pursue and kill you

I will just be prudent and not keep bees in my house
Ooooohhhh noooooooo...
Your soul is black. You lack faith.

Your defeat was already assured.
You fear death. I can welcome it with open arms.
stop posting this emotion baiting shit.
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Lmao @ obviously western features on that baby IED in the OP. here are your north africans. I dont want this anywhere near actual human beings. cuck thread, roll bread
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Most of them toddlers. Sure Schlomo.
Jeremiah 3:12: ... for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever.

you want to start debating religieon?

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, ’You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?"
Genesis 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
God placed temptation in the direct path of his two naïve children and allowed them to be tempted by the serpent (Genesis 3: 1-7), resulting in a single mistake that would contaminate hundreds of billions with a sin nature worthy of eternal torture?
demons the same ones god could wipe clean from existance? like niggers if he actualy cared?

your god has backstabbed you repeatedly and will contineu doing so.
Religion cannot be debated by a non believer

The scripture is not to be argued like a sinful intellectual arguing degenerate science

I have faith, you do not.

Until you convert and repent. You cannot address me with such things.

You fail to understand gods infinite wisdom and tests.
The ocean is pretty awesome
Keep up the good work
Satan frequently tries to turn people against God

I laugh. What can you? A lowly sinful mortal offer anyone.

My God has never backstabbed me. What you see as a backstab is a guiding loving hand. And in my personal waking life I have seen the blessing in action.
>arguing degenerate science
all the while hes using a fucking computer
anon why the contradictions?

>Religion cannot be debated by a non believer
nice exuze to not argeu common why are you so scared doesnt god have your side its on your terms after all?

You fail to understand gods infinite wisdom and tests.
god is onipotent but he could not see that he was giong to be betrayed by the devil satan.
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pic related is one of the refugee toddlers that drowned. I crie everytime
>cuck thread
Would be nice if /pol/ manages to set up a "white sperm for African women in Africa" charity or something.

I mean, it's not like their dads were planning to be there for them anyway...
No matter how hard the reddit fags try to blend in they will chimp out when they see stuff like these

This can be used as a Turing test but to detect pedes not robots
He was only 2 years old :( RIP RIP
Technology is fine. But do not make it a god.

There is a limit

Satan exists as a tool to test people. Those who fall for his lies are damned. He serves a purpose.

This is quite amusing. Seeing you unable to penetrate the shield of my own righteousness with your flimsy sinful sword
>My God has never backstabbed me
stockholm syndrome mate he did

Psalm 145:9 "The Lord is good to all."
Deuteronomy 32:4 "a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he."

Isaiah 45:7 "I make peace and create evil. I the Lord do all these things." See "Out of Context" for more on Isaiah 45:7.
Lamentations 3:38 "Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?"
Jeremiah 18:11 "Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a device against you."

>I laugh. What can you? A lowly sinful mortal offer anyone.
i dont know maybe have an actual debate?
“For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.”
—Titus 1:10-11

“For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.”
—1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
—Revelation 3:9

The rivers will run red with your cursed blood, remember that schlombergstein
>Satan exists as a tool to test people. Those who fall for his lies are damned. He serves a purpose.

god can see the futere why the fuck does he need to test you?
isnt he omnipotent?
Brown people aren't sentient and don't suffer
retards if teens are 25~ year old men toddlers would be kids/actual teens
Hmm, I wonder why I live such a comfy life and am blessed with such luck, success and happiness. More so than you I will wager.

Why should I debate when I am already assured in my faith and your only chance of salvation is to retract your views and repent, thus agreeing with me.
prove your sentient can you? or are you just immitating sentience?
Their people come here to rape, torture and murder our children. The mass murder of those children at the concert were absolutely intentional.

We, however, stay in our own countries. Us being glad their stupdity got them taken out by Mother Nature. Totally the same thing!
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lmao true but I would honestly be worried that with the admixture of higher IQ white genes, their shitty inventions might actually work, and they would invade europe by the billions in homemade helicopters
The family fathers could literally fly their entire family into Europe because of family reunion laws

This is 80 IQ darwinism, out of pure hedonistic greed, and we're supposed to have pity with that?
God can see the future. You can not.
>Immediate divine retribution for the teenage slags killed/kidnapped the other day
did you not understand my qeoustion?
if he can see the futere and everything why does he need a test he already knows what will happen.

>Why should I debate when I am already assured in my faith
please respond with a counter argument instead of trying to worm and slither your way out of it.
>Stay at your shithole home
>get killed by terrorist
>Go to Europe
>get killed by terrorist even if you make it because they are deliberately following you
You're obviously a shitskin and you can't deny it after 28 posts of your crying how ebil we are and how innocunt dem mudslim babbys are. Nobody here will ever care if our enemies die, we aren't cucks or morons
An Immortal all powerful god is beyond the reasoning of mortals.

He can make 2+2=5 if he wanted to. That is how flimsy mortal logic and science is

And why faith is unbreakable

Atheists argue. Christians already know.
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>Hmm, I wonder why I live such a comfy life and am blessed with such luck, success and happiness. More so than you I will wager.

seeing as you need to constantly project asure you superiority at others i dont think your happy.
here we go agian how do you know if am a nigger or not?
still not anwsering my quoestion why does he need a test if hes OMNIPOTENT? he can see the futere so why do you need a test?
Projection is just an atheist invention

Ideas based in guessing and shadowy interpretation

Unlike the solid faith of scripture and simple piousness

r u nasi?
Because he does what he wants. Not what you want

A director of a movie still wants to go to his own premiere even when he knows how it ends and was there at every part of creation.

It's quite simple really. God enjoys observing the world.
>Christians already know.
>im inclined to call you a heritic
you are following the devil as the new pope is a refrugee welcome type of person.
Unlike the solid faith of scripture and simple piousness

well well
Thier parents should be there, bringing children into the world they cannot feed and then forced into life threatening journeys and so somebody else has the responsibility of providing for those children do we not send hundreds of millions of pounds every year to Africa ? Should we stop that if we are expected to provide for them over here too ? They didn't want whitey in africa we were and still are being kicked out and guilted about this yet they want into Europe ? Help me out here anon is it just your hurt feefees that makes you feel this way ? Why are you not accepting them into your home if so ? Why are you not feeding them with your wage if you feel like this ?
Check'd and kek'd
I'm not catholic :^)
sandniggers aren't human
every body with diffrent opinions is a crypto kike are you to buthurt to respond with an actual argument?

They are vermin coming to kill us. Good riddance.
difine human.
common tell me anon what classify's as human to you?
Preferable outcome to them coming here
lmao you should fucking know

Correct. They should die for Lebensraum.
You don't wanting them here it's not a good reason to let them die you stupid cunt. I swear to god I live among hypocritical christians who go to mass on sunday preaching god's love and shit and wishing death to children the rest of the week.
That is one adorable terrorist.
Learn to fucking read, Ahmad

>celebrates the murder of inocent children.

Gross negligence isn't murder, you low I.Q. mouthbreathing halfwit.
Because he does what he wants. Not what you want

so god is the creator of evil then?
as he grants you the soul and can see the futere. he purpusfully lets evil live.
praise kek
i used to be an atheist like you.. one day you will come to realize there are forces greater than yourself. As gravity, time, and space is omnipresent, so is the Lord. You are too weak to believe in something more powerful than yourself. God isn't the Bible per se. The Bible is a book written by men.. God is existence.
I came to know him maybe 5 years after having read the Bible in its entirety and tossed it away as a scam based on maybe 30 things that didn't set well enough at face value.
In old age, you seek peace. In peace, you seek truth. In truth you seek understanding. In understanding, you find God, a total lack of understanding, but the knowledge you must stand (violently if necessary) against what is evil- for one cannot speak to the moral conscience of men with perverted morals and no trace of conscience.
>You don't wanting them here it's not a good reason to let them die you stupid cunt. I swear to god I live among hypocritical lions who go to hunt on sunday preaching Simba's love and shit and wishing death to antelope the rest of the week.
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>At least 34 migrants, most of them toddlers
They should've paid actual sailors then
Muhammed was a goat fucker until he could find a 6 year old to 'adopt' and pass round his friends.
Thank you based Poseidon
Looks like someone doesent understand divine judgement in due process :^)
complaines about kids dying then at the second other kids die you celebrate it.
wew lads dont complain when you do the exact same thing .
im not an atheist im agnostic i dont believ in the abrahamic or mudshit books if difinite proof of god comes out i will believe.
>Should we stop that if we are expected to provide for them over here too ?

We should stop sending them aid regardless. It's only hurting them in the long run.
Fugees aren't human.
They are livestock.
>moralfagging this hard
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>34 post by this id
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>34 post from this ID
>sides with muslim scum

Nice try Ahmed, but i can't wait for the vitrification of Mecca and your whole country
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>Looks like someone doesent understand divine judgement in due process :^)

can see the futere already knows whos evil and whos not deu process please anon....
my autism trult knows no bounds.
I'm not and will not complain when mudshits kill degenerates, but you have remember that we are on /pol7, not the_donald, and here we say things how they really are: muslims are subhumans and all of them need to either convert or die. You included, Ahmad
Nits turn into lice.
You fail to understand the hierarchy

When a human kills an ant, it's completely acceptable

When a bunch of ants kill a human. Appropriate punishment is levied

And no. Non christians especially the spiritually deficient non whites are not human.

I complain about WHITE kids being MURDERED

1. I don't care about non-white, non European children.

2. I celebrate it because they are part of a wave of non-white, low I.Q. migrant filth ruining Western Civilization. There is no negative effect on my people from their deaths. There is terrible effect on my people from them surviving the journey.

>don't complain

Didn't you just say we were celebrating? Make up your mind you ~90 I.Q. tanned gentleman.
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Agnostic is the absolute gayest stance in existence
>I'm too pussy to offend anyone with my views
>I'm too dumb and morally vesectimized to make a decision
neck yourself lad. I have nothing else to say
>>sides with muslim scum
where did i side with muslems? im pionting out the hypocracy in the fact that you complain abou child murder while at the same time celebrating it.
wew lad.
If god cuts your life at the start and judges you then you wouldent be alive to begin with, you'd be awfully confused if you never experienced your own sins to begin with silly sinner

Sure God knows all your sins and your whole future.

But you don't :)
>Gods love will protect us :)

You're fucking loopy.
nice argument:)
you're such a jew ahmed, you're such a jew.
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Kids, if they are invaders are not innocent.
Politics by other means, war.

Pray for them in Saint Breivik's name.
Why did you let this niggers in your country?
Go shoot me

I'll go to heaven :)

You can actually take anyone away from me cause I'll see them again in the end
That Weak Agnosticism.

Strong Agnosticism argues that nobody can know whether god exists because god is inherently unknowable. Thereby claiming that all holy books are false.
lets find some comon ground and end this futile argument ok?
>can see the futere and sinners creates them anyway.
>dredges up 34 bearded men
Your mother created you. god only created the originals from long ago.

Your still responsible for your own sins
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You must be lost, Moustafa.
I take it back. You've changed my mind.

I blame the anglo for the abomination that is belgium
Kids, if they are invaders are not innocent.
there parents brought them in and who are brainwashing them if your looking to blame sombody blame the parents.

also why do you support the murder of people with diffrent opinion than you?
Nice, maybe one day they will learn to stay in their country.
>You must be lost, Moustafa.
too buthurt to respond with a well reasoned argument?
Shut the fuck up faggot I'm not a christian I'm just glad shitskins fucking drowned and died
bullshit.. all the previous images of these boats show a shit ton on of invading solders, not women and kids
Religion was created by man using god as a tool for personal gain.

There are some truths to be had in religion, but ultimately:

>Give thanks where thanks are due
>Do not betray the person who looks back at you in the mirror
naturally it is easy to presume I am speaking of narcissism but I am speaking of that voice within, the one that encourages you to do positive things for other people as well as for yourself.

Which reminds me. The seven deadly sins are on point. They are the first published look into the psychology of man during a time without excess luxury.
>be a nigger
>make bullshit fallacy, call it an argument
>feel smart when no one cares about your 60 IQ logic
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>i need to see visible proof of god to believe in the existence of a greater power
>wow nice logical fallacy. You didn't follow my present rules of conversation
>pic related

Hey buddy. I'm going to leave this thread because you are a faggot and generally don't belong here. Next time I inevitably see you post here, I'll say "Mods, please kill this nigger" and they may or may not oblige. Either way, you will innevitably be bullied/banned off of this website within a month.

Is that okay? Are your parents around so I can explain this to them?
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>mocks dead kids
Divine irony???
its quite funny that your army of knights got destroyed by litral peasants.
so much for muh non country right?

>child murder

>Muslim murders dozens of white children

>Muslims are so fucking dumb they put their children on boats and accidentally drown them trying to scab welfare off whites


wew lad

We can name who murdered the children in Manchester. Can you name who murdered these Libyan children?

What's that? You can't?

What a surprise amirite.
>a well reasoned argument
t. "muh chilluns"&"u is rayciss whitey cracka!"
i bet...the only boat that isnt 99% army aged males goes down. no proof im sure.

>Why do you support the murder of invaders

It's not murder. It's self defense.
Quran tells the contrary.
Why is the Italian coast guard off the coast of Libya?
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Here's why...
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fuck it i give up you win i consede.
That's literally atheism. Agnosticism in practice is (without exception) "bro, I'm not trying to disrespect anyone because frankly, i just don't know. I think it's impossible for anyone to really know anything really because I'm an actual fucking retard who has been exposed to maybe 2 religious books. Actually, I'm nihilist, fuck it."
I thought there were only male ISIS warriors on those boats? Did pol lie to me??
If they convert sure, otherwise they can die as allah is a false god and they follow a false prophet.
Were they of marrying age?
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We're celebrating the death of infants...Why are these fuckers on the move all of a sudden?
What has pushed them all of a sudden, is there funding from a soros-like entity offering subsidized boat trips?

I don't want these cunts on my land, but there has to be a reason for this invasion happening all at once.

I think we're being played by the eternal problem once again.
34? Just total number of babies from one of their wives.
how fucking new

The Reicht reason is what you'd hope for.
Unfortunately, it's probably to lick Merkel's steel bootheel.
NIce arguments Ahmad, please teach me how to be 'a intellectual' like you
Neurons activated, can someone make this into a meme image?
Not an argument
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tfw you country wouldn't be there without France and Anglo manipulating you into splitting from Netherland.

But nice try for mocking the country and army that has the most brilliant military record throughout 2000 years of history, Achmed.

You stupid nigger
>43 posts
Sweetie, you should go back to Facebook. This place will change you. You will be full 1488 in 6 months.
roger moore has spoken
The EU's cucked (((leadership))) condemned them to die by offering free housing and money instead of helping them help themselves. If they were forced to work and integrate into western society these mass drowning would stop immediately.
parents teach the quran to gulable kids kids get brainwashed paents fault not the kids.

either way lets end this retarded debate
can we agree on this?
>blame the parents for the islamic brainwashing .
>if these kids where taken from there muslem parents and given to a christain family would you be okey with it?
and yes only the white ones.
No, Atheism is the statement that there is no god.

Strong Agnosticism is saying, "Whether there's a God or not is irrelevant because God is unknowable. Therefore all holy books are false even if there is a God"

Which leads to Pascal's Wager of "If there is no god, I lose nothing by worshipping one. If there is one and I guess correctly? I stand to gain, therefore I may as well worship"
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The fucking Italians help them into Europe. This encourages more people to cross the Med, thus putting more people at risk. It fucking makes me sick with anger.

There are British forces in the Med - RAF Akrotiri and Gibraltar. The Royal Navy should station some warships of the coast of Libya and prevent this shit. Also UK is an affluent country - we should help these people IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES. Not in Europe. I don't mind giving to charity; I have direct debits from my bank account for charities.

This pisses me off that people want them to come to Europe. Send in the Royal Navy, and blow these people smugglers into oblivion.
Provide aid - clean water, medicine, shelter, seeds for farming.... I don't know.

Fucking NGOs are helping them. And the fucking Italians are helping them. Italy is a sea crossing away, but those people smugglers don't give a fuck about seaworthy boats. Sort the problem out at source; destroy the criminal shits who profit from this misery.
Thank you based Poseidon.
nice try if never been to reddit or facebook.
agian the only thing you have is muh nigger muh reddit.
do you know there are people with diffrent opinions than yours?
If we deported the parents and let the kids be raised by normal people, they would have a chance and could become normal, if they are smart enough
These boats should dump sand niggers in the ocean anyway.
>More than 50,000 migrants have been rescued at sea and brought to Italy so far, a 46 percent increase on the same period of last year, the Interior Ministry said this week.
the world isn't working hard enough to stop them.
No. Europe doesn't need subhuman babies with inherently lower IQ's.. much less do they need them as grown up homegrown terrorists who hate the whites who displaced them from their parents.

Again, neck yourself.
Oh snap
alright we found some comon ground to stand on.
sure was hard was it not?
did you forget i sead
>and yes only the white ones.
Based Poseidon does it again

The Bants
>much less do they need them as grown up homegrown terrorists who hate the whites who displaced them from their parents.

did you not read my post clearly?
i sead
>blame the parents for the islamic brainwashing .
>if these kids where taken from there muslem parents and given to a christain family would you be okey with it?
and yes only the white ones.
Yeah let's see how liberals would let us deport islamic parents of refugee children.
Sounds realistic, right?
Will only work with a right wing government.
ok so we agreed on one thing.
thats simple remove the anchor baby laws.

deport the parents.

and give the children to an orphanige so they will be riased by christian parents agian only if there white and are veted properly ok?
If god is unknowable, he is non-existential, no? Strong agnosticism sounds exactly like atheism to me, but I'll take your word for it. I dealt with paschals wager when a "weak agnostic" around age 12 after maybe a year of doubting God and decided I would rather die on my feet than on my knees, making me a staunch atheist for meh.. 10 years.
My opinion could be stemmed in association with my childish beliefs, though I must say I never met a strong agnostic. It always came across as a weakling too afraid of death to condemn the lord.
>most of them toddlers

How nice of them to send replacements for the kids who died in Manchester.. too bad transport sucks out there.
that's the cutest bomb i've ever seen. :3

Non-white nigger confirmed. Just stand still, we will get drone/aids you eventually.
Poseidon or Neptune tho?
Not necessarily. He might exist, he might not. Weak Agnosticism is saying "I don't know." Strong Agnosticism is saying "I don't know, neither do you"

Polytheism: There is >1 god
Monotheism: There is 1 god
Atheism: There are 0 gods
None of these statements have any evidence whatsoever. Though I'll grant that Pascal's Wager is the coward's way out.

Following this example:
Agnosticism: The number of Gods is unknown.
-Weak: I don't know.
-Strong: None of us know. Anybody who says otherwise is a fucking retard or a liar. Possibly both.
>british kids get allahu ackbared
"we can't let that affect our policies, carry on as before!"
>migrant kids test the water
"omg we have to open our borders now!"
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