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AUS/POL/: Watch this movie/Pre-qanda drinks edition

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Thread replies: 220
Thread images: 37

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> Accused drug mule Cassandra Sainsbury 'worked as sex worker', 60 Minutes reports


>Pauline Hanson says One Nation rejected James Ashby's plan to cash in on election materials


>Labor doesn't back tax increase to fund NDIS even though they passed the legislation


>The trouble with the Chinese economy and what it means for Australia


>Banks btfo: S&P cites risk of sharp correction in property prices as it cuts 23 lenders' ratings

http://www.s m h.com.au/business/banking-and-finance/sp-cites-risk-of-sharp-correction-in-property-prices-as-it-cuts-23-banks-ratings-20170522-gwa6pd.html

> Should poor people have fewer children? Medical Journal of Australia paper

http://www.s m h.com.au/national/should-poor-people-have-fewer-children-medical-journal-of-australia-paper-20170519-gw92u0.html

>Melbourne is hit by a MOUSE PLAGUE as rodents invade homes in their thousands to escape the cold


Discord - Suck a dick

Strawpoll - Suck some more dick
First for fuck the melbourian chink.
Movie's about an average Melbournian poof meeting Australia - A love story
Fuck truckies
Inb4 freelance neet.
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settle down champ
I love this movie. Are little outback towns like this?
there are still some like it but it was made in the early 70's so it's a dying scene
stop being a tosser you gook fuckwit
Oh look the gook is back!
he never left, the op format that I used is his. all threads that start like that are his. he also has a hard on for discord
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Why is everyone that drives a falcon/commodore/maloo ute such a cunt?
>organizing resistance to libshits
>a bad thing

Fuck off
What to do about the junkies and homeless cunts?
Probably because we are normies and you are a loser
>High school math teacher here in SA marking assignments.

Are you a pedofile?
I drive a falcon ute, checks out
oi I just turned 18 and I need some tips of my new life as Chad Thundercock
>where should I buy cheap cars that aren't fucked?
>where can I buy rollie tobacco or ciggies without cancer on them?
>great northern or carlton dry?
>commodore or falcon?
Daily reminder I can smash every gay cunt in this thread without even trying. Especially the gook OP.
What are you organizing you autistic little book? Facebook raids?

The SINGLE biggest indicator of plebbit cancer is when someone claims they are changing the world or doing some great deed by rallying 10 people to troll lefties on the internet
>where should I buy cheap cars that aren't fucked?
Don't fall for the vehicle Jew.
>where can I buy rollie tobacco or ciggies without cancer on them?
Don't fall for the tobacco Jew
>great northern or carlton dry?
Don't fall for the alcohol Jew
>commodore or falcon?
Once again, don't fall for the vehicle Jew.

Also, don't be a Jew.
Daily reminder OP is a gook from Melbourne who studied African Studies.
>auctions or hustle cunts on gumtree
>champion ruby - still get cancer
1. Most brand name dealers will sell mechanically good cars.
2. Dunno
3. Carlton Dry
4. Falcon
true but better to be plebbit cancer than to do nothing about anything
Don't try and make yourself a true blue Aussie. If your asking people on 4chan how to do it then your just a fucken dog nu-aussie and should fuck off to melbs and drink expensive coffee all day
why would you want to have sex with other men
shut up faggot
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Why haven't you joined the defence force yet ausfags?
>dying for israel
No thank you.

Get with the times, faggot.

Did that, got a medical discharge for testing positive for to an illicit substance
Don't like the thought of being a welfare queen tqbh mate.
that's the other op, stop picking fights you know you're going to lose
On my way. Got recommended for Aircraft Technician and am now waiting on the call. Pretty damn excited
You're the gap year cunt aren't ya?
Half the cunts here are probably on centrelink, get with the times anon.
Nice, have you done the you session?
No you dumb cunt this is the gook op trying to throw you off the scent
How fucking stupid are you m8
Wheres the Tamworth cunt I wanna have some words
good shit, how long does it take to get your trade through them?
I'd rather starve than take centrelink, that's fucked
Jesus christ fuck off you gook cunt. Stop dividing the thread.
Yeah and Assessment Day. Passed a practice fitness test. Now I'm just waiting for spots to open up.
>How fucking stupid are you m8
I am op you slopehead minda
How long did they say you'd have to wait?
3 months at Kapooka and 2 years training. Pretty good considering its all paid and accommodation and food is $190 bucks a week.
Then they're just as bad as you ADFcucks, I don't get the distinction.
Told me they'll know around July but who knows really.
how long is it if you are getting your trade outside the forces?
4 years I'm pretty sure
Nice, have fun at 1RTU
>OP is a gook
>from melbourne

Either that or Kapooka. Leaning towards Army. Thanks man.
would you get DQ for legal benzo usage?

Stop kidding yourself, gook cunt.
kick ass man, enjoy
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Cheers mate
Most likely, my mate got pushed back for similar circumstances.
>tfw Queenslander
>tfw growing a red beard
I brought this up with my parents to see what they think and they actually thought I was joking. I'm likely going ADF if I get a sub 80 ATAR, I think they expect me to study sociology at Latrobe or something.
>60 atar engineering entrance at Latrobe
how fucked is that

What school (or electorate?)
>is a gook
>larping as a whiteboi

got kapooka enlistment in july
2 years ago I got through my you session and even disclosed it to the nurse about benzo usage but she didn't seem to care. they were keen as to get me to kapooka but I pulled out before assessment because I was worried I'd get DQ. Doing other stuff now but still have ADF in the back of my mind.

Any reason the nurse didn't DQ me? I thought it would have happened then but I figure the medical with doctor would be where it happened
4 years in infantry. Good to see cunts want to join up. Just don't make a career in the army.
What's so bad about this man?
which battalion?
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Anyone submitted questions or there tonight?
Daily reminder OP is a communist Chinese gook who is data mining Australians.
I'm not going to say anything but 3bde. Still in mate.
Larps as muzzie. Literally seen around syd bars with asian twinks.
>proglib FAGGOT
>converted a white Aryan woman to his satanic cause
the list could go on
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Fuck I love the thought of respectable(?) members of society shitposting on /Pol/.
>Tfw I think my GP comes here

Also, what grade do you teach? And have any of your students given you a chub?
Good luck
>60 atar engineering entrance at Latrobe
How the fuck does that work?

Nice, what job?

Not sure, did your doctor give you some sort of medical letter?
Doesn't a day go past without a news story about some truck driver crashing his truck into some innocent people. Today it was a truck that crashed into a tram.

>inb4 truckies are given unfair work hours and it isn't their fault muh produce
Nah fuck em. Ever meet a truck driver and you'll quickly learn that 100% of them spend their money on hard drugs that they take when they're driving around knowing that cops don't pull them over because of the danger of them taking off on the highway and getting to speed. They never take proper care of their vehicles and let them deteriorate to absolute shit without telling anyone, they never use their fucking brakes because they wear out so they just engine brake with lower gears all the fucking time and then whoops they've fucked the downshift and plowed straight into someones house. Don't give me that shit of "it's the companies fault", if you're going out there in a shitty truck and not driving properly then you're to blame. They go 90 down the highway but as soon as you start to overtake suddenly it's time to go 115. No matter the speed you're going they get right up into your arse and I've seen multiple times trucks overtake some kid on his Ls doing 80 down a highway (back when 80 was the limit but you still had to drive highways and country roads) and force the poor kid into his blindspot and then slow down to 80. Truck drivers are pretty much all shit at their jobs because there's fuck all requirements and no vetting, the day when self-driving trucks get rid of them all the better we'll all be.

Hey I'm not Australian of course, just wanted to say Wake In Fright really is a great movie.
Are they pushing women over men for promotion?
thanks, fulltime rifleman

Whats the leap from kapooka to singleton like? im nervous about singo
Because 70k per year is not enough when living in Sydney, especially not for the kind of hours required of military, let alone the danger
Nope, just said I use sparingly which is true
the only two replies about the film are from a yank and a leaf.
yeah, it's pretty good
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fucking hell thats a very jewish looking panel

i dont know if ill bother watching it though

>tfw only like watching q and a when there is a controversial person on the panel
>melbourne hit by mouse plague
we've been suffering a mus-rat plague for years, nothing new desu
what's the easiest job for a well presented 25 year old in queensland to get?
past experience is a bit of a mixed bag, studying atm but hate it and would much prefer to work for less than minimum wage.

atm, seems not having a car/license is a big drawback for me. (working on getting it, but i want a job now cunt)

employment agency is doing fuck all for me too, apart from this fucken course, which atm doesnt even fucking work.
I know they are in the airforce
A girl I know got a rank higher than her career father in a matter of years
>Just don't make a career in the army.
Why not? Obviously Infantry fucks your joints up over time, but what about other jobs? And what's wrong with doing it long term, wouldn't they need Senior NCOs and want to attract people to try to do that?
No point watching an echo chamber.
Why would I want to protect a country owned by gooks?

There was a thing last night on it. More of the same but for anyone who wants to have a spew.

also willing to join army if i have to, would prefer doing some IT shit for em, how in fucks name do i even begin trying to get into that shit?
Krauss is a clever bloke but I can almost guarantee he'll spin some shit about how arabs were astrologers and repressing shit is bad.
if he stays away from politics he's not bad to listen to.

Haha u remembered
daily reminder that merely living in melbourne is a course in african studies
When you are in the army, where do you go if you need to have a wank?
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I member
Well I'd give it a go again, they can only say no, come back next year.
Anywhere you want
Just do bodyweight exercises in your room in your spare time. Especially leading up to the last 4 weeks of kapooka. It will make early singo easier but honestly they know you'll be straight from kapooka so they build you up. PT is good at singo, there's nothing impossible there so keep your head up and don't give up.

Yeah sort of. I rarely work with women, promotions in other corps, especially admin get promoted quickly and they're usually women. What I've heard though they are promoting them quickly but you see it in (unworthy)men too. Got a shit cunt? Promote him and fuck him off
When you're in you'll understand. Cunts that stay in are usually fucking useless, they can only function in the army. Anyone who is good goes SF or leaves.
i wouldn't mind a cushy desk job as a moderately ranked officer when i get into my 40s
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Why do Queenslanders drink mid-strength poof beer like Great Northern and XXXX? I thought QLD was full of tough cunts? Or maybe it's just a meme.
I can hear the music just by looking at that pic
I quit. Now I actually make money.
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Boxer or AMV?

coopers is better though
bump. any cunt got any suggestions?
Get a trade cunt. They don't pay older cunts as shit wages as 16 year olds
poly welder
I've said this before, have you looked into it?

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So i have to go to a Novaskill seminar for like, 5 hours tomorrow.

Should i take pictures of the questions? They're advertised as teaching critical thinking skills. I'm somewhat excited to have my intelligence disrespected in a whole new way.
Do employers even hire older apprentices?
I don't see why it would be a rational decision considering you can pay a 16 year old in ham sandwitches.
I have seen Wake in Fright.
really? i dont mind hard work and labour, shit like that. ive just constantly heard getting into a trade at my age is a shit idea specirically becauae theyll just hire some 16 yr old shit kicker for less money. but if you reckon its a good idea, im fucking gonna go for it, how the fuck do i start? just contact all trades?

actually a bit fucking excited, biggest regret in life is not dropping school in year 10 for a trade
good, first aussie to mention it ITT
VB ads are the best, used to be better but are still decent. Don't mind the odd Coopers, what colour is your favourite? Mine would have to be red but I get around all of them.
If you're not a lazy cunt and are willing to exert yourself, it's easy as fuck to get a pick-packing job. A lot of them come with decent pay (for a job that requires no experience) too.

Back in 2015 I forgot to enroll in uni for the second semester and mum was on me to get a job, applied for a packing job and got a call back the next day and was working the week after. Easy as fuck to do and was getting $30 an hour at 30 hours a week.
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Shit, nearly forgot about Qanda and went to bed.
yeah sparkling is the best, I prefer pale but only if its on tap so you don't get the chunky shit from the bottom
it's probably going to be a shit one>>126552283
that sounds like something id be pretty fucking alright at actually. wouldnt mind it either. but how the fuck do i get training for it? like i doubt those seek jobs would hire me when ive got 0 experience poly welding
sometimes the shit ones are good
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Well shit, oh well don't want to miss it and gotta shit post with the fellas and maybe weaponize some maymays
yeah mate ive got experience doing them, just that the ones ive applied for have asked me if i have a license and then i never hear back. its shitty, but im doing the right thing and working towards getting an exemption so i can have my P's within a month
you need your ticket and to be off the drugs (if you use them)
all sorts of places need them
I know of one place in brassy that does the course but I think there are others
>my mate did it but kept smoking dope
auto corrected Brissy
Cause i still can't march these cunts into gas chambers
Australia outback is like in the movie today ?
yeah, the bush hasn't changed that much, the towns are done up and the people aren't as rough but "it"s still there
hey cobbers any work in canberra?

also oi is anyone an actual employer with any insight? would be good. cheers.
>Employers under 35 in Australia.
Commodore yes. Falcon no. Commodore isn't even a real ute it has car suspension it's for fucbois.
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Did 6 years. It's infected with leftism and feminism.
i smoke pot sometimes, but i havent in weeks. how strict are they? like will i have to stop forever?
not a junkie, just asking cause i want to be prepared.
In my experience every commodore driven by anyone under the age of 30 has a limping second gear change and a cracked engine block from excessive and constant wheel-spinning.
tell yourself your quitting forever, it's not worth it. some drug tests can stick on your name like a black x
what I mean by that is if you get a few months off you could get away with it but it wont be a thing you do.
I used to smoke every day, life is slower but that's a good thing
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I don't get your pic. Why did you circle the milsatcom?
aw well I didn't say under 35

but true
op is a gook and needs to go back to china
hah, your thread just got pruned nip
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Oh shit.
Russian on QandA!
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LS1 are great design but they are not reliable and any engine will implode if flogged enough
That was for another thread, was curious to what they were
Looks like complete shit lads, anyone to watch out for?
is that dick johnsons? I had a mirror in my room as a kid with that car on it
I'm being quite literal. I've owned 3 commies, and they all had limping 2nd gears and cracked engine blocks from fuckwits revving them like crazy.
>Australians will be killed
>Australians will be killed
>Australians will be killed
>Australians will be killed
What is this Four Corners about?
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they just showed this sign
was that supposed to be a joke?
A couple of mass immigration voting retards got killed by a sand nigger. I don't understand why this is a story either.
Damn so it's a bad idea to buy second hand by the sounds of things.

always see refugee

How do we as citizens help secure our borders? Is the government doing a good enough job or do we need to help them out?

Hahahaha legit, or is it the usual "/pol/ calls some cunt a faggot" routine?

Also, anyone else watching the shit on the Lindt Cafe siege on ABC at the moment?

Dead set, how the fucken DPP and the multiple judges allowed the cunt out on bail is revolution worthy.
>Dead set, how the fucken DPP and the multiple judges allowed the cunt out on bail is revolution worthy.

But that would be RACIST you fucking shitlord

Truckers are absolute cunts. Fuckwits think they're the only people on the road, and get cut/aggro when you call em out on their fuckwittery.

Have legit chased a couple down and gone berko at em for their bullshit. They get pretty quiet when they're on the receiving end. And I see it all the time since I drive for work.
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Yes. Always had soft spot for XE. Have owned 3.
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best we can do is vote one nation or other parties who oppose that shit, government atm is fucked

pic related is my dream
holy fuck
that talk with the negotiators just then

>nah mate, he's a soft cunt. he wont do shit
why am i watching this movie?
qanda hype for Guardian chick who made this series.


Well since half of my family are kankerfags, I can get away with it. Racism ahoy!!!
because it's good
qanda thread where?
>tfw kinda want an XE or XF now like some boomer faggot pining for the 70s models
they're orrite blokes once I've politely overtaken em with a bird's head in my lap and her ass out the window

Would be interesting to talk to the boots on the ground, just to see how keen they were to turn the cunt into a hollow-point piñata.
tried, need to have finished grade 10

got a nice bit of paper saying I passed the entrance test to apply for literally any career in the ADF though
*Well enough to*
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have faith in bingoqt
yeah, it's about time to bring it on. the gook can have this thread now
It's not chinese people it's just commie china

Basically every chinese who isn't a fucking communist hates mainland china and MZD
Can we get more stupid things Chinese do?
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What the fuck is this garbage
how do you plan to take china back though?
to me it seems like you (tiawan) and the mainland have diverged so much that you are almost completely different in culture
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Hahahaha, I remember brake-checking a cunt on the freeway back to Sydney, from Newy, that was getting road head. Think she must have bit his cock then smacked her head on dash when it happened, cause they were both pretty pissed.

They learnt that day that a 1980 HiAce will have no hope keeping up with a Calais V with the HSV V8 in it.

>slow down cause they're raging for the lulz
>tell the guy his missy looks like a dog anyways
>see them rage more and try pass me to brake check me
>floor it
>brake check them multiple more times
>yell more shit at them for more amusement

Fun times were had.

>mfw the faggots just kept on trying, but had no hope
you have to watch QandA to find out

Thread up
>being an aggressive cunt driver

no excuses for being a faggot lad. you're the reason we have so many fatalities. people perpetuate bad behavior and you're just another nigger influencing other drivers.
maybe if you didnt grow up in the sticks and this is your way of trying too imagine what your culture is even though you woud be laughed at if you went to have a beer at a place like this.
Aussie culture is purely imagination at this point. No one lives in the sticks anymore.
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Couple months ago I was driving down the eastlink in the right lane, some dumbass truckie in an 18 wheeler tries to change lanes into me. I floor it and get in front of him, look back at him in my mirror a second later and see him swerve into the barrier. Wtf mate. Legit scared the shit out of me.
ahahaha fuckwits.
nothing wrong with a bit of cheeky horseplay.
I grew up in a place like it, it was filmed in Broken hill which is way bigger than the town I was born in
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Here you go
i hear the small towns away from the coast are off chops batshit insane. true?
sorry I have no idea what I'm doing

Hahaha, well the cunt only copped the brake check because he was sitting on 85 in a 110 zone for 4-5kms.

Had plenty of time to pull into the centre lane, but he was paying too much attention on "MUH DICK", instead of what was going on around him.

I drive for a job, and the amount of shitcunts that I see on the road, that shouldn't even have their licence, is astounding.
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Get that into ya
stop making excuses for yourself. the fact you drive for a job means you should know better. the reason there's so many shitcunts on the road is because of people like you.
Is it ok to fuck gooks so long as theres no chance of elliot rodger syndrome?
yeah fuk 18k for broken hill be serious. Not a competition but my town is 800.
Still seems so desperate to me to try and inflate culture like this, if you live live it the last thing you wanna do is talk about it. and if you wanna talk about it fuck off.
meh, yeah I guess. but its more rational. in town some junkie will get mental for no reason in the bush it'll happen for an actual reason. although the junkie scourge is destroying bush towns too
fuck this cunt

Thanks cunts. You're all good blokes.
>P plater cruising around like a normal driver
>sees dickhead here >>126559175 acting like a spastic on the road

>"well if he's allowed to do it, why can't i?"

its like none of you have any basic common sense.

Haha for sure, but like I said in>>126559175 the faggot was sitting in the outside lane, sitting almost 30k under the speed limit.

If they were in the middle or left lane, I would have given em a cheer, honked the horn and kept going.
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Add this one too mate

Let me guess, you're the kinda cunts that are happy to sit 20-30km/h under the speed limit, oblivious to what's going on around them, and wonder why people get pissed off.

I can honestly tell you that in over literally 1,000,000kms of driving, I've had 7 accidents, with only 1 of them being my own fault. And that was in the block where I live, because the person I hit came out from a blind spot, and I copped it on the chin because it's just one of those things. The rest have been from cunts either being on their phone and not paying attention, and hitting me, or fuckwits just not paying attention.



We need more clever people on /pol/, might as well start giving the truth to children.
>2 hours later
damn an ms paint comic i'd better stop fucking my asian gf
Who wants to watch that leftist fucken garbage?
Proud of having seven accidents? Really.
QANDA CLUB taking over
>it has car suspension
Tits or GTFO
I'm not a huge fan of cars
As >>126550897 said, they're a bit of a con. You pay a fuckload for a depreciating asset that requires ongoing maintenance.

>where can I buy rollie tobacco or ciggies without cancer on them?
Speaking as a survivor of tongue cancer, I really don't advise smoking. Avoid it. It's expensive, and those warning labels are there for a reason.

>great northern or carlton dry?
I doubt I'll be able to talk you out of drinking, but please also consider that alcohol is an addictive carcinogenic substance that is only legal because it's highly profitable.
Take away all the slick marketing and social acceptance and alcohol is a pretty nasty substance.

Like I said, I don't expect to change your mind on this straight away, especially when all your mates are drinking piss like it's going out of fashion, but please keep what I said in the back of your mind. It's not my opinion, it's just the cold dry facts about the stuff.
thank you mummy
fuck that was a boring qanda

Since when has stating a fact equalled being proud of something?

Jesus, you're a dumb fuck, aren't you?
boyos, why are we kissing china's ass? they have a bullshit economy run by their government overestimating and inflating prices, why do we believe them?

We should fuck with HKHKG as they have the most free markets in the world.


lucky I didn't tune in
Been waiting for 10 months of an assessment session call - Rifleman
hey what's wrong with our new floaty metal tubs lads?

did we fuck em up or the Spanish cunts?
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so qanda was so shit no one even bothered to make the abc radio thread

a fucking ramp
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