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How much german are you?

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Thread replies: 305
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Im 50 percent. Both my rarents were half german. Its probly the main reason i have a 140 iq. Feels pretty good desu... if you have any deutsche in you youre allowed to post in this thread. Red heads gtfo sorry.
and both your parents were half black
I am 12.5% German Germanic I guess. The rest is from other masterraces including Celtic, Jewish and non-German Germanics.
german as in what? Germanic religion includes all of scandanavia
I wish.

Nice bruder.
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I hope very little...

the german language is hardly a romantic language with all of the spitting and hocking...

and there seems to be a common thread among the german people to do weird shit sexually...
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136 IQ

Surrounded by mexicans, druggies, and christian-beta Jew worshipers

Feels bad man
0.something. I have a somewhat german sounding surname.
It's a shame really.
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>and there seems to be a common thread among the german people to do weird shit sexually...
Gee I wonder why
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Divide and conquer: the thread
>paternal grandma came over as a kid after the war
>drunk-ass father always reminds me that I'm 1/4 smart.
Because somehow being 1/4 Master Race doesn't mean your a mongrel.
t. Red haired irish shit eating faggot...
MUH HERITAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hopefully at least 88 percent!
>It's a shame really
And I meant this for (possibly) having German heritage, Germans are scum.
not larping
I am told one of my great uncles drove Hitler around Germany.
I am greek.
burgers are so stupid
At least a quarter.
The amount that it would take to fight with the "Axis".
>but they lost the war
I'll still fight knowing this.
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Scum you say... Jealous much?

Is red hair ungermanic?
I know it's more prominent in the West and East than central Europe.
As far as i know 100% germanic.
Blonde hair and blue eyes included
Huh not a single drop of kraut juice in my veins and look at me post
I thought I wasn't allowed
germans are europes niggers
we can't say we actually won ww2 while germany still exists
time to finish that war
That is improper English Anon, try again
And I am 1/2 German and 1/4 Dutch so technically 2/3 German
Yeah. And ur a faggot if ur not proud of ur sexuality. Germans are more based than u can comprehend.
Jew, German, Slav, what's the difference? All of them are scum.
Do the Flemish count as germanic?
Half german, half austrian.
My Granny is from Siebenbürger aka. Transylvania
I'm over 90% Germanic, thought I was an Anglo my whole life, fucking kill me.
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i'm 100% german, but only 50% bavarian (feels bad man)
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>90% german
>10% burger
one of my uncles was some general in the us army, deployed in the uk during ww2
meanwhile my grandfather was in the Waffen SS
I was born and raised in Flanders, in the homeland of the Salian Franks. Fuck Alamanis.
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Why won't you accept us bruder?
Considering my autism, I'm probably pretty much German.
Not giving 4 minutes of my life to some kike.
>tfw 1/4 German
>tfw red hair
>tfw not even white

America is a hispanic country now, Gringos. You better be prepared for the reconquista.
>Im 50 percent. Both my rarents were half german.

Only in America is this even a thing. Unless you're ethnically European AND raised in Europe, you're no European at all.
Fucking this.
Americans aren't white. End of.
tell this to your friendly muslim neighbor
Ever had the pleasure to run around naked at the lake? God, you probably never will
I'm 3/8 Alsatian so I guess 0 percent. Thank God for that.
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100% Flemish
Sir, you haven't lived until you've screamed at someone in German. Also, check them digits out, son!

My great grandparents on both sides of my family emigrated from Germany when things started getting a little too jew-killey, the cowards. Also, DEM DIGITS, BRUH. Consider that shit check'd.
0% thank god.
Yes. The only white people are Londoners. Especially the mayor.
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>Im 50 percent
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I've got a german last name, but barely any genes.
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if both your parents are half german then you are 1/4th german you fucking retardo
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>t. 50%
>he says the capital city isn't white, when most of his major cities aren't
I'm elsassisch so i guess a lot
>paying money to kikes so they can sell your data to other companies for a double profit

You're a fucking retard m8
>tell this to your friendly muslim neighbor
>thinks muslims regard themselves as European
>>thinks muslims regard themselves as European
>inb4 turkposter
>Wanting to be German

Yeah lad it's so good to be a country who loses wars!
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well put
Do genetics matter? My IQ is 134 and I'm black. But at the same time, most of my trackable ancestors are from England, Scotland and Jamaica. And I was born a Jew.
>My IQ is 134 and I'm black.
I heard this is impossible. The ceiling for black IQs seems to be 110.
IQ is bullshit.
It was created by the Jews to keep the goyim in check, and make them think they're intelligent, so they don't see past the Jewish barriers holding them down.

>muh ebil jooz
is this the white version of "da man is keeping us brothas down"
You would've lost both times if you didn't keep dragging the US into everything. Like a little kid always talking about how he'll get his big brother to beat you up.
>I'm too retarded to do genealogical research on my own so I'll pay kikes to rip me off

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>this OP

This is the saddest shit i've seen in a whole on /pol/
Half German half Scottish.
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>You would've lost both times if you didn't keep dragging the US into everything. Like a little kid always talking about how he'll get his big brother to beat you up.


Howling at you lad
No, seriously.
My Paki friend is muuuuch better than the entire class at maths, he literally understands concepts faster than the whole class, and nears full marks in every paper. I could say the same to this other Bengali guy, and 3 other black guy and a girl.
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100% Bavarian.
Nice try Sanchez
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>Dunkirk never happened

Sure you could research some history. However, you wont ever know your actual makeup. I bet you have some nigger in you based on how mad you're getting for no reason.
Sanchez is a last name Mohammed
Why are you even trying to shit on me lad?

You're American, not German?

Fucking yanks and "muh heritage" literally fucking WE WUZ

Get out of here you runt
You will literally get as far as the 1700's
>moving the goalposts
being born in Europe doesn't make you white.
>muh ebil niggers
0% German, 100% Germanic
Lol fucking pathetic thread here
And the funny thing is, they're not even German.
Most likely some mixed germano-anglo, but even that's taking it too far!
Both sides of my family immigrated from regensburg
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I fucking hate Americans who pretend to be anything but.

Not a modicum of subtlety or humility in any of them too. Even the white ones act like niggers and it's fucking hilarious to bait them because they get angry over the stupidest things so easily.
50% Scottish
30% English
20% German
>it's an American claims his genetics without providing any halpogroups to back it up thread

Prussian > German Tbh
traced back my ancestry over the last 4 generations fully (al lwhite germans) and found out about ancestors from over 400 years ago

142 IQ in logical / mathematical and lowest part is in music at 120 IQ
(if you take an offline test you get different values depending on brai specialization)

germany is pretty dope shit tho
>50% Scottish
>30% English

What's the difference?
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my 23andme.png
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>tfw no german in my family whatsoever yet I still have more than you

Could be French genes instead though, never know.
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My Scottish genes are superior to the British ones.

Also, historically, diffrent groups settled Scotland vs England/Ireland.
If both your parents were half German, that makes you 25% German, OPie.
If one of your parents was full German, then you'd be half.
Have been browsing my family tree. I am 0% german, thank God.
All pasta no sauce
Sage everywhere
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about 33, moms half and my dad is about a quarter
X is pretty rare I reckon you have quite a small gene pool judging by you're Neanderthal %, not a bad thing.

Pretty sure M529 is around Britain.
rate my ancestry
What halpogroups, the <0.01% is inconclusive on 23andme aswell.
The moment your ancestors emigrated from Germany they have stopped being German. You are not German.
My earliest paternal ancestor in the US was a German who enlisted in the Union.
65% and I've also been thinking thats why I was given a sharp intellect. The rest of me is mostly Scottish, British and a tiny bit potato nigger.
>My Scottish genes are superior to the British ones.

That's what my great great great great great great grandmother said before she was raped by my great great great great great great grandfathers giant Big English Cock.

I figure the X comes from the Orkney islands since my mother's family is from Norway and that region in general.
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Another ladle.
H and R-L48

I've used my raw data with other sites, get varying results, GEDMatch gave me 0 Ashkenazi and 5% Sephardic
The only words in that sentence that make sense are English and Cock, which is exactly what you are.
>French & German
Why is that listed as if the two are closely related?
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Eternal Kraut checking in, German through and through. Direct ancestors can be traced till around 1880, one line my dad had info going back to the 30 years war.

The Grandpa of my gf managed to trace one line back to the days of Charlemagne.
>almost as much French & German as British & Irish

How? Are you mixed with continentals? Barring the minuscule bit of North African, good ancestry.

>>126476342 mine
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God dammit, wasted digits
>Ashkenazi not 0%
Gas yous self please
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>an ethnicity
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None, but there is Aryan blood on my knife
I'm guessing you're from the far east, like poland border ish?
Yeah your halpogroups match pretty well, most likely all European post migration period.

I reckon judging on your surname would be a clear indication of where they came from, R-L48 is Germanic hence the high British percentage.
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I was born close to the Iron curtain in eastern Germany but basically grew up in western Germany after 1990 and still live in western Germany.

There is no rape in the picture though, she was obviously shot but there is really no evidence of rape.
>tfw half black
>will cum inside some german slut
>will drop her and let her raise the nigger baby

I'll break it down for you, we have been raping each other for decades. Unless he has halpogroups to verify the difference?
Well, 100%
Paternal grampa was in NSDAP pre 1933.
Maternal grampa served in Waffen-SS "LAH"
pics or you're talking shit
130 IQ
Red Hair
They are, same settlers settled both areas during the migration. Even throughout time and the spread of Romans and Germanic tribes moving over the course of the area. France only has a slightly different halpogroup demographic thanks to the south of France and their different make up.

That thread you just posted in your pic was probably just a shitposter. I mean just look at how many shills invaded /pol/ recently and the worst thing is they are easily spotted.
Full blooded east prussian here
Gib reperations russian subhumans
damn, german family is from Rhineland pflaz, further we've traced back is a glass maker from Bordeaux in like 1550
My aunt married a German man and they had 2 kids. All of them can speak German fluently.

However, my uncle has been dead for 15 years from liver failure and 1 of my cousins died in a DUI. Alcoholism was a curse for them.
pretty close to 100%
>blue eyes
>not fat or overweight
both my great grandfathers fought in WW2 for germany and had Arierpässe and none of my parents or grandparents racemixed
Germanic is not a race. Its a mind construct OP. There is no "German" DNA.
nice try Ahmed, you'll never be German
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OPa banter
It was confirmed by German scientists

It becomes nearly impossible to trace back German ancestry further than the 30 years war because all of these records were stored in churches... which were burned down like hell.
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best part about the video
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God dammit, why are americans so autistic ? Nobody cares how much "German" are you you imbecile, you're 100% autistic after all.
Being German is like being American. Its only in the mind. There is no USA DNA, the same way there is no German DNA.
Yes, there is. Most of it just isn't in Germany >>126478071
My dad is full German my moms half irish and half czech so im half german quarter irish and quarter czech
That is not Germanic DNA, sorry to inform you. That is Old European, aka Neanderthals
>so im half german quarter irish and quarter czech
you're 100% a faggot
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Latvian-Finnish hybrid, so ZERO KEKRACE in me.
1/16th German
7/16ths Croatian Serb
8/16ths Montenegrin Serb

t. Abdul bin Teatime
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of course it was, everything else would be literally worse than Hitler and who wants that?
Various halpogroups prominently make up the area around Germany, there is no specific German race it's a make up of multiple halpogroups and people that settled that area. The percentages are merely a correlation between that halpogroup and the frequency of it within that area.
Post halpogroups.
Yeah our flag got jewed up in the 60s bcuz only bag goys have patriotic symbols on their flags
My grandmother was raped by the a fucking kraut when she was just minding the chickens in late 39. Fuck you krauts.
I would have been forgiving the first 5 times, but holy shit, 9 times bro

9 times you did it

I'm triggered
I repeat it so you understand.

Germany is a mind construct like USA. Its artificial. Not based on DNA, aka Race, but based on Group Identity, Culture, Language, etc. Not based on DNA. There is no Germanic race, same way as there is no USA race. Its a mind construct.

Therefor saying you are this or that percentage German is not based on any reality, because there is no German DNA.
holy shit i just realised lmao
25% J2
50%. IL2
25% R1A
Bullshit. She had sex then regretted it after, your grangrans a whore
Intellect has nothing to do w/ race & everything to do w/ upbringing.
“raped“ you misspelled cucked my friend
Nobody could resist the BGC
Are you a mormon why do you have three parents?
So much autism in one little paragraph.
50% if you count Alsace-Moselle as German.

Being german is a nationality. If you ask the average german about it today he would say the same. If you get awarded citizenship and speak the language you are german. Doesn't matter where you or your parents came from. In 20 or 30 years the majority of german will have some foreign background. This includes eastern european, arab, african or asian.
It's simple biology. Nobody here cares about ''ethnicity''.
I wouldnt make that far fetched statements.

Intellectual capacity is related to DNA, same way as physicality is. Races do differ, not only by look. They differ in intellect as well.
Not exactly half cast, your haplogroup will always indicate where you really came from.
Thats cause youre all cucked. Germans are a race that share the SAME blood. Your ZOG passport doesnt determine what you are, your blood does.
That depends as who do you identify. Do you identify as you DNA or as your Mind programming? Or the Ghost within?
We all share the same blood. Last checked we all have red one.
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around 3/8
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>Tfw have a german last name
Ashamed tbqh
23andme says otherwise
Get out.

Norway is for Norwegians.
And for kebab rapists
He's trying to justify being half cast, a thousand years from now his kin may be German and have German heritage. But his haplogroup will always indicated where he really came from.

While it's true that there is no single German race, there will always be the European race and those haplogroups within it won't change.


Burger ''education''


Thanks for all these scientifical sources.
Very good argument, Sir.


Then try and ask some other germans. Not long ago they made a huge poll and about 93 percent of the germans said ''being german'' is a matter of citizenship and speaking the language.

im half nigga half Nazi
I dont want or need to be german as im norwegian which is a step up
Literally every female in my lineage had German maiden surname. Do I classify?
50% German, 50% Romanian.
I value the latter more.
in thirty years the only germans that exist will be larpers
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>While it's true that there is no single German race, there will always be the European race and those haplogroups within it won't change.

Yes. This is very true.
What about inheritance? My and maybe your ancestors defended their culture and land against all kinds of invaders for centuries, they all worked hard so their children would have a better live.
What would they think if they could see us, giving it all away to random unthankful third world assholes.

You honestly believe your parents are 100%? People keep posting these nice numbers, but without any real testing they are just bullshit.
0% Probably the reason why I have >160 iq.
blond and blue eyes
Yeah with citzenship that's always the case, but when you look at it genetically it's another story.

It's like the Americans here, they identify as American by citzenship but here they are associating themselves to their heritage. Hence the haplogroup talk to try and verify what they're claiming and reality.

Citzenship is just a bit of paper.

If you look at Britain and England, anyone here with a passport is British yet no mixed race claim themselves to be English because when people mention themselves as English they refer to their racial make up.

Most normies will always just refer to their citzenship as aposed to their actual genetics.
I'm not exactly sure. I know my mothers side up until the 1600's. Some English, Some Dutch, and a lot of German. I don't know about my biological fathers side. Invitro, donor, and all that. I know the donor was supposedly some British guy.

So either I give my DNA to the Jews on 23andme or I won't know what I am. Doesn't really matter I suppose. Just kind of irks me that I've been told since a kid I'm mostly German. Yeah that probably isn't so accurate.
Oh yes, i agree. They would be disappointed.

Its a slow suicide. Or a cruel punishment
Please post haplogroups, I'm the Finn eye anon that used to post here and on /int/ (basically i'm convinced that most Finns are mongolian)
I shit you not op I'm about 60% German my last name is uber German and I have an IQ of 142 (Mensa tested) I'm a giant 6'3" 207lbs and am in great shape.
I also have a very bad violent streak
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>tfw German name but family came from Bohemia

Dont know if im master race Aryan or subhuman slav
100% Bavarian
You cannot be mostly German because German is not a DNA trait.
The germanii tribes date back to Greece you dumbass
A DNA test will always give you the answer.
>Some English, Some Dutch, and a lot of German
aka the same race.
Impressive, what's your last name?
Im afraid of knowing the truth

I can squat with the best of them, almost like I was genetically predisposed
>He thinks a language is classified as romantic based off how it's pronounced phonetically
The only thing that triumphs DNA tests is your passed down genetic ability to squat, I'm sorry anon.
What? It's a term Julius Caesar made up to make it sound like our tribes are united and therefor dangerous so the senate would finance his conquests further north.

I'm not posting my name here, sorry. Why do you want to know?
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>paying 200 dollars to literal kikes who will then give your genetic data to the NSA and use it for all sorts of other nefarious shit

I'm half polish and half german. That's all I need to know.
My ancestors were from the south part of modern day Germany and never actually lived in a country called "Germany" though.
Pic related.
1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4

you are 1/4 german m8
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I wish I could find out more about X.
100% german 100% bavarian. But we are getting slowly cucked out of existance sadly...
No srsly it's not that bad. At least at unversity there are nearly only whites

Sorry lads, but you lot were raped into oblivion by the Spaniards. You're all probably more Moore than anything else.

I suggest that OP donate some blood...
>half and half
Even if both your parents were 100% pure(they aren't) from two distinct populations, that's literally not how genetics or meiosis works.
I'm pretty much the ultimate racemutt. 50% German 25% english 25% irish. Traced heritage thru Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Your parents were literal trader-refugees so fuck off.
100% Bavarian master race here.
You´re Aryan, we´ve got huge German population in Bohemia before the expulsion, I myself am descended from females with German maiden surnames
100%, 4th generation german immigrant
Knowing where you really came from isn't a bad thing, depends how interested you in your own genetics. I doubt the NSA will care if you're T1A1 or T2A2. Jews can't even trace their genetics that well due to how much they migrated around Europe in the medieval times.

the only people interested in the results is the customer.
How fucking dare you. I am 100% pure Bavarian phenotype
No, many don't

For example:
The tribe of the Bavarians was literally a mixup of slavs, celts and germanics(west and east), that decided to be a german tribe in the early middleages/ late antiquity
Barbarosa was not german
Muh heritage
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Proud 1/4 german
brown eyed slav spotted
WTF man that photo was taken in Warsaw in 1939 by Julien Bryan
I think the researches are unsure about X still.

Due to the fact that half of it split and ended up in Native Americans and the other half in Europeans. Atleast with your X2 and the R1b you can safely say you're European. And your orkney Island theory is most correct.
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I don't think anyone is claiming otherwise.
>Video not available in your country.
Fuck JewTube! The content isn't even illegal here, unlike Germany. (((They))) started doing this voluntarily. VPN evrery time. Oy vey.
In mine also
>and there seems to be a common thread among the german people to do weird shit sexually...

would be great but it's a myth
I have German face structure but Irish skin and hair. Could be worse I guess
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This may shed a little more light. Looks like only 2% of Europeans have X.
Pale skin, blue-grey eyes, roman nose
but SLAVIC hair
I'm a quarter.
Quarter cunt more like
We needed American intervention in WWII, however WWI was essentially over by the time America got involved.
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From both Bavaria & NW Germany.
Interesting. I think they do this because they know no one is gonna complain about it in public. You would be called a racist and lose your job etc. so they just do it because they can.
100%. German who Expatriated here
Lol, or you can just switch the IP
tfw potato nigger blood
ITT: larping non-germans
1/16 german 1/4 brit 1/8 abodindu
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50% too
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At least 25%. All of my paternal grandfather's side is German. Plus some of the rest of my family has been in the US so long its sort of a mishmash. All white and Germanic except Polish on my grandmothers side.
>1/8 abo
how the fuck
like 1/16 and 1/16 french, rest is all dutch
OVERLORD, Tell us how to win again mein fuhrer. Ich bin ein deutsche
German-Jewish on my mother's side, Swedish on my father's. Öööyyyyyyyyyy
100% mongrel
America > Singapore > Germany >>>> UK

btw Anglos aren't white.
Anglo's share the same racial make up as Germans. You just insulted your own heritage.
German as in germany or germanic? Swedes, danes and norweigans are nord germanics, all i know.
Fuck off OP, burger here but still 100% German. Well, my great great great grandfather had the last name Clark, so he was obviously an Englishman. That's still a 30/32 percent German though.
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What was your pops thinking. Jesus.
Three K's a day keeps them niggers away.

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers
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Can someone explain why Austrians don't consider themselves German?

If the rump state of Austria did not have an empire of slavic and italic peoples surely it would have joined the German Reich in 1871?
Im 100% german. My last name comes from Hitler's Berghof house. I have an IQ of 150. Im 6' 190 and extremely athletic. I played hockey my whole life and now I fight MMA. I red-pilled myself in 8th grade. My genes > yours
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12.5 %
If you're a white American, chances are that you're a kraut, if not a potato nigger or a wop.

Either way you're a subhuman. No wonder BLM, SJWs and the Jews hate you so much.
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Everything above is grounds for getting gassed.
Almost 100%.

I think I'm 1/16 native american, but that's not enough to get scholarships or my own casino or anything like that.
My mom's better looking than my dad tbqh.
How do you know your parents aren't slav rape babies?
Tuetonic autism.
According to my Grandfathers adoption documents. I'm part Jewish and part Dutch.

I'm not too keen on the idea of either.
Don't feel bad. I'm 1/4 irish... and before that part of the senpai came to the US they were ......canadians....*shudders*
If you go downstairs and into your kitchen m8, there should be a oven attached to the wall. Jump inside and turn it on then shut the door. Cheers lad.

stupid nazi is my identity americans...
Maybe zero. I was told my great grandfather spoke German, but he was from a Walloon city in Belgium. Last name was Schales which does sound Deutsch.

Get out! you're a Jew! Eww....

Germans. Based. Lol.
39.8% British and 21.7% scandinavian. If you don't have nice looks, you're being lied to.
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Kek seems to aprove your bloodline.
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you would know to see me
The Prussian didn't want them in and after WW2 being Austrian was easier than being German.
Austrian nationalism seems to be non-existent though. They all want Austro-German unity.
'But not with Merkel'

What do you mean, those are my actual results.
I'm sorry to tell you that it is most likely that you bear the "insect gene", as most germans you'll surely become a conformist that follows the herd, you'll never really stand-out.
im descendant of suebi aristocracy
Are you good looking? If not, then your results are bullshit.

Likes there's no ugly Brits or scandis? But yeah I do alright, Germanic nose, square jaw, and I work out.
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At least 25% but I'm unsure if it's deutsche or Czech b/c my paternal grandmother was raised right on the border during the Third Reich so she grew up German but her older sister says they were Czech. Currently waiting for my DNA meme results to come back and confirm for me.
25% german, my grandpa was born in berlin and came here as a young boy.
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That is a bit depressing. At this point the germanic states don't owe anything to the world. The longer this masochism goes on the less respect they recieve.
I think I'm less than 50 percent, probably why my IQ only 125.
Do you tongue punch your gay fathers anus everyday or just when your really in a german hating mood?
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