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Brit/pol/: Chippy tea edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 107

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>3 days left to register to vote so you can spoil your ballot

>Assange cleared of rape charges by Sweden

>Tory Manifesto: shifts to the centre economically

>Politicians face investigation over abusing data harvested and sold from social media

>LibDem manifesto: Ganja YES, Brexit NO, Tampons FREE

>EU willing to throw toys out of pram for divorce bill

>Over 1 million young people have registered to vote since Snappy Lec Lec called

>Wages continue to fall behind inflation, quantitive easing has failed (the people)

>Man charged with terrorism for not handing over passwords at airport
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>tfw not a bingbong
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>tfw Vicky comes into your room to chat bollocks but you just want to play TF2
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First for civic nationalism
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The working class are freeloaders, to embroiling in their jealousy of affluent productive people to realise that they are poor because they are SHIT.
Nth for Theresa May is gonna shut down 4chan and none of you spackers seem to care.
Yeah but we fucking love it.
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Fuck off you cheeky little cretin
We'd all be better people if we couldnt go here. Also 'what is a VPN'
This is a good thing, unshackling the mental illness and letting it loose upon the streets is the first ingredient of unfucking this piece of shit country, travis bickle-lites are going to have to start killing politicians, now that would be a REAL shame.
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Elsa Jean?
Her cock cave is like a reverse ding dong at this point.
>We'd all be better people if we couldnt go here

Go on...
w-w-what's going to happen to our pork markets post-brexit, lads?
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Pikeys are a fucking cancer desu lads. Why can't we just execute the cunts?
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I thought Vicky was supposed to be hot
>she's clearly half a negro

look at that fucking schnozz man
>The only way to spread information the government wouldn't want us to spread should be something only NEETs, who never talk to anyone, know.

You're an idiot.
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Banned for being non-halal
This place is a den of misery. You cant honestly say it's improved your life.
Having a chinese for tea then going out with the lads, how are you doing NEETS?
post-martial law-post-brexit the only people who are still left in the UK are jews and muslims, there will be perfect civil harmony and no need for filthy pigs anymore.
No, because they'll still allow government approved digital soma that will keep the masses docile, and make them think everything is fine.

Reminder: most people thought that the events in Three Girls was a one-off event.
In a more civilised time they'd all be chased off with guns.
this place is a laugh
if you hate it here then leave, don't you have any willpower? you're like a drug addict

t. Theresa
>Reminder: most people thought that the events in Three Girls was a one-off event.

who was polled and how many? sounds like a load of shit desu and if it's true I don't want to believe it, I can't believe people are that fucking clueless

t. Vice

Leave Momentum before it completely rots your brain
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>the BBC made a show about paki rape gangs
>"a-ha! Further proof we are in a 1984 nightmare!"
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Reminder not to vote for the Tories, they have lied about their manifesto promises repeatedly and they will lie to you again, their immigration promise is a rouse to destroy UKIP, they will ban the internet and free speech, they're helping destroy the family with their social justice rhetoric, they have betrayed their minimal government principles and have become a centre left party, only UKIP will uncucked britain and make us great again, if you vote Tories or the other 2 major parties, you're buying into the system of unelected controlled blairism, vote UKIP lads, they may not win but a right wing alternative will keep the Tories in line.
>tfw I am but I use a VPN to avoid blanket surveillance and everyone thinks I'm American
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>tfw at least 2 of the 3 women posted in this thread have had multiple black cocks inside them

And I won't even get started on Elsa
>Let's a website ruin his life
>Keeps visiting that website


I've learned a lot from this board and I've found plenty of like minded people which fills me with a modicum of hope for the future. It's also great for breaking news and an alternative perspective on things which helps people open their mind to other ways of thinking. Even if most of you are autistic NEETs or total cunts I'd say it's been a net positive.

Of course, if, as many do, one only used this site for /b/ gore and tranny threads then no, I can't imagine it would improve one's life.
k mate make sure you remind me again next thread

It's called a pressure valve
jews and muslims are best of friends
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I'm going to laugh in 2 years when it's apparent to everyone that the EU was actually holding back the UK from going completely retarded
Anglo men are pretty cute, but your women fucking suck.
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Hammering The Electorate Edition

36 days until polling day.

>BBC Election Live for 1st April

>Miliband wants an end to long-term zero-hour contracts

>Business leaders support Conservative business policies

>April Fool Day's #BANTZ
Please phonetically describe the laugh

I'm imagining "teehee~~"
This is so fake because if it were true, you would have used a flag that doesn't have the NSA operating within it's borders.
That Tommy Robinson is a controlled opposition zionist shill as well amirite? Remember lads, never ever have the slightest hope about anything ever.
>implying the eu isn't making everything retarded
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>nutall never lies

They can offer these 'hard Brexit, low immigration' pledges and then when they backslide on them they'll have half of the country (those who didn't vote for them) supporting them. The ones who did vote for them will largely either not care too much or just accept it and wait until next election and vote for them again because everybody is a cunt.

I don't believe a single word of what Theresa May says. She's proven herself to be a backstabber, a liar, a globalist and a cuck and I prefer to judge people by their actions, not their words.
Sorry for your lack of foreskin and healthcare lad

This. If you want to get really mad, read Easy Meat by Peter McLoughlin. Britain is fucked.

Ah to comprehend so little and talk so much
This. Clearly a fucking quadroon.
I used to think he was but he's proving himself recently. He still is a Jew shill but if I have to put up with that for somebody to expose Islam for what it is then so be it.
Hm. Verily.
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>tfw just had a chippy tea

vocaroo please lad and make sure it's cute

How many sixteenths Irish are you
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The American IPs are the only ones that 4chan hasn't blocked yet.
>Let's a website ruin his life
Nah I mostly just chat shit and hang out in more fun boards. A lot of the people on /pol/ seem like miserable blackpilled fucks.
was her face squashed together or something

also the blacked aesthetic is offputting, it looks so sterile.
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Start buying guns.
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>Theresa May is increasingly shitting on free trade and the free market
>Theresa May is set to be the most authoritarian leader in the free world

Do you guys literally just support her because she's got a blue lapel? Would you have supported a Labour leader pulling this shit?
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Her other work is muche better
p-pls only post versions with the logo cropped out
Link to book.


You should believe things based on what you can back up, not what makes you feel nice
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other way round for u t b h
>there is something wrong with being authoritarian and protectionist


If people are miserable and blackpilled that's because they've been exposed to the reality of the world. I'd rather be miserable and aware than 'happy' and unaware.
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No, it's the happy ending. It misleads people into thinking all the trouble is over now.
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How does Brit/pol/ tie their tie knots? Post your favourite tie knot and tell me why you like it.
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eternal reminder
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Is Johnny Walker gold label nice???
That's pretty fair, to be honest.
*spits all over my shirt*
Half the shit on here cant be 'backed up'. It's just guesswork and conjecture based on the assumption that da jews run everything so literally everything and everyone is 'part of the plan'
>Authoritarian, centrist, protectionist
Literally nothing wrong with any of this.
is this what inbreeding looks like?
Beef with mushrooms and egg fried rice lads
Does nobody fucking care about the internet bullshit?

Where's the outrage? What can we do about this? Fuck the Tories.
t. nigel al-faragi
do u wun a fuk?
>UK proles
>doing fucking ANYTHING to make their lives not awful

o i am laffin
t ahmed al haggis

It doesn't let me use my VPN on here.
Emily Thornberry just flat-out admitted that she couldn't cost swarves of the manifesto on LBC.

And she wouldn't say she was proud to be English as I was typing this. Fucking hell. This is catastrophic.
eat the fucking cheese
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hmm yes very pungent indeed
t. dudu oson
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Reminder that universal suffrage was a mistake.
>‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.
It's okay. Nothing mind blowing.
This. Seems like most young people in the UK actually support these 'anti-bullying' efforts, not realising - or just not caring - that it means an end to privacy on the internet.
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t ahmed al celt
You have to buy a pass to make it work.

>some of it is wrong so reject it all

audibly sighed
follow the facts, learn something
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for real though how do i get a girl like mummy
>What can we do about this?

realistically you can do sweet fuck all if may blocks 4chan

Your only option is to migrate to Switzerland or something
What do you reckon Daves condiment of choice is for a Fish supper? i'd guess tartare. patrician choice.
chippies who have generic tom sauce are shit by default
eternal reminder that only whites can produce whites and this man is ahead of any nigger/gooknigger/sandnigger

Thanks lad.
Good stuff
fuck you die die die
nignogs do have strong voices, so he is telling the trut'
>pro-immigration, globalist, anti-privacy, pro-islam authoritarian

>want to vote tories for brexit
>ukip for immigration/burkha etc
>lib dems for internet freedoms
>labour for nationalising the railways
>I'll post something vague and condescending that lets the plebs know how enlightened I am
I'm not some newfag wandered in from reddit I've seen what this place has to offer
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Arguing in the face of literal mountains of evidence


>Not having the perfect treat
Another week passes
Working class are still working class
Because they didn't try hard enough
>He's a very naughty boy

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>white men clap awkwardly
Just "normal" though I would like to try a knot that's more classy.
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Is it nice though? Going to start drinking whiskey like a grown up and its my first bottle. Any recommendations for better?
I fucking hate these people.

Yep, I'm not going to wilingly vote my rights away like some nonce.
So you believe literally everything is controlled by the jews and they are working tirelessly to kill off white people?
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>that picture
Half windsor for most things. Full for something like a wedding
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>You have to show that your willing and able for a strong and stable relationship.
Ok ill walk myslef out ive said enough.
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I bet she refers to herself as a full time mummy.
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>this man is ahead of any nigger/gooknigger/sandnigger

okay then

Thanks lad - been resisting that option, but the time may be nigh with all this internet monitoring skull-fuckery.
what's that text from? i've seen it before.

You're just very weak. You can't overcome your weakness to stop coming here
I don't mind though. It's nice contrast to read your stupidity
Knob Creek
Four Roses
Wild Turkey
Woodford Reserve

American whiskey is the best whiskey, even the Irish admit it.

Blends are harsher than single malts. No ice, about an inch of water.
>Ooohh, that's a bit illiberal. I don't like the sound of that!
Rachel RIley has a really nice bum
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>Avoiding blanket surveillance
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Robert Heinlein
>An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
I love the interview with Enoch Powell where he said that.
>Interviewer: People have accused you of racism.
>Powell: What's wrong with racism. Racism is the basis of a nationality.
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I love Laphroaig's 10 year one
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still better than brown
You sound a bit like a FASCIST to me.
>you're weak because you havent fallen to the hivemind and come here to laugh instead of rage
ah yes

Would you fuck May up the guff if it meant saving /britpol/? No prep, just wrinkled haemorrhoid speckled hole for your own pleasure
Wtf lads

Theresa May creating government controlled internet to regulate what people can post and what they can see:


I am unironically voting Labour now desu



where would you put all the current political parties on the political compass brit/pol/?

You can put past editions of the parties for fun if you want.
I attend this uni. It's actually very interesting that they did this because usually the management is cucked beyond belief, and there's an ultracuck large student union melded into the beurocracy.

Just goes to show that May's education cuts are actually doing some good :^)
Around 28 min mark
ten pozboys and pozgirls showed up, I'll bet.
My favourite scotch is Laphroaig, regularly pick up a 10yro bottle. My understanding was Johnny Walker was a blended scotch for export markets. It's pretty tame by design.
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>Do I trust a shart in marts taste buds?
Why did it close? Just a cost issue?
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>Blends are harsher than single malts
Thanks for the advice
Reminder that this place is degenerate and you should be working on bettering yourself. You should be getting the skills and money to leave this island before the rivers of blood Enoch-Sama predicted wash you away
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I'd shag her no matter what not even bants
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Thanks for the (you), took a while. Was from the Assange thing earlier, some top bantz bloke shouted it.

It's nice yeh but for the price I prefer Jura Superstition, but then it's obviously all just personal taste

I believe that Jews run the Federal Reserve (they do) and I believe that Jews run most of the media in the Western world (they do) and I believe that Jews have a listening ear at the upper echelons of all major political parties in the West (they do) and I believe that WW1 and WW2 both came about because of Jews (they did) and I believe that Zionism is the number one threat to Europe, North America, Australasia and parts of Asia at the moment.

I believe that Zionists truly believe themselves to be the chosen people, truly believe that they deserve the land between the Nile and Euphrates as promised to them by God and will do all they can to smash Christianity into Islam and hope they can pick up the pieces afterwards.

I believe Zionists have a long term aim to control a low-class populace for their benefit and to aid with their progression.

I believe that white genocide exists and is a direct result of the above.

There is plenty of evidence, even from the horse's mouth, to support each one of those claims and you'd be hard pushed to find evidence to the contrary.


I actually quite like the 'Full Time Mummy' thing even if it is usually shit girls saying it. They're girls who will stand up, against feminists, for their right to have a child and support a family.
>Laphroaig's 10 year
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>lol just run away from the homeland centuries of your ancestors protected

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Labour - Statism, leftwards into socialism/communism
Tories - somewhere in the middle of Conservatism/Authoritarianism/Liberalism
Lib Dems - Social Democratism

>mfw there is no bottom-right party to vote for
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Reminder that the only Isabel that matters (i.e. the one that didn't take time off her very well-paid Spectator job with self-diagnosed 'depression') has been getting abuse all day for suggesting that poor people should spend their money on food rather than Sky & cigarettes.
Top kek I know that faggot ash. In fact he is literally a faggot and also seriously overweight.

Oh and he dropped out of uni because he couldn't hack doing a few hours of studying a week. Kek.
Thanks, never seen this before.
I swear he was a terrorist sympathiser, or summing?
>needing a special room to pray because you have to wash your feet first and then kneel in the direction of an empty room.

they don't have a right to tell the uni how they should allocate the schools resources. pretty sad that it is immediately islamophobic whenever something Muslim is removed. almost as if these "people" have some sort of ideology.

private body undesignates a room for payer=outrage
fagFrench demolish 200-300 year old Christian churches= a wise money saving exercise

you scout for trees, i'll go and get the rope

From Monday, Muslim students will have to use the multi-faith centre on campus - a facility deemed “insufficient” by the university’s own student experience committee two years ago.

Addressing the proposed move to the multi-faith centre, the petition reads: “They don’t seem to realise that not only is the space not big enough to accommodate or balance all students of faith with Muslim students praying five times a day, but the facilities are completely inadequate.

“All we want is to pray in peace and in cohesion at UEA but after years of being bumped around campus, being the only faith forced to use our campus cards to access our prayer space and now finding out by accident that our prayer space is being permanently taken away, UEA does not feel like a space for Muslims.”

Jo Swo, the UEA student union welfare, community and diversity officer, said: “UEA says it’s wonderful. UEA has a “UEA Is United” campaign after Brexit and Trump, which I thought was incredible, but it seems like UEA is united for everyone except the Muslim students on its campus.”

It's shit mate. Of the 4 of those you mentioned that I've tried only one, Wild Turkey, is any good. It's still nothing special.
I don't get it, the uni has no requirement to offer religious spaces
Thanks anon two of you have suggested it, may buy it instead of johnnie walker
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What did Paul "One in, One Out" Nuttall mean by this?
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Reminder that the Chuckle Brothers are /ourguys/

>In March 2016, Barry received condemnation for sharing a Facebook post from the far right-wing political party Britain First. The post, originally shared in June 2015, called on politicians to strip migrants of their citizenship if they left the country to join a terror group. Following the unearthing of the post, Tommy Robinson, former leader of the English Defence League (EDL) came to Barry's defense, calling on people to "leave the man alone".
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Poor Issy. Me sad now. I hope she's okay.
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Based Izzy underclass should just get a job 2bh
>I believe that white genocide exists and is a direct result of the above.
So Jews want to replace friendly and hardworking whites who protect them with savage and violent pakis and nigs who hate them?
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I'd say the perfect 'starter' whisky is Glenmorangie. It's smooth and non-offensive and probably the easiest to drink if you're not used to whisky. Put an inch in the glass, put an inch of water in. That's it.

Blends are usually more intense and they taste more 'whisky-ish' and alcoholic. Not everyone likes them. If the worst come to the worst, lad, you can always throw some Coke into the Johnnie Walker with a clear conscience.
Didn't the fucking muslim council of britain debunk the labour muslims bitching over this?
he is
>10 seconds in
>muh NHS
>muh foodbanks
>when you see a working white family
Working class work for a living
Its the lower class / benefits class who are freeloaders
Cost issue as far as I've heard. It's not a big deal though, even my lefty friends are saying this is seriously not that serious - it's only ultra cucks and the actual muslims themselves (a very small minority as you can see from the pics of their solidarity thing) that care.

There's a multi faith center that has religious neutral prayer rooms on campus anyway. Its literally located less than ten seconds' walk from where they were protesting.

Plus, there is a literal islamic center on campus. Why can't those cunts go there instead of having to have their special room in some other building?
Glenmorangie is very nice, agreed
It just says the university wanted to use it as a corridor instead.
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>post your face when you sign up for the UKIP guerilla army and assassinate your local MP
That interview makes me so sad, what a brilliant mind and fantastic man. He could have been our PM. Jesus Christ this country would be so much better had that happened.
>Thanks for the (you), took a while. Was from the Assange thing earlier, some top bantz bloke shouted it.
was a pretty clever shout he made, it did look just like the Life of Brian when the camera panned away from the balcony
>‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy
This is incredibly disingenuous. Bread and circuses is not exclusive to democratic nations; this is exactly what Hitler did. Hitler handed out free food, and held mass marches and festivals with pleasing aesthetics to keep the populace content whilst he was preparing to go to war with the world yet again.

Bread and Circuses is not exclusive to democracy. Bread and Circuses is vital to every nation. Stop being a tit.

Wew lad - this place is beginning to sound as paranoid as it was prior to the US election, when most everyone was being accused of being a shill for Hillary.

Prefer Caitlin Moran meself
>are en aitch ess workers using food banks

Also, if I hear one more assertion that the NHS is the "best in the world" I'm going to put my boot through the TV screen.
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I was hoping for Kek's blessing. He loves anti-establishment figures like Jezza.
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at least i've got ramadan terrorist week to look forward to for happenings
Nuttall looks like Harry Enfield in disguise.
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It's Jonny Walker lad - don't expect much
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get out of my town you dirty commie REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Thanks anon. So always add water? and never ice?
Fuck off Vicky doesn't look like that.
Whats the deal with that, do they get hungry and cranky?
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Id grind her gash regardless of if britpol survived or not, cause im a sexual deviant in need of a shag and im low on neetbux to pay for prostitutes!
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Go away GCHQ
Oy vey goyim you are being very intolerant.
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>Gib money or else
>Gib Gibraltar or else
Anglo Alliance
What would you recommend then?
European Court of Human Rights won't allow it. This will be brought up at some point and tories will be forced to back down
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where does the quote say 'bread and circuses' is exclusive to democracy?
oh, that's right, it doesn't.
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>she will never succ you in the oval office to secure the best trade deal

why even live
>muh NHS
NHS is an important part of this country though. It is a great service that the tories have systematically ruined desu
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i imagine so, can't be fun if they have diabetes or something. I think this year should be epic as they haven't done anything for a while.
It tastes someone juiced a classic British sports car (an old MG probably), with a hint of benzene. Then strained it through some peat turf and mixed it with Lagavulin. Glorious stuff.
Would you?
How do muslims deal with the ramameme fast if it falls in July in the arctic?
no hesitation, i'd be in and out before she even knows I'm there.
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G-good Evening A-Anglo-senpais. . .

Mummy May's manifesto will ensure free trade headpats with us.
Edradour Caledonia (12 y/o)
IMO the worst of the Major Single Malts. it's a Malt for americans.
a Jura for the ladies as it is sweet (relatively speaking), Highland Park for the Gents.

>Inch of water
no offence mate, but if you stick an inch of water in a single malt, you're ruining it.

add a splash of water, tablespoon of water at most. one ice cube if you let the ice cube melt before you drink it. water is to
>activate the oils
not to dilute it.
I think Europe needs another bad summer. The liberals I know are far too relaxed and smug.
Whites are a threat, blacks and arabs are not. Whites ruled the world. The British, the Romans, the French and Spanish and now the Americans. The Jews know that all it takes is for one of those empires to take a disliking to them and that's it, they're gone. That's why it's imperative that they keep themselves at the top of as many trees as possible.

Read the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan. You may think it's a meme but it really, really isn't. This is reality. Merkel, Van rompuy and others have been awarded the Coudenhove prize.


By pitting your enemy against another of your enemies you weaken them both. That's what's happening now.
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CIAs latest pacification programme. People wonder why Assange didn't man up and prove his innocence in court.
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Based Assange calling it 'him'
Mummy May's manifesto will ban anime
>tfw work cash in hand and claim bennies
enjoy your taxes cucks
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Good lad
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I go there too, but in 1st year. Why is there no UKIP society? I had to join the conservatives.


Pick one. You are not anglo, and you are not our friends.
>MKULTRA isn't re-
pakis fucking hate kikes tho.
why do you think Galloway pretends not like jews.
Assange referred to Manning as 'him' twice earlier on. Kek.
We're going to leave the ECHR though.

>Bread and Circuses is the cancer of democracy

It certainly implies it.
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Blends you can kinda do what you like with; shit like Bells and Grouse are what they sell in pubs up here for when people want a whisky and Coke. You can put ice in these.

Single malts, you can drink neat but normally you add a little water, no more than the amount of whisky you have. Ice is a no-no because it dulls the taste - the thinking being if you're paying good money for good whisky, why would you want to do that?

t. Scottish guy who drinks in old men's pubs where they have little water jugs like pic related on the bar for the whisky drinkers.
If another country nuke'd us, how would the SNP respond if they were somehow the government?
I wonder what the average pleb thinks about the CIA, do they believe they've completely stopped all experiments?
Yes we are and yes we are. We're the only people vocally backing you on just about all issues since Brexit. Doesn't mean you have to like it/us.
the only reason iseral is still a thing is us aid to iseral. There be shoahed by the arabs without it
> Mummy May's manifesto will ban anime
S-source? I only see EU-BTFOing promises in her manifesto, senpai.
Pakis hate kikes but when they're satiated in Europe with food, young white girls and decent houses they slowly lose their religion and they hate Jews less as time goes on.

A strong, ultra-religious and homogenouse Pakistan is more of a threat to Israel than 'liberal' Pakistanis spread around the world.
Demand another independence referendum, like always.

Don't vote for the SNP by the way. They MUST lose seats this time.
But they ARE at the top of the tree. The only people who offer any threat to Isreal are a bunch of sandniggers. If they control every aspect of politics and white life they dont need to wipe us out. Anything remotely right wing is stamped out whereas Jews in Europe are probably less safe now that they've been in decades thanks to mass muslim migration. You think all the hassidic jews in London are happy there's millions of pakis about?
I usually add a few drops. Not tonnes.
Highland Park's 18 tastes like an iffy 12 - it's the basis for dross like Famous Grouse for a reason mate
>IMO the worst of the Major Single Malts. it's a Malt for americans.

It's a single malt for guys who've never had a single malt, as the lad says.

>no offence mate, but if you stick an inch of water in a single malt, you're ruining it.

Depends on the amount of whisky, obviously. The water shouldn't be more than the alcohol, I agree, but the lad is just starting out.
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Is this the right one???

Norwich is extremely liberal city mate. Add that to the student demographic and the huge amount of internationals... you get a leftist pressure cooker. The humanities department is beyond cucked and so are the union and to some degree the management.

It's a decent school with some really good professors and departments, but bloody hell it's trying not to be.
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We've just left a demographically doomed beuracratic leeching super state why would we join another
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i've got a newer one. your status has been revoked.
Not 100% accurate but a large part of the reason, yes. Though it's Jews in the US giving money to Jews in Israel. The Fed and the foreign aid budget are both managed by Zionists, always have been and always will be.
Nope, this is the one I pick up normally. Never tried that one.
ECHR expands past the EU
Thanks anon

This whiskey drinking sounds complicated
i think not

Noice. I do like whisky, including malts, but for some reason it doesn't react well with me and I can find myself becoming argumentative.
Yeah but most of you are """irish""" """italian""" or """german"""
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Is there an opt-out for handing over all of your details to the BBC when you try and use a service you're forced to pay for?
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save us from the nothing we've become
Who said anything about joining us? The UK is just as demographically doomed as anyone at this point. It's time for everyone to turn it around.




Just a small sample of support. We don't want anything from you, we want to help you. Stop being royally ass-pained tea niggers and recognize real allies.
Why are people in the west getting so fucking fat? it's not that fucking hard to stay healthy..

Can you please fuck off to /int/ or something? You're not only avatarfagging, you're posting loads of off-topic bollocks and the few times you post about politics its a fucking YKTD emulation
so will we ever get to bladerunner point or will we wind up stuck in this contemporary dystopia where nobody has decent aesthetic sensibilities?
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Considering I fall under Dixie, apparently not. You mad about something Charles?
Is this the same guy in every thread who lambasts the working-class for their poverty?
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Any single malts you would recommend for a beginner?
lack of willpower and impulse control.
idea: We completely close the borders and all forms of trade and forget the rest of the world exists, we block parts of the internet to prevent coming in contact with non brits.

Fuck the EU, fuck america, they all just want to use the UK as a tool, well no more I say!
Yeah, inside the main SU cafe place I saw loads of leftist flags and posters. "No human is illegal etc". But it does seem like a good uni.
Not a chance, we have the EU by the balls over the money they want, and if spain want a war over Gibralter then we will crush them just like we did to the Argies in the Falklands
They still eat at night. They are full of shit m8.
Go home North Korea
lmao, an avatarfagging tripfag. Christ.

That's a narrative that's pretty much dying with all of these DNA services in the US.
>Yes we are and yes we are. We're the only people vocally backing you on just about all issues since Brexit

You currently gain from dismantling the EU, that doesn't mean you are our friends. Your nation systematically dismantled the British Empire before, during, and after WW2.

When we tried to retake the Suez Canal, you backstabbed us and you killed Britain as a superpower. Now the middle east is a shithole.

The US is an ally to no one but themselves.

You claim to be an ally of Britain but permanently indebt them and dismantle the Empire.

You claim to be the sword defending freedom then bomb the only nation fighting ISIS.

You claim to be an ally the Gadaffi but then make up bullshit about him having nuclear weapons and force him to say he had dismantled his non-existing WMD's.

You claimed to be an ally to Gadaffi after he dismantled his non-existent WMD's then abandoned him when rebels were slaughtering Lybians.

You claimed to be Gadaffi's ally then blamed him for terrorist attacks in Italy despite the fact the Italian secret service had proof it was Syria.

You claimed to be an ally to Saddam, look how that turned out.

You claimed to want an alliance and stability in South America then overthrew their governments, which led to genocide.

You claimed to be a defender of Columbia then overthrew their government and left them in a shit heap.

Come to think of it, is there a nation you haven't fucked over in the last 50 years?
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>Can you please fuck off
I go here too. What was the reason they had to close it? I heard it was something to do with access to the library.
My grandad was in the RAF during the Blitz. Am I still Anglo lads?
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apologies for watermark

Delet this.

My advice would be not to go near Laphroaig until you're actually sure you like whisky. It tastes like someone put diesel and a handful of peat in a blender.


I'm the guy who said Glenmorangie is the least offensive so go for Glenmorangie.
I laughed
Check out this guys videos, his videos are very comfy. Basically just start drinking lad, you will pick up duds from time to time. But it's all drinkable in the end.
They're not meant to eat whilst the sun is up m8
how can her little pug face be both cute and ugly at the same time?
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you should only be allowed in the uk if your from these cunts.
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They're just a bunch of pretenders. It's fasting for a couple of hours a day and then stuffing themselves. Totally bizarre.
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wrong map
Lads, I am ashamed of my race. I just googled "bike drink holder" and it's fucking bike mounts for star bucks cups! I want a fucking water bottle holder and THIS is what we've come to.

Man powered portable coffee transport!
Thanks anon will do this, your advice is the most clear
Good enough for me
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We love you really son, lots of anons just like brit pol to be exclusively British supremacy because nationalism and patriotism are both illegal in our actual country.

Theresa is going full V for vendetta / Orwellian.
Thanks will give em a watch

>"The ECHR can bind the hands of parliament, adds nothing to our prosperity, makes us less secure by preventing the deportation of dangerous foreign nationals – and does nothing to change the attitudes of governments like Russia’s when it comes to human rights,” she said.

>“So regardless of the EU referendum, my view is this: if we want to reform human rights laws in this country, it isn’t the EU we should leave but the ECHR and the jurisdiction of its court.”
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Try reading it before you comment.
>no canada
>no india
>no hong kong
>no south korea
>no japan

bad map desu
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"The age of the Anglo is over...the time of the Scot has begun"
Hassidic Jews aren't zionists.
>This whiskey drinking sounds complicated
a good idea is to try different ones in a pub or with miniatures to find one you like, then get a bottle of that.
there is a whole load of shite (although lots if it is true) attached to whisky like there is with wine. having worked in nice hotels i had to learn this to deal with americans who bought into the shite.
chat about what they like to eat, if they smoke etc, then recommend one based on their story.
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all the sikhs i know are piss heads
Nice trips
Why no Canadians?
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Don't make me post the picture of the White house being burned down lad
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screw you paps

better you than some fucking leafs
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This is not a Muslim country, so either deal with it or fuck off.
>another privacy infringing law that is presented under the guise of combating terrorism, child abuse and pornography access

where have i heard this before?
Thanks anon will try some miniatures
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same dilemma
And what makes you think the left won't kick up a storm until she backs down?
agreed on all points
The common people cannot do anything, so it will have to be Labour, and given the electoral oblivion Labour will face in June, it will be highly unlikely she backs down.

She has a big majority, why would she give a toss about what the left think?
Banning 4chan will be like opening one of those springloaded jokeshop tin of nuts all of the internet
It's asparagus season m8 gotta make my pee smell awesome

>The common people cannot do anything, so it will have to be Labour, and given the electoral oblivion Labour will face in June, it will be highly unlikely she backs down.

I do fear a slaughter at the election for reasons such as this.
You gonna post this any more today?
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>the entire west will turn into brown obese shitholes

Be honest does this depress you?
Pikeys are filth they control all the crime in my area however they prevent any Paki/black gangs from gaining any sort of foothold and are probably the main reason our area has so little, better the devil you know I guess at least some families have some sort of code even though most do not.
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don't like her face desu
So you wouldn't?
I was talking more about protests and outcry from popular figures. It's why we now have to take in 20k rapeugees.
I don't think ukip have the ability to run the country, without farage they are toast, we need some sort of proper conservative party that is fully uncucked and capable, I hate how everyone thinks the conservative party are right wing, (I don't even like using the term left/right wing it's now irrelevant).

Thanks for the clarification lad - seems I misinterpreted things a tad.
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>tfw thats literally my step dad
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Lads is it more or does any one else feel like as if in the last month or so labour have really started to up there game.
I mean before that everyone was calling corbyn a red commie nut job without a clue whom would vote conservative just to keep the IRA and Hezbollah loving nut job out of office!

However recentlly they have employed this tactic of social-politcal bribery, in which they are literally adovcating for free shit to try and win voters.

Prehaps im overreacting by the amount of normie freinds at uni who are posting pro corbyn propaganda or is it just me are they becoming a genuine threat?

Or am i simply becoming over indulged with the apperance of corbyn supporters who are my age, in retropect to the majority of other members of socitey who hate the bastard and want him hanged for trechary!
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