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Is 8 years of daily fake scandal threads really worth it? The

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Is 8 years of daily fake scandal threads really worth it?

The only regret I have about getting Trump elected is that it ruined /pol/
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The liberals and Jewish media were the same way with Bush, and they ruined his legacy. At some point these animals need to be confronted on their lies.
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>The liberals and Jewish media were the same way with Bush,
And Bush was a giant cuck that let them walk all over him. Trump at least talks shit about them. Hopefully he'll turn Sessions loose on them too. It would be nice to see some of them rot in jail for their bullshit.
nice edit where's the real
When theres a real scandal no one will be paying attention anymore.
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Yes, small-minded shit for brains.

ctr/shareblue dox



>Trump is vanilla flavored
fuck this bumping this

How is it btw possible, to be even.more mentally retarded and degenerate, than a leftist ?!

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Should've been orange, because he's orange humpty drumpfty
Why do conservatives need the most retarded child like comics to get their point across? Is it related to their general lack of humour and simplistic view of the world?
Trump should be impeached entirely on the basis that he's Vladimir Putin's scoop holster.

Most of America's ice cream is being wired to Russia right now as we speak. You fuckers sit there and let this happen, then have the audacity to call *us* cucks.
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I'm sure that that nig-? well jews and anti-white whites well whisper in niggers ears that your ice cream is ray-sis and they can get attention from pretending to be upset over it, when they could care less in the first place.
Last I checked even libs (unless they're black) think Bush is a swell guy now, just not a good leader.

That's it. It's over. He got a different salad dressing than his guest AND two scoops of ice cream? I'll admit, I supported Trump just like you guys, but now #imwithher
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I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes
Yes. In 2018 when democrats get ass ravaged again we begin the mass suicides
the only thing this says is this old faggot is so mad at life he can't find a single place in the world with people or culture he likes
So what you're saying is that you're tired of winning?
says on /pol/. (saged)
Real vanilla bean extract is clear, like water.
The autistic screeching is the fun part.

Also, only eight? President Jared Kushner will be in attendance for the dedication of the Third Temple on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
1 post by this ID
Faggots can't wait to LARP this thread to the top of the catalogue.
I h8 you /nupol/
This is a thread of absolute shit. Post sage in the options field to help this thread 404. No valid discussion exists here. No one will read you replies except trolls.
Fuck Bush. The Patriot Act alone means he killed his own legacy.
But I agree the Dems are trying the same script again. It's not really working this time.
I never got this.
So cultures are classically some silly clothing and some stupid rituals?
Even the original point is silly.
No they don't. They're driven primarily by emotion like hysterical women, and now that the bad man has gone away, they don't feel threatened by him anymore. That's all.
Better then the alternative world we'd be living in where hillary would be president and we would be talking about the 50 million immigrants the united states is taking in from all corners of the world.
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>*colbert walks into a church*
>*he sits in the confessions booth
>Forgive me father for I have sinned
>*father is eating a bowl of ice cream as he listens
>Today I... w-wait, do I hear... two scoops?
>*father begins to sweat, his lips smeared with vanilla ice cream*
>*suddenly Colbert's face smashes through the screen separating them*
>*he screams as Colbert murderes him*
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>He's still got it!
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Im still standing by trump and i will till the end, however the election did ruin /pol/
Fuck you
Good thread gone to waste because of the fucking shills that have invaded our home!

I agree OP
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8 years of chaos was always the goal, friend
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How can you shills justify walking into someone's home and shitting all over it?
Wait, is Zyclon Ben a full-on /pol/ack now?
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Because everyone is the same?
>implying /pol/ was ever good
I'll give it 2 years at best, but realistically not going to last much longer than 1 year. I'd be surprised if they can keep this shit up at this kind of pace for much longer honestly, I mean the ideologues are loving it but they will push the people in the middle to the right if they keep hammering the fake scandals with anonymous sources that turn up no evidence over and over.

At some point even ((they)) will give up, or more likely they will switch strategies. Or it will succeed and they'll get rid of him, but either way it's not going to last 8 years at this pace.
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Wait what was going on with ice cream and trump outside of the Bill Nye the leftism guy cartoons?

All ice cream tastes like pure chemical shit and should never be eaten by anyone do to it being unhealthy.
Trust in the media is at an all time low. They're destroying themselves with this hysteria.
Besides the 2016 election, redpilling garrison is /pol/s greatest accomplishment. He doesn't even need edits anymore
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Eat shit, nigger
>All ice cream tastes like pure chemical shit
Wow I guess it's not just a meme. Life in Poland really is as bad as they say.
ice cream is unhealthy lardo.
>natural fats come from cows, natural sugars
>disgusting GMO sausage covered in a nations failures
I will take american Ice-cream to your worthless food.
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This will be the flag of Trump's empire
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Actually baned in Poland
No one should eat sausages they are unhealthy filth.

Will you eat every plant? I know some that will kill you despite "natural" part.
Ice cream is one of the worst things you can eat.
Want to see how fattening they are?
Let the ice cream melt down and try drinking the liquid.
They need to add this level of sugar because if its frozen you taste like ~10% of it.

However American fatty needs their cold sweats.

Is about the development of different points of view, different conquests and so. If everyone is the same and everything is just boring, devoid of soul, uncreative therefore uninteresting, then the guy just proved his own point.
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>Is about the development of different points of view
The pictures are literally:
>He drinks tee
>He stands next to a girl in a kimono
So culture is only a funny dress?
>He dances to some parade and people banging on drums
is culture only banging on drums?
>He rides a camel
So riding a different animal is different how now?
And what has this to do with culture?
>He tries to eat witch chopsticks and fails
So using different utensil is culture now?
>MEGA panel
>He plays socket a European game!
>With some kids in Africa!
Wow simply wow its like going to Japan to eat a American hamburger.
Like what was the point of this VS playing socket in the USA or any other European country??!!!

The last panel
>Photo of him with the kids
>Buddhist statue
>Russian doles
>other ceramic crap
>2 Japaneses swords
So culture is trinkets, pointless ceramic shit and accessories?
I don't get it.
>banning GMO's
I was memeing, if you did this your country is legit retarded.

And what do you want? A fucking series about KKK oldfag traveling around the world and renacting every single feat of every part of the history of those countries? I don't understand why the simbolism of the comic is innapropiate or lack of meaning. Trinkets, dances and goatfucking are just a manifestation of those feats that made interesting and great those cultures. I'm going to siesta now, so stay safe, Geralt.
>Trinkets, dances
Ok other people have different customs soo...
>And what do you want
I don't get the original anti racist cartoon.
Like if culture is only a different custom or clothing what is the exact point of me learning about it?
Like what exactly is supposed to enlighten me?

If any anti racist wants to give me plain tickets I accept, warning I'm not going to war zones or Islamic nation countries.
Japan is OK.
China kind of.
North Korea is of limits.
Oh look the Amerifat needs to shill for his corporate overlords.
Care to explain?
And non of the false crap like
>Without GMO the world will starve
Poland feeds the world with non GMO apples.
I know this pic is edited but the faggot who made this must've jumped through several loops at once
>multiculturalism equals no identity instead of many identities living next to each other
>bring nationalistic makes you appreachiate other cultures more
Is this what edgy alt-right hipsters believe?
Eating dirt from the ass of a rumanian hooker is less damaging than your processed bullshit. You fat burgers have invented nearly no cuisine on your own other than a deep-fried stick of butter.
No wtf is brown.
Is that an actual flavor?
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>implying /pol/ hasn't always been shit
I regret Trump because he's killing the conservative brand.
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Have to agree and the
>Muh delicious ice cream
Attitude is why Amerifats are so fat and why everyone hates them.
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To be fair its absolutely correct.
I personally hate using gay cartoons(will re-edit to make fun of them) to prove a point and I like numbers more.

Practically every country has a McDonalds in it.
You can go to China to eat a McDonalds burger or to australia to eat a McDonalds burger or to Germany to eat a McDonalds burger or to Russia to eat a McDonalds burger.
Every place starts looking the same.

And then you get people who say
>You can not use Mexican hats!
Extract, not the bean itself.
Bush ruined his own legacy by bumbling into Iraq. Hard to quibble with much else he did, however.
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