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Thread replies: 385
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This is the beginning of the end. South American carnage soon. Civil war in South Africa by August. You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons.

>the last hue
Give me more details about South Africa, Anon. Here in Far West Africa we don't have too many informations about it.
Why is South America so goddamn unstable?

Get your shit together, you fucking spics.
Why is this getting slid so hard?
For the same reason you didn't join US appropriately: dumbness

great becoming Venezuela is now withing our reach
>puelto lico
>You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons.

I sure hope so. Been fucking boring lately.
Gonna get a gun soon enough. My house has a nice wall, sturdy gate. There's a small but nice garden that could alleviate a bit the food needs. Just need to get a solar panel and stock up on non-perishable food.
Won't say I'm ready for the happenings, but I could hold on for quite a while and take at least a few monkeys with me if they tried anything funny.
Don't forget about water, sewage, cleaning supplies, and medical supplies.
There's a stream some 30 meters from the gate, would need to be smart about getting to it.
I'll read up on the other stuff, can't be prepared enough I guess.
But most likely nothing will happen, monkeys are lazy and unmotivated.
Are brazilians commited to making at least a major political scandal every year?
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God is great

time to kill off the mud peoples
We are great proud nations, that drink.
Im scared bros
Thats a sick way to look at the world
>. Civil war in South Africa by August

For five years, fuckign chairos kept insisting we had to be more like Brazil.

hue hue hue
>give people south of US oil
>they create their own oil corporations and become corrupt as fuck
>political scandals
>Brazil and Venezuela heading to the dumpster
I like it
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Please let a war in South America happen. We need another conflict to get pulled into
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The excuse we need to finally clean that mess up
>every year
Every month, yes. Every week if you count minor shit too.
I have some money at home, did the time to buy that house I've ever wanted near the river, under a forest and at the feet of a mount, to live eating the food I cultivate, while protecting it with shotguns, has come?
Shit, it was about time. May Jesus look for us all.

How is local news looking? Have they said whether markets will recommence trading tomorrow or are they calling an early weekend?
Good thing we have a strong leader with a level head, who has deep insights into the global economy.
president temer will make a speech 16:00 brasilia time (in 3 hours). will probably renounce if you ask me
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Fuckin Normie.
GG huebro, your country is kill.
No sense of group.
South americans are the most egoistical people to has ever lived.
Hopefully, anon, hopefully.

It stopped for half an hour, after it fell hard. Now it's more or less stabilised, don't think they'll close it for the week. Then again, the shitstorm is only beginning, so only God knows what's to come.
See the numbers yourself:
Because it's full of spics
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You don't belong here unless you're being ironic.
Either way total crash would better than slow death.
You should keep a eye on your own country first.

Last time I checked, a bunch of niggers were rioting because some criminal was killed by cops and you did nothing
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triple leveraged bull brazil ETF
Brazil will never have a civil war. Whites are pussies and refuse to act to retake the country. Spics and blacks are content to get gibs and subsist as street scum. Venezuela is a million times worse than Brazil and it's still not in civil war.

Spics are too dumb to fix their countries. Sorry.
Ya hoard those supplies so 6 Juans can storm your miniature fortress and take them from you within a week.
First dogecoin now brazil. Lowtax was right again
bumb for shills
That is a FULLY SICK dead cat bounce there
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The world will follow.
Sell in May and go Away.
little bit of damage control
summer recess.. and its gone.
time to flip the table.
>Brazil will never have a civil war

Cisplatine War (1825–1828)
War of Cabanos (1832–1835)
Cabanagem Revolt (1835–1840)
Ragamuffin War (1835–1845)
Sabinada (1837–1838)
Balaiada Revolt (1838–1841)
Liberal Rebellions (1842)
Praieira Revolt (1848–1849)
Federalist Revolution (1893–1895)
War of Canudos (1896–1897)
Contestado War (1912–1916)
Tenente Revolts (1922–1927)
Brazilian Revolution of 1930 (1930)
Constitutionalist Revolution (1932)
Araguaia Guerrilla War (1967–1974)

We were at in civil war ALL THE TIME
When is Ghost on next? I'd like to hear his thoughts on what happened today.
Not in this hemisphere nigga.
I wish I was american so I could buy a gun at a drugstore to defend myself
Can't wait, it's gonna be very exciting.
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Chaos and Bitcoin to mars.
>American reading comprehension
just nuke us already, i really just wanna die
Anyone got a Brazilian news channel stream?
Because they have to be used to invade the United States and Canada with "refugees"

Can confirm, work with them every day
can't find any reliable stream sorry
How do I capitalize on this crisis to import some hot Brazilian mail-order brides?


do you own bitcoins yet brazilfags
>You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons.
When the electric grid goes down in summer, the air conditions stop....and there will be a chimpout.
>Brazilian Stock Market

Italian Coast Guard
The markets dropped this hard because our dear corrupt president was trying to push 2 major reforms since he came to power, a labor reform and a public pension reform.

Both reforms came from extreme lobbying, labor one from industry associations, public pension from banks. They were being sold to the general public as the saviors of our economy, but in fact they're profit guarantees to whoever is affected. Both laws are now dead in front of public opinion, hence dollars running away from the country.
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thank god
>You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons
not to mention the inevitable burgerland chimp-outs
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shitting B.R.I.C.S.
If i learn spanish, can i come and participate?
If yes then who is the bad guys and how do we fuck em up. (Im really just up for anything that includes killing and diying myself as long as its slightly fun)
>If i learn spanish
Anyone can give me a quick rundown on what is happening on Brazil?
Your president is being removed again?
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Our ex-speaker of the house said the republic is about to end.
I for one welcome this change.
do you want the basic gestalt or the big enchilada?
tanned hotties are getting squeaky live

He may have meant south america.
we could use a purge.
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bad guys are the pro-US and pro-corruption parties (PMDB, PSDB, DEM)
good guys are the nationalist parties (PT, PCdoB, PSOL)
Give me o gigante
oh right you apes speak portuguese, nvm then, not gonna learn tier2 languageeven for potential sweet release of death in combat
I am Also betting on Monero some slander
fake news came out about malwar mining
software based on wannaCry NSA software
>Your president is being removed again?
most likely

He got caught on tape aproving the monthly bribe to a jailed politician

>[we] have to keep this, see
Is that the guy who likes Pinochet? I was in the comments section of a Cato's Speech video about Pinochet and this Brazilian said something like ""Pinochet should have killed more communists", "Pinochet didn't do enough to remove Marxists"- our next president". He also said that he's one of the only politicians who isn't corrupt.
>will probably renounce
Top kek. Honest question, what was the last time a corrupt president resigned in LATAM? They stay in power until they are impeached, killed or overthrown away.
Go to South Africa then. There's a thread just above this one where people are preparing for South African civil war between blacks and whites, apparently it will start on 9th August.
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Is that possible, politicians are by my definitions professional liars
>Is that the guy who likes Pinochet?

The guy in the pic is former president Luis Inácio "Lula" da Silva from the """"workers""""" party
>stock market

not the same thing you fucking monkey
The whole government is involved in a bunch of gigantic corruption scandals, the biggest of which involves one of the largest meat processing companies in the world. And the owner of that company is snitching on fucking everybody. President Temer was caught on tape telling said guy to buy the ex-speaker of the house's silence, and an ex-candidate for presidency, who is also the leader of one of the largest parties, got caught on tape telling someone to literally assassinate some dude.

The whole political system is crumbling, my nigga. We have elections next year, and at this point said elections would actually get in the way, because any electable politician is a part of the scandal. So it would just give them power to stop the investigations by force.
Lula will become President in 2017 and Moro will be arrested.
Whatever you don't pass the pensions reform, for fucks sake don't do it or you are doom to die homeless in the street.
>South American carnage soon.
Free helicopter rides?
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You know what will happen anão.
Bolsonaro will soon be either president or dictator.
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Actually his renouncement is quite probable
After the whole scandal he has no legitimacy with the population and no support in the congress
It's a matter of time for him to be impeached
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We won't all reforms are now ded
I don't think he's electable, honestly.
I think I trust him more than Doria, but I'm not sure Bolsonaro could handle the economy well enough. He's too nationalist, it's gonna end up with some cheap protectionism and sink this shit even further.
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no, that's our illiterate commie ex-president. seriously the guy spent 8 years in office without being able to read.
I have the solution!

Everyone go to Canada as refugee
The want to stop lava-jato, strategically speaking there's no point to him renouncing, it's not gonna restore people's faith in the institutions.
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Why? The future is brighter than ever
They aren't if the banks are pushing for it.

Just keep an eye on them cause that's the real scam.
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> the biggest of which involves one of the largest meat processing companies in the world.
Are they the same guys who were selling rotten meat a couple of months ago, or completely unrelated?

Wow you guys are fucked
From what I understand you will either have the 9 fingered commie again, some crazy environmentalist hippie chick or some ex-military guy who the media won't let you elect because he hates fags
>implying the president isn't gonna be Marisa's necromantic corpse
Fuck off
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Seriously? He spent 8 whole years being both president and illiterate?

Also, what's the guy's name that like Pinochet, and do you think he could win?
kys. seriously, even as a joke this is depressing, it reminds me he still has a voter base after everything he has done.
All the supporters of this reform were caught in a tape saying that this was purely to please their (((donors))), public support for it is literally under 1%.
>Everyone go to Canada as refugee
Trudeau will probably give out free plane tickets
nah they can't my friend, the population was already like 95% against the reforms, now with Temer dead and the popularity of the pro-Banks parties just imploded, the left is sure going to win one way or another
The only thing could save this country.
hey i'm on board if you guys are. at
least we wont blow anything up.
Ok this is weird.

The other day we had the biggest cyber attack in history.

Our stock market tanked yesterday.

Today Brazil's stock market is getting fucked up.

Idk what the fuck is going on.
Come on be honest, you only want the women.
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>sell everything I own
>get on a plane to the US
>step on american soil and suicide-by-cop

I want it all to end, but I don't want to die here.

Not here. I'm going to fix this.
Even monkeys get motivated when they face an existential crisis. No water, no food.

And they band together.

The lone wolf always dies. Remember that Huenon.

The only way to survive is to band together with like minded folks.

Stand together or fall apart.
Yep, same ones.
I don't think the 9 fingered commie will get in, since he's being investigated currently, may get arrested but fuck if I know, the institutions in this country are completely fucked.

Environmentalist hippie chick is a meme and will never win, ex-military guy is unlikely because as you said, media, but on the other hand they still haven't found shit on him, so he's actually gaining some ground.

Most likely scenario is some puppet from PSDB who will then proceed to get caught in another scandal and continue the process of removing presidents at light speed.
here is hoping civil war will break out just so we can refugee our way out of here
Trips of truth. If you kill your enemies, they win.
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Bitcoin to mars bro get it.
he is just memeing, the fact is that he didn't complete basic school, but he knows how to read. His government was literally the golden era of Brazil, we grew like an average 5% a year and his last year was like 7,5% in the middle of the 2008 international crisis
Trust me, he isn't joking. These people are serious about it.

Thanks to the CIA who constantly has the need to meddle on South American governments affairs.
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>hue hue land
and no Uruguay does not count
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>I don't think the 9 fingered commie will get in, since he's being investigated currently, may get arrested but fuck if I know, the institutions in this country are completely fucked.
kek, if he was to be arrested he would be like Aécio was, simply there are no concrete proofs but testimonial proofs to arrest him
Almost with my two pair.
I agree with you, but I think he'll get elected tho. He's like a light-millitary coup and a LOT of people want one of those
it's not a joke.

I don't like it, but it's going to happen. This is the punchline for this 15 year old joke.
Oh stop it, we have dug our own grave ourselves, blaming the US for everything is just a nigger-tier excuse.
Now you have to deal with the PT rejects, between the sword and a hard place.
don't listen to PT shills (>>126041146)
He is illiterate, being caught multiple times trying to read papers upside down. also he started the largest Gibsmedat program that has been fucking with our economy for the last 14 years.

This Anon has it right.

The Spics are our Africans and Sandniggers. When shit gets rough they will be pouring across the borders. It already happening on Mexico's southern borders.

That's why Trumps wall is so important - and so heavily resisted by (((those))) behind destabilizing these countries.
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Brazil was a great country in the 19th century
and we had slavery
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>we have dug our own grave ourselves
at least you are not in Venezuela
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Madam President
So the fat cats can avoid the rope when chaos starts and also blame it on somebody else?
Very plausible
I know you are right, but that's right coming from someone who lives in a bankrupt territory.
>Wymin leaders
Not yet, but very soon we'll be even worse off.
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Don't take us you cuck, don't destroy your country to save a bunch of stupid monkeys, just nuke us please.
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Keep saying that all the way to the Complexo Médico Penal, my lad.
hey at least we will drag the rest of south america with us.
Brazil has to start exporting it's most valuable commodity: shemales. I might buy one or two!

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3 ,4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers
And the world, chaos...
flip the table.
That's a pretty bad-ass beard on Pedro
I can convert to Islam and turn transexual if it will help me.
Who is Ghost? Where can I also hear him?
ah, old Luis "81 fingers" Lula Da Silva
you lazy pos monkies
You don't even dragged us into your retarded war with paraguay.
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>All these leftycucks thinking Lula won't go down the shitter too
>Implying we won't have an even bigger institutional crisis as the country falls into anarchy
does this mean big bunda refugees
No, merkel will block us because we're christians, you will get somalians while we invade uruguay and Chile
>Brazilian refugee into the USA

Your woman look better rather have you.
You never heard of the CIA or what?
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>Images show bribe delivery to Temer and
senator Aécio's cousin
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MY country is falling apart.
Only Bolsonaro and a right wing military intervention can save it.


unfortunately what the dumb america was trying to say is that you should have a civil war that matters, one to fix shit right.

All those rebellions and uprisings, at least the vast majority of those I know of, were pretty much useless and stupid.
Watch recent Molyneux interview with Roche about South Africa. It explains everything about the civil war predicted dates.





too many br commies ITT
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It would never happen
gun ownership is almost prohibited here
this sucks
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>just nuke us please.
we gave up our nukes in the 80's because we are a nation of gay and our liberals wanted to rewrite history and claim we have always been peaceful , sorry can't help. Go invade the Falklands Argentina style, the britbongs have nukes on a bunch of subs
>US president is black
>BR president is white

how crazy things were back then huh
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said the country who happily declared bankruptcy instead of joining the U.S. after the U.S. has been pouring gibes into your country
i think im going to write my congressman to urge them to stop aid to PR and end free travel
This is their last ray of sunshine before reality comes crashing down on them. Don't worry, they haven't yet realized that Lula was also heavily implicated in this latest delação and that evidence has already proven he's lied to Moro.
Arab Spring 2: Poo in Loo edition
Soccer and NFL both need to die.

Such gay sports.
>The whole political system is crumbling, my nigga. We have elections next year,

Zilian goes to vote and elects the communist Lula da Silva, who just raped the country for 20 years.

We are not much better, but damn, you are dumb as fuck.
>wall not even started yet

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>convert to Islam and turn transexual if it will help me.
You're in, remember to attend our gay-pride parade
Just give a look at the 2014 elections. The guy who ran against Dilma is a fucking cocaine addict and now is being investigated.
Get your shit together Brazil.

I want to do vacations in Rio Grande do Sul or Santa Catarina. But I can't if you have civil war.

Sergio Moro is a hero.

But yeah, he either flees the country or he's in for a "helicopter ride".
Don't compare us with a white country.
>47,5% white
What the fuck do you expect?US you're next.
I love fags and fag-related products! I will purchase them and tell my friends about them!

We haven't done that shit since the 60's Abdul.
If the JBS scandal checks out in full, Lula can't run.
Which doesn't mean he can't name some other commie to take his place.

There's nothing short of a civil war that can save this country now.
That didn't take long. Brazil presidents are becoming faster at corruption and people more clueless every decade.
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We thrive in chaos, we'll be fine, but if shit happens i hope its enough of a shock to put nationalism back again in a position of power

Please, tell me more about that Italian named guy...
Don't go to Porto Alegre
it's a violent leftist city
Will we see a crash in other markets too?
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Mexico can take BR civil war refugees that meet the following requirements:

-6-12 years old
-cherry unpoped
-not fat
-not too skinny

We got you bros. Send your little sisters to safety
I hope we don't take you down with us,you don't deserve it but we're half of South A economy.
>in latin ''race-mix'' america
I'm sharpening my fingernails and teeth.
Are you goys even allowed to have guns in Argentina?
Brazilians are not spics.
We are something else. Probably more nigger, but definitely not spics
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Nigga please. Pretty sure most of us would rather stay here.
No, he founded the left wing party who ran the country for the last 15 years. He is perceived as the "savior" of our poor people because he managed to save the poor people from the northeast from hunger and did some populist stuffs for brazilians. That is why he is so popular, but he is corrupted as hell (as well as his entire party) and he mighty get in jail very soon. But with this recent fact he could run for election this year apprantly and thus become immune (he is ahead in the polls and we do not have anyone decent to run against him).
They're 80% white, unlike Brazil Argentina can create nationalism.
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You're going furry? flash'm
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We can have cars though
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>implying being you can only be nationalistic by being racially homogenous
you are a funny guy
>His government was literally the golden era of Brazil

Kill yourself please.

This is why you'll always be a third world country, are the great power of the future for ever.

Can't you guys put 2 and 2 together and see that all the shit in Brazil right now is basically a consequence of Lula?

Brazil, a hell for niggers, a purgatory for whites, the paradise of brown scum...
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brazilians have active mind, they'll think I'm an x-men
pick one
Your destiny is sealed. Forever the bottom bitch of bigger capitalists. All stocks are connected to USA, it's first going to burn in your land before it does in USA.
Fuck off you faggot, stop pinning the blame for this on all of us like all Brazilians are unaware of what this piece of shit did.
If it was consequence of him how come people elected Dilma 2 times? Do people like to suffer?
His government was just corrupt, after all it was ok
The shit got serious with his sucessor, Dilma
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Grab the popcorn, folks. The world is starting to burn.

Actually there is, but you have to suffer more unfortunately.

more info
>He doesnt know about the nationalist leaders the CIA and commies fucked over in the cold war
Like most of the world you are allowed but there's a bureaucratic wall if you go the legal way however i'm pretty damn sure a lot of people illegally own guns though
Still hung over a lost continent that you plundered?
Because we're a 50% nigger country that live of welfare so they promised the niggers welfare without caring about the consequences to the economy.
So why exactly did you remove Dilma? No cheating, specific answer. I don't think you know why or care. All they wanted is money and now they got it.
30% of the country requires Bolsa Senpaiília to survive

if you imagine 30% of the rest of the country is retarded, you get the 51% votes required to become president.

And 30% is a low estimate for politically braindead citizens.
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Yesterday the mainstream media were showing a peruvian screeching "I'm an argentinian you stole everything 1!1" to some jew
The protests are now surging due to them not getting more gibs
And these marxists don't care about people stealing from the country unless they're not spoonfed
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Brazilians are terrible. First of all they are brown. Secondly. They are fucking beggars. Like India. "Please b-bro! p-please master! C-can we be brotier now?"

FUcking BEGGARS. Youll never see me beg. Youll never see my proud, confident, getting laid with white women ass ever beg or bend the knee to albinism. A disease. Never. Not in 10 million years. Never forget that brazil. Youre fuckiing brown beggars. Beg them you wannabe white bitch.
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Fucking this.
so what you are saying the only solution is genocide?
>Your destiny is sealed. Forever the bottom bitch of bigger capitalists.
I thought we were talking about South America not the European Union
No one gives a flying fuck about south America.
>Puelto Lico
Unless based Império returns, there isn't. The republic has been a complete and utter failure at every turn.
More opportunity's than ravaged shithole europe
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>Instead Mexico takes in Haitians and other Central American refugees along with Syrians and Somalians on top of legalizing gay marriage cheers m80!
I'm saying the solution is not give half of the population free money to keep their kids in the school EVEN THOUGH THE LAW FORCE THEM TO DO IT
>here nigger take money to follow the law and let them in the school
Or kick them out.
shut up texas, you have seceded yet.
>I don't think you know why or care.

Wow, thank you for utilizing your superior intellect and brain power to teach the uneducated masses about the reality of their own political sphere.

Or so it seems...

You see, you benefited out of the international context mostly.
Lula's policies were mainly shit.

Yeah, a few people got to eat properly, but that was with money which EASILY could make the whole Nation more prosperous.

But yeah... keep on with your Economics uber alles and your "whoever is in power when I get more money is the best" logic.

I'm only trying to help: Everything is better than communists, or almost.
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brazilians ITT don't know what boom and bust cicles are

they think acts by a president have no consequences after the mandate of suck president
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they removed her because the president of the chamber of deputies was going to be arrested by the Operation Car-Wash and he blackmailed Dilma that if she doesn't stop the Operation Car-Wash he was going to open an impeachment process. That allied with the economic recession got her. They pulled up from their ass a bullshit excuse to impeach her. To the point that the same senate that impeached her, pleaded her innocent for the punishment of her crimes
You are for centuries where EU is moving. You know how they say: if you are sad for a day, it might be a problem, if you sad for a week it's big problem, if you sad for a month, it might have been a big shock, but if you are sad for years or even decades, in your case centuries, then this is how you are. You have to invest at least double the effort in same amount of time to become nationalistic than you invested cross-breeding.
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Yes, based Império.

We'll arrive at that - but it will be a soft apartheid next time around:
Not overtly racist, just based...
Why is it collapsing now? I thought things were improving since that oil last president was ousted.
Unfortunely that is why Lula could win again, because many brazilians think like him. They think that Lula was the one responsible for the Brazil's growing from 2001-2010, but they deny the fact that he was the leader of the criminal organization that assalted Brazil and did this to this country. It is because of him and his party that we are suffuring our worst economic crises ever. We are fucked because there are so many brainless brazilians that dont even care if he robbed or not, since he delivered what the poor people needed to survive.
So you are saying they shouldn't survive?
Watch out! You could cut yourself with all that edge
>literally every single party in Brazil is corrupt
>two jailed senators
>new reformer President
>he's also corrupt and now about to be impeached

This is how dictatorships start. How weak must these institutions be for corruption to just eliminate the creditability of an entire generation of politicians?

See the digits Zilians, I tell the truth.
With no pleasure whatsoever.
New president was caught on tape giving huge bribes. Will likely be ousted.
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Brazilians are RETARDLY racist for cuck wannabe with brown skin. Honestly, could be THEE dumbest ppl in the world "I-im white!"

Stfu you B R O W N B E G G A R

Fucking beggar bitch. Fucking boot licking slave motherfucker. Poser ass wannabe bitch. Your sexy ass women are not white you stupid bitch. Get some real pride in yourself and maybe you can fuck them you lonely piece of retard that is the Brazilian male.

This is what they think of you, and you BEG THEM like the little wannabe poser bitch that you are. Retarded slave BOOT LICKER.
>You're in for one hot summer of happenings, anons.

>hot summer

It snowed last night. Stone cold happenings inbound.
Do any of their large cocked shemales need a home?
Reminds me of the Venezuelan love for Chavez before the big fall of Venezuelan living standards desu
Se for você [Aécio] a pegar em mãos, vou eu mesmo entregar. Mas, se você mandar alguém de sua confiança, mando alguém da minha confiança”, propôs Joesley no video em questão.

No que foi respondido por Aécio:

“Tem que ser um que a gente mata ele antes de fazer delação. Vai ser o Fred com um cara seu. Vamos combinar o Fred com um cara seu porque sai de lá e vai no cara. E você vai me dar uma ajuda do caralho”, afirmou o senador afastado.
Basically, Dilma made some tax reforms and the country's income got fucked, debt got high and bla bla bla everybody knows what happened
Then came Operation Carwash, corruption scandals everywhere inside Petrobras, but Dilma was Petrobras president at the time the corruption happened

After all, she was extremely unpopular. In 2014 during the elections she went to the 2nd round of the elections with a guy called Aécio Neves (which is being investigated right now). She won with like 51% of the votes, being the most disputed election in Brazil's history.

The people started asking for impeachment for basically because they didn't accept the elections' results. They found a random reason and impeached her to put Temer, the vice-president from PMDB (the party who basically commanded the whole operation) on the presidency.

Now he is also being fucked
either troll or gibs monkey
People don't understand the Keynes meme. So they think it'll still work a second time in a row.

Hint: it always falls apart

Brazi's supreme court have approved an investigation into Temer

We dig, but the CIA is always ready to give the shovels
Thanks socialism. Thanks łula
m8, the same happened during military dictatorship in the 70s and we didn't grow not even a quarter of what we did during Lula's government. The difference was that the wealth surplus literally became concentrated in the hands of a few. Meanwhile in Lula it was reinvested in the economy and given to the lower classes which later reinvested by consuming making our country grow like hell. That's the main point about his economic measures. He literally did Keynesian economics while enjoying this international growth. Also you seem to forget that he was president during the 2008 crisis

our institutions actually are pretty strong and doing the job (Police, federal prosecutors and judges, auditors). This is exactly why all the powerful scum are being investigated and arrested.

The problem is the people who keep voting for these criminals
t. Debtor Island
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There Bankrupt now right?
Actually you are right.
Eu gostaria de acreditar nisso.

But the democracy meme has taken over the political discourse at this point, people feel personally attacked if you propose something anti-democracy.
They'll blame the evil private enterprise a and "corrupt politicians, nothing wrong with socialism.
Bolsonaro? basically Brasil's Trump if Trump was smart. He can be more extreme than Trump at times; he wants to legalize guns, kill rapists and give a focus on internal economy; using our products to sustain our own needs and researches instead of selling them.
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Nice trips.
Starting to look like time for you guys to MBGA.
Don't get caught in a situation where you end up having to eat
>sopa de macaco
Accepting all brazil girls who want to come and get real /comfy/ all the nice things you could like.

Us brits are allowed official side pieces now, no fatties thnx :)
[Muffled Reggaeton beat ]
Got a link for that?
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He is so stupid that he is going to go A and become a national meme
>Bolsa Senpaiília
What's this program's name in English? Google not bringing anything up.

the final reason(which is mostly irrelevant, they just wanted her out) was because she was masking the country's debt by "forgetting" to transfer funds to public and private banks in certain months.

So the visible debt of the country would appear to be much smaller, which is nice for the president. This is also very illegal.
That problem exists since the Military Dictatorship in the 70s
The constitution from 1988 just institutionalized it.
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Trap for him Boyzzz
A, for sure. He's shown at this point that he is more than willing to sink with the ship for as long as it takes.
Bolsa Senpaiília is the official name
Bolsa Familia. í isn't recognized as a character so 4chan replaces f@m as senpai
This is what seems strange to me, that the judiciary is able to pursue these investigations. Usually for corruption of this magnitude, every institution needs to be fucked for it to occur. Yet here, the police, courts, judges etc are right on them. Is it a spesific party, or group of politicians on a committee, or geographic group of politicians that are this corrupt?
I second that request
wikipedia Family Allowance Brazil or something like that.
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>expecting honesty from politicians
>Ano 127 da República
this is hue-ge
Quick run down in the political scandal?
Military Government's economic policies were retarded and based on a warlike mentality, this is not a point in Lula's favor. Two wrongs don't make a right.
No fuck off smartass, you will send all your muslim immigrants from Merkel to here like you always did under the empire.

The ONLY GOOD THING about brazil is that we're not turning muslim.

Gotta keep the pattern.
In may 25, 2018, the replacement corrupt-to-the-core president will also say he dindu nuffin when there's a video on youtube where he's burning an orphanage, snorting coke and accepting bribes.
He grew 5% with borrowed money, you retard. He literally 0'ed the FMI debt by making an EVEN BIGGER DEBT just to tell people that he payed the FMI debt. He fucked any other government after him by doing that.

The little shit even got us the olympics, which destroyed the country even more. 2 other countries appointed before Brasil DECLINED the olympics because that would be a waste of money, and he took that bullet for no reason.
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They won't give up that easily.
Obviously A)
the president was recorded asking for bribes
12h51 Redação G1
O presidente Michel Temer deve falar por volta das 16h, segundo o comentarista Valdo Cruz, da GloboNews.
40 million in pocket

Brazilians keep bugging each others phone calls and so discover they are all hilariously corrupt, also need Swiss or better accountants.
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Fucking phoneposters, get the fuck out.
how's this company related to what's happening? googling about it doesn't really give me many results

All major parties are corrupt to the core, but people keep voting for the same people over and over and over.

But here the prosecutors, judges and auditors are autonomous, and have no link to elected officials. Basically they can investigate and arrested (provided the rule of law are respected) any politician.

So yeah, politicians are mostly corrupt, but our institutions are strong and independent.
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Let's eat our last SOPA DE MACACO together irmãos
old president was impeached for being corrupt, new president was found being corrupt, br market is shitting itself, brs are pissed off, welfare niggers want the return of former president because he was corrupt too but at least gave more gibs
Bogdanoffs made a phone call to Brasília and now the government is crumbling.
Y'know, the usual.
Eu roubo meus celulares para usá-los
try using google translate or something

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Current president was recorded accepting a deal to bribe the ex-president of the chamber of deputies so he keeps silent about <thing>.

In other news, one senator was caught accepting a two million reais(about 650 thousand dollars) bribe. In the recording, he says he accept this bribe because he has to pay his lawyer, since he's currently being prosecuted for accepting bribes in another corruption scandal.
What's this, a soup for ants?
Every party and I would say 90% of our politicians are corrupt. That comes from our history since the Empire time. The corruption is on our blood, our culture, regardless of the social degree of the person... We are hoping that this operation can at least stop this from happening among the politicians in the future. Neverthless I am proud of the investigations that are being carried out, as at least we know at what degree of corruption we are dealing with. In russia or china this would not happen whatsoever.
This last delicia will be a honor brother.
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top fucking kek
>Truco paulista
9/10 vagina
>implying any other sort of truco even exists

what kind of sandniggers are these? my penis is telling me they could use my white seed
LOL, tem jogo melhor?
Desce então!
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My fucking sides
>t. chang
Truco cego/gaudério > paulista/mineiro
Because politics are more important than law in extreme situations, and she lost all politic conditions to keep on the office. Yes, there were some dodging accounting, but even if this didn't happen she would be impeached.

>Blog do Noblat

we could use a source here mister
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Not sandniggers.
These are jungleniggers.
>temer's informal spokesman
He IS the source.
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there are 2 kinds of BRs


federal police, prosecutors and judiciary in general are mostly humans

politicians and plebe who vote for them are mostly sub-humans
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The CIA did try meddeling in here, but KGB did have way more power. Blaming this on the US is one of the dumbest things ever. Our most prosper moments on the last 100 years (aka the military government) were supported by the CIA, the current commies were supported by the KGB. Just fuck off to your cuckshed, Hans
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I'm not buying it.
I still doubt he'll resign.
FYI PCdoB is literally Brazilian Communist Party
Translation plz
I don't follow twitter, so I couldn't tell if the person posting that is actually Noblat.
I dont know who that is but says Temer, current Macaco in Command is gonna resign
Technically it's Communist Party of Brazil
PCB is the Brazilian Communist Party.
Basically Yankees lowered your credit ranking, so companies had to close for some time.
>pronto para renunciar
Pretty sure he quit
It says the president couldn't handle the pressure and will resign today.
>"Temer has succumbed to the pressure of his allies and adversaries and is ready to renounce the presidency of the Republic today".
>Temer gave up to the pressure of it's allies and enemies and he's ready for renouncing the presidency
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>most prosper moments

Fuck off. Our military government was useless and pointless

If only we had this guy to cleanse our country
/pol/ reminder NYC, Brazil & all other 'news happenings today are slide threads. STAY FOCUSED

some guy you can't trust said the president is going to resign
This. I'd rather have shootouts with commies than get beheaded by the Cartel
Our stock declined 10% today
This is totally legit

Fuck you



Even Pinochet was a cuck
lol who cares about bush 3.0
>Verified Account
>Thinks America is important

You have no fucking clue what this means. We're going to be in a world war by Christmas.
Again, I don't follow twitter.
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>These are jungleniggers
Whites only.

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3 ,4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers
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