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Le Pen emigrating to help her father who married a black woman

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Like pottery. Her gramps isn't too happy about her leaving right before the elections.

man france got cucked, bad luck
lmao you cant make this up

fuck the french
her father married a black african woman several years ago, that was mentionned those past months
Marion will really get blacked now

You deserve it. The most spineless country in Europe, congratulations.
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rare for me coolio
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Marion's new mom
What did you expect? She is a single mother.
I thought her dad was Mossad?

I'm not a Hitler fan desu. But I was reading up on his ideas about France. Looks fairly accurate desu.

> France mocks Marion for helping her father because of who he remarried

> France meanwhile voted for the person who is going to BLACK their entire country
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Guess his next husband will be something similare to this
i want a blowjob from this lady
haha holy fuck, ivory coast?

Coal burner imminent
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>no philtrum

How is this not obvious to you goys?
Do Jews not have philtrums? Damn, feels good to have a philtrum
It's nowhere near as prominent in them. But just look at her anon. And all the rumors, about that Mossad guy being her dad. I would put shekels on it being true.

Her biological father was a Mossad agent
>married a nigger
>dares to call himself a nationalist
What a total faggot
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Did she ever confirm it? Man, what a shitshow.

There are no political solutions.
losing the election so badly you have to leave the country out of embarrassment
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Jean-Marie seriously needs to come the fuck back.

Or at least Gollnisch or Philippot.
Fucking hell, she does resemble a jew
>hook nose
>receding hairline
>no philtrum
>beady eyes with probably heavy thick eyelids hidden under makeup
>recessed chin
Kek, the French really love their shitskins. Why did we ever think there was hope for this country?

>tfw an autistic hobo viking and convicted murderer was right about the Le Pen family all along
If anything, it was a slight improvement for FN imo. They should have done a lot better. But France wants to die. I just hope those French lads stay strong.
She was never my waifu during the meme wars. I swear it. Something was always... off... And this was before I knew about who her dad possibly was.
France is unironically fucked desu
She's moving to Africa. She's going to get blacked again isn't she.
she didnt take part in the elections, smartass.
That was her mother.
>An attractive woman doing without sex in her new country

Yeah, she's going to be blacked numerous times and in all actuality have a black child within the next 5 years.
not bad

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Zomg look at that aryan qt marion le pen she is a nationalist FN will save france u guise!

> single mom
> lives in Africa with black family

you cant make this up.
Britanny venti is a better waifu.
you can be a nationalist and a race traitor at the same time
This is just sad.
No. The two things are each other's opposites.
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Marion knows how to pick her men.
nations are formed, races are set. you can have nationalism transcend race but it'll be weaker
BASED civic nationalist
t. r/the_donald
Good, now /pol/ will finally stop sucking up to her and how "based" she is for being her aunt's niece and doing some wonderful job at the regional council by only showing up rarely and even then just block all negociations because that's what an opposition party does when you are politically illiterate.
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Instead of merely having a step-nigger in her family, Venti has legit nigger blood flowing through her veins
BASED. Literally nothing wrong with race mixing. Heil Trump
Le Pen's failure
Is /pol/'s failure
ha ha ha ha,
ha ha ha FAGGOT !!!! :D :D :D
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Ah Finally, she's moving from a Semi-Islamic country to a Really Islamic country, ironically with safer streets.
The Chad needs no waifus. Especially not a waifu with a Mossad dad or a black ancestor.
Those tits are something else.
The G-d Emperor isn't a fucking bigot. Marion is BASED.
The Le Pens are jewish cucks and Marion is a divorced single mother. I'm tired of hearing about them.
Her father or her cuckfather?

>In a book entitled The Conquerors (Les Conquérantes) launched on 18 November 2013, the French journalist Christine Clerc (fr) revealed that Samuel Maréchal is not her biological father.[10] On 7 November 2013, the French weekly news magazine L'Express disclosed the identity of her biological father, Roger Auque, a Mossad agent and investigative journalist who died in September 2014.[10] On 8 November, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen officially announced that she had asked her lawyer to sue L'Express for a "serious invasion of her privacy".[11][12]
Chad need food and birth control, they're fucking starving down there.
But who isn't? Even Trump gave his children to Jews.

Things look so damn dark for the west.
/pol/ shilled for a party of literal race traitors

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>Philtrum In Jewish mythology, each embryo has an angel teaching them all of the wisdom in the world while they are in utero. The Angel lightly taps an infant's upper lip before birth, to silence the infant from telling all the secrets in the universe to the humans who reside in it; the infant then somewhat forgets the Torah they have been taught.

Jews Will Go to any length to 'Shut it Down' and not the Goyim know, wouldn't they?
It's fairly common among older men. Frankly africans will have leaner bodies and suck dick like a vaccum. Compare that to flabby types like Marine.
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Cant Unsee

Fuck the dutch
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you JUST know

that's not Aquafresh
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I know it's haram, but I can't stop looking at that THICC ass.
>Moving to the Fucking ivory coast
Is she also taking trips to the Congo on the Weekends?
Where is her Fucking husband?
No fucking wonder Le Pen had no chance. They are both divorced, mother and daughter. They are disgusting degenerates who fuck around on the side as if it's their official past time.

Remember Goys, you get 10 years in France for doing a paternity test on your kid in France.
Bet Le pen wouldn't repeal that if she became president.
Also female right wing politicians is just unelectable.
They should have put some other politician as front-runner for FN. she could have been the shadow president or something.
Welcome to France. We were pretty naive to think they ever had a chance to uncuck themselves.
Source it, quick
Pierre, Va te faire foutre
You like thicc black man ass?

>Literally DOUBLED their best performance

It's not slight it's huge

Problem is Marine is a moron and her poor performance is cited as one of the reason Marion fucked off, beside being tired with all the political bullshit
Marine should have focused more on how Macron is establishment. Hammered it in.

Marine is a complete amateur compared to Trump.
Macron won because people knew too little how he's an establishment puppet.
Marine didn't capitalized on it.
It was already too late to do this in the second round. Needed to start doing it earlier.
Also she has been too long in politics, haven't done anything but being born into a political dynasty.
Big fat failure, she could have gotten a lot closer than she got.
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>Not a single nigger ass on that pic
Have a (You), cousin.
nice pussy
HAhaha redditcore amirite guys? xDDDDDD we did it! Cross post to r/4chan pls!

Get gassed.
She is a literal jew lmao
Well, looks like the only way out of this will be ratonnades since even the most based politicians are all cucks.

She made sure everyone knew that

She just was completely retarded and didn't know the basic of debating seriously

Gonna watch a bit of the debate, but seriously she was stupid

"HURRR DURR WE'LL GET RID OF GAY MARRIAGE IF YOU VOTE FOR MY AUNTIE IN THE ELECTION" French people don't care about that you dumb bitch. Why is she so stupid?
>trusting women
>believing women are red pilled
this is fake news mamadou
So much for "deus vult".

Good thing we arent christcucks and realized lepen is a zionist shill
>no philtrum
what do you mean?
I hope France sinks into the sea.
Come on /pol/ this is fake news, don't fall for this
It's a physical feature in between your nose and lips, where Hitler's stash was. Very prominent in Caucasians and East Asians. Not so much in Jewish and black people.
oh, nice.
You retards really call yourself /pol/?

If this were really /pol/ someone would have already mentioned that Marion Le Pen's father just so happens to getting married to Cécile Houphouët Boigny...

That name probably doesn''t ring any bells in your thick, Trump-loving skulls and that's because you idiots are so mesmerized by the shitposting going on here to really educate yourselves... lucky for you, I'm here...

Felix Houphouët Boigny (Grandfather to Marion's new Step-Mom) ...


...is the father of Ivory Coast independence. Hhe was elected president of the Ivory Coast for over 30 years, he was closer to French head of states than pretty much any other politician throughout that time, his family FUCKING RUNS Ivory coast, one of Africa's richest countries...

Félix Houphouët-Boigny (FHB) was estimated to be at the head of a fortune of over $11 Billion at the time of his death and the family has inherited shares and placements across the world and especially in Switzerland.

FHB's family is still one of the major driving forces in Western African politics, FHB was involved in a number of "democratic" coups across Africa during his reign...

SO,what everyone here has failed to see is the Marion Maréchal just got promoted.. to leading France's shady and lucrative ties to African resources... she didn't get blacked, all the little cucks who worshiped her on /pol/ did. They thought she was the one who would "save them" from crooked politicians bent on destroying the white race... ha! she's pushing the globalist/capiutalist agenda 110% now...

How does that feel guys?

Oh and, btw, you're welcome...
Why do Hungarians on this board always seem to speak German?
Lots of us are WWII weebs + Hungarians with German/Swabian ancestors + Hundreds of years' of German influence on our culture.

>Lots of us are WWII weebs + Hungarians with German/Swabian ancestors + Hundreds of years' of German influence on our culture.
This makes me doubly sad that we are such spineless losers lately.
Europe could actually take a dose of efficient German decision making right now. But not with that kind of Germany.
It's the direst time for Europe to take a stance for its own survival (ethnically, culturally, economically, technologically and scientifically) but the only nation that still has the ability is too neutered to do so.
Fucking embarassig, I tell you, Lazlo.
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