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1 billion whites vs 15 million jews..... we have the numbers

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Thread replies: 153
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1 billion whites vs 15 million jews..... we have the numbers by far, time to get uncucked
Whites are cuckolds
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This is why they have been stacking the deck with allies.
Jews are simply smarter than Whites.
Smarter or ore willing to deceive?
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that's where you're wrong kiddo. cuckolding came about because weak sheister jews who had no ounce of masculinity in their blood got cheated on and decided to internalize the fetish and try to pass it on to their arch nemesis (aleister crowley kike magic attempts)

(((patient zero))):
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It's time goys.
Pre-heat those ovens.
>Cannot into hard science

You what?
Jews are so alpha, holy shit
If whites create all the wealth, as OP's image states, but Jews manage all the wealth, then the Jews are smarter.

It's like a finance guy who spends his whole life doing well and then a hacker steals his money online in 10 minutes. The hacker is smarter.

Less moral, but more intelligent.
That's like saying that HIV is smarter than you because it's gonna kill you.
How would the hacker be smarter?
this desu
Whites hope to create a better world, Kikes want to create a better world (but only for them).

Deceptive, lying reptilian creatures with no souls, the Judan must be exterminated
we just need to get the asians on our side basically, and convince the South Americans not to put up with the jews shit either
Otherwise Asia would run the world.
There's a saying from Jewish uk prime minister Benjamin Disraeli "Yes, I am a Jew, and when the [Irish] ancestors of the Right Honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon."

I think that sums it up. They were reading big scrolls and building temples when whites were wallowing in mud.
>It's like a finance guy who spends his whole life doing well and then a hacker steals his money online in 10 minutes. The hacker is smarter.
jew logic in a nutshell
Get rid of the 1 billion whites leave me with easier manageable literally any European state and Jews will be btfo without violence, Netherlands could fuck up all jews
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>Steven Pinker explains why Jews make up 37% of the ivy league student body "we are superior to you genetically"
Doesn't change the fact that whites are stupid enough to fall for Jew logic.
If so powerful you are, why leech?
superior genetics
>big noses
>british tier teeth
>nig tier firzzy hair
>premature balding

got it famalam
Jews have been very successful... in white nations.
>we are superior goys
>money is genetic

Pls everyone hates you, lapdog of Israel...
Who would win, 15 million sickly Jews or 1 billion whites?
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Alain Prost is a Jew?
ok mohammed, fuck off no dogs allowed in this thread
The one on the left is Alain Prost, a French racing driver, who is not a jew.
>Doesn't change the fact that whites are stupid enough to fall for Jew logic.

But we don't, that's why we are here discussing the issue and why there are so many antisemitic racists, like me.
You're a slave, you shubhuman goy. Semites own you and always will. You even worship one. Christianity was one of the Jew's most clever trick.
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>cannot sustain a civilization of their own without external aid

This is dumb. Why rely 100% on yourself when you can use 4d chess on a regular basis to trick others into supporting you?

Fucking Europeans do it ALL THE TIME with Nato. The US pays everyone's dues.

>never had a country until white men gave them one

Again, tricking people into doing things for you.


Is a monarch or a leader parasitic on his subjects or does he know how to rule them and get what he wants?

Literally everyone is trying to trick one another in international politics

Any smart minority would do what they're doing. Do you expect people to always fight battles?

Check out The Prince sometime.

>never invented anything worth while
look up percentage of Jews earning nobel prizes.

inb4 it's rigged

provide citations that it's rigged

>cannot into hard science
see above

>lying etc. etc. etc.
ethics cannot exist between factions, only within them.
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yes goyim
we never invented (((anything)))

give me the shekels before I drop your credit score again
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6 trillion muscle cells vs 86 billion neurons in the adult human brain..... we have the numbers by far, time to get uncucked
its a numbers game, the era of jewish deception is coming to an end one way or the other

Jews are cuckholds.

Why are all the kikes producing nigger cuck porn? Like that Greg Lansky creep? He must love nigger dick that much. Fucking faggot kike shills it all over the boards too. No you sick degenerate piece of jew shit, just cause you like nigger porn doesn't mean we want the shit spammed to us you fucking scumbag

>Look at this guy
>Just look at his faggot retard creep face
>This is the cuck responsible for spamming /pol/ with nigger cuckhold porno filth
you're right fellow goy
we sheep can surely conquer the sheepherders once and for all if we simply increase our numbers
You're a complete idiot if you think only Jews deceive people. Are we just going to pretend propaganda doesn't exist?

Here's a redpill for you:

There will always be a puppet master. If you take one down, another will take his place.

In educating yourself to see the tricks of manipulation the elite use against the majority, you have now become a minority and have to manipulate the public with benevolence while they manipulate with malevolence.

Intelligence =/= Psychopathy you fucking kike
nah poor example, in a human body if you get rid of one or the other then both parts will fail, get rid of the jewish problem and the world will thrive like never before and thats a fact.
i know it's semantics, but that's not "smart", it's just manipulative and opportunistic

Imagine where they'd be if whites didn't exist. Really try. Don't seem so smart now, do they?
The brain uses most of the body's glucose. Filthy kike.
Jews are just better than us. The fact that have such disproportionate power proves that.
We're basically the niggers of jews. Just as nigs blame us, we blame jews, when it's really our own stupidity that's at fault. Sry guys.
learn more hbd, goyim. nordic genetics = super cuckery.
You do realize it takes intelligence to manipulate, right?

Any fucking tard can physically do something. It takes a smart man to get other tards to do it for him so he doesn't have to.
Exactly. Neetsocs are the white version of we wuz kangz
Ever since becoming an NRx, I see through so much of /pol/'s attempts of getting on the moral high ground.

Is physics and mathematics not a good enough field of study?

The kingdom of Israel was pretty impressive.
shhh wipe all the counter arguments under the rug, you kike lover
Yes, but it's also a more open eagerness to commit immoral actions, which is what he's getting at you fucking moron.

Jews are smart, for sure, but smarter than whites? No, they are simply not bound by morals like most whites are.

lol that's all Jews do is fiddle and endlessly gerrymander semantics, use logical fallacies and all sorts of cheap, diversionary, below the belt appeals to emotion or...etc

They have their own version of "truth". The Jew invented doublespeak/doublethink/manipulation by cognitive dissonance. They are pure liars and deceivers. Just pick up an eye for their misuse and gerrymandering of language, and you have The Jew by the tail. Clever casuistry, wordplay, semantic handwavey bullshit and other sophistry is all they have. The Jew is nothing but a charade, full of hot air, just pop that disingenuous veneer and anything of any real substance, truth, and meaning in their rhetoric just lies in a tiny, shriveled heap inside

We are gonna take language back from The Jew and his Commie Cuck Corps, and we're gonna watch them squirm like a bug on its back when it will be plain to see for everyone how they have no legitimacy for what they've done, and their hearts will be weighed for all to see, without their smoke and mirror obscurantist show
are you actually angry or just jealous?
tell me, do you actually feel sorry for the morons who fall for jewish tricks?
don't you consider yourself superior to those who fall for those tricks?
the strong rise above it all, just as i can tell you have the ability to do, considering you're here.
why do you continue to identify with the weak? that's what we make fun of SJWs for doing. stop being reddit.
you can essentially join the jew's ranks in terms of prosperity. it's not as if your bank checks the customer's last name for "stein", "berg", and "witz" and if missing then flags it as an account to drain to zero dollars with a tragic "glitch" one day.
they leave an opening in the system for remarkable goyim to have nice lives. it's actually quite kind of them to allow it, considering the alternative.
i invested 2 million dollars of my hard-earned wealth and i live off the handsome returns generated layers below by the good goyim brainlets who constantly spend beyond their means.
you're more intelligent than your peers. use that to come up with a genius idea to generate wealth for yourself

Whites hated Jews like any other race hates any other race up until recently BECAUSE they saw them as non-white.

Only know because they see Jews as white do they appear "bound by morals" to you.

Like I wrote earlier in the thread - morals exists only within factions, not between them.

The Jews see themselves as separate, whites do not.

lol go shill your kike bullshit elsewhere, Moldy Yarvin
(((WE))) fuck off kike
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Stay Green!

Keep the Bloodline Clean!
>disagree with me? You must be a shill, therefore I don't have to argue your points.

Reminds of Animal Farm where the sheeps would just keep shouting "FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BETTER" making discussion impossible.

You become NRx when you realize it is in our nature to be dumb like you're doing.
2% control most of the worlds power

Its just simply about intellect and Jews have more of it than most

All of the success Europe has had after the fall of Rome was impart because of Jews. They pushed for the slave trade and colonization that was the largest reason Europe flourished as it did
whites are basically bound by morals to all of humanity at this point, we are the only ones actually trying to create a better world for all of its inhabitants
Even if we excised jews from our societies, whites would simply fill the void. Fact is they cant beat jews at their own game. Ever notice how if it's not jews, it's usually whites?
The focus should be on preventing the degradation of our values & societies, shoring up the defense against corrupting influences.
Blaming the group that best exploits our stupidity, which anyone would and should, doesn't solve shit. The fundamental weaknesses that allow them do so are the problem.

Pure money is not what I care about. That's the problem with you people, you'd sell your own mother, you'd sell your country, to you there is no abstract ideal above you. Pure egotistic individualism. You must have 0 spirituality. Purely external, sensual motivating factors. I used to be like that, I been there, but you have some life experiences, and you outgrow that. What you are talking about mein freund, is called "selling out". I.e. Selling your "integrity/honor/respect/dignity" for shekels. You're either a jew, or a shabbos goy. I'm not gonna sell my soul for shekels. Those abstract values, I place higher than the shekel. Your soul has health as well. Physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. I just plan on keeping my spiritual health in good shape, and not betray my people, my culture, my heritage, my family, my children, my friends...

>But hey, you do you. Good luck with all that money
I think this whole thing about Jews is getting all really tiresome.

Your average Jew is smarter than your average white person. Your average Jew lawyer/doctor does not control the world, nor does he call the shots.

Yes, there are plenty of whites that have much more success and power than most Jews. The powerful Jews have more in common and more converging interests with the powerful whites than with the average Jew.
The irony is Jews are the reason for that

Through social movements like feminism and multiculturalism they slowly subdued white culture to be less xenophobic and more tolerate
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>How do you do, fellow white people

lol the memes just write themselves. Typical haha

Look, NRx is dogshit, I read into it too, until I realized it's a controlled opposition, run by Jews. Oh but of course. Total gatekeepers. Total diversion from the obvious solution to "modern degeneracy" being National Socialism and Folkish Faiths...

The Jews are the problem. Why take some bullshit kosher reactionaryism from some computer nerd kike with no chin, "Moldbug" Yarvin, LOL it's so typical, just typical controlled opposition just like the "manosphere" and MGTOW cuckery, all shilled by Jews.

Wonder why? Ahahaa
And you have a 200 million man Army that will match on Yisrael from the East. You will think Yisrael is defeated and celebrate your Masters great victory against Yisrael. But the Lord of Host appears, shad in battle armor and riding a white horse. A two edged sword will proceed out of his mouth and the enemies of Yisrael melt away. The Lamb will save a Yisrael. His name is Jesus. Put away your idols, porn, money, drugs and greed and go to church this Sunday. Go to a Baptist Church. A Baptist Church That's uses the King James only. When the preacher gives the alter call be the first one up there. Confess Jesus as Lord and be Baptized.

Swiss time is running out.
lol this, 100% they have been pulling that trick alot lately, they might as well just throw that trick in the trash because everybody can see right through that bullshit, they are probably shitting their pants now that their usual tricks arnt working
oh you think its getting tiresome? go to bed then faggot.... i think its getting tiresome having the white guilt meme forced on us through the mainstreme media, i think its tiresome having to hear how cis white males are the problem, i also think its tiresome having to watch a good portion of my countrymen falling for the manipulation and slipping into degeneracy.

Yes it's the whites, goyim! The white man is to blame! We are but simple merchants, the chosen ones of yisroel, we dindu nuffin, ever in history goyim, the evil nazis shoahd us oy vey we're so persecuted! It's anudda hawlacawst, plz gimme shekels! Let's do communism let us handle your money! Kill the white man, we'll fix your economy. Jews are good for profit, for business. Much shekels will come 2 U, U only need suck off the Jew.

Be a good Christian and go die for Israel, goy
stop wasting your brainpower on unproductive whining. it only makes you the SJW of the right. you're better than this.
>you'd sell your country
I don't identify with joblet brainlet wal-mart sharters who happen to have the same skin color as me. I only identify with the excellent among my race. I'm more than happy to assist in subjugating the rest.
If they want to fall for jewish tricks in an era when ignorance is unforgivable due to the ease with which you can research any topic on the internet and redpill yourself, then I'll happily look forward to them descending into the inescapable debt they deserve and their dimwitted labor caste grandchildren washing the feet of mine.
>lol the memes just write themselves
wish counter-arguments would be as accommodating.
>translation: Anything but a circlejerk is tricks!
you guys really are the right-wing equivalent of SJWs. It's like arguing for free speech and being called a white supremacist.
The ideas you are spouting retain a structure that though seemingly correct is one that generates an aching anxiety within myself. If I was a more accepting person and didn't have the experience I had now, I may have been swayed by the seemingly accepting and loving ideas of your logic. However, it is important to note that that this Jew was inconsistent, in that first he said it was fine to manipulate, and then tried to justify it based on revenge, and then attempted to retreat to higher morals in an attempt to appear correct. This slippery nature is clearly eveident through rational thought, as the inconsistency of your ideas reveals its true demonic, subversive nature. Using seemingly loving ideas like feminism and multiculturalism is merely an attempt to exploit the naivety of non Jews and their purity.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:



>Using seemingly loving ideas like feminism and multiculturalism is merely an attempt to exploit the naivety of non Jews and their purity.
You're absolutely correct

Wasn't saying that Jews were these great people because they introduced those movements but that they did so as a tool to divide and conquer
no i was specifically refering to how you tried to included yourself in the group your actually trying belittle so your criticism sounds like its coming from within the group and not from an outside source, dude your either a jew or a cuck, either way sort your self out
The Jews never conquered, they merely attempt to manipulate the conquerors. They are tied to the physical world through reinforcement of delusion through the aimless search for pleasure, which drives their actions purely. The Jew justifies his action by claiming that humanity has the capacity to infinitely evolve, and thus that it is one of the fastest to learn, that it can eventually surpass God. This is personified in Satan,. when he challenges God to a wager, believing himself to be better than humanity, despite the falseness of his hubris. The Jews retain a similar hubris in that they challenge God, and it is this challenge that makes it justifiable for both Satan and the Jews who reject God to be cursed. They are punished indefinitely as if they lose, they, within their logical nature, must accept that God is their conqueror and thus has the right to do whichever he pleases with them. The issue with Jews then, is that all they know is the will to power, as they reject the natural role of humanity as God intended.

This guy gets it. It's an internally inconsistent sophistic/psychopathic/manipulative rhetoric. Average people buy it totally hook line and sinker because the average person is decent enough to not even be able to imagine that malevolent treachery that is this insidious and slick is possible. Hell, I had trouble believing the things about the Jews until I noticed how they speak, and now inauthentic, disingenuous, and mala fide their rhetoric is, and that it wasn't just a meme, it's not a joke at all when you really do see all the bullshit that they talk.

Hitler was right again. An amorphous blob, a jelly that slips right through your fingers then reforms back into a cohesive solid as if nothing happened. Arguing with a Jew. They probably believe their own BS too.
If they didn't believe it, then they wouldn't have the resolve to commit the acts that they do. The ability to lie effectively comes from a peace within oneself, and that peace is generated by the Jew believing him to be better than puny goys. Once this belief takes hold, the capacity for evil becomes unlimited, and thus evil evolves alongside good. This eternal conflict has a divine purpose however, as it enlightens believers who witness such evil as to the correct way of living. However, if one believes all Jews to be evil, then he is engaging in hubris. Some jews, enlightened by the beauty of creation and by ostracization of their own community, are able to overcome their fates and realize the beauty of the world and the infinite beauty of what God had created.

Except our god, is the Jew's Satan, and the Jew's God, is our satan.
Jews are good, anglos are the evil ones.
Humans whom believe that Satan is their God are manipulated by Satan himself, as their will is tied to the will of Satan. Satan uses such people to combat believers. A large percentage of Jews are influenced in this way, however, the upper echelon of the Jewish community, the ones intelligent enough to take hold of their own will, retain an evil that is unmatched by Satan. God created Humanity as his ultimate creation, one that he can engage with indefinitely, and thus the human capacity for evil must then surpass Satan's.
>Noble prizes... Implying jews not electing jews.
And your internet, schlomo?.. Nice try, shekel-rat.
Never forget they are the offspring og other gods' temple whores.
Although shit-flinging might be justified given the repulsive nature of the jew, it might be better to combat with civility. The average person viewing this portion of the web might then be more inclined to listen to the correct viewpoint, illuminated by its truth.
>picture is of two white people
>"this one isn't white because :[[[[[!!!111!"

Jews are white whether you like it or not, leaf proxy. Same as Armenians, Syrians, Jordanians, Iranians, and Georgians
White is too broad a classification.
I'm part of that group though, probably whiter than your burger ass.
That doesn't mean I can't recognize unflattering truths. I'm sure nigs feel the very same way you do.
They are Caucasian

The term white is socially constructed and there are those who don't classify them as white
If you understood your Kabbalah, you'd see that the jews drank the most poison in order to corrupt others.

What good is their nation if they abort all their offspring?
It is yet another iteration of 'the frog and the scorpion'.
Pay attention to this suspiciously insightful anon, it's probably God
Last year I determined that he figured out how to post by vibrating a single electron on the main ethernet cable connected to the 4chan origin server in specific patterns to forge a HTTP session with POST data using any IP/flag he wants. It's a feather touch on our particle simulation universe with maximum impact
He's been waiting for this chance for millennia and the internet finally gave it to him
In the past he used to have to painstakingly construct visions and implant them in select target's minds one at a time, this limitation is now gone, now he can reach billions of minds with a single electron
God was also responsible for the 77777777 get

It's the community, their shared "Jewish identity" and culture/beliefs that are the problem. Of course, culture comes from genes, but I don't see it as some metaphysical "mark of the devil" that someone has Jewish genes. In fact, there's plenty of whites that have been infected with the Jew virus and have sold their soul as well.

On some podcast, they were talking about a guy, an American Jew who moved to Israel, was in the IDF shooting Palestinians or whatever, I dunno what the fuck they do, bombing them, whatever, and he was just like, "Wait a minute what the fuck am I doing? Who am I really working for here?"... So yeah, individual Jews can become human and just begin to see things like, oh wait, shit I don't agree with this, we've been fed supremacist brainwashing, these are fucked up things, immoral, that we just tolerate what the fuck!

But anyways, I think that since Jews have their ethnostate now, they can all peacefully let us have our ethnostates. Unfortunately, it seems by the way things are going, they REALLY don't seem to want us get our own ethnostates in peace and are doing all they can to stop us from getting our own ethnostates, and by the looks of it, it seems like they want the other option of dealing with matters such as these

We're like electric current. We'll take the path of least resistance. But take the path we will. No amount of resistance can stop it, increasing resistance only increases the pain for everybody involved. So who's the highest pain threshold? Who's got the most to lose? Who is really the smarter one?
Caucasian is white. Arabs aren't Caucasian, neither are chinks or poos.

There's no such thing as a non white Caucasian unless you consider shitskin mudbloods Caucasian.
I am not God, I am a Human, one who thinks, but I recognize that I think and live only through God's will. Use the mind the God blessed you with, and you will come upon a faith that can never be broken.
Arabs of the Levant (upper most part of the Mid East) are Caucasian

Levant Arabs and Jews are both Semitic peoples. Literally genetic cousins
Jews were blessed by God initially, Moses himself was a noble man. The Jews are incredibly smart, rivaling the best of the best peoples to ever grace this planet, but as a community they were not able to survive the trials that God threw their way, and thus their faith was corrupted. Despite this malevolence, the Jews are still formidable, and require the greatest minds of Good to combat, no matter the source.
Fun fact: 10% of whites are immune to HIV.
Look it up, CCR5 Delta32 mutation
>it's all the jews!
>the jews the jews the jews!

Lmao. NRx is basically monarchy. Apparently that's Jews now? HHAHAHAHA

Read books on tribalism and ruling. Actually who cares? You're probably a nobody who is satisfied enough just posting opinions online.
Arab by definition means Mixed
if blacks are the niggers of whites and whites are the niggers of jews who are the jews the niggers of
pls respond this is fucking me up
God is the only being who truly controls everything. No creature is the nigger of any other creature, this is a flawed thinking linked to the hubris of materialism and the pursuit of power.

I believe I read its from those who are decedents that contracted the black plague and survived, and that's the cause for the immunity
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Jews are cultural thieves
>who are the jews the niggers of
Satanic Elite Zionistic Jews/Whites
Niggers, Chinks, Pakis and Indians are all more successful in white countries than their host nations
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If you believe this crap, then you are no different than a fucking nignog.

>nogs : we wuz kangzzz n shieet but da whitey came 'n 'nslaved uz
>/pol/ neckbeards : we wuz civilization 'n shieet but joos kontrol uz

You realize you named Arab groups as white a few posts back right?

>Jews are white whether you like it or not, leaf proxy. Same as Armenians, Syrians, Jordanians, Iranians, and Georgians

Syrians and Jordanians are Arab, they speak Arabic

Arab is a culture not a race

I think you're mixed up Gulf Arabs with Northern Mid East Arabs. Not the same ethnic group but are both considered Arab because the share Arab culture
Brain drain never solves poverty, it only accelerates it and further distances the host nation from the diaspora who evacuate. Nothing is ever solved and whites eat the cost of foreign aid.
And so the thread dies. It seems to be based on the procession of the thread that the battle for good and evil is being fought here. As soon as intelligent discussion was spouted an abundance of shit-flinging developed. This seems to be the case for every thread I've happened upon in the years that I have traversed this website. The only conclusion I can find is that shit-flinging is an attempt to obscure knowledge through distraction, through the appeal to the primal desire to dominate through rhetoric. The cause of this shit-flinging must be intense shilling.
You got it backward

Why not leech if you can ?
Swap Ashkenazi with Sephardi

Ashkenazi aren't even ethnic Jews for the most part. They've breed out most of they're Semitic genes by mixing with Europeans
Everything happens for a reason. The Jew does not leech because it can, but because through years of evolution it has become best adapted to being a leech. If you attempt to take a Jew and give it any other task, it will be akin to fish out of water, and will continuously curse its fate and either destroy others or destroy itself. Thus, the Jew does not leech because it can, but because it damned to, based on its backwardness.
I'm not mixing up anything. I am an Armenian and have friends from every country i mentioned, none of whome consider themselves arabs, but distinctly call themselves their actualy blood lines and cultures.

Arabs in Syria, Jordan, Armenia, Iran, Georgia, are not lying, they are arabs, but that's not what these countries are.

Jordanians are an extremely tiny minority in jordan because of refugees, but Jordanians are still hashemites, not arabs.

Your definition of arabs is crypto kike shit created by the ottomans to control everyone they conquered.

>t.burger with a stormfront education

Rili mak ya fank

How do the jews leech?
>numerous scientists who changed/change the world

Eh, your average /pol/ neckbeard loser who envies jews...
No sir, the jew as community leeches, but the randomness introduced by individuality can lead to special cases in which jews illuminated by the light of God seek paths that run contrary to what their society had intended.
I would also like to add that the Jews are a remarkable people, as they are truly intelligent. I am speaking from experience, but this intelligence is often remarkably twisted in a complexity that is proportional to the intelligence that the corrupted Jew develops in its lifetime.
The record of scientific achievement totally contradicts the jew claim that jews are gods much smarter than people.
He does not care, he is just trying to disrupt your rhythm and the rhythm of those viewing this thread. That is his nature.
These subhumans cut off parts of their dicks and impose this nigger-brained tradition on everybody else.
That is true, each race has their own version of "smart" people.
Sephard bro just got banned because hes a jew who speaks the truth, it seems as those the Mods are against us.
Why aren't you banned yet?
Some truth is too true that it travels deep into the mind and paralyzes action by appealing to the benevolent nature of man. This happens on a purely subconscious level, however.
This actually sounds to me like jews cant into consequences.

What is The Shoah
You realize whites are still, on an international and personal level, cuckolds right?
The Holocaust that we know of is more like the 50th Holocaust. The struggle between Jews and Humanity has been perpetuated in various civilizations known to man, and has had similar results, with a period of rebirth, conflict, destruction, and rebirth again.
How can europe have less population when everyone from africa is on their way here in little boats?
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.
Just in Case I am assassinated in the near future, I will post my identity.

First Name: Ali
Ethnicity: Arab
South Carolina
This thread has been saved as a pdf multiple times. Notes have also been recorded and a file has been created that should be opened if anything is to happen to me.
I would have already been tracked so this is a near perfect security.
My last message is to note that we are currently in the phase of rebirth, a renaissance will soon develop. However, this will potentially be the last renaissance humanity will witness before the end times are upon us, and the humans whom retained their true nature will be allowed to grow and live with love eternally in God's paradise.
Ever notice the similarities between Hebrew and Japanese writing... I think (((they))) have already had a hand in the only worthwhile country in Asia for a long time...
Don't forget most whites have been brainwashed by the sickly fucks.
To be fair, most people, even whites, are very fucking stupid.
>Less moral, but more intelligent.

I was going to ask when your (((affiliation))) was, but then I seen this sentence and didn't need to ask because you outed yourself. Just like every other time.
>1 billion whites
Europe has population of 742 million, and that includes Asian Russia and Southern Europe. So let's say there are about 500 million genuine whites in Europe.

U.S. is about 50% white (And that includes american "whites", that is like 160 million.

Numbers in rest of the world are probably around 20 or so million.

That is barely 700 million.

1 billion? Far from it.
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>Le jews are smarter xd

No they are not they are just ruthless and psychopathic.

>Yale University’s Stanton Wheeler published “White-Collar Crimes and Criminals” for the Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository. Among Wheeler’s findings were that while Protestants and Catholics were under-represented among white-collar criminals relative to their share of the population, Jews were over-represented to a very large degree (2% of the population, 15.2% of white-collar convictions).

Ya. It is. Don't shoot the messenger, Paco.

>Is basically monarchy
No it is basically retarded

You can't have a hereditary monarchy nowadays. That's in the past. The 21st century is the century of fascism.
>1 billion whites

Nope, more like 500 million whites at best. Much less if you don't count slavs, who are not white.
>greatest scientist of the 20th century whose name has literally become synonymous with genius is Jewish
>cannot into hard science

Fucking kek you antisemites are delusional
so do Jews feel as naturally disgusted by the idea of becoming self-sufficient as we do by the idea of becoming leeches?
The identity of Einstein being a genius science god is a Jewish lie and hoax for Jewish politics. Surprised?

No, Jews are responsible for almost no real science, whereas Western European non-Jews are responsible for more than 80% of scientific achievements, for example.

LOL As if. Everybody knows Einstein is a meme. Not even close to the greatest. Hollywood just memed that Zionist cousinfucker plaigiarizer up as "The" mr. "Geeny yuss" Joo. He was mediocre at best. Took someone else's ideas and ran with them. Not bad but le crazy hair man is eay overhyped
So God wanted a man who made a fortune ripping off billionaires and building giant casinos and luxury resorts for people with giant incomes while plastering his name in gold on them to be our president? If you're talking about the Christian God, don't forget Jesus said "It is more likely for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." I believe there is a God, though not a fan of the Christian faith, although I am very educated on the subject, so I'm not sure how anyone who supports Trump or frequents this board can claim Christianity is on their side...
You idiot whites have always had the numbers.
Its impossible to be uncucked by Jews.
It is out of biological necessity that the jewish population must act as a leech, as it cannot out compete the other populations. It, however, would not merge with those populations out of a hatred for its own condition, and it is this condition that God cursed the Jews, as a general community, with.
Einstein was a flawed man, but a great man nonetheless, as he realized his hubris the moment he conceptualized that due to the constraints of the mind, humanity can never reach the true essence of existence.
Those scientific acheivements built on the accomplishments of civilizations past. Each race has its own part to play in the development of the humanity as a whole, as past civilizations are essential starting points for current civilizations to branch off from.

Wrong, jews infiltrate governments and use FORCE to get the wealth. If they earned it in the free market, I'd agree, but they need to steal the wealth to get it.
I'm not sure if you can really compare lending someone money at retardly high interest rates to someone dumb enough to borrow stealing or force. If people are dumb enough to keep trusting (((them))), why are we knocking them for it?
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someone forgot to deactivate their horns
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J. Robert Oppenheimer led the creation of the nuclear bomb in the Manhattan Project. Einstein laid the theoretical groundwork. Both were Jews.

They are deeply embedded within our financial system. They even prevented a total collapse in 2008. Without Jews the dollar would likely go into hyperinflation.

Last, Jews are now creating super intelligent AI.

I don't think I want those people leaving my country considering the stakes. I'd rather have them working for us especially considering the rise of China.
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>time to get uncucked

That is our mission, brother.
>If whites create all the wealth, as OP's image states, but Jews manage all the wealth, then the Jews are smarter.

If you earn a lot of money but a thief breaks into your house and steals most of it, it means that he is smarter.

No, my friend, the Jews aren't smarter, they're just lack morals.
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