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Sensible Gun Regulations for Americans

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Thread replies: 325
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Hello Neighbours,
It is clear that you have some very serious gun issues in your country. Tens of Thousands of people are needlessly killed with guns every year in America. This can be stopped by bringing in some sensible gun regulations. We have sensible gun regulations in Canada and our gun violence rates per capita are a fraction of yours.

#1 No one can buy a gun without taking a gun safety course, as well as a background check done by the police to determine that you are not a threat to yourself or others
#2 Ban assault weapons. They are the guns primarily used in massacres because of their high capacity clips. You don't need assault weapons for hunting/self defence.
#3 The government must create a full gun registry so they can keep track of who owns what

These are just 3 of several good ideas that I have to lower gun violence rates in America without violating the second amendment. Let me know what you guys think.

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WTF do Canadians even eat?

I fed my pet Canadian the same things I give my pet Califags--tofu, lettuce, and cock--and it died after 3 weeks.

I'm thinking it needed more cock.
Assuming you are still around, what do you think about the religious exemption for full face photos (Muslims) on your gun licenses in your country?
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>This can be stopped by bringing in some sensible gun regulations.
No evidence shows that any regulation of firearms lowers the murder rate.

If you wanted to lower the rate of murder you would regulate black people.
Most Muslims I've met in Canada are very kind hearted and loving people. I'm OK with that as the full face photos violate their religious freedoms.
Firearms are regulated in my country and our per capita gun murder rate is much lower than yours
Most of the legal gun owners in America that I have met are nice people. I am okay with them having whatever guns they want as long as it is a constitutional objection.
>Firearms are regulated in my country and our per capita gun murder rate is much lower than yours

If you remove black people from the USA it's murder rate per capita is lower than Canada and most of Europe.

The problem isn't firearms, it's people.
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there's that word again
Photos on licenses and Firearms are two completely different things
That's because you don't have 400 million of them already in circulation. Even the most fascist authoritarian government ever would struggle to confiscate our guns from more than just the law abiding citizens that willingly give them up.
Get rid of the niggers and spics, then all the problems are solved.
All you're doing? Hassling the people who already follow the rules.

The criminals? The ones that don't follow the rules? They get whatever they damn well please.

All you're doing is just driving guns onto the black market, just like they did with drugs.
the only reason why illegal guns are so easy for criminals to get is because they aren't outlawed to begin with.

gun rate crimes are lower in literally every country with actual gun laws.
canadians don't deserve to be our russian buffer. let's flush them out and let the natives have it back
There is where you went wrong. Canadians need a steady diet of maple syrup covered dick. Lots and lots of maple syrup covered dick. They can never have too many maple syrup covered dicks.
Fuck you
Terrorist kills almost 100 people with a truck. So do we blame the truck?

Also the purpose of the Second isn't hunting, it's to protect the populace from a tyrannical govt.
"Assault weapons" are so unlikely to be used to kill someone that they aren't worth nearly the cost in freedom and law enforcement. You're more likely to be bludgeoned to death than killed with any rifle whatsoever.
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No clip should hold more than 10 rounds. Nobody needs more than 10 rounds for self defense.

Nearly ALL of the high profile shootings in the US were by Americans who legally owned their firearm.
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How to get rid of gun violence? It's simple:

1) Remove Blacks
2) Remove Hispanics
3) Remove Kebab
Good luck using handguns and AR-15's against a government with attack helicopters, fighter jets, tanks, elite soldiers, battleships, and oh yeah a nuclear arsenal.

In the past 5 years*
Assault rifles only account for a fraction of all firearm related deaths. It's not our fault we have a nigger problem in the us
Why do people make the exact same threads over and over? This is an exact topic, word for word, that was posted last month, and the month before that etc etc...

Is it really that great of (you) bait? Are there so many newfags that they don't see this shit over and over?
>Sensible Gun Regulations for Americans
Only whites can own guns.
niggers and muslims are the reason why there is so much gun crime. not to mention gun deaths include suicide.
>that pic
>implying the second amendment is about hunting

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>No clip should hold more than 10 rounds. Nobody needs more than 10 rounds for self defense.
Why don't we test that with Law Enforcement for 10 years to see how it works.
Any Law Enforcement member that loads or uses a magazine with more than 10 rounds gets 10 years in jail and is a felon for life.
>Leaf advocates infringing on civil liberties.
Thanks, but no kill yourself
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Oh lord here comes the shitposters.

I love how they always try to throw "Sensible" in to make it seem benign or palatable.

How about some Sensible genocide?
Leftists have a hard time with words.
It would be so much easier to use a rock right?
Suicide rates would also plummet in your country if guns were outlawed. Guns are the quickest and easiest way to kill yourself, take those away, and people won't kill themselves through a method that involves pain/discomfort.
>leaf mouthing off about guns
Fuck off leaf
Day of the rake is now one week sooner
Seems to work just fine in the middle East and Vitenam....
No one cares leaf
How is a gun used for self defense? Pulling pretty much any gun on someone is less practical than a knife or other conceiled weapon. Knives don't jam on you either. It's only advantage is range, which probably wouldn't be a factor if you're "defending yourself". :thinking:
My permit is my birth certificate. "" shall not be infringed" whats so hard to understand
>attack helicopters, fighter jets, tanks, elite soldiers, battleships
all of those things make shitty body guards
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Fuck off snow niggers
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The US was at an disadvantage in both those theatres with their rough terrain made it extremely difficult to use the military to its fullest extent. On US mainland the military would crush everyone and everything.
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Law enforcement needs to go on offense. You only have a gun for defense. If you go on offense it's a shooting spree, which white men love to do.
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Shall Not Be Infringed.

Also its just a higher and quicker form of natural selection.
What if you're being attacked by 11 nigs?
How? We are talking about a license to own a firearm vs owning a firearm.
>Suicide rates would also plummet in your country if guns were outlawed. Guns are the quickest and easiest way to kill yourself, take those away, and people won't kill themselves through a method that involves pain/discomfort.
Explain the suicide rate or South Korea (the highest of developed nations) and Saudi Arabia.

South Korea vs Saudi Arabia
24 / 100,000 vs 3.9 / 100,000

Firearm ownership per 100 people
South Korea vs Saudi Arabia
1.1 vs 35
>You only have a gun for defense
citation needed
Unproven opinions and theories
Fuck off leaf
Fuck off handguns account for more murders than "assault weapons"
The guns are to kill the niggers people like you send to take my guns. I say 'niggers' because you are fundamentally a coward and will not personally come to try to collect my guns.
sage for the cowardly faggot.
>Law enforcement needs to go on offense. You only have a gun for defense. If you go on offense it's a shooting spree, which white men love to do.

Law enforcement may only use lethal force in defense; to protect a life.
The military goes on offense.
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I need that shit to kill people, retard.
If a rogue US power were to nuke it's native populace, it would be signing it's own death warrent.

It's fucking pricks like you who call themselves Canadians that I have a problem with. I would fight and die for my personal liberty. Obviously you would just lick boots.
Holy shit. Getting lectured on gunlaws by a fucking canuck. The only reason that your country has less murders is because you aren't 40% shitskins. Your white people are poorer, weaker minded, and altogether more degenerate.
You make me hate myself. Please nuke us!
Assault rifles account for zero. Guns that look like assault rifles is a different story.

You cannot compare those two countries to the USA. There are massive cultural/societal/economic differences between all 3 and that list goes on. Americans have a tendency to fear pain/the thought of being uncomfortable so that's why suicide rates would plummet with no guns.
>moving the goalpost this hard
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Explain this leaf. Guns don't kill people. Thugs and irresponsibles kill people. You really think the thugs will register their guns.
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Assault weapons DO NOT EXIST! Assault is an action only - do you see assault spoons or assault scooters? No need for self-defense? Well, there's no logical argument for that. Fuck you faggot, defend yourself with a butter knife if you want

Rule 1 is already in application

Rule 3 makes no sense, registry are fucking costly bullshit and useless
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and those accounted for what, two hundred deaths over 5 years?

the problem is Hi-points in the ghetto, not Bubba's AR
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You said that firearms make suicides happen.
I gave an example that disconnects the relation you suggested between suicide rate and firearm ownership.

That literally disproves the central point of your argument. The only thing I could do to be more right is posting a smug anime girl which I will now do.
>"Canadians are weak!!! Guns good!!!!"
>has to use overpowered firearms to defend himself in a typical nigger encounter
why was I born in a country full of pathetic weaklings?
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You're full of shit, Leaf. Americans routinely kill themselves with other methods besides guns.
Guns don't kill people is the most retarded pro gun argument ever. If you took all the guns out of Chicago, murder rates would plummet as it is much more difficult to kill someone without a gun
We tried that, UN and NATO didn't like it tho
Here's why we need guns and carry them
When you end up in a knife fight, both of you will die. They teach this to cops bud
The most common murder weapon in Chicago is still the blunt instrument / fists.
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Weak b8, M8.

Try harder.
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Guns don't kill fucking moron, people do - no gun shoots by itself, decides to kill people - how fucking retarded can you be?
I hope this guy wins CPC leadership because he will make sure Trudeau wins another term in 2019. He wants to cut 1/3 of social services that Canadians depend on in their everyday lives as well as privatizing Healthcare... what a cuntbag
You take all our shit skins into your country problem solved
There were way more firearms and way less gun crimes pre 1950's U.S.
So a thinking person would realize it's not firearms but savage brown people and their white liberal enablers
We don't have a gun problem

We have a nigger problem

>dat image

I need 30 rd mags because niggers travel in packs

Stay out of our business you worthless leaf
your example does not take into account all the differences between those countries
How bout you stay in yer shitty irrelevant socialist cuck-lands and I wont have to utilize the pile of 75 round drum magazines I have in my closet to liberate the shit outta you.
your retarded faults. you had a gun and never used it, or got jumped, got stabbed by a chimp, and now you gave the chimps your guns. this is not news to anyone who's played counterstrike.
>no gun shoots by itself, decides to kill people
Now I had this one rifle that had a bit of a broken trigger group and it would randomly fire if you left a round chambered. But in fairness it was also possessed by the devil, and hexed by a voodoo women.
I have more 30 round mags than my last 2 digits.
Suck my dick leaf. cold dead hands.
That's actually not very many.
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all of you will die when we annex your pathetic country
>your example does not take into account all the differences between those countries
Yes it does. Firearm ownership rates and suicides; that you said had a direct relation to each other.

People do not commit suicide because they have access to guns as you claimed, the do it because they want to stop living.
Go fuck off and die cock nigger
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I admit I'm triggered
No problem with that - that 1/3 are either trash, niggers, boomers or mudslime

"free" healthcare is a fucking joke, a bad thing, I shall not provide for anyone, you either. Pay a fucking insurance like an adult

What model?

I don't play shit like that
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>The top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S.:

>Heart disease
>Cancer (malignant neoplasms)
>Chronic lower respiratory disease
>Accidents (unintentional injuries)
>Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
>Alzheimer's disease
>Influenza and pneumonia
>Kidney disease (nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis)

Gun violence is blown out of proportion and more people die from health related issues in the US. If you really wanted to prevent death then you would focus on promoting health and wellness, not banning guns.

You're a leaf so I wouldn't expect you to know about these kinds of issues

every day i want to kill myself for living in the same country as fat retarded hicks with AR-15s who think they stand a chance against a government takeover
Whats wrong with owning assault weapons?

>Hurr, nobody needs that, their only purpose is to kill. Do you think we should be allowed to have a nuke in our backyard?

Well by that logic butterknives should be banned too because I could kill with that as well.
I'd be more inclined to listen to the anti-gunners if they'd bother to actually learn anything about guns. They seem obsessed with banning the furniture that has no effect on the mechanical operation of the firearm. If they'd admit that an AR-15 isn't principally different from a Ruger 10-22 I'd almost be willing to listen to them. Reasonable limits on magazine capacity, however much I may or may not agree with that regulation, would be much more in line with the reality of the situation.
Healthcare is a human Right, go fuck yourself
>man stabs up high school, kills 16 with butterknife
seems like a pretty plausible scenario


Please hang yourself
Everyone develops health conditions as they grow older - this is unavoidable. gun violence can be avoided.
I cant fuckin wait until the day of the rake takes you.

I've decided to rename my AR-15 the leafblower because of you.

ugh, aren't working class people with courage and pride just the GROSSEST, goyim--I mean, fellow whites?
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No it is not you fucking commie - you have no right to force me pay for you and I have none to ask you to pay for - get an insurance moron

No ne has this "right"
Before going after rifles shouldn't we ban hammer and fists? They each kill more people every year?

Mildly stale bait but not terrible.
check the facts as they are tracked daily:
Yes the wealthy people who don't want to wait an hour or two to get their Healthcare. 95% of Canadians depend on our current Healthcare system whenever they get ill
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Fuck off leaf. If you want to start saving the world, start with your own country. I'm sick of listening to, or reading ideas from a foreigner about what we should do with our gun laws.

Day of the rake soon...
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Not if your country is awash in shitskins and shitskin wannabes.

Day of the Rake, when?
>there are an equivalent amount of guns being operated in the US to hammers or fists at any given time

of course more incidents will happen with hammers and fists you retarded fuck
You're wrong every person in this country has that right and any politician who opposes that will get crushed in a federal election
Roughly 30,000 people die every year from car accidents
Should we ban cars?
These dumb fucks thought the military was going to INVADE Texas. You know - a place they already have control over.
Yeah they're pretty fucking embarassing to themselves.
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Don't even bother arguing with him friend, it's not worth your intelligentual capacity. Just clean your guns and wait for the day they're liberal ideas backfire and he's in downtown Toronto when the niggers and chinks and LBGT transmogrified space queers riot and burn down they're own neighbourhoods and pos up all the children and CIS gendered folks and the somalies execute them with illegal firearms

>meanwhile we will be safe and protected with our Rifles and handguns

I reserve the right to reject one immigration request per finger pull thats good enough for me :^)
That is not plausible as people need cars to live their daily lives. The same cannot be said for guns.
>rifles aren't dangerous and people don't regularly carry them, but I still want them banned because it makes my vagina tickle

>Nearly ALL of the high profile shootings

"High Profile" shootings take up what percentage of all shootings on an annual basis?
You miss the point of the second amendment, but that's not surprising seeing how you have always been a proxy-puppet as a nation.

You seem to be under the strange impression that the US is completely level terrain.
Let's cut off everyones hands because some people make fists with them...
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No, it's not. It's a commodity to be bought and sold. And people who are responsible have no problem paying for (at the minimum) basic health care or basic health insurance

So, fuck off you socialist leaf.
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The Second Amendment isn't about shooting deer, you stupid fucking leaf, it's about shooting tyrants. Suck your queen's dick.
>machine designed with a sole function of injuring or killing is not dangerous
One last thing I'll add for those of you that don't know...our 2nd Amendment is there for one reason, and one reason only, and that's to ensure that Americans have access to firearms should the need arise to rise up in revolt against an out of control Government. Any arguments to the contrary are complete bullshit, and I would direct naysayers and shills to the book "The Federalist Papers". This book is nothing less than a series of articles that appeared across the land in our Nations infancy, and described in great detail why the Constitution etc. was worded the way it was. Remember, these articles were written by the actual people who were involved in the process. You never hear this brought up on TV, and for damned good reason...there is virtually no argument against it.
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If you don't like guns don't buy them, same is said for cars, they exist and have exsisted in Canada for a long time, we share a land border with the USA and even Alaska.

You CANT remove guns from society the exsit legally and illegally

Atleast don't remove the right for people to legally own firearms

Please just keep your cuckold fetishes to yourself and don't bother other people

Whatever you and your wife&demarcus do is your business
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>Be me, ex special forces canadian badass.
>Get job in service service protection.
>Get job watching the faggot prime minister.
>Go to gay parades, gay parties, gay gamgbangs, mosques, temples.
>MFW i finally snap like Based Turk security guard........
>No one can buy a gun without taking a gun safety course, as well as a background check done by the police

Most gun owners already take gun safety courses by choice. Background checks are required for purchases of new firearms.

>You don't need assault weapons for hunting/self defense.

We prefer to use "assault weapons" because we can customize the hell out of them. We also had a ban in place back in the '90s, but it didn't do shit. Then there's the NFA and Brady Amendment.

>The government must create a full gun registry so they can keep track of who owns what

We have serial numbers on every firearm down here.
>arming more people will stop inner city violence
>implying most gang shit happens in broad daylight and most people who are up and about on the streets at night are ordinary bystanders ready to stop any violence and not chimps killing each other
Nobody wants to lower gun violence rates. They aren't a problem.

It's a tool, fail troll. And certain other tools are also classified as weapons.

There is no need for anyone on this planet to own a gun, especially not Canadians
That's because because are hypocrite assholes, parasites that should die off
1. Logical, but could be abused, would need to be something accomplish-able
2.Assault weapons already are banned, barring getting special licensing. Unless you mean semi-automatic weapons, which are used for self defense.
3.A gun registry would also ease the seizure of aforementioned weapons, combined with the ease of getting a makeshift weapons.
Meme: 30 rounds are for cases where the government needs to be checked or you are getting assaulted
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>Colorado does not require firearms to be registered. Colorado prohibits a local government, including a law enforcement agency, from maintaining a list or other form of record or database of:

>(a) Persons who purchase or exchange firearms or who leave firearms for repair or sale on consignment;

>(b) Persons who transfer firearms, unless the persons are federally licensed firearms dealers;

>(c) The descriptions, including serial numbers, of firearms purchased, transferred, exchanged, or left for repair or sale on consignment.

Suck it faggot.
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Niggers nigging happens 24-7. Not just at night.

Care to try again?
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its sole function is killing people. it isn't like a hammer which can, but isn't as effective at or designed for killing. it is literally designed to hurt or kill people.

you could smell the stale cum soaked flag without even clicking into the thread
these laws are less restrictive than california's currently are
bait is bait (((nigger)))
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fuck you and your maple syrup. go back to moose land and fuck off.
A firearm is a power tool. Stop being such a pussy.
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and it has only one comma, in case you get revisionists trying to further divide clauses
I hate niggers. Theyre the ones killing each other. Ban guns for them. You dumb fucking liberal. I wonder how many people a year get mauled by a bear or a wolf because they run out of bullets. Go fuck yourself.

Knives and certain farming implements were originally designed as weapons of war. By your fag logic, they should be banned too.

Try again.
Please stop, bigot
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Fuck off, leaf.

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Liberals always lie about their real agenda.

You don't believe private citizens should be allowed to own firearms.

Your way of achieving this is the incremental repeal of the second ammendment.

Why can't you tell the truth?
>30 magazine clip

One comma makes it worse, doesn't it?
so 400 deaths by rifle each year out of how many millions? From that you want to ban them before going after the priority murder weapons?

By 'using' hammers and fists more then you agree they are common instruments of murder and don't want to ban them?

Nice reasoning.
>Guns are only for hunting
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go fuck yourself
You make the false assumption that the weapon of choice is the problem, and not the decisions made by the murderers who use them. Less than 15% of our population commit more than half of all violent crime, if their communities could be rehabilitated to abide by the law then that would substantially slash the violent crime rates.

States with the strictest gun regulations here often have the highest rates of violent crime, so gun regulations are evidently not the answer.
>the problem of death by firearms is not caused by firearms

really makes me think fucking retard

One does not split wood with brute force alone, you must use wedges and be patient.
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You just demonstrated that you know absolutely dick about firearms. Have you ever even held one in your soft little hand?
Funny how you said gun crime and not violent crime.
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Canada is reaching levels of faggotry never thought possible.
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>responding to such an incredibly obvious bait thread without saging
Define "assault weapon"
both of those are clips tho...
you just gave me cancer.
"high capacity clips"
Go away retard
that vid is an excellent example of a gun grabber. I don't know how the cop behind him kept a straight face.
sage policy OP
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>>124708198 →
Come to this thread you bastards!

Nailed it.
I hope you die the day before a relative gets married. Cuckfag

You are a fucking retard, so I imagine everything makes you think fucking retard.
They know their opinion is unpopular and have to church it up so they don't appear to be authoritarians. Woke fellas do the same thing with niggers, Jews, homosexuals, and atheists.
A gun has no desire to kill. It is only a tool.
How about go fuck yourself you statist faggot. Cold dead hands.
1. Create white ethnostate
2. Never write any gun laws
3. Everything's wonderful
>That is not plausible as people need cars to live their daily lives. The same cannot be said for guns.

except we have a right to a gun, we don't have a right to a car.
Why the fuck do I have to justify my decisions to you or to anyone else? I don't have to give you, or a government, a reason for wanting whatever the hell I want, and if I have the money to pay for it, why do I have to consult you and get it approved by you to purchase it?
Fucking hell, you did a good job. Here's your (you) you insufferable leaf.
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we dont have a gun problem. we have a nigger problem.
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Okay then find an effective way to erase all guns on earth from every single country?

Or just keep guns in the hands of the law abiding decent citizens? Just because I have a knife doesn't mean I go out stabbing people, you can't effectively stop firearms from exsistimg so you might as well get one as a deterrent.

You can get shot but I won't that's your decision! Honerable as it may be I have a white daughter to protect
Gun violence in this country is the result of many things, and gun regulation will not be a solution to them.

The none gang related gun violence is the result of the empty nihilism of capitalism when it is not also tempered by strong values, typically but not exclusively rooted in some form of traditionalism.

Anyone who actually seeks more in life and doesn't find anything will end up going on rampages.

Other than that, gang violence perpetrated with guns won't be solved by making guns illegal. Gang activity needs to be crushed, namely bby taking away their cash cow, namely recreational drugs. If they don't have enough money they can't buy the guns.
Correlation does not equal causation autist
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>Trump's Supreme Court.
P.S. Check these digits
But I thought having to get an ID to exercise your rights was racist?
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I'll take "Countries that committed cultural suicide" for $1000......
Cucknadians advocate Americans cuck themselves to the government. Send your women down to suck our cocks and we'll think about it.

1. Won't change the murder rate, as the murder rate is bolstered by gang-violence and not gun ownership.
2. This will not affect mass murders, just limit the range of a mass shooter which changes very little.
3. Fucking useless. Won't change murder rate and if there is demand for guns, there will by supply. Prohibition has never worked, especially in this country.

Want to change the murder rate? The answer is the police. Strategy and presence. ie History of Boston, New York, LA.
This covers Chicago well: http://heyjackass.com

The statistics are sad and it has nothing to do with needing stricter gun control.

The wry statistics on the site are the shot-in-the ass-o-meter, shot-in-the junk-o-meter, and the oh-shit-selfie-o-meter.
I know this is a troll, but here are the arguments.

>#1 No one can buy a gun without taking a gun safety course, as well as a background check done by the police to determine that you are not a threat to yourself or others
I'm okay with this, but do note that they run a background check on you already before you can buy a gun.

>#2 Ban assault weapons. They are the guns primarily used in massacres because of their high capacity clips. You don't need assault weapons for hunting/self defence.
I do if I am defending against my government or more than 1 armed criminal at a distance of more then 15 yards. Do you even know what an assault weapon is? Probably not.

>#3 The government must create a full gun registry so they can keep track of who owns what
Nope. Literally completely useless for fighting criminals who already have illegal weapons, and paints you as a target if there is ever a mass confiscation if the government starts to get dictatorial.

>without violating the second amendment

#2 literally is a direct violation of the second amendment.
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come and take them you commie fuck
>This is the Ghost gun
>30 magazine clip
Its almost like listening to Antifa try and explain a gun.
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>everyone has a gun
>can't win wars against peasant rice farmers or cave-dwelling goat fuckers

>(all rights reserved)
this is bait faggots SAGE!!
You don't have to protect anyone or Anything, we have a police force for a reason
That's a pretty smug anime girl. Don't mind if I do
So you have admited there is a nigger problem not a gun problem.
Oh and another fucking thing
>#1 No one can buy a gun without taking a gun safety course, as well as a background check done by the police to determine that you are not a threat to yourself or others
>Hmm, Anon wants to get a license for a gun
>the (((police))) look through my credentials and do their research on me
>Find conservative opinions
>"Sorry anon, we can't let you have guns"

Submitting yourself to the state's authority and asking for their permission to have access to your own damn rights, and encouraging others to do so, is both boneheadedly retarded and extremely canadian.
Guerrila tactics have almost always bested large military prowess throughout history. Its why the special forces are so effective.
so, you want what australia did, typical leaf
Shut the fuck up you God forsaken cuck.
Just ask Jamal to hold off on mugging you until police arrive.
There is no one culture that defines Canada. We have always been a multicultural country made up of immigrants from all across the world, the same goes for the US.
Fuck off. I'm so tired of all these jealous non-Americans, trying to tell us what to do with our freedoms. Why do you even care? You want to stop gun violence, keep them out of nigger hands.
>88% white
I'm not even going to read your post, I'm just going to tell you to fuck off.
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The vast majority of gun violence in America is perpetrated by inner-city gangs in Democratic controlled districts.

Our gun control laws are the strictest in these places, and yet it's almost like the criminals just completely disregard the law...
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Every time someone asks "why do you need an AR-15?" I want to ask "well, why do I need to choose my own church?" There are those who would argue mandating no one attends a Church (or more likely mosque) would eliminate terrorist attacks. I can't quite articulate why this is so repulsive, but you can even make quite a few arguments against freedom of religion as being dangerous.

I wonder how many people might be saved every year if the police were allowed to search property without a warrant(or just if evidence of a crime was able to be used if found)? It could probably prevent a lot more death than the 2% of murders committed with rifles- assuming none of them would happen anyway.

Another dangerous right is the fifth amendment, we have no idea how many criminals have walked free to kill again because witnesses weren't compelled to testify.

In a nearly Crime free Japan trials are formalities- a police's suspicion is practically enough to get the death penalty. In another very safe country, England, CCTV cameras nearly cover every part of London. Meanwhile the internet is heavily regulated and police can hold you for "anti-social behavior." Both of these countries have no trial by jury.

No one talks about importing these 'effective' methods into the USA yet, but why not?

My best response to all of these questions is "Well, about 100 million Americans already have guns. So don't take away any of our rights because of their potential for misuse and we'll call it even."
Source for 2% figure: https://www.quandl.com/.../WEAPONS11-US-Murders-by-Weapon...
Just because the two correlate doesn't necessarily mean they relate big boi: http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
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Cucked beyond belief
>Tens of Thousands of people are needlessly killed with guns every year in America.
Our firearm rights aren't subject to deaths by firearms.

>#1 No one can buy a gun without taking a gun safety course,
No one should have to jump through government hoops before exercising their constitutionally protected rights.

>as well as a background check done by the police
You don't ask the government's permission to exercise your constitutionally protected rights.

>to determine that you are not a threat to yourself or others
We are innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until we prove ourselves innocent.

>#2 Ban assault weapons.
Our firearm rights aren't subject to specific weapons.

>You don't need
It's called the bill of rights, not the bill of needs.

>#3 The government must create a full gun registry so they can keep track of who owns what
Will literally not do a single thing except let the government know whom they need to confiscate firearms from.
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>Guerrila [sic] tactics have almost always bested large military prowess
then why illegally drop 280,000,000 cluster munitions on Laos -- a nation that was not in the Viet Nam war and that Nixon declared noli me tangere?

...oh. yeah.
>Parthian shots
You can try to take our guns, but I'll be shooting at anyone who comes for them.
>There is no one culture that defines Canada. We have always been a multicultural country made up of immigrants from all across the world, the same goes for the US.
The USA was founded by White people for White people. Multiculturalism simply means "fewer White people"
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>You don't have to protect anyone or Anything, we have a police force for a reason
The police are not required to defend the people and the police cannot come to where you are to save you before a criminal harms you.

Bullets travel faster than cops ever will.
>There is no need for anyone on this planet to own a gun, especially not Canadians
Our rights aren't subject to what you feel we need or not.
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this desu
i hope you assholes are taking notes on how to craft the perfect bait thread. everything about it is beautiful.
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>Hello Neighbours,
>It is clear that you have some very serious nigger issues in your country. Tens of Gorillions of people are needlessly killed with niggers every year in America. This can be stopped by bringing in some sensible nigger regulations. We have sensible nigger regulations in Canada and our nigger violence rates per capita are a fraction of yours.
>#1 No one can buy a nigger without taking a nigger safety course, as well as a background check done by the police to determine that you are not a threat to yourself or others
>#2 Ban assault niggers. They are the niggers primarily used in massacres because of their high capacity lips. You don't need assault niggers for hunting/self defence.
>#3 The government must create a full nigger registry so they can keep track of who owns what
>These are just 3 of several good ideas that I have to lower nigger violence rates in America without violating the thirteenth amendment. Let me know what you guys think.
>That is not plausible as people need cars to live their daily lives.
Driving is a privilege, not a right.
Owning firearms is a right, not a privilege.
Have you ever thought of reasoning or using logic with someone who is committing a crime instead of outright killing Them?
Keyword: Almost
I would like to see his brains up against a gun.
>tens of thousands
This isn't even a drop in the bucket of all people in America.

Not worth the regulation.
How about you go do that and report the results.
We don't have to fall for it.
>Have you ever thought of reasoning or using logic with someone who is committing a crime instead of outright killing Them?
If someone or some group attempts to harm me or my family, steal from me or my family or strip me or my family of our rights they've forfeited their life and deserve to die.
lol idiot
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If I was robbing your house I would have stabbed and or shot you and your children before you could utter your thesis statement
another idiot lol
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He meant

>you and your wife's children
fuck off leaf.
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Hey, Canadian guy, guess what?

No really, guess.

Give up?

Damn straight you do motherfucker, come for my guns and I'll literally fucking murder you.

Someone with actual freedom.
You have just shown why Americans have a reputation for being very stupid people. Do you shoot at all your problems? When your printer stops working do you shoot at it or do you use your brain and troubleshoot to fix the Problem?
Don't forget that all rifles are 2% of that number.

What he really wants is a total gun ban. 'Sensible'

Ayy I'm a shade leaf but I would be your compatriot In this action.
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>calling people idiot instead of debating them


>namefagging without a tripcode

Henry Rollins is such a tool
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kys syrup nigger
Thank you serbanon, mightiest kek I've had in a while

Holy shit dude, so what when anything happens it's your immediate response to lay down and accept it.

Holy fuck you remind me of that video of the college white boi getting pounded on by 4 nogs and he just sat there laying closing his eyes getting dummied

Open your fucking ass white boy, mark your calander you are going to be POZ forever
>and our per capita gun murder rate is much lower than yours

10 out of fucking 10 bait m8

gun crime is lower in england as well, but people get stabbed on the fucking regular.

gun violence went down, stabbings went up.

>what? would you rather us throw them out of windows?


>posts a 10rnd 7.62x54r mag
i'm sorry literally every one of your responses missed the joke

that 10rnd mag, has more power than 3x 30rnd AR-15 mags.

hunting rifles are 10x more powerfull than "assault weapons" and LOTS support removable magazines.

>but muh typical bolt action
anyone whos trained, can dump 100rnds out of a bolt action rifle in around a minute.


>You have just shown why Americans have a reputation for being very stupid people.
I really don't give a fuck what tyrannical faggots like you think of me, my rights and this nation.

>Do you shoot at all your problems?
We didn't talk with the British to secure our freedom. We shot them.

>When your printer stops working do you shoot at it or do you use your brain and troubleshoot to fix the Problem?
I will shoot the nigger who is trying to steal my printer from my home.

When the niggers are raping your wife and your wife's child, are you going to nicely ask them to stop? When they cut your head off with a steak knife, are your last words going to be "I least I didn't shoot these poor, oppressed people with a gun."?
Can we just ban Canadians.
How are women supposed to get strong enough to fight off attackers?

Why does Henry Rollins hate women?
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So if a someone shoots you and your family with an illegal gun in Canada you think it's fine?

Would you be dying for your cause ?
No anon, you're the retard. Guns can't kill people. Only people can kill people. And sometimes animals and disease kill people too.
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>resorting to ad hominem instead of stating facts

I will call the police and they will do their jobs of protecting me and my family ... Or I will properly secure my home to prevent any intruders in the first place
Let's just fucking ban Canadians Jesus Christ
>Firearms are regulated in my country and our per capita gun murder rate is much lower than yours
Our firearm rights aren't subject to firearm deaths.

Or to put it another way, our firearm rights aren't subject to others abusing those rights.

ITT: historically illiterate niggertouchers and gunlets

We have guns because we are the only nation that hasn't been completely captured by Jew bankers

Enjoy your camps goy
when goatfuckers rape your family in front of you i sure as fuck hope you die for yours

worry about your own fucking problems leaf
>I will call the police and they will do their jobs of protecting me and my family

Police response time in parts of my country are literally hours. A criminal only needs minutes anyway.

Do you really believe this? That they will be there in time? Do you even where your nearest police station is?

You get shot by a stray visiting the shopping mall by Somalis gang fighting
>I will call the police
What if the criminals kill you and your family and escape before the police even show up?

>and they will do their jobs of protecting me and my family
It's your job to protect you and your family you gigantic pussy.

Have you given up so much of your life to the State that you rely on them for everything for you?

Do you do everything the State tells you to do?

If the State tells you to show up an an extermination camp, will you?

> Or I will properly secure my home to prevent any intruders in the first place
So what will you say when they circumvent your security and begin raping, killing and eating you (hopefully in that order)?
It's in case the ATF attacks me while I'm hunting with my dog.

I will just shoot them anon because I own firearms and will fight for the right to have them, regardless if self defence is illegal
What part of statistics do you not understand? The rate at which Whites commit gun violence is much lower... therefore, if all other groups are removed...

Are you a fucking child or something? Or just liberal?
do you get paid to shitpost this loudly?

police response time can very from 5 minutes to over an hour.

I've literally called about a shooting in the apartments next to my house, 2 hours later they finally knocked on my door asking questions.

>oh yea we just got here, where did this take place?
and i live in a fucking college town.

come the fuck on, when someone is possibly armed and in your house, YOU DONT FUCKING HAVE TIME TO WAIT.
I live in a city with 400,000 people. My nearest police station is less than a 10 minute drive and I live near the main street where police frequently patrol. They would have a response time of less than 3 minutes.
Here in Canada if you lawfully defend yourself the enemy wins.
Tell me, leaf, normal people obey laws, right? Criminals break laws, right? America has a grandfather clause, meaning all legally owned firearms purchased up to to the passing of this supposed law would remain legally owned. So we still have an assload of legally owned firearms. Do criminals follow laws? Will outlawing guns suddenly make every gangbanger turn in their guns with short barrels, missing serial numbers, etc.? No, it won't.
>gun violence per capita
>not going by gun violence per nigger
Also we have a full registry of gun owners, you fucking leaf.
What part did you miss about "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." because I'm guessing it is the "shall not be infringed" part.
Leafs Of Peace
it's not the highest murder rate in the nation.

D.C. and new orleans and st. louis are all higher. i think chicago is down to like 6 or 7.

there's no correlation between harsh gun control or lax gun control and niggers willing to be niggers.

the only metric that is consistently correlated is nigger population.
What about the people that live more than 10 minutes from a police station?
What about them?
>#1 No one can buy a gun without taking a gun safety course, as well as a background check done by the police to determine that you are not a threat to yourself or others
Free safety courses for those that want them.
>#2 Ban assault weapons. They are the guns primarily used in massacres because of their high capacity clips. You don't need assault weapons for hunting/self defence.
so called "assault weapons" are used in something like .0003% of violent crime. This point is just a foot in the door to ban all firearms and everyone knows it.
>#3 The government must create a full gun registry so they can keep track of who owns what
This is fucking retarded, and you're fucking retarded.
In the US the police have no legal responsibility to protect you.
>They would have
t. someone whos never had to call the cops
>They would have a response time of less than 3 minutes.
Someone can kill you in less than 3 minutes.

That's IF the police get there that fast.
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and nope i'm keeping my guns
>bill of needs
ok faggot
They need to move closer to a police station or we need to expand our police forces
>Tens of Thousands of niggers are needlessly killed with guns every year in America.

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Stop distracting people from the happening in France a right now you fucking leaf (https://www.rt.com/news/387628-paris-gare-nord-evacuation/)

Also, Mexico does the second and third tips of yours and it has been demonstrated to NOT WORK

now kys
Mexico also regulates its firearms

You have pajeets and gooks. We have niggers and spics.

Understand the difference now? If we had your gun laws we would be even WORSE off
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>throwing more money at a problem that could be solved by allowing someone to own a $200 shotgun for self defense

We dont like hearing this..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSNqUE3kvhw&ab_channel=skynews0fficial24x7

when we can do this....
>They need to move closer to a police station
So have you ever gone to a funeral and told a wife whose husband was killed by a nigger "you should've lived closer to a police station"

>or we need to expand our police forces
And yet a bullet still travels faster than a cop.

Why are you so against killing people who want to kill you?
Lemme guess, you live in Chico?
We need less guns not more. People have the right to be tried by a court of law for any crimes they commit. ordinary citizens have no right to be judged, jury and executioner.
>Why are you so against killing people who want to kill you?
No he loves people getting shot, don't you see? He just wants to always have big brother do it for him.
Yea nuking itself would be really productive in solving an uprising
Can confirm. $200 shotguns are awesome. My Mossberg for two bones is as good a shooter as my Winchester 1300.
Fact is you cant count on other people to defend you and your family.
It could be a home invasion, CME knocks out the power for a few months, currency crash, or about a 1000 other things that can line up to put you in the shit and nobody is responsible for helping you and yours stay alive but you. So put up with the bullshit or be prey to whatever could come your way one of these days. Just think about how you would feel sitting there watching something horrible happening helpless knowing you could have done something about it if you were not such a pussy and cucked over to laws made by government officials who just so happen to have armed security everywhere they go.

For fuck sakes. Yea I realize these are outlandish examples but the truth is you are in charge of keeping your loved ones safe and nobody else.

There may come a time when there is nobody to call and only yourself to do whats necessary to keep those you love alive and safe.

Yep we have a problem in this world. There are crazy fuckers. They can get a gun and do stupid crazy shit, but they would be less likely to whip out a fun and start shooting into a mob of people if that mob of people could shoot back.
>We need less guns not more.

>People have the right to be tried by a court of law for any crimes they commit.
People have the right to defend themselves against people who'd take their rights.

>ordinary citizens have no right to be judged, jury and executioner.
Absolutely they do when someone else attempts to take their rights from them.

No person has the right to take another's right. If they attempt it, they forfeit their right to life.
>No he loves people getting shot, don't you see? He just wants to always have big brother do it for him.
Indeed. He loves firearms. Just as long as its the government using them.
sadly no, central florida,
>Absolutely they do when someone else attempts to take their rights from them.

Forget being judge jury and executioner, right to self defense is a human right. If that kills the other person, there are literally parts in the (((old testament))) about it being his fault.
My bad dude. all i see is the leaf and im enraged on the topic.
>Forget being judge jury and executioner, right to self defense is a human right.
Damn straight.

>If that kills the other person, there are literally parts in the (((old testament))) about it being his fault.
Self-defense is indeed biblical
So basically you don't want to take responsibility for protecting yourself.
In that case, I'm pretty sure that the shooting was a homeowner avoiding cultural enrichment.
Fuck off to reddit
Yeah. My Uncle has an old maverick 88 that he keeps in his truck and it still runs like a top
More than 99% of gun crime is caused by pistols.
>Self-defense is indeed biblical

Fuck yea its common sense. If someone is trying to hurt you, you dont say "well lets see how much they hurt me and then ill decide what sort of response is warrented."
No you remove the threat by any means as quick as possible. Anything else is increasing the odds you dont make it out of that situation alive.

When the shit hits the fan. And it happens, the government will be busy taking measures to ensure its own survival not yours. Any sense of control you think you have about your life is an illusion anyway and all you can do is try and be prepared yourself because aint nobody coming to save you except yourself.
Since this is about to get archived I would like to thank all you dumbass burgers for keeping me entertained for 2 hours
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
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ITT: OP BTFO and tries to save face by "trolling"
unless you can defend yourself with a weapon :^)
Thread posts: 325
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