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Will Canada reelect Justin Trudeau?
I hope not. But in reality a large percentage of Canadians are not comfortable with freedom and thus will not vote for someone like Bernier.

This country is far too cucked to even begin to free itself from the shackles of government control.
Is Trudeau popular in Canada?
I've heard his popularity was slipping
No, I'm never voting for him again!
no he will not be reelected, his popularity is on par with trumps right now- all time lows.
Maybe he will gain support after he legalizes marijuana, but I doubt he will do too well unless O'leary is the main conservative candidate.
Wait, lose the gun?
O'leary is out and endorsed Bernier.
Didnt oleary drop out?
>lose the gun

i now realize that you are correct, O'leary's out.
vote for mad max bitches
I will.

We need someone in North america who doesn't kiss the ground Trump walks on. Trudeau is the counter to Trump.
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>lose the gun
Retards are so short sighted, an armed citizenry is the cornerstone of democracy. The whole world can be free because America is. If every gun disappeared from American household tomorrow, you can bet the elites would drop the illusion of a free world and fast track us to a global tyranny, all while keeping these retards believing it's for their best interests.
O'Leary dropped out over a week ago

lmao. Guns aren't related to democracy. All western countries ban firearms, and all of them are freer than the US.
Fuck off
I'm laughing in your fucking face right now
kill yourself you brainless retard
I agree honduras is such a nice and peaceful place without guns
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White Western nations are generally a lot more armed than Latinos and eastern Asians.
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Fucking I hope not.

Suicide by cop doesnt count. Low energy/10
>muh 'muh gunz'
"Suicide by cop" is definitely a good way to describe the fantasies gun-clingers have against a military/police state that could end your life with a drone without anybody knowing what happened
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>Muh guns
Face it, if the government really WA Ted to take you gun toting neets out, they could easily do it with minimal effort. This isnt the 19th century anymore
>Just drone strike the homes of every citizen suspected of resisting, nothing can go wrong.
Your entire military couldn't secure an Arabic country 1/10th your size with far fewer armed civilians. This fantasy that the military will just drone everyone is amusing, especially considering the last 15 years in the middle east. Add on top of that, the inevitable defection of a large part of your military, and the refusal of most of your military to fire in its own people. Well, the government doesn't stand a chance.
Hmmmmm insurgency certainly have never ever ever ever ever been highly successful in the past amirite?
Kill yourself cuck
Trueau is awesome. Everyone I know i voting for him to eternity!
Probably not. Both main opposition parties are doubling down on him and how he never answers questions in the house of commons, and people on the right and left feel like he's broken more big promises than he's kept. Even if WEED LMAO helps him win, it will be a minority that can't get anything done. I wouldn't even be surprised if there was a motion of non confidence before 2019, they're so corrupt and ass backwards.
>"Australia" (((poster)))

Right on time.
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>britbong education

Our interference in the middle east is not at all comparable to what a war within our own country would be like.

Whenever gun-toting retards over here decide to rebel against our government, it's squashed quickly.
Best prime minister ever. Proud canadian here!
Part of me hopes so. Its really great to see that there is a country where even the mentally retarded bastard of Castro can be elected.
That's because a critical mass hasn't rebelled yet. If you ever get into a true rebellion, your government is fucked. Your hands would be tied even moreso than they were when you lost in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. If you couldn't beat a bunch of mud people, how can you win against a bigger, more armed population?
Second amendment doesn't guarantee you the right to win, it guarantees the right to fight.

And you've gotta fight for your right to party.

>lol just kill all the civilians and make sure 0 of them fight back and 100% of our military stays loyal and obeys their orders to kill their families, it'll totally work no problem don't worry about other countries interfering too either it's no biggie
Waco has taught you well. Exhibit A of the brainwashed cuck w
Hes going to have to bank on the useful idiots that make up the majority of canadian youth these days which is highly cucked. Even if he does get voted out the damage is already going to have been done and the next couple of decades are going to be spent cleaning up yet another mess from the Trudeau family
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The Canadian PM is unelected.
The ruling party chooses the PM, not the citizens.

We are not a democracy. Very few NATO states are.

Russia is by far more democratic.

Fuck Trudeau.
>If you couldn't beat a bunch of mud people, how can you win against a bigger, more armed population?

Those mud people were literally oceans away. It cost a fuck-ton of resources and in some cases domestic political negotiation just to get our troops over there and establish bases. You should know from your own history that you can have a powerful-as-fuck military, but it doesn't necessarily mean much when factoring in the sheer distance. If we're fighting here, on our own turf, with army bases all over the fucking place, it's going to be a much different story.
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I want off this crazy cuck ride
Fuck you and your bait

Wow that's a good one.
As a Brit ... BULLSHIT
Even after you cunts had been there for a decade, you still couldn't win. You think you'll have a bigger advantage fighting your own countrymen? How many civilian populations do you think the military will bomb before a foreign country or a US general puts their foot down? I'm surprised I have to tell you burgers this, insurgency is how you won your freedom.
Love the fact that they have a chink representing the male canadian. Bout sums it up
Probably. Hes got weedfags even more on lock.
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>This isnt the 19th century anymore

Human spirit doesn't change, faggot.
I think even he knew it was bullshit. There's a reason I have a german crashing on my couch while she looks for work.
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>ban firearms
>no he will not be reelected, his popularity is on par with trumps right now- all time lows.
This is what happens when you elect a meme for president.
It was insurgency against a colonial power an ocean away that sent a fraction of its military power to attempt to quell a rebellion before ultimately deeming it not worth the expenditure. The real question is how the fuck am I needing to explain this to a fucking Brit.
That picture proves to me that the leafs are beyond saving
Canada is cucked, remember? No guns.
funny thing is the prime minister here doesnt do fuck all

trudeau just does talk shows, he doesnt actually sign policy into law or whatever. trump does more for us than he does indirectly, thank god.
Wow, a drunk guy can't aim, whodathunkit?
>get jailed for wrongthink
>freer than the US

Either we'll send him packing in 2019, or President Trump will send troops north to do it for us. The Americans do not want Canada becoming a base camp for jihad.

Either way, Justin Trudeau will die in prison.
I'm not sure why I need to explain the difficulty of securing a country against an insurgency to an American. You've lost against how many insurgents in the last 50 years. A large number of your military simply isn't going to fireon it's own people. It's a nice fantasy, much like the fantasy you cunts had going into Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc.
I'm going to keep voting till i get my free legal weed delivered to my door via government sponsored delivery drones.
I wish. His father being PM pretty much gave him super privilege even to the point of himself becoming pm as a fucking brain dead ski instructor
yes i can go to jail or saying one bad word
From what I hear, no way in hell.
Lots of guns, actually. Just have to get a cuck license, or complete an 80% lower illegally if you want an AR or 1911 that isn't in the system.
Waco and a couple of hick retards from Montana are just small, easily thwarted groups. Get 10k or more armed people and that shit will snowball past the control of the state mighty quick.
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Foreign insurgents you fucking moron. Big difference when you have to deal directly and more often with the international community and various related international hurdles of fighting a foreign power. It's what's stopped us from simply glassing Vietnam or Iraq or whatever other shithole when everyone knows we have the capability to do so if we wanted. Whenever we have domestic instances even approaching this they get blown the fuck out without even really trying. I don't know how many times it has to happen before this reality actually sinks in.

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Absolute fantasy. What you don't seem to understand is that we simply don't allow these things to snowball in the first place. We move in and dismantle it immediately. It's right on our home turf, it's a much more streamlined process.
Fuck off Paki.
Keke speaks
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>a leaf's spank bank
>We move in and dismantle it immediately.
Under normal circumstances, yes. Media control and careful application of police, FBI, and Nasty girl power makes any budding insurgency very unlikely to succeed. But that's assuming everything is operating 100%. If a wrench is thrown in the works, like, say, an inevitable currency collapse and economic chaos, then the government is far less able to deal with shit that comes up.

Revolutions don't happen when everything is peachy. Things have to get pretty shitty before people make serious attempts, and have serious chances to win.
Waco wasn't a domestic insurgency. In any case, the problems you face with foreign insurgents is only amplified in domestic insurgents. Your ability to whimsically bomb targets is limited, you have to calculate every offensive because the propaganda effect of a poorly designed offensive against your own people is incredible. You're going to have insurgents within your own military ranks. It's amusing that anyone believes Vietnamese or Afghan insurgents would pose a bigger threat than insurgents in a country with 10x as many people, 50x as much land mass, and 20x as many munitions.
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Liberals only got 39% of the vote but that's enough to form a majority government in Canada
Lol. Yeah its the state that defeats these groups. It's near impossible to get that number of people to come together and mobilize as a cohesive unit for this purpose. The state cannot just break up a group of like minded people for no reason, racist, anti-government, bikers, niggers, cartels or whatever. Maybe they can infiltrate and monitor them and charge the odd 1 with some bullshit crimes, but that's about it. The problem is that we are a bunch of pussies that can't see past tomorrow and won't rise up against the system that keeps us down.
>Waco wasn't a domestic insurgency.

It would have been, given time. And that's the point. As soon as these extremist groups start cropping up, they're popped before they ever really take off. Widescale insurgency will never be an issue within the US. Our population is too fucking fat and lazy for this to ever be a real threat.
And I'd also like to mention that the domestic political issues we had in, say, Vietnam, where dropping napalm on the poor innocent brown people was met with much protesting and crying and gnashing of teeth of the growing mass of liberal shitheads in this country, those same people have no issue with the government taking out a bunch of radical gun-nuts.
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>Ugh, men are fucking pigs

>Wow Trudeau is so dreamy! :O Imma vote for this hunk :3cc
No they will elect an even bigger cuck
a moment of silence for all the brave men who stood against the 19th amendment, but were ultimately drowned out by the protocucks of their generation.
These uprisings are difficult to see without the benefit of hindsight. You're completely delusional if you believe there will be more political cohesiveness when the military goes after its own citizens than when we were bombing foreigners.

The threat of an armed rebellion is very real. Even short of that, a small, armed group is enough to embarrass the politicians and disrupt the system. Despite 15 years of throwing everything we have at such groups, we still don't have a way to fight insurgents effectively. The right to bear arms is anything but meaningless.
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>These uprisings are difficult to see without the benefit of hindsight.

No, they really aren't. Right-wing gun nuts who will be the ones forming these hypothetical insurgencies are the loudest, dumbest motherfuckers you'll ever see. Subtlety is absolutely not in their repertoire.
And it's all thanks to fptp, which the liberals promised to change and then broke that promise.
and every single person in the military who woud be fighting the ground war is what you just described

fucking off to reddit you retarded nigger, just because you faggots cant actually form a resistance without niggatry collapsing it doesnt mean the white man cant.

What I find interesting is all the Canadians I've met who've moved to the states are Chinese.

Is Canada really that chink filled?
kek, this is from one of the SWAT games.

How well is that strategy going in Afghanistan? Having only air superiority doesn't win wars.
How his wife could respect him is beyond me. I don't she respects him at all -- any "man" who wears that sort of outfit and dances in that sort of fashion is no man at all. Pathetic. Vote Mad Max

This is the stupidest fucking argument

Just think about it

Do you really think its possible to attack US citizens with tanks and drones? is that what your implying? Especially when at least 50% of the military are pretty pro gun to begin with
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