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The childfree life

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>Being a red pilledsocially aware white male living in a developed country
>Having Kids.
Tradcucks will attack a rational choice if it interferes with
>muh white race
>muh morals
>traditional Catholic
>white male
>5 children
I have the income available to mail mass anonymous flyers.
I want to promote (white) Christians to marry and have children.
Mainly want to target Protestants, as they are the ones who brought contraception into society (Lambeth Conference, 1930), and have swallowed this neo-pagan practice whole.
Does anyone have a template that I can work from?
Nice try schlomo
>5 children
What split of boys/girls?
You are on a japanese cartoon board at 1 A.M discussing this as if its something you are serious about. Kys breeder
>current year
a flyer won't make someone be retarded
Anyone who is convinced to reproduce by a mass mailed anonymous flyer, shouldn't.
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>red pilled
>Having Kids
L0Lno fgt pls
2 boys, 3 girls.

Breeding is in accordance with human nature. Sodomites are abhorrent to nature, as is contracepting and coitus interruptus.

When mass-media is not a viable option, what other recourse do we have besides social media and flyers.
The idea is, only well-to-do, middle-class people actually check their mail and deal with bills on a regular basis. It is an opportunity to expose those who normally wouldn't be exposed to the idea of being open to life.
>those hips
>not for child birthing
That's great. We're working towards having five too. You're doing God's work.
The only whites consistently having kids are Mormons.
That's awesome.
When we married, people always asked us how many children we were going to have.
Our response has always been the same: "Who are we to tell God how many children we are willing to bring into the world?"

Always met with silence and an "oh..." stare, as if the thought never flickered between the walls of their skulls. Stay open to life, if it happens, God wills it.

Of course, prudence must play a role, according to one's state in life.
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oh wow 2 post by this id
you sure challenged my perceptions op
My mother-in-law asked how many children we had planned before we even got married. I just went with the 'Depends how money is' route. I wish I had have said that instead.
I'm open for more than five, but five is what is easily affordable for us.
Do you mind if I ask; are you still attracted to your wife's body afterwards? It's not often I run into anyone with a reasonable sized family, so I'd appreciate it.
I hear ya.
When we married, our budget sucked. Real bad.
What I've found is that when we put our trust that this is what He wills, He goes before you and sets the stage for you to be able to provide.
Making that step in trust must mean a lot to Him.

That isn't to say that there won't be hardships or trials, of course. Most people have this fairytale idea of God as a cosmic Santa Claus, and at the first sign of anything difficult, blames Him for it. I've done it. But it's all worth it when it's over. Trust ain't easy.
Yes. She works out and gets fit, then inevitably ends up pregnant again.
I mean, she's going to have the usual markings of pregnancy, sure.
That's great. Thank you. God bless your family.
And yours! Don't look back.

Dominus vobiscum
yes, brother! propagate the great white race! white people a minority in America in a few years? fuck you libs!
We won't. Children are the best thing in the world. Best of luck with your next baby.

Et cum spiritu tuo.
You too friend.
People who don't want kids are just plain stupid degenerates. They're even worse than homossexuals, because homossexuals want to have kids.
Your fucking nihilist asshole should be penetrated with a chainsaw.
>Be white
>Blonde, blue eyes
>Healthy white wife

mfw have severe health problems that have a huge likelihood of being passed down to offspring because genetics.

Decided not to have kids because it would be a burden on the health care system and the children themselves. Had a vasectomy last month.

I wish my parents had not been so selfish and not had children, if not for modern medicine I would be dead.

Sometimes there are good reasons for deciding to be child free.
good argument DUMMY
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Ladies and gentlemen, Australia speaks.
Have you looked into adoption? You could make a difference for children who need your love.

Get your wife knocked up with some non gimp white sperm (from a sperm bank or get cucked I guess).
some people want to live their happy lives and keep them simple, children complicate things because they're too much of a burden

>implying that you won't start to get the appeal of having kids sometime in your 20s

On the downside, those kids are Mormons

Macron wins, Trump killed by 2018
Welcome to dialectical materialism in the hedonist secular State.
Hahaha, you idiot!
Everybody point and laugh at the fool
>Implying I will ever be married
>Implying I will ever have kids
>Implying I won't die alone at 35 after I finally work up the courage to off myself.
Get fucked nigga
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>time magazine

You dun goofed boy.
Its not about contraception.

Its about the will to survive on in your children, your lineage, your people. I've 4 little atheist fascists in the making.

Every little smile is worth more than these nihilistic infertile fagboys could ever conceive.
Contraception plays an enormous role. Adultery and fornication become easier. General morality lowers across the board.
Sex is separated from procreation in the mind of the individual which makes the false case that the only measure of the goodness of the act is pleasure.
Thus if pleasure is the only measure of the goodness of the sexual act, who is anyone to say what sort of pleasures can be extracted from the act? Therefore, a rise in sodomite activity inevitably breaks out.

Not only this, but without contraception, the wholesale slaughter of children in the womb couldn't have begun.
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>be white
>don't have kids
>watch the white population drop
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Why are you here? If you are MGTOW, you are not a Nationalist, period. You are not Right Wing, period. You are not one of us, period. You have nothing of value to add to any right-wing conversation, period.

Why are you here? Go to Reddit or /leftypol/, that's where you belong.
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This principle was even touched upon in the Obergefell v. Hodges sodomite union Supreme Court case by dissenting judge Alito.


>Result: contraceptive mentality destroys the nuclear family unit. Not immediately, but over time.
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Yes, don't have children, all according to plan, Goyim!
Most crude and obvious scheme in the book.
The problem with having 10 kids is that you're increasing future demand for real estate, food production, power and a lot of other stuff. If you wanna rear a child you can just pick one up from the orphanage. If you're one of those people who wants to save the white race or whatever, you can still just adopt a white kid.

Having a biological child is selfish.
>he doesn't want to keep his country a developed one
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Just train them to never trust a muslim or a nigger
We actually moved from a neighborhood because 4 Palestinian families moved in. One home had four women, 1 man, and I don't know how many children in total, but we counted 8 or 9.
Previously, this was a low-to-no crime, middle-class, white neighborhood with a few black families. Respectable families.

They were all related. Almost like it was a program to place them in this neighborhood, and in a small-to-middle sized Louisiana city at that. It makes no sense other than it was a resettlement program.

Crime skyrocketed. My son and wife were threatened for just walking down the street. Needless to say, I bought more weapons and ammunition, then moved out of city limits where there are no Mahometans and very, very few blacks.
I used to live in Slidell now live in Long island New York. I miss lousiana but my family and job is here
I went to college with a guy from Slidell. Occasionally drive through there.
Having children is what you should be doing, passing in your genes is the only reason to really live.

Marriage is pretty fucking stupid though, people actually still doing that with such frequency is amazing to me.
What's the south like? I've no intentions of travelling, but I've always thought it seemed wholesome. New Zealand is just quiet.
(((Childfree)))? Good goy!
>m/20 $$$>Rugrats

I live to eat tendies, Not clean shit from infants.

Fact of the matter is, Kids cost money and getting married / divorced costs just as much.

I am much happier staying by myself, and keeping all the cash that I earn and I can spend it on things that I want to ie, fuck it sure Ill buy a motorcycle. I'm not paying for someone elses collage or mistakes, so why not. (Legit though, just bought myself my 2nd harley yesterday)
Oh fuck off with your christcuck shit.

Consumerism is the main player here. People don't have kids because they cramp their style, because new cars are seen as status symbols, not a healthy loving family.

Change must occur in politics and culture. We can not let ourselves be ruled by the merchant class and idolize bling.

Remove the advertising, we have deep biological impulses that will cause us to self-correct.
Depends on where you go, really. Large cities are not unlike most; progressive and have their complimentary ghetto.
Such as New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Jackson MS, Atlanta GA, etc.

When I travelled north for work, I noticed that you can't just stop and talk to people like we do in the South. People are willing to strike up a conversation with you for no good reason. No one is in much of a hurry. Up north, though, it seemed as though people thought I was trying to get something from them.

Country/rednecks are usually easy to get along with. "Conservative." Generally protestant but the older folk have a sense of morality. The younger generations, from my experience, not so much. Helpful. Will strike up a conversation over nothing. Respectful.

Mostly quiet. Humid as hell which makes the heat worse. I coined a term called "swamp ass" which is a condition only caught in South Louisiana directly as a result of the humidity. Step outside and prepare to have sweaty boxer shorts.
Winters are short, unfortunately, but mild with the occasional freeze and rare snow.
Right. Intelligent whites living in first world nations should breed. Starving Africans shouldn't. Good jobml.

Good goy.
>Consumerism is the main player here
So basically, the communist slogan "It's the economy, stupid"?
Of course hedonism plays a part; yet when society is divorced from the culture that built Western Civilization, that's what you get. Secularization.

I say it often:
>1000+ years of Christian society gave us: Western civilization
>200 years of secularism gave us: children confused as to which bathroom to use

And what is culture? Culture is derived from the Latin cultus, meaning common religious devotion of a people. Culture doesn't come merely from a people's skin color; that's only a minor unifying factor. Culture comes from a common religious devotion; such as in Europe: Catholicism. Only through Christianity did it unite the white European races, the Asiatics and the Middle-Eastern races.

That doesn't mean, though, that these ethnic cultures were quick to mix. Yet, if they did, the unifying nature of common religion created a bond that ethnicity could not.

Or to put it in Greek: Ethnos needs Logos.
>I have the income available to mail mass anonymous flyers.
What effect would mailing the flyers bring in reality is the biggest question? would white couples magically have children to them or will it just be another racist flyer campaign that does jackshit.
>I want to promote (white) Christians to marry and have children.
Marriage is a terrible deal i don't recommend Christians of all people doing it since churches are cucked and now promote men to obey women rather then the natural opposite.

Someone else on /pol/ knows E. Michael Jones :^)
It's comfy. A lot more wholesome then most of the US if you're with the right people.

Get mixed in with the wrong crowd and you'll see how degenerate and decrepit humans can be in the US. Niggers and white trash are a problem, but you can avoid them for the most part.
>>tfw you're planning out all of the fun shit you're going to do in your life because you don't intend to marry or have kids.
I worked in marketing and digital design - also trad cath. Don't like to share info but if you have something anonymous to contact you on shoot it my direction would love to help
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Sicut Judaeis Non is the only answer to Civilta Cattolica's 1890's issue on the Jewish Question.

Wtf are you talking about? It's not selfish to want to have YOUR OWN kids. Humans are meant to have our own kids, not someone else's. That is the way we have evolved.

Next you'll be saying monogmous relationships are selfish...

I need to read more of his books instead of just listening to every interview he does
pax vobis man will keep in touch
Dionysos Rising and Jewish Revolutionary Spirit are great books.
The latter is a freakin' tome.

Sounds good man.
Laudetur Iesus Christus

Yeah, that's partly why I haven't gotten to it yet. I'm reading a 500-ish page book with small text right now, and the Jewish revolutionary spirit is even longer than that.
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Yeah definitely. Lately I've been re-reading Fr. Denis Fahey's works & Fatima-related literature.
Fr. Fahey was certainly a genius.

Haven't really heard of him, I mostly read French-language stuff about Christianity
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Cool dude. So since you aren't a Nationalist, or Right Wing, or interested in politics, why are you here?

You've clearly run away from affairs of the future, yet here you are. Talking to a bunch of Nationalists about how you willingly sacrificed the future of your bloodline to... What? Buy stuff? That's cute dude but it isn't impressing anyone.

The fact that you are here, desperately trying to convince a bunch of people who clearly think you're an idiot that your life choices are valid is pretty clear evidence that you don't believe they are. This is what bothers me most about you people, you project massively. It's like you NEED validation that your hedonistic lifestyle was a good idea. Didn't your two motorcycles get you that already? Why aren't you off riding them right now, or banging slags or whatever?

Why are you here? Your thirst for validation is more disturbing than your boring life choices.
He spent his life teaching about the principles of the Social Kingship of Christ as opposed to the Masonic, classical liberal, secular society that we live in today.
He held nothing back concerning the Church's oldest enemies, the Jewish religion and its praxis passed down to its adherents.

He foresaw the mess we find ourselves in today: the inability to base law and order on any objective criteria other than the majority "will of the people" influenced by the contemporary, whimsical emotional sentiment of the day.

His works are definitely worth a read.
"Cool dude. So since you aren't a Nationalist, or Right Wing, or interested in politics, why are you here?"

Shitposting before work is fun.

"The fact that you are here, desperately trying to convince a bunch of people who clearly think you're an idiot that your life choices are valid is pretty clear evidence that you don't believe they are"

This entire thread is shitting on people who make the same choices that I do, sorry for interrupting your circle jerk.

"Didn't your two motorcycles get you that already? Why aren't you off riding them right now, or banging slags or whatever?"

So because I make different choices then you, I am no longer allowed to post on /pol? Top kek.

Please see image.

>passing your DNA to some ungrateful little shit who wastes your accumulated wealth
>passing your ideas and ideas and worldview

One should always teach it they feel the need to reproduce. Fuck your DNA of it lives in what you consider the apocalypse
You're supposed to put a forward arrow before quotes, it turns them green. Here, let me show you.

Let's go down the list.

>Shitposting before work is fun.

So before we continue, any claim that you make regarding the treatment of you by other people in this thread is invalidated, because you admit to shitposting.

>This entire thread is shitting on people who make the same choices that I do, sorry for interrupting your circle jerk.

See point above. One of you brought up your degenerate lifestyle, and then another of you called us "tradcucks," so we dutifully explained why you're all losers. I then pointed out correctly that you're all massively reaching, grasping, insecure fucktards who come to boards where you do not belong because you crave validation.
You then confirm this by getting butthurt that we don't approve of your choices when they are EXPLICITLY opposed to the dominant ideology of the board.

>So because I make different choices then you, I am no longer allowed to post on /pol? Top kek.

Allowed? You're allowed to do anything, but you don't belong here, and your complaints at being treated as such are laughable. You aren't discussing politics, and you share no common interests with us. You clearly want approval, or at least to make people upset who disagree with you. Your sudden defensive tone is laughable--you idiots are the ones who come HERE and espouse the benefits of your sterile antisocial lifestyle. If a faggot made a thread about the merits of faggotry here we'd treat him the same way, because your lifestyle is diametrically opposed to everything Nationalist and Right Wing. You might as well go to /leftypol/, they'd probably accept you. Murdering civilizations seems like the sort of thing they'd approve of.

My only conclusion is that you came here deliberately looking either for approval or for punishment. I'm more interested in your motives. If you are actually just shitposting then there's nothing more to discuss.

Might check him out, thanks
>mfw This reddit spacing
Is 36 too old for a man to have kids?

Most of these like pic related ends bad:

Women: when they are in their 40s they start to cry and try to get pregnant, ALL of them are unstable.

Men: they realize they are going to die alone

These people just follow trends but not having children is the most sad and dangerous thing, is something you can´t get it back. You will never know what it is to receive a hug of your child, or talking with your husband/wife about the future.,etc.

But is even more retarded when half of your money is taking away to give it to sandniggers breeding, so in the end you don´t have nor family nor freedom.

What I´m observing is that youngtards are starting to realize about the propaganda. Some leftists men would confess you that they wish they have a good wife caring about them (they are almost 30 years old) and realizing how shitty the feminists traitors are.

Same with women, they are getting close to 30 and they are starting to feel like shit, they don´t want to be teenagers forever and I´m sure a lot of them wanted to stay in the house taking care of the children and having a supporting husband instead of acting like they care about unemployed sandniggers
>It makes no sense other than it was a resettlement program.

Happens here too, in Spain everytime social services whores discover some hidden village they send a bus full of muslims.

So there is no escape.
Cant get over the fact that kids around 1-4yrs are annoying. Im also deathly afraid that I might fuck up raising my kids if I ever have any
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seems that kek really doesn't like macron
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