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hey guys im voting tomorrow

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Thread replies: 192
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hey guys im voting tomorrow
I wish for your death OP
setting yourself up for failure there
Chie is the WORST girl.
Good lad. /pol/ BTFO
>live near belgium, England and Germany
>drink a fucking Heineken

[pleb intensifies]
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Congratulations, you want to ruin your country and live in a France with no French people.
heineken? fuck that shit
lepen isnt going to pass guys
You're a disgrace to weebs everywhere.
>Literally surrenders
Why am I not surprised.
fucking cedar table
Op was a faguette today.
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>voted for brexit
>voting for lepen in a few hours
wtf is that. did you just print that off? I also have a printer
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>Chiefag votes the cuck choice

Not surprising.
>drinking heineken
>voting for macron

Dear fucking god.

you aint fooling anybody mudslimlover
>Le pen wins

>she loses

Endlesds France ccucked memes

We win either way,really

simply epic
Op do a face reveal. We need to see if your cuckery has manifested into your physical traits or not.

You shall be killed by Muslims.
britburger here. trump and brexit were my world favours this year
ive been thinking about it and turns out im going to vote for macron and win.
serious question then OP

aren't you genuinely worried about all the crap going on in frogtown these days? and how do you think he's gonna stop it?
france wins again and watches us and uk fail like the retards they are
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Don't be a fool OP. Putting all the memes aside You have a chance now to not be the next sweden.
like what
Chie is a fucking slut. Just imagine the amount of sausage she had between those lips. She was probably the town bike before you came around and she was instantly lusting after your salami next.

Her phonenumber is probably all over public toilets with the annotation that she's willing to do anything for a beefbowl.

And remember those 3 guys from her S rank? As soon as you enter the train to go back home those guys probably rape her and NTR the shit out of her, turning her into a sexslave so they don't have to pay for the meat to take turns on her
the only reason im drinking tonight is so i can vote for macron.fuck this faggot, but mlp is worse.
I love watching the collapse of Europe accelerate, this is too fun.
Anyone else want him to win so that Europe will be destroyed faster and serve as a warning to other countries to avoid their fate?
i really hate having holidays and not opening my ass to goldman sachs but here we are. oh and if i get sick its taken care of.
How can we ever recover?
90 more minutes before my vote wins the french election
naoto is p cool but lol if you think yukiko is better than chie
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2 more hours before i vote for Macron

Save france and kys
Wtf I can't drink Heineken anymore.
hope you have a stroke
How could you vote for someone who's name sounds like the word for pasta in Polish?
im feeling pretty good. sounds like im voting for macron.
I don't think that matters to him since he's not Polish
So you are obviously an attention whore, but why would you vote for someone based on how you think the election is going to go?

>Le Pen will lose
>I'm not going to vote for Le Pen

Can you atleast admit your method of thinking is retarded?
Good choice of candidate and beer Frenchbro
You became retarded from drinking piss
only expected that you vote Macron
Can anybody explain to me why they would vote Macron?

Maybe we are just an echo chamber.
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Post hand pic now
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What does /pol/ think of Rise "Risecchi" Kujikawa?
Because he's the better candidate.
More importantly, we need to look for his face in the photos of those who die in future muslim attacks. wouldnt that just be hysterical
macron is a faggot but mlp is a piece of shit hillary bitch
might as well cut out the middleman and sudoku right now
Why? Let's do it. Give me something. I'm stoned and willing to listen right now.

I want to hear the best thing you have if you aren't just meming
Why are French ballots so amateur looking? I could rig the French election with a laser jet and a copy of Microsoft Word
found the arab/nigger
then do.
so does he
A "Le Pen" family member will never be president in France, just deal with.
FN made the mistake of thinking a woman could appease the family name and gather everyone under a nationalist banner. It didn't work.

Even Mélenchon had more chance against Macron. Marine just blew up like an air balloon in the debate against Macron because she doesn't have the thick skin needed.

Marine is just a populist lawyer trying to pass off as country leader while Macron was groomed by financial elites for years to be this perfect puppet of the System.
heineken is alright its better than us beers
I feel pity towards you.
how can someone have THIS much shit taste
>voting (((centrist)))
>buying anime figures
>drinking heineken
That's three strikes already, plus you're probably a shitskin.
Good job man so EU will collapse faster with Macron making more mistakes.This is what i want.
I think you are doing the right thing
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You have laid a curse upon Marcon, KEK forbids his victory

Your mother will be raped by a Muslim. Your daughter will be blacked. You will live slave to the ((((banks))))
You have a drinking problem.
No. We at least have enough sense not to put our pisswater in green bottles that make it taste like skunk.
You should be ashamed to be called a frog

If he stood a chance he would have made it to round two.
That, plus you French are too cucked to ever vote for your own interests over that of sandniggers.

The French are already dead and all that we're seeing are the flies coming to the rotting carcass to feed off it.
voting for macron in about 45min
Gee, piss tasting toilet water or skunky bidet spunk...decisions
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OP if you're still in this thread I just want you to know that you aren't welcome in San Diego. If you come here and post about it I will personally find you and kick your ass.
> surprised a muslim nigerian refugee votes for macron
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Have a blessed day champ
real french guy with a vote here.
Good man
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Is that chie i see? Fuck off OP, yukiko and rise are the best girls you cuck
In America, Niggers who make more than the poverty level a year drink Heiniken.

It's the rich nigger beer.
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Vive Marine.jpg
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Here's what a real Frenchman should vote.
I wonder who is drinking this shit here because they are selling it but i dont see people buying or drinking it.

>drinking heineken
shit french taste confirmed
Remember this moment when some refugee slits your throat in the street one day.
The best waifu ever.
about 20 min from voting, and im voting for macron
Feeling a little hungover? Take a few Tylenol before you head out, just to be safe.

Also, Chiefag voting for the worst, how unsurprising.
You know that Le Pen is against guns?
Religion of peace incoming
No that's complete disinfo. Front National is the only party that supports us against the new EU gun ban laws.


Bruno Gollnisch and Mylène Troszczynski are defending us.
But Le Pen left FN.
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>Voting tomorrow
>Post made at 11:55
>Its 6am in France

Nice proxyfag.
Are you seriously trying to tell me how French politics work?
Digits condemn OP to die in terror attack
i hate france too, so I agree with that vote
That's funny, I thought the French were banned from 4chan. (No offense French netizens, just curious on how you got around the ban your country supposedly put on 4chan)
That's fake news, did you really believe a random screenshot of the IP range ban message?
underrated toast
Trust a Chiefag to be reliably clueless about everything.
Oh, sorry. It's just, sometimes, it's hard to keep your facts straight these days. SOO MUCH FAKE NEWS!
This reminds me of all the posts of people showing that they voted for Clinton, I wonder what happened to them after the election
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Worst girl.
Worst beer.
Worst candidate.

Can't say I'm surprised.
>not making immense sacrifices to support your national economy
That's why you fail, cuck.
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> Complains about drinking piss
> Regularly drink Skol, Schin, Brahma

Because he actually has a program, though flawed. He doesn't just fuck around insulting people all day to look edgy.

He's serious about terrorism and the economy. She doesn't even know how funds work.
Really starting to resemble the days leading up to Trump's election OP.
No he doesn't, he's all talk and will continue doing nothing but enrich the rich and fuck over the workers. He's literally Hollande 2.0 and nothing will change for another 5 years.
OP will get castrated by the Islamic filth he loves so much.
Of course he is talk.
But she is mentally challenged AND all talk.
You dumbasses always repeating the same argument:
> muh juif
> muh Hollande
> muh banquier

and still no program.

Tu te fais avoir.
If you weren't happy with Hollande and the system you should have voted Melenchon

idn4 muh basic economics

Still had a more solid plan than Le_Stylo
Si tu soutiens le candidat anti-France t'es anti-Français. Un jour il va se passer quelque chose de "dramatique". Alors oui toi t'es pas en danger, pauvre petit expat mais nous on va le subir un jour.

no digits means Le Pen wins and rids the Mudslime filth before they'd have their chance to go ham on OP.
Nan mais arrete ton ridicule quand meme.
Anti-France, mais quel con.

Si tu etais pro-France tu t'inquieterais d'elire quelqu'un qui n'y comprends que dalle et n'a pas de propositions concretes.

Au lieu de t'en prendre aux expats va travailler aussi.
>MLP = HILLARY? stupid fucking frog
>Voting for literal Rothschild fucking kill yourself
>Hope antifa or muslims kill you on your way to vote
T'es un cosmopolite de merde qui se lustre allègrement sur la condition des travailleurs Français à 10000 km de là. Mais en plus t'as le droit de vote, c'est le comble du sale parasite.
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Good bait OP, it's your country. I really care if the French people in general want to die out. Imagine the infinite amount of time before the French culture and the infinite amount of time that comes after the French culture. With that in mind, would you worry too much about one European culture? Maybe this planet is doomed and only the Anglo people will make it to space. The rest will be animals until the sun dies out.
Do you guys just print an A4 with the candidate's name in the middle and stick it in a ballot box when you vote? WTF
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kys faggot. le pen will win
Inside an envelope then in the urn. How is it in Finland?
I'd vote for macron too only if he goes forward with sanctioning poland and Hungry. To defeat eu we need to turn whole eastern Europe against Brussels and divide europe.
champion, mate
We get a form where you write in a number that corresponds to a candidate.
France was banned from 4chan.. Proxy user with some fake paper?
>France was banned from 4chan
It wasn't.
>France was banned from 4chan.
That's bullshit.
It isn't
Funny I was told the exact same thing. And yet, they told me it was fake news. Apparently, we both were misled.
Good job average French/Italian/Spanish mutt


Your country is beyond repair, even your Whites aren't French
Also if France were banned from 4chinz then french proxies obviously wouldn't work.
it's probably the opposite that is implied; the government putting a ban on the website.
If the French government banned 4chan they'd have to enforce the ban on ISPs, thus you couldn't get a French proxy that is able to post on 4chan. Because French servers would be unable to connect to 4chan regardless of whether the connection comes from a French citizen or a foreigner.
Charles Martel smiles at you
Nice Chie, and well trolled, Frenchbro.
I find out very funny that French anons shill for Macron here.

The sad truth is that we all are going to forget about France in a week or two while French will have thousand of more and new refugees and immigrants for 4 years. They are only fucking themselves
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I think he probably meant Le Pen will drown Macaroni in salt.
Le Pen Shall Be Victorious!
She would have to be to vote macron
Thanks for generating the butthurt.
He is here
French expat here, about to become Australian this month.
Le Pen is against having citizens with multiple citizenships so i am for Macron. Plus France is fucked regardless of either candidates taking power so ...
i noticed more and more French coming here over the past year or so. It's just gonna get worse.
Al there will be left in France soon are mudslimes and "good at nothing" welfare recipients french.
So happy i left
So what is it you like about the migrants taking over your country?
Malibu, Heineken, and wine why do you need a face reveal
get the fuck out of australia
i cucked this country, ill guess i'll move abroad and cuck that one to

le pen is a jew fucking commie bitch
kek wills it
>hey guys im voting tomorrow
Good. Because then it will be too late. Election is today.
If Macron wins the election, legally or fraudulently yet unchallenged, say adieu to France.

After Macron, France shall be finished. It shall devolve to the shithole nation that awaits the new "French" (lel) revolution that should be far horrific and bloodier than the 1789 revolution followed by Great Terror.

I love the original French culture, but Jesus Christ, you French people need to preserve or else perish to become extinct because of astonishing stupidity.

Macron is a Rothschild water boy. If he wins, Rothschilds win in controlling Europe to DESTROY to ascent Israel to become the global hegemony. That's their Illuminati goal.
You could at least haev a decent cider.

If you're that poor you should not vote for him.
OP will die on the way to vote
Praise Kek
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>Chiefags are race traitors
>Voting for something in a country you don't live in anymore
You're no better than a roach.
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May your family be raped by niggers who came there illegally and who you'll feed with your tax money
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KEK smites thee
oh, good goy, Macron will be a great president.
Is this the next big Macaroni leak?
yeah just like with U.S. elections and faggots posting shit here, just contain your tears you bitch. I will enjoy all of them.
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>Voting for Macron
Just end yourself, Abdel
Who else remembers the guy that posted here saying he would vote Clinton? Well she lost and let's hope to fucking God that this is the same stupid, proxy using faguette
they're entry level weebs, you'll never see someone who subscribes to comic lo voting for Macron
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Your pic really screams "bad person"
>supporting your economy when the military enforces the petro dollar anyway
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Do the world a favour and gas yourself.

Captcha: select the gas stations.
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Keked and checked
fuck off you french cunt.
>Voting tomorrow
>7 hours ago aka 6 a.m
>Election is today
Either autist NEET or proxy fag
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