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how do we stop him? have we already lost a war we didn't

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Thread replies: 303
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how do we stop him? have we already lost a war we didn't know we were fighting?
You accept that he is better than your european overlords, Russia is more free today than EU
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HAHAHA good joke
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Russia, bans pics.
German, shadow arrest and sensitive compulsory classes.
Nice try Hans.
>Human development
Hahahahahahhahahahahhahah, how many years you force your citizens to compulsory education + current value.
Great joke.
You can own guns in Russia
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why stop him? He's doing God's work.
>germany good
Nice (((independent))) source there, krautcuck.

>be /pol/
>consider yourself woke and politically savy
>spend years exposing a jewish conspiracy that doesn't exist
>get used like cuck pawns in a russian conspiracy that actually does

Ahahahahaha. Stop. This is too good.
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>German, shadow arrest and sensitive compulsory classes.

do you have some proofs for you claims?

Little do you know he is merely taking a stand against the banks in a double ploy. He knows, and they know. The world is just a stage to both sides.

How long is that manlet going to be in power?
you cant even buy a handgun there.
It's incredible funny how china is one of the most free countries in world today.
>Free smoke
>Free Abortion
>Real religious liberty (except Islam)
>No advertising regulation
>No political correct
The only thing you can't is speak against government direct

Only for hunting/sport, only with government permission. Using them for self defense WILL get you jailed.

The little did you know line was sarcastic, Germany...lol. Germany<EU<UN<Finance
Kek. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-05-05/russian-network-cancels-airing-of-the-simpsons-episode-featuring-pokemon-after-church-criticism/.115718

Russia literally did nothing wrong. Every Russian guy I've ever met has been bro-tier and every Russian girl I've met has seemed chill and fun.

Germany is a nation of cucks so it's no surprise they're crying but they need to accept that Russia is a great and free nation full of based conservatives and governed by strong leadership. Putin will be considered one of the greatest leaders in modern history. If you actually look at the evolution of Russia, compare how it was in the early 90s to how it is now, thanks to Putin, and it's night and day. He brought what was essentially a third world country at that time into wealth and prosperity relatively speaking.

As a leaf I'm actually jealous of Russia.

I should have wrote it out like EU<Germany lmao
how many rubles do you get for posting this bullshit?
> how do we stop him?

sanctions on russian oligarchs.
They do this based on they people culture, german do the same but based on some cultural overlord will.

we fight and we win
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do i hear some 3rd world country being jealous? do you even have proper toilets in brazil?
>free smoke
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i wouldn't accept payment even if it was offered.

I've always admired Putin. You can't honestly tell me that you think what he has done for Russia over the last ~20 years is worse than what Merkel has done to your country, can you?

Merkels a fucking nation-destroying bitch, she's the epitome of weakness and blind vitriol and has pretty much single-handedly destroyed Europe.
China government didn't decide someday that smoking was bad and decided to ban it.
I can speak what I want here, I can read what I want here, I free, but you don't know what freedom look like.
I think we can all agree that putin is a joke. He barely has a handle on his own country and he's already looking outward. I don't think it'll last much longer.
>I can speak what I want here, I can read what I want here, I free, but you don't know what freedom look like.

you should read some books about English grammar.
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you'll get compulsory classes in Russia for speaking anything bad about Muslims like nowhere else

the entire nation of Russia is watching its mouth, believe me
bitch if you don't know how to stop reality from happening then you're actually god damned fucking normal.

if you're not smart enough to reshape reality then just shut the fuck up and masturbate for the rest of your life. that is your 'win'
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Typical German, I'm forbid to speak about theme my overlords forbid me but ok, my English is good.
Have you lied in Russia? When I did, I've hear a shit ton of anti-muslin thing.
Not really, I know people who own hunting rifles without licence and use it for hunting, it's not a secret for local cops but they never had troubles for this.
Also there is not many cases involving shooting but last case involving shooting was justified as self defence.
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looks like Russia is out of money. They can't even hire proper shills anymore...
>Russian shills
Get of here shill.
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go die on diarrhea, poor fag.
Russia is like brazil, there are laws, but no one really care for some. A german will never understand it.
Yeah all fund were spend on haxxors, don't worry Abdul our god emperor will help Germans elect next Hitler.
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>Russia is like brazil, there are laws, but no one really care for some. A german will never understand it.

what a great country to live in... I'm sure. Probably the reason why so many Russians and Brazilians trying to flee your shitholes and immigrate to Europe or the US.
reddit nigger
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First time feeling denial?
Man as I said, I'm poor but I'm free, some people here prefer to live in a cage of gold, their chose. But you Hans will never know what is to chose.
Why bother pretending to be an American
We don't anymore, I was in Germany 4 years ago but now ill go to fuckin Turkey for vacation rather than any eu shithole.
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try showing a graph that goes back to when he was first elected ffs
Putin never called me a white cishet male who needs his privilege checked, so why should I care if he beats (((us)))? Not that Putin doesn't suck Jew dick, as well, but he does go against their schemes more than my government.
>ignores everything I posted, cites made up anecdotes

didn't know your were an actual russian troll

it is literally illegal to insult the feelings of “feelings of religious believers” in russia since 2013
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fucking idiots faggot niggers. we like russia here. there are no russian shills.

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i could easily immigrate into brazil or any other 2nd world shit hole while you would be deported everywhere else.
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You are jealous that dogs love Putin more than your bitch refugee loving leader
I can't wait to see Putin absolutely stomp NATO and its Jewish overlords. You germancucks have it coming. You will have wished to been alive in 1939 than now.
Illegal, do you how Russia work? it's illegal to eat watermelon in my city in Brasil, but different from Europeans law didn't have much power here or in Russia.
Why would you stop Putin?

Putin is better than your current suicidal psycho-death cult leadership. Putin doesn't intentionally eradicate his own nation.
looks like a decline while the west grew 20-30%
You can't live a week without the baby sister state to take care of you.
no, we don't like russia here you fucking shill

there's literally nothing to like about it
I agree.
He's not a pussy about things.
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You may have lost

I have won a war I knew I was fighintg
>what are sanctions
>what are globalist agendas that influence the West to take more hostile and tougher trading stances against Russia
Noooo! That's not real is it?!
That is awesome! hahahaha! I like him even more.
Quiet, Magyar, an American is talking, y'know, the people who matter.
>what are sanctions
the price the price for the krim

>>what are globalist agendas that influence the West to take more hostile and tougher trading stances against Russia

also Putin's fault
Yes,which was forced after pussy riot thing and supported by most people, why passing laws preventing retards from breaking in to church and disturb people is a bad thing ?
better pick and choose wisely, too many (((oligarchs))) are operating in the west, dont want to hurt their feelings or they'll come crawling back here like dejected animals
people get prosecuted for insulting the feeling of religious in russia

even online, even for just a like on social media
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[email protected]
German fuck other country, again, and it's that country fault.
Suck ZOGmerica's dick a little harder, Herr Cuck!
Its no big deal OK. Russia sucks, we know. It's basically entirely reliant on oil to keep yourselves from sinking into oblivion. We know. And it's OK. But they need to stop fucking with other countries. No one wants that garbage country and its midget leader as their ally.
>people get prosecuted for insulting the feeling of religious in russia
People get prosecuted for hurting the feelings of kikes, SJWs and invaders in the EU, don't pretend you fags are pillars of free expression.
They can get, which is a complete different thing, you can go arrested in Brazil for sleeping in the metro, but this don't mean you will be.
yeah we have totalitarian speech laws like the rest of yurop, go figure. at the very least we dont go to jail for "homophobia" laws or whatever. invite in (((western))) ideals and we can be totalitarian AND progressive - like the rest of yurop.

sure things can be better, but they sure as hell can be worse. the (((west))) can take their liberal democracy and choke on it.
>banning jehova's witnesses
GOOD. Those extremist fucks won't be knocking on any doors annoying the shit outta people there.
>fellow burger
>telling anyone to stop fucking with other countries
kys my dude!
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It is real, he claims he didn't mean to scare her so badly though
WTF is the US doing?
You are making us look bad. stop it idiot
yeah i would rather suck American dicks instead of Putin's dick.

Name a single country that is aligned with Russian and is NOT a total shithole.
anyone can report you going back years and the police will investigate

brazil is not relevant because it's not a police state like russia
>who the fuck would be stupid enough to believe the "muh Russians!" mainstream media line
>check flag
Righto then.
Nope, there was one case and its failed.
>even for just a like on social media
>yeah i would rather suck American dicks instead of Putin's dick.
or you could always choose self determination, or is that now a crime in germany?
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I'm glad he did fucking mentally ill degenerates
I'm just saying no ones like "oh damn if only my country was best buddies with Russia life would be so much better." I've been over there and people are alright but you can tell the country is pretty much shit. World would be better off without it.
That's the 1st thing I noticed too was his face hahaaha. That smirk.
Thanks for posting those
>People get prosecuted for hurting the feelings of kikes, SJWs and invaders in the EU, don't pretend you fags are pillars of free expression.

cool ignorant redneck fantasies
Name a single country aligned with America that's not Saudi Arabia or Israel that isn't committing demographic suicide and letting neo-Marxism run it into the ground?
We voted for Trump so he'd hopefully stop wasting money trying to get into other countries for four years.
Brazil is completely corrupt like Russia, and in corrupt countries, you will get arrested only if the local cops/powerful guys want want.
Go out in public and deny the Holocaust or say mean things about immigrants on Twitter.
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Putin loves doggos!
>the (((west))) can take their liberal democracy and choke on it.
many of those democracies are much more right wing than your shitty Pootistan
> stop Putin
literally from what
>Putin is a dictator
>kills journalists
>outlaws freedom of speech
>importants millions of muslims
>builds mosques all over formerly christian cities
>some kind of Eurasian mutt
>sells his people out to globalist bankers in exchange for imperialist expansion

why would anyone on /pol/ support this clown? Can somebody please explain this to me? He's not a good person.
I voted for Trump to cause tears and shake the GOP up, I really don't expect him to do much of anything that he said at this point in time.
yeah, I know, and he lied.
So stop talking shit about other countries for shit that we are guilty of as well. It makes you look like a stupid hypocritical American.
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Muslims hate doggos...
Muslim lovers hate doggos...
Putin loves doggos!!!
And come one, between Trump or Hilary was a easy choose, between Putin's god and Hillary would still be easy.
I'm going to laugh when the EU makes you take down your little fence and take in rapefugees and you comply for the meager pittance of Judas silver like the beggars you are.
Is that the puppy from my 1st picture all grown up?!?!
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>committing demographic suicide

there is a correlation between wealth and reproduction.
You will not stop Russia, they are trying to stop the world orders.
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Putin and Merkel are literally the same, but Merkel isn't an oligarch and warmongerer.
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>Somehow controls the entire world
>The country he rules over is shit

Really makes you think
You're word thinking. Just because both are "corrupt", it doesn't mean they are in the same way.
Plateauing of white birthrates wouldn't be a problem if we weren't taking in masses of fucking unskilled brown people for no reason.
> importants
really, khokhole?
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Blah blah suck putins moldy dick if you want to. I'm not gonna pretend like it's anyone's dream to share a border with Russia.
Why is brazil stanning Russia so hard? Really makes ya thinkers think
Someone please meme Putin into this.
Mean that power over people don't get to the upper ranks, it stays with the local authorities.
Into this.
I'm not a fan of Russian but europeans are far worse.
we are taking masses of fucking brown people in because of permavirgins like you. If you want to save the white race then stop shitposting on a chinese cartoon board and get a white wife.
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> and in corrupt countries, you will get arrested only if the local cops/powerful guys want want.

in addition to that russia is actually a police state

as cases show they take laws like this seriously
because we beat them so hard in soccer that everyone over there hates us lol... we broke them.
STOP HIM?!?!?!?!?!

Remember, if you diagreee with me, you are a numale virgem.
Police state never take law serious.
No, we're taking them in because of the muh cheap labor and muh diversity to punish ebil white gentiles who wouldn't let Grandpa Pedoberg into their country club memes.
Also, I could have 10 white children, it's not going to offset the hordes of turd worlders who breed at even faster rate completely irresponsibly because libfags and Christcucks will subsidize them with taxpayer money and tithing.
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if unskilled shit skins take away your job then you shouldn't reproduce anyways.
These are all adorable.
What other world leader is so awesome with animals? I haven't seen any.
You can tell how good he is with his dogs. He's not all bad.
Every single country has done shitty things. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
Glass houses assholes
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you just prove over and over that you're a shill or a dumb fuck

russia is way ahead in being flooded by illegal muslims than any european country
Now you are talking like a true german, good boy.
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"unskilled" jobs include entry level positions. how is any young person supposed to enter the job market if all entry level positions are taken by immigrants?
The better question is - how do we stop the krauts from ruining the continent the third time for good?
Stop him from doing what?
Post more Putin with doggo pics. This is my new cel walpaper.
> hostile and rude to other european peoples
> proud that he is forced to "take in" all these people
> knows that virgins on the internet have absolutely nothing to do with the reason for mass migration, uses them as an insult anyway

every time hans posts, it makes a little more sense why these people destroy europe repeatedly like the blind hivemind they are
> Merkel isn't an oligarch and warmongerer.
Putin is the opposite of an olygarkh bro and pretty sure right this minute bundeswehr is deployed to more countries than Russian army despite being a smaller force
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Go to college and get a needed degree. I got a shitty degree in business studies and had no problem getting a decent job.
>Police state never take law serious.
you're a poor shill

regimes like in russia may be otherwise dysfunctional and corrupt, but when it comes to oppression they take that seriously and it's one thing that's strictly enforced, often going too far to make examples, because their survival depends on fear and oppression
>foreigners are entitled to your jobs and wealth

What a despicable little worm you are.
nice goalpost maneuver
did you not work while you were studying? did mommy and daddy take care of you?
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here you go
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We need to destroy the Slavic-Persian-Syrian axis before they make a Pact of Steel
Except they dont take. Theyre given. Because muh racism. Muh systematic oppression. Muh affermative action. Muh lies. Muh steal your opportunity and throw it in the garbage to be a gangbanger instead. Muh lazy white cracker. Muh we waz welfare kang.

Fuck off achmed. I dont trust you europeans. I know whats happening in Europe. You arent even a fucking german. You muslim piece of shit.
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if some African immigrant who barely can speak your language can replace you then you should really think about the decisions you made in your life...

You got the gift of witness and you probably just wasted it.
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Doggo leads the way!
college is free and I got an interest free loan from a government program.
My man.
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no hans, this is why you're being replaced
Hört auf den Scheiss mit dem Rapsöl und kriegt eure Energieunabhängichkeit zurück.
you r the cancer
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Putin's doggo is a good doggo
> Russia a police state
well we do have a lot of siloviki, but police state?
that's a meme. Russian police in on of the softest and professional in the world when in comes to dealing with protest. No rubber bullets, no water cannons, no tear gas - ever.
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>UK with more freedom of speech than US
This threat to our Greatest Ally must be eradicated promptly and without delay
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that's not what police state means, police state is the whole oppressive system that jails you for bullshit and makes your life hell if you oppose the dictator
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and you lie about the russian police too

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i've just said that threatment for those who "oppose the dictator" in Russia is very mild compared to those that oppose western governments.

for any of your "jailed for bullshit" bullshit examples you can find a similar case in the west, it's just a habit of western press to hink that russia is giant machine of oppressioin and their own societies and judical systems are aomehow above reproach. neither is the case
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This is a putin puppy thread now.
>western governments kill journalists
>western governments jail and kill opposition

in the USA Trump opposed the government

in Russia Nemtsov opposed the government

compare the two
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Pic related

And what did we do that was so extremist? If you followed the trial of the Russian Supreme court of Jehovah's Witnesses vs Ministry of Justice the Ministry of Justice could not prove extremism of any kind. Yet they banned us anyways.

Yet Russia allows those Mudslimes to bomb Russian subway and get away with it. Why not them? Why not the Jews?
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Happy Doggos
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Why is that Brazil? Do tell.

Because /pol/ users are highly motivated by sports. You're literally the first person I've ever seen mention them.
> kill journalists
> jail and kill opposition
memes again.
we have regions like chechnya where there's still pretty much middle ages vs jihad, and journalists that investigate it are risking lives, true.

But implying that Putin kills journalists or opposition leaders is stupid, he kan just use his already huge support and media ties to go for political kill, EXACTLY how US corrupt buerocracy went after Trump, and is still going,
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Cute fluffy puppies
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Hi Russia anon! Do you have Putin dog photos to share?
I know yanks have problems with nigglets, but to be bashing people of Europe, who knows what they are talking about is "uncool". You can change your jew puppet president in to commie (puppy loving one) jew gangsta, but keep it to yourselves?
Putin takes absolutely no shit and personally cleans up the corruption in Russia on a regular basis.

Putin enjoys approval poll ratings that no American president could ever touch.

Putin replaced the worst western shill ever (Yeltsin) who ruined Russia, but Putin is restoring Russia.

Putin popularly leads a relatively weak country, yet he leads so intelligently that he ties the leaders of stronger countries in knots.

Face it, Putin is a god-tier player on the world stage, and he plays the weak hand he was dealt masterfully. I wish we had a PotUS who was even 1/4 as brilliant as Putin.
>But implying that Putin kills journalists or opposition leaders is stupid

but somehow they end up being killed and no one investigates the people behind it in a dictatorship where you get jailed for a like on social media

Putin can't afford to be seen as a complete monster by western leaders so of course he does it quietly and in a deniable way and then the propaganda machine does the rest, but people keep dying somehow. it's amazing that russians still buy that it's not what putin wants.

> how US corrupt buerocracy went after Trump

you mean how every television channel was showing his entire rallies and speeches in real time, and talked about Hillary's emails three times more than her program, and then Obama's FBI nuked Hillary one week before the election?

yeah, totally like in Russia
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sorry no
he's an old man why would i keep the pics
also, I'm a cat person.

> but somehow they end up being killed
usually there's a history of chechen crime lords investigations or some such. much more believable to me that they angered some thugs.
> no one investigates
that's simply not true
> in a dictatorship
it isn't
> where you get jailed for a like on social media
"there are no fringe cases in judical systems outside of Russia" - yeah, not true. Russian judical system is like 25 years old, they're fixing it, human rights orgs work on it, they're literally discussing the laws in the duma now to not let things like that happen again. with several cases like that being repealed because of social pressure.

> Putin can't afford to be seen blah blah bla
> you mean how every television channel blah blah
so since you think Putin controls all the media, (which he doesn't but lets assume it) why exactly would he kill those people?
>t. Putin
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Northern Europe needs to unite in a Gustav Adolphus sort of way to repel the threat of Russian annexation without relying on anyone else. Why is it that most self-identifying "nazis" today are just shills for Russia?
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A slightly bigger cat.
You can trust a man who loves dogs
Fight the threat of Russian annexation of Sweden?
sound useful
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socialism/communism and national socialism are not so differents
Fuck off slav
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damn right
See how much of a flip-flopper he is? First he's pro-dog, now he's pro-cat. He has no integrity.
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Nah he just loves animals.
>why exactly would he kill those people?

because they're a threat when they organize protests and post investigations

it may not seem like a big threat to you but Putin is more paranoid because he lives a different life hidden from real people and it's his life and regime! Putin met dictators that were overthrown, he's not stupid and knows that everything will end including his regime!

> so since you think Putin controls all the media, (which he doesn't but lets assume it)

he literally does, I've read about it that they have meetings every day for media executives where they give details how to cover everything
you are a very poor lying shill, mate
that's better
>Nah he just loves animals.
his propaganda photographer too

Putin has been in power for almost 20 years, lots of material to create!
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> I've read about it
oh so it must be true
I wonder if DW, BBC, CNN, France 24, Euronews execs are on these meetings. Or do they include radio and internet mebie like Radio Liberty or Voice of America?

Since, you know, they all boroadcast in Russia. Same as numenrous media critical of Putin where journalists (no way!) work for years and don't get killed.
>stop him
he's just a boogeyman, our intelligence agencies are bald-faced lying about russia's activities

just making themselves look stupid, you too schlomo
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Yes, you do.
>> I've read about it
>oh so it must be true
yes it's true, people who worked there wrote about it

what basis do you have to doubt?

> Same as numenrous media critical of Putin

controlled opposition? the KGB where Putin was raised is not an organization with only simple tricks

or when the budget and viewership reaches a significant level they get destroyed or banned
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get outa here with your propaganda bullshit, and the file name "putin.jpg" nice touch dipshit.

He's checking the goat to see how well the growth hormones are working so he can assess meat production, and that horse looks fucking terrified. You're delusional mate.
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Koreans eat horse
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Putin-Senpai bully France-Chan pls
sure, Euronews and Voice of America are controlled opposition.

As to domestic media, do you think Putin decides which journalists to kill via lottery or something?

Nah you just want to believe that 99% of journalists that aren't killed are "KGB opposition" and those 5 that got killed over the course of 20 years are the ony ones that are real deal. Things like that aren't your logical conclusion, they're more like your religion. You should start a church, it'll be popular in eastern europe. And now you have a window of opportunity to attract fellowship with good connections in the US too.
Your posts are retarded as fuck. kill yourself >muh putin is dictator
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I like it how you can recognize propaganda when it's not Putin but can't when it's Putin, you butthurt little russian
Russia is not prosperous...? It's a gas station where the citizens don't get a share of the wealth
> Russia a gas station meme
we also build spaceships and icebreakers
and airplanes
sure russia and ussr before it were sanctioned by the richest countries of the world for almost a century without break, we're not "prosperous". But we're doing alright all things considered, I mean, Russia's better than some EU members even, isn't it?
It is but it doesn't come close to countries like Canada and Germany
>sure, Euronews and Voice of America are controlled opposition.
Euronews is locally owned I think https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euronews
Voice of America is a radio??

anyway, independent popular media with a decent budget is not allowed in russia

>Nah you just want to believe that 99% of journalists that aren't killed are "KGB opposition"

there are many nasty things that can make a journalist to shut up, killing is obviously last resort

how much shit they do to them before killing? thereat, property damage, attacks, financial trouble, poisoning?

> and those 5 that got killed
they are an example for the rest and it's more than 5!
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Koreans eat dogs
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Putin loves dogs
>sure russia and ussr before it were sanctioned by the richest countries of the world for almost a century without break

stop lying, the USSR was selling oil and everything to the West just like Russia does
> independent popular media with a decent budget
Echo of Moscow radio is one of the oldest and Biggest, so is RBC TV channel. Dozhd is new but quality quality opposition channel. Vedomosti is one of the leading business papers, Noavaya Gazeta made a name on its two and a half journalists killed, they're still very loudy independent.

there's also tons of entertainment channels of course

Voice of America is a radio and internet outlet.

You're talking out of your ass.

Those are all facts.

I'd be more worried about Merkel than Putin desu
You are the problem
Time for a new thread on Merkel?
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no one listens to radio or reads newspapers anymore

>You're talking out of your ass.
no, you are lying in this thread about everything
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yeah. Russia has always had its own policy and we're not safely sitated like those greenhouse countries to make "m-me-too" a suitable foreign policy.
Sure. Because Europe needs fuel. Some sanctiones or other by West and US specifically have been in place against USSR and than Russia from Stalin times countinuously until this day. Only the form of sanctions and their severity varied.

Russia never enjoyed sanctions-free trade with biggest world economies, couldn't harness technologiacal progress, economic benefits and other useful fruit of scientific and economic exchnage with the West. Still Russia managed somehow.
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Jews only care about money this much. Try again (((eu shills))). The demographics of the European continent is whats important
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haven't lied once ITT

i've made one mistake about tear gas use in 2012, perhaps the only use of tear gas in Russia since Putin came to power. I'm still sure that Hungary used rubber bullets in that time, and Russia didn't. I still insist that Putin treated protests more mildly than what's typical for the West.

>no one listens to radio or reads newspapers anymore
alex jones? New York times, WaPo? Guardian? NPR? BBC Radio? What do you listen when you drive to work? what do you read online, do you only watch TV or something?

fun fact - those dead journalists you constantly bring up? newspaper journalists, most of them

your ass hole, literarally, it's like your typing with your colon muscles.
> Some sanctiones or other by West and US specifically have been in place against USSR and than Russia from Stalin times countinuously until this day.
like what? seems like ,

> couldn't harness technologiacal progress, economic benefits and other useful fruit of scientific and economic exchnage with the West

while it was imprisoning half of the world it wasn't allowed to buy nuclear weapons technology? it's funny how you are always building an alternative system but it can't produce anything without the west
We've done nothing to defend ourselves except for sanctions.

Putin fucked us all and now we're in divide/conquer mode.

He's actually pretty clever.
>haven't lied once ITT
okay, troll, you can fuck off now

you lie about everything and I caught you many times
>Alexander Dugin
>just some fascist leader
This picture hurts me a lot because I know it was made by someone who didn't read his work enough to understand what he meant.
>state-run newspapers
>freedom to choose your goverment
>religious oppression
>censoring movies, textbooks, curriculum, etc.

Those are pretty big BUTs.
I hope putin wins #IAmWithPutin
It's just an excuse to cover up widescale corruption, I find it hard to believe all our intelligence agencies combined can't find a way to stop a 2nd world nations cyber attacks.
It's likely internal leaks or vigilante work just being made out as such to excuse the contents, nevertheless if it's such an issue than stop promoting corrupt candidates, simple as that.
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well name one of those times, just link me to it or something
sanctions were mostly about selling technology, like precise machinery, computers and the like, and general goods trade sanctions. Forbidding Western companies to create long contracts, loan money etc, something that was essential for development of all but two or three already advanced western countries.

> can't produce anything without the wes
you're saying it like a lot of countries in the world produce tech on the Russian level. Dunno, to me it seems Russia building nuclear submarines and spacecraft "without the west" counts for something. I mean, it's not like many countries in the world have high-tech industries compared to Russia, no offense.
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Is this where we rebuild the german army.
I'm just going to stand aside if putin wants to destroy the globalist world order. They have given away everything to third worlders
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Uh, Muhammad, you know that when you define the terms to mean what you want then you get the results you want, right?

Falling for the ranking Jew...
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You can't stop him obviously.

Best to just do what he wants. Time to break up the EU.
You should just ignore that shill Hungarian jew, he's a professional troll.

Everything you say sounds accurate to me. Russia has been cut off in many ways due to sanctions as you said, and still done remarkably well considering. Imagine a world where Russia never had any sanctions and was free to make deals and trade with the rest of the world in the same way the US does. I don't doubt for a second that Russia would be on par or even have surpassed the US at this point, and I don't say that as someone that has anything against the US, I like the burgers, but it's just a logical summation.

that Hungarian tard is just like all of the people in the US talking about "MUH POPULAR VOTE", delusional and retarded.
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Germany is still flaying itself with a whip after WWII. Germany is destroying itself. No help from Putin necessary.
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It is not true. Although many here will approve that in Russia you will be prosecuted for speaking against Christianity like they do in Canada for islam.
But it will soon be true if EU continue the same way.
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>>124444444 missed it
I don't want to stop him, he does the right things, he's not the best option, but there're no better options, I hope he'll find an appropriate successor who'll continue this line.
are you a nigger?
this, putin is just based and knows how to run a country so it doesn't crash and burn in the hands of it's own people. this triggers eu cucks who think that total freedom is a good thing because 'they would want to do whatever they wanted'. Too bad based putin wont accept your bullshit.
Educating the masses with free college.

Nah just joking, hit the internet kill switch.
only people wanting to eu are people who want free living without working. socialism is a beautiful thing isn't it?
Hes fighting ISIS while you cucked EU fucks are welcoming it right into your countries
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He has won what exactly, all western countries are eternally fucked because of their own doing, Putin didn't even push them along
Good, projecting your own faggotry onto everyone that doesn't like you should be outlawed everywhere, way too many faggots do that when they can't win an argument.
Germans are so butthurt over Russia you'd think that they had left the EU
Wait for him to have a heart attack
He's due
I believe in freedom of speech and all, but if someone is autistically screeching via emotional appeals they should honestly get grind alive and fed to horses.

> will be Americas Strongest Ally in about 4 years will be huge in Trumps next campaign fixing relations with a number of countries and expanding trade. First Proxy war has to happen
>politically savvy

Nobody fucking says "politically savvy" and only niggers say woke.

You want to know how we know you are out of touch with internet culture and are probably a shill? Take a guess,

>politically savvy

Lmao go to bed grandma
>But they need to stop fucking with other countries.
Says the american.
You disgust me.
Agree with everything except "Putin will be considered... "

I have hope that with social media becoming popular, some people will realize this but he'll be maligned at the same level as Hitler by the news traders.
Dugin is a funny guy. I bring him up in random conversations with coworkers and he scares the fuck out of them and shatters their worldview. When I tell them how he supported both Bernie and Trump, it's like I took a hammer and smashed their brains in. The best part is his association with occultism. He's the ultimate normie destroyer.
Shut up, you ungrateful faggot. We saved you twice.
Chances are, things would be much better now if you didn't to be honest my fampai.
>23 posts by this ID

I see the Jews have woken up early again.
Stop him? We should have a party in his honor.
not many world leaders would lift a chair to help someone clean underneath it, Putin is ok in my book
How do we get a leader like that here?
Arent you supposed to be praying to allah right now you infidel?
germany stfu. the only good germans died in ww2.
True enough.
nothing wrong with repressing gays
So do the Swiss
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You cucked yourself by siding with the Great Satan. You are the ones that started the war, Putin is just the antidote.
>how do we stop him?

Man, start fix your country and EU.

If your country is susceptible to foreign influence in the first place (raperefugees warfare, possibly leaks done per hacking), it's because you have a disfunctional system.

Your hillibillie Turkish diaspora (with double nationality) is more influential than some possible shills or leakers.
Investing in Central Inteligence agencies
protecting external borders of EU
law enforcement


investing in 2 gorillion of raperefugees - gibsmedats, language training and work training that few will actually work

time to have priorities check.
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good goy, keep it up
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Putis is our last chance ! kill "antifa" , hunt down all enemies of the white race
Biased source m8
you don't, start learning vodka language, you'll need it
Funny thing is that this picture was banned because caption is homophobic :D
Putin is only respectable leader today, rest are cunts
t. Ivan slaving in Finland
Thread posts: 303
Thread images: 97

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