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Propaganda poster thread

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Thread replies: 158
Thread images: 83

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Bring your best, and only the best.
So Dio was an SJW?

crescents are crooked, swastikas are crooked, rainbows are crooked. ray of light is straight. there is never a need to go rogue.
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this video
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Godspeed you glorious faggots
nice, it would be better as a picture tho
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Pink Floyd were far ahead of us.

This is funded alphabet soup level quality. Who among (((them))) is on our side now?

The operation is coming together too well.
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this activism.jpg
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>not forced retardation

keks all round boys
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All comes down to;

Which side of the Moon are you on?
>funded alphabet soup level quality

does that mean bad or good?
millhouse not being a meme has always been a meme
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Maybe we can hijack Benetton ads?

Pic related, some fresh OC.
>memeing ethnopluralism into reality

I enjoy this. Go on.
>every color has its place
>an ethnic home for every race

masterful pursuasion at work there

it's catchy, it makes sense, it plays into the naive individual's conception of what liberal diversity means and it uses the rainbow flag that's had mountains of propoganda telling people it's a good thing already AND associates those colors with continents in the background and also shows how separate people are individual and beautiful and masses of people are brown, indistinguishable and ugly

who funded this
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It's brilliant, I will never think of the rainbow flag the same ever again.
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this is really good
Seems like you copied the Pink Floyd symbol
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It's uncanny how ideas I used to have years ago are only now making their way into the fray as arguments on the political word.

Makes me feel happy.
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Post modified version of picrelated, please. There are split in the middle, where one leads to same ending, and other shows globalisation bad end.
requesting the rainbow swastika logo in high quality
Some fucking yellow fever in that pic emu
shop out the swastika at the bottom, it is too offputting for most people even if the poster itself is good
When pride week starts shit post this everywhere
Turn it the other way so people associate it with namaste bullshit
Don't, people need to get used to it.
at least make two versions of it, most people even if pol users won't post a swastika on their facebook
Top kek

The swastika could make it easier to post on normiebook. "Umm wtf? Is this literally Nazi propaganda?!"
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Heres a tip. Wanna spread this? Go to 9gag and spam every picture there. If this shit hit hot page there, it will spread like wild fire as normies mostly only watch hot page.
Dio fan spotted

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Thank you
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So who made all those Top tier Quality Posters?
It's almost like someone would help us, or we're being played on
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I love this song, wanted to post it here too
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Fuck dude, beat me to it!!!

Gotta love Dio though
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canadabro's highlight from last thread
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>thousands of people can't contribute and help sift out the shitty ones
You're underestimating /pol/.
RIP based Ronnie. I saw him in concert with Pantera back in the day. Dont make fun of me for being old.
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I got you senpai
Thank you too.
Not on the blacked side
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Spread images like this to "Reclaim the Swastika" together
>she's eating a salad and not noodles
Talk about a wasted opportunity.
These are actually legitimately convincing.

I know the whole plan is to fuck with Antifa/SJW types by co-opting the rainbow flag, but if you drop the Nazi shit and swastika watermarks in the corners of these things, I'm pretty sure they would ACTUALLY redpill normies.

t. Marketing exec
/pol is so cucked they accept the rainbow flag

Haha ... you idiots should make the color orange a symbol of hate because trump is orange
I love this maymay becuase unlike the OK thing its actually symbolically right and could be even used in a post ironical context as a mean of argumentation.
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Better one thanks to a Russian anon
Reminds me of that gay pride march through the muslim ghetto deliberately to piss off the shitskins and show normies how bigoted their precious mudbabies are.
if you are going to post this shit on social media lose the fucking swastika.
Gays ruined the rainbow. We're redeeming it

No, just post alongside pics like this one
hurr durr I ignore valid avenues of attack because fee fees
Never watched this movie. Seems cucked
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>Hey guys let's steal the rainbow flag from faggots!
>Also let's draw swastikas everywhere while we're at it, that will make normies take us seriously
>implying globalization means other cultures than whites' will be destroyed
Are you fucking kidding me?

And for the record, the exact opposite happened to me. I once embraced the variety of cultures in the world, but then I made the mistake of visiting them. Beyond the Walled World there are just one god forsaken shithole after another. Sure, there's great art and architecture out there, but the people live like god damn savages.
Ok, I 'll just assume you mean this seriously. What I would recommend is removing that swastika. If your goal is to reach a big audience, you scare them away with the swastika. Replace it by people rainbow-colored hand in hand or something like that
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This Thread Anons!
how new are you?
Most people here just have fun watching the world burn.
Fuck man, they published a serious article about the "ok-sign" being secret anzi code.
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Don't forget vwhen the homos stole the rainbow, they stole the Autism Spectrum flag too. Our masterful propaganda sometimes has social flaws.
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A true Aesthete.
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Thank you.
/pol/ is openly gay now?
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Fucking lost it
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To truly embrace diversity is to maintain disparity of cultures and people, to insist otherwise is naught but a contradiction.
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You guys are retarded. You could actually achieve your goals if your fucking propaganda memes didn't have swastikas on them
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any drawfags able to rainbowsun this blacksun?
Milo is the token gay guy though
First comes the ponyfags, then come the traps.
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This is incredibly good.
Why take them off? We're still getting called Nazis anyway.
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check this out
The space Nazi side, of course.
Remove "pill," replace liberal with optimistic and fix the fucking spelling mistakes.
Nicely done anon
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/pol/ is alt right nazis tho anon!
dont let your memes be dreems
Lel someone post to Roger Waters twatter :^D
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fresh OC.jpg
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33 seconds in MS paint
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You guys should associate it with the additive color model AKA whiteness.
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Don't worry, I am with you. Not all are completely retarded. On the other hand, there's some excellent pictures here.
White isn't a colour.
There must be a symbol to be eventually drawn/printed on posters, though, though.
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defend diversity.png
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Spread on black twitter
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there's plenty of normie-friendly versions floating around
you should ask before you imply retardation
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Besides being a promise from God, this is truly the rainbow's realized potential. The same as pic related is one of Pepe's many, liberated incarnations. Join us as we break the shackles of tyranny, anon! Or get the fuck out the way.
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I love it. If we make Nazis synonymous with LGBT the left are mind fucked.
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The original goal of this was to turn the rainbow flag into a hate symbol so that liberals can't use it and show to normies how retarded (((hate symbols))) are
Remove the swastika and the normies will lap it up.
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just use the rainbow sun instead of the swastika.

not hard is it?
Shouldn't the whole point be making the rainbow a nationalistic sign? This one goes the other way around, burger.
The rainbow is MY symbol now fags!!
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Am I doing it right?
I've done this before.

It really makes things spread with young teens,
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our time will come norbro
Good idea! I'm going to do just that.
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The rainbow is a beautiful natrual thing and should not belong to those unnatural fags.
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Why hate one when you can hate all!
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Powerful image.
>trying to red-pill the masses
>using webm
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its astronomical in origin.
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whoever thought of that motto is a fucking genius. so simply and well put. beautiful.
You know, if yall actually want this to catch on, you'd have to get rid of swastika or other images that give normies a spaz attack.
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There is a new pride font we should use.


and the poster should not have text or hashtags that are just barked orders like "defend diversity", it should rather be "diversity is beautiful" and "diversity is precious and once it's gone it's gone"
Thread posts: 158
Thread images: 83

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