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Syria General /sg/ - Tolerant Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad
https://youtu.be/arHsOcXeN2Q *NEW*

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>E Ghouta Qaboun May5
>Mosul May4
>Palmyra Apr30
>E Hama/N Homs Apr 30
>DeZ Apr26
>W Qalamon Apr26
>Raqqa Apr25
>N Hama Apr24

Developments May 4
>Syrian skies CLOSED to Coalition warplanes
>Astana:Ru, Iran, Turkey agree to safe zones in Idlib, Latakia, Homs & Aleppo parts
aim to separate rebels from IS and Nusra, movement of unarmed civis+huanitarian access
Opposition rebels did not accept because IRAN & this will 'threaten Syria’s territorial integrity'
>report:IS withdraws from Tabqa dam to Raqqa after deal with SDF, SDF denied
>E Ghouta rebel war:130 rebels dead,500 rebels+civis wounded
>Palmyra:SAA captured 4 points from IS near Talilah Crossroad
>DeZ:SAA advances as they attempt to lift siege on airport
>N Hama:jihadist suprise offensive in Wadi Al-adib area ends with no gains
>Al-Qaboun:SAA victory within days after new push, negotioations for rebel surrender ongoing
>TASS:Al Jazeera staged clips about ‘new chemical weapons’ to release soon via social networks

Previous >>124253130
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Fuck child murdering dictator assad
i could get behind this
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Soon. The Tiger and the Beast unite.
> US President Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Army has withdrawn his nomination over his past remarks about Muslims, Latinos and other groups.

Kek. Its like Trump cant do anything right.

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>supporting some mudslimes and not real kebab removers in israel
How pathetic u must be? Or are you all just a bunch of muzi "refugees"?
My favourite anime duo
What's a "fuck child" and why is it murdering Assad?
Is this what the pizza stuff is about?
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Here is a beautiful Jewish princess for you, thanks for supporting Israel!
Poland was a mistake, Russia needs to take you back.
>When you get blown the fuck out of Lebanon by a small Guerilla militia and cry about how oppressed you are to the U.S. so you can get missile defense systems to protect your "country" from homemade Hezbollah missiles
That "thing" is only a bit worse than trashbag covered towelhead, that is willing to sacrifice her own children for muh evil jews persecute us
> t. butthurt paki
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Good goy! Here's another cute Jewess to thank you for your support!
Oh shit lads, shit's going to get REAL


Republican Guard volunteers sign up to be parachuted over Deir Ezzor to fight ISIS

Republican Guard volunteers sign up to be parachuted over Deir Ezzor to fight ISIS

You are literally the birthnest of ISIS, kys my muzi
Mudslime detected
Please gas yourself
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>when you get blown to a 1000 pieces because your'e a dirty sandnigger
all you really do is jerk off to muzzies killing each other and supporting dictator.
Surely you are on the "right" side of history
Unlike you, jews are white and based.
They are the only country in the middle east whose government don't persecute christians.
Blow yourself up towelhead!
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Wow Anatol, you are really doing great at promoting Israel's image

I think you deserve ANOTHER based Jewish girl
Nu-/pol/ please leave
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If I report you to your goverment for coming on site filled with porn, degeneracy and homo shit are they going to hang you?
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>Jews are white and based
Agreed, they've done so much good for Sweden and Europe! Greatest allies! BASED!
If I report you to your British master for not cleaning his toilets today, will he bash you over the head with a Smirnoff bottle?
>are they going to hang you?
Of course, they aren't any better than ISIS
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Israel ethnically cleanses Muslims and Christians from the land they conquers which only leads to chaos and more refugee crisis. And yet they get out-breed by Palestinians anyway.
Those people are all crypto-muslims
They are literally taking you out of your poor, shitty countries and letting you life in a civilised world. And you blame them for that?
We at least work when we go abroad and not throw grenades at each other because we are of different "sects"
Hey, are the safe zones going to save syria and be the reason why the syrian war is going to end?
>every Jew who doesn't fit my narrative of based Jews is not a Jew
No true scotsman (or Jew), amirite?
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Daily reminder that Israel = ISIS.
Sure Abdul, it's not like they themselves have almost been genocded in the past. If history tells us something about those things it's muzzies that cleanse, but not due to race but religion
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I dont think anyone knows yet. Im pretty sure if someone will mess it up it would be either the US or Israel.
Russia/Syria/Iran/Turkey/Iraq need it to work.
>They are literally taking you out of your poor, shitty countries and letting you life in a civilised world
Our countries were just fine before kikes and JewSA began slaughtering us and toppling our governments to gift us with beautiful liberal democracies
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The war might end eventually as long as Erdogan or Trump don't chimp out... which is not a great prospect but there is always hope.
go fuck your self, we hate Israel
Israel got attacked by 3 muzi countries in the past, and one of them was Syria. I guess they now know to keep the enemy down is the best option for survival
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Literally every major Jewish holiday is about them committing genocide against their enemies.
>justifying isis when Israel does it
>Said Abdul while his father is arranging his marriage in exchange for a camel
Its part of the zionist plot to remove Arab Christians from the Arab Israel war.

كيف حالك ياصديقي العزيز ؟ من زمان ماشفناك
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The 1967 war was started by Israel.
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>Can't respond with anything but adhom because he knows he's wrong
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>get beaten by a shiia militia

Implaying that you wouldn't genocide jews if u were given the chance. They are the ultimate undergod and yet they always win. Really makes u think who the master race really is
Market garden was a failure, anon.
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Grandchildren of one of the holohoax, right?
Kek, poor Iraq arrives and gets trolled too hard.
JIDF-posting is too easy.
Let's stop.
Posting based Polish song just because fuck you foreigners not worthy of understading it.
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I don't support genocide to be honest. But if Jews keep pushing for Zionism then they would only dig their own grave.
not this time my dude

this time we have Issam leading the charge
since you are latinos, i just wanna tell you that the venezuelan opposition is so pathetic and they can't do anything right
So why aren't you doing the same to them? You got Arab league and yet they just gather shekels for oil and dont care about their own people, while jews do.
>We would be fine if not for meddling
Scheming and intrigue has been known to history since goddamn roman empire, and you muzzies had a fair share of it in your own past.
Face it, they are just better than you
They don't treat Christians any better than Syria or Lebanon does.

The Venezuelan opposition are mostly opportunists and CIA spooks.

All the decent people who are against the government left the country already.
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>zioburger proxy
Checks out.
Why haven't you made the aliyah like the rest of your (((friends))) did when the iron curtain came down?
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No, suheil and the Russians are leading the charge, Issam is being rescued before he depopulates Saudi Arabia too much with his ISIS slaying
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Damn swede picked up on it instantly. Just shitposting Iraq.
Would totally shoah the kikes with you lads
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But Israel got BTFO by a shitty shia militia
>decent people
>Why aren't you doing the same to them?
Because this country has been effectively torn apart by ISIS, the most important thing for Iraq right now is eradicating those subhumans

And lol @ a Pole bringing global history into a discussion when your country's history is littered with foreign occupation, being used as a chess piece during major wars, and political fuckery
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>They are the only country in the middle east whose government don't persecute christians.

Christians are literally second-class citizens in Israel.

And Palestinian Christians are treated as badly as Muslims.
I was shitposting lads, I'm not JIDF kek
>venezuelan opposition
David (((Scholomansky))), some opposition figure, warned that Maduro would unleash his CW upons Venezuelans.
Very strategic senpai.
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Reminder : Israel havent won a single war since 2000. They have grown soft now, they cant even beat militias like Hezbollah and Hamas.
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They lost the momentum in Ukraine, now zionist are throwing their last rocks at this moment.

It's funny how our media is portraying what's happening over there


I want to see that Tintori jew being burned alive.
always been aware of it ,wish other arab Christians would realize it.
Kul shee tamam
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Now that I read it, I really do look like some jidf shill. Welp
At least I bumped and brought some movement to this thread.
Or the kurds.
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The people of latin america and the Arabs are fighting the same fight against the same master.
It's fun and all, but realisitically - if the burgers would send ATGM's and arms to the "peaceful" protestors, would any nation help the government out?
The Jew?
The kurds follow the US, so if the US backs off theyre fucked, but they can always go back to Assad and pretend this was all about fighting ISIS and not land stealing.
The Rojava heads will just run to the West and seek political asylum.
At least I hope this happens, other options will lead to a bloodbath.
The Anglo-Americans?
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> ATGMs winding up in cartel hands
We have already discussed that in some group I'm into.
We would try to enrole as volunteers, there are some contacts in some youth movements.
But nations...maybe Cuba or Nicaragua, Ecuador and Bolivia are to busy being nice countries to ty to help the venezuelans.
They will throw a fit like "Turkey is there? We wont besiege Raqqa!"
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>Supporting Maduro
>A fucking bitch of USA who sold his oil in very low prices to protect the "perfect" socialism
>"B-But muh axis of resistence"

Good goys, keep supporting (((Hamas)))
الحمد لله اغلب المسيحيين العرب واعين بعد تجربه لبنان
the eternal anglo jew americans?
So, the Jew
Of course the Lebanon experience is priceless for Christians all over the world.
Yeah, Israel controls America.
Neat. Good luck!
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>Doing the same as the FSA

The alternative is another CIA-run government. Maduro ain't Chavez but he at least can keep up a fight.
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lol, you wrote Hezbollah wrong comrade ;)
Yeah they probably will, turkey used a couple of rockets on some propaganda radio and the YPG got triggered by abandoning the Raqqa offensive.
Feminism is a cancer no matter if its a kurd or European.
> tfw an army of unwashed favela niggers from Brazil flood the country
> tfw the Moderate behe- I mean moderate opposition will be completely made up of foreign niggers again.
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Daily reminder that chilebro is an autist
>President Assad: Of course, they should be similar, because the party planning and implementing these acts is the same. It is the United States as a maestro and the Western states constituting the choir. Latin America in general, and Venezuela in particular, used to be the backyard of the United States for decades. Through that backyard, Western states, particularly North America, or the United States, used to secure their economic interests through the influence of the big companies in your countries. Military or political coups in Latin America during the 1960s and the 1970s aimed at perpetuating American hegemony over the interests of your people. But Latin America freed itself during the past twenty years and gained its independent decision-making. Governments started defending the interests of their peoples, which is unacceptable to the United States.
Maduro is your only hope, he is like President Assad. If you lose him youll be slaves to Uncle Sam.
Just look at the (((opposition))), they couldnt even find regular people to oppose him they had to get people from the tribe.
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Yeah, i also don't know who to support to
nah everything is okay in venezuela, the opposition there are just a bunch of zombies with zero conviction
Have the white helmets ever worked with daesh? I thought they were HTS and other rebels for the most part


Maduro can't even keep his people from starving
Typical commie
>Have the white helmets ever worked with daesh?
No, only your country did.
Theyre with alqaeda. I dont think they worked with daesh.
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You know the funny thing? The media is getting crazy with that shit
They are all like "VENEZUELA IS STARVING OMG NUCLEAR TOXIC STARVING GAS!" and 90% of the people protesting are well feed and go to public universities, paid by the EBIL regime.

The shit happening in Venezuela happened 3 years ago here but you didn't saw world coverage for our dead peasants or for the dead students that fall under the police bullets.
It's all the media fault.

And guess who owns one of the biggest media empires of Venezuela? That's right, our good old friend Capriles Radonski, a filthy jew.
Im not a communist, I just support whoever Israel hates.

I also know the story of Allende and the 620% inflation
JIDF venezuelans came here trying to get simpathy from /pol/ and failed as always
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Good, that's nice chilebro ;)





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>Daily reminder that chilebro is an autist

I think Pinochet is overrated among both right and left-wingers. He was just a guy at the right place and time when the CIA decided to overthrow Allende due to Cold War shenanigans. He did nothing original and didn't last long in power.

>Have the white helmets ever worked with daesh?

Maybe in the early days. But I am not sure.

Then you keep supporting Maduro?
Its like the same scenario as Syria. Demonising Maduro like they did with Assad. Maduro doesnt have Chavez's charisma so some people might believe this, but so far the only people ive seen that hate Maduro are the rich elite. President Assad supports Maduro, Maduro doesnt support Israel, thats good enough reason to know Maduro is the good guy.
Saudis are getting wiser than ever:

I think Soros is involved in Venezuela, which means a lot of the young protesters are paid. The whole thing looks like an attempt at engineering a color revolution.




>Its like the same scenario as Syria.
yeah, now there are white helmets in venezuela
He is the best option. Just like President Assad is the best option for Syria.

Then you like the jew dick?
It's the same they did since the "arab spring", trying to destabilize governments not aligned with USA/Israel/Saudi Arabia

Remember when Saudi Arabia started to produce more and more oil to bring the prices down and force Russia to not support Bashar? Well, shit was aimed at Venezuela too.
Fuck , its like theyre not even trying with their script anymore.
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those kikezuelans shitting up /pol/ with their pleas for help... that was an entertaining nite.
No Anon the hunger is real here. And the young are in the streets because commies deprive us from a future.
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (5:00 A.M.) – Lengthy talks between a delegation of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and commanders of the Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) have resulted in a verbal agreement to have the Al-Qaeda affiliated fighters in the Yarmouk pocket depart for Idlib province, considered rebel heartland.

HTS controls around 10% of the Yarmouk Camp but also maintains a presence in the neighboring Beit Saem, Yalda and Babila districts.

This residential area will be handed over to the SAA once the final formalities of the deal are negotiated and HTS fighters leave safely to the Idlib governorate.

Some 20% of Yarmouk, a former Palestinian refugee camp and impoverished suburb, is already under SAA control while the rest is controlled by ISIS militants.

HTS and ISIS have long engaged in infighting at the Yarmouk pocket while the SAA has largely refrained from intervening in the rival jihadist onslaught.

Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups are also operational in the HTS-held residential areas but are yet to respond to the SAA enquiry. ISIS militants will reportedly be offered a similar evacuation deal; if they fail to comply, this will likely prompt the SAA to begin its Yarmouk offensive.

Allied HTS and FSA militants have had a truce agreement in place with the SAA since 2015 which has largely held and caused the otherwise warring parties to trust one another in regards to the newly brokered deal.

The Yarmouk Camp represents one of three rebel pockets around the Syrian capital. The other two are composed of the East Ghouta and Al-Qaboun/Barzeh suburbs; the latter enclave is also expected to fall into government hands shortly.
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BREAKING: Al-Qaeda faction agrees to evacuate rebel pocket in Damascus

BREAKING: Al-Qaeda faction agrees to evacuate rebel pocket in Damascus

BREAKING: Al-Qaeda faction agrees to evacuate rebel pocket in Damascus


How can ASSad compite with the mighty power of moderate jihadists!?¡

Yeah, remember to convert to Islam Venezuela, but also


>"With Maduro and his goverment we have good relationships"

>"B-but he is the best option"

Yeah, then if you said that, Pinochet was also the best option for Chile. Keep trying commies
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i want this guy to become the next president, he looks tough, and based....and is despised by jews, because he supposedly supports hezbollah
And somehow you're shitposting here in /pol/
I tought you guys were so bad that not even internet was able in the country ;)
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Chilebro at this moment
>the hunger
yeah man, everyone is starving there. it's so bad that it's yemen famine levels. i heard maduro might use his CW to anihilate the hunger, even.
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True. But keep in mind Saudi is under the control of Israel thru the US, they have been against arab nationalism and resistance since the 1950s.
They opposed Jamal Abdulnaser of Egypt, and theyre doing the same to Arab Baathism in Syria. Saudi wants dominance of the Arabs by Wahabism and not by arab baathism
There are a lot of similiarities between Arab Baathism and Chavez's Bolivarianism. This is why they have joined the same resistance of opposing the axis of Israel.
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>Posting thing about Maduro and his links with Israel
>"Y-You are the jew"
He of Arab origin, so expect him to hate Israel and support resistance movements.

lol, somehow the rich in Caracas, those who are calling for the hunger to stop, can buy imported wine and nice meat.
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The Tiger or Big Z won't fall right before the siege is relieved, right guys?
>being this much an avatarfagging sissy fag
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Burgers and kikes hate him so my he is likely very based.
Yet you have money to afford an internet connection to shitpost here.
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Yeah, look how revolutionary is this woman with the chavism. You know her?

A advice my old friend, don't trust Telesur
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And your country is getting bullied and pushed around by a bunch of filthy beta kikes that are proactively trying to replace the white race in Europe with a bunch of poor mudshark rapists
To get internet is easy. Hard is to find Bread or Rice not to speak of medicine.

But can someone redpill me on why the riots are happening? Like, why are people discontent? Also what kind of a guy is Maduro, and what kind of a guy do they want to replace him with?
>Cascos blancos, cruces verdes: los héroes anónimos que salvan vidas en medio de la represión chavista

>White helmets, green crosses: the anonymous heroes who save lives amid chavista repression


Bloody hell.

It's literally the same bullshit as the White Helmets in Syria. I bet they also receive funding from USAID.
Fuck no man, they will be alright.
May we die of cancer earlier than they succumb to their wounds.
>tfw I don't know and I don't care about Venezuela.
But if the US starts arming the opposition, then I'll get into it, it'd be absolutely stupid by giving shit like MANPADs and stingers to people who might sell them to cartels and other criminal subhumans
You sound just as retarded as the Free Syrian Army.

Maduro give internet to everyone after all. Geez, maybe you should trat eating more Internet.
Israel hates Maduro, Maduro not under US controls. Venezuela has enough oil to say fuck you to both.

Thats all it is.
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>To get internet is easy.

It is for a paid shill.

It's very reminiscent of Banana, getting high-speed internet in the middle of a warzone.
Great vid. I love it how the narrative of starving people in Venezuela is dying. What will the kikes push next?
>A advice my old (((friend))), don't trust Telesur
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Have you tried making bakeries on every corner?
Or has maduro taken the bakery fuel away?
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The only reason I'm asking is because someone was trying to tell me they were and sent me this video from al-hayat (daesh media) which shows the white helmets in the background. I think this was filmed before the battle of Aleppo in Halab canton. Maybe daesh and al nusra came together and focused on SAA during the siege?

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No, look at this >>124287483

Nah, you're ignoring it, you like commies always do when people have proofs
Maduro is an incompetent buffoon. Venezuela is hemorrhaging on products because Chavez was a fucking idiot. Honestly I have no idea who the opposition wants, they're more collective than relying on one dude.

The difference is that Opposition arent a bunch of psychos. Though I wont be surprised if the US ends up giving shit to pseudo-Cartel members because whatever they touch turns to shit.

They actually do. I've seen threads like it on /pol/ actually

You don't understand, people don't hate Maduro for hating Israel. People hate him because he hates actual criticism and thinks Venezuela is still mid-2000 Chavista land
Don't worry my non-roach turk lad, Deir will resist and we will see The Tiger and The Beas counting hundreds of ISIS corpses on the liberated Deir Ezzor.

I trust what I saw when I was there old chap, you may not like gommunist xD at all but don't fall for the jewish media.
Look up for Radonski and you'll see some weird shit.
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Kill yourself, FARC nigger.
Chilebro is showing his true face now
>But can someone redpill me on why the riots are happening?

Venezuela economy is dependent on oil, oil prices have been kept artificially low for years, so the economy is struggling. Meanwhile major corporations and the US have been sabotaging their economy for years.

The most critical part is that the Venezuelan state is running out of cash and so Maduro wants to make a deal with Rosneft (Russian company) to get more cash. But the assembly is controlled by the opposition and they refuse to co-operate.

The opposition has decided that they want to remove the government by force and are refusing any attempts at negotiation. Meanwhile anti-government protests turn violent. It's very reminiscent of Syria after the Arab Spring.
Shut the fuck up Pedro scum.
It could be what you said, but white helmets are alqaeda and are operating in the areas they occupy.
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hey rabbi

ISIS used to fight alongside the moderates in the past. At first they were considered as part of the rebels and received support from the US, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Yeah, i don't fall for the jewish, i don't trust a friend of Isaac Cohen like here >>124285853


Based leaf, fucking FARC get into my country to push "Mapuche Cause" in the south of my country. I hate the commies so fucking much
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>The United Nations has estimated that 12% of all killings of civilians in Colombian conflict were committed by FARC and ELN guerrillas, with 80% committed by right-wing paramilitaries, and the remaining 8% committed by security forces

This is what happens when you let the CIA take over.
I lived in Europe for many years have famely there "European" and I came here back not long ago knowing here I could die. I came anyway so I might be retarded ur right.
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I always hate the commies and the jews, i guess you can't choose yet hate both
> You don't understand, people don't hate Maduro for hating Israel
You dont understand, I like him becoz he hates Israel. Thats a good enough reason for me to think that he's a good guy.
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>tfw have to go out for a long fucking drive out to that God fucking damn island because someone needs help with a trailer
> tfw gonna miss /lat/+/sg/ crossover
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Well, Europe isn't better anyways
> I lived in Europe for many years have famely there "European"
What part of Europe? Israel?
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>The difference is that Opposition arent a bunch of psychos

Yeah no.
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Of course you don't ;)


"Pinochet himself flirted with the Jewish community. He made a habit of touring synagogues during Yom Kippur services and appointed some Jews to high government posts. One of them, Sergio Melnick, was an Orthodox Jew who served as a key figure on Pinochet’s economic team."
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>Everyone i don't like is from Israel
>Suppory people loving Israel

Your contradictory narrative is fucking gold
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Venezuela is not communist though.
the cunt in the left is a venezuelan hillary clinton
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>(((United Nations)))
Regardless, commies aren't human anyway, so it's okay.
Aye yai yai the gringos know!
i started talking about venezuela and shitposters came here suddenly :^)
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Using proxies is pointless if you don't change your style of writing.
They really arent, they're just naive as fuck and will end up becoming useful idiots to the US so they can actually care.

This is how revolutions end up really.
"Well, Europe isn't better anyways" I miss the winter here is to hot for my pleassure
"What part of Europe? Israel?" thats close Im a mountainjew

Ok, but why are the people rioting man? Don't give me the paid by Soros shit.


Thanks for at least explaining. And what sort of a government will likely replace him if Maduro falls?
Shills get triggered by : Venezuela, kurds, Israel.
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They really should fuck off to Spainfaggot's commie circlejerk thread.
Wtf did I just become Zionist?
>Yid Banderite

Hohols explain yourselves

You've got those flags backwards bro.
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I like how Allende help a low of jews with his "Free Education" and many of then where with the UP.
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Nah you can see he's crazy, you can spot psychopaths by the eyes.

The CIA loves employing crazy people like that, they are easy to manipulate and are willing to do anything.
> Ok, but why are the people rioting man? Don't give me the paid by Soros shit.
The same reason people riot in Turkey or Syria. You bring in an opposition leader, talk about Western values, get him supported by the Western media, the govt responds by attacking them - a person dies - they make a story out of it. Its a cycle. Youre turkish you should know how your country has been demonised since the coup.
Chilebro is so retarded
>Thanks for at least explaining. And what sort of a government will likely replace him if Maduro falls?

Some mix of oligarchs, neoliberals and CIA agents. They will privatize everything, cut social services and use violence against the opposition. The typical recipe for destroying a country from withing.

>"I-It isn't true communism, baka"

Every fucking time





amirite m4+4s?
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>You've got those flags backwards bro.

t. Shlohmo Bergerstein

>The same reason people riot in Turkey or Syria.

To protest the slow abolishing of secular values? To install a Sunni Islamist government?

Why are they angry? I really don't think it is because someone produced an opposition leader who talks about Western values.
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>The CIA loves employing crazy people like that, they are easy to manipulate and are willing to do anything.
You'd know, writing in from a globalist testing ground for their perfect world. You're probably a hired shill yourself.
>They will privatize everything, cut social services
The horror
>use violence against the opposition
the irony

Not even the Venezuela government claims to be communist. You cannot just make imaginary claims of someone being communist so you can overthrow him by force (actually the USA did this all the time back in the day).


Remember, everytime a country you like is having protest, is the damm CIA and Soros, because, isn't Soros paid for many lefty movements and right liberals.

That's the logic here, roach
It is, keep in mind venezuela's main economy is oil, its tied to the US dollar. So they can control their currency. You then bring in the opposition, just like theyre doing in Turkey.
>And what sort of a government will likely replace him if Maduro falls?

Like what happened in Ukraine. Opposition is or will get co-opted by CIA. Become Puppets and useful idiots to the West.

Latin America is a literal testing ground for stupid shit that will collapse in a decade
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You are not even hiding your true intentions anymore kike. Sad.
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I ask you, what if Maduro really mess up everthing?
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"Sergio Raul Melnick Israel (Santiago, 27 de junio de 1951) es un ingeniero comercial chileno. Ha sido gerente general de varias empresas, director ejecutivo de dos canales de televisión, ministro de estado del Régimen Militar de Augusto Pinochet, y panelista de programas de conversación."

lol, it's like those Azov guys playing nazi while being funded by jewish bankers

brb, gonna keep reading this book, seems interesting

Ya Bashar!
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So, if your country is not able to do regime change in syria and venezuela, will the US collapse or something?

USAID is already balls deep in Venezuela. This is not even a conspiracy, it's not a secret.

People are rioting because they are unhappy with things. Here in Brazil 2013, we were very close to Venezuela-tier protests, but we didn`t have an opposition (((leader))) standing up against the govt.
McDonald's burger alert

John McCain in the house with his false 'a prioris'

Why SG John? You can't tell me you guys are intelligent enough to recognize the geopolitical convergence.

Damascus will not fall to the deep state
Am I back yet pls i need a home

You clearly have missed my point.

Yeah people here are way too prone to contrarianism. They were supporting Jammeh as well for whatever reason. Protestors are not always wrong, guys.


No, as a third world shit holer I assure that's not how you get people to riot.

>You then bring in the opposition, just like theyre doing in Turkey.

Turkish opposition does not get along with the West, except maybe HDP.


I mean ideologically. Will Venezuela become a more libertarian place?

For your information I don't support Assad because of the Resistance Axis or whatever, I support him because the other alternative are Islamists.
John McCain will run out of missile launch footage to Jack off to. Very problematic
Yes unbanned!
Im saved from the cop hate threads on /b/ i fucking love you all.

>kiss hypothetical ground
now i understand why oppositions in every country use pics of kids.....they want to appeal to mccain and podesta
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Go shot at trying to co-opt these threads to broadcast your lefty propaganda, shill.

Maduro is just a spokesperson.
I mean the US will be probably get fucked anyways in a few decades. It's kind of ironic that the US always tries to do stupid interventionist shit in the name of stability, yet doesn't realize they're unknowingly going to get fucked in the ass by China and even internally (considering the absolute state of the US in demographics and such)

>I mean ideologically. Will Venezuela become a more libertarian place?
More capitalistic or whatever the capitalism and pro-western ideas Latin America countries spouts nowadays. I doubt Latin America will ever have a movement in being Third Party because both sides are knee deep in the region
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I am a bit tired I admit.
> Turkish opposition does not get along with the West, except maybe HDP.
Which is why they tried a coup against Erdogan. Whenever a country tries to cut off from the US and Israel this happens.
Lol welcome back then m4+4

Oh yeah those deep state peds love that shit. Only thing that gets them fired up more than a baby, is a dead one.

>Can't believe that's ACTUALLY true. Fucking humans lol

Sorry, are you implying that the coup was orchestrated by the Turkish opposition?
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You are not using that word properly.

Also I do think that renewable energy is a great idea, here basically all our energy is renewable.

If the USA wasn't dependent on oil they wouldn't need to do the bidding of Saudi Arabia.
No , it was orchestrated by the West. They couldnt find enough support within turkey to get an opposition to cause riots (although I think the gay and park protests in Turkey were Western in origin).
God I love this country m1+7
Praise kek

>El mostrador
>El Pais

Yeah, those who hate Assad a lot now are reporting "How those evil jews have evil deals with evil dictators"

Because, i don't know, 3 countries where getting cucky with us, USA betrayed us to save face (Like always).

Maybe you're right, Pinochet had relationship with Israel, and so fucking what? He kick out a zionist commie piece of shit, make our country a power in the region and give us a clean country, isn't like the people who down him and came after had relationship with israel too, right?


Yeah, Clinton already made the deal with the oil there with Chavez during the Obama's administration.
>considering the absolute state of the US in demographics and such)
I was thinking about that, if América does a regime change in latam...América would receive hundreds of middle aged refugees, just like europe right now after doing shit in Libya and syria

They already did. The interventions in Central America led to waves of refugees that ended up in the USA.

The recent coup in Honduras also created a refugee crisis. I met some of them over here but my understand is that most ended in the United States.
>/sg/ is a close boy club to (((Commies))) and people who suck dick to the "Axis of resistence"

Not on my watch

The park protest was condemned by the people who attempted the coup. The "gay protests" aren't really protests, they happen annualy as attempted parades.

You are the only person here obsessed with Pinochet.
John dipped real quick

If you decide to come back lets go ahead and try something new John. Parading on your false 'a prioris' has gotten a bit stale.

I want you to find a deep state buddy of yours that you feel is the most patriotic in your division. The dude who you feel is the least corrupted and least prone to power abuse. The one who you'd let babysit your kids... assuming you don't use those events to make snuff films for your masters.

Find that guy John and put him behind the keyboard. I'd love to know if there are any real fucking Americans in any of the alphabet agencies
Never heard about it tbqh

A lot of people in Latin America hate Clinton because of her role in the coup in Honduras.


Guess who tried to benefit with it in the last elections?


"I only see one person posting that here, so you're clearly the only one"

Never change, my commie friend.

The US/Israel dont always ally with the same people. Their goal is to change your regime, they tried to ally with your opposition (didnt work), they tried a coup (didnt work), this is why Erdogan took this Putin strongman approach to protect himself and his party. Im guessing he will take steps to get closer to China/Russia/Iran if the US insists on keeping the SDF/YPG in Northern Syria.
Clinton is hated by everybody
Tom and Jerry. Giving me some flashbacks Chilebro!

Tons of oblivious burgers love her :/

The problem is that Turkey and Iran are natural enemies, because their regional goals conflict massively. Erdoğan is much more likely to fuck over Russia, and ally with the SDF instead. He doesn't need MHP's support anymore.

Hell, he didn't get the help he expected from MHP voters during the referandum, but the K*rdish votes he received were higher than expected.
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What do you expect from Antifa supporters?
Shit shit shit!!
He doesnt need the kurds anymore, he needs the AKP, grey wolves, and even the CHP. The only thing that unites them all is their hate for the PKK/YPG/SDF.

I personally dont think Erdogan will ally with the SDF, its too risky for him becoz the SDF is mostly PKK members. He can lose local support and Birzani's support. But if he goes hard against the kurds, he can unite even the kemalists and grey wolves with him.

His place is so secure he really doesn't need massive support from anyone else at this point. He learned from this referandum that the K*rds are more reliable than ultranationalists.

>He can lose local support

And gain it, from the K*rds.

>and Birzani's support.

Barzani is completely dependent on Turkey, he can't do shit.

>But if he goes hard against the kurds, he can unite even the kemalists and grey wolves with him.

He will get supported by the Kamalists in his fight against the KCK, but they won't vote for him no matter what.
How did you know the kurds voted for him? From the results map it showed that he lost the vote in their regions?
I think he tried to win their vote but didnt, he mainly won becoz of the diaspora turks.
The way I see the Rojava is that it will be a cancer for both Syria and Turkey. It become a base for the PKK to attack Turkey and the kurdish regions in Turkey will try to join them.

He lost the majority of the votes, but received more votes than expected.

>The way I see the Rojava is that it will be a cancer for both Syria and Turkey. It become a base for the PKK to attack Turkey and the kurdish regions in Turkey will try to join them.

You are right. The thing is, Erdoğan doesn't care. He wasn't inherently hostile to the PKK; he became so to gather MHP's support.
So is turdogan going to be pro Assad or not?


that's a real jewish woman tho
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Be a bunch of good sandniggers and kill yourselves off. There are many more the world needs to get rid of, we need to start somewhere.... kekekek
I don't want ww3
death to burgers!
death to kikestanis!
death to saudishits!
Sooo, if kikes can't fly anymore what will they do?
WAY TO GO media
Now ISIS is going to deploy AA in the area
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So do you guys think Suheil will try to seduce Zahreddine when they meet, or will he keep it professional?
Suheil is not gay!
Professional hopefully.
>also, did I miss happening?
>seems like half of thread is shilling and fighting.
No need Islam
I only scrolled through first half and then fought off John McCain. Job done for the day. Night folks lolll
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>try to seduce

Zahreddine will be waiting for Suheil in a bubble bath with ointment and scented candles
More like military prevented another Chavez
This is wrong.


The kurds voted No at a MASSIVELY higher rate than the rest of the country. However because of the military safety precautions from the PKK chimpout in 2015, most ballot boxes were moved and guarded by military police, which in some locations even prevented HDP representatives from entering the voting room.

The controversial unstamped ballot papers mostly originated from the southeast, where the AKP knew they couldn't get votes through traditional means.

True, which is why I said they voted mostly against Erdoğan. However they voted yes somewhat more than expected.
Turkey is a mess, they have a kurdshit problem, erdogan likes to pretend he is not an US puppet, but at the same time he supports terrorists...But later he wants better relations with Russia
Just Latin American infighting.
Any happening in Syria, or will I have to wait till tomorrow?
It was only against the autist of chilebro and JIDF though
Next week
hello brother.
that's not true.
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>mfw slow thread
>mfw I need activity because don't want faggot thoughts
>mfw thoughts threaten 8 day nofap
>mfw I can't sleep it off because brain jerks me back to consciousness just as I fall asleep
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>mfw nofap is only successful because I am too lazy to fap
PKK also influences the votes by blackmailing kurds.
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>mfw PKK needs to blackmail Kurds
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why do dictators like to destroy bakeries?
I smell a butt hurt roach living in Germany.
>Exhausting day at work, too tired to keep shitposting
Good night lads, stay /comfy/, keep shitposting.
>F-22 Raptors Have Intercepted Russian Su-35s Near Alaska For the First Time

how do we know it is not #fakenews

know your sources
>Unnamed sources told Fox News, which first reported the incident, that the Raptors were already airborne on patrol near Chariot, Alaska when they were ordered to intercept.
every #fakenews network is always pushing for nuclear war against russia
>The “de-escalation zones” will be closed to military aircraft from the U.S.-led coalition, the Russian official who signed the agreement, Alexander Lavrentye, said Friday.

>Syrian, Russian, Turkish and U.S.-led coalition aircraft operate in different, sometimes same areas in Syria. It is not yet clear how the new plan would affect flightpaths of U.S.-led coalition warplanes battling Islamic State militants and other radical groups — and whether the American air force would abide by a diminished air space.


your comment is fake news
Not a roach but you've just proven by yourself that you're a filthy kurd. Raus aus Dänemark. PKK is known for blackmailing and kidnapping kurds.
>Russia closes a number of airspace in Syria including Kuneitra. Details and implications.

>It seems that we are witnessing the formation of the largest Russian plan in Syria only in accordance with the declarations at the end.

>A few days ago we heard a Russian statement that they had finished deploying an air defense system in all of Syria.

>Even after this statement, there were attacks by Allied forces throughout Syria and, according to foreign sources, Israeli attacks on targets in the area of Damascus International Airport.

>The Russian statement against the actual air strikes raised some question marks around the world regarding the seriousness of Russian intentions and actions.

>Yesterday, at the conclusion of the current phase of the Astana peace conference in Kazakhstan, they announced the establishment of four "relief" areas in Syria where a cease-fire on Russian-Turkish-Iranian guarantees will take place tomorrow.

>But everything is gathering today.

>President Vladimir Putin's Russian counterpart, Alexander Brentov, announced today that Russia is closing the airspace of all areas designated as relief zones and that it will not allow the US-led aircraft to operate there even if it is only in the context of fighting against Da'ash forces.

>The four relief areas are: Idlib, Eastern Alrota, Dera'a and Quneitra.

>Interestingly, in all areas of relief there is almost no activity of Da'as, and it appears that the closure of their airspace was intended to keep the Alliance aircraft out of these areas.

>However, the forces of the Allies are united and Israel apart in everything related to the operational aerial activity in the air spaces of Daraa and Quneitra.

>Israel operates intensively in the air spaces of Dara and Quneitra and sees them as "hot" warning areas that must be monitored day and night in order to prevent hostile foreign forces, other than the Syrian army, from basing themselves on its northeastern border.

Sven how cucked can you get?

>It is not yet clear what this decision means to Israel, but there is no doubt that there is now a clear Russian tendency to limit Israel's measures in the Syrian airspace in general and in the Quneitra area in particular.


>Israel, if it wants to prevent Iran from establishing itself on its eastern border, will have to demonstrate more independence and determination and act against it in the new restrictions that have been created and prepare for low-intensity friction with the Russians in Syria.

someone bake
May be you?
>>The “de-escalation zones” will be closed to military aircraft from the U.S.-led coalition, the Russian official who signed the agreement, Alexander Lavrentye, said Friday.
Now the S-400 deals between Turkey and Russia make sense.
i don't know how to bake properly
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K*rdistan Sharia Law now..
Assad must go.
1 post by this ID
wtf i hate assad now
Laa laa laah
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