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Who is pulling ourstrings?

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 228
Thread images: 59

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I used to think this was a FBI-run COINTELPRO, and that the CIA lurked here, but now with these very convenient Macrongate leaks the day before frogs go vote, I have to ask: Is the russian hackers meme real? Are we nothing but minions doing Putin's bidding for free?

(gg if this is true, Putin, you outsourced your intel operations like a pro)
Daily Dose:


>Is the russian hackers meme real?

YES you stupid fuck. Only an idiot would believe otherwise. Do you really think the FBI,CIA and countless other intelligence agencies would be investigating Trump's connections to Russia if they weren't based in reality?
all of them
I'll say this...
If Russia is indeed the source for these leaks, Russia will be remembered as the savior of the civilized world. It's really, really fucking crazy.

and you really think they would just not release proof if they had so much proof of it happening?

"YES, IT'S HAPPENING, BELIEVE US. Oh, proof you say? Well, uh, that's erm, not for your eyes to see. don't you watch CNN? looking at proof is illegal!"
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pic related. you're all being deceived.
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4chan is truly a mix of everything & everyone.

Also the "Russian hacker" thing is really overplayed.
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Yes go- I mean guy, dismantle the European Commission, allow our pipes to monopolize Europe.
Truman show us your hand!
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>>124250070 #

Here's the KB that will put the "Truman Show" into context:


Anyone can leak shit

Could be Russia, China, the US itself (the US has several factions after all), France, the UK, rogue German army, and so on.

All are likely, as they all have reasons.
Hello bro, i had to reset my computer can you post the link to your archives???? Would be so nice =)
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Quite the opposite my white friend, due to massive Russian over-shilling and manipulation of politics in our own country we have became resistant to their tactics.
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I'm fine with serving kek with grand overlord putin ruling from behind the scenes.
I prefer putin over (((them))) anyday



We belong to nobody but ourselves.
We are "individual 11" being fed info by big players.
We only do shit because we want to. You cannot control us; you can only try to get us to see your side of things and work with you.
As soon as a conflict arises you can expect to be dropped without ceremony and cast as another enemy.
I feel bad for any intelligence agencies trying to use /pol/ for anything specific. Things backfire here easily.
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Trips say we're all being played like chumps

4chan is a good place to leak stuff due to the perceived veil of anonymity, which makes people look into anything leaked with careful optimism and skepticism.

If you aren't a spook and you're here, spooks will be hoping to use you to spread stuff.
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>feel bad for any intelligence agencies
Top kek. I am become /pol/ destroyer of intelligence
>Get training from multiple intelligence agencies on how to make things viral and manipulate the populace

>Immediately stop when they stop using you

>Let Macroney win
>perceived veil of anonymity
Anon I....
No one on /pol/ is a legitimate poster, not even you. This whole board is just CIA/FBI/FSB/Operation Earnest Voice/Syrian Electronic Army/M16 and so on arguing with each other. If you think you're not part of one of these organizations, then you've already become a pawn in one of their games
Hi Shareblue. How do the cocks taste today?




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> (gg if this is true, Putin, you outsourced your intel operations like a pro)
No prob
New KB inc when?
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>he doesn't know already that this place is an eternal warzone between all those organizations
Do you mean 4chan banned the frenchBecause that looks like a 4chan 404 to me
Shariablue cucks, enjoy the next 8 years.
>capping your own conversation and reposing it

sad m8



Near future.
No one
>Near future
I like your kbs. Although I must admit I don't agree with all of them. :^)
This, x1000
kys faggot
world needs to get bigger. I'm tired of worrying about what's going on in Europe and the south China sea. fucking close the borders. end trade with other countries. and let the rest of the world burn itself down.
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It's all a smokescreen. /pol/ is so easily psyopped and put up as patsies by whatever agency decides to flood the board. pizzagate proved it, it actually managed to divert a lot of autists during the election and have them migrate to another board. remember all the fake shit that came out at the height of that? "leaked" emails that even fooled people at infowars. most of that shit is literally ripped from movies like Kubrick's EWS and True Detective. and 7+ months later nothing has been found beyond the same shitty circumstantial bullshit that wouldn't even be admissible in the court of law.

People like >>124250769 larp with impunity. Do you really think an alphabet agency would let an insider who reuses the same trip (and thus has the same IP) "leak" actual info? yet people (mostly proxies by anon5) bump his shitty threads to the limit.

So yeah, none of the current conspiracies of the month are valid, or else they would be getting shut down (like Kushner and Cadre investigation threads did) It's not just kremlin shills, it's FBI, NSA, CIA, JIDF, all putting out disinfo and psyops to push their agendas or divert the legions of autists attentions. And so far it's worked brilliantly.
That's not the spirit fellow burgerbro. What ever happened to exporting freedom and democracy to the savage world? :(
No. Its ex-fbi and ex-cia. Already forget about fbianon, shill?
>insider leaking info
I don't remember ever seeing KB posts claiming to be an insider. Maybe you're new?
>"maybe you're new?"
>KB started posting during the election
he has gone back and forth from claiming to be a high level insider, to having sources in the IC, to just a low level gov employee. As KB would say, read the archives.
It was Mossad all along
Check your head
I guess. Why soo angry anon? Tell me what you want from /pol/?
I'm serious anon.talk to me
>Tell me what you want from /pol/?
I want and expect nothing. I'm not here to force my own message or agenda. If you agree with me, fine. If you don't and want to continue taking a blue pill that is painted red, I don't care.
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All of what this guy said is true, especially about the anon5 schizo larper. He bumps his own threads with proxies that have similar typing style.

As for the """"leaks""""", they're probably unironically Russians trying to influence politics. Notice how there's ZERO leaks for China, Brazil, Canada and so on, but specifically against both Russian rivals - EU and USA, there's thousands.
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probosomething said so
>If you agree with me, fine. If you don't
Its not that. I just want to hear what you're trying to say. And itjust seemed like you were overall disappointed in /pol/ for some reason.
Disinformation, confusion and chaos are a long standing tradition here. Why do you think were quick to post Fake and Gay at the eight moment?
there is a meme war on this board against Russian intelligence and US intelligence
Macron leaks are obviously MI5
Go cry me a river Shariablue. Tick tock tick tock.
I'm just a Russian agent
this is true, Macron fucking hates the UK and wants to see it cucked and fucked in brexit negotiations as a "message" to anyone wanting to leave

if MI5 leaks shit about him, he loses all credibility even if elected and will have too many domestic problems to try to pull shit against the UK, and if he loses evne better, cause Le Pen is an anglophile german-hater who'll unironically crash and burn the EU

tick tock your way back to r.eddit my dude
It's the jews. Trump was the kike puppet. Le pen is a kike puppet. We are the israel army but the jews blinded us with hate against them and now see the world the wrong way.
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>It's the jews. Trump was the kike puppet. Le pen is a kike puppet. We are the israel army but the jews blinded us with hate against them and now see the world the wrong way.
what is to right way?
in general pol is free weaponized autism, you just have to convince pol its for /ourguy/ or against the nwo and we will datamine teras of data or viralize information anytime
is this a joke? /pol/ is hardcore filled with russian propaganda, always has been
Oh shit, I'm now officially #MENTALLYHILL. But seriously we cant let Drumpf get his hands on the nuclear codes.
Jews are against free speech.

But we already knew that.
honestly don't care. If Russia wants to help us out in the culture war than good for them.
former eastern bloc members dont have a say b/c bias
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.

Just roll with it man, and stop fucking complaining all the time. Remember when 4chan used to get spammed to the fuck? You should be grateful you stupid ungrateful little Brazilian piece of shit.

Muito Bom! Luta Livre! Vale Tudo!
Putin & China & Iran are just on the right side of history, thats all.
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>he isn't a Russian shill

Get a load of this stupid faggot, wasting hours on 4chan and not even getting paid for it!
And you dont see why
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Here is the question:

Are (((they))) trying to import refugees/non-whites into white countries as part of a white genocide?


Are (((they))) trying to keep their natural enemy (the muslims) contained?

Or maybe (((they))) have different factions struggling for power, so (((they))) are doing both?
Why doesn't CIA/shareblue update their meme folder?
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I voted Trump but I do believe the russian hacker meme is true. Not a shill or whatever you want to call it, but you do have to be an idiot to believe it is only a meme.
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it could be internal politics. The superiors wouldn't let them leak it because of blackmail or whatever, the subordinate gets pissed and then it magically appears anon online.
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>Or maybe (((they))) have different factions struggling for power, so (((they))) are doing both?
i think that's what they like to think they are doing but in reality it's just a crapshoot
Variety of different interests
Left-wingers love it because they vote left
CEOs love it because muh cheap labor
Israel loves it because Muslims are leaving/greater Israel
It's to pretty much everyone's benefit except the powerless taxpayer

It had to happen eventually.
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It's not in the budget, m8. Maybe next FY.
there's a fuck ton of US government shills on her as well in case you haven't noticed. there are Russian shills (make any thread that's pro-Ukraine and you will see them) and there's US government shills.

The Russian shills are a little bit better at their jobs. The US shills are more or less retarded and they try to keep up the "HOO RAH AMERICA YEAH BITCH" mantra, and it's really easy to spot.
A pair of dice thrown by a turtle
M-19 pls go
implying things cant be faked
It's all theatre, (((reptilians))) run the show.
D. Icke, please go
Why do you think so many people are now flocking here?

Its a war within the cia, nsa and fbi.
Its actually overweight autistic ponyfags that fight eachother to save the world from the others fag ponies world views.
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I can assure you, you have never heard of us.

Silens est fulmen.
more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBzax2Xek3M

This place is full of fucking shills and spooks now
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Daily Reminder: This is going to be the norm for every globally impacting election going forward, if you haven't realized this by now and continue blaming the speculated source of any leaks before an election, you are in fact misinformed. Nobody is going to able confirm without a doubt it was Russian hackers...
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Don't forget JDL
>Is the russian hackers meme real?
Yes. Are you still even questioning this? There's no coincidences in politics

>Are we nothing but minions doing Putin's bidding for free?
Most of us are not, but kremlinshills are about half of posters now, and most of the rest are nu/pol/ falling for their memes.
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What do you think my fellow panaleiro?
who hacked macron? wikileaks is saying it was a false-flag to increase intelligence spending and justify operations against russia, since it was too late to change voter's minds

but was it too late? the media can't shill now and we have full control of the narrative

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I'm afraid now.
I have no idea, but I know there is no good candidate here.
fuck you mod, you are a faggot.
Кaзбeк oн aктивeн.
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Same group it's always been, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. We are always watching chans, get used to it.


>russian bots pretend to believe this

Implying theyre not partisan with an agenda
STFU you fucking owl twat slave

check my 666 and BTFO
Okey, i guess I'll drop it here then.
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>/pol/ is controlled opposition.

Think about it /pol/, you're smarter than this. Do you really think you can go somewhere online and just start ranting about how much you want to kill all the jews without consequences? Wake the fuck up guys...

Just take a minute to think about it. If jews rule the world, would they allow a site like this to grow so popular? /pol/ is famous all around the world since the elections. And you can read almost 20 threads per day talking about killing jews, or denying the holocaust... things that would be totally forbidden in any other place in the net.
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>They want you to be jew hating apes.

But anyway, let's talk about it, let's talk about the "jews". Are you really that stupid to think the "jews" rule the world? Do you really think a disorganized group can "rule the world"? I mean... I'm not saying you are wrong about judaism and what most of the jews believe in, I'm just saying you are just wrong about blaming them for everything that happens in this world we live in. That's why /pol/ mods allow you to hate on them every single day. I don't want to start naming names, but look at George Soros for example, yes, he was born a jew, but he is an atheist, or, in his own words, "he doesn't believe in God", that should tell you something.
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>(((They))) allways used the jews as a shield.

"Jews" are not ruling the world /pol/. What's happening is that, the ones ruling the world are using the "jews" as a shield again, just as they did in the past. If you want to know who is ruling the world you must look for solid organizations, not for a religious crowd all around the globe. The ones ruling have their religion, yes, but it's not a public religion, it's not a religion they share with "us". Zionism is a political movement, a political op, and if you know something about zionism, then you know they use the jews to achieve their purpose. In fact, they created the so called "anti-semitism".
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>The evil hides behind the shield.

If you want to bring down the evil tirany ruling this world, you all should stop blaming the "jews", because you all look like a bunch of monkeys. Of course there's a lot of "jews" in power, but neither that's their real religion, nor they are all "jews". If you really want to bring down the bad guys, you better start searching and blaming high masons, the cult of Minerva, the cult of the Owl, and the cult of Saturn.
>Is the russian hackers meme real? Are we nothing but minions doing Putin's bidding for free?
Yes and yes
You're such a stupid shilling faggot. How could a group of anonymous people posting memes on the internet be tricked into "working for the Russians"? How stupid an you be?

The truth has no political allegiance. The left is filled with crooked fucks because crooked fucks always want more government and more power. Leftism is the easiest way to control people using their own 'virtue'. It has nothing to do with Putin.
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Want proof? Leaks against Russia's involvement in Ukraine was actively suppressed by Wikileaks, no conversation about it never even penetrated 4chan.

The Russians are here.
The CIA is here.
The FBI is here.

Gangs all here.
Think of it this way:
Even if it is Russia, why would it make the ideals any less right? We don't believe what we do because of who preaches it, but because of what it is they preach.

Same with the Panama Papers, which implicated several of Putin's crooked friends. Wikileaks openly criticized that hacking.
>Before you call me a shill, consider the following:

Those are the bad guys /pol/, and before you call me a shill, and I know you will, try to shitpost about them as much as you do with the "jews", and you'll see how /pol/ mods start banning the shit out of you. They already did it with me, and they will do it with you as soon as you realize this "hate the jews" narrative is just a smoke screen.
my mummy pulls the strings with threats of tendie deprivation
OMFG! Do you mean that political candidates and campaigns will need to be more ethical?
>Or just sneakier?
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>Start reading and stop larping.

/pol/ is just you and a bunch of agents from agencies around the world one-upping each other
Дa я pyccкий тoвapищ
I do find it strange that /pol/s gaze is always on Western countries and European for corruption, but it ignores widespread corruption and involvement when it's not towing Putin's line.

Just kinda weird to me. Really makes me think
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t. NRS
Everyone is here.


It's not like the Russians are really trying to hide it. From the information released by private security firms who reviewed the hacks they left Meta Data "fingerprints" everywhere.

It wouldn't be a successful troll job if it was unknown who did it. Also WIRED talked with Guccifer 2.0 and not only couldn't he speak or read Romanian, he was a different person every time (based on his emojis, phrasing, spelling and typing style.)

Only fuckwits are in the dark still.
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I can't fucking believe it, first time i ever see /pol/ ignoring satanic trips...

They are fake news

That's why absolutely nothing has, nor ever will, come of these so called "investigations"
>Even though it has been revealed that the IC can put ANYONE's fingerprint on an intrusion, it's totally believable when untrustworthy agencies say they have "high confidence" that it happened.
Oh, "high confidence" means 80% sure.

Many different interests seek sway.

Do not be naive.
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The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:



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And now you are flooding the thread with bullshit. I'm out.

This place is filled with anti-westerners who have co-opted the trolls here by feeding their bitter hearts.

The biggest shills here are the one who shout "shill" at every thing.
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Why not both?

Fappin to traps and exposing elites is a good time.
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Hackers aren't Russian, hackers aren't anything. Hackers are hackers. You can't put together a hacker team. It's not possible.

Maybe you haven't been paying attention but the investigation is still going. It was stalled for about a month as a Congressman heading the House Intelligence panel briefed the White House on the trouble coming and obstructed justice.

Senate Committee took over and had Comey public and private testimony this week. Next Week is the former interim AG.

So one that is over you'll see if there are subpoenas issued or it's over.

Flynn is looking for immunity for some reason too.
The leaf consortium
/pol/'s anti leaf countermeasures are laughable.
>A fucking leaf
>Day of the Rake when



Within the United States itself, there is a need for the Russian special services and their allies “to provoke all forms of instability and separatism within the borders of the United States (it is possible to make use of the political forces of Afro-American racists)” (p. 248). “It is especially important,” Dugin adds, “to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics…” (p. 367).

Anonymous image boards offer foreign governments the ability subvert democratic institutions without being traced.


Shut the fuck up shill.
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Russian campaign involves cutting and splicing media into stolen American TV streams.

1) Find Americans willing to stream content on Qmerican ips. Pay them for subscribers gained.

2) Use FOX CNN to get subscribers while splicing media and audio.

3) Once the channel has two strikes they're sold to Russians to be used later.

4) Russians use all collected subscribers to bomb them propaganda.

Another group hacks Facebook accounts.

Pic is a real spy master.
If you think Pedophile rings ever get caught that easily ?

My political opinions mirror my ancestor's. It's called a reawakening.

Even if Russia was promoting these ideas, who the fuck cares? They deserve a pat on the back IMHO.
yeah I do that a lot but It's not because I'm a Blind shill going along with everything america does either
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This is chaos.
yes It's a meme or Is it KEK

Yes as they're told to do. Your country also has something called guilt before association.

You're clearly a shill and not wanted here.
They used every chance they got to claim false flags were american done to create distrust in American citizens.
they use other countries nationals to
do them.
Why do you think the people in these attacks always try to get shot after them? hide the truth.

Or don't believe me. I don't care
either way.
They do them because it ruins citizens freedom.
Everyone is a tool. 4chan, Facecunts, Jewstream Meteor, all of them us are puppets dancing for our puppet masters. Putin, Trump, Bibi, etc. are just figure heads.
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No, this is Supo.

Pizzagate was not /pol/ it was considered a success.
Dubbys say we're being helped and guided into a revolution to save Western civilization.

00 = lone hackers
11, 22, or 33 = US intel
44, 55, or 66 = Russian intel
77 = Israelis
88 or 99 = Euro intel

Russia had Assange killed for threatening to expose them
US intel confirmed.
You're all stupid racists, so of course it was the russians that cucked you
i'm an pothead edgelord larping as a neonazi and i run the 4chan. whole thing.
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I-I don't know what are you talking about, anon.
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You lads still stick out like a sore thumbs

Keep trying, maybe you'll subvert /pol/ one day.
>You now realise all the alphabet agencies and wikileaks are all proxy fighting eachother

>Chan 4 is the proxy

>And then government spy was the hentai addict
I swear if any of you fucking honestly believe that fucking Russian hackers did any of this shit you need a fucking headcheck and then once thats over you fucking need to go look into government IT procedures and start understanding how the internet fucking works. A good example is awhile back they said that russian hackers were trying to brute force there way into servers through certain ports in the government. Well let me explain something this happens to pretty much any one that runs a server on default ports. Its so common you can just fucking google people asking why the fuck they have chinese/russian IPs trying to gain access through port 22. Its not that Russia wants to hack the entire planet but its the fact that a lot of hackers in the US and the world have botnets in fucking russia and china because those countries have really shit security and use outdated windows among other things. There are tons of retardeds who try to grab onto anything related to this as some kind of HUGE BREAKING NEWS.

The reason you are seeing these leaks is the leakers are getting bolder. They are no longer afraid of what could happen to them they look at Assenge, Snowden, and those other less known leakers as heros.
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We pull our own strings.
Guccifer was Romanian Guccifer 2.0 is unknown and thought to be us intelligence and he told Robin Young the DNC leaker was Seth Rich
>most of that shit is literally ripped from movies like Kubrick's EWS and True Detective
>Not realizing it's the other way around

>he believes russians are able to control the memetic flow
>he doesn't know that its actually spiritually more evolved beings/extraterrestrials who have been spoonfeeding information to humans
Putin is always shitposting here

But he's right, you know.

The Illuminati are possessed by Demons & controlled by them, who do you think you are voting for. Just because you don't believe or like it makes it no less true than it already is.

>What is OP Highjump
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so fucking based
ignore the retarded undergrad american bootlickers who argue against you
no one is pulling my strings
Even Pelosi said there's literally nothing. Fuck off shill
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>what is pulling our strings

anon i...
topkek it's true.
except the demons are actually aliens. there are ones oriented towards self servitude and then there are ones oriented towards serving others, bringing love and kindness to others.

example, kek and thoth seem to be positive or at least neutral.

Illuminati are controlled by the orion group
>Are we nothing but minions doing Putin's bidding for free?


>One of Putins closest advisers wants to turn Europe fascist so it can unify with Russia.
you people have no fucking idea if you believe that putin is behind this.
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the CIA, Mossad, and the KBG all have been on the same page for the past 30 years.

All politicians are puppets and the intelligence agencies control everything.

We're heading towards a world government with authoritarian technocratic liberalism.

The right people won.
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obviously, this board is full of russian shills.

I still remember when they stopped shilling for Drumpf a day before Putin said that he's disappointed with him lmao.


YOU ARE USED AS A TOOL /pol/tards.
no, if it was professionals they wouldnt have waited until the day before the election to release the hacked emails, when they wont have any time to make a difference or people read or find out whats in them. its probably a pro lepen frenchman who had access to macrons shit, probably a fellow /pol/ster here
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its all gonna crash, there will be no 1 world government
And they only hack Russian enemies?
it's all of the above

/pol/ loves getting manipulated by kremlin the most though because they are right wing
Who is behind it, then, BVP?
What are you talking about? Russias enemies? We aren't Russias enemy we are a competitor but we are not an enemy. Thats also a really weak stance and can be applied to anyone who is an actual enemy of the US. NK could've hacked the US government if you think anyone hacked anything at all. I'm fucking telling you all these leaks are from people on the inside that have been sitting on shit like this for a long time. They just got bold about it they see all the other leakers and do it.
What if they want the info to drop when the media cant talk about it?
What if they want Macron to win and then lose all his credibility and become an inefficient leader, for maximum chaos?
>implying /pol/ in itself matters as much as you think
Putler's pro hackers work in spacious brutalist buildings, drinking heated vodka and tea. /pol/ is like that one slightly retarded kid you could talk into doing something dangerous and amusing for shits and giggles. Imagine it as a swamp where everybody (alphabet soup agencies, 50cent chinks, FSB, paid [insert cause] shills) can come and organize some counter-movement with a given size for a given time, leak stuff and do it all by proxy, so they cannot get blamed. Do you think underage faggots can hack hillary's servers or leak the french prez-candidate compromats? It's all professional interest groups dumping it. So /pol/ is just "organized chaos" of 99.9% untapped potential and 0.01% shills and searching for the sole driving force is counterproductive.
Didn't hilarity Clinton get hot mic'd talking about swinging elections? Don't the CIA have the ability to forge digital forensic footprints of other nations and groups?

Fuck you deep state faggot.Do you like dressing up because you're a spy?
ET bro
we've been getting info from them.

sure putin is a rather powerful human but you're giving him too much credit
Hillary and Macron are both Russia's enemies. Trump and Le Pen were supposed to be less anti-Russian. China and NK don't benefit from EM and HC being exposed as corrupt cronies, their policies towards both are not that different
>YES you stupid fuck.
You still haven't convinced me why I shouldn't sift through the files I'm currently downloading.

>Cambridge Analytica (kikes, as always)

>forge digital forensic footprints
No need for that. Since they are both judge and jury, they can just say whatever they like, usually blaming the boogeyman of the week- Russia, China, DPRK, Iran, whatever.
They're all jewing each other for control and dirt, who gives a fuck none of them are on our side totally. Might as well see where your beliefs lie and shill for your agenda that lines up the best
That's a bit of a stretch to just assume that just because they are less anti-russian they somehow do this shit. Yeah NK Iran and other enemy states would really benefit from leftist non-aggression. Look how much Iran benefited from HC and obamas deals.
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Why not both? It's not like they need more money or power but they do it anyway.
Listen; Jews Jew everyone, everything, and anything. They Jew themselves the hardest, too. The real redpill is that Irving and Irma J. Smithowitz are the real goyim. They've been scared about being turned into lampshades their entire lives. They fear Hitler more than Satan and Moloch combined. Anne Frank is their Joan of Arc, and it has already been admitted that it is a work of fiction. They think they're chosen, but they're really just mindless, unquestioning, consumer slaves. They buy more than white trash and nignogs combined.

The elite master Jews have a unilateral agenda, sure: World domination. But at the end of the day though, their individualism and greed prevents them from working as a complete unit, and that is why they get BTFO constantly. They are cursed in a Dark Souls-esque cycle of destruction and rebirth, except their lore is written out for them to follow, yet they still fuck it up!
theres nobody "running our strings", they just have a massive neural network of us (and by the extension the entire internet) mapped out. then they do a/b testing to see what works and what doesn't

society is already run by AI
>Do you really think the FBI,CIA and countless other intelligence agencies would be investigating Trump's connections to Russia

Right, because it has nothing to do with the Pissgate dossier which simply was some fag's fanfic that he wrote to troll Rick Wilson?

Ignore >>124250379 he's just shilling hard
Shit post until we get paid?
Forgot to add: they're also not as smart as they want you to think. They have none of this shit figured out. They pull their shit, but it fails. Sometimes things happen on their own naturally and the right opportunist will be there at the right time, but for the most part, it's all just a chaotic, random chain of events that lead us to where we go next.
Hillary and Macron are neocons itching to start ww3
I love me a good Zionist conspiracy.
Remember which nation holds the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet. The US intelligence agencies know exactly what is going on in every nation on the planet. They are not stupid, and they rarely make mistakes. The old meme that the CIA are bumbling idiots and are not effective is a lie. Remember that the Russian FSB is also very powerful and does pull strings and is behind many fronts, but that they pale in comparison to the US intelligence agencies. Whatever the Russians are doing, and they are doing quite a lot mind you, the US and allies are doing ten fold, with all of their government and corporate toadies.

If they have strong evidence, releasing it wouldn't actually help their cause - the Trump fan club will insist that it was faked, rabid anti-trumpers tend to already believe in Russian hackers, and the actual Russian hackers can look at the evidence and take notes like 'oh, it appears that Google sells my search history to the NSA' and 'stop telling Mike Cernobitch things, he's a paid informant for the FBI'. (Or whatever actual sauce is given for the evidence.)

Additionally, you may not have noticed, but Trump is President. Somehow I doubt that he will be in a hurry to declassify information which incriminates him.
I leaked it.

Honestly >>124250379 is right, the majority of the folk here are just bored and want to conjure conspiracies.
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