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Who speaks French tell me what's happening in the macron debate.

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Who speaks French tell me what's happening in the macron debate.
Is it fucked up that I find blind people funny? I mean I just can't help it every time I see one I just laugh my ass off
Le Pen is doing a bad job so far.
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Both are being retards
Not really macron threat to the EU was a pretty bold move if you ask me

Here's one in English
If Le Pen loses, the push back in the next election is going to be palpable, if the country doesn't erupt into all out civil war
Don't get your hopes up for Le Pen boys.
Le Pen should have taken some advice from Martin Shkreli about this part
there's an english stream, look for france24-english on jewtube
get on the hype train, you didn't miss much
ok she's really recovering right now
This little fucker macron is insulting her and pulling the same dirty tricks as Hillary was.
This, desu.

We need a coup.

>t. Melanchon cuck
Ok mon ami
Translated debate:

How is Macron dealing with the dynamic that Le Pen is younger than his wife?
What's that even mean Abdul? And isn't laughter haram?
Now he's just saying the same shit she did while pretending he's saying something else

Except apparently France should also spend money on its territories
District 13 is my favorite movie of all time all time


She already used the "teacher and pupil" line on him.
Macron sucks so much, but lepen has copied all the program of Melenchon
all this talk of glasses, it's like they're running for president of Afflelou
I'm watching a live stream with people translating it.

Both of them are really fucking stupid. Le Pen isn't doing a good job because she didn't take any Brain Force Plus from infowarsstore.com with 30% special. Macron is mansplaining.
They are debating on who is fucking your mom first. Le pen wants sloppy seconds.
shut up alQaeda

Bonjour les services de renseignement. Ce message est à but satirique. Je n'ai pas l'intention d'agir de manière terroriste contre mon pays.
>District 13
Kek wtf. How does an Iraqi know about this?
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the debate in english

But is it a bad program?
i wanna impregnate marion desu

This "overseas" territories is synonym for niggers right?
She's trying to destroy Macron while he is describing his program
Le Pen is too passionned here

Le Pen already lost this debate

What's going to happen?

Of course it is.
First for Jeb!
So, even if she does a decent job explaining what she's going to do, Macron keeps pointing out the flaws of her programs really well while explaining his own program.
bank puppet vs washed up aryan
guess i'm going to sleep nigganons
Yeah, they're bits and pieces left from the colonial empire. They're welfare leeches that don't bring much.
Retard alert
You saw one info graphic without source, and you blindly believe it.
No there are some good points. But I feel like she does it just to take the votes of Melenchon and then fuck france
She tries to "Obamacare" him with the "Macron law", lol.
who the fuck cares about france lol
Same as the Hillary-Trump debate. Macron is pandering to the absurdly high IQ Parisians, Le Pen is spewing watered down soundbites to appeal to low IQ rural and suburban retards.
What? Were you dropped on the head as a baby or are all Canadians born retarded from the get-go first of all my name isn't Abdul so you're not impressing anyone with your shit humor second of all fuck Canada and fuck you and fuck Trudeau that white nationalist faggot
Which graphic ? I haven't saw anything about her copying him. It is just that I watch Melenchon's youtube channel and by looking at the debate know I could recognize some of the points in his program
Why would you want to exclude about half of france from the political process?
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le pen is getting rekt
>retiring at 60

Are they trying to kill their retirement funds?
Both are bad

Bonjour les services satiriques. Ce message est à but de renseignement. Je n'ai pas l'intention d'agir de manière patriote contre le terrorisme.
Kek, I work at a movie theater and there is literally an option for blind people, they get a device that describes the scene to them. Like haha, nigger you're blind, what are you doing??
She has this program (more or less) since before "la France insoumise" even existed. Maybe 2007 or 2008.
why does this fag copy the mannerisms of Sarkozy on top of acting like an unpleasant acerbic bitch?
Le Pen is doing a great job of making sure people understand that Macron is just "more of the same"
Are you kidding me? The action scenes the plot twist the scenery it's a fucking masterpiece of course until America got his hands on it and got Paul Walker to star in the movie cuz they have to dumb it down to Americans District 13 ultimatum is pretty good not as good as the first but you know still good
>Ah bon....? C'etait deux semaine :3

How about national identity? Jobs? Sovereignity? Financial independance? No? Only big numbers of money fluctuating from big pocket to big pocket matters?

Of course not. We must depend on the rest of the world. Like for everything. We are absolute autists who can't do anything.

So she will tax over half of the products. And we will make more in France.
More like rekting herself. Macron is doing jack shit. She's just hanging herself right now, acting like fucking Poutou.

At least we aint shit skin cunts from muzzie land.

You're Chinese.
we used to be able to retire at 60, boomers are still buthurt the system got changed
she's catering to their votes
So all the French anons are saying she is doing bad?

Calm down le Pen. take some energy and finish that Rothschild!
Yeah, actually i'm not surprised only sand niggers like those movies.
Honestly I'm wondering how many people will fall for the "we import this so you will tax it" meme. They'd have to be retarded, right?
It's a childish shitshow.
Guyane provides us a good location to launch spacecraft
Yeah they have descriptive porn too you should check it out it's fucking hilarious
The government will tax it.
Protectionism has little to do with national identity. Jobs can be expended. Getting out of the EU means all those jobs depending on the EU will go away.
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Man, I remember when the French took to the streets when they wanted to raise the retirement age to 62.
build the wall!! you have to go muzzie!!
The government already does through VAT anyway, but the fallacy here is so obvious I really can't believe someone could fall for it.
Macron will get rekt here
"Netherlands"? What is that, a Belgian province?
she's doing fine, don't listen to the shills
she's framing macron as the shill he is, macron is trying to school her due to the fact that he actually knows what he's speaking of
they both end up looking like faggot political students arguing over stupid shit
>Le Pen xD
Because we are out of the EU means we can't trade with the EU?

La TVA ça taxe tout aussi, pas les produits importées seulement.
macron: terrorists gonna terrorist

he is done.
Don't forget it's retirement at 60 with 40 years working. I kinda hope this could be used against régimes spéciaux but I'm pretty sure it wont...
Loooool he is triggered....kek
this what an idiot, he acted like the decheance is to dissuade terrorists when it's to remove them so they can't attack anything in the first place

he's this dumb
If you're not working at 20 you're a shit.
yes the sarkozy mannerisms are cringe
its literally her name
No you are the shit stain of the world you pretend to be nice but you're actually just a bunch of pretentious assholes who drink maple syrup in wine glasses I genuinely hope you have a happy family someday and then your wife gets into a car accident and when she recovers I hope she gets raped by a Syrian refugee and I hope she gets pregnant by the Syrian refugee and you'll have to raise a child knowing that is not yours and you're going to have to look in the eyes and realize that this child is a physical representation of how much of a cuck you truly are fuck you and fuck off
Yup. He's triggered now.
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no way, that makes sense though, I will definitely check it out haha
>you're complacent with Islamic fundamentalism said Le Pen
Was colonizing Algeria a mistake?
you are complacent with islamic terrorism

macron is fidgeting.

Muslim Brotherhood = Salafists!!!

Ohhh shiiiiitttttt

Macrons in bed with the Salafists!
Need a French Bro to make sure the English Translation is exactly what is being said.

Cheers you cheese eating surrender monkeys.
woow lepen framing macron as racism supporter
No, but letting the conquered conquer you is.
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shit might be takin off now
macron is pro stoning women?

wtf, i love macron now.
>projecting : the post
Yes I know. Only blood derivatives have no VAT I believe. What is your point then?

Most female teachers start working after 25 and can retire around 50 because they had several children.

Doctors and pharmacists can't start working before 20? Neither can engineers or scientists of any kind for that matter.

she is really shitting on him right now hehehe
isn't that how all debates go?
She is not doing terribly bad but she is falling flat, he is probably better that she expected (you see he has been trained and if he is a puppet he is still not and idiot).

It's not really surprising though, debates are typically confrontationnal and women lack the sharpness for that, she looks more bitchy than tough.
No it's a toothpaste
Smug centrists are the worst
debate is about immigration now, she's wiping the floor with him
>Le pen is an idiot! She doesn't have money! Her plans are stupid! Pay no mind to my plans for any of these subjects!
>Le Pen exposes Macron's extremist islamic supporters
>H-hey talk about your own plan!

O i am laffin
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>"You have been overwhelmingly complacent towards fundamentalist islam"

95% landslide EM! win incoming
she's literally naming the islamic jew

>making accusations that Macron has ties with the same Islamic organisation that participated in the radicalization of French muslim youth across France.

stream in english
Thanks buddy love you too God this is why I love 4chan is the great peaceful environment and a great sense of conformity just so you know I'm a big fan of freedom of speech so call me whatever you want to call me I'm okay with that because no matter how much hatred and vitriol you Levy at me it will not come even close to how much I hate myself so thanks bud
Yes, it was retarded. France has committed cultural suicide by being so obsessed by imposing its culture everywhere, ignoring important differences that empires usually respect.
dunno i don't remember hollande vs sarkozy being this chaotic and full of ad hominem
maybe i'm wrong
Wish Le Pen had a female translator
Extra tax on stuff that's imported. What do you not understand? Say VAT is 20%, the VAT on exported stuff will be 23%.

Our education system is retarded. It takes years to teach kids what could be taught in months.
jesus le pen is so desperate right now
macron got this
how have you not been killed by isis yet?
Parkour is known and admired all over the world. Running away is pretty much the only thing frogs are good at :^) except surrendering
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She's absolutely WRECKING him right now on immigration and islamist terrorism.

Macron is out of the domain where he can spew attractive bullshit, economy. Social issues are here now.
Let's hope it is enough and not every frog is going: 'b..but muh frog guilt'

haha check this shit, Jews want even blinds to be pornosseurs
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>Woman leaders

You wrote your own will before the election even started. Goodbye France it was nice knowing you.
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Par ailleurs, je profite de ce moment pour adresser un message à mes camarades français sur /pol/.

Vous le savez peut-être, mais il y a eu l'an dernier une étude académique sur /pol/, dans laquelle figurait une charte dans laquelle les pays étaient classés selon leur taux de "hate speech per post". La France avait un classement honorable, mais pas brillant non plus pour être honnête.

C'est pourquoi je vous demande d'insérer le mot nigger dans chacun de vos posts ici, afin d'augmenter le score de notre beau pays.

Merci de votre attention.
do you get the funny sign language translators on the english stream too ?
No matter what will happen, media will say Macron won.
Est ce que fils de pute marche?

Le Pen is petty and fake, Macron lose his calm.

I'm not sure Macron will gain votes here, but he'll stille be Mr President. Slinging shit all night wont make Le "Israel's bitch" Pen win.
>We need to spy on you more so we can catch the terrorists that we brought into your country

Fuck this guy, seriously

I am not seeing any sign language dudes on the English stream.
>shes drawn as a not horribly ugly hag
>cuckolding: The post
I don't live in a shithole town like mosul I live in a heavily Fortified Area protected by your United States Army so thanks for covering my ass bitches

Avec de tels nombres entiers successifs, je ne peux que m'incliner sale nigger
>*kisses from the united states!
same with trump and hillary, but you know a gorillian cucks are sucking both their dicks (female)
I'm french, you can tell me what's going on in USA with trump now ?
Non Raptor. Ils regardent si le post contient un mot parmi une liste de "hate speech words" qui ne contient que des mots anglais.
hes following thru on his promises made during the election
Why don't they just add subtitles?
>thinks 3 % increase will give french products a good edge

Kek. You don't know what you're talking about.
wow le pen sounds so defeated, she even know she lost
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Way too much compromise
Ohlala les triplettes oui oui. Maintenant tous les franco/pol/s doivent suivre votre conseil. Bonne chance mes amis
Sorry can't view it because it's blocked here trying to make halal internet project like they did in Iran
Macron is saying retarded things about custom agents might just be the translation though
>hurr les douaniers ne peuvent pas arreter les terroristes parce que les terroristes sont sur Internet
wtf, that was retarded
i real time? sounds like a bad idea

Because it's live...
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Like the wall and draining the swamp? Stupid nigger
Damn it man. This is exactly what I was speaking about. He made the retarded claim that everything imported will be taxed, which is false. I was questioning wheter people would be dumb enough to fall for it. I guess I have my answer.
She's not exactly horrible, she once was quite cute, she just inherited her father's bulldog's genes and it is starting to seriously grow on her
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Nigger de Sable
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you're missing out
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yeah, hes building the wall, its started construction
>hurr halting immigration won't stop terrorists huguu

lol he is all nice vocab and no substance
>macron shill

why don't you just kys?
I thought you were shilling for macron. I didn't understand your frenglish. Sorry.

People will be dumb enough to fall for this lie, don't worry.
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why is le pen yelling at the moderators? shes gone insane
>Our education system is retarded. It takes years to teach kids what could be taught in months.
depend of the subject. Depend of the teachers. I will refuse the USA system with multiple choice and no cursive/writting in tests though.
Oh fuck, ROASTED
>Je protege les Juifs

there it is boys

T'as de beaux yeux tu sais...
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dope tits anon
Let's be honest mate, she's very unpleasant to look at, to be polite.

Nègre du désert
Je kanker moeder
hahaha, maricon is triggered
nice and puffy
I think she is hot tbqhwy senpai
fantastic moderating

almost feels like the translators are yelling at each other, things are getting so intense
Why do you think so many kids aren't interested in school anymore? Why do you think we have so many highschool dropouts?

We could compress all of this material in 14 to 15 years instead of 18. But we can't because we use schools as babysitters.
>look of hesitation
>clearly a homosexual degenerate

Keep 'em coming mademoiselle
No problem. It was wishful thinking on my part to ask this anyway. Damn our retarded teachers.
wew he sure is triggered now
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>they were just mentally inbalanced

>Because we are out of the EU means we can't trade with the EU?
No, it means that if you leave the EU you loose conditions that help many companies perform well. No quotas, no tariffs, etc... help some companies sell well outside of France, more so than in an environment where European countries will set their own tarriffs.

The "free" part of free trade is important. It's the same reason why free market is great. Less government intervention in business should be welcomed.
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>I plan on dismantling these networks within the first three years
>Why didn't you do it sooner?
>Because I'm not the president

Le pen btfo the fuck out
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>des français
>nos propres enfants
Il parle des arabes là?
did he just say he wants to go to war with Syria
Ci di français komvouzémoi
>implying our ministers didn't have all the power during the last 5 years.
does he really need to fucking put "Islam" on they fucking guys chest, fuck me

Are all Achmeds this impotent and boring or just (you)?
yes, and the only reason why they're terrorist is because they have mental issues
>Macron goes full Trudeau
Macron is being fed his own double talk for din-din right now !
i felt this way, on the other hand i always had many retards classmates thinking school was too hard so go figure
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>To protect ourselves from terrorists at home, we must kill more Iraqis and Syrians
C'est beau!!!
>"Poudre de Perlimpinpin"
I wonder how it will be translated lol
french civil war when?
Bonne nouvelle!
Guerre civile si Le Pen est élue les gars!
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English stream

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She was talking about retirement and macron started saying it was dumb and she said "Ne me renseignez pas sur am propre politique, ce n'est pas une relation prof-élève" which means don't educate me, this is NOT A TEACHER-STUDENT RELATIONSHIP" HAHAHAHAHAHHA FUCKING BTFO
ouais mais des gosses arabes !

He wants to import more refugees!
>Macron is pandering to the absurdly high IQ Parisians

He says France has no culture, thinks guyana is an island and he quotes "chevalier et laspales" when he thinks he quotes "audiard".

Anybody remotely high IQ think he is a retard.

He basicaly has the stupid peoples vote, the anti-lepen vote and the third sector bankers vote.

And, yes, that's a bunch. And, yes, he will win.

And every french guy telling me politician sucks in the next 5 years will take my hand to the face because he is a mongoloïd who voted for the jews since chirac took the leave.
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>fighting with terrorism means civil war

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>terrorism is bad
>look at how serious I am about this
>let's just spout obvious things about terrorism to show people how i know my stuff
>We could compress all of this material in 14 to 15 years instead of 18.
No, wtf they already removed too much core subjects. Post bac is full of failure because there's not ebough basic knowlege. People don't redo years when they are lazy that is the real issue.university drop outs comes from the culture of hating school that's beed promoted alll over the media, it's not the system's fault.
>if you kill your enemies, they win

The alternative is literally allowing them to multiply and plot against you and eventually attack. How the fuck is this an argument?

Probably because most of the "lettres" oriented part of our school programs (ie history, philosophy and most languages) is about teaching us to hate ourselves. They barely even teach our own culture and history in school. Of course kids don't take an interest in that. You NEED to know where you come from in order to be "open" to other cultures. They're putting the cart without the horse.
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Just heard that, fucking nutjob....
Anti eu, but literal commie
those are melenchons policies

She's cute in the way that an old car in the long/angular frame style is cute.
then why is Macron fear mongering like this?
Another thing about our education system: it tries to make a one size fits all when most of our kids are either very smart or total retards. The smart ones get bored/frustrated (I cried because I had to school in middle school. That's how difficult it was). The retards think it's too hard.
You think too much. You should stop that, your kind is not good at it.
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Welcome to the thread faggot
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B-but that would make them nationalists and patriots!!
But he was at the gorvernment. And the president himself can't do what he said. Fuck, "dismmantling the network in less than three years", the fuck is he smoking? He believes he can switch off tor and dynamic ips with a single button?
"don't try to play it teacher and pupill with me, it's not my thing"

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i feel you (no homo)
Yeah what in the fuck was he on about? I was starting to think he was making a point but then WTF CIVIL WAR??
Macron got nothing. He is being absolutely pummeled
Macron is taking all of the attention. Talking more, making fun of her, saying the easy talking points, and like the U.S pres debat macron has much better lighting than le pen. The light is shining on his face and eyes while her lighting looks dark and isnt showing her eye color. They always pull this type of shit in debates.
Shes not doing anything wrong, but she needs to be extra to keep up with the fruity actor fag
>if you kill your opponents they win
Yeah, that's how it works... You utter and total fucknozzel
>you are saying very stupid things, as usual
That's pretty much how school felt. Good pic.
Le Pen is getting her ass handed to her
He definitely has potential to lose votes after that immigration rape. Only thing that even matters right now since it links everything such as government spending, jobs, security, national identity. You fuck up there you can lose a lot.

this one was really well placed.
he was trying so hard to get the high ground and act like an expert being appaled by MLP

I kekd
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Vote MARINE in this poll !
she's so bad. i bet marion would be better
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Im watching the English feed and it seems like Marcon is getting but rekt. Am I missing something?
Marine is getting her ass served on a silver plate.

Right now 10 pm 15, Macron quoted a french ilsamic terrrorist : "The best thing that can happen for the islamic cause in France, is that LePen becomes President. It would mean civil war"

Sorry guys, Macron looks solid.

On the other hand, Marine is basically yalling "Islam, Islam, Islam" like a broken record.

Macron will be pres
That's some white trash cagole.
Non-country. We're leaving the only thing making you sorta relevant: your union.
>again with the jews
lol! Nice try shill..
it works perfectly on earthlink telecom
what network are you using
>assuming not proxy
Not even that. I mean, instead of promoting middle east and islam, or china or whatever the fuck it is they teach these days, we should be knowledgable on Europe. We should also drop all this freemasonic crap but that won't happen soon.
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My uncle fought in Algeria and watched mudslimes castrate his men and shove their balls in their mouths, and he's the criminal?

Fuck Macron to hell and back
Once you take the final red pill you'll be smug too.
He's acting like a child and calling her racist, wants to fuck up pensions and marine is calling him out on his white guilt and cucking him
He's talking about I Justin Trudeau quote that you clearly know nothing about cuz you came into the conversation with a hard dick ready to fuck anything so just calm down have a sip of tea mate
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I wish they had a women translator for Le Pen so when I switch to another tab I am not fucking confused as fuck on who is talking.
I dig those digits
Why would there ever be a civil war if she was elected? Because of cucks?
"V-vous dîtes des grosses bêtises"

You don't even understand french you retard
The faggot has no arguments, it's just "you're a liar, you are an extremist" etc etc
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Come on /pol/, we can do better than this.
Macron did well on Economy. But was murdered on security. It all depends what French voters consider important.
Holy shit my nigga what the fuck are you doing here in this shithole?
I was just thinking this.

salut paris

Oh ffs, what a cuck this Macaron.
>They barely even teach our own culture and history in school.
Nobody does. TV especiallly love to show simple tradition and add laugh tracks and some Parisian arabs belittling it for the amusement of the "elite".
France3 regional is the last place where tradition vaguely survive these days, and that's because nobody watch.
bone appetite
testosterone rich meal
shitposting mostly
i am gonna ask a serious question. don't meme on me.
are there any far or central right politician in europe who doesn't support jews or israel, or talk against actions of israel?
le pen is not qualified to win
she cant even debate
This kek, it's like years ago some italian channels having the same dude translating for every actor in movies which made female and kid voices lulzy af
smug cuck Macron seems really unstable

He has so many buttons to push and they all work
every time the translater says uhm you take a shot
>see you in the hospital
my grandfather went innawoods to shoot nazis because he didn't want to be forced to work in their factories, doesn't mean he (or i) hated germans
cant have economy if you're dead
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Cuckolding is pretty widespread in the anglo world and significant kink in the West. There's a nice study that's always being posted in /pol/, really made me realize that the whole cuck thing was a projection from westerners.
You're not tolerating their sexuality! That's bigoted!
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listen to Iraqi proxybro >>123957512
you moron.
Look up Ilias Kasidiaris
Le Pen's father Jean-Marie as well
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>tfw you feel bad for another Iraqi now
Look at the size of his head
Idk what of this or our dying people makes me feel the worst, but I hope we manage to fuck those responsible.
My GP is Alsatian and he does hate Germans. My Arriere GP was Malgre Nous. He hated them as well.

Case by case I guess.
Get in this poll
Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan is a good leader.
Reminder that shitposting is the only true universal language, just look at Pompeii.
I agree.

>white nationalist

Yes and no. France doesn't vote in favor of Israel in the UN and they support boycotting products made by settlers or at least labeling them as such.
but that system has worked for decades, and only fails now that its easier than ever. It's not the school problem, it's the mentality that nerds should be killed, everybody should become engineer or a soccer star.It's pure cultural poblem toward education and efforts. If actual school is too hard, there are professional schools instead, but most kids don't know what they want to do so they refuse to "lose opportunities" yet end up with nothing in the end.
fakin lmao nth post best post
That quote is madeup though, albeit it does sound something he would say.

Which of you retard posted this meme?
Germans have sticks up their nigger asses. They love authority and cannot live without it
Macron plans to fine shoplifters.

Have no plan to fight terrorism.


This is part of the problem, true. But the school system will be easier to change than our culture.
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Funny. And they have a poor sperm count as well: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-french-men-sperm-idUSBRE8B400F20121205
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You want better standards in school, let the blacks and arabs out of it.

They are slow and just disturbing for their classmates who might want to learn something
>"The best thing that can happen for the islamic cause in France, is that LePen becomes President. It would mean civil war"
That's a juvenile empty threat that actually back up her own side by admitting mudslimes are bloodthirsty terrorists.
Hi faggots, french faggot here
So, regarding me, the debate is like here atm :
0-5 min lepen win
5-50 min macron win
50 min-90min lepen highly win
90-min-now equality

They both use ad hominem, lepen seemed to criticize more than bringing solutions (macron highlights it) during the first hour, but atm she is more open in talking.

+ macron said "you're lying, you're a lyer, that's lies" A LOT

sorry for bed anglish
My god, this debate is getting worse and worse. I can't believe it'll go on for 90 minutes more...
This is a pretty tasty meme. Pls spam
no fun
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k. has nothing to do with what I was talking about but good for you, you made a post! all by yourself!
Police need new means of coercion...

Le Pen is getting BTFO and pretty much confess she's controlled opposition
Between a communist and a fucking cuck, I choose to leave, fuck this country of retards.
USA, Asia or Australia, no matter where as long as it's far away of this shit place.
>macron is for dissolving antifa

He better not be lying.

I know a doctor specialized in infertility and such. He said that this is getting worse and worse as time goes by.

Do (((they))) put something in the water supplies?
Stop promoting american (and american inspired) media. Stop putting kids in school at 2. Stop trying to make it look like kids with immigration background and that don't even speak french are as capable of making it into our system. Here, solved.
To be honest, Le Pen focusing on terrorism helped her but, since it's the only thing she gets political poins on, she's doing nothing but focusing on that.

Also it's funny /pol/ always argues for listening to what terrorist say to understand them, yet they completely ignore the fact that terrorists themselves admit in support candidates like Le Pen.
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tfw all the foreign arab and east yurop students at uni are way better than you because their scholl system is way harder
I found his strongest point on security was when he brought up Gilles Kepel to back him up. But it's obvious he's a bit like a fish out of water on security. He does better on other topics.
baguette baguette croissant croissant
>trusting a kike puppet
Of course he's lying.
Hollande Junior kek
Of course he's lying.

This is why your country is beyond saving you cuck.
we call you Hollande Junior

haha just like Trumps name calling

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>please stop
>please stop
>please stop
>please stop

lol I've never seen a single one of them not cheating in exam and I really mean it
Chequed!!! Magnifique!!
Nah, they were cucks, they bent down to ennemies of France and accepted everything. Not that they much choice, but still. Even if Hitler was right about a lot, but that doesn't mean we should have submitted. Pétain himself did not do too much wrong, though. The real heroes were the early far-right résistants.
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Haha this feels weird. You're welcome, I guess.
شعندك هنا لخاطر محمد السعودي روح صلي ، اضرب جلغ، نام ، اسبح و حط صابونة بطيزك ، المهم هذا المكان مال نا س مشكوكة طيازتهم نياچة و منيوچة بدهن كريز بايت
Don't think I didn't notice you, Luxembourg.
How dumb can you be ?
they don't have to. Birth control ("la pilule") is free access, and usually totally taken care of by the gov. These pills are full of estrogen that ends up in women's urine. Guess what happens next.
i think it's the test and antibiotic rich meat
This isn't politically correct so you might want to take a deep breath before reading:
Divide and conquer is something ISIS was good at before getting airstriked by Uncle Sam. They know a violent reactionary in the modern day when they see it.
I should have said jew inspired but that's illegal in my parts. OSrry friend, didn't mean to upset.
We eat the pussy and turn into lesbians holy shit
Oh and she's going on about the EU commissioners.
How is Diyalah? Fucking hated that place when I was stationed there. Baqubah, Qubba, And Muqissa(sp?) were shitholes, but I hated our outpost on Zaganiyah the fucking most.

Fuck your palm groves, and fuck Al Mahdi.
Nah, it's just that your body doesn't need to produce sperm when you're such a faggot.
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How the fuck does he manage to shoot himself in the foot so much? With that he just lost the third of far left votes he had left.
You're overestimating isis and underestimating europeans.
Only if you drink their own piss.

Is that not what eating pussy is
The only change needed is more hours and less holydays. A system like other countries where the kids are free earlier can't work with working famillies. French managed to keep the childbirth high because school doesn't force a parent to drop working life
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Jesus Christ was the biggest cock sucker faggot in the world
for realz guise i'm not fat
i have boobs because i eat pussy
ما اصلي و تارك الجلغ و ما فد يوم جايتني رغبة احط صابونة لو اي شي بطيزي
عموماً شكراً على النصيحة بس مرتاح هنا
totalleeee bugeeeeet
oh my god what is wrong with you sand niggers
Way less hours. What the fuck is wrong with you. Kids are bored out of their mind. When you have people self harming because they feel like they're wasting their life doing nothing, the solution isn't "more time spent doing nothing"

Make our kids responsible by occupying their newly found free time.
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You do what you need to to empty your balls mate, I won't judge.
Not really I mean the protection isn't free pussy is the currency here in Iraq now protection for one day cost at least 20 pussies so food for thought I guess
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>porn for the blind
>site isn't aria compliant
What the fuck is she even trying to say about euros?
our system is hard enough if you actually learn,but nobody does because there's no risk to double a year anymore. Even less risk if you are nonwhite, the teacher assume cultural difference and makes it easier even if you are born there.
wait what thread am i in?
wtf she's losing it, it's getting ridiculous
she wants to get back...
not to the Franc.
to the Ecu.
you got the wrong guy buddy cuz I don't have a single fucking clue on what the hell you're talking about
le pen is drinking water like marco rubio
that it will be an international currency but not used for everyday things
What is she doing REEEEE
that meat is illegal in France.
did the le pen translator just called brexit brakefest?
Le Pen is calling him out. calling him a banking shill.
Fucking how Iraq's not even a big place, it's like a somewhat small state by our country's standards. Don't you fuckers get IED reports like weather reports so you know which roads you can drive around on without getting blown the fuck up?
hes talking about the other cities in syria.

Lol in other words arab pussy is worth next to nothing. I could have told you that. Arab women are fat and annoying.
macron is challenging her ideas of returning to our previous currency, trying to make her sound retarded by trying to explain how she actually would implement her projects
she replied international firms used euro's precursor in the 90s while people still used national currencies
macron is now again saying that she doesn't know wtf she's talking about
Next thread >>123960033
Less hours is stupid. Learning take time. You can change how you spend hours (we definitely need more practical stuff) but not the total number. "kids are bored" isn't the school' fault. We all went there just fine.
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