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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 111

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Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump on Face The Nation 4/30/17
>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #14 4/28/17
>Pres Trump Rally @ Harrisburg, PA 4/29/17
>VP Pence @ USS Indiana Christening 4/29/17
>Pres Trump signs EO establishing Office of Trade and Mfg 4/29/17
>Pres Trump interview w/Martha Maccallum 4/28/17
>FLotUS Melania visits sick kids @ Bunny Melon Healen Garden 4/28/17
>Pres Trump @ NRA 4/28/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>123769529
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Long time Trump supporter here (voted for him when he was the Reform Party candidate), but I just can not support him anymore.

It's not that I disagree with him or even what he's doing, but I am just too scared of winning and being happy.

I feel much more comfortable being angry at the world and Trump is a threat to that, so fuck Drumpf.
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Everyday Trump reminds me why I voted for him.
Everyone is in agreement. Remove the snake.
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If Portubro is still around I am passing the baking reigns on to him, or someone else trustworthy.

Got to go make some preparations for flight.
Answer me this, you LARPing faggots. Even if I am to accept that Trump is 100% kiked and will only be a negative for the next four years, what would you have me support? How would you stop immigration, Islam or global trade? How would you improve your local community and the birth rate of the majority population?
and honestly, we can't let him get the nuclear codes
People STILL support this orange baboon?
>Libs are the ones who want a civil war
>they have none of the guns
Its like they are suicidal or something
Senpai I had a fucking hangover yesterday, it's still in my head god dammit.

I had a DragonForce drinking game where we had to listen to all of their albums starting from the first, and drink every time they say "far away", "free" and "fire".

I think I nearly fucking died. I still love DragonForce though.

Anything new within the Trump world?
>this bill does not have funding for planned parenthood
So who's lying
Talks about it 17 minutes in
seriously how can we do this? can we just light up the fucker's feeds and get the house to call for a new speaker vote?
So does Trump have any real core beliefs or is he just a flimsy bitch who changes with the winds and does what is politically convenient? If the former, what exactly is Trump's vision?
My internet crapped out on me, it keeps timing out 4chan

posting this from mobile
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>what would you have me support

>Sheri Few supports impeaching judges that rule unconstitutionally
Wewlad. You SC faggots have someone to vote for.
This isn't 4D Chess. But this is Trump adapting to a situation extremely well.
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The Hilldawgs.jpg
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Really, our only option now is to spam one of the few overtly pro Trump places on the internet and claim that anyone who calls us out on our shilling is suppressing free speech
Whatever Ivanka wants
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That's all my friend does is play his PC in his dorm, barely works.
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>Burguers talked about the Russian lady, they have bears twice that size being treated like kids as well in New York
>Its like they are suicidal or something
They do want more arab immigrants, so I think the answer is yes.
They don't want a civil war. They want to pretend they want a civil war because they envy the right.

They live in a world of comic book movies and harry potter. They're not interested in things like battle & war aside from Soviet Union or Cuban guerilla footage.
I don't know, Anon.
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Portubro seems to not be so busy. Is he still around since he is likely on a more stable connection? If not you of course can handle it but mobile baking is a bitch. I trust you to sort it out in any event.

Thanks for baking.
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Only update on Drudge is a more unflattering picture of Pelosi every hour

Top kek
>who's lying: ryan or the media?
Tough call.
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Sorry Mr. President, but you can't let kike/spic judges walk all over you and try to invoke Jackson
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>trump happy with no border wall

This is the future you chose, America.
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>oneitis is getting married to a swarthy foreigner who's going to take her on adventures and live a perfect life
Guess I'm a #weirdloner now.
Can't Trump veto the budget?
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Do you have any real core beliefs or do you just oppose whoevers in power because you're a le epic star wars rebel XDXDXD Go Dumbldore's army amiright?!
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Serious question, why are some of you still supporting Trump and the Republicans? They just stabbed us in the back. I feel completely betrayed, and I'm not upset for me, I'm upset for all the millions of Americans in this country who desperately need change because the government controls everything, and they voted for Trump to help them (us), not to just throw our interests away at the first sign of resistance.

How the hell am I supposed to support this? This budget is 100% capitulation to Democrats (who are celebrating) and a betrayal of all Conservatives who voted Trump into office.

Why do so few of you seem to care that Trump is going back on his promises? What the hell is there to be happy about? This is Obama/Hillary lite, but the Democrats get all the political advantages by not being responsible.

Trump is continually betraying the people who put him in office.
>So does Trump have any real core beliefs

Make America Great Again

>does what is politically convenient
He's pragmatic, and makes the best out of bad situations
He's not an idealogue which is what we need fucking more of in this country. He has principles like any person but isnt beholden to HAVING to do this or that because Conservatism 101 or Populism 101 or Presidential Behavior 101 says he has to.

Trump is his own man and a true role model

This is an accurate depiction of what's going on at TRS right now
At this point he's playing nice. We need something to tip him over the edge. Someone here needs to kill Ivanka, Jared, and their kids while pretending to be a Muslim.
No your mom is a lying cunt who can't fucking face her own mortality because she's stupid and basic like a peasent

No. He'll "work with the Dems" until September.

I have no idea what the fuck he's doing. (((Ivanka))) is probably whispering in his ear.

Trump isn't a senator, shill. This is the weak Republican leadership's doing, not his.
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You literally cannot debate this
Flimsy bitch, liar and traitor
If I'm here for 300 I can bake otherwise someone else will eventually
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how did Trump get BTFO so hard on his first budget?
Trump essentially came out in front day one and said if the budget doesn't include the wall in September then I'm vetoing it. The absolute madman is going to force the Dems to cooperate so the government can keep running.

>september shutdown all but confirmed

Wish I screencapped my post saying that was his plan, to have the budget battle then. Still, feels good having called it, man.
Well they ARE trying to be replaced by shitskins on purpose


My worst fear, which I was unfortunately right about, was that the GOP would take Congress, but then cuck out and stonewall Trump
Yeah. I agree with the need but how? We talked about this this morning, how would it be possible?
Thanks for the reply but it was insincere and inefficient. Try again and answer my question

So flimsy then?
Paul Ryan and the other RINOs are NOT /ourguys/; we knew this.
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Haven't heard much from her since that event
MSM is always lying
Trump at 11:30 AM ET


Spicey Time at 1:30 PM ET


Pence at 3:45 PM ET

Thanks, I know you are busy so someone can get it.
Yeah, right. Check his pic.
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Oh, I could vote for this.
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AND we need to do this every thread, 24/7 and be ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED that people in said thread call us shills, and call them Trumpcucks even though we spend all day in a thread we don't like.
as much as i wish it were true, we dont live in a dictatorship.
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Nice, we get to hear from POTUS and Spice today
It's somewhere in here.
Essentially this, you'd have to get the House to vote for a new Speaker.
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Except she's from hawaii
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Both of you are fucking retarded. Trump is signing the bill. He is going along with it. He is selling us out, so stop defending him you fucking bootlickers.

All you people can do when someone proves you wrong is go "shill, shill!" because everything that has happened the last few days has proven you wrong about Trump and Republicans.

I'm so fucking sick of you illiterate morons defending a government that lies in your face, takes your resources, and then betrays you and sells out to globalist elites. People like you who defend these traitors are the ONLY reason they are still in power. I sincerely hope you both kill yourselves and make America a better place.
And like that we're in a bad postion.
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test soon
Yesss....gooood goy....GOOOD GOY....
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>Declare war on North Korea
>Dismantle congress
Could be fun.
Republicans will win more seats in the Senate in 2018 & likely keep the house, but even if they get 60+ Repub's in the Senate, who says they will support Trump?

Still a lot of cuckservatives
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>Newt makes a reappearance for the second season
Not even subtle. Fuck off dude. This isn't Facebook, most of /pol/ actually prefers to think instead of feel. You liberal shills will never learn will you??
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>South Korea’s likely next (dumbass) president warns the U.S. not to meddle in its democracy: a candidate who fears that the U.S. government has been acting to box him in on a controversial American missile defense system and circumvent South Korea’s democratic process

>THAAD can defend against North Korean missiles, South Korea says


>US confirms sending military to Syrian-Turkish border: Moscow is ready to fully cooperate with the United States on Syrian crisis

>U.S. General Told Turkey of Concerns About Syria/Iraq Air Strikes: The air strikes in Syria targeted the YPG, a key component of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which are backed by the United States

>Expansion of Bin Laden Ideology Defies US Efforts Six Years After His Death
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/ptg/ should check the catalog once in a while. the walls are closing in you limp-wristed jew-apologist moderates
Sure, I'm for that. He's got four months then to hang them by their own noose.

What's the alternative, shill?
Trump needs to primary these cunts or if that's not feasible, at the very least finance Trump republicans in races where Democratic seats are weak.
Who the heck do we replace him with, MAGApedes?
>No PP funding
Who's lying?
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>anyone who calls me out on my contrarian nonsense is a jew
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Go home leddit.
>le epic tactical blackpill xD

we had people who were literally paid for this, posting here for months at a time. What makes you think some random nobody is going to top david brock's finest?
>South Korea
Top kek, they have literally only had 2 real democratically elected president that weren't part of a cabal or cheated to get their position and both of them were murdered for this
>warns the U.S. not to meddle in its democracy

Yeah, i'm sure they are more comfortable with having a feminist cult run it
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How is he selling us out? Your turboautistic purity spiral doesn't count, faggot
Guyz I think Newt is dying. Sounds like he's got the Black Lung
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nu/pol/ please
This is thing

There was none. It doesn't mean endlessly defend the guy when he's done nothing substantive to warrant it. TPP was an easy one, and should I give the POTUS credit for enforcing the fucking law? Shows how shit the country is
Probably from inhaling all that moon dust.
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Trump and Melania laugh.png
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>I know more than the man who became a billionaire because of his ability to make deals
He's been like that for a week. If it were just allergies I figured it would be better after a few days.
>have to use blur filter 24 times to erase wrinkles

>kek flag

I hope both of them fucking kill each other.
Test anon here for cameras. Can I post the questions that I can't find...?
Learning that South Korea was literally run by a cabal of feminist shamans had me laugh my ass off. This really is the best timeline.
Checked. He'll die before becoming governor of the moon base.
What do you mean by this? My post was 100% sincere. I've noticed this a lot on this board, any time you point out an obvious contradiction by Trump or Republicans, some moron like you jumps in to "so confidently" accuse the person of being a liberal shill. Why is it you are so defensive that you can't even respond to the substance, but instead pick a low-tier insult to cower behind? Maybe it's because you know we're right and you simply lack the intelligence to respond with any coherence.
well, he listens to the daily shoah, that makes him an expert on politics
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When he loses Bill, he loses me.

Bill still trusts him so I still trust him.
Latest concern shill narrative BTFO in record time
That's what primaries are for. Get ready for a blood bath.
Be nice
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Question for the shills

If Trump really is turning against his supporters, like you all claim, why do you care?

How does that make Hillary President?
How does that change anything for you?
Why all this effort to erode his support and concern troll, when he'd just lose them anyways for turning his back on them?

All this energy expended on shilling these threads for hours at a time, every single day
seems to say that you don't really believe the bullshit you are pitching and you are scared.
>because of his ability to settle his dads name to the highest bidder

Fixed, Trump is a glorified prostitute which explains the gaudy taste.
>This general
>Reflexively defends Republicans
For fuck's sake, do you even read the preceding thread to the one you're infesting you parasite? Shitting on Ryan and the Congressional GOP is what /ptg/ does every single day.
You're calling Trump a shill for negotiating instead of doing everything the way (((you))) want him to do it. Why can't we do the same to you?
Does anyone have that picture that shows all of his executive orders that were for his contract with america?
>Marx was ancestrally Jewish; his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi,
The toothpaste people are responsible for this?
bill makes a good point
i dont know why people still doubt trump so much in 2017
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Of course, not one of you has any real response, just your typical immature incoherent insults. Stop calling people shills when they point out how our leaders are betraying us. "Shilling" is advocating against them just to complain. What I'm doing is pointing out that we're getting backstabbed, and you people just jump in to attack me, not the people who are betraying us all right before our eyes.

The alternative, you weak cowards, is to ENGAGE WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT and demand that they represent the people. It's extremely disappointing to see how weak and submissive you all are to leaders who lie in your face and then turn around and work with the enemy when we control all branches of government.
because jews jews you're a jew, isreal something that richard spencer said, everybody that doesn't agree with me is a jew

that's how it usually goes

That would explain a lot. The real kikes stand in the shadows
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literally who? that is just weird
What did I miss that has the shills out in full force this morning?
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It's an attempt to co-opt pro-Trump places and turn them into anti-Trump places

This is literally all the left does

They don't build their own platforms and institutions, they just seize what others have worked hard to create and maintain

No wonder they like communism so much
Gorsuch was and still is a big deal.
You realize there is literally a new company created to shill us down right? Look up shareblue. This is just a really long fucking raid. And we have not woken up to think that we are being attacked.

A whole site culture dose not change overnight. We are being subjugated to Jewish tricks again, and the faggots are being too stupid to see it.
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Please don't bully me, but I can't find these four answers. Any help if anybody knows shit about cameras? I won't spam.
We're not the government, so fuck off.
You seem upset.
Maybe, just MAYBE, some of these "shills" cast their ballot for Trump and are upset because he has yet to deliver anything substantial and has shown no inclination of putting his foot down on a weak opposition from both parties
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shill cleaning /start
Guy seemed pretty autistic. I'm glad he kept his flag though.
i found this for you snowflake
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"Every month of his presidency has been declared a heritage month for some group or other. What the fuck is he doing."

Letting us drop red pills on twitter with a hashtag about it.

Talking about Jews and Nogs in the open can be good if you put some redpills into it.
>What I'm doing is pointing out that we're getting backstabbed

Yeah, we know. By Congress. Trump is doing the best he can, but he's only the President. There's only so much he can do.
Hi shareblue. You're smarter than the hill shills i'll give you that, but I'm still fucking on to you.
No wonder the Dutch are some of the worst posters here.
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We need one for the alt right/trs
I know this, but I'm just curious to see what responses I get. Usually just typical bullshit like this though
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So basically you're just an ungrateful piece of shit. Good to know.
Anyone could've made that move, though I wont dispute the importance. I concede that
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Everyone already knows about CorrectTheRecord and ShareBlue.
The problem is that we aren't doing anything to fuck with David Brock as much as we used to.
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>using an owl to try to seem intelligent, fierce, and intimidating

Are you twelve?

You're one of those people who will spend 90% of their time on the internet spamming the comment sections of news sites screeching at anyone who doesn't do your work for you
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I think the government needs to shut down for a few years

I know no one here will agree with me but thanks for listening /pol/
If you're not lying, which you are, I get you're probably 18 and this is your first election. But for the love of fucking god presidents are not fucking wizards. They don't do shit overnight.
Besides we know you are shills.
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We still at the budget arc? I thought it ended yesterday.
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Stop posting Bill Mitchell.
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Hi Ron
>It's an attempt to co-opt pro-Trump places and turn them into anti-Trump places

They're after Trump's approval numbers. They want to chip, chip, chip away at them, by whatever means necessary, so they can build on the "Muh illegitimate President" meme they built on Muh Ruskies / popular vote.

It's basically a strategy to undermine Trump's ability to implement his agenda.

Your average shill is actually just pushing talking points picked up from places like Shareblue / Media Matters, and as also seen in WashPoo / NYT.

Thing is, we're aware of it. That makes what they're doing basically into wasted time.
You're in the second battle for 4chan buddy. This is almost as bad a /pol/harbor. Put some pants on and start shooting.
Ginsburg dies.
you've ruined everything
>start shooting

I wish, I'd love to be able to kill some commie liberals
Let's see.
I want the government to shut down too. Forces them to pay down the debt.
Same could be said of some of you no? Loathe to criticize because "your guy" won the first election you partook in? Can you not concede that possibility or are you delusional?
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this doesn't even make sense. how do approval numbers matter in any way before 2020?
At what point did Trump lose his second term? I mean if you look at his approval ratings its no question he will lose to any half decent opponent.

Was it when people realized he was another globalist?
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We'll see about that.
The moment seizes us
Basically this. We just have to make sure you retards keep your resolve up. We can't give in to shills. Not even good ones. They studied our culture, or talking points, how we talk, our memes. They know us. We just have to know them.
They will have their calling cards. We just have to spot them. We have to call them up. expose the lies again. Show the world like we did last time.
We are a threat, this is why we are being attacked. Don't let them in, don't let them take this home and we fought for years to control.
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>sent an email to the White House last night about the budget
>warned them Trump's Internet People would see signing it as a sign of weakness
>ended by explaining they'd need either a good exaplanation or a great offer in return
>Trump tweets an explanation this morning
Not saying I caused it, or that it's a particularly good explanation, but it's a weird coincidence.
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>this doesn't even make sense. how do approval numbers matter in any way before 2020?

MSM messaging

>Trump's approval numbers are below X, so obviously the people don't agree with what he wants to do / his agenda. Thus, he should abandon it.
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I don't call throwing shit around battle.
Sean BTFO whatever talking point they had yesterday. So i just /comfy/ now.
Just curious why they still cling to them.
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Would've been shit either way.
Mindgames. If they get it low enough, it dosent matter when. They can staple the "trumps numbers where at 10%" meme on their attack ads., But then again, you know this shill.
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Will Trump use the obama tactic of having judges focus businesses to pay money in fines to the wall funds?
Donald Trump has a youtube channel and released this great and heroic 30 second piece yesterday.


New levels of presidential cringe.
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wait I've been away for a few days, what the fuck is going on? What's everyone crying about?
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they dont have the guns, but their shitskin pets do
Dude go to the border start laying some bricks get it on video and call everyone the biggest pussy on earth
God bless you
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Wait until whatever you say on the board gets put in his speech.
Call me what you like, I'm only asking fairly basic things albeit bluntly. You guys are master bullshitters though, learned from a master
>1 like
>1 retweet

Could this be the end of Tucker?
JOE IS ___

his vision, goals, and core beliefs are running the country like a company and improving it
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>Trump wants to 'shut it down' in September



this is what the jews have done to you. approval means nothing, they do what they want. since most burgers are too fat or confused to actually protest anything real or stop paying taxes nothing changes. they want you to stay on the internet circlejerking, or burning trash. it's the millenial equivalent to yelling at the tv
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>Call me what you like
K Faggot.
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Why do we hate this movie again
I need your pro-Trump wall pictures /ptg/

It's a change in tactics.

This faggot has been playing concern troll since at least yesterday. The narrative being pushed is that Trump "betrayed us" which they push by picking a topic, scrubbing it of facts, then playing the belligerent true-american who sees what we all can't see. Meanwhile the other shills sing the old "we are totally winning" song as you can see in this thread. Nothing new.

The funny part is that they actually think it works. Like all their other narratives give it a few days and it will change and after a brief return to muh russians.
Why do you fags expect everything to go Trump's way all the time? He's the president not the king lol.
He needs to fight harder outwardly instead of saying he's making good deals.
Call people out more and shit.

You can't call the deal good and then backtrack. Just call it a bad deal and work with it.

But as long as it all works out in the end, I guess it's okay. I just think Trump is misstepping
Take this, Anon.
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We have a list of their names via Wikileaks. Just post that shit here and watch them all flee.
The Aussie in that thread is right.
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Incoherent Ramble / 10
My browser is working fine now. Are you still here, or should I make the next thread?
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nyaa will never come back you filthy weebs
your fansub groups are next.
you will play for your Chinese cartoons.
the master jew expects payment soon.
Dat ass
>The head of the U.S. House of Representatives Freedom Caucus said on Tuesday that Republicans still lack the votes to pass a reform bill to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system.
>Representative Mark Meadows of North Carolina, who heads the conservative caucus that helped block passage of the previous Republican healthcare bill, said Republicans were still "a handful of votes away" from being able to pass a reform bill.
>Top aides to President Donald Trump have predicted the House would move this week to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system.

If this doesn't pass paul ryan will look like an even bigger clown if that's possible
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>Irish owning slaves

No we've got that same one from yesterday. The indignant "true american" who totally can't support Trump any more because THIS IS IT, THE ONE THING
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/sg/ TRIGGERED!!!!!
Yes, Bandai-Namco-goshujin-sama-lama-gintama.
Time to play guess the president.

This president:
>funded obamacare
>funded Planned Parenthood
>funded sanctuary cities
>authorised military intervention in the middle east
>did not fund a border wall
>allowed dreamers to stay in the US
>sided with the liberal judges in the supreme court
>does what Israel tells him to
>does what the deep state tells him to him
>does what the Washington elite tells him to
>has a five letter last name
>is considered a neocon and globalist
>supports NAFTA
>supports NATO

Who am I?
The reason I hate these fuckers so much
Is they can be having the most worst God awful day ever imaginable

And they're still cheery as fuck
Fuck Minnesota
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Say hello to your new shipgirl ruskies!
So... What's going on?
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Standard bored kiddies from TRS, leftypol, /sg/, brit/pol/, reddit, etc. doing their thing.
Oy vey

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>we're on to them
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Was there ever any doubt?
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Oh they're going to be up in arms over this.
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I have it somewhere it this shill file. Dump if you can anon.
When's the election?
>Oh they're going to be up in arms over this.

I can already feel the huge RHEEEEE!!!! echoing through the ether
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Keep going you great American President.

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In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then participate in the departure ceremony for Lt. Col. Wesley Spurlock, USAF. Later in the morning, The President will* *participate in the U.S. Air Force Academy Commander-in-Chief trophy presentation. In the afternoon, the President will speak with President Vladimir Putin of Russia by telephone. The President will then meet with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster.

10:30AM THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing

11:00AM THE PRESIDENT participates in the departure ceremony for Lt. Col. Wesley Spurlock, USAF

11:30AM THE PRESIDENT participates in the U.S. Air Force Academy Commander-in-Chief trophy presentation

12:30PM THE PRESIDENT speaks with President Vladimir Putin of Russia by telephone

5:30PM THE PRESIDENT meets with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster

Briefing Schedule

* 1:30PM Press Briefing with Press Secretary Sean Spicer*

Oh, and mostly debt/funding negotiations +taxes and healthcare. Lots of work but nothing much visible to the public. Dems are playing brinksmanship. Putin talk on phone about Syria.
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Can't say it any clearer.
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>KAT gone forever
>nyaa gone forever
>EU trying to kill streaming as we speak

2017 sucks!

a few minutes ago:


fucking what.
its amazing that they continue to twist his words into what they want them to be... and people still buy it.

I like his last sentence.
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I am feeling it to. I'm feeling too much of it.
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The left eats its own. Delicious
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>and people still buy it.

>nyaa gone forever
They still aren't up? DMCA takedown? Hired DDOS again?
Bill Clinton had two shutdowns, Bush one, Obama one, even Reagan had one. Trump should follow suit.
if the election proved anything, the only people watching CNN are butthurt republicans
It's the same shilling and concern trolling, they just realized it's more effective to flank from "further right"
Calling us rural and suburban retards and racist bigots was pitifully ineffective, but being called a kike puppet really fucks with your standard /pol/-goers psyche
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>ever listening to CNN
You are already gone Swede.
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CNN No Evidence.png
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>people still buy it
Leftist don't count as people.
What about the Assad interview ?
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there are two shilling places crtshareblue
and FreedomWorks,
you have been shilled by both sides /pol/ and you picked FreedomWorks for their false promises

That was a great article. A sign of good things to come.
What does government shutdown mean and how does it work?
Will have to dig through podesta emsils again. Give me a week- busy.
If you come back I will continue posting more shit faggot shills...
Non-essential spending ceases. Non-essential operations shut down.
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Sounds great
>they dont have the guns, but their shitskin pets do

Jamal and Tyrone's dusty, dirty old Hi Points don't really count for much.
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>fucking nothing
>Rocks the world

This power is insane.
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>What does government shutdown mean and how does it work?

"Non essential" government employees are sent home. Only "essential" employees continue to do their job.

Thing is, I always wondered why they don't just layoff the "non essential" ones, since a shutdown clearly identifies them.
Maybe, just maybe, if that's the truth, underage idiots shouldn't have expected Trump to take the oath of office and go "gas the beans, wall war now"

This deep state apparatus was built over decades and generations, and people are getting pissy it's taking work and time to even begin to disassemble. God help you in your lives if you can't even wait for six months before you start autistically screeching that the sky is falling.

So you're either a shill, or an idiot. To save time I'll just call you David Brock's knob-polisher.
It is unideal. Shakes consumer and market confidence. Lowers credit rating. Makes government even more inefficient.
The site's owner pulled it offline after en EU court ruling stated linking to pirate material is equivalent to offering it and can get you jailed for years now for that shit.
national parks and museums close down

went to DC during the Obama shutdown. Hella sweet.
trump is giving me hope lately

feels like he's starting to come around and realize how shitty the government is
Non-essential things include very basic things like maintaining monuments and such. Not absolutely essential but should be maintained.

>The site's owner pulled it offline after en EU court ruling stated linking to pirate material is equivalent to offering it and can get you jailed for years now for that shit.
How fucking stupid can the EU get?
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wtf I love John Kasich now
((Jews)), ((Jews)). ((Jews)). ((Jews))
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This. I helped move the barricades from the ww2 monument in 2013
Trump is only getting passionate about shit when he doesn't get his way. He lights a fire under Congress's ass only when his own shit doesn't get supported. Regardless of whether or not it benefits regular Americans.
They honestly kinda suck at accounting desu

I don't want other peoples shit.

I want Trump's shit.
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He always knew. Right now he is still playing by the rules by I wouldn't doubt this will be his "pussytape" moment, when any hope of cooperation or even respect by either party will cease to exist.

Pic related is the moment he won the election, the moment he finally realized he would not get anywhere playing by the rules
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If your lawyer and accountant aren't jews you are doing it wrong.
Its hard to shrug off the kike puppet thing when Trump makes May Jewish Heritage Month and calls anyone who questions the holocaust to be a supporter of evil.

I mean, if that doesn't make him a jew puppet, what would?
But he doesn't want shit for you. He wants shit for him. You don't get any of Trump's shit. That's for him and him alone. To your detriment.
Motherfuckergoddammitpieceofshit we're just gonna go back to the Russia Trump narrative that both are colluding for the next few weeks aren't we?
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>sided with the liberal judges in the supreme court
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No I'm saying they may be the best at it but they honestly aren't good at it at all
This is bad bait
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People forget this

He just planted a seed in people's minds, a seed that will sprout when the time comes. People will now remember that trump will do whatever it takes to keep his promises, that's how they will remember this, anyways
sorry /pol/ but you lost the game.
it was always rigged as it seemed
libs know it. you guys just did not know it.
oy vey dont you know putin is a shill too?
next election he will step down and new communism will be installed in Russia powered by china. the usa is going to rot
i don't care

i'm posting on an anime websites political section

there is nothing that could benefit me
It's about time!
Try harder please.
But but he's a ruthless murder killer you can't talk to Russia. And in all seriousness we can't let Trump have the nuclear codes, he will start war with Russia!
>giving kikes your money & trust
Enjoy being homeless.
>posts controlled opposition douche as if it means something

What are you trying to say?
time for joeposting



early to preempt splits and to honor Poland tradition

>Trump's call with Putin within the hour


He's trying to say that Dick Spencer is a faggot. Pretty obvious.
Maybe you should?
Don't reply to shareblue posts
Don't reply to shareblue posts
Don't reply to shareblue posts
Don't reply to shareblue posts
Spencer is the definition of controlled opposition
Does he ever even talk about the JQ?
Sure enough
Doesnt really address my post at all
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>Trump makes May Jewish Heritage Month
Is u retarded nigga?
President Donald Trump on Friday proclaimed May 1 as 'Loyalty Day' as a way to "recognize and reaffirm our allegiance to the principles" upon which America was built and express pride in those ideals, according to a release of the proclamation from the White House.

“The United States stands as the world's leader in upholding the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Together, and with these fundamental concepts enshrined in our Constitution, our Nation perseveres in the face of those who would seek to harm it," the proclamation reads.

"We humbly thank our brave service members and veterans who have worn our Nation's uniform from the American Revolution to the present day. Their unwavering loyalty and fidelity has made the world a safer, more free, and more just place. We are inspired by their pride in our country's principles, their devotion to our freedom, and their solemn pledge to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

The proclamation goes on to say that in order to express our country's loyalty to "individual liberties, to limited government, and to the inherent dignity of every human being," May 1 will be known as 'Loyalty Day.'

Trump called on Americans to observe this day with ceremonies in schools and other public places, including reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. He also called upon all government officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings and grounds on May 1.
I can break these cuffs!
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President George W. Bush first proclaimed the month on April 20, 2006...Since then, annual proclamations have been made by both Bush, Barack Obama and Trump.

Your not ashamed are you?
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