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/ptg/ President Trump General - Leftists Pissing Themselves In

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 88

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Antifa Pissy Pants.jpg
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Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump on Face The Nation 4/30/17
>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #14 4/28/17
>Pres Trump Rally @ Harrisburg, PA 4/29/17
>VP Pence @ USS Indiana Christening 4/29/17
>Pres Trump signs EO establishing Office of Trade and Mfg 4/29/17
>Pres Trump interview w/Martha Maccallum 4/28/17
>FLotUS Melania visits sick kids @ Bunny Melon Healen Garden 4/28/17
>Pres Trump @ NRA 4/28/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>>>123759084
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This is a movement.
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defend this
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Fuck Turtles.
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Where's the next one?
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>Kremlin confirms: Putin and Trump to talk by phone

>North Korea Says US Conducted Nuclear Bomb Dropping Drill In South Korea

>North Korea 'deliberately detonated missile during failed weekend test because it was heading for RUSSIA'

>North Korea says U.S. bomber flights push peninsula to brink of nuclear war

>U.S. Antimissile System (THAAD) Goes Live in South Korea

>China Urges US, S Korea to End THAAD Deployment Process - FM

>Kurdish forces 'take 90 percent' of Syria's Tabqa: US-backed forces say they have advanced in Tabqa as they eye the ISIL stronghold of Raqqa

>US set sights on wiping out IS in Afghanistan this year

>IS Says It Has Captured E. Afghan District From Taliban

>NATO could increase troops in Afghanistan as insurgency intensifies

>'Pakistan resorting to proxies against India, Afghanistan'
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How's life with the Judas of the Slavs?
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Post warrior Awoos.
i thought budgets were already 51 what am i missing
Where have you been

we missed you
So he's planning on a shutdown. NOICE
Thank yew afrikaner
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I didn't even have to edit this one lol
That is budget reconciliation
anything that could add to the deficit requires 60
Byrd rule in the Senate. If not for that one, Trump's budget would have passed with some modifications in the House.
Is this real? Is he already threatening a shutdown in September if they don't bend the knee?
Geez what a fucking screw up.
House, senate, presidency, supreme court and we can get NOTHING we want.

Did the democrats have 60+ senators to pass all the shit they passed during the Obama years?
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Why Trump allowing India cause this trouble??????

India hits back after jawans mutilated on LoC; Army kills 7 Pakistani soldiers, destroys 2 enemy bunkers. #BadlaLo

Fuck usa allies india

Trump is idiot
shills literally BTFO
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He is. It's time to shut it down!
can we nuke the CBO for calling obamacare not adding to the budget?
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All night you were shilling this budget, /ptg/. Trying to rationalize it - saying it was 4D chess on Trump's part. Now he admits it's shit.
He says he's playing ball right now but if they don't pass the budget he wants in September he's shutting down the government.
That's at least 4 months of toothpaste talking shit here
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>Did the democrats have 60+ senators to pass all the shit they passed during the Obama years?
No but they had a bunch of cucked Republicans who went by the conventional rules.
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He must have something good planned if he's saying this in public
In september
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Shut it down now! What happened to not advertising your plans to the enemy? What happened to "turn the lights off, it's cheaper?" What happened to "walk away?"
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to explain trump's second tweet, he is calling for both

>removal of the legislative fillibuster
>a government shutdown

wew lad
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>being fanatically dedicated to and unwilling to criticize a liberal NYC billionaire who doesn't give a single shit about you and is flopping on virtually all issues from the campaign

Are you Pakistani? Iranian?
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Are you fucking kidding me right now? These Drumpf generals are still made?

Guys, it's over, he didn't drain the swamp, he bombed other countries, he's not building the wall, his travel ban failed twice and the travel ban sucked anyway, get your heads out of your asses.

Tired of winning yet?
We never said the budget was good. Just that it was a 4 month delay
"some republicans are actually democrats but no democrats are republicans"
While trump is signing E.O.s that instruct agencies to follow laws, Obongo was busy forcing agencies NOT to follow laws (that is he was making new laws) and trying to put trannies in bathrooms.
We've had to deal with worse shit. If anything, this shows that he's willing to shut down the government if he doesn't get his wall funding.
following bush years and massively successful commie propaganda campaigns from hollywood they had massive majorities for long enough to pass that lunacy
If race doesn't matter then why do people celebrate it when blacks do something that they wouldn't normally do or achieve?

if it doesn't mean anything shouldn't that just be normal?
>He says he's playing ball right now but if they don't pass the budget he wants in September he's shutting down the government.

What a bunch of fucking shit.

Great. More stagnation.
youre right. i am now with her
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>mfw it's basically a cult and I love being part of it
He's deporting all illegals which is already better than what any other Republican of the past 50 years did.


These sound likely. Although in many ways, Syria already IS a US//Russia proxy war.

I still hope for some kind of ultimate deal where Russia essentially keeps control of Crimea/Eastern Ukraine and gets some sanctions relief in exchange for basically aligning with the US on everything else and obliterating ISIS (would likely involve stonewalling Iran and NK).

I king of wish other countries didn't try and get involved trying to "solve" these issues (like Germany or the UK). It just makes it messy. If you think about it, it's only the US & Russia (and to an extent, China) that really matter in these global flash points.

I'd love to listen to these two guys speak privately. Without the political games.
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>a 70-year-old billionaire with establishment friends and a Jewish convert daughter was going to disrupt Washington

What the fuck were we thinking?
they had 60+ during obama's first two years. that's how obamacare was pushed through. credit republicans for preventing full scale socialized medicine in 2009, i guess...

> pass an amendment that repeal the 17th amendment and return senate to state legislature discretion
> pass an amendment that states "no rule may make a vote in congress to need more than 50%+1"
> pass an amendment to put terms limit at the house

That would go a longer way to fix congress than anything else.
I just want our countries to be friends again. The Russians kept you inbred Anglos(no offense) and the degenerate French away from us.
McDonald's is the proof Bernie's complaints about executives making too much money is bullshit.

That picture proves without doubt that McDonald's marketing executives also do the minimum wage.
>U.S. Antimissile System (THAAD) Goes Live in South Korea
Great, this is one of the signs that it could actually happen one day
>North Korea 'deliberately detonated missile during failed weekend test because it was heading for RUSSIA'
>Kurdish forces 'take 90 percent' of Syria's Tabqa: US-backed forces say they have advanced in Tabqa as they eye the ISIL stronghold of Raqqa
So sweet, Raqqa at the end of the year would be a blessing
>US set sights on wiping out IS in Afghanistan this year
It would be great too, but honestly, I doubt it. Too much insurgents there, that shit has been going on for more than 15 years
>'Pakistan resorting to proxies against India, Afghanistan'
Surprise surprise. We should let the poos end them too.
Thanks for the news as always, SAnon.
PA, MI, WI, FL and NC are in complete control by Republicans who introduce voter id laws and fuck around with early voting. Obviously, this helped Trump a lot.
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>flopping on virtually all issues from the campaign

>flopping on virtually all issues from the campaign

>flopping on virtually all issues from the campaign

>flopping on virtually all issues from the campaign
Did you know his name backwards is pmurt?
gee while we're at it lets pass an amendment making anime real
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>muh red pilled
>muh based
>muh MAGA
>muh triggered
>muh anti-feminism
>muh cuck
>muh neck yoursef
>muh white nationalism
>muh white supremacy
>muh n-word
>muh sp*cs
>muh anti-diversity
>muh global warming denying
>muh anti-academia
>muh Alex Jones
>muh Wendy's
>muh Hitler
>muh fascism
>muh fake news
>muh fake polls
>muh Pepe
>muh Muslims
>muh anti-gay
>muh transphobic
>muh degeneracy
>muh Jews
>muh high energy
>muh baking
>muh new bread
>muh Joe posting
>muh anime wolf girls

Holy shit, you "people" are fucking pathetic and are the jokes of the internet
Seriously, kill yourselves now.
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You don't remember his nuke Israel and cholocaust promises?
>le red PA meme
>it's a 4 of the same shills effortlesly shill episode
Pretty boring honestly
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Putin/Merkel LIVE NOW:





They are co-operating and communicating constantly with regards to Ukraine, Syria, terrorism and economic ties, apparently.
everyone knows blacks are too poor and stupid to obtain photo ID's. those evil racist republicans assume blacks are capable of being functional adults. shame on them
He's threatening a shutdown in September if he doesn't get what he wants. He's also giving the signal to Mitch McConnell to kill the Byrd rule.

What I saw were explanations saying why he wasn't fighting as hard as he could and what he was looking to do. Given these tweets, it looks like he's angling for a bigger fight down the road, and doesn't want to get bogged down in fighting this current budget.
He's deporting chump change, theres 15-30 million on the bloodsuckers here. I'll call it a successful presidency if he can get rid of them all in 8 years along with the anchor babies.

But he wont and he never had the intention of truly getting them all out. Just a ploy to get idiots from the country's interior to vote. Still got refugees flowing in as well, not forgivable.
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Great now the shills are here. Now they can see how they got blasted out of the water again.
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All I remember is Grampf just said fuck it and never did anything ever and then became a democrat.
believe it or not this is a great thing i'd rather have him shut down the government now rather then later so that the republicans dont have to rely on tax cuts and health care to save them
The number gets higher and higher every time someone says this. Soon the 8 billion illegals aren't going fast enough
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Le tactical Blackpilling xD
I just give up to be honest. Jews are still in control. Whites are still dying off. More than 50% of babies are non-white. America is too brainwashed to do anything of significance to save itself.
The salt after the election was fun, but really were doomed. So just get some popcorn and enjoy the decline. Maybe we'll get some good riots/happening threads along the way.

In 100 years when America is mostly shitskins, i imagine it will behave like any other majority non white country and be an absolute shit hole.
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You know, the record-slipping repetition of shill script talking points about shit that has been
several times over several threads could be explained by the use of copy pasta by otherwise computer illiterate elderly, functioning homeless, high functioning spuds, and other vulnerable groups. Recruited by the usual suspects with money or inducements. Probably a hot meal and shelter from the rain would be enough. Consider,

[X] They wouldn't know anything about politics, diplomacy, geopolitics, economics, or legislative procedure

[X] They would have no idea where the current front lines are in the narrative war.

[X] They would fail to engage when replied to on the merits or,

[X] They would reply with another already obsolete pasta, according to the script

[X] Lather, rinse, repeat

Guise. I think we've been raided by actual retards.
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Lol, this retard's gonna get primaried, assuming he doesn't spazz out and quit before 2020.
>pass an amendment that repeal the 17th amendment
>pass an amendment that states "no rule may make a vote in congress to need more than 50%+1"
> pass an amendment to put terms limit at the house
>his shows that he's willing to shut down the government

No it doesn't. It shows he's willing to TALK about shutting down the government.
"Our country needs a good shutdown in September to fix mess!"

Well, he is not wrong. Congress has the lowest approval ratings, right? So they'll either be forced to change, or congress continues to stay 'useless'.

He is really setting the congress up for you're either with me or against me. Not sure how this will play out, but interesting.
>no based legal hispanic
>no based moderate muslim

You're in the wrong universe again.
That's not the reason why voter id laws are needed. Dems usually check voting records and then vote for all the people who didn't the past elections.
>He's deporting chump change, theres 15-30 million on the bloodsuckers here. I'll call it a successful presidency if he can get rid of them all in 8 years along with the anchor babies.
It's 12 million illegals and Trump is already doing what's humanly possible to increase deportations and to hire more ICE agents. That's something the Congress can't block.

>set impossible expectations and claim failure when they aren't met

hello there, shariablue
It serves as a threat.
you live in America and dont know this? fuck off and do some research
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Well, we ARE Raided by TRS, so you're not too far off

Don't call fluffy the R word, or you might scare him off, tho
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>That's at least 4 months of toothpaste talking shit here
National globalism amirite XDDD

>putin getting cucked like this

every day we stray further from gods light
Finally calling out that faggot Ryan...
You're one of the better shitposters around here.
You're right, it's the same official 11 million number they've used for 20 years. The illegal population hasnt changed, only 11 million just like in 2000. Fucking moron
> Shut it down now! What happened to not advertising your plans to the enemy? What happened to "turn the lights off, it's cheaper?" What happened to "walk away?

Two reasons not to do it now

> Trump cabinet is still not all approved. You want obama nominees praising their departments over a shutdown?
> with tax reform out of the way and more deregulation admin September position will be much stronger

> Although in many ways, Syria already IS a US//Russia proxy war.

At the beginning it wasn't even a proxy war, it was Obama "going in for the kill" and taking away Putin's two warm water ports: Tartous (Syria) and Sevastopol (Crimea) with the same tactic, a "colored revolution" / "Arab spring revolution" bought and paid wth American money.

And Obama came >< this close to get away with it except he is a pussy and didn't have the killing blow on Assad or Yanukovitch done fast enough to prevent Putin to counter him in both fronts.

Now Putin has the upper hand and Trump is better off figuring out a deal that allows America to pull back, save face and go after ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism, the one interest both countries have in common.
Just remember Geert that the pilgrims choose hardships in America over your people. What does that say about the Dutch?
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>shills are so new at their jobs they don't know about ids
>everyone who doesn't gargle trumps kosher nut sack is trs
hello none, meet argument.
He's not calling out Ryan but rather Snitch McFaggot.
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If you're interested, there's this Syrian arms dealer, that tweets about arms sales in Syria, I've been following. His original account has been suspended, but his back-up one is still active for the time. He sometimes tweets about happenings long before they get covered by the media - at times they don't even get covered media. It's also interesting to see what goes for how much over there.

You're right, I've been such an idiot.

I now Feel The Bern
Honestly, at this point I'd just love a Trump dictatorship. Just a full on dictatorship for eight years so he doesn't have to deal with the useless idiots in Congress
What the fuck is TRS?
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Don't see why Leftists would be upset about anything considering the Dems are getting them everything they ever wanted and the Republicans are shafting everyone who voted for Trump
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first question
Putin just got asked questions about Ukraine and Russian participation in the region in the press conference. As soon as he said "I hope the media report my comments on this topic accurately" and started describing what is actually going on, CNN literally cut the audio and now have a political commentator talking over his answer about nothing.
T-thanks. Although I'm probs not the toothpaste you're referring to.

>What does that say about the Dutch?
That we need to be DISAVOWED and never should've gave NY to you people over some shithole filled with nogs
You're a real hero mate, thanks
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I know you're right but I don't want to believe it.
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He's giving them all one final chance.
If they still fuck it up by September,

>There's people in my country RIGHT NOW how don't know why I like Putin so much
Yes, Trump was OBVIOUSLY the correct choice between him and Hillary. Doesn't make him good and it doesn't make him so infallible savior.
>mods people are disagreeing with help me daddy
This isn't reddit you fucking spastic twat
Wouldn't work, states would just scatter. Better option would be to go full states rights, give senator back to states, cut all federal funding to states on anything not related to interstate matters (like highways and airports) and let states decide for themselves.
No shit.
I'm disappointed that republicans and trump aren't putting up more of a fight right now. But if they are truly preparing to go to the mattresses this fall over the 2018 budget, i guess it makes sense. Trump has some "uniting" to do to get repubs on the same page.

They are betting everything on the upcoming budget battle though. If they don't pull through they will lose bigly in 2018 and trump will probably lose in 2020. Conversely, if they achieve a budget with tax reform, funding for the wall, and cut of sanctuary cities, they will win the next few elections
No one is arguing that Mr Straw Man
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Listen to a real man ya filthy plebs.
Let's be honest here. Trump is literally THE best candidate in the 21th century.
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>That we need to be DISAVOWED and never should've gave NY to you people over some shithole filled with nogs
Almost all of this is true, but NY was going to be ours regardless.
> Doesn't make him good

True, only better, the best available alternative

> and it doesn't make him so infallible savior.
This also gives them 4 months to fight on arguably the biggest hills. Healthcare and taxes
Apparently, Ryan is trying to push for the healthcare reform by next week if he can get enough moderates to vote for it.
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Shill Boulder.png
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It's a job at this point

You should be getting paid for this
Top kek
I think he says it because of the scat shit, buddy


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>but NY was going to be ours regardless.

>Come to the conclusion that he'll sign the budget yesterday
>Shills start screaming about it 18 hours later.
Must have been added to the list of talking points
>No shit

Tell that to these retards who think le god emperor can literally do no wrong. The election was a victory but there has been zero real substance policy-wise aside from ICE being able to do their jobs.

But as I said, there's no way they'll get rid of every illegal so it's just a talking point
Kek, nice
welcome to 4chan.
He just got his fucking cabinet heads finished last week
>german reporter
muh russian influenced election
>But as I said, there's no way they'll get rid of every illegal so it's just a talking point
Even a few million less would be good. They have the highest birth rate in the country by far.
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Take off your proxy India.
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Kosher Nationalist Generals need to end. He's sucking Jew dick.
You got any good execution webms to post, before you get banned?
You must not have been here 24 hours ago and it's preceding 6 hours. Right now it is only the recalcitrant ones slowpoking the subject.
>US set sights on wiping out IS in Afghanistan this year
not happening/10
M8, Anglo domination can't be stopped
>tax haven
He'll just fucking delay it again like he always does. He's just jerking the President off at this stage
A moment to thank our beloved Slaves who keep this general bumped all day! Couldn't keep /ptg/ alive without you.
I dont want to believe it either
All Trump wanted was absolute basic statecraft. Enforcing laws, putting national interests first, dismantling governmenta overreach, and the Media sobbed and moaned about racism and fascism for over 2 years straight. Can you imagine the absolute horror if there was an actual pro-white candidate?

And what makes it even worse is that the GOP wanta nothing to do with the prospect of being the majority party, drafting legislation and actually governing. Trump fucked up their cushy job of feigning opposition to Obama/Clinton. Now they actually have to work, and what is worse actually have to put the people before their donors. Even if in the midterms if we get 60 (R)s in the Senate, i still dont expect those cocksuckers to do anything of value.

Whatever, we memed a man into the white house. We should always be proud of that. But along the way we fooled ourselves into thinking there will be some kind of American Reinassance. But history shows us that once an empire peaks and it starts going downhill that a single man isnt enough to get the upward momentum going again. If Trump appealed to his base and organized us to volunteer for public works, it might work. But that wont happen
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Pretty fucking gruesome...
fuck the media those pieces of shit
Oh wow, lets forget that the most important ones were approved a while back. Agriculture is a dire need right now
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Shill can't tell the difference between reddit and /pol/.

Either way, I'm sure a nickel has been deposited into your account.
I never understood why the Brits are thinking about replacing the Union Jack with this.
I believe Ryan genuninely cares about achieving a healthcare reform.
The Right Stuff.
The actual alt-right forum.
>Secretary of Labor
>Not important for a JOBS President
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Only because it's useless to take on anything in Afghanistan without building a wall with its neighbors otherwise they just go back to Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan and wait the invaders out.

1000 years of history should have taught them that, there is only a sound strategy to remove kebab from a land

> advance
> massacre
> convert or push out
> advance
> ...
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He STILL doesn't have his trade representative, just so you know.
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You're not THAT bad off. Obviously, you are not doing great, but minority birth rates have been falling for a while now and will continue to do so while white birth rates stay constant.
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That shit is gruesome, and I've seen a lot of gore in my lifetime.
I wasn't the one complaining, mate.
How do you find it?
I need an AK or an AKS, sucks to me living in this shithole with gun control.
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Didn't Pakistan used to be filled with Hindus until Muslims came?
Why can't these idiots come up with any NEW images
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Top fucking wew
Because creativity is a dirty Jewish concept to them.
holy shit how the fuck arent you banned for posting this

that is fucked up
If the wall construction starts sometimes around 2018, Trump will easily win.
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Those monsters.
Dude, everybody here has seen this

I'm looking for something a bit more..exotic. Maybe involving drills hammers, eye popping, teeth knocking, something of that nature. I have seen so many chainsaw decapitations I'm numb to them
What's in it? I'm a phoneposter.
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I'll forgive Trump if he signs this budget. However, the September budget is their last chance to get what they want.

Once Trump passes tax and healthcare reform, he'll have a lot more political capital for budget negotiations come September.

Such an important position. Maybe the most important after the "big 4" (state, defense, treasury and justice).
Hindus from Pakistan moved to India, Indian Muslims moved to Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The thing is, India still has a 15% Muslim population, while Pakistan's Hindus are 1% of the population.
I often search hashtags/keywords for arms sales in the Middle-East - and sometimes search for the Arabic translation of it to find what the rebels might be selling that they looted, so found him by chance. It's unfortunate that you can't view his suspended account.
I agree with you on that, but give the hat back you sick fuck,
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He's threatening a shutdown, Mick. I think it won't happen.
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That's basically the gist of it. If he fumbles on Healthcare again, and fumbles tax reform, he's fucked. If he fumbles the budget in september, he's fucked.
It's fucked up, possibly if I buy something they'll arrest my ass over here if they deliver.
This shouldn't make me mad anymore but it still does
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Tromp represents the last dying breath of an uneducated redneck class of /ptg/ niggers who are afraid that America is diversifying (America is a "nation" that was founded by genocidal faggots and land grabbing trash in the fist place) and that they will lose their "white privilege" while forgetting that they imported niggers to work for their lazy ass.
Tromp is in over his head, and somewhere in the dim recesses of his addled mind, he knows it. He thought being President would be just as easy as being CEO (aka failure in his case).

He doesn't know how to build buildings. He doesn't know how to get permits. He doesn't know how to hire contractors.
He's a meme. A forced meme. His only advantages in life are his family fortune and the fact that a lot of Americans currently find blowhard assholes entertaining. If he had to work for a living, he would be fucked in the ass.

Tromp doesn't know how to be President, either. He doesn't know how the government works. He's scared and lonely and angry, and he reacts to that the way any manchild would. He mashes his red button, summoning a Jew son-in-law, and then he sulks off to the living room to play video games, shitpost on Twitter and watch shitty TV. It's just that for Trump, the "living room" is a million dollar resort, and "video games" are "golf and classified discussions held in public settings."
He's threatening a shutdown in September. Trust me, I hope he vetoes this bullshit budget, but I don't know.
>15% Muslim population
Not that's a worrying number.
The most infuriating thing is that no right wing political speaker talks about the harm that open borders and globalism causes to the 3rd world nations being drained of their best people and those that are left are left in a country of the most volunerable people to be oppressed by government and criminal organization, working long unsafe hours at companies who go their for the cheap labor with no labor/safety regulations and who are never able to improve their country becausw anyone with high skills/energy and the will to better their situation simply flee the country rather than make their homeland better for their people.
Everyone who is self interested is already on board with nationalism. The way to convert liberals is to appeal to their anti-western/anti-capitalist sensibilities along with their faux compassion for non-americans. Explain to them that western nations have vampiric immigration policies and that globalism creates exploitation of those left behind akin to nation wide slavery for corporations.


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>if he fumbles on Healthcare again

Let's not get that freedom caucus bs started again, shall we? We know that's all this conversation is heading to
>I dont stand by anything
what did he mean by this?
I don't consider it broken when Obama took 2 years to create Obamacare despite having much bigger majorities than Trump has.
It was a bad bill. But Trump did endorse said bad bill.
It's okay. He's new to politics. most people are
>What is context?
It's a worrying time I'll agree but we should wait and see what happens.
wtf i hate obama now
The US will do nothing in Afghanistan as long as they consider Pakistan an ally.
That country protected every single jihadist group since the Taliban.
The only territory ISIS controls in Afghanistan is on the Pakistani border.
They were hiding Bin Laden while Bush was invading Afghanistan ffs.

It's something like 180 million people.
Basically another Pakistan.
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Drudge is pissing in the wound now.
okie doke.
Dear Jimmy Kimmel:

The taxpayers of the United States give zero fucks about your defective genetics. We (see previous sentence) did not make your baby sick. We didn't force you to ignore simple pre-screening which could have identified the defect. In fact, we had nothing to do with any part of your spawn. "Decide if they can afford to save their baby's life?" Fuck your feelings, mutant. Let the freak die and make that one that isn't defective. Your blubbering is a naked political act, right out of Alinsky's manual. I hope your progspawn dies anyway.
I agree
Trump needs to throw his base a bone.
Eliminate some gun legislation
Bomb isis some more
Repeal DACA
Donate some of his own money to the wall
Prosecute Hillary
this is an American Cheeseburger forum
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>Leftists Pissing Themselves In Fear

Leftists are the only ones laughing now. Thanks Trump.
>but we should wait and see what happens.
Patiently waiting to observe how events unfold? Blasphemy!
>justed on budget
>justed on healthcare
>no wall
>no mass deportations
>only accomplishment will be tax cuts for the rich
But that's how it works over that hellhole, if you meant to get one of them, a neighbor country will rescue the guy, check the map to see how many muslim countries there are, there's caves/forest enough there to hide like a bitch and exploit populations that aren't Jihadis.
God, that's embarrassing. Obama was just an empty suit. Just a total puppet.
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hahahahaha hello r,eddit.
>Repeal some gun legislation
that would be excellent
>Bomb isis some more
done and done
>Repeal DACA
won't happen
>Donate some of his own money to the wall
won't happen
>Prosecute Hillary
that's on Sessions
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>God, that's embarrassing.
yes it is. that's called autism.
>It's something like 180 million people.
>Basically another Pakistan
>that many Muslims in a non-Muslim country
They need to be removed.
You wanna know how I know you didn't watch it?
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hu hu

what now drumfykins?
Trump has already threathened a gov shutdown if McConnel doesn't go nuclear.
Wow look it's the exact same images as before
really makes me think
>Democrats overconfident about thing
News at 11
Fuck's sake.
You do realize that Ryancare had something like 17% approval rating right? Nobody wants that thing. It's probably going to hurt Trump voters more than help them.

If it doesn't pass he looks bad, but if it passes republicans are completely fucked
Didn't we already go nuclear?
If they shut down the government, do I still get paid? (national guard)
That check is basically my gum budget.
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>>Repeal DACA
>won't happen
DACA is expiring. It expires soon and even then DACA people are still subject to deportation, as DACA is an enforcement prioritization rather than blanket amnesty. DACA people will continue to be deported and even more so after high priority deportations are taken care of.


> Literally mentioning the discord screencap with the photoshop errors

wew lad
I swear to god Trump could come out and say he loves all minorities and wants to persecute whites, and Vox would have an article headlined "Niggers are bad, White Nationalism is the new liberal"
r edditors are the ones that can't stop talking about r eddit :^)
why would someone do that

just go on the internet and tell lies
As bad as Trump is
Hillary would have been much worse
So i dont regret voting for him twice
I regret that no matter what candidate won, it isnt going to improve the united states. Whether it be actively weakening it like Sanders or Clinton would do. Or just merely being incompetent/unproductive like Trump. He is slowing the decline but we are still falling none-the-less
That's why he won't repeal it, yes.
Only for SCOTUS nominations. Meaning that if another judge bites the bullet, Dems can't stop Republicans.
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Yes look how Happy everyone is, Look at all of the Grocery stores full of Food, Don't believe American lies about North Korea
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I see Healthcare passing the House late this week, the Senate in about 2-3 weeks. This is a massive achievement.

Tax Reform and the FY2018 budget should be moving forward in the House starting 2 weeks from now (Mulvaney said in March that the full budget proposal would be coming by mid-May).

I see a Senate vote for Tax Reform by around August-September. The Budget in late-September with the threat of a shutdown.

Infrastructure will likely be attached to this budget. I also see potential for a legislative "nuclear option" to cut out the Democrats entirely. We'll see.

This sounds slow, but it really isn't. It's fucking fast. Despite the lying Jew (((media))) narrative about chaos and slow progress, remember that Obamacare took 17 months to push through with a supermajority. Reagan's big tax reform took 18 months with a Democrat House. Not to mention the Republicans have had near-constant obstruction, protests and delays since day one. Trump still has one outstanding cabinet member to be confirmed (Lighthizer - US Trade Representative) and the GOP have been unbelievably useless at switching from being a minority opposition party to a majority legislative party.

Plus, they nominated and confirmed Justice Gorsuch over 9 weeks (and will likely also confirm Kennedy's replacement in the Summer). Busy.
I think so but I'm not sure

Why don't you ask them
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So, I'm confused. Trump signalled to Breitbart that he will pass the budget and that he's happy with it, but now his tweets seem to suggest he doesn't like the budget and is threatening a government shutdown.
Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are not the problem.
Stans are secular dictatorships, Iran is Shia.
Only Pakistan, the ideal political system of Yugoslav islamists, is the problem regarding the war against Wahhabism.
The judicial filibuster is dead, but the legislative one is alive, and not likely to go soon
What's a government shutdown?
dat pic.
he really is a manchild. who poses like that? a retard?
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its over
Why is this good?
Why does Spain know why it's good but I don't?
Wtf I hate the school system now.

If they made it that way could they not pass some gay law like subsidized trans surgeries with a 50.01% vote?
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I have no idea what you're talking about.
why the fuck is this only the case for SCOTUS? Is it to prevent a one party rule every 4 years?

Paul Ryan and the rest of these neocons need to go, if they're standing in the way of progress
>Trump signalled to Breitbart

I was going to, but I'd rather ask /pol/ first. They're more reliable.
>real oath hours
real talk, niggers would be a lot more fun to be around if they were right leanong but had the same culture
Remember 2013 with the tea party?
We need a nationalist party. The GOP needs to go away forever
I hope Gling decides to operate under a balanced budget after his trillion dollar infrastructure plan goes through. I think it should be fucking mandatory to operate under a balanced budget unless under extreme circumstances(Take note that partisan opposition is NOT an extreme circumstance)
all of the conservative press wanted a shutdown because the drama would be good for business
2013 was a windfall for them
Trump compromised and now they're pissed
Senators are fussy retards that don't like change or giving up personal power.
When the government doesn't have a budget, so government services don't work.
Democrats introduced the rule because they knew how they could exploit Republicans.
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>not knowing that the 17th Amendment was
He's happy to sign the budget as in he's getting it out of the way for a couple months. He doesn't like the budget for obvious reasons, and will shut it down when the time comes in september
I don't trust neither of their sect, you can look up even for Sufi terrorists.
Deus Vult.
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That's a good argument, anon. You've whitepilled me a bit. My fear is that Trump's base will start turning if he doesn't get these things done fast enough. He needs to not fuck up again for the rest of the year.
Trump is threatening a shutdown in September? That doesn't really seem like a good idea.
>1 post by I.D.
Wait...I'm confused. Why hasn't Kimmy Boi unleashed his ultra mega giga tera gorillion-volt super preemptive strike yet?
>Deus Vult
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It's a great idea. Burn it all down
It's like people don't understand what's happening.
>My fear is that Trump's base will start turning if he doesn't get these things done fast enough. He needs to not fuck up again for the rest of the year.

a huge portion of Trump's base is working class Democrats and moderates that don't care about Planned Parenthood being funded
all that shit is from the True Conservativesâ„¢ that are trying to raise money from their followers over the outrage
Trump's actual base is incredibly loyal. Twitter and ecelebs are not his base.
wtf i trust the nyt now
Reps are one state legislature away from amendments.

They could clarify any amendments they wanted, they could do anything, they could even change the SCOTUS original or appellate jurisdiction. They could abolish the SCOTUS.

Luckily the democrats will never have enough state legislatures to do this but the republicans could potentially do it.

But it's unlikely because they can't agree on anything apparently. What Americans don't understand though is how important the SCOTUS justices actually are- if he gets two or three more picks, he could change the face of this country for decades possibly.
But doesn't that make Republicans look bad by shutting it down?
It's 4D chess. Trump's outmaneuvering himself.
>Democrats and Republicans united
Guaranteed that it was just that faggot McCain.
>My fear is that Trump's base will start turning if he doesn't get these things done fast enough.

His reelection isnt until 2020. And presidential elections are all about the moment, very short memories, so he has lots of time.

Im worried about the 2018 midterms. It was supppsed to be the death blow to the democrats. Now i am not so sure
please explain




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But why would repealing the 17th be good? And what does it have to do with 60% minimum on voting
>no based filipino pede and a description about how the natives are nice to GIs
delet this you fucking le*f

Now Chuck Schumer is full of shit. But he couldn't bluster like this and sell it if not for what he's doing.



McCain votes party line no matter what, we already know that.
Amendments are hard to do because many Republicans fear the backslash.
Because it removed the State's representation from the Congress
Set an age limit for employees at the federal level. Get Ginsburg and McCain the fuck out of there.
It's a 4 month budget that is basically the obama budget but with some money moved around to military and border protection. In the 4 months Trump/congress can focus all their attention on healthcare and tax reform, while the executive branch can finish filling itself out. Come september when they try again, he shuts them down
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>pass the 28th amendment.
>if government is ever shut down it stays like that for ever.
>government is shut down the next day
>we Ancapistan now
State legislatures used to elect US Senators. This combined with the original landowner franchise worked to cuck cities out of any amount of political power.
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We need to help Sherri Few!
Chic is based!
we had a war because of taxation without any representation. At least with senators we have the facade of representation, and sometimes it actually works (MA, CA, CT, VT are exceptions, where senators just do whatever the fuck they want)
Why should cities have any political power? cities are rock solid liberal strong holds (aka filled with nigs)
What backlash? Are you suggesting the Dems could ever get enough state legislatures to retaliate?
In GA there was once a county unit system (we have many small counties too) which effectively eliminated the effect of the urban cess pools.
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Why is Paul Ryan such a cuck? He's a young man, not some 90-year-old 40's style basic bitch Conservative. Why is he so useless? This is the kind of behaviour I'd expect from McCain!

can we please go ruin another libtard's dreamworld on twitter?

Not gonna lie former trump voter here, it's been hilarious watching him crash and burn, but seriously we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.
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