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***Revelations General Thread /RG/***

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Thread replies: 332
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This thread is for Christians and nonbelievers alike to discuss and interpret the Bible's prophecies about the end times, politics, world events, and etc. Not a larp thread. Not a joke thread. Post what you believe, any insights, and any comments or arguments for or against interpretations.

What we know so far:

1. Islam has been identified as the Beast of the Earth.

>Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Revelation 20:4

>[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." Quran 8:12

2. The heads of the beast are empires. The seventh has fallen but will rise again as the eighth. This refers to the Ottoman empire having fallen, but a new Muslim empire will arise.
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3. As clearly visible in pic related, the Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon. This is because the church is the bride of christ and Catholocism is adulterous with paganism. It also sits upon seven hills (vatican city), pretty obvious. Also the Bible mentions the crusades beforehand. With Islam as the beast, and Catholocism as the Whore, it is very clear about the strife between them that we call the crusades and holy war.

>And the ten horns which you saw upon the beast, these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Revelations 17:6
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4. That blasphemous name for God that is mentioned in the Bible as the name of the beast, or the number of his name, is Allah. We know this because when John had the vision of Revelations, the Arabic language did not exist yet. However, the Greek language was prevalent at the time. So when he saw the greek symbols for 666, he saw the name of allah. He just couldnt interpret it.
5. The mark of the beast refers to a spiritual mark and not a literal mark. Acceptance of Islam is acceptance of the mark. We know this because of how the Bible refers to the Seal of The Lord.

>Revelation 7:2-3 ...'And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads

>Revelation 13:16-17 ...'And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name.'

This clearly refers to either accepting Christ or the beast, there is no other. In Islamic nations today, Christians are not allowed to work, own homes, or many other things without paying a tax or even at all. Many are beheaded.
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Here's pol's favorite part. The demise of the Jews.

>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Revelations 3:9

This refers to the Talmudic Jews that arose 600 years after Christ left the earth. You all know too well about these Jews.
The Bible tells of a second beast that is a man, who resembles a lamb but speaks like a dragon. The lamb being jesus and the dragon being satan. This beast tells everyone else to worship the first beast.

>And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and causes the earth and them who dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

The Quran literally describes this beast word for word. In their end times prophecy, Jesus (named Issa in islam) will come back and tell the whole world he never died on the cross, that was only a fall guy! He ascended to heaven! Also, not the son of god! We had it all wrong! Everyone should and will worship allah or be killed! No choices!

Sound familiar? Exact description of the second beast in revelations.
>And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

In the quran, Issa will breathe life into the rock at Mecca and it will have two eyes and speak.

Now if you dont know about mecca, it is a city that houses a fallen rock from space that Muslims all over the world bow towards every single day 5 times a day. The bible refers to Satan as a fallen star, a fallen angel that was thrown down to the earth, etc. Many different references. Also says do not worship anything fallen from heaven. It is clear that this image of the beast that will be worshipped is already being worshiped every day, it is the rock at mecca. An image is an idol or likeness, and this fallen star is the likeness of Satan.

The Bible says Christ is the cornerstone of the church and is the only one that can forgive sins. The quran describes the rock as the cornerstone of mecca and it is the literal cornerstone of the black box housing it is in. Also that the rock will forgive your sins and that every muslim must make a pilgrimage to it in his or her lifetime to kiss it or try anyways.
Watching now, please continue to Bump. This is important.
These are verses from the Bible btw, and then afterwards there is the exact description from the Quran only the roles are flipped to the "good side". The Bible says satan is a great deciever and many, even the elect christians will be decieved by this beast. The quran refers to allah as the greatest deceiver .
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Christianty is Saturn worship, just like Judaism and Islam.
I used to study the bible as a kid, and our in our group we talked about these things.
We never did bring the connection of the beast and islam toguether, but i does make sense. what you think about the mark being microchips or an actual mark like the jews had? Without that mark, a non muslim/beast follower wouldnt be able to make transactions.

maybe I am overthinking it
why did this happen?

In the New Testament a twofold attitude to tradition can be discerned. The tradition of the (Jewish) elders, together with other human tradition, is rejected.7 At the same time there is good apostolic tradition which is simply the Christian faith as it was proclaimed and transmitted by the apostles and their associates.8 The New Testament writings sprang out of this latter tradition at different stages in its history. There is therefore an important sense in which (apostolic) tradition precedes Scripture, an aspect largely ignored by traditional Protestant theology. But although this has important implications for the origin of the New Testament it does not foreclose the question of the subsequent relation between Scripture and tradition. The New Testament may derive from the original apostolic tradition but once it was produced it became distinct from that tradition and the relation between the two became an open question. It also became a question which could not long be ignored for the original apostolic tradition did not suddenly die when the New Testament was produced but remained as the context in which it was read and interpreted.
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I believe that just like accepting Christ into your life you recieve the seal of the Lord, stating the Islamic decree "There is no other god but ___llah
and muhammad is his prophet" gives you the mark of the beast. Blasphemy of the holy spirit is the only sin that cannot be forgiven, remember that. In Islamic nations if you do not greet with allahu ackbar you will not trade as far as I know, for the most part anyways. Christians and jews are not taken kindly.
old covenant vs the new covenant. Jesus fulfilled the Old covenant.
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But why did the early christians worship saints? Take a look at this for example
holy shit
autism overload
UM no sweetie, xtianity stole everything from the Hindu Romans who practiced enfused Greek and Egyptian/pagan culture. Get ur facts str8 baka.
oh god youre not that angry asian from the UK that blasts my threads to pieces are you...

thats just the beginning of this rabbit hole anon.. Read all the posts... The Bible prophesied THE CRUSADES
did you even read the posts
Nice analysis, chilling when you think of it. Is that all or is there more you have for us?
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Wow you know nothing.
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The qurans end times prophecy is the complete reciprocal of christianity's. Literally the religion of antichristianity. They too have a beast of the earth, who is a good character. He will come out of the earth and mark the faces of all muslims that it be known that they are muslims and shall be spared. I cannot make this up.
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I just saw him post that pic. So I saved it

It seems to be idolatrous
Remember how the end cannot come until the temple is rebuilt and the beast takes the throne claiming to be god? The Dome of The Rock is sitting on the very spot of the temple mount. This is one of the most "holy" sites in islam. There, in the place of the lords temple, allah who claims to be God is worshipped day and night
he knows nothing of what he speaks about. Yes catholocism is very idolatrous. He shills for it anyways. its full of lies and extra books, blatant disobedience of the word, and blasphemy.

can you provide a source for that, i'm interested
which part?
But that kinda means the early Christians are catholics
>What we know so far:
>1. Islam has been identified as the Beast of the Earth.

false teachers and false prophets go to hell
Not all were. That kinda means some early christians were catholics. Plus, catholocism didnt get too fucked up until later on as pope after pope added to law and their books.
> speaking like an invalid child
not a prophet, merely posting my interpretation of the book. What I feel and believe it means and why, nothing wrong with that. piss off.
Whilst I am willing to believe that islam is the beast, that image doesn't really make much sense. Where did he get the idea to add 2 crossed swords into this? The greek symbol chi doesn't factor into "In the name of Allah" at all, so he just added 2 random swords?
White Horseman = United States
> looks regal and official but uses conquest to spread misery
> July 4, 1776

Red Horseman = Rothschild family of Europe
> causes men to slay one another
> May 1, 1776

Whore of Babylon = Ashkenazis based in "the city that rules kings" aka London financial district aka "The City"
> world learns about (((them))) and turns on them, thus Armageddon

I predict the technologists screw the bankers because they don't need the bankers. Then the technologists introduce hell, then Jesus comes back with his "chosen 144,000" to rescue humanity as the winners of the globalist contest (1000 years of peaceful global rule)
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>this thread

Spooked forever
Saved & screencaped
yeah thats a bunch of BS, I agree. I just wanted to show the name of allah vs greek numerals. Early greek translations had the number of his name as 666 OR 616. That part has been forgotten by many of centuries. Look it up though

Early Christians were Orthodox, Catholocism is corrupt but so is protestantism
Apparently arabic scripts at the time of the Rashidun were often ended with crossed swords and, "In the name of Allah."
However, I can't find any confirmation of this from Islamic sources. All I get from those are these massive word-pictures repeating "in the name of Allah" over and over.
I don't care for denominations. I only care what the Book says, its enough for me.
I'm assuming if you weren't Christian before, you're considering it now huh
Could you then refer me to a source of some early true christian apart from Scripture?
Orthodox church was early and true
Just remember that the Bible was only beginning to be compiled at the Council of Nicaea in 325, and even so, the task was not completed until much later along. This was all done by Chalcedonian pre-Schism priests.
I find it hard to believe that an all knowing and all powerful God would have the wrong version of his word be the one that is infinitely the most popular, well known, and far spread

then dont use we ...at least you see the cathocucks as the whore of babylon

Some elements of the futurist interpretation of Revelation and Daniel can be found in some of earliest centuries of the Christian Church. Irenaeus of Lyon, for instance, was of the view that Daniel's 70th week awaited a future fulfillment.[2] During the Middle Ages and before the Protestant Reformation futurist interpretations were virtually non-existent.

The futurist view was proposed by two Catholic Jesuit writers, Manuel Lacunza and Francisco Ribera. Lacunza wrote under the pen name "Ben-Ezra", and his work was banned by the Catholic Church. It has grown in popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries, so that today it is probably most readily recognized.
what do you propose is the beast that also has an image and also a second beast the forces all to worship the first and also attacked the whore of babylon that is the catholic church and also beheads christians for not worshipping it? hmmmm? Please, elaborate friendo
Can someone cap this thread and post it sometime before it archives?
I was already considering it. Maybe I eill be one day. Jeez...
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Ok no.
Revelation should NOT be interpreted.Full stop.
Read it as theology,but don'y you normies try to figure it out,it only creates sects and division,and crazy cults.

the quran and allah being a deceiver etc.
>Revelation should NOT be interpreted.Full stop.
>Read it as theology,but don'y you normies try to figure it out,it only creates sects and division,and crazy cults.

Are you one of those cuck pastors who tells the congregation to hide from evil instead of confronting it?
lol. Believing the Papist lies, too, eh? lol. Sad!

By the way, British guy is that weirdo that's in every Christian thread. I can't believe mods haven't banned him for good, yet. But oh well. He's a paid Catholic shill so he'll just find a way back on with the unlimited money from the Pope.

Can't go off script. Does nothing but this all day. Some say it's a Filipino. Others say it's a seminary student making the biggest mistake of his life. Others say it's a paid Catholic recruiter.

Pathetic, either way. He won't go off script unless someone calls him out and then he gets upset and starts posting anime and asking why people love him. He'll be over 50 posts in this thread when all is said and done.

He's a joke on the board.
I would but idk the best way to do it
wow never noticed how that looks like a cube>>123762079
>I find it hard to believe that an all knowing and all powerful God would have the wrong version of his word be the one that is infinitely the most popular, well known, and far spread

Do you find it hard to believe that ((( they ))) exist? The world is obviously flawed on purpose, so it appears that what God wants is the dramatic story.

God wants the glory of Jesus returning as mankind's only proven salvation. Pomp and splendor and celebration to mark the end of the 6000-year Test.
the book says the whole world will hear of the gospel. Theyre no just gonna hear part of it. Quit being an idiot, stay on topic here
>3. As clearly visible in pic related, the Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon.

Stopped reading right there.

You protestants are so loopy.
pretty obvious now that I think about it.

So essentially Islam is just a death cult. We knew that, but here it is layed out.

The Papacy hasnt been Catholic for s long time mate. They're corrupt as corrupt can be.
lol a perfect description isn't good enough. Your church sits on 7 hills and is its own city. It fornicates with idolatry. You call a man father and ask him to absolve your sins. Enjoy your golden cup of abominations. Maybe if you pray to mother mary or some dead guy hailed as a saint, the pope will take your paycheck for a little less time in limbo. You make me laugh

Fuck off. Early Catholicism was the greatest form of Christianity.
This is not a debate thread for catholics vs protestants vs orthodox. This is a prophecy discussion thread. Please treat it as such, help unwrap the mysteries of revelations.
> pick up thousands upon thousands of ancient texts
> translated over and over again
> find a few things that look sort of similar if you squint your eyes hard enough

Whatever revelations you think you found, I can find similar stuff between Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.
cognitive dissonance at its finest ladies and gentlemen. Complete and utter denial.
Alright, make a concrete claim derived from your "revelations". So concrete, that we can place a bet, like "X becomes president". Are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?
the material world is in a constant state of decay. it's time to take up the sword

the beast is rome the second beast is rome under cathoclism. the image of the beast would be the eagle , islam is in revelations but its not the beast . from where do you get that the beast attacks the roman church ?
>freeing the prisoners is the same as imprisoning them in the first place
not the previous poster, but googled for two seconds


What does the new testament say about Judaism and Jews?
Christfag literally can't get his own religion right.
It's Revelation To John.
Commonly shortened to Revelation.
Singular. Not plural.
Any more info on the second coming of Christ? The scripture says he will appear in the clouds
Where are the beheadings? Where is the forced image worship? You agreed earlier that catholicism is the whore, therefore if Islam is the beast then the crusades and holy war were that literally.
Jesus calls them the synagogue of satan
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the mark of the beast is the mark of rome they changed the sabbath in to sunday
Dont understand the concept of prophecy very well do you?

see this

Fucking lmao, do you have the exact line?
God will be victorious in the end. That's the whole point of revelations. It's a book of hope.

Yeah, the sake way the Jews have extra books to try and interpret the Bible, it's basically the same with catholicism
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Ah thanks, should really read the thread
Prophecy isn't real, you retard. Go to >>>/x/ with this shit.
>prophecy isn't real
Is that a prophecy?
If you can't make any concrete predictions, then how is this any different than circle jerking and bathing in confirmation bias?

If, by design, you can't produce testable predictions, then how can you ever know you're not simply circle jerking and confirmation biasing around?
Preaching that the mark of the beast is a good thing? kek
As crazy as this sounds what if the mark of the beast has something to do with Roko's basilisk? Like a hyper intelligent AI is able to reconstruct your soul and torture you for eternity if you end up with a chip that reads your biometrics.. just a random thought.
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the beheadings are by the guillotines , revelations is all trough the church history roman cathoclism being the most important enemy for christianity is for 90 % in revelations , islam is just a means to a end for god
you sound shizophrenic
I thought the "one world religion" was called the worship of man? Wouldn't that be evolution? That humans are to ascend to the status of God AKA blashempy?
>1. Islam has been identified as the Beast of the Earth.

>not judaism

Shariah law. Worldwide islam domination. Rule by the sword, worship or die
This seems heavy on the symbolism. Their black cube taking out our buildings, leaving a cube shaped crater, penetrating into the heart of the city deep into the earth. I wonder if this is meant to be representative of any of their prophecies?
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are you a dumb fuck or you do this for fun?
But that doesn't sound like the worship of man or the mind. I'm not saying you're wrong at all but I feel it could go both ways.
"Who is the liar but he who denies the Father and the Son? Surely, he is antichrist."

The pope does not deny christ or behead anyone for their testimony of jesus christ.

Try again.
Where are you getting worship of man or the mind? Scripture reference please
Well fuck I think I stomped on to something.

>Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Revelation 20:
Kalki can only be the one whose Birthday/Tithi falls on Dvadasi of Sukla Paksha. This amounts to just 12 days per any given year furthermore as it can only be the day of the Lord Sri Maha Vishnu (Chaitra Dwadashi) this amounts to just one day each year or 100 days in the last century.

Indian astrologers have analysed Puranas extensively to try and foretell the time of birth of Kalki. The signs described in the Kalki Purana are as follows:

The moon will be in Dhanishtha nakshatra, Aquarius, suggesting he will be wealthy, acclaimed and swift in action and thought.
The sun will be in Swati, the nakshatra of the sword.
Jupiter will be in Purva Ashadha nakshatra, Sagittarius.
The Ascendant Lord will be in Purva Ashadha nakshatra, also Sagittarius, suggesting invincibility and early victory.
Saturn will be exalted in Libra, predicting a balance between justice and the sword.
Ketu, a five-headed snake god in navagraha, will be exalted in Scorpio, suggesting he will descend atop a great white steed.
Good thread. Kindly post screen cap. Please and thank you.
The quran says that the Mahdi arrives on a white horse and that the djaal (islamic antichrist) will arrive on a donkey

The bible says Jesus rides in on a donkey and that the true antichrist arrives on a white horse
Apologizes. I accidentally mixed up scripture and this book I read about the NWO. The book I read is the one that talked about the worship of the mind/man. Sorry for the confusion.
hth faggot.
Jesus hates you for fucking up his religion.
>Kalki will appear as Vishnu in his four-armed form, and return to Vaikuntha After the siring of Kalki's other sons Meghamaal and Balahaka, Kalki will reign on earth for 1,000 years as the king of Shambhala.

Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Revelation 20:

1000 years,this is too far to be a co incidence.

Jews edited the bible to suit their narrative
Spread the Word.
What the fuck kind of sorcery is this? And please take the Islam out of equation.
Awesome thanks.
>religion will be outlawed and believers will be either eliminated or imprisoned, there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind, all will believe in the new religion.

Here's the quote from the book
wrong, they just made the talmud to blaspheme christ and the bible because He blew them out
sounds like the evangelical atheists dreams, tips fedora to them all*
If you want to know at which point the Kali Yuga just started then look for Mahabharata its a story of switch from one realm to another.

This is way over my head but it seems that this digs deep into all forms of symbolism related to the cube.
Really makes you think:

Please, pay attention.
just another little excerpt.. The beast will change the laws and our dating system, introducing a new calendar and a unified language just like the tower of Babel when God separated the languages, just another slap in the face of God. Islam has its own calendar and Arabic is the only recognized language of islam

Oh look the Revelation holds more than one structured sentence or paragraph, thus splitting the revelation up into smaller REVELATIONS that interconnect into the larger REVELATION.

fucking french Canadians I swear
Y'all go read Revalation 12. It is the story of how Satan tried to get Yeshua but failed......very cool information but it requires thought & dispensation from Yah to figure it....
when is the real sabbath, saturday?
I've watched this so many times it spooks me out more than anything. I hate islam so much and there's nothing I can do to stop it :(
sabbath was just a day of rest for Moses when those idiots got lost in the desert and wandered around in circles iirc
The entire thing is one big revelation.
Jesus is revealing the end times to John.
Saying revelation as plural makes you a retard. It's a proven fact. The science is decided.

>all knowing and all powerful God

>mark the end of the 6000-year Test

wtf does an "ALL KNOWING" and "ALL POWERFUL" god need a 'test' for?

>flawed on purpose
>God wants is the dramatic story

wtf would an all knowing/powerful god need a dramatic story for?

you expose yourself to these things for the experience of knowing them, and god already knows it, so he casts humanity into the experience of suffering and death, against temptation and evil, to have his own known experiences unfold?

see, the 'problem of evil' existing, once again, trumps any christian-cuck logic.

Think about the degree of proposition you idiots are working with, and likewise, just because a bunch of bronze-iron age proto-isis wrote fairy-tales about how one cult will dominate another, does not make it real beyond the fact cults waged idealistic-generational warfare via text. God(s) do not exist. By merit of benevolence, omnipotence, and omnipresence, there can be no 'evil'
Jewish is sabbath is Friday is it not?
>The entire thing is one big revelation.
yes, but it is made up of other minor revelations that make up the revelation as a whole, fucking learn the queens English and it's nuances you peastant
>cross literally undoes Saturn worship in that pic

You're retarded.
I wonder that myself, and still haven't gotten a straight answer. On the one hand, everyone knows that Sabbath is Saturday, but is that meant to be the real day of rest or is this more Jewish bullshit?

Consider this: in old Euro languages, the words for days are numbered, and Sunday has a special word meaning "free day" or "no work day". It's special enough that in Polish, for example, the word for Monday means "the day after no work day", then Tuesday is "second day".

Alternatively, as a trained psychologist, the term you're employing into the process of belief is called 'confirmation bias'.

Literally, what the guy you called practicing cognitive dissonance is calling you.

In this arena, I would say he's correct. History does show that thousands of interpretations have lead to thousands of revisions and even sects of a single religion; ten revisionists can spawn two revisionists each, and the number compounds to the present day variety of religion we have. Confound this 'value' of religion with the fact there exists over 1,500 religions, and over 100,000 gods attributed to them, and the values of belief propping up the entire foundation of your propositional 'belief structures is valued at '1/100,000' in the 'god' market; '1/1500' in the religion market; and '0/∞' relative the observational 'natural sciences' and there every expanding in doubt theories.

But, let's just use philosophy and the classic 'problem of evil', and the 'a priori' structuralism of the minds limits to think about an 'ominecent', 'omnipotent', and 'omnibenevolent' being relative a world with the quality of 'evil' and 'suffering'. . .

Do the math. Prepositionally, there cant be a 'test' if god is all knowing, there cant be 'evil' as an opponent if its all powerful; an unfolding plan makes no sense if things get created in 'days', and there can be no omnibenevolence if the god creates evil for the purpose of testing suffering.

Then, as I mentioned there is 'confirmation bias', in that, you seem to be the type that will interpret 'days' as something necessary to your paradigm, like a millennia, and then ignore the 'talking snakes' and implied inbreeding between children and eve.

Are you a literalist, an interpretise, or confirmed as bias towards both (what ever keeps it making sense)?
Nope, it's Saturday
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Fuck Christianity. It is the original liberalism of classical antiquity and was one of the major factors contributing to the collapse of the Roman empire and the dark ages.

It is a cucked religion that preaches blind obedience and turning the other cheek. It's a Jewish tool for domesticating goyim and the US evangelical movements are a perfect example of this.

Stop shilling your death cult on our board please.
You are all fools, ants compared to me. Hear ye religious zealots. I have sent many a moon observing your childish endeavors. A true delight to see the feeble minded's attempt to understand the facets of the universe. Is the only conclusion you can draw one of eldritch origin? Poppycock! Next time travel to your white boards and try to push beyond the boundaries of your obvious mental handicap. Pick up your filthy, untouched pencil from your penal canal and try doing some actual research. If you want to debate, don't waste your time. I am a well read atheist, man of science, and collector of theist tears.
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Beasts in the bible are often referred to as nations. In the book of Daniel, we see this clearly, each beast referencing the nations of Babylon, Greece, Persia and Rome.

Daniel 7:2-8
>2Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. 3And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. 4The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it. 5And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. 6After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. 7After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. 8I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

In Revelations, THE beast has all the characteristics of the beasts mentioned in Daniel:

Revelation 13:2
>And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

If we read Daniel, the beasts are a leopard, a bear, a lion. Now look at the verse above. It's a mix, a combination. It's a one world government.
do you not understand that you lost to? your whole culture lost? that you are a shadow of your grandfathers? and your sons will die a slower death of meaninglessness? you think you were a part of this victory? do you believe christ will save your soul? I don't believe in any of it, but don't delude yourself, all religion is a way for a man to control another man without the threat of violence, at least with paganism they weren't trying to forcefully convert people because non-pagan ideals were dangerous to their fragile and ignorant faith. hey, but keep believing, maybe sky-jew will come down one day and cut you in on a slice of kneeling at the feet of god for all eternity not daring to look him in the face like the little cuck you are.

fuck off, you're that thirteen yr old cuck who has no idea about anything, if only there were a way to verify what I said, oh yeah! its in the fucking scripture you fucking moron! one of the central themes of christian doctrine is submission: submission to god, submission to rhetorical doctrine, submission, to your pastor, submission to other men, there is simply no other way to state it, and its not like everyone chose this, because of the way christianity/pisslam work like mind viruses most people were forced into it as children, so not only are you a slave defending your masters, but you never even bother to question why.


Same guy,

I'm asking, where the fuck is your intellectual congruence?

Or, is this one of those, you surrender via faith, and get to save face among sheeple? That's what christians do with the problem of evil, beucase they are literally hypnotizing themselves with the false belife that they comprehend the abstract and generalized concepts they seek to apply to the world.

When, in fact, this is egoism at its finest, and more so, a form of 'pride' in knowing how to interpret god let alone guess at its works.....

Which brings me to context.

You're reading the imaginations of 500 CE bureaucrats viaing for power relative the dying feudalistic natures of Europe and the rising imperialism of Islam. I think its safe to say, there is no fight between deities, just people with bonkers ideas of how social functionality aught be achieved; all the while, achieving it via the only way primates know, violence or trade.
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Hitler, wrote Speer, viewed Christianity as the wrong religion for the "Germanic temperament":[51] Speer wrote that Hitler would say: "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[54] Speer also wrote of observing in Hitler "quite a few examples", and that he held a negative view toward Himmler and Rosenberg's mystical notions.[55][56]
>Revelations General Thread
Oh great, I love this thread. Have this one fellow christcucks

>"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Mental Gymnastics: Engaged
This is literally a mindfuck for me. The beast didn't make sense for me at first but it's crystal clear what the beast stands for when we tie up the imagery and symbolism in the bible with the final prophecy (Revelations). Man will institute a one world government. Behind this one world government will be the antichrist and the dragon and the whore will be its prophets. It finally makes sense.
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>Real sabbath is Saturday
>Saturday was derived from Saturni deis literally meaning Saturn's day
Yes I'm aware. But it is also a religious power as worship is involved. If you read the old testament, all of the wicked nations to be destroyed on the day of the Lord are Muslim nations today
hence Shariah law. Islamic one world gov't.
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>I'm going to use the bible to prove X ideological position
You people need to stop this. The bible, in Western thought, is a disputed canonized work (i.e. Catholics accept apocrypha as cannon whereas Protestants do not) written by a myriad of authors and that has been translated, by trusted sources and unwarranted authorities, a good handful of times. At this point, using biblical sources to argue for any modern concept being analogous to any biblical entity, movement, or position is disingenuous at best.

You people can't honestly believe that what is said in Isaiah or Revelations has any equivalency into the modern issues today. It might be fun and a good use of critical thinking to extend a biblical writing into modern issues, but it is just a mental exercise.
I hope you realize the shit-tier mental gymnastics of what you just posted, lol

The justification that Jesus isn't Lucifer is "weeeeeell Satan got called a lion once therefor Lucifer no longer means Lucifer DUUUUUUH"
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Really makes you think
>Yes I'm aware. But it is also a religious power as worship is involved. If you read the old testament, all of the wicked nations to be destroyed on the day of the Lord are Muslim nations today

2 Peter 3:10
All nations will be destroyed when the Messiah comes, not just Muslim nations:

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
>one is an antichrist and a false ruler that seeks to devour
>one saves, heals and symbolizes the tribe of Judah.

If you aren't an autist, the distinctions are pretty clear. Satan is a fake, an imposter that wants to emulate the true ruler (Christ) but acts differently. I'm sorry that you don't understand dualism and imagery in the bible to strike a point, but your inability to comprehend things doesn't make the explanations any less valid.

My grandfather was an atheist, along with my grandmother. They raised three kids from poverty to upper middle class and retired with two million dollars, being born into a depression with house shingles for firewood. He fought the Japanese in the second great war.

Culture? You mean that thing that changes with the environment people's process change with them?


that abstract concept that is the sum of all the societal parts in practice, from dennies to the catholic church, culture?

That' constant bondage to brand?

We have lost nothing, you baboon, god just changed to 'Nike','Reebok', and 'Adidas'.


You call me a 'moron' for using probability and global refrence for my model of reality, and you use a bronze age book...

Lets use a metaphor:

We are both in a NYC and we both have maps. Your map is constructed in 500CE (the modern bible complied) and my map is google earth. Our Functional task is to navigate our life downtown to find a store that gives us substance. Whose map of a reality is better?

I rest my case.

Outside of arguing things you cant possibly know, or that are so incongruous that a child's obedient mind might even question, can you tell me your conceptual map of reality is 'up to date' enough to tell me what 'culture' is, relative it possibly being 'lost'.
I'm just thinking in 7 dimensions at once you triplanar meatbag
What if you've got those same two maps but now you're not looking for a modern shop, you're looking for ancient buried treasure. Which map is better now?
Not Christian but I read a lot of classics and Revelations I'd the best of the Bible, it's written like a Greek epic
Did you read the posts in thread?

The idea that the Horsemen are evil comes from the Jews. The White Horseman is the Holy Christian king spoke of in Christian prophecy outside of the Bible.
The 4 horsemen. Black. Green. White. Red. Now go look at any Muslim country. Look at their flag so. What are the colors? Every single Muslim flag. Red green white black.
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mayan prophecies are more accurate: The
Fourth Maya Prophecy tells us: man must cease his destructive behavior, in order to synchronize with the rhythms of nature and adjust to the changes which will take the whole universe to an era of harmony. The climate changes will produce a melting of the poles, allowing the planet to be cleansed and green again, producing great changes in the physical composition of the continents.
Dang. Anon seems to be awfully quiet with this. People like that really are annoying. They claim to be wise and know-it-alls but all they say is empty, meaningless rhetoric.
Good fucking thread.
They act as though if they use impressive vocabulary their pseudo intelligence will become solidified
>>one is an antichrist and a false ruler that seeks to devour
Wow that's a great way to put it! Let us observe what the hypothetical scenario of Satan being Jesus would lead to:

>1) He would establish a personality cult that punishes you greatly for not obeying
>2) He would be punished by God for doing so
>3) His actions would lead to great misfortune, such as constant wars because of his cult that continue two thousand years later in regions specifically infected with that cult (or its offspring)
>4) His primary head church of the cult would become the biggest symbolism of his main personality trait - greed.

Now let's compare what happened in rea-, oh.
I have some bad bad news for you anon...
>Saturday is the day of the week following Friday and preceding Sunday. The Romans named Saturday Sāturni diēs ("Saturn's Day") no later than the 2nd century for the planet Saturn, which controlled the first hour of that day, according to Vettius Valens.[citation needed] The day's name was introduced into West Germanic languages and is recorded in the Low German languages such as Middle Low German sater(s)dach, Middle Dutch saterdag (Modern Dutch zaterdag) and Old English Sætern(es)dæġ and Sæterdæġ.[1] However, the name was selected as a calque of the god Saturn, after whom the planet was named. The day was also referred to as "Sæternes dæġe" in an Old English translation of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People.[2] In Old English, Saturday was also known as sunnanæfen ("sun" + "eve" cf. dialectal German Sonnabend).[3]

The jews never called it saturday
I think you're confusing Christianity with Islam there. Are you muslim? Please tell me, it seems you're angry that people have rightly pointed out Islam is a false religion and clearly belonging to satan.
All of the geopolitical locations mentioned in the Bible that are destroyed in the end times are Muslim nations and bear these colors. Sorry, I wasn't specific enough
I don't think that you have even a basic comprehension of history if you think that I'm referring to Islam with that post
You're referring to Catholicism
how do you know which part is to be interpreted literally and which not? and how do you know the interpretation is right?
you stupid faggot.
It's a discussion thread. Dumbass. Read the fucking posts.
>1) He would establish a personality cult that punishes you greatly for not obeying
So Islam then. Sharia law and whatnot.

>2) He would be punished by God for doing so
Sacrifice for sins is clearly mentioned many times in the bible. I don't get what you're trying to imply here.

>3) His actions would lead to great misfortune, such as constant wars because of his cult that continue two thousand years later in regions specifically infected with that cult (or its offspring)
So Islam then. They wage wars on "unbelievers".

>4) His primary head church of the cult would become the biggest symbolism of his main personality trait - greed.
Muhammad was greedy. He spread his religion to satiate his desires.

It seems you have no comprehension of history. You seem to have Christianity and Islam confused.
regardless, id suggest any Muslim grab the book of Mormon and compare. Just please dont convert to Mormonism
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You cunts are ruining the world. Fuck yourselves.
Post screen cap
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the beast is baphomet, the thrones are those Dxracer gamer chairs, the mark on the forehead could be like a implant microchip, and then god who is a newfag invades and fucking to death everyone who opposed him.

literally, I am going to rape the females until they die, then bring them back to life to be raped again until they die, repeatedly during revelations.

I am god btw
>And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"

>Revelation 6:15-17

This sounds like the world elite retreating into mountain complexes and underground bases.
those bases in colorado. I only recall this because of that damn horizon video game lol
literally all of switzerland is a bunker, and the place jews hide
>one is an antichrist and a false ruler that seeks to devour
>one saves, heals and symbolizes the tribe of Judah.

Are you saying that the evil one won't try to act as Jesus?
It's why he's the Anti-Jesus. He pretends to be Jesus.
Looks like Jesus
Acts like Jesus
But it's not Jesus it's a human/something else.

Also ignore that fedora he's probably baiting on purpose
This makes sense as long as it's not that Khazar bullshit.

Jesus ended Judaism, all who persist in it are fake Jews. The Talmud just makes it worse.
at best you're just bluepilled.

but mayan prophecies are also basic as shit. you don't get any points because you are playing in the kiddy pool of theology.
>Jesus ended Judaism, all who persist in it are fake Jews. The Talmud just makes it worse.

Is this the whole sum of, as they call it, "the red pill"?
>Khazar bullshit.
it's not bullshit. They're mountain turks. It's indisputable really. The Byzantine empire went to war with them. They converted to Judaism in 800
I'm saying exactly that. The other is an impostor. The genuine one is THE true morning star. I know he's baiting but the explanation is for the other readers who aren't edgy pseudo-intellectuals like the guy.
>wtf does an "ALL KNOWING" and "ALL POWERFUL" god need a 'test' for?
>>flawed on purpose
>>God wants is the dramatic story
>wtf would an all knowing/powerful god need a dramatic story for?

There is literally nothing else to do in the universe. Have you never thought about this stuff?
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Taught by Polycarp who was taught by Apostle John.

We will not, however, incur the risk of pronouncing positively as to the name of Antichrist; for if it were necessary that his name should be distinctly revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision. For that was seen no very long time since, but almost in our day, towards the end of Domitian's reign.

Domtian's reign ended around 95 AD.

That's 20+ past Nero's death. There is NO WAY The Anticrhsit as a Roman Emperor nor is the Beast/NWO the Roman Empire
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If these two say no I'm not gonna spend time on it.

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Assyrians were white men. Like us. But jewy looking. Be aware that he will not be some Arab and the Scriptures describe teh anti chirst as being good looking. So he'll be white

((("jews"))) implement extremist liberal methods to bring degeneracy to control goverments and the name of Christ is a blasphemy for most of (((them)))

blind obedience =! suffer in the name of Christ for only He will bring your salvation

Rome fell by degenerancy and corruption within and the barbarian hordes stoped intellectual progress not the church who painstakingly collected and preserved whaterver could find
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Communist Jews came up with the theory. It was on a nat soc general, their own books say they made ti up so they could no longer be identified as a group as the Nazis did, which severely cripples then

Replying to tihs shit lord

Gnosticism demands that all matter is wicked. Hence them denying communion, Gnostics do not believe that Jesus was resurrected, because that implies that he had a body.

Which is wrong to them
the fourth one looks like a dildo
I'ma take a stab at this.

We are being recruited for life with God.

The logos is [part of? pls no heresy] the Second Person of the Trinity, the one we are trying to imitate and the one with whom we hope to be united in heaven.

Participating in intra-Trinitarian life from the perspective of the Son/logos is the point of human existence.

God wants us to be rational.

But rationality requires freedom.

So we have to be able to reject Him.

That's why God doesn't make his presence obvious. To be like Him, we must be rational and choose Him *where we have another choice.*
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There are also those who heard from him that John, the disciple of the Lord, going to bathe at Ephesus, and perceiving Cerinthus within, rushed out of the bath-house without bathing, exclaiming, "Let us fly, lest even the bath-house fall down, because Cerinthus, the enemy of the truth, is within." And Polycarp himself replied to Marcion, who met him on one occasion, and said, "Do you know me?" "I do know you, the first-born of Satan."

Iranaeus who was taught by Polycarp, who was taught by Saint John the Apostle

Marcion and Cerinthius were GNOSTICS
Very interesting, lots of details seem to add up. Thanks for the nice thread.
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Literally rejected by all modern Scholarship, Gibbons is even rejected by LIBERAL HISTORIANS


It was about money and power and kikery as always
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Also East Rome was more Christian than the west . ANd the west was sacked by Arian heretisc

>burn the heretic
Did nothing wrong
i could provide, but i don't know if your eyes are worthy to receive it
so you want us to remain ignorant of our faith and to not seek each other who believes in Christ.

have you ever done research work?
anyone working on one final screencap for the thread?

i just got into the thread, and would probably need some time to go through it all.
Yeah I knew Koestler (The Thirteenth Tribe) was a kike so I figured it was a way to prop up the "just a religion" canard.

Criticize Jewish religion?
>we're a people!
Criticize Jewish people?
>we're a religion!
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There will be a millennium after the resurrection from the dead, when the personal reign of Christ will be established on this earth.
Among the earliest Christians

Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He
meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all
things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years;
and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of
the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six
days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end.

Epistle of Barnabas
Popular early christian book among the Church Fathers

Also As I have shown you and in other writings Iraenaeus

"But when this Antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign for three years and six months, and sit in the temple at Jerusalem; and then the Lord will come from heaven in the clouds, in the glory of the Father, sending this man and those who follow him into the lake of fire; but bringing in for the righteous the times of the kingdom

that;s also in Against Heresies


But that should be enough for now

But Justin Martur was another who lived around 150 AD

When I mean the earliest Christians, I mean the first two centuries

Now Amillenialism was held later on, but it was a minor position until much much later on and that had to do with martin Luther and his spiritual fathers and sons

Do not be blind nor ignorant. Roman Catholics have always been known for prefering straightforward reading than Allegorizing (which came from Alexandria, a gnostic shithole)
Not to say all Christian Alexandrains are bad, BUT it had an influence on early theology
Bump for a great thread OP.
I've recently thought of doing a Revelation thread myself whenever I see a regular Christian general.
Do you plan on making these regularly?
No i literally read it with my own eyes. Being able to identify the tribe is important/

We have always been in a race war. The ride never ends
someone should prepare a tl;dr for OP for future generals.
Also, Muslims get literal prayer marks (bumps) on their forheads from hitting their heads in the same spot on the floor.
Ill have to go look into Barnabas again. I remember some new friends at the Church told me they liked it, which is how I learned about it

I am very sure it was liked by the Church Fathers and laymen at large.

It doesnt mean these men were right about everything. I want to let you know it's not "always right" But I want to show that Catholics have no issue with permillenialism. It is a legtimate tradition in the Catholic Church
Here's a perspective on Muslim theology as it intersects with Christianity:
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxdgho5Buxo
Also none of these sources are Gnostic. They are non heretical

The primary dispuit in those days, where the differences did occur was over the jews and their postion in regards to God, if they are Elect, and about Goyim in teh Church
The test isn't for God, it's for us. We have to prove ourselves capable of following his word when outside of his direct presence under direct temptation.

That is the purpose of this world...improvement and growth.
fucking shit, underrated
Alright wait


I'm sorry

It does have some serious errors in it. Not gnostic but others..

Ive been fooled, Im sorry about that theres a lot fo trash out there

BUT the others are good. Papias I remember was a good christian

I don't mean to deceive anyone but there's a lot fo jewry out there
Agreed, there is no true test or learning without agency. Free will makes choosing God meaningful.
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This is wrong

1.Crossed swords have nothing to do with islam
2.go to google and type "in the name of" then translated it to arabic
3.realize how retarded you are
My memory isn't the best but It must have been a different book that was popular.

correct me if i am wrong, but does this mean that islam must fall, dome of rock must again become jewish temple, and then we have the end?

also, is there a video on youtube which compares world's major religions and their end-time prophecies?
like I said


But I do remember I was recomended it. They must not have known.
if anyone wants to talk about this video -
jared-ivanka had a son born to them on easter sunday Mar 27 2016.
they named him theodore james kushner.
ties perfectly well into the Bethlehem star thing.
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The issue is that these fuckers got really sneaky

Like 99% will be typical Christian stuff, and then theirll be like two verses that say something really bad that they sneak in in the letter somewhere.

It's not always blatent and that is why people get jewed, like me
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here's a pepe for my ignorance on the matter, and on behalf of others who accidentally recomended it to me. Im very sorry
I hate heresy Ireally do
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There is a hindu prophecy that when this world get full degenerated lord Vishnu will appear on earth under the name "kalki" on a horse with blazing sword and he will exterminate millions of degenerate people.
That's also in Islam too though.
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Here's another to say sorry for recommending Barnabas. I consider this penance
230 posts
a clap for the jewish moderators and janitors keeping this board in check and keeping the narrative focused on based jewish man donald j trump!
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Here's the last for my penance. I take this very seriously.
Your gospel of fear is a perversion.
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>this thread is still up
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This is the fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-5
>based jewish man donald j trump!

the narrative should instead focues on jared kushner.
it says every 2000 years.

also see this >>123786323
this time around, during the 2 year period as talked about in >>123760098, jared kushner became father to a potential king of jews,.
Always thought this would refer to some kind of government mandated electronic chip (e.g. RFID), given the specific mention of right hand or forehead.
>so you want us to remain ignorant of our faith and to not seek each other who believes in Christ.
No, I want you guys to realize that religious texts, while useful for modern discourse in areas of philosophy, ethics, and morality, are ultimately tied to the setting and time they're written in.

What I mean by this is shit like:
>Bible says Obama is the antichrist
Are we positive it's Islam and not Judaism?
what if it's the new world order one-world-religion?
What does the cube have to do with Satan?
Judaism as a religion is incredibly weak, isn't it? there are way too few people imo.
Quotations please?
No, it's retarded
both the bible and islamic hadiths say that the beast/antichrist will be a jew, And that isa (arabic for jesus) will emerge in earth to kill him
weak? heads of the US government, european governments and even the russian government are kikes
Interesting but if Revelation 12 is about to be fulfilled this year that means according to the Bible the Antichrist is soon to take power. He can't be a small child especially since the Bible talks about him being a great speaker and changing times and laws. This all has to happen within 7 years so the Antichrist would have to be a grown man
the question remains, freaktard.
>Antichrist would have to be a grown man
so who could it be? my money's on jared. or putin.
Islam may be the beast....I think the Jews will covertly allow the muslims to push Islam on everyone. It is a tool of the Jews now. Eventually the synagogue of Satan will pay.
yeah, but are they religious? Do they care about the doctrine? Maybe I'm off topic with this.
imagine been an actual adult human being and believing this shite
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>"a mouth that spake very great things" Daniel 7:20
>"shall think to change times and laws" Daniel 7:25
gib redpills for fedoracuck
Have a nice September 24th
Few people in key positions. Look at Hollywood and the media, bending and manipulating peoples minds daily. Let's not forget the central banks as well.....
Just google their names and you'll see pics of them with those jewish kippas on their heads, or them holding menorahs
Except for the bible, which tells the story of the earth from beginning to end.

Only God sees the end from the beginning, and so only God could tell that story. And he does.

There are many prophetic chapters in the bible that are coming true right now; Psalms 83, Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38, etc.
The thought is that Saturn is the dark sun, the planet most resembling the devil.

Don't know why they switched from Venus, which is actually the planet that people used to worship the devil.

For instance, the pagans held Saturnalia on December 25th each year.
We're not even up to Revelation 4 yet.
Imagine going through life blind with no firm foundation upon which to stand.
unless obama becomes UN Sec-Gen, i think his days of changing shit are over.
>Except for the bible, which tells the story of the earth from beginning to end.
No it doesn't. Your interpreted metaphor isn't proof.

>There are many prophetic chapters in the bible that are coming true right now; Psalms 83, Isaiah 17, Ezekiel 38, etc.
>out of context verses extrapolated to fit your modern narrative

How do I know my interpretation isn't right and yours is? I mean if you get to extrapolate a non-literal message from a work why can't I do the same with another verse?
Turkey's new dictator?

Easy. Your interpretation cannot be right.

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

If you want to understand the things of God, you have to be in God's family, and not in satan's family.
oh, yeah, erdogan is going to start a modern-day islamic holy war against europe any day now, so it's probably him.
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It is more than evident that the present politicians are all members of the secret societies that practice witchcraft, they practice it individually and collectively trapping the masses in their spells

-Do you think it is possible to liberate ourselves with just social and political movements or do we need a kind of occult support?

-It would be good to know how much of this community believes in witchcraft and how many remains skepticis to this...
Turkey is setting up to head the Caliphate, so whoever runs Turkey is setting himself up to be Caliph.

The days of secular Turkish government are over.
He whom the Son sets free, are free indeed.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may know the will of God; that which is good, and acceptable, and perfect."
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Revelations explained completely as the history of the church and the course of western civilization, get comfy:

Pretty certain the USA is the Whore of Babylon
The UN is the one world government of Revelation so secretary general is the position the Antichrist will hold. Notice instead of riding off into the sunset like all past presidents do, Obama is running a shadow government in DC to sabotage Trump and oversee the destruction of the United States. The plan will then be to turn it into just another region under UN control.
That's the Catholic church
Watch this https://youtu.be/2POTDMjkgNQ
yep, get ready to deus vult.
meanwhile, i'll get ready for our version of the end-times. Lord kalki is on his way, i guess.

yes, pretty much what's going to happen.
and obama seems to be on his way to trying for the sec-gen post.
i wonder when's the next (s)election.

>book of revelations

Every god damn time with you retards
The USA sets upon 7 hills, and rules over the kings of the earth in 95 AD?

When we began in 1776 AD?

You may want to rethink that. However, there are many people in America who do follow Mystery Babylon (catholics), and many people who do follow economic Babylon (capitalism).

We're not in the bible because when push comes to shove, we are not going to matter.
>Lord kalki
Is that part of a mother/son religion?

The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

live in willing ignorance and don't even listen to opposing viewpoints if you want
Inb4 the Pale Horse is Islam
Not maybe the best link just convenient for my phone

Pagans don't worship the devil, they worship their own gods.
It's the Revelation of John you fuckass, Jesus didn't write it.
I think only the riders matter, and the rider of the white horse, the Antichrist, could have a connection to Islam, sure. He'll also be hailed as the Jewish Messiah, and he'll also be hailed as the NWO ruler. Note he has a bow, but no arrows; he conquers through non-violent means.

The pale horse is a sickly yellow-green, and represents pestilence.
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>And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 2 She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.
On September 23 this year, there wil be a constillation where jupiter (zeus, which is associated with jesus as jesus for example is a mockname meaning "hail zeus") will stay in virgos (virgin mary) belly for 42 weeks (pregnency) and leaving the constillation (birth) while the constillation of lion, usually consisting of 9 stars now will have 12 "stars" as mecurcy mars and venus will align with it, with the moon the the feet of virgo and the sun next to her head.
This depicts the birth of jesus by virgin mary among the stars and the last time this happened supposedly was around 4000 years ago

however pic related. Europe, always depicted as a women, gives birth, new life clothed in the sun, swastika the symbol of god and the sun, regains nationalism, with the moon, muslim, at her feet, while being crowned by 12 stars like the EU flag.
>2She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.
like we are doing now with the terrorattacks, and all the bullshit that is going on
I've always heard that Israel was the whore.
not exactly, unless ..
okay here's the tl;dr -

>lord vishnu is part of Hinduism's trinity.
>vishnu the preserver, reincarnates 10 times during times of tribulations to put things right.
>9 have already happen.
>kalki is the 10th reincarnation.
>kalki will destroy all filth and usher in the Satya yug, literally - truth era

>krishna was one reincarnation [don't remember the number]
>krishna's mother had a divine prophecy - vishnu tells her he will take birth from her womb to kill her brother, the evil king.
>krishna is born,
>he kills his maternal uncle.
>a lot of other bullshit happens including the mahabharat.
pretty much as close to mother/son as hinduism gets.
She's going off of a false premise.

Zachariah 5 clearly states that the storks are headed to Babylon, the real city.

So while Rome used to be Babylon, Babylon is now Babylon.

And again, we're not Babylon. We're at the uttermost ends of the earth, awaiting judgment like all the other nations.
Revelation of John = Revelation written by John
Revelation of Jesus Christ = the revealing of Christ to the world

Both apply
There are only two groups of people. For Jesus, and Against Jesus.

Pagans are Against Jesus, and their leader is the devil, whether they recognize that or not.

As Jesus said, whoever is not with Him is against Him.
Jesus is being revealed, not John.
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It was the Shepherd of HERMAS
not BARNABAS that the early Church loved

And THAT was what was recomdended to me, iim sorry. I Dont' want anyone thinking that what we got is a bunch of lies that chagned over tiem.


I only got 3 hours of sleep
Revelation 1 (NKJV)

Introduction and Benediction

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place.
also, kalki arrives on a white horse, with a blazing sword in his hand.
he wears white/silvery clothes.

don't really remember the timing of his arrival, only that it was supposed to be at the end of the kal yug [black / dark era], and most estimates put it several thousand years away from now, so can't be sure about hinduism's dark era's end times.
Israel has been called a whore by God many times, but not the Whore of Babylon.

Any time Israel worshiped any other god than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they were being unfaithful to God, who was as a husband to them.
>Roman Catholics have always been known for prefering straightforward reading than Allegorizing
>man the dinosaurs didn't exist
Hey so my boss invited me to his starter church he goes to with his kid for some sunday service. Ive never gone to a church out of my own free will and have only gone twice or so. So i wouldnt call my self religious or christian or anything.

I dont know if i want to go or not. Im just trying to see how it could help me out in my current situation. Lifes just really hard and im not sure i need more commitment right now. My heart hurts. I hate stress.
Israel is the woman of Revelation 12. The Jews will flee the Antichrist, the beast system and whore of Babylon
Aye, very common theme, all coming from Babylon.

Fascinating how Hindus would be looking for their last incarnation of kalki; Islam is looking for its last incarnation of the 12th mahdi, and the catholics are celebrating their last pope, all at the same time.
>as a husband
strange that it's not as a FATHER, as one would expect.
Interesting. So Jesus arrives on a white horse; the Antichrist arrives on a white horse; kalki arrives on a white horse.....I sense a theme.
>posts aztec picture
>mexican intellectual
Neck yourself
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>Fascinating how Hindus would be looking for their last incarnation of kalki; Islam is looking for its last incarnation of the 12th mahdi, and the catholics are celebrating their last pope, all at the same time.

Basically, nuclear annihilation incoming.
666 is not my number.
It will be very difficult to drive yourself to do this, but it will be rewarding in some fashion. It's very difficult for anyone to go to a new church, much less an unbeliever.

You have the idea that people will judge you harshly, yes?

It will be the opposite of that. They will be thrilled that you came.

hence why i asked if there is a youtube video comparing all religion's end times.
would make for a great watch.

yep, nukes galore.
It is, isn't it? Gives one a whole new emphasis on marriage.
What does Sunday have to do with one's right-hand or forehead?
Catholics perform the same rituals and worship the same idols from Mystery Babylon only instead of Semiramis and Tamuz they call them Mary and Jesus. This cannot be denied when you look at the history of paganism. The Vatican is Mystery Babylon that sits on the seven hills of Rome
I just dont know if i see myself as a person who should go. Nit entirely a good person and alot of my problems are self destructive. Alot arent. But alot are. I dont want to be rude but id feel like id be wasting my time in something i dont inherently believe in
The rest of the bible is pretty clear that foreign gods are just empty idols, not the devil.

Baruch 6:4

>Now in Babylon you will see gods made of silver and gold and wood, which people carry on their shoulders, and which cause the heathen to fear.

Baruch 6:8
>Their tongues are smoothed by the carpenter, and they themselves are overlaid with gold and silver; but they are false and cannot speak.
Same idols from ancient Babylon**
>worship idols
>seven hills of Rome

yes, and, what do the husbands call their wives when they worship someone other than their husbands? - you got it - WHORE!

maybe israel is the whore.
or the jews, or at least the zionists.

>Vatican is Mystery Babylon
crypto-kike rulers of the vatican's could be the whore as well.
new thread?
i'm circling back to Ashkenazim being the whore of Babylon.

yes, please.
and thanks.
Anon, that's all of us. There are several Christians in this thread, if we can help you. But I would encourage you to go at your friend's request. Good friends are hard to come by.
Rome is not the same as all Catholics. Destroy Rome and you will not have destroyed all Catholics, nor impeded them in the same way as, eg nuking Mecca ffs
i was asking if someone else like OP would make one. im too lazy
>The Jews will flee the Antichrist, the beast system and whore of Babylon
>flee the one they worship?
am i missing something here?

maybe kangs are the real jews and they'll refuse to worship the "ebil white [crypto-kike] rulers of the NWO" ?

i don't know, i just like speaking my mind in such threads - may be some one else will come up with something interesting reading my bullshit.
I didn't say it was, the Vatican is Mystery Babylon not Rome. It's its own city
i'm making it...wait for me to link it here..
Why can't Israel be the whore? It has seven hills too, and even Jesus called it to be a whore
Can you screencap this thread too. I'm a lowly Phoneposter.
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i need an autist to dissect this book for me, there is alot about symbols in here that you will never read anywhere else..... he was given permission to write this by them...... you all need to buy this book
If islam is ever the dominant religion, you can bet there will be genocides of Christians.

In Egypt, the Coptics tattoo the cross on their childrens' hands because for hundreds of years, the muslims massacred them and took their children and brainwashed them to be muslim slave-soldiers.

Muslims across the world, even to this day, either behead, or cut off the hands of Christian minorities.
Gods Mystery Babylon judgment is not upon all Catholics but the Vatican. The city will be burned up in an hour according to Rev 17. Hopefully Catholics will get saved when they see it happen
20For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,g in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
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