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Richard spencer CNN tonight at 10pm

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Thread replies: 338
Thread images: 88

So spencer is going to be on CNN tonight. And based on the preview it looks hilarious

here is a trailer preview

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Hail the White race! Hail our peple!
how is kush's head in front of trump but shoulder behind?
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But America clearly was founded for White people.

4D chess?
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Hillarious, this guy will roast trump on cnn and trumpflakes cant do shit about it.

Your (((movement))) is done.
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no american history started in 1960
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I'm with Spencer 100%! A friend of Israel, defender of homosexuality as a white nationalist bastion and a friend of israel and the zionists

I'm with Tulsi and I'm with him, our leader and the spokesperson

Here is what he has to say about gays and Israel


> I respect Israel as a homogenous ethno-state
> //archive.is/WKF7W

> I would say, if I were to have a beer with Netanyahu I bet we would agree an everything. I think we would see eye to eye
> //archive.is/E87su

> I actually fundamentally understand the impulse towards Zionism
> //archive.is/PwiwG

> In terms of the European Homeland we would have fine relationships with the Jewish Homeland, we would not want to undermine that. We understand the Zionist impulse in a way that others don't

> Who knows? Israeli nationalists might want to help finance the far Right in Europe and North America. Certainly, if the two camps could grasp that their interests are complimentary, an improbable grand alliance might be in the cards
> //archive.is/mDDvy

> I think it's clear that Jews underwent tremendous suffering during World War II. I don't deny the Holocaust
> //archive.is/5Hqmc

> [Race-mixing] is not really a threat to White Identity, to be honest, simply because of numbers. In terms of intermarriage between Asians and Whites or something, it's not something significant that we really have to deal with. It's not like half of the country is East-Asian and the other half is White and we're all mixing - that is simply not happening on that scale, so it's simply not an important question. I don't feel like intermarriage is really threatening White Identity.
> https//archive.is/PwiwG

> Homosexuality seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit White identity.
> //archive.is/DNFeK

> Homosexuality has been a part of European societies and culture for millennia. It's not going away, not something to get worked up about
> //archive.is/orZVG

> The gays love me
> //archive.is/26c95
Why is this fat-dad-looking motherfucker even relevant
Hopefully they royally fuck up in trying to make him look "evil".
They tried to do that recently with a show called Dark Net, where they had guys from Identity Europa on. They tried to make them look like evil supremacists, but it flopped hard and they looked like normal people.
This spastic will probably get BTFO'd by some nigger since he can't debate to save his life. Even Enoch is better.
For Jews. George Washington was literally a freemason cuck, the American revolution was bankrolled by (((Haym Salomon)))
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oh look its the portugal VPN shareblue is using

>oy vey dont turn the r/thedonald people we shipped here into identitarians!

>look at this out of context tweet!

>he is a CIA agent!

Why must he be so fucking cringey? His Auburn speech was paragraph after paragraph of nothing. Jared Taylor's much better for redpilling normies.
He'll make an ass of himself again just like he does every single time he's given media attention. His job is to fail.
How could you even do an interview with Don King's illegitimate son and not be cracking up the whole time?
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Wait, it's not only the potential alliance with gays, endorsing an open borders gun grabbing female minority and openly endorsing Zionism. Why don't we take a step forward and empathize with black lives matter as well? Blacks deserve their own country too, maybe it should be in the United States as well, am
I right?

> “I actually understand Black Lives Matter on a fundamental level, that doesn’t mean that I approve of them or endorse them, but I, in a way, understand that deep HURT that they are coming from – they don’t feel like they are part of White America.”
> http://archive.is/PwiwG#selection-1381.0-1381.248

> “I think it is very important that the Ethnostate be a dream, it is a utopia in a sense, I think it would be ridiculous to start defining it right now, it is something for the future, it is very simple, it is very similar to the idea of Zionism for Jews in the 19th century, its actually very similar to the ideal of Communism for the Left in the 19th century.”
> http://archive.is/PwiwG#selection-1411.0-1411.361

Just a selection taken from that "Alt-Right Press Conference"

This is not any site reporting on this, it's the bloody Daily Stormer.

You aren't some kind of shitlord, are you? A man clearly can have a female soul, if you don't agree with that you can't be a white nationalist.
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What a faggot.
And the British crown was the Rothschild's bitch.
Jokes on you nigger, he retweeted it the other day
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It's literally the Jews every goddamn time.

This makes me like them a lot more now.
I'm sure you're a real charismatic motherfucker.
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>the American revolution was bankrolled by (((Haym Salomon)))

LOL nice try Schlomo, the amount that this kike spend was a joke, but it's a nice example for jews rewriting history.
I love this meme.
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> out of context tweet
> include context for all quotes including The Daily Stormer and his own AMA on Reddit.

What kind of context would be needed for a tweet like pic related?
The wheels are in motion, trumpflakes get blackpilled everyday.
No one cares, you bastard son of a Moor.
Last time he was on CNN a nigger literally went WEZ WUZ KANGAS and instead of ridiculously and destroying his argument he literally countered with his own WHITES WERE EGYPTIAN N SHIEEEEET

The context is getting trumpflakes like you buttmad
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Shut up u piece of shit. Founding father never wanted kikes in this country
The tweet you posted in the other thread about trannies was a 7 part tweet. You know that.
Parliament was the power in England, though, not the crown. Even in 1776. Are Americans really this brainwashed?
Whites have given and given and given. The more we give to the niggers, the more they want. The secret is to give nothing, absolutely nothing. Never give an inch. So yes, no nigger James Bond.
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Joke is on him, Twitter shouldn't be his target audience at all.

What is your view on his views on allying with zionists and black lives matter, believing in more than two genders and advocating for single payer?
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We need to stand with this true champion of the white race. Someone who keeps such esteemed company as Laura Bush.
They dont care, redditors are kust mad that altright eats away their movement ha ha ha
He's controlled opposition. That's why no one heard of him before he was labeled the leader of the alt right by CNN.
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Just like trumps!
You can post the complete exchange, wouldn't change his conclusion at all. So you believe there are more than two genders?
Yes, based Ben Franklin did. If Benjamin Franklin was the only founding father, America is a country I could get behind. He was obviously oblivious to the Jewish creation of his own country. America is the antithesis of true nationalism, it's a purely civic institution.
or ron paul
I wonder what would motivate (((somebody))) supposedly on (((our))) side to (((punch right))) this hard on a khazakstani white supremacist BBS

Really makes you think
Also single payer is the way to go, but lolbergs like you will never get it
Are we finall agreeing here? Is Richard Spencer no different than Trump on his nationalist position and support for Israel?
thats not what he said. Maybe next time dont post out of context multi part tweets from your kike handlers?
>How he didn't end up with a cabinet position in President Trump's White House, I'll never know.

Hey guys remember we're going to be scheduling our crash and burn when CNN releases the full report. So no more pepes for "Alt" culture. It's being shut down. I know how you feel, I felt awesome being labeled into Alt-Right when President Cli- I mean Clinton announced it and felt amazing how seemingly out of the fucking blue the Media flashed all of it's power on Spencer during his "Alt-Right" speeches , he's just like us right???
So again, we're going to crash and burn for real this time guys, it's been fun! Make sure to delete your pepe stashes no later then midnight tonight!
Peace! Lovyall!
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If Jews helped create America then maybe they're better than a lot of us give them credit for.
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bretty much this.
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are you 14 years old or do you not understand the concept of israel and israel the country are not the same thing.
Yes. Stay mad. There is a difference with between admiring zionism and fighting for them and sending them record aid.
For Anglos, actually. They were pretty specifically pro-Anglo. Franklin was skeptical of the Germans in Pennsylvania.
want to see the full interview, so far he is not looking kinds getting an autist wibe out of him. I guess CNN showed the most bait part so the rest should be solid. make a thread once they realese full.
Really though, California education would have us all believe this. Everything before 1963 was the fucking dark ages where niggers got lynched in the street every single day
Fuck off alt-right faggot. 14/88 or nothing
This is actually 4d chess material
>Spencer goes on CNN
>CNN roast le nazi man Trump lover
>Spencer disavows Dr*mpf
>CNN BTFO just roasted a Trump hater
>Confusion, continue on Russia, oh shit he bombed Syria, forgot that too
I need a serious basic gestalt. What do you all think of TRS, the daily stormer, and Richard Spencer?

Are they all shills?
impressive they have been able to carry on this long,
and maintain such a large following
So let him be the controlled opposition for now. Next it's gonna be Anglin and after that you'll have your own Hitler who is supposedly controlled position. Gotta shift that overton window and shit, don't be so blackpilled.
You cant 1488 in the open.
>the concept of Israel
Given that Spencer supports the factual reality of the Israeli state and mentions it financing European far right groups as part of his fanfiction, I don't know what you support, but he's obviously talking about an actual country.
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Jesus Christ almighty the shills every single time this guy is talked about..
Stormer is probably a federal operation at this point.

Spencer is trying to operate within the bounds of old media and that is probably a mistake.
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This is the most autistic shit I've ever seen. Anybody who thought Trump was full-on 1488 is a goddamn idiot.

Subscribing to national socialism was never a campaign promise, neither was hating Jews.
The black comedian doing the interview is such a cuck. Why do always the cuckiest and most retarded people have to represent :/
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>people ITT actually think /pol/ = alt-right
Just like they arent coop! Crazy amirite, peeds?!
Enoch is much, much better. Still, I don't dislike Spencer.

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Dude you are too autistic for 4chan even
Watch me
He is right.
Enoch would just sperg out.
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did someone say... fat tits?
You forgot

You truly don't understand America at all if you say that. There is absolutely nothing preventing Vermont (for instance) or Massachusetts (Romneycare birthplace) to enact single payer in their own state. They could funs it and have it and most states have a very similar outlook for their state universities with free or nominal fee for state residents (paid for with their taxes) and high fees for out off state.

Now why would Tennessee agree to pay for and join a single payer pool with California when the later enshrined in their state law that you cannot deny care to illegal aliens? All of sudden states aren't just paying for their care or choosing what to for anymore but are paying for stuff they wouldn't need (like for illegal aliens care) or for stuff they immorally object (like abortion or gay conversion therapy).

That's why not only single payer at the federal level would be stupid but also why it isn't comparable with small countries like Poland and Portugal. The equivalent wouls be European wise single payer with Poland paying for Germany illegal migrants care and French sex reassignment surgery
Oh shit please dont its dangerous
Rockweller was also an ally with Malcom X. Nationalists and separationist support each others and it makes sense.
They're all controlled opposition, just in different ways. Spencer's ties to the Bushes speak for themselves, as is that he appeared and got given media prominence just after the election tied up. Anglin's a LARPer and there's a reason there's so many memes mocking him claiming he's pure 14/88 while sucking Putin's dick, a man who has Holocaust denial illegal in Russia and opens mosques while talking about moderate Islam.
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Absolutely my fellow /pol/ user

You don't have to look and see yourself, just trust your Threadly Shitpost™
The funny thing is that I agree with everything on this list. I think I shouldn't be on /pol/ maybe.
Probably not the best, but definitely a good man. I can only see more people becoming interested in white identity politics by Spencer's approach. What they do with it then is an open question.
The issue aren't his positions. It's that he has them and then purity circlejerks anyway.
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I was gonna say that the black guy is atleast respectfull

he doesent interupt or argue against
he just sits there and takes it, like any good black person should ;^)
>would it suck so much if James Bond was a dindu
Honestly it wouldn't even bug me much if idris Elba was James Bond. If he's black they'd axe all the homoerotic shit the faggot Daniel Craig asks them to put in every movie
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Oldest Synagogue in America founded 1654.

363 years is a long time.

Jews can stay in a all white America but the others have to go.
Kys faggot go back to trying infiltrate us per your (((professor's))) assignment
Look its much cheaper and has better outcomes. No matter how much sperg its just better, even freemarket countries in far asia are socialised, the best med system is Japan. You stupid trumpflake.
> thats not what he said

Here is what he said

> one can have a male soul in a female body

How can you spin that other than exactly what he said?
Yes you can there's plenty who do
Yes, and replace it with interracial bullshit despite Idris Elba being an actual cuck.
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Richard Spencer is a CIA/MOSSAD agent who shills for Israeli Nationalism.

(((They))) want you to think it's ok for Israel to exist. Here's why it's not:

Israel is a religious concept.
It was originally called Canaan.
Jews conquered the land through deceit and renamed it Israel.

According to the Torah, (a book roughly 70% of the 15 million Jews worldwide believe in) the sole purpose of Israel is to give the Jews a base of operations from which they may attack the Aryan race and conquer the rest of the world.

""Therefore it shall come about when the LORD your God has given you rest from all your surrounding enemies, in the land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance to possess, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven; you must not forget."

>Duet. 25:18

"Amalekite" is a spiritual term for the Aryan race, and the Talmud (the second most popular Jewish holy book even called the land of "Germania" the home or birthplace of Amalek SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amalek#Nazis_associated_with_Amalekites).

This is why Israeli Nationalism and Aryan Nationalism can not coexist.

Israeli Nationalism = Globalism
Richard Spencer = Zionist shill
Lauren Southern = Muslim shill
Milo = Gay/racemixing shill

They're all just shills, anon.

So why are they doing all of this?
Why create and promote the alt-right?
Why promote Richard Spencer and other ecelebs?

The answer is simple:

>to entertain you

If you're busy with entertainment (like hitting liberals with sticks) then you won't have time to think about what's really happening and why.

I encourage you all to start thinking.
I don't really know much about the guy, I just saw the video where he said "I'm not a neo-nazi" and then got sucker-punched by a nigger.

Also 70 /ourguy/ slide threads a day, several of which with pictures of him.
Who are retards. Skinheads need to be gassed.
Spencer makes valid point about how diversity hiring in major companies is anti white hiring and the "Le based comedian" spergs out about how James Bond being black isn't a big deal. Such a lack of critical thinking skills.
Someone need to punch him on air.
They openly stand for your ideals while you hide out on an anonymous imageboard.
Allying with Zionists is retarded because Zionists aren't just all going to go to Israel and leave the west alone. They're going to suck all the blood out of the west, leave it brown and destroyed, THEN go to Israel. Zionists and jews literally cannot be negotiated with.

Allying with black lives matter is also fucking retarded because they're a Jewish funded terrorist organization. The amount that want their own ethnostate is miniscule. They want gibs from whitey and are paid by jews to cause mayhem. They so can't be negotiated with.

Single payer is fine in an ethnostate. Is falling the fuck apart in Canada and Britain and they're nowhere near 65% white like the US.

He has some really fucking retarded opinions.
>totally not a false flag
We do emphasis with BLM. No true /pol/fag exists who does not see the fate of the blacks in America as the result of the Jewish agenda, and in many ways the future they want for us.

We, for the most part, see nothing positive being gained for working with or for Black empowerment because they are a lost cause. Their are many great blacks but as a people they have been destroyed. And not only that, but in almost all instances they work against their and our best interests. They just want more (((degeneracy))), more (((dependency))).
Spenz tries to troll but i doubt anyone will get it. Still entertaining af
He was referring to an opinion which he himself does not hold.
10pm eastern time? what timezone you fucking burger i want to watch
>Lauren Southern = Muslim shill
but isnt she anti-islam?

nice reddit spacing btw
> I actually fundamentally understand the impulse towards Zionism

Zionism is jewish supremacy/nationalism you retard, of course a white nationalist would understand the impulse towards protecting your people and working solely in their interest.

You fucktards need to realise that the alt-right dont need to LARP as neo-nazi skinhead retards. Those fuckers are often as degenerate as they come.

> Who knows? Israeli nationalists might want to help finance the far Right in Europe and North America. Certainly, if the two camps could grasp that their interests are complimentary, an improbable grand alliance might be in the cards

The secular leftist Jews are the biggest threat. Sure, the zionists leech of international finance and use the US as a proxy to fight their wars in the middle east, but they are not the ones filling up our countries with shitskins. Infact, the zionists wants all jews to return to Israel. If Israel had existed in 1930s then Hitler would have shipped them all off.

Jews will always be jews, but id rather have them all in Israel than here. Thats why he sees himself aligning with zionists, and it certainly is a good point.


Here you go, vid to explain that shit for you portugese fucktard.

Shots fired
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pic related, Ahmed.
I would tolerate Spencer more if he didn't punch right. But you can tell from how he acts to his public appearances that he's a plant. He dresses in a stereotypical LARPer way with the slick backed hair, but he's also flabby and unassertive, to the point where it's a meme that he gets punched in every media appearance. He was a virtual non-entity until after the election, and the broader 'alt-right' was then conveniently tied to this nobody just in time for him to make an ass of himself. He purposefully flubbed and failed when debating literal we wuz kangs arguments in an interview.
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America has been Jew'd since the beginning.
The Jews can stay.
Because I have a degree and a job that requires being an upstanding citizen whole they are proles who risk nothing with thei edgy opinion
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>Zionism is jewish supremacy/nationalism you retard

Jewish Nationalism is Globalism.
There are no good Jews.
He's a entho nationalist like Israel is. He's pointing out hypocrisy in a less obvious way.

Racemixing isn't an actual problem if you dont flood in immigrants. Not a problem as in it wont happen nearly as much

>Homosexuality seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit White identity.

That's a meme.
Your country wouldn't exist without Jews.

There are good Jews.
Yes, and in the process they make asses of themselves and do nothing to stop immigration, Islam, degeneracy or any of the other things we're all against. They are LARPers who accomplish no real results.
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kek, are we entering

> based black guys right pedes

territory here? That's so fucking ironic. Nice of you mentioning Malcolm, here is Malcolm X after he started getting wind of what was going on in the backstages, blowing up a kkk-nation of Islam pact


Dont take an Alex Jones conspiracy to walk back 30 years and see what was done and there is ample documentation of how deep Feds infiltrated and destroyed every single ethnic nationalist movement of the 60s and 70s with the same simple strategy

> infiltrate
> rise in the ranks
> get control of the leadership
> seed dissent, create splinter groups
> weaken the rhetoric
> force mistakes and crimes
> discredit the movement through the controlled leadership

Right now MSM is giving ample screen time to David Duke and Spencer without ever letting anyone seriously discuss race relations and the Jewish question, only the opinion of its leaders about Trump. Why do you think is that

You should check alt right website to see who's punching right right now.
Wrong. Israel wouldn't exist without my country. You have it backwards, Rabbi.
Even he uses the word 'implicit' as a joke
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she's against the cancer of identity politcs
she's also against islam taking over the west

I dont see a problem
>Nigga I'z B Bond Nigga, Jarome Bond Nigga!
>Yuh, bartinda nigga! Make dat Gin n' Jooze Shaken' not Stern nigga!
>Yuh Q, gitz me dat chrome Fou Fie nigga! I gotz to merc me a Gofinga!
Professor Jordan Peterson at the University of Toronto — the professor who has been fighting so valiantly for free speech and academic freedom, and against political correctness — has had his scholarly funding cut off. His grant application to continue his academic research was rejected, for the first time in his career.

So we're going to raise his research funding for him!

100% of net proceeds will go to this research project.

>allowed on cnn
>not a cia psyop agent LARP FAGGOT we already know he is
I just showed Lauren defending Islam and "moderate" muslims. You lose. Plus she's a Jew so...stay defeated.
Oh you mean that professor that between patreon and his tenure makes hundreds of thousands of dollars to ramble about archetypes in relation to Pinocchio needs more money?
>why would the stupid fucking media put on a guy to expose how evil he is to the people and try to convince them to have nigger babies and trans kids

everything is an FBI plant

guys stay in your basements.
>dude that gets more than 30k of free money per month for literally reading wikipedia articles from his cell phone to morons who never read a book "needs" even more money
American founders were helped by Jews.
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Spencer needs to use more memes in his interviews so the kikes won't know what they need to cut out or how to slant it before it goes on the air.
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try again, moshe. pic related.
Trump is a globalist shabbos goy and his supporters are all race traitors with a literal cuck attitude. Duke/Spencer 2020
Cnn already has the scripts ready. They already have the articles bashing what he's going to say ready. It's a joke.
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Don't be an idiot.
The guy palling around with Laura Bush and spending his time getting his ass kicked in every media appearance to amuse the masses is a plant. I know this may come as a surprise to you, if you have an IQ on par with BLM, which Spencer empathizes with.
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> infiltrate
> rise in the ranks
> get control of the leadership
> seed dissent, create splinter groups
> weaken the rhetoric
> force mistakes and crimes
> discredit the movement through the controlled leadership
fits trump like a glove! ha ha ha!
Unfortunately the guy is so poorly spoken and such a caricature that I fear it will not go well for him.
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>cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

lol wow that nazi irony! he really put the jews in their place! he's /ourguy/! praise kek! shadilay!

Unfortunately this. He's as good as it gets.

Honestly his stuff isn't that bad. He serves a good purpose normalizing White Nationalism. He won't be our leader or anything, but he's helping.
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You either didn't get my point or sidestepped it completely. I agree single payer can be a good system, just not at the federal level in the United States doe the same reason I would object to a single payer system at the European Union level. I'm fine paying for portuguese system, shitty as it is.

But like hell I would accept to pay for a Pan European system, specially one that would include the millions of migrants that Sweden and Germany accepted.

Replace Portugal with Tennessee, rsny with California and you understand my point. Let California do their own single payer and Tennessee out of it, it's not the federal government task to deal with healthcare.

I'm not even judging the merits of Spencer claims but the hypocrisy of his supporters in this board.

They entered a purity circle that anyone that isn't calling everyone else "kikes", promising to lynch niggers and fighting degeneracy is a kike lover coal burning fag. That's why they are the wanderer Jews of the right

> lost 4/pol/ to old/b/ after /pol/harbor
> lost 8ch to actual white nationalists when their leaders were outed as married to SJW Jews
> lost reddit to a bunch of "based black man" pedes
> got banned with r/altright
> leaders get both positive attention from the left, adolescent transexual followers and act as controlled opposition without ever advancing their causes
> gets punched in the face constantly and glitter bombed by queers
> try to muscle their way into the board they abandoned and fail miserable
> make a secret club safe space to organize their pathetic raids
So you agree that Spencer is a plant, then? Because nobody's argued with you that Trump backs Israel, that should've been obvious years ago.
>Yes, of course I think screaming 'gas the kikes, race war now' whenever you go outside is a sensible thing to do for our movement
Are you agreeing with the "racemix isn't a problem" in that explanation?
How the fuck do none of you cunts understand that Dickie Sphincter is a shill for the intelligence agencies?

If any of you are willingly giving him money, or personal information, then you're absolutely retarded. He runs a honeypot operation and is sending out the wrong messages on purpose.
How new are you?
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>do you know what would really help our movement? if we pretend the Jews aren't really the problem and maybe we could even pretend theyre not all bad. WTF I LOVE ZIONISM NAO!!!!1
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"laura bush"

he also opened for ron paul. I know its hard to believe mr 9 year old who grew up on pol. But before you were born people didnt hold these views because america was safe and bountiful.

You are a goofy Paranoid crippled moron who will never support ANYBODY in public. Just admit that.
You're autistic.

1) If whites get a homeland, so should Jews. If you are opposed to that, you are literally more extreme than Adolf Hitler.

2) Race Mixing is a very small threat and autistic screeching about it won't help us win.

3) Homosexuality isn't a huge threat. We can always gas them after the race war. Ranting about it now is inviting self-destruction.
Aka bitch tits
That must be why Asians and Jews vastly outperform whites.
The Richard Spencer story as follows

During 2016 when /pol/ started to be meddled with Richard Spencer became the unelected spokesperson for the Alt-Right

We at /pol/ have no idea who this crazy cat is never heard or spoke about beforehand then all of a sudden he is /our/guy.

Seems like he might be getting a nice paycheck to be a "white edgy guy"

Don't fall for it goys Richard Spencer has no affiliation with us whilst the shills keep pushing Dick Spencer threads.

Guys a clown >>TLDR
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I've just declared myself the face of the left. Will CNN interview me so I can talk about the democratic party's ultimate goal of white genocide?
Is it really a big deal if in the next Django, he is a white guy?
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dis iz muh farst day ! yay!

fuck off shill. or maybe you can explain why dicky spencer is friends with the bush family if he's just a regular guy?
Everybody knows he's a plant. Nobody except leftists take him seriously. Honestly I think the lack of racial pride among whites is a strength showing us superior to other races because of they're desperate attempts to cling to culture identities, even the shittiest aspects. Meanwhile we appropriate the good and leave the bad and make it our own
Holy fuck, look at dat reddit post.

I don't get all the whining about single payer in the US. The US as it was is done anyways, Whites may as well get some of their tax money back. Of course American Whites, especially boomers would rather spend trillions in some fucking desert than receive healthcare, all while bitching about muh big gubermint.
truly /ourguy/

ignore sharia blue and jewish anti white shills
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>jews cant have good ideas. especially if its DNA based immigration systems

Wow its like you are a dumb jew who is being paid to post here.
i find all the publicity that this guy gets to be a bit suspicious
I've seen this posted already today wtf
>anyone who names the Jew is too extreme to be real
>anyone who doesn't name the Jew is too moderate to be real

Also you think Trump is still funding the White Nationalist the media used to bludgeon him with during the election?Fucking idiot. First thing he'd do after taking office is reveal Spencer as a shill if he was one.
Spencer has been mentioned on pol since 2013
fuck off he's a russian shill u retard
I hate jews and faggots like this pseudokike shilling for Israel.
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>If whites get a homeland, so should Jews
Wrong. Jews chose to not have a homeland when they decided to group together and become wandering merchants and bandits. This is why their god had to promise them a land to inherit. The Jew has NO original homeland. Meaning, any land you give to the Jew to own rightfully belongs to other people, and youre stealing from them to give to the Jews.

>2) Race Mixing is a very small threat and autistic screeching about it won't help us win.
Where is your sources?

>3) Homosexuality isn't a huge threat.
queer detected
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>im dumb and never leave my 4chan imageboard to explore the ideas i support

if you were in any way serious about white nationalism you would have known about spencer in 2015
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>DNA based immigration systems

you mean white genocide? fuck outta here.
Spencer was unknown to pretty much everyone pre election
Spencer is entertaining, and gets the right people riled up. People on /pol/ don't have to like him.

I think it is hilarious that a clean cut Duke graduate, that owns a 5k acre cotton farm is essentially a professional racist. I enjoy his content, even the more cringe parts of it.
His intentions are to discredit what is considered to be the alt right so the media can push their anti-white globalist agendas. They use him as a talking point to bring up how immigration is needed, whites are evil, and nationalism is bad as a few examples. Essentially saying that his views are bad and here are the correct views to follow.
See >>123512785 second part. Not judging Spencer here, just the hypocrisy of his supporters. I'll actually be screnxapping every single person saying "racemix isn't a problem", "Zionism isn't a problem", "single payer isn't s problem" and "degeneracy isn't a problem" to rub at their faces everytime I see a "based black guy am I right pedes?" type of post.

So please continue defending Spencer positions on this subject on the record to make my point stick out more
Not friends just took a pic with them.

He was also involved with Ron Paul at a certain point.
Jews helped found America.
Asians can fuck off.
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You didn't answer the question.
I congratulate him on being buddies with Ron Paul. Do you happen to know Ron Paul's positions on immigration or Islam? If not, here's a refresher.

> With free markets and private property, the need for immigrant labor becomes obvious. Most immigrants, regardless of the color of their skin, are open to the ideals of liberty: private property, free markets, sound money, right to life, low taxes, less war, protection of civil liberties. Illegal immigrants are a convenient scapegoat for our economic crisis.

On immigration.

>The credibility of all American politicians now requires acknowledging that America is engaged in a great war for survival – “the war against Islam.” Fear of “radical Islamic terrorists” requires our undivided attention. We’re to believe that the ugly and vicious violence of a very small percentage of the 1.7 billion Muslims around the world, without an army, navy, or air force, is on the verge of engulfing America and Western civilization. The claim is that the Western concept of Christianity, liberty, and free markets is threatened. If this is so, it speaks more about the weak support for these values than for the strength of a small group claiming to speak for all of Islam

On Islam.

At best, Spencer is anti-war, where he matches with Ron Paul. But given he's buddies with the Bushes, I'd say that too is just a way for him to get false support.
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>Spencer is entertaining
thats the problem. thats how we know he's controlled. the jew wants us entertainment, not educated. this is why no one who speaks for the alt-right educates anyone else. just drama and entertainment.

Wake up, Neo.

i suppose thats the same reason Dicky Spencer had a "close personal relationship" with the pro-Zionist, anti-white nationalist Jew who created the very term "alt-right?"

Wake up, Neo.
1) Jews now have Israel. Palestinians are gone. Maybe they were wrong to seize it, but it's already done.

Again, if you oppose this, you are more extreme than Hitler. Don't call people controlled opposition for having the same beliefs as fucking Hitler.

2) that only 6% of whites marry outside their race

3) fuck off fag. your beliefs are too extreme to ever win. we can kill the fags later.
He is doing a really bad job of discrediting the movement though. He just spoke at auburn despite death threats and a hostile college.

hes a fucking boss and you are a dumb picky faggot who would never ever ever stoop to the level of ignoring your autism to support a IRL white nationalist
if you agree trump is one, then we have a deal!

>You either didn't get my point or sidestepped it completely
because you have no point, healthcare is expensive as fuck and making it more costly because of your suposed conservative feefees is bad.

make all the screencaps you want, lad, it doesnt change the fact that you are a trumpflake defending a flipflopper
Anyone who doesn't realize Richard Spencer is a plant designed to discredit the "alt right" is a newfag.
What a bunch of bullshit. This is what shills and cowards believe. He is speaking to White people, blacks and jews are never going to like the guy.
Your post would make sense if anyone here said that Spencer were perfect, which of course no one is saying.

Lauren constantly talks about the "clash of civilizations" and thinks there's going to be a civil war in Europe because muslims are so different from Europeans and she talks about the threat of migrant birthrates too. To call her a muslim shill is ridiculous. Also, she's not a Jew. That meme comes from idiots misinterpreting an old tweet of hers.
The US was white nationalist until the 1965 immigration reform, and EVEN THEN it only passed under the promise that it wouldn't change our demographics.
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>Jews now have Israel. Palestinians are gone
Wrong. Jews are still calling for the genocide of the Palestinian people, in fact.

>pic related

You can't give a rational argument for why Jews deserve to exist in the land of "Israel," when its not actually their land, and it doesnt affect Nationalism anywhere else. All you do is say "if you dont agree youre more extreme than Hitler!" to which I reply: good.

>3) fuck off fag. your beliefs are too extreme to ever win. we can kill the fags later.
You have nothing supporting your views. I accept your defeat.
I've never denied that Trump is pro-Israel. I support Trump because of the effect he's had on the Overton window, and his policies on illegal immigration, Islam and global trade, all major problems that directly impact my life and that he's to some extent already begun moving forward on. I hope that domestic politicians here can use his success to shift further right.
Let's just casually brush over his long career writing for right wing publications, therefore travelling in various circles of the American right.

Oh and let's also forget his long-held anti-Neocon beliefs.
Do you actually read any of Spencer's material? Do you watch any of his videos? He has a legit political philosophy. Anyone who says otherwise simply doesn't pay attention.
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>grandparents escaped the holocaust
>makes fun of white genocide
>defends muslims
>doesnt speak against the Jew
shes totally not a jew, guise!

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You realise jews like to play on both sides right? its their schtick
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Spencer isn't perfect but he is closest to what we got to /ourguy/.

Only people who get butthurt about him are american nonwhites and r/le_donald.
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>i support trump because overton window
>spencer is bad

fuck off
you didnt answer my question. why is that? let me repeat it for you:

i suppose thats the same reason Dicky Spencer had a "close personal relationship" with the pro-Zionist, anti-white nationalist Jew who created the very term "alt-right?"
so no deal, keep getting cucked
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>Jews can't live in our countries

Okay let's put them in Israel

>No they can't live there either

Shill harder, faggot.
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If he is a plant he sure is doing a good job spreading our message.

If he is plant what does that make everyone who associates with him? Is the entire alt right blogosphere an fbi honeypot?
wow, an anon I could be friends with

Well. He's going to be edited to look like an absolute arse.
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> if you agree trump is one, then we have a deal!

Trump is not only pro Israel: he put it front and center in his campaign site and rallies. Are you agreeing Spencer is pro Israel and pro Zionism here, on record?
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There are two factions within the jewish community.

First, its the zionists religious ones. These types typically are conservative and live in Israel.

Second there is the secular jew. The secular jews hate jewish religion, they only call themselves jews because they are jews biologically.

The secular jew created porn, degenerate art etc.

The zionist jews runs most of the banks and finance.

When the Russian communists took over there was a internal struggle going on. Hundreds of thousands of religious zionist jews were slaughtered on the orders by secular leftsist marxist jews.

The secular leftist marxist jew hates religion, especially the jewish religion.

After the state of Israel was created, all/most of the zionists left Europe and America to settle there.


Listen to little Jew Benny Shapiro. Straight from the horses mouth.
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woah so you are saying that a guy who campaigned for ron paul hung out with libertarian jews?

holy shit you might be onto something?
How is Spencer having a positive influence on the Overton window? He's a joke. He has had his ass kicked by a shit-eating cuckold and managed to lose an argument to a guy who's position was literally "we wuz kangs". He's meant to be a laughing stock.
In a later post I mentioned that him being anti-neocon is a position that he genuinely holds. That however changes nothing about anything else I said.
who said jews cant live in our countries? i have no issue with jews living in america, if they cant:

>get into politics or public service
>cant own corporations, banks or media outlets

so give me sauce or admit you put words into people's mouths because you have no legit argument.
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same people saying that think Trump is doing great and actauly fulfilling his promises. Sad!
>another thread full of concern trolling
He literally tells guy that we're not a nation of """"immigrants"""" or some sort of proposition nation for non whites.
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Xhe's concern trolling. Typical D&C post.
Doesn't deserve a response.

They wouldn't have to edit much.
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Her grandparents escaped the Nazis because they lost their business in the Nazi occupation you idiot. The only way you could actually believe she is Jewish if you also believe she is now intentionally lying about not being Jewish and that the faked a fucking DNA test to that purpose.

>makes fun of white genocide
Funny how you have to go back to 2015 to find such statements. Good shilling my friend.
>defends muslims
So your argument is that she is a muslim shill because she talked to a Muslim. Is she also a white nationalist because she defended Richard Spencer and was friendly with Nathan Damigo?
No. I agree though that trump is a flipfloping con artists, any other questions?
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All Jews are bad.
>pic related

please explain why Dicky Spencer had a "close personal relationship" with the pro-Zionist, anti-white nationalist Jew who created the very term "alt-right" and then he suddenly becomes the "leader" of the alt-right movement in America :) go ahead. Ill wait.
Fuck this leftist fag
how is trump positive on the overton window? he is a flipfloping con artist with a 5 year old vocabulary
This is a shoop

I can tell cause someone filterfucked it to correct imperfections, as i do when a shoop ends up looking bad.
> because you have no point, healthcare is expensive as fuck and making it more costly because of your suposed conservative feefees is bad

Again, sidestepping my point. Let make make it easier for you with a simpler yes / no question:

> would you, a polish, agree to expand your country healthcare system to join a pan European one, making the amount of money you pay out of your paycheck larger so that poorer people in other European countries can have healthcare?
> would you still agree if you know a large part of this increase would be due to all the migrants Germany and Sweden decided to allow in their system?

Two simple questions, no ambiguity and a simple yes / no in each of them would suffice
>And he also believes that a woman's place is in the home. How he didn't end up with a cabinet position in President Trump's White House, I'll never know.

Where did this meme that Trump is a racist come from
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>Her grandparents escaped the Nazis because they lost their business in the Nazi occupation you idiot.
prove it?

>Funny how you have to go back to 2015 to find such statements. Good shilling my friend.
you arent denying she mocks white genocide, my friend. i dont care when she does it, she did it. She's also written pro-Israel articles :) Stay defeated.
I did answer your rambling. He has a legit political philosophy. He is obviously a huge fan of Nietzsche.

News flash there anon, if you are actually involved in politics in America, there is a likelyhood that you would have had a relationship with a Jew.

Besides, he has been disavowed by the previous people he worked with, because he is obviously too pro White for their liking. Spencer is not some secret villain living in a cave. He has a public profile. People know who he currently hangs out with. He doesn't spend his weekends with a secret cabal of Jews planning on how to fuck over Whitey. Anyone insinuating he is, is a shill, or doesn't know what they are talking about.

>james bond
>played by an actual guy

James Bond is THE mason tranny propaganda franchise.
Wrong. Google the image.
everytime I see his doughy flabby fucking chinneck it makes me want to vomit
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Paul Gottfried is an anti-white nationalism, pro-zionist Jew. Explain why a Richard would have anything to do with a Jew who is against white-nationalism :)
I do and so does 90% of /pol/. They're a problem. Jews eventually managed to crawl back into power once Byzantium fell despite banning them from government. They're an international, rootless people. Giving them a homeland and a state is the most rational thing to do with them.

Give you a source on what exactly?

>How is Spencer having a positive influence on the Overton window?
He's introduced thousands of young men and women who were on the Trump train to the RQ. The emergence of the Alt Right is a sign that things are changing.

>agreeing to an interview that's not live so the (((media))) can manipulate it at their whim

shiggity diggity doo

Thought Spencer was smarter than that. Perhaps getting the message out > being edited with Hitler voice-overs?
he doesn't shill for israel he just uses the argument that he understands the jews desire for a homeland so he can advocate for a white ethnostate
yes I would agree to that system because group coverage is always cheaper, but you are just a dumb lolberg who wants to pay 3x times more, because you dont want the gubmint to take your money

until you prove that privatised healthcare is better I won't change my stance
>I do and so does 90% of /pol/.
Because the things he discusses are now mainstream topics. Even if Trump did not end TPP, which he did. Even if Trump did not already reduce illegal immigration, which he has. Even if he did nothing except jerk off and send the annual budget to Israel for the next four years, the fact that someone with his platform became President of the United States broadens allowable discourse and means that something closer to him becomes the baseline. From then, we move further right. From "illegal immigration is bad" to "immigration needs to be reduced" etc.
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>he doesnt shill for israel

He doesn't have anything to do with him. Gottfried disavowed him. Either show proof they still have a relationship, or fuck off.
They're just here for the trendiness, they'll be the death of /pol/
It's figurative. Are you one of those smug dumbasses who wants a source immediately with every word someone utters? Are you new here?
If they play that segment on TV in the OP unedited he wins.

And swarthy Swedes.

>24. Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

-Ben Franklin
the more coverage he gets the more people will google him and see he is a reasonable person also he gives media clicks and views
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>who said jews cant live in our countries? i have no issue with jews living in america, if they cant:

There is your problem, jews are naturally inclined to seek out wealth and power. When is the last time you saw a jewish farmer, builder or sewage worker? They seek towards journalism, art, politics, finance etc because they are lazy. They want money for no work.

Have you ever seen a great jewish monument or building built exclusively by the jews themselves? They are not called the international merchant without a reason.

I think it was a Russian/Ukrainian Tsar that once said:

>give a jew a shovel and a sikle and he will not work the land. Instead he will take those tools to market to try and barter them off for money, money he will use to scheme for more money.

>All Jews are bad.

I agree, but the international secular jew is the worst one.
I will wait for the results, he has just good PR and didn't fulfill any of the major promises.
>Either show proof they still have a relationship, or fuck off.
that wasnt the claim. stop being deceptive, jew.

oh its figurative! well, we're debating. so why dont you act like you're over 18 years old and discuss or debate using literal facts, you fucking child. do you see me using figuratives while trying to discuss serious topics? come at me when you're more prepared to handle your business like an adult.
The Alt Right is a meme that deflated as soon as the media brought Spencer to the forefront. Any positive influence he may have on those willing to listen to what he says is shot down by the much more people who think that someone who repeatedly gets beaten up, fails at interviews and can't dispute "We wuz kangs" is a joke and so is his platform.
this is true sadly

only arguement is schizophrenia and "muh Jews shouldn't have a homeland" and not understanding nationalism
So she is a celt? Ok I will stop harping on her one drop of cannibal
I did, it's just a bunch of gossip
Can you tell me what the source of this image is? no links required, i'll track them down myself
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>B b but muh based nationalist jews!!!!
It's a smear job, the Dems have been coming up with ways to paint Republicans as racist to cover up there past. Thing like the "switch" which is false itself if you don't just consider who was president and consider how Congress voted. The alt right and Richard are just made up to paint the classical libs that left Dem party as racist. Even though they really left due to corruption and going full commie.





>>my doge was barking at the nog.
It's been 100 days. In my hypothetical I already told you that even if Trump does literally nothing, which we know isn't the case, he's still been a net positive.
>There is your problem, jews are naturally inclined to seek out wealth and power.
and i guess jews wont seek out wealth and power one they're all in Israel..a nuclear armed theocratic nation who believes everyone should either die or serve them.

The Jews can't be empowered, so let's send them all to Israel where they are literally all empowered.

seems legit.

Does the "Immigrants and intolerance" clip not work for anyone else?
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>prove it?

That's what the tweet you fucking posted means. It's also extra hilarious because there's a tweet there in that very image you posted that heavily implies she is not Jewish: The "Apparently I'm Jewish" tweet. She is jokingly implying that she just found out that she was Jewish from some random dude accusing her of being one. If she was really Jewish she would've said "I'm Jewish and apparently that's a problem". It's sad that I understand the nuances of the English language better than you burgers.

>you arent denying she mocks white genocide, my friend. i dont care when she does it, she did it

So any person on /pol/ who has become a white nationalist in the last ~2 years is a persona non grata in your mind? You do realize people's political opinions shift, right? Especially young people.

If she thought the white genocide things was a joke now she would not defend Spencer/Damigo and talk about what a disaster the birthrates of migrants is.
>gets beaten up
only trumpkiddies care about that, becuase their god emperor is a tough guy standing behind a microphone
>i cant reverse image search
fuck off newfag.
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Oh my God we're actually winning
Yet the anglos pushed for war with Germany and thus were the most anti-White.

WW1 & WW2 were wars of anglo aggression. To a large degree pushed for by the jew, but still.
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Spencer didn't show up right after the election. The media wanted to tie trump to an evil racist, and Spencer seemed like the leader of the alt right.

Spencer does talk about his time in mainstream conservatism and it is plausible that a guy who wanted to work up the ranks got disaffected and left after he did some networking.

The traditional cuckservstive movement is dying for new blood (in its ranks and wars for Israel) so it is not implausible that a guy who cleaned up nice like Spencer would have been given a fast track.

We all have baggage. Spencer's is obvious because he's public. Are any of you willing to go out with your names?
thread theme
You shit on Spencer, yet defend Trump? Yea, your opinion is as worthless as Trump's first 100 has been. At this rate we would have been better with the acceleration route, instead of giving normies false hope.
ok bill mitchell, fuck off
id dint say lauren supports ISIS or ALL muslims. i said lauren defends "moderate islam." which she does. i already posted a screenshot.

stay defeated.
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New thread. Reminder to ignore SPLC shills



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Just irrelevant more than anything
Or at least they should be

A couple days on here does a much better job of redpilling some normies
Him going on CNN is a mistake for them.

CNN will inadvertently give him a platform that will make people sympathize with him.
Heard him on a nearly episode of TDS when he got locked up in Hungary. I couldn't imagine keeping my shit together if seized by foreign cops. I can't belive it took until heilgate for Spencer to blow up.
I told you I did, you fuckface. What i found was gossip. Gossip does not prove anything.

Tell me where this picture is even suspected to have come from, you dumb kike
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Reminder that while this post is absolutely accurate and Richard Spencer is NOT controlled opposition, no one is above criticism.
>until you prove that privatised healthcare is better I won't change my stance

But I'm not arguing for privatized healthcare anon, but for state level healthcare both at the state level in the US but on the nation state level at the EU.

That way each nation (the very unit of the *** nationalist *** movement) can decide who gets the privilege of being part of the collective effort of every citizen. You are not a nationalist, you are a fucking globalist it seems.

But I'll always remember your answer in this post as "paying for the healthcare of beautiful brown babies" from now on, thanks for having that on record. Also if you would agree to an EU wide healthcare system that puts you on the "globalist" column. Thanks for speaking your mind.

kek, this thread is a blessing. Most people had this idealized view of the "alt right" as in "the alt right is everything I believe" and for the first time they are getting access to their leader real views on many matters
>I want to bathe in white privilege

Fuck man, me too.

ok jidf
you don't have to agree with the person 100% of the time but i do understand where spencer is coming from.
>I will wait for the results

I would admire you greatly if you really did. Everything me and you discussed up until now ended up in you saying "but Trump will never such and such".
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If that was the case she would have no problem with muslim birthrates and would just concentrate on battling the ideas of jihadism.

Stay retarded.
>and i guess jews wont seek out wealth and power one they're all in Israel..a nuclear armed theocratic nation who believes everyone should either die or serve them.

Nobody is going to be stupid enough to use nukes. They use nukes and that "land given to them by god" is gone.
that pic is so retarded, there's nothing funny about it.
My issue with Spencer is not based on him going public or him having changes of heart. My issue with Spencer is that he does not have a positive impact on the causes he claims to espouse. I have not read his publications, I don't know how coherent he might be in print, but I have seen his interviews and I have seen his spiel about "Heil Trump" and I've also seen him getting punched over and over again. This is what the majority of people who know about him have seen as well. They've seen someone inarticulate, who defends something they've already been negatively preconditioned towards and who does so poorly, while failing to stand up to himself. Even if he is not a plant, he is, by virtue of the exposure he's getting now, a millstone around the neck of movements that have realistic chances of making progress on the issues we're interested in.
Nah dude, better to sit and post in the basement about how I'm more of a hardcore nazi than spencer.

>MOOOOM where are my tendies!
>10 other tabs of loli hentai
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>trump is hitler
>trump love jews
>trump is a russian plant
>trump is trying to start a war with russia

shareblue aren't exactly the brightest division sowing shills, are they?
>you are a fucking globalist it seems.
just like daddy trump!
Because he used to be a generic conservative, got redpilled by the Iraq War and the (((Neo-Cons))), and is now an Identitarian.
You and I both know that we can't just bring up some fucking stat about this board stating that X amount of people believe this or that. We're speaking in generalities because we can't just fucking do that, not for this. Any mouth-breathing retard wouldn't reject the idea that /pol/ has a problem with Jews. Get a fucking grip you desperate wannabe debating master.

Also, what do you want me to source? You still didn't say. Are you asking me to give you a source on your own beliefs, me assuming that you don't want Israel to exist but you also don't want Jews to have any influence in gentile countries?

Btw, here's kamau bell
Spencer has literally been around for fucking years. Fucking retards think he showed up out of nowhere during the election.
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that is a 7 part tweet cupcake
I'm okay with Israel and I wish all Jews would fuck off back to it.

what is the Sampson Option?
hi jidf
>the accelerationism meme
Yes, we need to import more brown people. Surely when the collapse happens the flabby skinheads who've so far done nothing to prevent any of the things they bitch about will suddenly become effective.
Spencer is 39. Most people are far younger than him, and don't realize what politics was like for a 20 year old 15-20 years ago. There was no social media, there was no way to crate legit independent content.

It is very reasonable to think that someone like Spencer started out in the circles he did for anyone that actually understand what was happening between say, 1998 and 2008.

The ONLY way to get involved with politics back then was too - actually get involved with politics. That meant dealing with people like the Bush family and Ron Paul. Things are so much different now, and it is a shame that people do not trul understand that.
Really boggles the noggin that mainstream media would pick this effeminate dope to lead the so-called alt-right
the heir to lincoln rockwell is a weeb
what a timelines
I like them.
Are you admitting to be a globalist here?
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big nazi tiddies
fuck off kike
Are you saying that Trump isn't still importing brown people? Because he is. He has not stopped DACA, H1B, or refugees. We still let in 2700 legal immigrants a day. Literally nothing has changed other than the fact that now it is happening under a "nationalist" president.

Go back to _Donald.
>These stories of immigrants and refugees are incredible on their own, but I believe you need Spencer in the show to prove how tenuous their safety and peace of mind is. Spencer and his people want all those beautiful people gone.
>I interview Spencer, a white supremacist who believes, among other things, that America is a country for white people only and that white people define America's culture (which means that Spencer is neither a fan of history books nor the TV show Grey's Anatomy). And he also believes that a woman's place is in the home. How he didn't end up with a cabinet position in President Trump's White House, I'll never know.
>But ultimately, I'm not afraid of these people or Richard Spencer's ideas, because I know my ideas will win. My ideas are better.

He is a figure head the msm can go after. They label him as the leader of the alt right so people think what he says is what the alt right believes. They write articles like this. There are countless others. I found this one just by googling Richard Spencer's name. They also talk about him like this whenever they bring him up on their news casts. Yes he did give a speech despite death threats. But that doesn't change anything. It takes bravery to do that but it doesn't make him any less of a plant as the msm is still getting what they want out of him. He needs to make speeches to continue his work.
What did that even have to do with what you were replying to?
Glad you've given up, m8. The day of the rope will come any day now, I'm sure you'll be just as useful after the collapse as you are now.
youre the fucking clown for thinking pol is one person. Probably less than a third of the people here are alt-right
Hey there Portubro.
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so this is the bloke the media set up to be 4chan RWDS fella? guessing there is gonna be some sort of planned script the news kikes give him to try to drag everyone under the banner of nazi whos not a frothing at the mouth lefty.
just as planned CNN plant. thats the large and small of it im guessing?
Trumps movement will be known as National globalism in 20 years
Natglows if you will
>CIA plant on CIA network
so what?
Spencer was involved in WN since 1999-2000 you jackass
I have not said that Trump's stopped importing brown people. But he's reduced the number of people coming in. DACA needs to be left to expire and does not require legislative action and H1B has not been discussed. These are already more positive steps than would've occurred otherwise. They're gradual steps. Were anyone else in that position, even that would not have been done.
keep your autism in r/ptg/ where it belongs faggot
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>We at /pol/ have no idea who this crazy cat is never heard or spoke about beforehand then all of a sudden he is /our/guy.

that is because you are nupol. RS has been active since 2009 and any proper pollack knew about him.

this. this is why Israel is winnign
>>Homosexuality seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit White identity.
That's a meme, he was mocking the christian cucknservatives who love Duck Dinasty
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Fuck you faggot you are either Republican or Antifa

Get in line KEK
That is what you were implying... He has not actively done anything. illegals stopped coming because they actually thought a US president was going to start cracking down, but after listening to Donald open his cuck mouth that will soon change, and illegals will be streaming in at pre Trump levels.
No, I just like cheap healthcare.
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Yes, it must be when he said that he'd suddenly allow more of them in. Right on schedule with things that never happened. DACA is just deferred priority, not a legal status, and one has been deported already. You've provided no uptick in illegal immigration, you're discussing hypotheticals.
Everyone knows that it was a meme against pathetic Christcucks.

The only people acting like it is real are low verbal IQers and kike shills.
He isn't perfect but he's made great strides in pushing the white nationalist movement into the mainstream without sounding like a Nazi retard. Anyone who has actually listened to some of speeches already knows this.
What's wrong with Jewish nationalism?

"They're j00s" is not an answer before you start.
I am not discussing hypotheticals. "The wall" is a hypothetical at this point. Trump has not done a single active thing regarding immigration. Even his weak ass travel ban was knocked down by the courts, and he seems to have lost all interest after getting btfoed.
Get in line with the shills and the lebbit faggots? I'd rather not.
So you would accept your country (a based anti refugees one btw) to finance all those "beautiful brown babies" (actually ugly brown grown ass men) healthcare in germany and sweden just so you can save 100 bucks a month on healthcare at the end of the month

That's not very nationalist of you
He spoke about sanctuary cities and breaking up the ninth district court just a day ago. The wall is a hypothetical, the increase in deportations and reduction in border crossings are actual things that have taken place.
pure zionism is an acceptable solution that doesn't involve holocausting kikes. If you sperg out about this remember; hitler wanted to resettle jews in some place. So technically he was a "zionist". Are you triggered yet?
What is wrong with White nationalism?

"Muh Nazis" is not an answer before you start.
Then you will lose because you let the Left fracture us

You're either with us or you're with the terrorists
Nothing wrong with white nationalism. Funnily enough, I myself am a white nationalist. Jumped the gun there, anon.
Yea, he "talks" about a lot of things. Sorry there friendo, I am no longer impressed with "talk".

illegal border crossings, even if the stats are correct, have nothing to do with direct action taken by Trump. Nothing he has actually done has effected it, only what he has said. In a year from now, if he hasn't taken concrete action the crossings will be back to their normal levels.
Unless you provide me proof that the stats are false, I have no reason to believe they aren't correct. These deportations are state actions carried out by a justice department who's head Trump has appointed. I too, would like more than talk, and I too, agree that if no action is taken, border crossings will revert. But so far, the trend has been positive. I've seen no reason to be negative about this or not to consider this to be altogether better than any other alternative for this election.
Is that his Russian wife?
I do not care about Jewish nationalism, I am completely neutral on it. Of course that is even considered whining about "joos" to most people. I just want them out of my country, and I don't care where they go. An oven, or Israel, makes no difference to me.
You do realize spencer moralizes our cause and with the damaging editing its gonna be a cringe fest.

thats why. if you disagree, why dont you define "jewish nationalism"
So you see no negative about his first 100 days being up with no concrete action taken on his part about immigration? lol. OK buddy. You have far lower standards than I do.
They waited 5 posts this time. I guess they realized their mistake yesterday where these kike shill faggots started posting this scripted response and same images as the first post in multiple Spencer threads. Don't worry faggot, no matter how many posts in to the thread you wait, no one is buying your scripted shill bullshit.
Thread posts: 338
Thread images: 88

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