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if there was a petition to make Jesus Christ the king of America

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Thread replies: 276
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if there was a petition to make Jesus Christ the king of America would you sign it?
Sure, but only for the ironic edgy atheist reasons.

lol your King dont exists
No. No kings in this country.
He already is king of every country
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Jesus is already King of America though...
Of course
No because he's a jew
No, the US intentionally doesn't have a king.

This is the Western World.
>Wanting to be ruled by the King of Jews
the lemming masses seem to think christ would be an anti-police anarchist whose such a cuck that he would just let hyper-criminals like the freemasons do whatever they want.

ethical science is synonymous with christianity and a modern christ would realize this and use ethical science to form a most-righteous governmental/corporate/judicial system.

the lemming masses would call him a hypocrite and say his claims to Godliness are unrighteous and want to nail him back up again.

and the Freemason pharisees who are also now the State (the "Romans") would gladly do it.
Allahu Akbar yeah sure
Why would I want a dead Jew to run my country?
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Christian theocracy is the best government so yes
Read your bible
No because he's dead
see >>123409213
That would be a demotion...so no.
One day he will return and become king of the entire world, not only America.

>le Jesus is a Jew
Another American brainwashed by Jews. Jesus is the anti-Jew. Unlike you, he had the courage to call them out on their lies right to their fucking faces. There's a reason they killed him and still curse him 2000 years after his death.
>Christian theocracy is the best government so yes
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>when kikes yell at each other
fucking loser christkikes are even more demented than the kikes they spawned from
it is
prove me wrong
pro tip: You can't
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>it is
>prove me wrong
>pro tip: You can't
If you were God, wouldn't you send the savior to be born right within the most degenerate and evil tribe of humans on Earth?
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>If you were God, wouldn't you send the savior to be born right within the most degenerate and evil tribe of humans on Earth?
jesus lied to you you filthy stinking kike-worshipping retarded cumcunt
>make a jew the ruler of america

What's the point? They already control everything in your country
What did he lie about?
no because I'm not a fucking christ-cuck
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>What did he lie about?
he's just a stinking filthy lying kike you dipshits
like all the kikes
>being this retarded
isn't there a christkike website you can shit up instead of the politics board on 4chan
What did he lie about?
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More /Christ/ general, we need preparations for the upcoming crusades.
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>What did he lie about?
I'm sorry to be like a rabbinical lawyer, but what is the proof for your assertion?
Yes, because America desperately needs more values instilled in its functions and culture.
>I'm sorry to be like a rabbinical lawyer, but what is the proof for your assertion?
there's no point in talking to christkikes because they are obsessed with debate just like the dirty kikes they spawned from
that's literally a picture of lucifer
Why would you have talked in the first place if you weren't looking to stir up debate?
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>Why would you have talked in the first place if you weren't looking to stir up debate?
you're unable to understand
it requires leading all you filthy christkikes, kikes and hadjikikes by the hand like babies
>you weren't looking to stir up debate?
i don't know where you got the idea that i want to have a debate with filthy christkikes
>Why would you have talked in the first place
i'll do whatever i want
So you're just a blind, baseless hater of Jesus?You accuse him of lying with no argument whatsoever?

What a good goy. That's exactly what kikes have been working on so hard to achieve during these last few centuries. The brainwashing is complete.
When he returns it will be unmistakable and known worldwide. There will be no need for voting.
If someone says "I'm Jesus, vote for me" they're an imposter.
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>So you're just a blind, baseless hater of Jesus?You accuse him of lying with no argument whatsoever?
>What a good goy. That's exactly what kikes have been working on so hard to achieve during these last few centuries. The brainwashing is complete.
filthy christkikes
Jesus Christ flogged jews in a synagogue for their greed, you ignorant heretic.

Jesus Christ is /our guy/.
>tfw want vatican 3
>every sunday you have to read the story about jesus whipping the money changers
>and then you ask forgiveness

Just look at this godless heathen, victim of decades of brainwashing. I bet you think fapping to hentai is OK, and that it has no effect on your psyche.
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then what did jesus do?
scarpered off into the desert with his whore of a wife and get pissed on wine and fish
>Just look at this godless heathen, victim of decades of brainwashing. I bet you think fapping to hentai is OK, and that it has no effect on your psyche.
fuck off from this website then you proselytizing fool
Babylon already has a king. But not for much longer. LMAO

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>not making him Supreme President
Your filthy lying tongue will not be quenched when you are burning in the lake of fire. Your words condemn you. Not a single drop of water to comfort you.
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i already told you, you retarded christkike
every word that left your filthy lying hebrew lord's mouth was a jewish fib
and as i further said here:
>there's no point in talking to christkikes because they are obsessed with debate just like the dirty kikes they spawned from
and as i elaborated here:
>you're unable to understand
>it requires leading all you filthy christkikes, kikes and hadjikikes by the hand like babies
you're all too thick to understand because all christkikes worship the filthy stinking kike liar yeshua ben yosef
>not only admits it but also defends it
Enjoy being a slave to lust and other temptations of the flesh. Thanks to faith and the strengthening of the spirit is provides, I am free from the shackles of hentai and porn in general. I have never felt stronger in the face of degeneracy and temptation. I have never felt happier. I have never felt so free.
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>not only admits it but also defends it
>Enjoy being a slave to lust and other temptations of the flesh. Thanks to faith and the strengthening of the spirit is provides, I am free from the shackles of hentai and porn in general. I have never felt stronger in the face of degeneracy and temptation. I have never felt happier. I have never felt so free.
i don't know why you think anyone would want to know that
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I hope you find the Lord one day anon
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i know all your retarded christkike tricks regarding hitler
i'm never impressed
fuck off you dirty jew
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>God sends himself to die for our sins
>Jews kill him
>Jews get blamed for eternity because they fulfill God's will
You can't make this shit up. Actually, it's all made up, but still.
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Yes, just to piss off all the left.
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hitler knew!
he just told the clergy
salute me or i'll kill 'ya
No - he's fucking dead.
Maybe president America where he gets his 4 years and 2 terms but not king
Also my taxes better not go to his execution that nigger comes back after
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The image of Christ as a cuck and a loser is nothing more than Jewish tricks, kike brainwashing. He is the embodiment of truth and courage. The exact opposite of the lying and cowardly Jewish spirit. A true follower of Jesus stands in the face of deceit and degeneracy. Defends with boldness all that is right and pure.
Aka, kikes sell you the image of Christ as a treehugging hippie. When he was in fact a bold and brave warrior of truth.
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Praise be
I recognize your trip, namefag, you're that pooinloo shitskin who posts all the hindu shit.
Stop posting that on every thread you fag no ones going to watch it
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>I recognize your trip, namefag, you're that pooinloo shitskin who posts all the hindu shit.
spoken like a true christian


If JC were alive today, the masses would demand he be crucified in a heartbeat. We'd see the smearing happening with Trump but waaaaaaaaay worse.
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Who are you to tell me what to do?

This is not supposed to be a country of kings.
You're gonna have to answer to him one day for this post you made on 4chan of all places.

And for your pathetic country of cucks.

How does that feel, Snarky McGee?
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he's a christkike and they absolutely know the factual truth about everything because they have utter faith in their lying kike king
>gets exposed
>desperate and with no arguments, resorts to ad hominen and appeals to authority (if Varg could be called such)
Ahhh, the weakness of your spirit coming through for all to see and you don't even realize it. Just like a Jew calling others anti-semites when he is faced with the truth.

Religious philosophy is for the feeble minded.
Dogma is shit.
>gets exposed
>desperate and with no arguments, resorts to ad hominen and appeals to authority (if Varg could be called such)
>Ahhh, the weakness of your spirit coming through for all to see and you don't even realize it. Just like a Jew calling others anti-semites when he is faced with the truth.
what are you talking about?
>not knowing what tripcodes are for
you dumb fucker
go back to biblegateway.net
And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. -From Rev. 2.

Jesus is gonna be the most badass king.
Obviously. I simply cannot imagine a greater level of absolute butthurt among the very people I've come to despise most.
like i said
they just want to
all the time
I like how this tripfag BTFO'd all the deluded theists.
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I have a better leader in mind...
Hell. Yes. I'm sick and tired of the left constantly pushing us towards ungodliness. The recent Democratic platform is basically everything God hates: killing babies, smoking weed, and encouraging people to be gay. Can't wait to see their faces on judgment day when they realize they fucked up this badly
Oh, makes sense.

How is your neopagan society going?
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Yes, he already is. Lords prayer before speeches. Pence, gorsuch. He's coming back to politics.

Trumps breaking the luciferian establishment and satanist ic and state dept
Even if he did exists he's long since dead now
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read your bible
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I fixed your image some fedoracuck must have edited it. God bless
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>no arguments except le Jesus was a Jew
>resorts to name calling, since he has nothing to say
>posts shitty images that also say absolutely nothing

>Jews create most of the world's porn
>Jews hate Christ like nothing else, rather than being apathetic towards him, like regular heathens
How ironic, since you are exactly what they want for the world. A degenerate porn addict and blind Christ hater. A weak spirit and mind, ripe for brainwashing.
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Pick you side wisely.
why? i'm not a dirty faggot kike like you
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the bible is a semetic boo-

>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

>44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

>45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

really activates my almonds.
>vote for a fucking nigger
>then make a homosexual your king
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>trust me, i'm not a kike
- every jew ever
I'm Master Race Roman Catholic.

Because one day Jesus is returning for the Final Judgment, where either Heaven or Hell awaits each person. Pick your side wisely. Stay on loser Satan's side and you will see Hell for eternity.
There is no king but Christ and He is King of all kingdoms whether atheist fags want to accept it or not.
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i hope you come to realize Krishna and Jesus Christ are the same person.
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>I'm Master Race Roman Catholic.
you who have come to me
you who I call my own

follow me
follow me
I will show your your God.

You're not even fucking white, you're an Indian that wants to be NatSoc, quit posting your autistic shops and fuck off.
Be careful yourself anon no one on /pol/ is a saint.
He is already the King of kings
He already is through the Crown,
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>i hope you come to realize Krishna and Jesus Christ are the same person.
why do you hope that?
because you're a stinking lying kike
it doesn't even make any logical sense unless your entire belief structure is based on the plain jewish lie of that fucking retard yeshua ben yosef
>christ is king
etc etc
fucking hell you filthy christkikes should just be all gassed wholesale
dirty jew-worshipping scum
Sorry Ahmed but I dont rape little boys like you
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>I'm Master Race Roman Catholic.

no, just no.
>You're not even fucking white, you're an Indian that wants to be NatSoc, quit posting your autistic shops and fuck off.
>Sorry Ahmed but I dont rape little boys like you
racist christkikes
what a surprise
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Jesus is still a better kike than you'll ever be. He said I could keep my foreskin.
>implying i'm a jew
christcucks are so kiking stupid
Now go and say that to Jewish Rabbis and Muslim Imams, both of whom are known to actively rape young boys. Lets see your courage, go on. And are you really going to tell me with a straight face that no Hindu Priest ever raped a young boy? Or Buddhist Monk?

Every religion has their bad people, because every religion is made up of humans and humans are both good and bad. But the amazing, wonderful,and truly spiritual men that make up the majority of Roman Catholic Priests and Bishops far, far outnumber the horrid.
>>implying i'm a jew
Not implying, stating. Who else has such a visceral hatred for Jesus?
Thank you. I don't have that image.
>Who else has such a visceral hatred for Jesus?
lol no, I don't want a king, especially not a dead one.
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>it doesn't even make any logical sense unless your entire belief structure is based on the plain jewish lie of that fucking retard

because the new testament makes countless references to hindu mythology. you'd have to be blind to not see it. the NT is indian as fuck. the belief is based on scripture, and scripture alone.

>Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

>Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

I'm pretty sure that the hindu school of thought teaches you that every person's body is a temple to god, and every person has a direct connection to God within themselves, in their own soul.

>fucking hell you filthy christkikes should just be all gassed wholesale

man, thats a real jewwy response rabbi you been reading the Talmud?? you're more jewish than any christians are, for real. you're pretty much quoting from the talmud you ignorant ignorant fool.
I just got to Romans in the New Testament so I haven't read much of the Rapture yet but do you know who the guy in the middle is?
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>inb4 america turns into a socialist shithole
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Jesus would have been a fucking commie. God > Jesus. They should have stopped at the old testament.
2 Corinthians 9:7King James Version (KJV)

7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
>who the guy in the middle is?
The awesome Archangel Michael, slayer of demons and archenemy of Satan!
Of course!

Jesus is great!
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>Archangel Michael, slayer of demons

thats basically the most unBiblical/unscriptural thing I've ever heard of, and I supplement the bible with the gnostic gospels.
> I haven't read much of the Rapture yet
Rapture is a heresy. True Christians will suffer on earth just like everyone else (actually will suffer more)
Jesus already is king of everything in all space and time. Atheshits just can't habeeb it because they have God complexes. They'll see tho. September 23rd is 147 days away.
Why is it? You still believe the tribulation though right?
Nice. Saved.
>thats basically the most unBiblical/unscriptural thing I've ever heard
So? It is my description. I never said it was a Biblical description.

do you still get credit for your social science assignment if you use problematic words?
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I hope something big happens on that day. But you know the fedoras will try to justify it.
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> and I supplement the bible with the gnostic gospels.
Nigger. "Mikael" in Hebrew means "who is without God". It is the war cry of the Archangel when he leads the angels to defeat the rebels lead by satan.
Archangels are in fact not the most powerful ones, but that's exactly why Michael is given so much importance. That is because although he is not high up in the angelic hierarchy, his faith bestowed him powers (coming from God) to crush unbelievers and wicked entities.

Yes, of course. But you won't be saved by suffering before the end of times.
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something like that
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>you're more jewish than any christians are, for real
theres nothing more jewish than hating christ
It would be a lie, though. Any person of faith who is not blinded must realize the the US has been subverted and transformed into the Whore of Babylon.
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"Rapture" is not in the Bible nor is it Catholic Theology. If I remember correctly, the term "rapture" was first used in the 1800s. Catholics believe in the Book of Revelations in the Bible, the Second Coming of Jesus and the Last Judgment.
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>posting a meme baptist youtuber spouting heresies he doesn't even understand
anon pls
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"its so hard to take protestants seriously when they only have the bible to back their claims and there's 2000 years of beautiful tradition in the catholic church"

the catholic church is the antichrist.

From the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha'el) meaning "who is like God?"

>Nigger. "Mikael" in Hebrew means "who is without God". It is the war cry of the Archangel when he leads the angels to defeat the rebels lead by satan.

wrong.jpg and you dare to call me a nigger?

yes, and Rebels are the fallen angels.
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>"Rapture" is not in the Bible

Matthew 24:39-41
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
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Stop being a weeaboo
>Stop being a weeaboo
And the universe.
It doesnt say the word rapture but im pretty sure it also doesnt say trinity which is real
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Jesus was a cool guy and all but I'm not sure how he'd handle world leadership.

As far as being "king," no. But president I guess we could try it out.

I wonder what his opinion on Muslims would be considering they weren't around when he was on Earth the first time.
yes, who is like God. It was a typo because it is 5am here lol, have some patience.
Either way my typo doesn't change that everything I said is accurate.
>yes, and Rebels are the fallen angels.
Didn't say anything against that? Just pointing out that Michael's role and importance is justified, and like with the saints etc. is is the result of his actions and faith that conform to the will and essence of God
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look at him shrink away, his little jewwy soul got called out, and now he can only spout anime memes like a weeb
I don't see the word "rapture" anywhere in there.
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He takes direct verses from the bible.
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and demons submit themselves to the authority of Jesus, they aren't rebels against God.

the catholic church invented Islam. you're shilling for globalism by supporting the RCC
It will be the first day of the tribulation as soon as the rapture is done. They will be pissing themselves like the cucks they are. Fallen angels will fall bodily, the sun will increase its heat, the moon will increase its cold, the will be calamities all over the place.

They will have no excuses and no rationalizations to keep them from shitting themselves with terror. Their blanket will be too short to wrap themselves up and comfort themselves.

Isaiah 28:18-20
18“Your covenant with death will be canceled,
And your pact with Sheol will not stand;
When the overwhelming scourge passes through,
Then you become its trampling place.

19“As often as it passes through, it will seize you;
For morning after morning it will pass through, anytime during the day or night,
And it will be sheer terror to understand what it means.”

20The bed is too short on which to stretch out,
And the blanket is too small to wrap oneself in.
i kekd
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>that pic
none of those titles are applied to the Pope
>italian church
Catholic means universal, has nothing to do with Italy except the fact Rome is in Italy
>vicar of God's son
it is Vicar of Christ, nobody says Vicar of God's son. but that wouldn't fit your propaganda lmao
>Latin Kingdom
Nobody calls the Church that
>Latin-speaking man
lmao this is overreaching in every way. Not all Catholics are men who speak latin, in fact very few are

Btw, the protestant person who came up with these shit definitions first has a name that when spelled in Hebrew, guess what, gives the number 666. And in her case, it's her actual name lmao
Look it up, it's even with wikipedia
That is fine if the rapture is part of your religious belief, but I am a Master Race Catholic and the rapture is not Catholic Theology. There is nothing to argue or prove, we are not taught it as Catholics and we do not believe it. We believe in the Book of Revelations, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Last Judgment.

That's wrong.
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>look at him shrink away, his little jewwy soul got called out, and now he can only spout anime memes like a weeb
why are you on a website dedicated to anime?
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it comes from the word harpazo or a caught up
in greek which got changed to rapture in english or some shit

1 Thessalonians 4
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
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>and demons submit themselves to the authority of Jesus, they aren't rebels against God.
They did rebel, God allowed them to rebel. But they were righteously confined to what their rebellion leads, just like rebellious human souls are in the afterlife

>the catholic church invented Islam
lmao stupidest meme ever, get some culture anon

>you're shilling for globalism by supporting the RCC
I am shilling for a universal communion with Christ in heaven. The devil tries to copy the truth and pervert it. The fact that you think the Catholic universalism and globalism are similar is just proof Catholic universalism is true and that evil tried to copy it and deviate it into something that although sounds similar is actually evil
>It will be the first day of the tribulation as soon as the rapture is done
No one besides the father will know when it will be. Not even Christ just the father
>badly copied catholic memes
just like their shitty theology, protestants can only copy and pervert to serve the prince of lies
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>the catholic church is the antichrist.
The Catholic Church is the One, True Church, whose unbroken lineage goes back to Peter, Jesus' Apostle.

It has been prophesized that the Catholic Church will be infiltrated by Satan and his demons, and that has occurred. It really got going in the 1940s and by 1965 with the passing of Vatican II, the Church was totally taken over by Satan. That is why I am a Traditional Catholic, I follow the pre-Vatican II Catholic teachings.
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It isn't
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>Master Race Catholic
see >>123428235
also see pic related

Jesus did nothing wrong, that doesn't mean that god isn't an asshole though...
To be fair the Latin Rite has never been abolished, it's just that parish people and priests in the west became lazy and started preferring other rites
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why do you hate Jesus like the jews do?

>a website dedicated to anime?
>implying that anyone here was around when this was an anime board
>implying that the boards here don't outnumber /a/ 100-1

>They did rebel, God allowed them to rebel. But they were righteously confined to what their rebellion leads, just like rebellious human souls are in the afterlife

man, catholics never read, nor understand their bible. this is, just stupid.

>The devil tries to copy the truth and pervert it.

really, because thats exactly what the catholic church does.

its so hard to talk to catholics who pretend to be christian, and pretend to know what the bible says.
>implying Jesus isn't already the King of Kings
Im not Baptist
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>man, catholics never read, nor understand their bible. this is, just stupid.
I see 0 arguments there buddy, but keep calling me stupid if it makes you feel better
>really, because thats exactly what the catholic church does.
except it doesn't
>its so hard to talk to catholics who pretend to be christian, and pretend to know what the bible says.
stop projecting heretic-kun

doesn't matter, the meme was copied and made by a baptist either way because he was assblasted the catholic meme was right about his heresy
this pretty much
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>why do you hate Jesus like the jews do?
i don't hate jesus like the jews do
i know it's hard for your pathetic christkike brain to understand but not everyone who hates your demented scumbag kike of a leader jesus is a jew or a muslim or an atheist
>a website dedicated to anime?
>implying that anyone here was around when this was an anime board
>implying that the boards here don't outnumber /a/ 100-1
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>not taking the breapill
poor tripfag lost soul
>not taking the breapill
>poor tripfag lost soul
fuck yes

jesus wouldnt put up with these muslim fucks he would smash the nuke button so FUCKING hard over israel you all will be like "Wow this guy hates jews and muslims more than we do" while you watch your enemies burn in your personal heaven on ur 24 inch tv surrounded by big titted angel babes
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>if I post a reaction image that sure will show him
stop proving me right anon
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>I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

there are 18 keys given in daniel 7-9 that Idenitfy the Catholic church as the beast with 10 horns, and the whore of babylon. its so easy to tell that the catholic church invented Islam.

>That is why I am a Traditional Catholic, I follow the pre-Vatican II Catholic teachings.

really? because those still contradict the bible, what is the Textus Receptus?

where does it say to anally torture people?
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That's not true. Gonna explain it in a way that is easy for me because I can tell you're a tedious person. Jesus did not know everything when he was in the body.

Proof: Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." His wisdom could not increase if he knew everything prior to that.

Jesus said "No man knows" a present tense statement made in the past. If you need the implication of that explained, don't ask me because your already being a shit imo.

Then paul said "I reveal to you a mystery." and explained the "harpazo" which in the latin vulgate was translated as "raptus" which is where we get the english rapture. In greek, mysterion doesn't mean what mystery means in english. In english mystery means something not known or difficult to find out. In greek means "something reveal which was previously hidden."

And jesus told john what would happen in the End times which can be found in revelation. the first words are "1This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass." This means after he ascended and rose to heaven he learned more about the end times.

So here is the timeline "Jesus: No man knows. -> Disciples: K -> Year later. Paul: I reveal to you way God has just revealed to me, we will not all sleep but we will all be transformed...to meet christ in the air [aka NOW a man knows]-> Jesus appearing to John in a vision and tells him about the end times [aka what he did not know then but knew at that time.

It's like this. A man in 1600 says "Horses are the fastest land transport." This is a true statement when it was made. but only the most foolish of zealots would say that is true today, we have cars and trains. Doesn't make 1600 man a liar.

Just makes the zealot (you) a stupid head who can't into verb tense. Please reconsider responding with what ever dumb shit you're thinking of responding with. I don't care about you.
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There is actual content on this thread brothers. leave a bump and watch a video please.
Yes it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1aZ9NvKDBM
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>believing protestant redneck memes
lmao, unbelievable, such people still exist. No surprise your country is Babylon and the cesspit from which all degeneracy stems from. Ignorance at its finest.
Harpazo got changed to rapturo in the latin vulgate bible which is where we get rapture, which was translated as "caught up," when harpazo/rapturo was translated to english.
And the shit up my anus
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I think it means the fact that Vatican II changed so much of the prayers and the Mass. Even a few years ago the Church changed the prayers and Mass even more. And I think those changes are what makes the Latin Rite now non-existent. I think, that is my take. I could be wrong. But I hate the most recent changes tot he prayers and Mass. I say it the old way under my breath when in Mass.
>>Master Race Catholic
Yes, and I feel so blessed!
He already is king, the true king of all mankind.
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> And I think those changes are what makes the Latin Rite now non-existent
Benedict XVI promulgated the Motu Proprio. You can find an old rite latin mass in your area and attend Mass there if that is a concern to you. No, you are wrong, you can still attend mass the old-fashioned way. The new way isn't inherently heretical but has been abused and is abused by some to "protestantize it", that is true. Luckily we can choose which parish to go to.
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Never. Even if he was a real person instead of a mythical character.
>i don't hate jesus like the jews do

> but not everyone who hates your demented scumbag kike of a leader jesus is a jew or a muslim or an atheist

its almost like Jewish propaganda is behind the hatred of Christianity.

its almost like you quote directy from the Talmud when you talk about christians. does it go over your head that the Talmud dictates that christians must be attacked, killed, both indirectly and directly?

>fucking hell you filthy christkikes should just be all gassed wholesale
>dirty jew-worshipping scum
Talmud quotes.

thats some pretty jewwy shit. do you fancy yourself versed in hindu mythology? because the new testament is pretty much a hindu text

>The human body is the temple of God.
One who kindles the light of awareness within
gets true light.
The sacred flame of your inner shrine
is constantly bright.
The experience of unity
is the fulfillment of human endeavors.
The mysteries of life are revealed.
(Rig Veda)

>Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

>Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

tell me, who wrote the Rig Veda, and why does Jesus quote directly from it?
nowhere in the bible do Demons rebel against God in any, way, shape, or form. the only beings who rebelled against God are Fallen Angels, and Mankind. Demons are always shown to be in obedience to God. the Catholic Church burned women alive for homeschooling their kids with the bible, because they weren't qualified, do you think Jesus Christ would have burned women alive for teaching them the bible in english away from the church?
>You can find an old rite latin mass in your area and attend Mass there
Yes, I have tried, but the closest is an hour away (sounds very lazy of me, I know).

>Luckily we can choose which parish to go to.
True. Thanks for your insight, Italy bro.
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just riddle me this, did Martin Luther have legitimate grievances against the catholic church?

>>believing protestant redneck memes
thats a funny way of spelling well recorded historical events, and I'm not protestant, I'm gnostic, or non-denominational
Brothers, is there an awakening or revival happening? I've had several revelations recently. I've also been moved to share the gospel.
I 've basically been a backsliding pos for most of my life but I've always know deep down that I was in rebellion. I still am in many ways but something different is happening now.
>just riddle me this, did Martin Luther have legitimate grievances against the catholic church?
Against the Church as a whole?

>thats a funny way of spelling well recorded historical events, and I'm not protestant, I'm gnostic, or non-denominational
lmao, still falling for memes? poor anon
He wouldn't want to be the King of America.
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Maybe your soul is preparing you fro the return of the Great Catholic King, who will rule before the Anti-Christ comes to destroy everything.
Yeah he would fit right in with all of his fucking jew butt buddies in the State dept
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> its so easy to tell that the catholic church invented Islam.
Protestants are responsible for all the freemansory deep state shit America is into.
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>nowhere in the bible do Demons rebel against God in any, way, shape, or form. the only beings who rebelled against God are Fallen Angels, and Mankind. Demons are always shown to be in obedience to God.
Demons are fallen angels anon, stop being a retard
>the Catholic Church burned women alive for homeschooling their kids with the bible
ahahahah wtf is that what your pastor at the laundromat teaches you? No wonder americlaps are so retarded
> do you think Jesus Christ would have burned women alive for teaching them the bible in english away from the church?
It's not about the language, it's about the teaching. A false Gospel brings people to hell. Translating the Bible in a way that changes doctrine (like protestant bibles) brought people to hell (and still continues to do so). That's what the Church tried to stop. Don't like it? Your loss anon. When you go to hell there's no coming back and you won't be able to complain about "muh ebil Church doesn't let me translate heresies". The Church never was against translations, only against unauthorized ones that perverted the Gospel, like it happened immediately with the protestant deformation. Even Luther himself complained about it. And your countless meme denomination today are a testament to the fact that the Catholic Church was right.
Democracy and libertine ideals of the french revolution are from satan, they are what founded the protestant deformation and your cesspit of a country, so don't come lecture others about what's right. Utterly disgusting.
Jesus would not be king of a country. He is king of Heaven. So, nope. Any "Jesus" that would be king of a country is a deceiver.
An Aryan King? Yes.

A Jew King? Fuck no.
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>Against the Church as a whole?
so according to the church, i can pay them a sum of money for an "indulgance" which is a coupon to sin, meaning if i payed 5 grand to the church, i could fuck your wife, and it wouldn't count as a sin, you don't think that "selling sin" is a legitimate grievance? you're a fool.

isn't that the same broadcasting station that is adamant that the holocaust happened? you going to tell me the holocaust happened too?
Those fucktards should read this: https://mises.org/system/tdf/Education%20Free%20and%20Compulsory_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
Also, when Luther translated the Holy Bible to German, there were already 30 translations. All made by the catholic church.
Source: Imperial Encyclopedia and Dictionary © 1904 Vol. 4, Hanry G. Allen & Company), ( Holman Bible Dictionary © 1991).
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>Also, when Luther translated the Holy Bible to German, there were already 30 translations. All made by the catholic church.
There were also many English translations before the unauthorized Tinsdale one, but americlaps unironically believe that heretic was some sort of righteous revolutionary that dindu nuffing.
One would think that with the internet people would research things instead of spouting memes but apparently they prefer to wallow in ignorance
Leaf knows it.
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>so according to the church, i can pay them a sum of money for an "indulgance" which is a coupon to sin, meaning if i payed 5 grand to the church, i could fuck your wife, and it wouldn't count as a sin, you don't think that "selling sin" is a legitimate grievance? you're a fool.
Is that what your laundromat pastor with 3 wives told you? Sorry he projected his wicked phantasies on his congreation, but that's not how it works. Maybe you should study up instead of spouting memes? And possibly not getting your info from laundromat churches websites?

>isn't that the same broadcasting station that is adamant that the holocaust happened? you going to tell me the holocaust happened too?
What does the holocaust have to do with anything? The BBC has hardly anything good to say about the Church, they merely reported what historical research brought up when studying ancient archives. Damage control much?

you do realise those tools were all propaganda made centuries after they were supposedly used, right? Why do you keep being a nigger and you don't actually research your bullshit?
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>protestants are responsible for the mystery schools that existed in Egypt and Babylon before Christianity, the bible, or even the Torah were even developed

really? because there is far more catholic symbolism in freemasonry than there are protestant symbols, mainly because protestants don't use symbolism. if you actually studied the origins in freemasonry, you would realize how fallacious this argument is, and that the catholic church basically invented freemasonry. and with the same symbolism Islam has with Catholicism, its easy to see Catholicism invented Islam too.

read your bible, demons are not fallen angels you pleb.

>Translating the Bible in a way that changes doctrine (like protestant bibles)

do you know what an interlinear bible is?
what is the Textus Receptus?

the bible wasn't written in Latin, it was written in Hebrew, and Greek. some pretty amazing things happen when you start looking at Etymology of words in the hebrew and Greek, you learn that roman Catholicism has nothing to do with peter.
I was raised catholic, I assume you were too, but I grew up learning those LIES at school and I never got a proper education about my own religion history at church neither.
I can understand how protestants in non catholic countries can still be this ignorant.
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>because there is far more catholic symbolism in freemasonry than there are protestant symbols,
I have already explained you this, gnostic nigger. You just don't want to learn do you? satan perverts christian symbolism so as to weaken its effect. and protestants fall for it like the idiots they are. The triangle is a symbol of the trinity. By believing it to be a symbol of satan you empower satan while weakening your ability to seek for God.
> if you actually studied the origins in freemasonry
I did, it's rooted in the alliance between protestantism and judaism against the Catholic Church. The Church literally made it an automatic excommunication to be a mason from the beginning. The masons went around parading and demonstrating against the Catholic Church. St. Maximillian Kolbe who died in a concentration camp (he took the place of a jew and sacrificed himself) tells us such accounts in his letters.
>and that the catholic church basically invented freemasonry
How is Tel Aviv, anon? Good weather?

>read your bible, demons are not fallen angels you pleb.
They are

>do you know what an interlinear bible is?
>what is the Textus Receptus?
I know what they are, doesn't change my argument in any way

>the bible wasn't written in Latin, it was written in Hebrew, and Greek.
Strawman much? Still, the vulgate was translated by a person who was a native koinè greek speaker (the language of the new testament) that had a lot more translations available to us that got lost later in time (like a Bible with apostolic notes and 5 different languages next to each other to compare the writings). So it is a much more valuable translation that any english meme translation.
>some pretty amazing things happen when you start looking at Etymology of words in the hebrew and Greek, you learn that roman Catholicism has nothing to do with peter.
If you actually did that you would learn it does the exact opposite. Stop roleplaying you jewish nigger
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>indulgences were a Meme.
>I'm a laundromat pastor with 3 wives because I only use the scriptures and a plethora of historians as my source

why don't you take a step back, and use the 18 keys given in Daniel given to Identify the beast with 10 horns, and find out for yourself, there's a reason why the catholic church has been identified as the whore of babylon.

The Catholic Church has condemned freemansory since its beginning. We had a big issue here in Brazil in 1870's called "Questão Religiosa", Catholic Church against Freemasonry.
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Anons like gnostic nigger are ignorant because they want to be. You said yourself you were able to educate yourself. The same way can also american anons. The knowledge is out there, anyone who rejects it is their own enemy

>that pic
ebin troll m8
>why don't you take a step back, and use the 18 keys given in Daniel given to Identify the beast with 10 horns, and find out for yourself, there's a reason why the catholic church has been identified as the whore of babylon.
Apocalypse isn't supposed to be understood before it happens you fucking amerilard nigger. It isn't even to be a linear tale of events as much as it is a recap of the rest of the Bible. You literally understand nothing of the Bible.
> there's a reason why the catholic church has been identified as the whore of babylon.
Becuse Tel Aviv jewish niggers like you find it a good way to divert the attention from themselves and bring people to hell. Nice try though

>Anons like gnostic nigger are ignorant because they want to be. You said yourself you were able to educate yourself.

List what you've read. Go on. I'd be interested to hear, because it doesn't sound like you study much of anything. You opt for aimless bravado to try and bluff your way past this -- it rings hollow.


And the way that you carry yourself even when discussing a topic as important as this one speaks volumes about your general growth and spiritual purview. Stop trying to sound like some young upstart iteration of Terry Davis you sorry clown.
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>List what you've read. Go on. I'd be interested to hear, because it doesn't sound like you study much of anything. You opt for aimless bravado to try and bluff your way past this -- it rings hollow.
Regarding what exactly? It depends on the topic. If you are looking for answers on Catholic Church history and practice you can literally google it and find all the info you need anon. I even posted a documentary in this thread to start with, it's not really hard to do. I even pointed out this is easily accessible info, not knowing it is already a failure from whomever and cannot be excused, regardless of the opponent's on rate of education

>And the way that you carry yourself even when discussing a topic as important as this one speaks volumes about your general growth and spiritual purview. Stop trying to sound like some young upstart iteration of Terry Davis you sorry clown.
stop being an insecure nigger
it isnt the legitimate whore of babylon but the point that the guy forgets to make is that there are tons of fishy shit going in in the world where it seems someone is definitely trying to force a biblical Armageddon for whatever reason. catholic church is bullshit but so is atheism, islam, hinduism or whatever other religions there are that follow traditions and have belief principles and all of em idolize symbols. theres a creator for sure but organized religions are muddying the waters for everyone.

It's laughable how you consider a book authorised by political reasons, not the first English translation, translated to fit into the Anglican ideology, to be the "pure word of God".
Also, tell me one bible verse that supports sola scriptura.
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the Catholic Church teaches the way, the truth and the life the way it's supposed to be, sorry you haven't realised it yet.
>hurr durr creator exists but he doesn't speak to us
immature and convenient to say the least
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Anons, isn't his commandment to love thee as I have loved you?

>Regarding what exactly?

Regarding anything you consider related. Because I am of the opinion that you are a posturing dunce who likes to talk big and throw around all these heavy proclamations but behind it all is a guy who hates the thought of actually sitting down and seriously studying the topics that he likes to rant about.

>you can literally google it and find all the info you need anon.

This all but confirms it. I ask you what you've read and request a list and you sheepishly tell me to google for info if I ever need to. Red flag, friend.

>stop being an insecure nigger

There's a note of projection if ever I've seen it. You are talking about immensely grave and important things right now and you still feel subconsciously peer-pressured into talking like every other edgy child on this site just to fit in. Have some respect for yourself and the content being discussed.
Those shit are going in in the world since Adam and Eve.
I don't think you have read the Bible, mate. T
Exo 25:18
1 Chr. 28:18–19
Ezekiel 41:17–18
Num. 21:8–9

Symbols and traditions are important, and you guys have them as well. You can idolize everything, actually. Search about " latria hiperdulia and dulia"
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>>Regarding anything you consider related. Because I am of the opinion that you are a posturing dunce who likes to talk big and throw around all these heavy proclamations but behind it all is a guy who hates the thought of actually sitting down and seriously studying the topics that he likes to rant about.
Really? Do you go around asking people to point you to books regarding every opinion they have? You can start with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and then read the many books on the doctrine, the councils, the dogmas, the life of the saints etc. etc.
Regarding history you can find plenty of books by Catholic historians and scholars, or even non-catholic ones if you prefer (but possibly not protestant or militant atheist because biased).
There's no point in indicating a specific book, there's plenty that cover the topics in a satisftying way and I have no idea what you are particularly interested in. You are just doing damage control to avoid admitting you are literally ignorant on the arguments presented, but at the same time trying to mantain a sort of sence of moral superiority because that is the only way ignorant retards like you know how to win an argument. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
>This all but confirms it. I ask you what you've read and request a list and you sheepishly tell me to google for info if I ever need to. Red flag, friend.
Do you keep track of everything you read? This is the most ridiculous damage control I have ever heard in my life. Give me a topic and I'll give you some titles you fucking nigger.
>There's a note of projection if ever I've seen it. You are talking about immensely grave and important things right now and you still feel subconsciously peer-pressured into talking like every other edgy child on this site just to fit in. Have some respect for yourself and the content being discussed.
You are acting like a nigger so I call you nigger. Stop projecting your insecurities onto me. I don't think like that.
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thats like saying that the catholic church condones pedophilia while it protects a conpisracy of satanic child fuckers. freemasonry was around before catholicism

>Apocalypse isn't supposed to be understood before it happens you fucking amerilard nigger. It isn't even to be a linear tale of events as much as it is a recap of the rest of the Bible. You literally understand nothing of the Bible.

you're literally able to pin point the exact time and date Jesus was to ride into jerusalem.

look up bill cooper. the gnostic christans succession led directly into

>accusing me of not understanding the bible when you don't even refer to the interlinear greek and hebrew versions, and can't see for yourself because you refer to the

>what is the Textus Receptus?

>satan perverts christian symbolism so as to weaken its effect.

christianity was 2000 years ago, "christian" symbolism" has existed for thousands of years before the Torah was ever written Freemasonry started with Nimrod, and the Catholic Church freemasonry as we know it today was invented by the Rosicrucian order, the Mystery schools were absorbed into Rome. through

>They are
Demons are the spirits of the Nephilum, the children between Fallen Angels and the daughters of men, and are not fallen angels.

>being a bible thumping christian makes me a jew

roman catholicism is a jewish invention you pleb.
It took you a bit Chaim. Did your employers need to give you more meme images and suggestions. Absolutely retarded assertions that have no ground in reality and make me sick to my stomch. May the Lord have mercy on you.
>roman catholicism is a jewish invention you pleb.
That's protestantism. Any especially gnostic niggerism.
> the gnostic christans succession led directly into catholicsm, the gnostics removed and changed verses in the bible, just like the catholics do
all this wailing and gnashing of teeth.

But I asked my brother
Did you want to come back do the fold?
what about jews are they wrong? muslims? pagans? etc..??

at the risk of sounding ignorant, im going to say you legitimately believe there to actually exists a rule book on life

dont get me wrong i agree with you on christ but dont come on here saying your king james verion, made in the 17th fucking century is the correct version out of the other 9000 versions and other religions out there especially after all religions have at one point condoned murder towards some unbeliever.

god has spoken to us before and will always continue to speak with us. are you implying hes not with us at times? christ has attained godhood and is trying to teach us the right path. hes trying to tell us that we all know the word of god from birth. god has made us perfect from the start. its why kids are so fucking happy playing on the lawn when sprinklers are going off and small stuff like that while we adults worry about petty shit. thats our society though, the system is at fault here. jesus had a problem with the system back then too with people buying and selling animals n shit. we are born perfect but are turned into robotic slaves due to this fucked up world that is ruled by seemingly in-compassionate people. and by enforcing a certain way of life with all kinds of laws and commandments catholicism isnt different.

grasshoppers spit black fluid when their lives are in danger, plants also have poison or thorns to protect them. whether the grasshopper or plant knows its being threatened doesnt matter. the only thing you need to realize is they both have something to keep them "Living". and life is the only thing we should be cherishing. our lives and each others. but like i said the system has you blinded.
Now you're repeating Hollywood lies. There is as much pedophilia in the Catholic Church as there is in protestant churches. Pope Benedict XVI himself defrocked nearly 400 priests.
Yeah. The jews claim the catholic church persecuted them, and you claim roman catholicism is a jewish invention. The catholic church did holy wars against Islam, and islamic terrorists want to kill the pope, but the catholic church created Islam. Fuck off.

In the 16th century, Martin Luther adopted the Jewish list, putting the Deuterocanonical books in an appendix. He also put the letter of James, the letter to the Hebrews, the letters of John, and the book of Revelation from the New Testament in an appendix. He did this for doctrinal reasons (for example: 2 Maccabees 12:43-46 supports the doctrine of purgatory, Hebrews supports the existence of the priesthood, and James 2:24 supports the Catholic doctrine on merit). Later Lutherans followed Luther’s Old Testament list and rejected the Deuterocanonical books, but they did not follow his rejection of the New Testament books
Without hesitation.

>Really? Do you go around asking people to point you to books regarding every opinion they have?

Haha. Here the digressions begin. Right on time. Don't be coy and suggest that I go around harassing any old person for reading lists. You have been ranting angrily about this stuff in the thread. You're not some indifferent "who, me?" right now.

>Give me a topic and I'll give you some titles you fucking nigger.

I know you can google a few titles for me, but you don't study any of this. You've no notes on any of these works; nothing, nothing at all. Even in the way that you talk about reading shows your obvious unease here: you're very slowly removing yourself from the conversation
>you can find plenty of books
never any "I have found and studied, and here they are". All just anemic suggestions that I go and read some if I am interested. The fact that you barely read is writ large when you attempt misdirection this blatant.

You're either still unintentionally ignorant to a ludicrous degree or you've a set agenda.

That you attribute Freemasonry to Protestants without a single mention of the Jesuit makes this evident.

Considering the embarrassingly adolescent way that you carry yourself I wouldn't suppose enough wherewithal on your part to consider it the latter.

>You are acting like a nigger so I call you nigger.

You're just a boy.
>That's protestantism
the textus receptus is a jewish invention?
Only if He ruled with a rod of IRON. WHICH YOU KNOW HE WOULD!!!!

Of course I would sign it brother!
You'll have water man, just not enough to get comfy. Comfy is out.
Mercy, bro. Mercy.
If you reject satan and all his works, reply to this post with


Sorry, I didn't hear you. Anon didn't even go to church on Easter?
>i don't want to get married to that awful man

Say it with me. Do you reject satan and all his ways?
The king james shit is not ours. You have no idea of what the Catholic Church is.
>we are born perfect but are turned into robotic slaves due to this fucked up world
kek. fuck the original sin, right?

While the Catholic Church bans freemasonry, many, many protestant churches don't.
Henry G. Graham, Where We Got The Bible (TAN Books, 1977) pp. 128,130).

>While the Catholic Church bans freemasonry, many, many protestant churches don't.

I personally am not Protestant, so I'm not trying to paint them as being above reproach. But the issues (and originators) here are very clearly with the Venetian elements within the Vatican itself. Any old fool can learn about this if they actually care to read up on it.

I think most Catholics don't actually want to know about this stuff. It is too unpleasant a reality for them to deal with so they elect to blame Protestants and the like when the usurpers are working from within and always have been.
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I can see Jesus offering California as a sacrifice to attain supreme power and reign over America.
i actually did see that my self after typing that..so my bad. ill give you that one. were still born perfect in the sense that we have always known gods word but still have that free will listen or to fall into temptation and the will of our ego.

so its not really the system. i mean it is an instigator, but ultimately were the ones who chose that path on our own terms in the end.
No king but Jesus. Read history, nigger.
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>That you attribute Freemasonry to Protestants without a single mention of the Jesuit makes this evident.

thumbs up.

>. The catholic church did holy wars against Islam, and islamic terrorists want to kill the pope, but the catholic church created Islam. Fuck off.

the catholic church did invent Islam, the best way to control the conflict is to control both sides yourself. and yes, it got out of hand. read http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1493520488606.png

>james 2:24
I saw what the catholic church does, and did, and I was not amused.
> Pope Benedict XVI himself defrocked nearly 400 priests.
thats a funny way of spelling vehemently defended, did you know the Vatican owns all the porn in germany?

>n the 16th century, Martin Luther adopted the Jewish list, putting the Deuterocanonical books

I'm just going to have to stop you there, I include the "gnostic" gospels in my cannon, I don't particularly care if he dejected books, The Gospel of Thomas was rejected in the council of Nicea despite the fact Augustine quoted from it. infact Rome is guilty of destroying all the Mysticism of Christianity in the first place. there's a difference between excluding books, and deliberately changing verses. based on the bible alone, I find it to support reincarnation, and Genesis 2:24 Matthew 19:5 Mark 10:7 Ephesians 5:31 and John 2 support the idea that Jesus Christ was married. Jesus CHrist had a habbit of answering questions with scripture, so if you asked him if he was married, he would quote genesis 2:24, if you think mary magdalen was a prostitute, he would quote the book of Hosea at you.

but I do support the grievances he had against the catholic church, because by all means roman Catholicism ignores the bible

the Textus Receptus is new testament that was written side by side with the greek, that destroyed all the catholic hypocrisies, and how much they changed the scripture since it does not stand to the greek, and started the reformation
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>tfw I get branded by Griffith because I live in Cali
Fuck off with this threat again shill
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