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University of California (and 14 others) coursework to raid /pol/

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Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 100

An Anon found this University of California coursework to raid /pol/ on her computer. To protect her identity, the exact university in California is not named. 14 other universities are involved in this course to raid /pol/.
no one cares fuck off already
I hope they all get banned and a few get redpilled.
They'll be easy as fuck to spot. I'm actually excited to fuck with retarted liberals.
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You can now get a degree in shitposting?
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So they admit they can't win an argument against the various truths posted here, so they turn to disruption. How can any thinking being agree to that. Sad!
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That was my first thought. I actually hope more colleges give assignments like this.
>people being forced to subject themselves to this place

revv up the redpill threads boys
This is so fucking fake
>People willingly subject themselves to this place
How horrifying
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I have a file folder just for these.

Hell. I am one.

What they and (((they))) don't seem to get about this place is that no amount of shilling and raiding can poison us. Because we are the poison of TRUTH.
I always hate when people block out personal info such as names on facebook screenshots, e-mail addresses, twitter handles, etc.

It means whoever is posting said image is afraid of being caught up in the outcome which means they are a faggot by proxy.
chek'd and agreed
Aside from the obvious misunderstanding of /pol/ (we are a board of peace, not a racist proving ground)...

... whose parents are paying good money so their children's grade can be based on how well they spread marxism?

I think at a minimum, (if OP isn't a shitposter), we should know which college this is coming out of.
I love when they become
>one of us
>one of us
>one of us
As much as I hate redditfags and newfags, I remember back in 07 I was a /b/ poster red pilled by 9/11 and abovetopsecret. An ats mod told me on MSN Messenger that it's always worse than you suspect but not as SHTF as you think it will be, i.e. death by 1000 cuts. Waking up sucks, but when you do, it's invigorating
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Damn universities will monetize anything, won't they? :P Participating in The Great Meme War and years of experience in shitposting is what gets people hired. Nobody is going to hire anybody with a Berkeley BA in, "Memenic Theory." :P
Looks like some of those students will end up staring at the basilisk a little too long for their professor's taste
I was thinking fake too when I got to the "take a safe break" part.
Stop fucking spamming this shit faggot nothing has happened so fuck off
We're pretty resistant to shills already, and some of them will get redpilled.
More fresh meat.

It's amusing that they don't want to even try to engage us but are just instructed to shut it down.

How much you want to bet the professor who thought of this is Jewish?
>make sure you visit /pol/
>and not /po/
thats where they made they're biggest mistake
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wow, doesn't even affect me anymore. I have really been here too long.

BTW, we haven't had a holohoax thread in a long time. What is up with that?
It's fake

At least our handlers will remain in the shadows.
Yeah saw this off and on all day and on a twitter where some college bitches we're complaining about us blaming them then the twitter got shut down. My guess is probably real but doesnt matter

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Yeah I spotted at least three people consistently shilling for BLM in a thread yesterday, like 40 replies each.
Pretty moronic, as the saying goes its like pissing in an ocean of piss.
>paying money to shitpost on pol
>How much you want to bet the professor who thought of this is Jewish?

My first thought exactly. Whenever you see anyone with white skin rambling about "white privilege," there's a 99% chance they're (((white))) and trying to distract people from (((white))) privilege.

get your gore ready
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Liberals and leftists are quite gullible, and I can't wait for the "Truth Infection" to travel back to where it's needed most-- to all of the Universities of California! Think of the mayhem the Redpilled masses will cause there!!!
What subject are you studying for fucks sake?
What I don't understand is Jews are considered white by the majority of people because most people are pretty ignorant about racial shit. If they did start a race war wouldn't the browns go after them too and white wouldn't side with them.
in the off chance this is true, this will blow up in the professors faces when 25%+ of the students actually get red pilled

>didn't know sherpas had internet.
pissing into a sea of piss

That said its all fun and games until one of em gets identified/the professor of shitposting is discovered
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shitposting in an ocean of shitposts
Don't worry I'll bunker down and cover you with smug animoo girls
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Can't wait to redpill some commies
Not that rare
so it seems, must be some new progressive stuff we weren't aware of
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Anon, that's so nasty!!!
Is this real? I don't think that webpage matches the URL
Pol actually thinks they have the brainpower to compete with university students from the most educated state in the country when most of them are jobless, toothless hicks who voted for Trump because he said he would make the scary brown people go away and get their job back from the evil foreigners. Lol.
>take down their ability to reply, discuss, or reason

Someone explain how we're the bad guys again?
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....fucking illegal immigrant tamale ass kissing liberals may be offended....

there are things WE are offended by
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Remind them to take their "Safe Breaks"
turn off vpn leaf
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OK, so any chance they add screenshots of tem adding a tentacled dickmonster to their final report ?
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Hi california faggots welcome to /pol/

go neck yourself

Why would my sociology professor lie? Everyone knows that the education system would never, ever be used to indoctrinate. No sir. Even if they were to try, I'm just too much of an intellectual! I'd see right through it.
have fun turning into a nazi
Someone get the /mlpol/ folders ready.

Also imagine, several parents have given up years worth of paychecks for their kids to try and spread SJW bullshit on a Chinese cartoon girls swapping forum as part of their degree coursework. What a time to be alive.
Now that's the funniest shit I've read all day.

Wow good work Mr. Anonymous Internet Racist, you cracked the code! All of those hoity-toity smarty pants professors with degrees and educations and studies and scientific proof are just liars who are trying to brainwash you into being gay or whatever. A bunch of fat hicks with GEDs who like to spend their time being racist on the Internet know the REAL truth! Also, who needs stuff like "saving the planet" and "fighting global warming" when you have JESUS anyway?
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We are /pol/
Lower your proxies are surrender your tendies.
We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
Resistance is futile
It would be ironic. They initiate the race war and put us against the dindus only to have us feed the dindus info on them and once the they're gone we can end the war quick and reeducate/relocate the dindus with little fuss. Course we'd have to purge the whites that side with (((them))) or the dindus in all of this.
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We all know where this ride ends.

>may Kek feast on their traumatized minds when they accidentally open ISIS gore videos
Probably harder to get than a sociology degree desu.

Nice effort. You get a C
> t. shill

We need to find out which professors are assigning this, stat
Faggot, fuck the environment, unless we get off this planet we are fucked either way. Good luck stopping the next asteroid impact if we haven't even detected it. We also have no way of dealing with those things yet, not to mention the increasing amount of garbage floating around in orbit preventing future flight paths off the earth.

lol. The longer you spend here the more red pills you swallow. How is this a bad thing?
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oy vey

Too bad /pol/ wasn't around when HILLARY was at U.C. Berkeley!!!

OP proves once again that 95% of /pol/ is gullible as fuck.
Is this one of the students? It's kind of adorable in a sickening way -- the way it's still fighting the redpill being forcefully shoved down its throat.
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>get bombarded by IDF
>get bombarded by CTR
>get bombarded by cuckposting

What can they do that hasn't been done before? This place IS shitposting.
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Paying 40k a year to be a shill

So this anon clearly has a .edu address he could share with us. We could have the whole operation doxed in a week. What is that prof's email? Does anyone have access to the network that syllabus is stored on?
Is there literally any proof whatsoever that this is legitimate?
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Did anybody else feel the need to call their grandma and apologize after fapping to this?
CSU reporting in
UC are faggots
I guess we'll have a semester of playing spot the Marxist shill. How many do you think we can turn into Nazis
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soo... what exactly they expect to accomplish?
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>/pol/ experiences a large amount of internal division among it's members.

Not really.
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Berkeley Oppressor.jpg
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Anon found this on his sister's laptop. To protect her, he'll only say it's at a University in California.

The coursework is to raid /pol/.

Sick burns, really top notch stuff. Except, I'm actually none of those things. I have a BA, am in really quite great shape, and am married to a loving woman that lost her virginity to me (who is 7 years my junior, by the way. How's that grab you?)

Where to begin?


So what if I was, what relevance would that have toward any argument?


Hicks built and maintain this country, and allow you to sit on your ever growing ass, totally free of callouses.


I think the longer you spend here, especially if you're to get into a protracted argument, you'll find that most who are willing to engage you have quite good vocabularies and reasoning skills. Already you've resorted to attacks on what you perceive to be my status in life, which tells me deductive reasoning isn't really one of your strong suits.


Racism is the recognition of patterns, and drawing conclusions from those patterns. A form of logic. Illogical thinking is more in line with the modern left. Ten million dead bodies could not sway some Europeans from their "acceptance and tolerance" mindset. Why is this? They have been brainwashed. Racism is also a feature of having next to no exposure to the real world, and a rather large amount of naïveté.

>saving the planet, global warming

Okay, cool, you seem to think racial prejudice has something to do with the environment. Whatever, I'll indulge you. Did you in the 1970s the prevailing thought amongst the scientific community was that by the year 2000, we would have entered another ice age? Then ten years later, it was just a mere ten years down the road. But no, really, super serious this time, it's actually coming. Just ten years from now. Just ten years guys! Did you know that all the oil that we remove from the ground was at one point in the atmosphere? Yet there was still life? But now, now, we are definitely going to destroy the planet guys!! Full communism now, it's the only way!!


I am not a religious man.
Didn't you know? /pol/ is a monolith easily susceptible to subversion and not an ever changing morasses of capricious malice.
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*lack of racism is a feature of blinding naïveté...

My fat furtive fingers fortuitously forgot a few words
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day of the grill.png
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>Uni students have to raid /pol/ for homework
>US evening is AU prime hours
>Just get to shit on Americans even more
>They'll believe it too because retarded American neo-liberalism
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Antifa is trying to assimilate.png
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Desperate for options, Antifa has a new plan: invade /pol/.

Come on in, the water's fine. You'll become one of us before you know it.


add these unis to the list of the future charlie hebdos

you can freely exterminate teachers and students yes, no mercy
I used /pol/ since I was a teenager and it was full of anarchokiddies, commies, ronpaulitarians, conspiracy theorists and your stray stormfront guy.

Honestly, that was a lot more fun. The boring consensus we've produced has scared off all the dissenting perspectives.

I feel we need some kind of ideological affirmative action to bring the ideological diversity back to /pol/.
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'Ending White Privilege'.gif
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I think this should do it!

Just see the fur fly with this!!!
account suspended...
my sides
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>They come here to get an actual education

Post yfw
Fucking faggots. California needs to be swallowed up by fucking Mexicans already.
>Gas the Kikes, race war now.

>large amount of internal division

Multi-tiered honeypots goy.
>"Unlike communities like Stormfront, ATS..."
What is this ATS? Never heard for it.
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Dis Gon B Gud!!!
Like they can succeed where ShariaBlue has failed. And failed. And failed.

It has to be. Colleges can't have fallen that far. The assignment doesn't make sense. There's nothing being achieved.
seriously underrated
Considering I have a masters in economics, yes, I feel comfortable in debating a few libtards.
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BEFORE and AFTER /pol/!!!!!!!!!!
Paying to shill. That is somehow more pathetic than the nerd virgins.
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/pol/ GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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>ATS is alt right
Haven't been there in years. Has it become that politically focused recently?
fake as all fuck
Fake and gay.

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lmfao @ "Safe Breaks" I would slap the liberal outta those pussies.
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Let's get out red pills ready

Do not expect to 'win' any arguments
It was confirmed real I think. They found the IT professor email, he wrote about us, Kek and cucks. It is archived from earlier today.
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Let the real education commence! Red pill at the ready lads.

This is fake.
Are we actually being studied? What the actual shitfuck.

Also, we need to get some Infographic Images ready to do the mass redpilling.
I'm conflicted. Assuming this is not bullshit:

It's a sad representation of the state of Academia in our Country, but not surprising.

But it also might be a great way to redpill normies, show them ideas and facts they've never been exposed to.
>faggot university students get on /pol/ trying to bait people into replying to their shitty obvious threads
>only response is the written equivalent of ten thousand emus screaming
>after maybe an hour of this they're all gibbering and mad

The red-pilling will now commence...
anyone find out the university yet?
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The fine brainwashed folks in Commiefornia are in for a world of Red Pilled hurt!!!

If we find it, would be fuckin great to troll their School's Facebook page
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The fact that they think they're dealing with teenage libertarians shows their unpreparedness and lack of understanding of any non-Jewish paradigm.
then why is it censored you faggot. why did you censor the school url at the top
We're not stuck here with them, they're stuck here with us.

Anon found this on his sister's laptop. To protect her, he'll only say it's at a University in California.

Take down their ability to discuss or 'reason.'
Who says this?
Pissing in an ocean of piss.
well, like
>14 other universities are involved
how does OP know this?
How can you tell when /pol/ is being raided?
When the day ends with 'y'
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Please let them come. This is a win-win for /pol/
Account suspended
Anyone old enough to remember the previous news board? It was just called /news/ and it was still full of racist shitposting and eventually canned
It's fake- this was posted by an anon last night with the story "So I opened up my sisters laptop for some reason and his page and only this page was open and I saw it and I browse /pol/ and I was like wuhhhhhh?"

He then said it was an email from his sisters college, but that he didn't know the name of his sister's college.

Let me repeat that- the OP said that he DIDNT KNOW WHICH COLLEGE HIS SISTER WENT TO.

It was only after repeated pressing by anons that he came up with the name University of California. There are like 9 UCs.

It's fake.

that image has been spammed on /pol/ hundreds of times before.
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READ ME!!!.png
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READ THE FREAKING Course Syllabus posted here!!!
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You can tell (((they))) are getting scared. Now that their media corporations dont have the same control over the publics mind as it use to wtch to see them get more and more desperate to hold onto the fleeting grip on the publics mind
I was in one earlier today.
He clarified after his fap that he didn't know what the other universities were involved the screenshot even shows it isn't just one for all we know this is just some satellite college
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Skeptical. It's an awfully short URL and ostenisbly similar text would appear in multiple university's sites, but somehow none of it is appearing in any search engine.
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It's still up for me here. Something weird is going on with this account now.

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>all contact information redacted

aaaaaaand fake

Well, I am going to take a Safe Break
That is fantastic.

You mean he played damage control after being repeatedly shown how retarded and half-baked his attempt was.

This was a 6/10 at best, it wouldn't have even caught any traction before the redditfication of this board.
>We need to find out which professors are assigning this, stat
Eric Clanton
>some shit op typed up himself
Ban all larpers.
This anon speaks only truths
>To protect her identity, the exact university in California is not named.
Yes, because I'm sure they'll be able to find her out of 30,000+ students who all received the exact same thing.
>if you are banned
They know a mod.
I remember that thread yesterday, fpbp as always.
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>Saul Alinksy
Part of the GI Bill benefits for Meme War vets.
well let's show them what happens when you fuck with /pol/ endless attacks on their websites until they write us a formal apology for this.
I wish I could satisfy college credits just to shit post California really is the promise land.
up for me, probably blocked for cali and sweden users
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>take the redpill lurkers.
You know there is a UN report on /pol/ where the reporter tries to explain rare pepes right?
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>actually affected by it
Pic related, please an hero for everyone
>posts this before fap
>says I don't know what colleges in OP
>comes back and answers question
>obviously a cuck
I would be suspicious, but your reasoning for why is stupid.
>he didn't specifically state it in this way, so fake
Honestly, the more I think about your reasoning the more it seems like shill tactics
Can we get the link to that video?
By all means, welcome! This is how it starts. And when the irrefutable statistics and facts start to add up, you'll see. It's that sinking feeling that everything you ever believed in is a lie. It's subtle at first, just a mild nausea as your leftist indoctrination fights to stay in control. And then it starts falling apart; the fleeting memories of the truth, every negative encounter with a violent minority, every time you were vilified and denied solely because of your white skin color, every time you were ridiculed and condemned as deserving of this victim-hood when you sought relief and justice, all piecing themselves together to reveal the truth: white people are being persecuted because of their race. And there's no logic or justice behind it, just vindictiveness and predatory opportunity.

Some simple scenarios to break the illusion:

A distant and long-deceased relative stole something from another person several generations ago. Any benefit derived from that theft was long gone and today, you have no more opportunity or advantage than others. Do you still deserve to get punished for it?

Your dad and his coworker are vying for the same promotion. Your dad gets it and your family gains a slight advantage. Do you now owe the children of the coworker a share of your windfall?
>professor of shitposting is discovered

Eric Clanton or somebody who knows him. Calling it now.
It's suspended for me. I'm in cali. Anyone else?
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Just coming to /pol/ changes you.

Remember a few CTR shills posting here awhile back saying they got redpilled 3 ways to Sunday by just being here to shitpost.

The hivemind and groupthink on /pol/ is way too deeply ingrained to have any lasting effect if anything these leftist will leave here nazis.
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total war.webm
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YES!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!
>most of them are jobless, toothless hicks who voted for Trump

Citation, pls.
Regardless if this is fake or not have we all not noticed that college professors are all Marxist and shaping our youth to be too?
Hey look, the OP is here right now:

Suspended for me in Cali as well.
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Some things in life are nastier...
Are you dense? I stated I am skeptical. If I was OP I wouldnt have blacked out shit and just let the party start.


no shit you dumb nigger

next time you try his, don't say that you DONT KNOW WHICH COLLEGE YOUR SISTER GOES TO. You spent too much time writing the email and not enough time thinking up the story.

Alternatively, do anything else with your time
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>most of them are jobless, toothless hicks who voted for Trump

Kids, that's how you find a Liberal.
You seem really upset that everyone isn't screaming ignore it.
Wonder why.
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Try harder, faggot. Too obvious.
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Whatever happens, WE WIN!!!
how objective of you. Have fun with you nice-science degree.

nigger, there are people who here who genuinely think FBIanon is real, and yet you still got immediately called out in your thread last night by all but the dumbest immigrants from /r/the_cuckold. reflect on what that says about you.

I respect you for trying to be a kike but kikes tend to have high IQs

Also, the fact that I was immediately able to pick you out in this thread as the original poster is pathetic, you have the tact and subtlety of a dump truck. Please don't every try to troll or subvert on behalf of /pol/, you're going to embarrass all of us.
I wish I got to shitpost on /pol/ during college
There is one OP
There are a hundred shills
Statistically it is more likely you are a shill than I am the 14 year old cuck who had to borrow his sister's MacBook to fap and posted a useless screenshot.
You seem as irrational as a Feminist Theory Major though.....
>several parents have given up years worth of paychecks for their kids to try and spread SJW bullshit on a Chinese cartoon girls swapping forum as part of their degree coursework.

This is the part that needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Turn it into the scandal that will not die. Make it big, make it embarassing and the schools will pull the plug. That's when we really turn up the heat, and demand a formal apology.

Imagine how demoralizing that would be to the Left- their greatest bastions of leftist group think being forced to bend the knee and acknowledge the primacy of 4chan.

We should demand some kind of concession, too. Something like 2 semesters of NatSoc theory being a requirement for getting any kind of a humanities degree.
>A bunch of fat hicks with GEDs who like to spend their time being racist on the Internet

Citation, pls.
>tfw no class that only requires you to shitpost for an A

If it gets bad enough, I'll just start posting my collection of nigger gore and my little pony porn.
>they are actually dumb enough to believe that the shills are real posters
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These assholes already started another thread

/pol/ is an educational source
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good arguement, i very wowsd, no response, 2 intellectual
asdfijnas BENUS
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Good... let them come. All those heretics will be converted within a few weeks. The truth will set them free. The fire will rise.
suspended for me
Here's the archive of _pol_ News Network (@polNewsNet) _ Twitter.

Looks like Twitter is going to suspend this account soon.

_pol_ News Network (@polNewsNet) _ Twitter.zip

/pol/ didn't need to be around back then. She was relatively harmless at that time.

When it looked like Hillary was going to unlock the Seventh Seal and usher in a new age of Leftist Bullshit, /pol/ was there to oppose her machinations. Holding aloft a Gatorade piss-jug in Dorito stained fingers, invoking cartoon frogs and memes aplenty, /pol/ uttered those fateful words that #rekt Hillary's political aspirations for all time:

"Tits or GTFO, bitch."
So we redpill them until they either internalize it or their head explodes.
Fuck off you nigger loving comie cali cuck
thats a great view of the hyoid bone
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UCSC Oakes Salt.png
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Assuming this isn't bullshit (it probably is), it isn't UC Santa Cruz.

I just went into the course enrollment area since I'm a student and there's no "Community Studies" class here.

Pic related, it's an email I got the day after election night.
UC Santa Cruz most definitely does have a Community Studies major.


Couldn't find a specific course though.
Oh man, this is how we win.
People who visit /pol/ regularly, even if it's to argue AGAINST /pol/ always start becoming one of us.
This is how we get control of the universities.
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literally a faggot now

Or they know how to shift IP addresses.
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I use to come here for hot topics in the news but I hated most of you. I thought I was neutral but still had a lot of leftist programming.

It wasn't until hwndu that I started understanding how much fun you's are. I had some time off from work and had such a great time trolling with you guys.

I realized that it had been a really long time since I've laughed and smiled like you's made me. Thanks for that.
You know with a lot of ISPs the act of evading a ban simply involves restarting your router, right?
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This is the same uni that let a Jew get a degree in magic. What did you expect?
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best bet is they know or (((someone))) had introduced them to some mods
Enjoy your stay newfag
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bet the ... did this
If this is true, which it's not, it will just lead to more libs becoming fascists once they hang out on /pol/ for a bit.
It's obviously fake. Look at the URL.
Shut up faggot.

Found the after burner.
or it's all bullshit
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>he applied to 4 UCs and didn't get into any of them
maybe, but very likely
How do i apply for RPL for time served on /b/ and /pol/ ? I should be eligible for a BA in social science with a major in shitposting
not suspended for me
And instead of raiding /pol/ they are raiding /g/
I went to a UC and I regret it.

Didn't get to study the stuff I wanted to study at a level I wanted to and holy fuck, the sjws.
UC's are fine, just stick to STEM
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>night friends other thangs dan 5chang is textin

Peace. Peace is the best thing anyone could ever wish for.

May God find you faggots, CATHOLIC SUNDAY GENERAL!

The funny thing is they are really fucking obvious. Filter and hide, move along. Chuckle a bit at it.
Wow! This is totally real...
I did.

It's not quite as bad but you're still surrounded and occasionally harassed by them to the point that it impacts your studies and the social climate.


Imagine having to deal with this shit on the way to the library, lab, or your courses.

During midterms or finals week.
top fucking lol
also fug niggers.

I'm OuT oUt OUT!
Please shoop vid and make it lulz.
>go here and shut them down


>go here and research them

The fact that there was a snitch in itself should be an expected outcome of their experiment. It's political warfare
Pretty sure HiroshiMoot can sue over this. They are willfully planning to attack with intent to bring us down.
So while we're forcing these students to choke on redpills, that yellow nigger can fuck up this idiot school too
Saw her in 7/11 buying lottery tickets the other day. Pretty sure that's her.
My fucking god, this was already proven to be fake and homosexual.
Okay, prove it. Then cap the proof and repost it wherever needed. If you won't do that you're a shill.
>Trump attacks Syria

>Trump admits he's a globalist

What's next?
Sea of piss will finally overflow.

Come at us, faggots.
straight inta universities
then why am i not seeing life-alteringly horrifying gore in every thread?

Just let that sink in. Libtards are so stupid, they are literally paying to shitpost and have someone evaluate it.
Gotta get that shitposting degree so you can earn that $0.02 per shitpost now. Sorosbux are now only for the highly trained.
>proving a negative
Prove unicorns don't exist.
You can't.
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It's always the worst anons that post the obvious quickly and poorly.
>You can't.
prove it
Oh no. Here come more normies to piss in our ocean of piss.

Whatever shall we do.
Sure you can. You could count every horse on the planet, and when you find that none of them have horns, then you know there's no unicorns.
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Hide slide/shill/bait threads. faggots will then circlejerk amongst themselves.
it's faggots that constantly fall into responding to bait, and refusing to hide fuckass threads that's causing all the complaints.
13 niggerdick posts can't slide shit when you shift-click them gone.

Not suspended for me.
I'm a PAfag.
They're probably think the Navy Seal pasta is a real death threat too.

Better start grammaring a bit harder or they're going to make mincemeat out of you, burger.

This image isn't from Berkeley -- the blacked-out URL is too short.

https://xxxx.edu is about the right length.

That leaves UCLA, UCSD, and UCSC.

Only one of those seems to have an obvious 'Community Studies' major -- UCSC: http://communitystudies.ucsc.edu/academics/course-catalog.php

UC Santa Cruz is on the bay area, which is leftist central, so that makes sense.

Could it be CMMU 10, 'Introduction to Community Activism'?

>saving the planet, global warming

HEHEHE welcome friend
>anonymous board where different ideologies debated each other
>literally hitler won the ideology war
Really makes me think.
I think most of us care

You all dun goofed
sounds like a cut Skyrim enemy anon
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Daily reminder.
If you didn't vote for trump you're either unintelligent, uniformed, or misinformed
Ah, George Orwells "Spy Corps"

1984 is closer every day.

"Two minutes hate" indeed.
>You can now get a degree in shitposting?

Aus bro... y... you using a proxy?
Post em
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oh you.jpg
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You are sadly mistaken. Many of us are students from top universities. The reason we are here (the reason I am here) is because we saw through the hypocrisy, the arrogance, and the groundlessness of our professors. I started hating these liberal, jewish, communist, etc. professors so much so that I decided to pursue a phd in the humanities rather than become a doctor. And guess what, it's working, for I have a righteous intent and work all hours of my life towards it. I present, I publish, and I teach. And in everything I do, I insert my right-wing arguments without naming my greater ideals. Better yet, so many people agree with me.

You and your leftist cohort are on the precipice. In fact, you are already in damage control mode. I can't tell you how many conferences I've seen lately where the leftist profs try desperately to replace the concepts of multi-culturalism and tolerance with new ones, such as trans-culturalism. Indeed, this will never work, because it is more of the same, but the reason they do it is because they know what is to come.

The only thing keeping the mob of pissed-off, Trump-supporting hicks, as you call them, from running the streets red with the blood of the jewish and liberal race-bating media and academia is the dole. Once those hicks are off the dole and it's life and death, they're going to kill you. What is more, I am going to justify it,and make sure that generations to come remember the moment that a people finally dug out the parasites from beneath their flesh and burned them with righteous intent.
Just absolutely fake
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Copy that, Tango Bravo.
>I realized that it had been a really long time since I've laughed and smiled like you's made me. Thanks for that.

Well, we do know how to have a good time.

Suuuure it is.

>Voting any dissent opinion on trump, or any other "based" guy.


Tactics that are old as fuck and are used to shut off the dissent.
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it's shitposting that makes it good.

I've got banned from 4chan for 2 days and went to eight-chan. The difference is so staggering I almost vomitted.

Pol rhetorics would definitely be more boring and pathetic without the black humor and shitposting.
People like you are the reason I am against banning guns. As long as people like you exist, I will forever be armed you fucking shit head.
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>paying 3x the amount for the same piece of paper
b-but social networking with elites!!!
>ivory tower trust fund kids with zero field experience
nope, I made the best economical choice while still maximizing credentials and connections
stay mad for being 80K in debt for an art degree
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borders indeterminate gender person, borders
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they probably just accepted that they cant provide proper education and thus outsource it to us. i wouldnt even mind if they would at least pay us for it
I am not an indeterminate gender person, I am a black hole trapped inside of a starfish trapped inside of a honey bee trapped inside of a human. I identify as a Y-sexual, genderqueercurious trans entity. Check. your. fucking. privilege.
See me after class anon
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what a time to be alive senpai
I so don't care about these efforts. fucking puny. you will sooner eliminate truth, than disrupt /pol/. It's impossible. We were never rupted!
They are going to need a major safe space at the end of this.

They will come, raid the place, get embraced in enough shit posting, red pilling and hate to the point they will either flee in terror or lose their minds to madness.
damn, you must carry a blackboard instead of a driving license
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Listen guys, I'm just here to see how you guys interact with each other. Obviously, this being an anonymous board and the fact that everyone stays so calm and it doesn't spiral in to chaos is a major point in my study. I hope to gather many screenshots in the coming future!
I don't believe in licenses; I just tell the police that my person should be enough
Do jews do this "pitting against each other" thing as some kind of unconscious hivemind like behavior? Or is it intentionally and only the most powerful and politically active ones know?
Ahahaha, looks like I touched a nerve. Too bad you never had a dad or a grandfather to teach you how to use a gun. To bad you didn't grow up hunting, listening to war stories, and learning about pride and honor, and how to fight for what you love. Too bad you joined up with all of the self-hating lefties, none of which have guns. You will be the only commie with a real gun, all of your faggot friends holding air-soft guns, and once you shoot, we'll kill them all, and have our children come give the coup de grâce to show them what we do to the Godless animals.
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Relax newfag and enjoy your stay
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They'll come in with dreadlocks and leave wearing stahlhelms.
It'll be glorious
Let them. I was a heavy pol user from a while back and for hours every single day of the Trumpening. I am going on vacation so to speak through May and possibly the summer. I used to report every "What Do You Guys Think?" spampost but now I am much more relaxed, having seen that while that is completely illegitimate and enables sliding, it attracts replies from only newfags and has no effect on the Old Guard.
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>Implying social sciences and humanities aren't a bunch of wishy-washy crap that provides no benefit except serving the left and passing out easy grades for minimal effort.

Get a real degree or learn a trade. Pic related -
Ignore the women part and focus on the IQ part.
yeah post more please
How much did you have to jerk off to come up with that assumption? Sadly if you left your right wing safe space you would know that us the real lefties (not the dumb commies and the fucking SJW) know how to use guns, hunt and how todefend our shit. But hey go ahead and try I hope I am there when you get shit pushed in by bunch "sissy left wingers" I'll be sure to kill your children and sell your wife to Jamal just for shits and giggles. And here is the best part I learned about guns thanks to this board, after seeing the animals that fester this place. There are more of us and when you come we will be ready.
>most of the content can be very offensive and disturbing
Rev up those pee pee poo poos
>university students from the most educated state in the country
>"please make sure you have downloaded the required software in order to communicate with your group...There may be language barriers within groups. We recommend using free translation tools"
Berkeley tards can't even understand each other's languages. Diversity is truly their greatest strength.
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>right wing safe spaces

Ahahaha, you faggots are projecting so hard it literally kills me.
Thread posts: 317
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