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Nazi influence after WW2, their Holdout in Antarctica and Agartha

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Thread replies: 276
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Quick Rundown
>Nazi germany still active in Antarctica base name B211, infiltrating different organisations and starting their own to fight the kikes
>Nazis are behind (many) UFOs compare Haunebu and Vril to most ufos and Cigar Ufos to the andromeda mashine
>While many organizations originate from the nazis, they were infiltrated by the kikes, just as the other way around.
>Nazis quite possibly inhabiting Hollow Earth/Agartha

First of, the 3rd reich never surrendered. Only the military did, but the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended.
>The German Instrument of Surrender ended World War II in Europe. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses

There is also Nazigermany apparently still claiming Neu Schwabenland/New Swabia while the claim of Norway stopped in 1945

Furthermore you find a lot of SS symbolism among the Nato, and Adolf Heusinger, general and Chief of nazigermanies military became chairman of the Nato
The Nato Headquarter (Pic related) is basically 4 of the lightning/sig runes (2 SS symbols) next to each other.
The militia in ukraine uses the Wolfsangel (symbol of a nazigerman tankdivision "Das Reich) covering the sonnenrad/sunwheel black sun(also upload later)
All this is indicating the Nato is just the continuation (Waffen-)SS.
>will be continued
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Pic related are instructions on how to get into Agartha via submarine saly on german only. But for fellow german anons
This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.

Admiral Byrd, which led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole" (Ignore the flat earth tag) I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
>General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general who served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
>Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a Nazi German general who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit, during World War II (1939–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organization for the U.S.(1946–56); and the first president (1956–68) of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) during the Cold War (1945–91).

Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
>Art. 24. Ruses of war and the employment of measures necessary for obtaining information about the enemy and the country are considered permissible.
Ruses like a fake surrender only by the armed forces (Wehrmacht) not the state?
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Lake Vostok (Pic related) resembles the instruction for submarines a lot

(((Coincidently))) in the same area a magnetic anomaly has been found

Also note that UFOs are an undeniable fact.
Even entire cities saw them

Some of them even simply deactivated our nukes

The question is who is in those UFOs? I will come to this a bit later.
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The Bundesrepublik Deutschland is the direct continuation of the german Reich
>Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in ständiger Rechtsprechung festgestellt, dass das Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich" nicht untergegangen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht sein Rechtsnachfolger, sondern mit ihm als Völkerrechtssubjekt identisch ist.

>The federal constitutional court did now declare in constant juristdiction that the subject to international law "Deutsches Reich" did not collapse and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland wouldnt be its successor, but is as subject to international law identical

Another weird thing is that Germany, just like Italy and Japan are still enemy states in the UN
>The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations. In legal terms this means that any U.N. Member State can launch a “preemptive” military aggression against these nations without a declaration of war.

Furthermore the EU, having close ties to the Nato, consists of almost the same area as the german Reich did. My guess is their role is to gain their land back through diplomatic subversion to then let it fall apart and "another force", probably the Nato taking over all of it swiftly in one go, maybe under a different name to appear as a new player instead a result of of a decade long conspiracy.
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Pic related is written by Oberst (Colonel) Wilhelm Wolf, Prag
It reads:

>Top Secret
>Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
>No 9

>The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctica which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole

>In context with the acces to new territories i order during the next 6 months with the forces of the specifical developed commission for recruitment inside the wehrmacht, luftwaffe (airforce), Kriegsmarine (Warmarine) and the units of the SS to create a covered selcetion of volunteers for the colonizations of the new territorries of the german Reich in New Swabia

>The commisions, which work regarding to the selection of canditdates has to considder that the volunteers will be part with its fatherland for ever and will be send for a permanent settlement in New Swabia.

>The means for the resettlement of the best recruits of among the military and SS-forces have to be done in total secrecy.

>As responsible one in the Reich for the resettlementof a part of the populations of pure aryans to New Swabia and to keep the secrecy of these action i declare Reichdirector (Reichsleiter) M. Bormann

>The Führer and Reichchancelor (Reichkanzler),
>The highest commander of the armed forces.
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>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down

So shortly before the end of WW2 there are suddenly a lot of UFOs. There are also numerous of german blueprints around allegedly showing how the UFOs are build, and these structures resemble a lot of what people commonly refer to as flying saucer. a few years after the war we got Rosswell.
Probably easier to explain visitors from another world than a Nazi in SS uniform flying a highly advanced aircraft never seen before years after the nazi got defeated and destroyed.

The Nazis researched a lot of flying saucers/Reichsflugscheiben, like the Haunebu, the Vril or the Andromeda Gerät (Andromeda machine) which has the cigar form often common in UFO sightings, and according to the plans (will post one later) acts like a mothership harboring multiple of the flying saucer types.

Pic Related
>Secret Command Document

>Acceleration of acquisationtesting and production of Haunebu II + Vril 1

>Comment: SS-Unit IV (SS-E-IV [SS-Einheit-IV?]) considers concentration on already in trial situated Haunebu II to be more reasonable than working parralell on both types. Haunebu II promises considerable improvements in allmost all respects. Higher productioncost seems justified, especially considering the Führers Special Command. regarding the Flight Gyro (Flugkreisel)

The plans were recovered by allied forces
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>Japanese holdouts (????? Zanryu nipponhei?, "remaining Japanese soldiers") or stragglers were Japanese soldiers in the Pacific Theatre who, after the August 1945 surrender of Japan ending World War II, either adamantly doubted the veracity of the formal surrender due to dogmatic militaristic principles, or simply were not aware of it because communications had been cut off

>Private 1st Class Kinshichi Kozuka held out with Lt. Onoda for 28 years until he was killed in a shootout with Philippine police in October 1972
>Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, who held out from December 1944 until March 1974 on Lubang Island in the Philippines with Akatsu, Shimada and Kozuka, was relieved of duty by his former commanding officer in March 1974.
>In January 1990, Shigeyuki Hashimoto and Kiyoaki Tanaka returned to Japan from Malaysia. After the Japanese surrender, they joined the Malayan Communist Party's guerrilla forces to continue fighting against the British, only returning after the CPM laid down its arms and signed a peace treaty

All these cases show the fighting continued way after 1945, so why wouldnt the Nazis hold out in Antarctica and wait for the people to wake up and come back when the time is right.
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There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting into the inner earth. Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative
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My body isn't ready for this level of red pilling.
But a good read though.

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back when there were still nazi roots in the nasa they apparently actually gave valuable information to the people occasionally

Also there is the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition (NPIEE) which tries to find out wether there is a hole on the north pole or not. I didnt look into this much yet, but there are rumors about it being canceled twice due to sudden deaths of the leading expeditioner. This is what i could find so far
>By 2005, the team had grown to 22 members, but required 100 members to fund the voyage. In 2006, Steven Currey tragically passed away and was succeeded by launch manager and PhD Physicist, Brooks Agnew.
>After the sudden and strange disappearance of the the Park Avenue, New York film production company that previously had announced its plans to fund the expedition to make a documentary, we have regrouped and decided to run an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign
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So hans you tell me nazi are litteraly like Hydra in movies and comics? influence and infiltrating organisations? well heil Hydra then.
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made from a submarine in antarctic waters 1971

basically. i mean (((they))) seem to like to use real issues and portray them as fiction. either to make fun of us, or to make people think whenever someone talks about it "you are watching too many movies, man"
This is the German station in Antarctica, where are the nazis? I want to believe.
And Kalki?

Hail Kalki
wb the pinguins maan
are they our guys?
UFOs are definitely real, I saw 3 of doing circles in the sky at like Mach 10. From all the information I have gathered, I make an educated guess that UFOs are secret Nazi technology, it's curious how only Allied aircrews reported 'foo fighters' but not Axis aircrews and how sightings spiked after WW2. Based Nazis are continuing the good fight from Antartica.
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i believe the technology used to let the flying saucers levitate are based on some principle ancient civilizations knew how to use. for example the hinuds have something in their legends called "virmana" which essentially is a flying saucer, and at times even a flying castle or city even. now what could that principle be? the tibetians have legends about them lifting heavy rocks with the help of music, singing and sound.
>When the stone was in position the monk behind the small drum gave a signal to start the concert. The small drum had a very sharp sound, and could be heard even with the other instruments making a terrible din. All the monks were singing and chanting a prayer, slowly increasing the tempo of this unbelievable noise. During the first four minutes nothing happened, then as the speed of the drumming, and the noise, increased, the big stone block started to rock and sway, and suddenly it took off into the air with an increasing speed in the direction of the platform in front of the cave hole 250 metres high.
Some accounts tell that the pyramids were build in a similar fashion. Now i agree this sounds pretty ridiculous, but then there is this stuff
indeed it sounds like it underlies another principle than the story of the tibetians, but there were stories about levitating stuff with sound, and now we can actually do that. so maybe there is more to the legends than we care to believe. and there are quite a few legends that turned out to be real or at least have
Interestingly this plan of the Vril Saucer has under number 1 mentioned "glocke" which translates to "bell". is this what makes the Saucer fly?

i guess somewhere below the ice
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well not very far away from reality is this, right?
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>Nazi secret base
>Hollow earth
One of my favourite issues of Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. as well. Seriously this is pretty close to A Plague of Frogs.

Next you're gonna tell me that Bagdadi and the Black Flame are working together trying to summon the Ogdu Jahad.

This post in a nutshell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SMX21w8J4Y
What would the motive of these supposed Nazi's be to hide all this time? If they have technology this advanced they could surely announce themselves and maybe even wage war, as the Nazis always wanted to. Many people have been to both poles, how would they all manage to keep it under wraps?

Its a good theory but the evidence is too scanty

I always liked it as the explanation for Operation Highjump, that still baffles me

I'd really like that it was all true but doesn't look like it to be honest.

But this shit really makes you think that something is off down there.
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the sad part is, when you think "wow marvel is redpilled" it is as far as i know believed to show how effective rightwing propaganda is that they even corrupt captain america with it.

well, when i was a kid, cant remember quite how old i was. something between 5 and 8 i guess. i was on vaccation in turkey. Its possible i dreamed it and just after that thought it really happened because as i said i was still a kid, and didnt really talk with anyone about it because i didnt want to be seen as nutjob if i really just imagined it, but i saw a flying saucer, i would guess around 20-30m in diameter with different coloured lights on the bottom. it came from over the sea and flew inside the country, closely followed by 2 or 3 jets.

Other than that i occasionally saw a "star" which seemed to move around, rise and go down, left and right but stayed on the general spot. it was pretty bright, brighter than the other stars at least, and when watching with binoculars it seemed to emit some kind of faint lightningbolts around it. saw it multiple times in more or less the same spot. tried heiling it, but didnt do anything, but it was pretty far away though
>hinuds have something in their legends called "virmana"

By Hindu flying saucers I am sure you mean "Ancient Aryans" flying saucers.
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i can only guess. my best guess is that hitler, or the nazis for that matter. dont want to conquer with force. Seeing all that UFO stuff its reasonable to think they had other hidden weapons. there were some rumors about nazis using weapons on the battlefield that just let the weapons and tanks of the enemies dissappear without harming those. they maybe actually could have won the war, but would have had to conquer by force. they maybe wait till the people realize that hitler indeed did nothing wrong, and would join them on their own will

pic related by the way the other part of the map of >>123219719
this map, and the instructions in >>123219106 were apparently leaked by the kgb, while the plans from the UFOs allegedly come from documents the allied forces found
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No they are Hindus
Calm down Pajeet I was being sarcastic. No need for a toilet-witch hunt.
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The deva's flying in Virmana's went poo in the loo, after reaching poo capacity they fly to south india and dropped the poo. the rest is history.
You might laugh but Hindus themselves believe this is where the Intouchables caste comes from.
What? Untouchables in most cases are tribals and conquered people
If this is the case, and Nazi's are actually in control of NATO, then why are they allowing mass immigration in to Europe and the USA?

Reinhard Gehlen -> CIA

CIA's emblem is an eagle going through a meatgrinder


electrostatic resonance
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well, while the NATOs roots are nazi, and most probably still has some nazi influence in them, the kikes infiltrated those as well as basically all other organisations. at this point most organisations are probably just a clusterfuck of infiltrators from all side. however the media is mostly owned by kikes, as well as the educationsystem. they make the people think that what (((they))) do is good, and the right thing to do and everyone opposing them is evil. as long as the majority supports those things they cant just go full 1488 as they then would also have to fight the people they probably want to save. they need the people to become redpilled first

Bump because most of you know nothing about either of these.
is this here what you mean?
if yes this surely has some really usefull possibillities to be used for if we are able to controll that better and increase the output without shattering people eardrums.

however another thing it could use is the hutchison effect
fucked up the first link
So how are we going to get there and prove it?
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well, if you want to go there you have to apply for it, state what you want to do/ressearch and after present every information you gathered to those who signed the antarctic treaty. you have to get a ship to get there, ressources and proviant to not starve, equipment to be able to advance and not freeze to death or get lost, and of course need your applience to be accepted. officially everyone who goes there for peacefull and research purposes is allowed, but i doubt that every application will just be accepted, especially when you consider the rumors about the north pole inner earth expedition >>123220763
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So is there anything anyone can do about them or are they technically fine there since they surrendered and aren't causing any direct shit with nations. I'm honestly interested in this since I'm a fan of WW2 and history but don't know much about politics.
who knows. it seemed like they tried to conquer the base quite some time after ww2, but werent successfull and gave up. i think (((they))) are still just not able to do anything. in general with UFO sighting people often report their technology stuff malfuncteioning. cameras dont work suddenly, cars break down, watches stop etc. I read about them just disabling weaponssystem from fighting jets, and there is this about just disabling nukes.
some account even stated a UFO hovered over the silos where the nuclear missiles stored, suddenly all the system fire up, silos open, and just when they were ready to launch all the nukes they turned off everything again. and people still wonder why there is never a good picture of a UFO.
assuming these were the nazis they probably just wanted to show "you cant do anything either way pleb". maybe thats part of the reason they drive for conflict all around the world even though they already controll about everything. to have an excuse to pump more and more money into development of weapons so they can surpass the nazis in antarctica.
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Pretty sure that's a shot of a depth charge with something else superimposed. Why else would the water column be higher than whatever is displacing it? I want snow Nazis to be real too, but come on Hans.
you do know that "polar hole" appears because the satellite used wasn't in a 90° inclination, but more like 85°, right?
crossing the poles exactly is really hard to archive
Ha, can you imagine the level of pants shitting that the missile operators were going through, thinking that they were about to unwillingly trigger the nuclear apocalypse? Nazis or aliens, somebody has a nice and sick sense of humor!

Sort of, yes.

If you utilize plasma + double layer you will get rid of the sound travel.
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yet its not impossible to get pictures of there


now they say the small spot in the first picture and the disc in the second one is from where they didnt collect any data, but at pic related they seem to not have any problems with that.
that is by the way from

so its apparently possible, yet they simply avoid taking data from there conviniently.
whats your endgame OP?

Your engineers actually pioneered this tech, piggybacking off of Tesla's work.
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finding out the truth, having a neat discussion, and gaining more information while having a few bantz here and there
I saw that movie. But, alas Capt. America and co eventually killed them all... Art imitating life.
UFO's = good
Leafs = leafs

>the good fight

Man are you guys going to be disillusioned when you actually learn the truth of them.
Good thread. Can't contribute because I'm a retard but I'll bump
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what makes you think they are the bad ones? if they arent satanic pedophiles bringing down nations for fun and creating wars as huge masssacrifices they are at least the lesser of two evils in my book
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>what makes you think they are the bad ones?

I still want to live, so I'll let you find that road by yourself.
>Nazi =Jews

Really made me think
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so just larping i suppose

Believe whatever you want to.

I'm not in the business of LARPing.
i cant imagine nazis still being arround
If (((they))) found out, they would have gone to war, and ended it down there
Also Nazis are too dangerous for the kikes, even if they are in neu schwabenland
And the Kikes and Nazis working together, is a bit of a stretch
But i really hope the nazis outkiked the kikes, and the kikes think the nazis down there work for them, and then the nazis come back, and this time really build gas champers, and free the western world
i would cum in my pants if this would happen
they went down to the antarctica, but apparently were BTFOd

now in 1959 they signed the antarctic treaty which got into power in 61, stating that everything on antarctica has to be done with peacefull purposes, but then in 62, a year later they go into antarctica to fire some nukes? something is fishy there man

operation fishbowl is probably what Wilhem landig mentioned in >>123219106 was referring to regarding the nuke they could fend of letting it detonate in the air
very first article of the antarctic treaty
>Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose
and a nuketest isnt a weapons testing?
>tfw OP gets assassinated by space Nazis
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nah, i think im pretty save. i mean they are the ones showing themselves from time to time in their UFOs. they probably want people to know i guess.
the kikes on the other hand... but since all this is publicly available information i guess im safe. hope so at least
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>tfw hydra did literally nothing wrong
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this was posted the last time i made this thread. could be a load of bullshit but who knows. biggest issue i have is that the guy claims his friend is rank 31 freemason and since there are 33 official ranks + probably a few secret ones i dont think you would learn about this stuff before rank 33.
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regarding this, remember this tweet?
What did Lovecraft know?

Is this the same German guy that posts stuff about the Chinese time travellers?
would you be willing to dump all of this with translations into a fileshare? this kind of thing fascinates me, i'll save the pictures but translating them would be a pain in the ass.
can you give a too long;didnt listen?

if you are referring to these threads
then its and odd way to dumb it down to "chinese timetravelers", but yes.

you could just copy the translation from the post and paste it whenever needed. i dont know any good free filesharingsites
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do you think pence might be in on this whole thing?
Lovecraft wrote a short story called the Mountains of Madness. Its about an expedition to antartcica that uncovers ruins of an ancient civilization (millions of years old, existed at least during if not before dinosaurs). Find one of the bodies of the ancients which turns out to be hibernating and not dead...
I want to believe.
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interesting. i buy the stuff with the civilization about dinosaurs, and the thing about humanity and civilization being older than we are told, see
but i have yet to be sold the ancient ones stuff. what are they supposed to be? some malelovent giant monster? any indications for such a thing existing? like i saw pictures which allegedly show huge skeletons in antarctica, for example pic related (there are some better pics which look more like it, but i didnt find any better one, i keep looking though)
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They are essentially some highly evolved mollusk, they are not native to earth but earth during the devonian era earth was quite habitable to them. They were vastly intelligent with psychic powers. They experimented with many variations of life making various slave races and were worshiped as Gods.
I thought that was fake and that mountain was in Europe.
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so evil psychic spacegiants. that sounds comforting

however what is this supposed to be
70° 9'52.85"S 87°48'18.37"E

stumbled across this thread which had some pictures of what allegedly show huge skeletons. pretty vague stuff, but you can see something resembling ribcages and shit at least
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by now Adolf should have build his own tetrahedron and ascend to higher dimensions
10dimensional Hitler with 10dimensional ovens? hmm why not
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>burning the jews that were, are, will be, could have been, and never will be at the same time
I was the one who posted the electric universe theory in your last thread. Part of that theory is that gravity is effected by the earths electromagnetic field. Physicists have been trying to find a relationship between electromagnetism and gravity for better part of a century.

Basically in his theory the gravity was different on earlier earth which changed when there was a large pole shift. This also explains how dinosaurs could be the size they are. Unless dinosuaurs had very different organs/bone density than we think they had, if we recreated one today, it would almost certainly die , either bones breaking under its own weight, unable to pump blood throughout its entire body, if one lay down it would never be able to get up.

>He thinks South India is Africa tier.
>Being 20% of population,we contribute more to GDP than your so called Indo Aryans.
heard about that theory. but cant tell much to it. maybe we will see when the next pole shift happens and we suddenly collapse under our weight, or feel weightless from one moment to the other. isnt the next poleshift overdue already?
Didn't read lol
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>so evil psychic spacegiants
Essentially sentient Kraken that can communicate with humans in their dreams, origin of all the sea monster myths, may still live and hunt in deepest parts of the oceans, google satellite images of huge animals swimming in the oceans near the Shetland islands near Antarctica.
No live giant/colossal squid has ever been caught so their intelligence is unknown though they do have ENORMOUS brains and cephalopods are the most intelligent invertebrates.
True polar wander is happening right now, though slowly.

The poles were in very different places a few millions years ago allowing the antarctic to be ice free and even tropical. The debate is how quickly it occurs and what the actual impacts on weather/gravity/plate tectonics might actually be.
Yeah UFO's....
>No live giant/colossal squid has ever been caught

Well it's not like we're actively hunting them to capture them for captivity and study
I don't think their emblem is an eagle going through a meat grinder anon
reminds me of this story that went around some time ago
basically a huge intelligent squid the russians found beneath the ice (i think even in lake vostok) they try to weaponize. fucking idiots should just use their autism as weapon as we do.

yeah, know about that. some claim that antarctica was previously around where the equator is, and during the pole shift suddenly "jumped" south.
however, a bit offtopic but here is a thing:
antarctica was not always frozen. in fact its an iceage when one or both poles are frozen (depending on the definition you use) the whole year. depending on the definition we are in an iceage now for 2,6 million years (when you count the time both are frozen) or 30 million years (when you count one being frozen)
> In the terminology of glaciology, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in both northern and southern hemispheres.[1] By this definition, we are in an interglacial period—the Holocene—of the ice age. The ice age began 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene epoch, because the Greenland, Arctic, and Antarctic ice sheets still exist.
(english wiki uses only the definition with both poles, german version references both)
however (((climateexperts))) use icecoredrills to determine the CO2 level and temperature levels from millions of years ago when these icesheets didnt exists, or at least melted during the summer. how can that be?
Oh hai, you spacenazis wondering what's being slided at the moment? Take a look fuckfaces >>123234618
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that has to be just a rock or land, why would they take precisely a picture there if not? They don't take pictures of the sea.
>i now started sliding a thread 2 hours before it was made
LOL had not heard of the attempt to weaponize a squid, weaponized giant squid would be extremely effective though.

Yup, Charles Hapgood, one of the original proponents of the pole shift theory at one point thought antarcitca had MOVED location from being near the equator to south. Einstein convinced him this was absurd and the continent itself had not moved but the poles had. Einstein even wrote the Foreword for his book. I mean if you moved the pole far enough, Antarctica would have likely been temperate.

As far as the ice age, you are 100% correct. Infact when you look at the ice core and use that to predict the cycles and look at where we should be, we should be in an ice age. The massive amount of greenhouse gasses being pumped into the atmosphere are probably the only thing keeping the caps from growing.

At one point the ice caps were much less than today, vikings were growing crops in Greenland. The fear of global warming is absurd when you think about it. A rise in global temp means vast amounts more fresh water, more arable land, better climate for life to grow and flourish. Historically every time we have a warming period there is a massive population boom. Warming is good for people, the only real drawback is warmer temperatures mean much worse storms and unpredictable weather.
Ill go bump it, happy?
what about this. i read somewhere that the mayan calendar apparently goes backwards (have to look it up again, i read about it once and didnt confirm it so be sceptical about this part), as if the earth once turned into the other direction. now what if the position of the magnetic poles is dependent on the spin of the earth, or vice verca, meaning that if one shifts the other shifts too. what if the poles once were at the equator meaning the earth tilted basically 90° to the side so that now the equator runs through the poles and while it wobbled around the direction of the spin changed as well.
this is guy is a fucking retard. he has no concept whatsoever about how a sphere works.


he should just kill himself.
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Kinda of funny cod Nazi zombies is trying to tell us something.
well i just saw i picked the wrong video. meant to link just to the interview
but yeah, the guy of the other video is an idiot that doesnt know how angles work
I didnt hear they worked in reverse. But I do know the mayans believed history was cyclical and generally each cycle ended with a cataclysm. Once by fire (perhaps the Toba super volcano which almost killed all humans on earth making a genetic bottleneck) and once by water (the flood). 2012 signalled the begining of the end of a cycle however the confusion is, just as in all things that measure huge amounts of time, its not like something would happen on that precise date, that's just the start of a process that may take a century.

Perhaps the mayans were able to predict the timetable that the polar shift occurred on? They were able to predict other things that should have required thousands of years of observation, like the procession of the equinoxes.

perhaps we are in a time of cataclysm, whether it be man made or natural.
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according to the aztecs this is now the 5th cycle we are running through, but i agree that the date probably didnt show the exact moment, but is more an indicater saying "be carefull, it will be time soon"
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another bump if someone is still interested
weird that you never see a complete orbit around the earth on their livestream. Whenever it gets dark, like so dark you dont even see lights from the cities anymore (which you should unless they shot up the crappiest camera you can find into space) the stream cuts off and continues when its bright day again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzMQza8xZCc (just skip back to the part where its completely dark. you will see it jump to day moments later)
are they faking the stream to cover up the hole?
I'm guessing that the camera shuts off when the ISS is in the dark is due to power conservation. The station gathers its energy from its huge solar panel arrays, which charge the on-board batteries for use when sunlight is not available.
So perhaps all non-essential systems are shut down, to conserve power. This is just a guess though, could be wrong.
enlighten us then.
i dont know, they should be able to make it 45 minutes without power income i guess. another thing is that even if its complete dark you dont see any stars around in the background even though the camera should adjust to the birghtness.
One thing I find bizarre is the use of a different, more modern looking font on the Liberia/Asgard map. Everything else is in black letters which makes it a bit suspicious.

Other than that it sure is some crazy but interesting stuff to read up.
>Adolf Hitler hatte seine langfristigen Ziele schon 1934 auf dem Reichsparteitag verkündet:

>„Eure vermeintliche gotische Verinnerlichung passt schlecht in das Zeitalter von Stahl und Eisen, Glas und Beton, von Frauenschönheit und Männerkraft, von hochgehobenem Haupt und trotzigem Sinn … Unsere Sprache wird in hundert Jahren die europäische Sprache sein. Die Länder des Ostens, des Nordens wie des Westens werden, um sich mit uns verständigen zu können, unsere Sprache lernen. Die Voraussetzung dafür: An die Stelle der gotisch genannten Schrift tritt die Schrift, welche wir bisher die lateinische nannten […]“

>– Adolf Hitler

>Adolf Hitler announced his longterm goals already 1934 at the Reichsparteitag:

>"Your apparent gothic internalization fits badly into the age of steel and iron, glass and concrete, female beauty and male stretgh. from highborn pate and defiand mind ... In 100 years our language will be the european one. The countries of the est, the north, just like the west will, in order to communicate with us, learn our language. The Condition for this: Instead of the gothical called writing, we use the one we so far called the latin writing"

>-Adolf Hitler

He hated the old writing and therefore started early changing gradually the writing. i guess they gave the instructions, which were made early, and then later mapped out the area and when they created the map they were further with the replacement of the letters.
however, the 100 years arent over yet, i wonder if that prophecy will come true
I hear this argument a lot, but the fact is that modern cameras aren't capable of discerning the dim glow of stars from the bright rays reflected from the earth. According to this article, http://www.iflscience.com/space/why-can-t-we-see-stars-in-space-photographs/, they could be seen if you were to take a photograph utilizing a very high shutter speed and very short exposure. The cameras on board aren't set up to take photos of the stars. If an enthusiast were to take his own camera and try this, I'm sure he'd succeed.

I like conspiracy theories too, but the ISS is real, and the US did land on the moon. However the main subject of this discussion if really fascinating, and I hope that it turns out to be real.
sage goes in all fields, sliding faggot
my iphone can film the bright stars even with the lightpolution going on here. you dont see them good, but you see them. yet when the iss is in complete darkness, you dont even see city lights for some reason, you dont see anything. should i really believe they send a camera into space that is worse than the one on my phone?
i dont argue the ISS is fake, just the footage that is presented to us.
there is this theory that you can only see the light of the stars due to our atmosphere, and that without it you wouldnt see it. but that then also goes for the sun, which you do see in the stream, so if that theory is true its also fake i guess.

you missed a field. also if i would want to slide i would just create a dozen /pol/ BTFO threads which is much more effective in sliding than just creating one thread
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The story is fascinating, but they lost me when he mentioned the hollow earth theory. Lots and lots of videos disapproving it.
what kind of videos?
If only
These kind of multi linked posts should result in a ban, it ruins the thread.
OP, interesting thread and I really do want to believe, and bless you for posting all this anyway.
being a briton should result in a ban for everything, you guys want to leave the eu, why not leave our earth, you fucking anti europeans, white supremacists racists fascists?
Core of the earth is plasma. Look at the sun...a big ball of plasma.
im an expert in martial arts now thanks to your pic. got me the black belled in every relevent martial art

sweet summer child
this is what you see in google earth. the circular shape could be because of their lazyness, but who knows
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too stupid to post pic
>Das Reich

He's not on incognito mode, so he can't risk his life at the moment
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Hey kraut, are you the guy whose great-uncle did stuff for Ahnenerbe in the arctic?
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"Deep States" have existed for a long time.

South America & the US's Operation Paper Clip(and the soviet's version of it), should be looked into.

New KB:

maybe, i dont know. my grandpa passed away before i got interested in this, and my grandparents didnt speak about that time from their own and i never wanted to bring back some bad memories (was before i got redpilled on the WW2). so i dont really know what he did, but i didnt post about something like that, no.
just saw that i misread greatuncle for grandpa somehow, doesnt change anything though
This sounds too butthurt to be ironic, I hope I'm wrong.
>This sounds too butthurt to be ironic, I hope I'm wrong.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>acting as there are no sources posted here whatsoever
you do know most of whats written is pretty much undeniable fact, and that even if you think that the hollow earth stuff is wrong there are a lot of other issues mentioned throughout the thread? but i assume you wont care for any of it either way but instead you stay in a thread with a bunch of shizos and keep telling everyone how stupid and crazy they are because thats sounds like a reasonable task
Hans, es ist wirklich sehr spät. Gehe schlafen, bitte.
Dey was dindus.
Dey was kangs.
So I was watching Beyond Belief with Corey Goode and he explained how the Nazis are still in Antarctica and there were two previous ancient civilizations that resided there. One was a previous ancient "builder" race which supposedly has ruins of an ancient advanced civilization throughout the solar system, and the second was the Pre-Adamites whom came from Mars after their base on the moon was destroyed by the Reptilians.

Apparently the Pre-Adamites had two ships that crashed in Antarctica and they built their civilization from cannibalizing the technology of the ship. This race then spread out throughout the world and laid foundations and embassies in Iraq/Summer/Babylon/Egypt/India, etc. They were a race with elongated skulls. Apparently the blood lines of the elite can be traced back to them.

The Nazis discovered the remains of their civilization in Antarctica and built around it. Now that the ice is thawing, more is being revealed about the ancient civilization and it's piquing the interest of the elite.

The Nazis are apparently still down there, but now they call themselves the "Zazis" - switched the N to its side.
Also, the Pre-Adamites were a civilization/race from Mars that destroyed themselves and the atmosphere/habitat. A few smart ones escaped to the moon and eventually to the earth - landed in Antarctica and founded Atlantis, spread throughout the earth and war'd with the Reptilians before causing or being involved in a world cataclysmic event that wiped them out.
>This race then spread out throughout the world and laid foundations and embassies in Iraq/Summer/Babylon/Egypt/India
this is pretty much what i believe, or at least that there were such people
but what are his sources on their origins an other stuff?

also i just saw that i made a mistake, the UFO images i said were from antarctic waters are actually from arctic waters. my bad. but considering there are supposedly opening on both poles it doesnt change too much.
when are mods going to do something about this stupid /x/ shit? >>>/x/ where this thread should be posted btw
Corey Goode is apparently an insider from the U.S./globalist/NWO Secret Space Program and Secret Government.

Not sure how reliable he is, but he seems solid. Of course it sounds fanciful, but a lot of what he says expounds on what I've come to know through my own research and it seems to make sequential sense.

Apparently he's been to Antarctica.
Honestly, this is on another level than /x/. X is full of a bunch of teenage larpers that can't discuss serious topics like this.
also this has nothing to do with ghosts, cryptids, demons, magic or anything else related to paranormal. you could argue hollow earth falls into /x/ category, but if its true it would be more /sci/. also saying this doesnt belong here ignores all the stuff about the nazi roots of organizations and their influence, that most of what i wrote is true even according to (((official))) sources, and just not put into context of each other.

the issue i have with these insiders is that its easily could be a larper of the kind that does regularly post on /x/. extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof, and saying "im an insider" isnt one. i will look into him i guess, but more to see if i can crossreference what he says with other information and see if it fits the bigger picture.
You're the same anon who make the "hidden history threads"?

Anyway, I have a book called "The Hitler's ovnis". Interesting has fuck.

There's a expediction in Antartica where the americans lost some millitary and human resources, you know about that?
Operation paperclip, allegedly just some military exercise. but doubtfull. also operation fishbowl is interesting >>123243003
whatis the book about? am always happy about new inormation.

also yes, i am the same one
Corey Goode is with the disclosure project and definitely on another level than some /x/ larper. He works with David Wilcock so take that for what it's worth.

Could be disinfo combined with LARPING, but some of what he says seems plausible.
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I can't tell you about the whole theory behind Nazi technology as being fact or fiction. But I can tell you why a real Nazi after the war would go into hiding. The Allied powers vehemently tried to eradicate all traces of Nazi's by actively hunting them down and executing them even long after the war. 80-90 year old men found long after the war being round up and accused for being Nazi's hiding in America. Men that didn't do anything but follow orders then tried to put it all behind them, minded their own business for decades being "found" like some witchhunt which they are taken away. There are many reason why a Nazi wants to go into hiding. And it doesn't help that the media keeps shoving it in our faces as "Nazi's hiding in plain sight" like some boogyman. Seriously google search it. It sick even after all this time we still "Nazi Hunting".
Check this

You have to go back.

It's about UFOs, honestly, there's a chance it's real. (Except that of the hollow earth, I doubt it very much, although I have seen some strange photos of the Antartica that look like big holes, but still I do not believe that the earth is hollow).

I would be happy for the UFOs of the Third Reich. That means that not everything is lost. Do you think is plausible is existence?
saved it for watching later, gets kinda late right now.

i dont know, you tell me
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Not fully hollow, but there are catacombs and deep caverns that can house cities within the earth.
There's growing evidence that a large asteroid hit the north American glaciers 13k years ago. This would have caused massive flooding across the globe, especially in Indonesia, europe, and Asia. It's not a stretch to think it could have caused an axial shift.
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This. It also fits in with the novel 'The Coming Race,' which inspired the concept of 'Vril.'

It was believed by the Vril society and other esoteric national socialists/Ahnenerbe/Axis occult sympathisers that this book had some basis in fact and that its author had written it either as non-fiction or as some sort of partial fiction about our world, IE, that beneath us live civilisations of strange beings.

Its deep fucking weird shit, but it starts to link together if you stop taking your pills for a while.
well, if it caused giant floods i would rather think less then 12500 years, but more than 7 thousand years ago.
this video talks about the alignment of the pyramids (and i think angkor wat too) to the stars, and that they lign up with the stars as they were 12500 years ago, indicating they were from around that time.
>The morphology of these formations has an analogy with similar such hollows formed by the sea in the coastal zones. Genetic resemblance of the compared erosion forms and the geological structure and petrographic composition of sedimentary rock complexes lead to a conclusion that the decisive factor of destruction of the historic monument is the wave energy rather than sand abrasion in Eolian process.

>Our personal experience in scientific investigation of geology of the sea coasts gives reasons to draw an analogy with the GES and to suggest another mechanism of its destruction. Specialists-geologists, who work in the field of sea-coast geomorphology, know such forms of relief as wave-cut hollows (Morskaya Geomorfologiya, 1980).

leaving the 800.000 year figure out there for now, there is some evidence suggesting that the sphynx was ones submerged under water, meaning it was build before the great flood, and i think at least one pyramid also shows such signs (have to look that up again).
Since there are many cultures speaking about a giant flood we can assume that it was real, and probably is the same as the bible tells us about, and the same that submerged the sphynx. i know according to the bible its fewer years ago, but i assume due to verbal onpassing the timeframe got distorted.



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now thats some huge clusterfuck of information. here is an entrylevel redpill on banking in return
I've heard certain researchers have dated it as 10,500 years.
this is the most /x/ thread I've seen in a while on /pol/

/pol meet up in Antarctica when? lets get to the bottom of this bros
The 13k mark was a rough estimation based on how they found a thin layer of nano diamonds that are almost exclusive to cosmic impacts. The strange thing is that the last ice age didn't end over hundreds of years, but rather, went from 2 mile thick sheets of ice, to close to what we have today in under 10 years. All this points to some kind of catastrophe a la Randall Carlson.
>this level of autistic delusion
Should get you banned desu
>inb4 JIDF
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Here is the immediate level (which some lefty criticized due to the bubbles which were not linked, I guess that's why the dude made the bigger version)

You'll get most of it just by watching Yuri Bezmenov's video and the Collapse of the American Dream and reading Gods of Money and American Nations
>1. low tier.png
Post more
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the meteorite? fits the timespan i believe then. or do you mean the age of the pyramids?

yeah, could also imagine a super volcano. or maybe the suncycles have more impacts than we believe, that the sun just gave off more heat suddenly causing the sheets to melt. i heard the theory that the changes in climate come mostly from the cycles of the sun rather from the conditions on the earth. if the sun suddenly heats up that could cause the sheets to melt too, big areas get flooded due to rising sea levels and the sun calms down a bit again freezing the icesheets again (even though not as strong) and the flood is receeding.

now thats easier to view definitely. but the other one certainly is good to have too
So literal space niggers.
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The one in this link is the very highest tier (so far), if anybody has redpills on some of the older history (think Holy Roman Empire and earlier) it'd be greatly appreciated.
Have you come across the theory along the lines of the Pyramids across the globe being generators hooked up to the Earth's magnetic energy, had to do with Van Allen belts?
The asteroid/meteorite strike.
Wtf, I love nato now
Some broken English and grammar but interesting none the less. But the whole first part I already knew, the whole thing about $1000 and promise of over $2,700. This was a hidden fact many didn't know of till 1929 when everyone went to the bank demanding their money back, when the banks couldn't do so, enter the Great Depression. The question should now be, what changed from then?
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i thought about what if the ancient civilizations had technology like we do, but called it magic, or whatever magic is called in the specific language.
i mean we have TV which lets us see far away things, like a crystal ball. we can shoot fireballs with flamethrowers, shoot lightning with a teslacoil, even can fly around. then something happened, and barely anything of it remained. whenever someone came up with the "magic" the locals couldnt explain it and thus it became this magical, unexplainable thing. then we came to rediscover some of it, but since it wasnt unexplainable anymore it wasnt magic anymore, so we called it technology this time. and this is where we are now.

allegedly stalin made experiments with them where he put just a small pyramid over some oilwell, and suddenly it produced more oil than without. some people say they experienced some feel of pressure while being in the pyramids of egypt. they are if im not mistaken also aligned with other monuments, the leylines if you want so, which maybe transfer information/energy and the pyramids are a way to recieve/harvest those. the pyramids are said to bring the pharao to the stars, but they werent used as tombs. now if we assume its not about an alien spacehangar, maybe it helped with astral projection helping you log into the grid and access the information. lots of questions

this shows some alignments. how could they do that all across the world?

this is another issue though. but i didnt hear about the connection to the van allen belt, but i would assume that the van allen belt is the rather a symptom and not the source of their energy
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I hope you enjoy this. The Vimanas were designed using knowledge accessed by the Vril ladies inside the Akashic records.

It took America over 50 years to finally replicate the Horton-Ho 229 properly, and where they got the blueprints for the Aurora we can only guess.
This >>123289116 is reptilian tier
>le religions controls you brah

It is better to keep the garbage out of the way. The first is entry-level but at least it is logical and true.
now this is a big redpill

>if anybody has redpills on some of the older history
I plan to make one, if I can.
There is an excellent book about this, called "the hidden war", Julius Evola made a prologue. I can not find it in English.

It was written in the 30th, before the war.
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Yeah it's shit tier, agreed. Will remove it from my folder now desu info is just so scarce.

Also I love it how most of the 'revolutionary' tech we have been developing over the past half century had already been developed by the Germans: spaceplanes, supersonic flight, airships...

This one?
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Like I get the logic and shit behind this thread but OP's picture makes me laugh every fucking time I see it, it's just like looking at those Illuminati pics that were a meme in like 2014, (pic related)
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>if anybody has redpills on some of the older history
is around the same shizo level as this thread, but im sure you will find something

its not so much religion that controlls you, but the institutionalized ones. christianity for example is pretty neat, and everyone should look into the bible, but then think about the meanings behind it themselves and not conform to the interpretation of the (((churches)))

will look into this, but another time. its getting late and i think i wont stay around too long. but a too long didnt watch would be appreciated.
surprised you can even type nazi without being arrested
essentially talks about the lost technology of ancient civilizations and how it's depicted in writings in pyramids and caves (inspired Prometheus), uses ley lines as an example and talks about the pyramids as energy generators. I personally believe there were high-tech civilizations in the past, and I don't buy into the '15 niggers lifted each stone of the pyramids on top of the other' theory.
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Fuck it here's another
>Digitally improved
>Draws shit all over it and adds HDR
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She also talks about nordics in UFOs
>Needing videos to disprove that the earth is hollow
If the earth is hollow, how thick is the crust, and what hyper dense unknown material is it made out of to have its mass? How does plate tectonics and the magnetosphere work?
The one where a C-130 crashed during a mission to resurrect another C-130 that crashed?
This German kike is a psyops, he is just distracting you from the real truth.
>Pyramids as energy generators
What kind of energy do they output?
What's the source of their energy?
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Pic related. If you've been paying attention to the news most everything on here has been mentioned
>What kind of energy do they output?
>What's the source of their energy?
take a guess
There was no heavy lifting, when they build them, they used ground up stone and formed it to a rock again using water and pressure, you can test it out yourself it also verifies the erosion theory.
Rotational Wewuzodensity?
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>how thick is the crust
how should i know?
>hyper dense unknown material is it made out of to have its mass
the effect of gravity in relation to the mass is based on the assumption that the earth and other heavenly bodies are solid objects. if these bodies arent solid, but hollow, the mass is significantly lower and the effect of the mass regarding gravity is significantly higher.
>How does plate tectonics and the magnetosphere work?
magnetosphere i would assume that if there is indeed an inner sun, that this is the source on the magnetospheres just like the big outer sun produces one. plate tectonic, well, i guess the magma is trapped between the inner and outer crust.
>A star
>Inside of a planet
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maybe the ether tesla tried to harness.

>I don't buy into the '15 niggers lifted each stone of the pyramids on top of the other' theory.
soundlevitation >>123222635
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didnt read through all of it yet, but hitler did state a few times that he is a christian. and didnt the vatican, or even the pope personally gave the nazis diplomatic passports so they can escape unhinged?
Oh also
>A star producing a magnetic field at all similar to that of the earth
A more simple explanation is that we have a nice big molten mass of iron that's spinning at ingreible hihig speed

What is this tiny star in the center of the earth made out of? It's certainly not Hydrogen.
How did a star form inside a planet?
Why hasn't this star burnt it?

Tesla had some great ideas, and then went promptly off the deep end throwing money at ridiculous shit. Don't confuse his good ideas with his bad.
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The Earth is a magnetic dipole, they use its magnetic field to output whatever the ancient equivalent of electricity was (physics major, just a wild guess)

>heavy lifting

Look into Ed Leedskalnin and the Coral Castle, amazing stuff about heavy lifting he had an alternative theory of magnetism. And holy shit he was of Baltic origins.

Nazis were doing the bidding of the Aryans (aliens) who are in a war for influence over Earth against the reptilians who's allies on earth are the Jews
Maybe in 1922, later on he went full pagan and organized many instutions to cherish Germanic pagan culture (Vril society was the occultist aspect of it), he even praised Islam because it was a warrior-inspiring religion unlike Christianity (he criticized it because of the whole 'love your enemies' bs)
who knows if the explenation for what a star actually is, is right? after all we basically see just a shining ball in the sky producing certain electromagnetic radiation, and build some theory about what that could be according to our current understanding of physics. for example
if its really just a giant ball of plasma, what business does this thing there? if its used as heating, or energy source, shouldnt that little amount of plasma/heat be gone pretty quickly making it unviable as a source of energy?
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this shit is too out there man. Though I appreciate a good read
Truth is stranger than fiction.
If this whole "Nazis live in a hollow earth with a star in it and fly around in saucers with worse panel gaps than a tesla" thing requires physics to be completely wrong, I think you may be barking up the wrong tree.

>shouldnt that little amount of plasma/heat be gone pretty quickly making it unviable as a source of energy?

>Plasma interchangeable with heat

I don't think you understand how massive the sun is. The sun is going to go dark "pretty quickly" when compared with the universe.

Truth isn't a function of how far fetched something is.
To anons who may be reading this thread and wondering why the idea of a sun existing within the earth, or even the earth being hollow is asinine, go look into the law of universal gravitation and stellar mass for starters.
One question before I go to sleep, anon: are you voting for Höcke?
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that sounds to me like he is more against the (((christianity))) where they portray jesus as a cuck. for example the "turn the other cheek" thing isnt meant to mean you should let others to with you without opposing like its portrayed, but tell you to choose a fight. that guy slaps you, and then? that was no threat to you, it didnt cause any harm even though maybe a bit pain. but maybe that was enough to let the guy cool down and talk over it. give him a chance to redeem himself. then he slaps you again. are you know supposed to go back to the other cheek or make him stop slapping you?
jesus didnt hesistate to take out the whip to get the moneychangers out of the temple, he chose the right fights, and didnt get triggered over every minor insult.

i didnt mean that plasma and heat are interchangable, but plasma is super heated gas causing the particles to move so fast that they break apart from each other, it has a lot of heat which then can be used as energy source. and i know its massive, and i know an inner sun wont work if the sun is indeed what we believe it is, and if the inner sun is the same as the outer. but those things in the video using the sun seemingly as energysource indicates for me that its not that
kek is literally hitler
i dont know. the AfD seems to go through some rough time right now. i see how it will develope, but i guess there are barely alternative choices.
Theres a chapter where Jesus literally say to one of his apostle that sell his cape and buy a sword, theres dont exist reason to be a christian and a cuck
Yeah, that one.
Looks like you guys are either shilling by obscurity or have gone nuts.
Pajeet, you're from India, you should know better by the words of your Vedas.

Vimanas are from your ancient Vedic civilization.
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Isn't that just from the movie Arrival?
nope, made in the arctic water from a submarine in 1971
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of course German handwriting of the time did not look anything like this. But German anon, you knew this already, ja.
read >>123267891 hitler didnt like the gothic writing, so he worked on changing it.
by the way, in case someone actually still doubts the existence of UFOs, this was released by the chilenian navy, basically saying "we have no ideas what these are, maybe one of you guys can tell us". UFOs are real. only question is who is inside of them
Ok is this where the Nazi "Black Sun" Thing comes from?

And I say it it impossible. One thing we know is that an object of mass will pull on another object of mass to each directly proportional to the mass of the object, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates the centers of the Object and the other object.

For a star to be in the center of the Earth, it would tear the earth apart and collapse it into itself. But even so, if it were hollow it still would collapse because each side will pull on itself. We aren't exactly spinning fast enough to create a stable hollow center.
have you seen this you crazy german?

not yet, but i saved it for watching laters. any interesting reports in that?

well, i can at best make some educated guesses on how things work. the thing is everything that isnt easily provable by yourself is in my eyes up to debate as we cant be sure how deep the corruption goes. so things that require you to shoot some really expensive equipment into space to be proven is thus up for debate. i can imagine that the spehrical form gives some additional stabillity to the whole thing, kind of like an arch increases the stability over a gateway. the centrifugal forces counter the gravity, even if just a little bit. then there is also this stuff
note: this magnetic fields influence stuff that isnt magnetic or even metall.
maybe the crust is locked into a certain position using this effect the inner sun naturally creates and thus counters the collapse which the gravity would usually cause
That vid is linked to the SSP (Secret Space Program) that Corey Goode fellow is an insider of that I referred you to earlier.
God fucking damn, is every Austrian this fucking thick-skulled?

Contribute something to the fucking thread or get the fuck out. Jesus. Germany should have kept you in its custody like the child you are.
The guy who claims he is visited by giant blue bird aliens....
how do you know there arent giant blue bird aliens?
Guys guys.. These "nukes" that got off was offed because some guy found the edge if our bubble. The earth is flat, operation fishbowl proves it. Space doesnt exist like how they say it does, astronomy is pseudoscience, NASA is a hoax, moonlanding is Disney.
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wow, this took quite long. expected to see one of you guys show up during the first 15 minutes
>trusting a leaf "insider"
Wait wait wait... Fukushima was 11 March 2011... Thats pretty close to 2012. Could Fukushima be our cataclysm?
This is what they always have been doing. Those who denies that we are in war with satan, i feel sorry for you. We are fighting a religious war, always have been. The jews are doing it to (the globalist rich motherfkers) but they have submitted themselves to lucifer. This is why the only thing we see all over the world is degenerates. There is a holy war coming and the jews are already destroying christians and muslims, when in truth, muslims and christians should be allies and fight of the biggest evil our earth has ever seen.
Is NASA real?
Nazis couldn't even figure out the nuke and you're telling me that they have UFO's now?

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i think you dont really get the concept of satan
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
Through these weaknesses, and temptations satan rules this world. Satan originally means "obstacle", and everyone had his own satan. a person that tempted him, some addiction, a sin he would like to commit or what ever. later on then satan became an enthity. he was to test humans and if iirc he was the one killing the first born in egypt. then people came to think "if satan works for god, and satan does evil, than god is evil too" and thus they rewrote him once again to being an enemy of god.
Satan, as i believe, is a mere symbol for the material world, for the time that passes and the death this causes. symbolized by the black cube, the 3 dimensions which binds us here and is the root of our weaknesses and fears as we always fear time is running out, that we can die, so we have to ensure our survival on cost of others. (((they))) worship this world, the earthly pleasures and do anything to have as much of it as they can. thats how they worship "satan"

maybe. there are a lot of possibillities. some claim planet x/niburu comes and will cause the poleshift or crustal displacement resulting in huge earthquakes and floodwaves, maybe some meteorite comes crashing, maybe some nuclear war, godzill emerges from the waters due to fukushima, cern oppens a rift in time space destroying everything or letting a demon army in here, ayylmaos could invade, some bacteria that is resistent to everything due to our excceded use of antibiotics emerges which kills everyone. a lot of stuff out there which could lead to the end. maybe a combination of all of those

however i leave now. need some sleep. keep posting, i will read everything
they probably do some work, but the infos we get from them are heavily censored and selective, and much if not most of it is outright fake
thread (((404d))) at that point
I require something other than his word that they visit him.
Extremely tiny neutron star could explain the mass, and have a feasible explanation for why the inside earth doesn't burn up due to the reduced solar output, however, there's nothing stopping the crust from falling into the star. It doesn't really make sense. I'd believe ice caves before this.
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I was just thinking about this and hypothesized that perhaps our planet is some kind of dyson sphere.

Perhaps some ancient race (Aryans) achieved the tech needed to transfer energy through space time. I mean the temples and everything all line up mathematically...
Why are you over-complicating things? I get what you are saying but try explaining that to "normal" people. The jews fits in on what you said, sure, but are you really not going to mention all the satanic rituals and sacrifications? I mean, if satan is in everything and nothing, why would super rich trillionaires make sacrifices? Everything i have seen, every conspiracy, every globalist shill, all this degenerate propaganda, universities, studies, games, science, "way of life" etc, everything points to exactly what someone would do only because that someone is trying to destroy earth. Trying to abolish it. The easiest way would be to nuke everyone yeah, but we, as humans, will go down in a very horrific and a sad way, as if someone hates us and wants us to suffer. I dont know man, but it seems to me that everything that these globalists does is to confuse people especially when it comes to religion. I cant and never will be able to understand atheists. Atheists, why do you even exist
I figured it out.

Our magnetic field is being used to concentrate solar winds (high energy photons, anti-neutrinos, protons.) The magnetic pole is not perfectly aligned with Antarctica, but it's close enough to concentrate much more solar discharge over any supposed "hole."

Then I found this after googling a bit.

"After starting with "baryon number" and bouncing around in the Wikipedia a bit, I came across /Matter_creation. In the heading "Photon pair production" it mentions "The threshold temperature [of photons] for production [of neutrons is 1e13 K]". This suggests a process something like: (high energy background photon) -> neutron + antineutron. This conserves baryon number. Perhaps other particles are involved."

Is our magnetic field just a giant energy funnel?
It would seem plausible that yes energy is the name of the game for pretty much all life... Even bacteria are driven to absorb energy and continue their own existence.

If by some design (holding back keks about intelligent design etc etc) our planet had a purpose other than to just float about in space, then what would it most likely be?

An energy funnel is a cool term. I like reading about free energy and zero point energy stuff. As mentioned before, Tesla himself believed that the ether could be harnessed for energy.
ok ok now I have to speak out agian as really, saturn? Everyone knows that Lucifer is satan and means, "The Morning Star" which is Venus NOT Saturn.

I like your hypothesis. I think any species capable of space travel across long distances would also possess the ability to harness the electromagnetic field of the earth for energy.

However, why would such a species use a pre inhabited planet? When surely many other uninhabited ones would share similar characteristics.
All this talk about aliens and planets, id say that its a confusion and a mix-up but that it is about demons, jhins and other planets would be other dimensions. Knowing so much you probably heard of reptilians and how we cant see them because frequency etc. The idea is true except that these reptilians rather are demons. Just think of the idea. And as for the south pole, maybe it is true, the nazis has a base there, or maybe it is the biggest hoax of them all. I mean almost every country has agreed to not go there. There are military bases there either escorting out or killing people trying to get in there. They are protecting a secret, something really big, that is for sure by now. But still, onT, early civilizations with superior technology would baffle me either, looking back to the babel tower. Humans are intelligent, if they simply use their brain. But today we are made to not even think. To not criticize, to not speak. I mean, the media is doing all of that for us. Hollywood and mm. They own the schools, they teach us only what they want us to learn. The media tells us how to think, how to act. I mean, its so fucked that man i dont know.. This world is mad.. When i look at normal people i kinda feel sad for them, all of them, but they seem to be happy so whatever
would not *
Perhaps its the molten iron core of our planet that makes it a candidate for this form of energy harvesting. Mars may have been a precursor planet. The life forms may just take the DNA of previous generations on previous planets with them - because they are growing more life...

Energy begets energy, life begets life.
We don't float in space. We have a purpose. But our kind is getting rekt.. Thinking of totally irrelevant stuff that are never going to happen. I'd say focus on what's happening right now, try to unveil the truth and all your questions about the past will be answered as well. There is Good and there is Evil. And the Evil is winning it seems. Its obvious who the Evils are, but one thing i dont get, where is the good? Are we good? Where is the force that is going to fight the Evil?
Good and evil are notions based off of fear... Basically humans are afraid of pretty much everything... You gotta think - all of a sudden were conscious creatures and theres no light when the big bright thing in the sky goes away... and thats when creatures come out. That with the competition with other humanoids as were evolving...

Were trying to shed our old fearful mind, but we keep hanging onto it because it excites us as well.
That lies down to us. We've been so far removed that most unironic /pol/acks are too scared to die or kill. There is something wrong with most on here cannot comprehend a world where death is legitimate. You have to be fearless to face our enemies of every stripe and as we still want muh comfy living, we will never win.

It is all good doing dude memes lmao, but when we have numbers and never leave the basement, how can we win?
I've seen green glowing craft fly into and out of the ocean at high speeds before.
sage this shit and send OP to /x/ where he belongs
>What if our planet has a purpose, what would it be?

No clue. It supports what we know as life, but we have an admitted narrow understanding about potential cosmic life, whether it exists elsewhere in the universe, or if we would even recognize it when we see it.
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But we dont evolve. I'd say that humans, most of them anyway, are devolving. Fear comes from not knowing. The thought of death and not knowing what will happen next or that we will just cease to exist, scares the average human. Basically every fear we have originates from the very first fear of ours, and it is death. Once a human embraces death, that human will be set free. But we all know that the masses are controlled, i hope atleast /pol knows this. The one thing everyone fears the most is also the one thing no one talks about. Human have a complex way of thinking, but just imagine that there are cults who has been active for several hundred years. Cults that are in bed with the evil. The evil, which we fear, takes advantage of our fear. The cults makes it happen, they twists our mind, they literally control us. Just thinking that you actually are free is extremely stupid. The world is fucked up, nothing is like what it seems to be. But despite every fucked up thing that is going on, thr only thing i cant look past is religion. Ive been a lurker for 7 years, and not only /pol. I have seen shit and i have read shit and i gotta say, after seven years, with everything just piling up and making sense, while connecting the dots etc, i dont know, everything leads back to what i in the first place was trying to escape. If you just open your eyes a little bit more, you will see them. You will see the truth all of you. It is not my truth but the truth of whole mankind.
Id say that the idea of comfy living, the idea of having an 08-16 job that pays well, but that you have to study 5 years of bullshit to get, the idea of all theee fucking nonsense ideas man, these ideas are all made up to weaken humans. Humans have never been more stupid than this, never ever before in history have they been this dumb. It sickens me man.. I see this around me, friends, family, gf, everyone are stupid man. Money and status is the only thing that matters, nothing more. Having a butt like kk or a cashflow like dan.. It is as if their eyes are literally closed and they just blindly follows the smell of money. It sickens me, it saddens me, it kills me to see how low humans are. I respect animals more.. But i dont blame them, they sre just not aware of the forces controlling them, and just the idea of a force controlling them would never get processed in their brain, just bc they are too stupid for it.. Fk.. But then, knowing & seeing things some of us do, it is a fucking hex. Once we open our eyes, theyll never close. We'll never be the same, no matter how much we try.
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>Also note that UFOs are an undeniable fact.
considering the Army literally invented ufo helicopters in the 60s...
fucking duh

also holy shit this thing is censored on the search engines for some absurd reason, I had to look it up in an internet archive to find it
the fuck are they trying to pull?

Strong post, brother. I hear you, I've been starting to realize this myself. We have to go out and be in the world, but not of it.


What you say about all the years here and all the dots eventually just undeniably connecting is true. It's kinda cool how so many here seemingly come to that conclusion, but we all undoubtably came about it by taking very unique paths.

This was all an interesting read, thanks OP and all who contributed.
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are they, dare i say it /ourayys/?
Well fug.
I've always greatly enjoyed the whole "Nazis are in Antarctica"

It's not one of those theories where you say "Yeah nah, fake as fuck", it's actually very, very, very possible that they are still there, existing today.
I'm pretty sure that none of this is true.
Because of the fucking KIKE's,a set of pedophile thought it would be cool to race mix the whole world and rule over it.

How greedy can one be?

Heck all I need is a big house near a beach,a good car and a Beachcraft c90Gti/x aircraft,I am done for life.
fully agree on that.

But I do think there is something similar to "space" but not as NASA is telling us.

We will maybe never find out the truth
I feel like the moon landings and all the pictures of Earth might be hoaxes, they never show any stars which is hilariously inaccurate.

But saying the Earth is flat is just crazy, there are MANY established trade routes from America to Asia so how would you disprove that?
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