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/pol/ Actually thinks Marine Le Pen a had chance of winning.

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/pol/ Actually thinks Marine Le Pen a had chance of winning.

Let me tell you what I saw during my vacation in Paris.

Mudsharks were everywhere. We Americans get attacked for racemixing but the French take it to whole new levels.

Every white women in Paris was with a sand nigger with at least 5 nigger children, some were even covered in a burqa.

Every white man was ether dressed as a women or a homosexual getting fucked by a nigger.

In France a married women can cheat, get pregnant by some nigger and you're forced by the law to raise this bastard child.

All I ever heard in Paris from French people was how french people don't exist, their culture and national identify is a social construct.

How they loved their precious Muslim minority, how France would fall apart with them and how it's a good thing France will become none white to pay for the countries colonial sins.

France is a nation of cucks. Emmanuel Macron the candidate who won is married to grandma and raising her kids.
fake and gay

It's Paris. What the fuck do you expect.
Pls dont post threads like this. You never know how many people may commit suicide, with all the other terrible news they are exposed to today.
If you can't take bantz you shouldn't be on 4chan but on /r/safespace.
LePen did won, at least in the sense that she got more %.

They might need a second round but she still won this one.
I believe you
>implying a /pol/ user will ever leave his basement
>implying that a amerifat /pol/ user will ever leave his basement
>implying that any 4chan weeabo ever leaves his basement
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>What my bigoted stupid ass interpreted is what actually goes on in Paris
>Paris is identical to the rest of France

You're a fucking retard.
/pol/ will deny this ever happened


This is the same experience I had in Paris
Considering France is one of the major birth places of the egalitarian idealogy, this makes complete sense. Karl Marx works where largely inspired by the anti monarchist 'revolutionaries' in France. France also hasn't had a major good leader since Napoleon. French need to familiarize themselves with the work Joseph de Maistre and finally return to their former glory
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Fillon voters may not follow Fillon's orders since some of them voted for more security and less taxes, while Macron offers them less security and more taxes. WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS THE CORE OF THEIR PREOCCUPATIONS.

some Melenchon voters don't want the TAFTA, the CETA, the EU, and the big business to evade taxes. REMEMBER THEM VOTING FOR MACRON MEANS SUPPORTING THIS.

If he did it, Marine can too. BIG TIME.

Friend went to Paris even though I specifically discouraged him from doing so. He chose to be bluepilled and was robbed twice in one week, at least they didn't kill him.
Macron is the establishment shill disguised as the 'populist'. If the French can't see through this then they deserved to be butt fucked by radical Islam and the EU.
Jesus Christ. I thought France turning into Africa was blown out of proportion.
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Fake news, This was obviously made by Russian funded far left.
>Emmanuel Macron
There was only one Emmanuel.
Yea, you may hear the Holy Spirit speak through one who knows Him, and His Church, but there is only One Emmanuel. And know God is with His Sheep, for Jesus Christ is the Good Sheppard that though He was born a man, and said even still "Only God Is Good" for people to call God alone Good, it is eternal life in the Spirit that brings these things and The Good News Is Coming. It is written! And I type not to bring fear, or criticize my fellow human kind but I'm spreading the truth about God out of love because "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in Him shall be saved."

God cares more about the world than us, and anything we care about. Before care and any emotions were, God and Jesus The Word was.
I have a French girlfriend. I'm brown as fuck. She finds me sexy as fuck and dreams of having brown babies.

I was flirting with a older French lady the other day while she was telling me how she married a French guy but always dreamed of ending up with a Latino.

Both that lady and my girlfriend have made fun of a Dutch friend of mine for being too white.

My girlfriend's friends include absolutely stunning cuties having Pacific islander and black Caribbean boyfriends. They can't get enough of that.

They aren't by any chance a majority, but it's a lot more prevalent than I have seen in any other EU country. Girls openly love non whites.

And as a non white. I fucking love it.
In Virginia I went on a bike ride recently and counted the white couples vs the coal burner couples. The results were staggering. I ignored white couples over 50 because they're from before this shit started.
>0 white male white female couples
>10 black make white female couples
These young white girls were hanging out with the most niggerest thuggist dangerous looking niggers they could find too. They will certainly end up paying the toll.
You white guys must be doing something wrong
>full of faggots and niggers

Who knew.
btw, this was in a majority white neighborhood. All the white males I saw were single. I even saw some single white fathers playing with their kids where the mother is nowhere to be found. No doubt off burning coal and using the white male as a glorified baby sitter.
If Emmanuel Macron does the will of Emmanuel, and is baptized in the name of The Father and in the name of The Son, and in the name of The Holy Spirit and he just liked his name by faith because it aligned with it, then it would be by God that God wanted to remind you all about The Emmanuel Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose on the 3rd day. So it all depends now on who this, Emmanuel Macron is.

And I still know about 666 Fifth Avenue.
Also the people will know about Alphabet INC.
>I can't have a girlfriend cause blackies steal wimin from me.
Lmao neck yourself fat NEET faggot virgin.
It's over.Outsiders have taken over French politics. It's the election USA wanted Le Pen/Macron = Donald/Burn.
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Was the original upload deleted?
Same shit, everyday, hang yourself

A lot of german (((Nachrichten))) report otherwise, wtf.
Talking from experience, you want someone hip, modern and good-looking like Justin Trudeau to lead your country.
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Fuck off, commie scum

Bike lock attacker:

Attempted murder


2:00 He hits hits guy with a blue helmet and blue shirt

2:10 He hits hits guy with a black shield


He hits the green bicycle helmet guy at 0:37

He hits the green military style helmet at 0:53


Slow motion, hits guy in blue shirt with green bicycle helmet

At 1:12 he breaks military style green helmet


In this video he can be seen smacking more people over the head with his lock, fortunately his mask comes off


Here is video of him smashing people over the head at Milo riot...

>meanwhile German politicians, yet again, go full "the left has to win in every country" instead of staying neutral
God, I fucking hate them.
Gotta love when /pol/ gets triggered. Litteraly none of what you said is true.

Especially this:
>In France a married women can cheat, get pregnant by some nigger and you're forced by the law to raise this bastard child.
In case of adultery you don't even have to give alimony, let alone raise the child.

Kindly reminder that degeneracy and SJW came from the US, not Europe my dear.
cia/shareblue please leave

I challenge all of you to go to a city in America that is at least 30% non-white. You will see that all the white guys are alone while every white girl you see is with a nigger. This is the future now. Any American who denies this lives in one of the few white areas left so they haven't seen it.

can you verify that the major newsoutlets still report that macron won percentage wise?

WELT had it online just 10 minutes ago.
Haha. Leafs may not be smart but ,at least, they are hilarious.

pic related
I'm 6'4 221 pounds of muscle. Top 10% athleticism. Women are just brainwashed to want black cock only.
>Miss my French politifu's appearance on i>tele because Australia's timezones suck

Just kill me senpai
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>let me tell you

Stop posting your masturbation fantasies on /pol/ you worthless faggot
Fake and gay.
Mélenchon voters aren't going to vote for Le Pen, lel.


And the first baguette immediately proves OP's point
When you did that with us (autistically commenting on other people's elections and telling them who they are allowed to vote) people got really mad and insulted. It's one of the reasons why Hofer got so many % in the first run.
>Every white man was ether dressed as a women or a homosexual getting fucked by a nigger.

lol, not even in sweden
Motherfucker. You dumb. And if you try and split another not retarded thread, I'll fucking cut you.
>Marine Le Pen
is going to win
> Euro surges on prospect of Macron thwarting Le Pen

It's a very good day for Europe.
This is very very true.

Interiour government website confirms that Macron won WAY more votes, and that's without the ultra-liberal Paris votes counted yet


The Italian government website confirms the same, as does Bloomberg.

Le Pen lost, in the second round she will be slaughtered and no action from /pol/ will change this.

Screencap this for posterity.
OP is 100% right.

Its only new fags from reddit who are getting excited about La Pen winning.

She doesn't have a fucking hope.

RIP France.
Seriously if your a hot blooded man so you want to fuck and get sucked off by Trump or Double-teamed by Trudeau and Macron?

And just remember, it's not gay if you're not the one being fucked up the ass.... Vote for good looks and the future! Vote Macron!
How can this be true? French men are literally top tier. So handsome
>Mudsharks were everywhere.

I'm quite sure you're lying.
Every single french man i have seen in Colombia is 8/10 at least
>Emmanuel Macron the candidate who won is married to grandma and raising her kids.

Her kids are in their 30s just like Macron
Antifa much? Relax, you will grow out of it.
Does she have a relationship with this man?
It wasn't that bad.
Austrians are just incredibly thin skinned.
>Mudsharks were everywhere. We Americans get attacked for racemixing but the French take it to whole new levels.
congrats you were probably in the London of France called Paris, most natives stay away from these shit infested places...

You are a fool to think that for one second the real people who are still the majority would ever be fucking happy with what you saw.

Islam is the devils religion and it will be fucking destroyed mark my words, i don't care what digits i receive, i don't need kek to tell me the inevitable...
Are you triggered?
In addition, they included comments from representatives of German political parties, who estimate that Macron will win. Politicians like our MOFA, FDP chairman, greens chairman, CDU vice-chairman and a CSU europe politician.

>m-muh anti-EU must not win
>Macron is going to win this, trust us

On first glance, FAZ is mostly neutral, but leaning towards Macron, stating that Macron's win depends on whether the French want to stop LePen from winning.
A related article is about Macron: "Nothing is impossible for the prodigy."
It's 100% true. I can corroborate what OP is saying.
1/10 bait. You are literally Stalin. Get aids faggot.
>You are a fool to think the majority is okay with this
You realize 55% of the population is Urban there right? They ARE the majority.
Which is a good thing. They are going to roast the roaches for illegaly keeping their roach citizenship and voting in Austria now.
Gonna be gud.
Most of the news websites have the biggest headline showing Macron.

Welt has an article stating that Macron's followers celebrate him as the victor. Another article's headline right below this states that Le Pen still has a chance to win.
Getting scared Hans? Maybe the EU comes crashing down?

/pol/ Actually thinks Trump a had chance of winning.

Let me tell you what I saw during my vacation in San Francisco.

Every white man was ether dressed as a woman or a homosexual getting fucked by a nigger.

In the US, a married women can cheat, get pregnant by some nigger and you're forced by the law to raise this bastard child.

All I ever heard in San Francisco from Americans was how white people shouldnt exist there, their culture and national identify is a social construct and their mere existence is offensive to native americans.

How they loved their precious native, black and mexican minority, how America would fall apart with them and how it's a good thing the US will become none white to pay for the country's genocidal sins.

The US is a nation of cucks. I know this from having visited San Francisco once. Im sure it represents the entire country haha lol im smart.

God gave you a brain, use it.
I've been to every major US city and it actually is representative.
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Reminder. Southern French men are genetically inclined to bend over for Muslim cock

pls be my gf
San Francisco. Great choice. America looks like this..........
I am french and OP right France is dead we need a nuke for clear this country.

Shit like this infuriates me. I always wanted to see Paris but with the number of shitskins now, that ship has sailed. I would never go there by choice. Might as well take a trip to Detroit.
top kekkkkk
"it's the most faggy God damn thing you could ever imagine"

Thats the whole point. Im pointing out the stupidity of the original post
I want Le Pen to win.
Fuck the EU.

In a different article on Welt, they interviewed an SPD EU-assemblyman who says that the independent should support Macron. Further, he wants the French to Support the politics of the 21st century and every European should do so as well.

So pretty much every politician, who is not right-wing, shills for Macron and the EU.
>Emmanuel Macron the candidate who won is married to grandma and raising her kids.

You can learn everything you need to know about a man by looking at his wife.
Sorry anon. My brain's fault.
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Here's an extract from my town's newspaper: the marriages and births for the previous month.
I live in LA and I don't see that many interracial couples. And most of the white girls I know don't like black people, even though they pretend to. It's all blown out of proportion to troll pol/tards.
White girls who fetishisze black guys are either fat and have no choices or crazy and worth ignoring. Even non-retarded black guys know this.
>In France a married women can cheat, get pregnant by some nigger and you're forced by the law to raise this bastard child.

I know at least this one is 100% true.
People are attracted to exotic-looking people.

This is exactly why blondes and whites are so appreciated in Colombia.
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Also DNA test are illegal with the mother consent so... you will never be 100% sure the little shit is actually yours.
>french kill ghaddafi
>ghaddafi was the man holding back the migrant tide
>now africans are all over europe
>"OMG!!! Why is this happening?!?!"
Genetic diversity is a desirable trait, same way that inbreeding leads to bad traits.

It's a fact of science.
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Fillon voters may not follow Fillon's orders since some of them voted for more security and less taxes, while Macron offers them less security and more taxes. WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS THE CORE OF THEIR PREOCCUPATIONS.
some Melenchon voters don't want the TAFTA, the CETA, the EU, and the big business to evade taxes. REMEMBER THEM VOTING FOR MACRON MEANS SUPPORTING THIS.
Marine is now THE ONLY ANTI-SYSTEM candidate. When you think macron dared to present himself this way it's hilarious. EVERY PERSON REMOTELY ANGRY AT THE PAST GOVERNMENTS MUST REALIZE MACRON IS A PUPPET OF THIS "SYSTEM".
If he did it, Marine can too. BIG TIME.



>>122222222 → →
The OP is right, unfortunately ...
Not only the case in Paris, but in all big french cities.
We need to MOAB France. Nuff said
But that's not even true...?
You can get a DNA test to protest againt alimony in a divorce very easily.
Huahahaha that faggot loser literally married a white Michael Obama
You are lying.
Thats why they made it illegal for neighbour countries to analyze samples from France.
Le pen lost? Please someone answer

Who's the fucktard winning?
You are inferior to me, no matter what dumb bitches do. I would make you look like a bitch if we stood side by side. I will further the white race and I will see to it my brothers get their shit together and keep you disadvantaged

Where the FUCK do you live?
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(((THEY))) are SCARED!

sage if you reply and do not reply except to laugh at this retardedness and post facts about nigger/arabs/mass imigration and/or KIKES

>pic related... OP
Le Pen won round one. Macron second.
They will regret, whether it be by their own cognition or forced regret when the Superiors come knocking
A 30 year old man who married a 70 year old grandma,is supporting her children from previous marriage and is secretly gay.
No, white girls just like that "gangsta" shit. Same with dirty beaners that think they're hard shit. White chicks dig it, even though those faggots will treat them like shit and beat them. It's why I dont give a fuck about white women anymore. They all have problems.
Le Pen lost the popular vote in the first round to Macron.

Macron is the literally ONLY openly anti-Assad candidate, so your fucking Bashar is done for.

Prepare for a second "mandate" Ahmed.
Fuck I always wanted a GILF
Fug. When is the final result?

He married his pedo teacher instead of reporting her, he continued this illegal sick relationship. Disgusting.
Fake and gay faggot

t. Abu Hassan Al-Maghrebi

>so your fucking Bashar is done for.

Yeah the President of the strongest country in the world is against Assad and yet Assad is here to stay. But I'm sure if fucking France continued it same policy with Syria, we're screwed.

Ahahaha what a faggot
Why aren't we making the fact that he married his pedo teacher go mainstream?
can anyone with more then 2 braincells fill me in? is she done for? no second chances????
Trust me, Assad's days are numbered. Even Trump said so. That's from all sides of the political spectrum counting his days.

Get ready for the mandate Muhammad, last time it took Germany for us to leave you be, this time you aren't so lucky.

My only prayers go to you dying by some bomb before you try to make it over to my country like a sniveling rat. Too bad we don't bomb civilians like Assad does.
Any capital of any western country is the same shit. White women chasing minorities, white men chasing gooks or latinas (most likely gooks).
fuck off with your erotic fiction. keep that shit to yourself.
Nice try buddyboy. You can ask for a court order. Litteraly the only english sources saying that it's illegal are MRA or similarly oriented groups.

Jesus fucking christ you guys really are just like Tumblr, believing whatever lies fit your agenda.
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>pol/ Actually thinks Marine Le Pen a had chance of winning.

Tu es stupide ou quoi...c'est juste le premier tour, Bubba Dean
maltese are arabic
That's pretty wild dude, I've only ever seen one interracial couple in my life... I also live in Colorado which is pretty liberal. I only see white people with whites and blacks with blacks with an occasional white guy with a latina. Virginia must be shitskin country.
>screencapping the prediction made by every news outlet
And everybody knows how that shit works. About the only people who are not unconditionally rallying to Macron are La France Insoumise.
I will
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Just the way politics work here.
Oh cool one of these threads. I've been looking for them.

Lads I'm pretty plastered and have been wondering all day. Did they call the results already? Who won?
You? Yeah. The rest? Nahh.

Me, I'm just going to spend the day having sex probably, and laugh-crying at the next five years.
Macron/Le Pen for the first round.

And Macron almost certainly wins the second one.
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>commies voting for the right wing demagogue

Give me a break
Hey anon, im in the midwest trust me when i say they are everywhere. Went to a local attraction today and so many nasty looking coalburners. I make sure to shame each one i see. I glare and shake my head, make the disgust and discrimination evident. if it wasn't illegal I would do more.
you know that mediterranean "brown" guys are white too

I spent 4 weeks on the in a boat a few years ago, my hair turned blond, my skin turned bronze, bitches said I was much more attractive back then.
How do you have internet?
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I called an ISP and ordered what kind of speed I want. Pretty standard and self explanatory variables
As always..
How do you have access to an ISP? Do you live near an embassy or something?
San Francisco is fucking degenerate
When is the second round?
Nah, voted for Mélenchon this time around. Assemblée constituante, my dude.

But PiV sounds much better than going in to vote white.
7th may
Thanks anon, I appreciate it. Good luck to ye.
Why would I have to live near an embassy?
Not in Brazil

We may be monkeys but we aren't cucks.
Done the same. I thought of a Melenchon vs Le Pen final, which would have suited my boat.

But seriously i would vote Le Pen a thousand times than letting an empty shell take the top.

Np anon.
Oh, nvm, you're using a proxy.
My problem with Le Pen and the Front National is that it's Nepotism: the Party of the Return of the Return of the Jedi, have housed traitors to the nation (Pétainistes), and are still profiteering like no tomorrow.

Fuck, you'd hope some conservatives (with a chance to win) were actually upstanding.
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Near Paris. Here's what Google says about it.
This building no longer exists. I used to pass by it everyday as a kid. There was a soviet kind of feel to it.
I'm Syrian

هيلو انا سوري
Brexit was a fluke. Still aren't out.
And Trump was a fluke as well.

Is there a rise in conservatism? Sure but the backlash isn't big yet. If it ever will be.
no, this is pretty accurate. had the bad fortune of having to go to paris not too long ago. most of what OP is saying is true. He left out the niggers dancing and rapping in the streets at night, and the gyppos that comes onto trains/subways, begs, and then leaves at the next stop.

I am not going back because of how bad it was. That's coming from a swedish person.
You're basically saying Detroit is representative of America.

No shit? How's the day to day life there? What do you do? I have so many questions. How's life under Assad? Which faction do you support? Any near death experiences?
The socialists want to the destroy the white race.
Their latest fashion is to pair every white male with infertile old hags.

It's disgusting.
you wanna go for the welfare and free pussy and to spread allah?

i'd do the same if I were you

fuckin cuck french people
Non-whites are exotic in France kek. Not even close.
the only cure for that disease is a bullet to the brain
>yfw for conservatism to have a chance at winning we need Trump to be a combination of JFK,Reagan,Clinton,Obama successful and he's already sidelined Bannon
His wife is unstable. She sticks her fingers down her throat. She has talked about her struggles of being yoga instructor, and eating disorders on national tv.
Not surprised. Trudeau's mom was unstable too
What if a lot of folks wanted to wait until after this election to vote for le pen?
That's why you go for the Franco-Portuguese girls if you're white. To them you are the exotic guy for not being a shitskin.
Virginian here. From Richmond (about as black as it gets here). This guy is a retard. I know maybe two interracial couples out of hundreds of couples.

This is some beta cuck lord who has probably never gotten his dick wet.

>No shit?
Yes shit

>How's the day to day life there?
As shitty as it gets

>What do you do?
I'm a student. Media and communication major, English literature minor

How's life under Assad?
Secular government. You can dp whatever you want. Unless if you're gay. You can't get married

Which faction do you support? Any near death experiences?

I support Assad and only him. I've had plenty of near death experiences. Through 6 years of war. I've had like 30 of them kek

Le Pen voters are actually the more active ones. So, nah.
That's pretty wild bro. Have you ever thought of fleeing Syria?
Nah. I'm chill here. Just got a job as a bartender, everything is pretty shitty but not shitty enough to be a refugee
burqa is banned in France
Yeah no it's not
Literally told by my ultra normie barber, "Don't go to Paris, go to Venice"
That's true love right there. Against all the odds and every nigger on the planet calling BS. Its happening.

WTF? Just vote for the man.
It should be. It's banned in roachland as I recall and some other major Muslim country. Here burqa women are not allowed to have any kind of job especially teaching. And they not allowed to be play any role in the gov
would you abandon your faith for a white waifu?
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Most of average French people are just stupid. I was for 2 days at a customer's house in March and realised by his POV and the way he was drinking in front of TV set how propaganda on television is effective in France.
US & UK citizens are by far more educated and aware of the mass media damages.
What ?

For what I know, actually it is ...

Wait whhhaaaat ?

For what I know, actually it is ...
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Most of average French people don't give a shit about newspaper.

La plupart des gens se renseignent sur les élections la veille, les communautés en ligne sont trompeuses et très peu représentatives
Nah. We got some white skinned people here. Same thing.
>Yeah the President of the strongest country in the world is against Assad

Putin is on Assad side, mate.
Kek. Nice one dude
so you are saying that traps are not gay?
Vote for Le Pen, faggots:

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North Dakota reporting in, about half of the moms have white and black kids, it's really really wierd, do they just fuck a black guy thinking it's going to work out? It's so odd, it's never Asians with white, or another other combo, always white mom with older white kids and little black kids it's so strange.
Are you worried about this new French President who is very anti Assad?
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The jews are doing this to us.
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Goyims must be diversified!
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There was only one possible outcome of this election.
They're just going to the shitty part of Virginia where the coal-burners go specifically looking for black guys to date. Confirmation Bias is a bitch.
I went backpacking in France a few years ago. The first week I was there, I took a bus in paris at night, only to be filled with drunk Arabs. The Arabs spoke broken english, but the only thing I remember about that moment was when an Arab sit on the floor of the bus and said "fuck France".

We must take back western civilization!
Lame pasta

Jéb est un gâchis
Same as the old one. They're all controlled by the ZOG
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>In Mein Kampf, Hitler described children resulting from any kind of relationship to African occupation soldiers as "a contamination of the White Race by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe."

>Hitler thought "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the White Race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate."

Get rid of the Jews, and our nigger and sandpeople problem disappears!
If it isn't accurate now, it will be after Le Pen loses
no DoUBtS!
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>In France a married women can cheat, get pregnant by some nigger and you're forced by the law to raise this bastard child.

what the FUCK?
Its not only Paris, Marseille was pretty much the same. And its not some recent refugees, i talked to some kebabs and they lived there for the better part of their lives. I think French urban population is at least 50% arab/negro.
Why are Syrians so redpilled about ZOG?
>On November 24, 2005, Duke visited Damascus, Syria, addressing a rally broadcast on Syrian television and giving an interview.[153][154] During the rally, he referred to Israel as a "war-mongering country" and stated that Zionists "occupy most of the American media and now control much of the American government … It is not just the West Bank of Palestine, it is not just the Golan Heights that are occupied by the Zionists, but Washington, D.C., and New York and London and many other capitals of the world." He concluded by stating: "Your fight for freedom is the same as our fight for freedom." In a second interview, he said Israel "makes the Nazi state look very, very moderate." Syrian parliament member Mohammad Habash later stated that Duke's visit gave Syrians a "new and very positive view of the average American."[153][155][156]
>I live in LA and I don't see that many interracial couples. And most of the white girls I know don't like black people, even though they pretend to.
Same. Most of the time when you DO see a not-fat not-ugly white girl in SoCal with a black guy, you can be sure she's Jewish.
Your country was better off under the petainists. They did nothing wrong.
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so much baiting in this thread
Any french can tell me hows situation in Marseille?
Are people there mixed too? I was thinking about living there with the foreign legion.
as someone who lived for 8 months in Paris, this is absolutely correct.

Though, there's certain parts of Paris that are completely white. The entire city is extremely segregated really.
Fuck you nigger.
How the fuck did they find a nigger in NI.

This is honestly because white chads are slaying all the hot poon and blacks need to date because they can't get white puss on the regular.

There's just not many chads on /pol/ so they're not part of the top 10% of the white male race smashing 90% of the white females.
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I want to make a blackie french girl my bitch.
whats with these memes today there lame as shit
kill yourself, autist
Kek, stay mad, stormcuck.
How do you realistically save France without ethnic cleansing?
You're right, they will surely vote for the banker instead.
she was qt
ignore these degenerates
>some were even covered in a burqa.
That's not true. Burqas are illegal in France.
Lucky esé
Puro motherfucking sureño machismo homie
Stay subhuman shitskin kek
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London's the same.
Unless /pol/ gets together and finds a way to destroy Macron FAST with weaponized autism, there's no way Le Pen will win.
Everyone knew this you retard. You dont even know portuguese and cant read what we write and is talking shit. You dont even know the three big parties are now working together to save their asses and block bolsonaro, you dont know about the princenton pact or the connections of our leftists and french ones. Youre basically saying "Keep Hollande because Fillon might take his place". The same people you're shilling for worked with Soros-backed NGOs to shill for this law, their Midia Ninjs and 2013 protests also received money from his foundation, they created Unasul based on the EU to further destroy our sovereignty, they brought Haitians into Acre and sent them to São Paulo, they brought Bolivians and haitians to their protests last year, they shilled for Hillary, they work with Patria Grande motherfuckers to destroy our sovereignty on two fronts, their politicians are also involved with "immigrants' rights NGOs". You're just repeating Telesur bullshit. The entire establishment supported it and they are NOT each other's enemies. FHV is helping Lula's defense in court, Serra wants him to run to office and both FHC, Lula and Temer are organizing meetings to "protect the country from populism". KYS you Telesur-watching uninformed retard
France is bigger than Paris.
Emmanuel Macron won you dumb /pol/tards
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>met french girl online
>she's real nice, cute voice
>months later tells me she left her swedish boyfriend and is looking for someone else online *wink*
>tell her I want to see her first
>turned out his father is from madagascar
>never talked to her again after that day
>Asian British
So there are little Asian kids with British accents?
Lol that's so cute.
When British say "Asian", they mean muslims and other such shitskins.
And no, they're not cute at all.
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Now I know how to plan my trip to London
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