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Thread replies: 341
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>Richard Spencer rented auditorium to speak at Auburn U today, Tuesday, at 7 pm.
>University cancelled event, citing safety concerns. Rumor is Antifa made threats to riot if event was not cancelled.
>Spencer plans to show up on campus anyways.
>MASSIVE Antifa protest planned, busing in people from Atlanta
I think we can all agree Spencer is a GIGANTIC faggot. But whether you think he's controlled opposition, whether he offends your every sensibility, whether you think he's just a fucking idiot, or whatever your opinion of this cockgobbler may be - Antifa cannot be allowed to continue bullying colleges into banning every speaker they're offended by.

To anyone who may be considering organizing a counter-protest, consider these simple guidelines.


1) Do NOT incite violence, you'll do more damage taking pics of Antifa beating up bystanders than you will cracking skulls and kicking ass.
2) Do NOT come armed. Be prepared to defend yourselves and others IF FORCED, bring defensive implements IF YOU MUST, but do NOT under ANY circumstances bring weapons.
3) Do NOT come dressed like stomcunts or tacticool fags. Bring safety/sporting gear if you have it, but don't look like you came dressed for a riot.
4) Do NOT talk to press about stupid alt-right shit or memes, stay on-message.
5) Do NOT cause damage to the campus or the downtown area.

1) DO wear Auburn colors to the rally - dark blue and orange
2) DO act civil and composed - there must be a stark contrast between you and the Antifa hooligans
3) DO take lots of pics and vids so you can report any Antifa to police/university.
4) DO talk to press about the importance of defending speech, ESPECIALLY unpopular speech, on college campuses.
5) DO stay after the rally to help clean up damage caused by Antifa. Bring trashbags for litter, medkits to help with bystander injuries.

And most importantly, if you are a student or faculty member at Auburn, please stay safe tomorrow.

War Eagle!
>reddit instructional/bandwagon post
not your personal army and fuck off.
hello antifa
Everyone hates antifa. Don't be afraid to crack a few skulls.
Goldberg Shekelstein GTFO Reeee
can't wait for the livestreams, I hope it was during a weeked so I could get drunk without a guilty conscience.
This guy gets it.
Making videos and taking pictures gets ignored when it goes against the corporate media's narrative.
Establish facts on the ground. Maiming and crippling the opposition is as real as it gets.
Narratives don't bleed; protesters do.
Gear is packed, heading out within the hour. I'll see you boys on the battlefield. I'm sure there will be enough glory to be won for everyone.

Hail victory.
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Hope the commies cave your head in until you learn to stop counter signaling whites in a historically white country.
Here is an auburn live stream webcam

I'm going to bring back 100 Antifa dreadlocked scalps.
>get punched in the face by a womanlet
Hopefully there won't even be a 100 antifa there
>NYPA on a political subject
This isnĀ“t /b/
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Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake

Ridicule antifa for best results

Anti-antifa tactics of fighting is fun because you enjoy it

Time to turn alinskys rules around on them
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They either won't show up, which would be /comfy/ and a resounding victory for Free Speech supporters...
They'll show up en mass, which will lead to a massive riot, violence, and /comfy/ livestreams.
It's win/win either way for /pol/.
whens it going to get started?

which stream is worth watcing?
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I love Spencer for the sole fact he makes Trumpshits sooo booty blasted. I will shill for him for free.
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About 10 hours from now. 7 PM CST
Remember to bait them towards aome trees near Toomers corner so they can torch them for maximum lulz. No matter what happens today those trees have to die
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If you're going to a right leaning ralley or event it will become a riot.
That's why I got some safety gear together.
"doesnt faze him"
"procedes to beat the ever loving shit out of antifa bitch"

Fuck yeah. Suck a dick /Nu-pol/, Spencer is /ourguy/ through and through
>Antifa cannot be allowed to continue bullying colleges into banning every speaker they're offended by.

this is the most important part of this post, and yet I just know this thread will devolve into shitposting about spencer
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based stickman had the best prep. take notes.
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wow, so edgy, welldone
At least we know he can take a hit unlike the average Auburn player. Gus should give him a scholarship
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He makes white people look bad.

We shouldn't even condemn him tho. Stop giving this attention whore what he wants.
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bring water because you will sweat
upper 70's down there
godspeed anons
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Good, exposure is key, if more anons know about him the more will check him out. And find out he is talking sense.
Someone post snatchsqauch link to videos pls
quads of truth, thanks bud
I'd like to highlight the most important aspect of attending a counter demonstration: ALWAYS BE RECORDING.

Nothing destroys a leftist narrative like video evidence that proves they are lying.

#Sascrotch, dumbass.

>white people should keep being submissive bitches and should try to please the requirements of nonwhites

Fuck off Canacuck
>implying you white
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here some advise from europe. pic related.
Another auburn anon last night said to watch cater lawn, but my gut says to watch toomers corner as well.
Post sascrotch vid link pls
Its not the heat its the humidity. It sucks you dry. As a southerner I recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces of water I.e. A 200 pound man should consume 100 oz or you will feel ot
Reminder that KEK granted a plea for the buses bringing the antifa from Atlanta to Auburn will fall into the Chattahoochee River when a bridge collapses. They will drown listening to Alan Jackson's song "Chattahoochee."

Got the digits last night. It's a sure thing.
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Is this shit happening today or Friday
why is this guy famous? Is he some reddit king that centipede cucks worship?
As a bama fan I pray for a riot at toomers. If they burn it flat I may die from laughter. Fuck Auburn
anyone got the 'n-nazis watch out' collage?
which shows all antifa that got stabbed
Need a helmet
he beat commies up. steal his look!
>Do NOT come armed. Be prepared to defend yourselves and others IF FORCED, bring defensive implements IF YOU MUST, but do NOT under ANY circumstances bring weapons
Not smart...
>gets ignored when it goes against the corporate media's narrative
true, but they will use that same power to blast the shit out of any violence. Look at moldylocks.
I just want more people to start making armour like this so that we can compare builds like an RPG. After all, we already made anime real.
Terrible advice.

Get in there and fuck them up, they are mentally and physically weak and a few big defeats will cut their numbers in half.

There are plenty of recordings of them beating people and it does nothing to further our cause

What fucking good do you think it is to loose the battle but record it. What fucking play book are you reading from?
Wait, I thought the South is heavily conservative. Why is there Antifa? What if I want to here Roll Tide attire?

Yeah, antifa shows up with fireworks, bike locks, and tear gas... I highly recommend you all don't show up with nothing but your fists
>perfect opportunity to whip Antifa

I hope some of our lads on the ground can help alleviate American society from these anti first amendment rodents by giving them a good spanking like last time.
>I think we can all agree Spencer is a GIGANTIC faggot. But whether you think he's controlled opposition, whether he offends your every sensibility, whether you think he's just a fucking idiot, or whatever your opinion of this cockgobbler may be - Antifa cannot be allowed to continue bullying colleges into banning every speaker they're offended by.

No thinks that apart from shills.

>t. commie scum

Amerifags need to start going in hard on these fuckers. The first fight is like fucking your girl for the first time, but after a while you go in harder.
Thank you. Everyone is always so nice and helpful on this board.
I couldn't find a decent one on Amazon. Still looking around and considering steel toe capped boots.
For safety of course.
You're not fighting the media, you are fighting them, wrong tactics.
While I will say you should expect to riot and not have your guard down, I think the most important thing is to be distinct from antifa, they are the perps we are the defenders..
>>Antifa is creating and filling threads full of misinformation and sowing discord for D&C tactics prior to the events!
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>1) Do NOT incite violence, you'll do more damage taking pics of Antifa beating up bystanders than you will cracking skulls and kicking ass.
>2) Do NOT come armed. Be prepared to defend yourselves and others IF FORCED, bring defensive implements IF YOU MUST, but do NOT under ANY circumstances bring weapons.
>3) Do NOT come dressed like stomcunts or tacticool fags. Bring safety/sporting gear if you have it, but don't look like you came dressed for a riot.
>4) Do NOT talk to press about stupid alt-right shit or memes, stay on-message.
>5) Do NOT cause damage to the campus or the downtown area.
>1) DO wear Auburn colors to the rally - dark blue and orange
>2) DO act civil and composed - there must be a stark contrast between you and the Antifa hooligans
>3) DO take lots of pics and vids so you can report any Antifa to police/university.
>4) DO talk to press about the importance of defending speech, ESPECIALLY unpopular speech, on college campuses.
>5) DO stay after the rally to help clean up damage caused by Antifa. Bring trashbags for litter, medkits to help with bystander injuries.

I have mine, I went for more of a defensive build than stickman though. Not sure what kind of helmet to go for yet though.
No, they should be encouraged to do this. We need an instigating presence in their online communities. There is no greater threat to the success of the left win than this shit. They are completely fucking themselves over with this, pushing normies further and further right. Let them do their riot. And let them do more riots. Encourage antifa riots in their nontraditional places, get them into conservative areas like Auburn and Texas. Only once they have cooked up the right wing enough should we gas them all. They can be our useful idiots.
It's also in Alabama..southerns love a just ass kicking as much as their fried foods and ketchup

This. We all know antifa cucks are tremendous pussies, and we all know they're violent little faggots. After the stuff we've seen them pull, everyone going to the rally needs to be aware they're walking into a riot. Prepare accordingly. People like winners.
I've heard some guys on some nazi podcast saying they now Auburn police officers and that they are not going to tolerate any shenanigans from either side.
baseball helmets are good. DON'T go for football helmets ( or anything that has a cage infront of your face) bc they would easily yank your head down.
Fuck auburn.

t.Walker county transplant in Dothan
I don't think he's a shill. I think he's a fucking dork (and he's wrong).

"Peaceful ethnic cleansing." Fucking how? Are you going to pay them to leave? What if they come back? Also where are you getting the money? Fuck off with this idiocy.
bumping because op did an excelllent job
Try and unmask as many as possible, show the world who they are, they clearly fear that.
Even as an auburn student if I see a bama fan getting beat up by antifas i will still try to help him. This is more important than our schools rivalry.
Its antifa. individually they are weak cucks. organize ahead of time, equip, using proper personal protection, and BLITZKREIG THE COMUNIST SWINES.
>bussing niggers in from Atlanta
Good fucking luck, some overpass brigde will swallow the busses no problem. We have the best infrastructure don't we folks?

Kek that usually means the piggies will allow antifa to throw a tantrum and beat up some right wingers, while any right winger who reacts or fights back will get immediately arrested
Be mentally prepared to take a punch or two, I see soo many get star struck right after a hit bc they have never been hit in the face or weren't looking for it to happen. Many of the antifa are punks and have never fought any more than throwing a few roundhouses, so after they throw a punch they either stop swinging or leave their body wide open, they don't hold their hands up and protect their faces. Take advantage of this and square up if you have one on one or two on one, stay tight, shift your weight, move your feet. If they go to kick use them being off balance against them, twisting a leg can be very painful.
Also, if you can, bring audio equipment. Megaphones. Mock Antifa with Shadilay, Never Come Down, Battle Hymn of the Republic, Dixie, Yellow Rose of Texas.

Also there's no way in hell people in Alabama would react the same way as those in cali, bout to watch a good antifa ass-kickin

That's cool. I wish I was there in the battlefields. I'm stuck in commiefornia.
I wish stuff like this happened near me.

People protest but I don't even know how to get involved with them or find the group countering them if they are lefties.
I was thinking that after seeing his one.
Also a hugely overlooked piece of equipment, the humble gumshield.
Seriously, look after your teeth before you end up like us.
Someone please stream it.
California is THE battlefield
I just like the idea of free speech even for people I dont really like. If antifa likes the idea of using violence to settle political arguments I'd invite them to move to one of the many hellholes in the world where that's the norm, there's a civil war every 5 years and not even basic infrastructure gets built properly because it's always getting blown up
>Richard Spencer rented auditorium
lol don't most people get paid for speaking engagements and not the other way around?

double 8's and straight confirms

This. You can buy a mouthguard for very cheap. To those who don't know - they're the main reason that boxing matches don't all end in the first round. A mouthguard will allow you to take a punch much better, while also keeping your teeth protected
This is dumb and you should feel bad, OP. You're basically saying show up unprepared and unarmed. You're probably antifa
Maximum size, not what I was buying
Really surprised that they aren't up there with goggles or something to keep the pepper spray out.
That is what has been happening a lot the past few days...REEEEEminder

also, teleport behind them and unsheath katana
Anyone else think that guys' build doesn't match Kyle Chapman's? He's a lot smaller
Why would anyone go out of their way to defend Richard Spencer? Even if you are a neo-nazi or whatever, he's such an obvious spook. Can some of you spencerniggers explain yourselves?
Love the title...

>not graduate
Like pottery
Tennessee alumni here, would also save the Bama fan.
I had plans to go that have fallen through due to family medical reasons. I'm hoping nothing goes on. I'll feel guilty for not being there if there's a fight.
This vid is more related to sucker punching in a one on one situation with an aggressor. But this guy is a self-defence master and was an absolute beast in his day


Basically, distract your opponent with a question and/or hand gestures, throw punch from side angle to open up the entire jaw as a target. ALWAYS AIM FOR THE JAWLINE, follow through with a big hook keeping your forearm straight and in-line with your fist

I'm a skinny fuck and I've knocked people clean out knowing this stuff. Go for the jaw, don't hesitate and take them off the fucking planet

I mean most of the good ol boys don't give a shit and would put a dip in and just watch... they have jobs and shy to do

But the police? You bet your ass they'd be ready to arrest those larpers who throw eggs and start fights.
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I wonder if there are any HEMA enthusiasts in the crowd? Sounds like participating in the Battle of the Nations would be perfect training for something like this.

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Godspeed anon.
try harder. if there is a chance, to show strength against the commies, you should always go for it.
everytime people like based stickman beat some commies ass, the right gets a lot of positive attention.
It's free speech, you communist faggot.
If antifa are going to bus an invading force from Atlanta, then those fags need to be dealt with.

My hope is that either the cops will step in and arrest these obvious agitators bent on starting a riot. Better yet, I hope the National Guard is mobilized and they kill every last one of these antifa fuckers.
And? You know full well football fandom is genetic in this state. Reach next for the stars next season and win 8 games. Try not to humiliate yourself by going to OT against fuckong Jacksonville state
Fuck you.Yoi cock suckers dropped the dime on us to the NCAA and you can roast with whatever fat fuck is running the show in Knoxville
I just mean, wouldn't it be better for your movement if this lispy faggot retard got murdered by antifa, and someone competent took his place?

I mean would you people actually attend Spencer's festival of lights? If he did a nuremberg rally you'd have to pay me to show up.
Stay safe anon
>antifa is even a thing in America
baka senpaitachi. We aren't Europe. We have guns. How big of faggots do these people have to be to not carry guns? Fucking commie states man.
Signs are everywhere. Seen a few wearing BLM shirts.
stay safe anon, if I can get the friends to make the 4 hour drive, we'll definitely show up to support
I'll just take this degree harvey, enjoy life in Camp Hill
Shareblue please go
Also our police arent working with their hands tied
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1) Showing up to something advertised as a peaceful protest carrying weapons is what makes Antifa the bad guys.
2) Alabama is fairly relaxed when it comes to concealed/open carry as well as self-defense, but they have a strict "no bullshit" policy against any kind of violence at public demonstrations. Under Alabama state law, if you are found carrying any kind of weapon within 1,000 feet of a public demonstration, you will be forcibly removed from the area by the police and if you're caught using any kind of weapon against demonstrators it's an automatic misdemeanor charge - minimum fines of up to a couple thousand dollars and potential jail time.

Do NOT bring any weapons or anything that could be construed as a weapon by police - no batons, no bats, no sticks, no gas, etc etc. Best case you'll be removed from the demonstration by police. Worst case you go to jail.

Someone made an excellent proposal last night - for signs go out to a Home Depot or another hardware store and get yourself a 2' x 3' sheet of plywood, paint one side with your symbols or slogans or whatever, and tack some nylon straps to the other side. The straps are used to hold the sign, but allow it to be used effectively as an impromptu riot shield. Something like this would not qualify as a weapon under Alabama state law.
Lack of scale.
Would shinguards be more effective than motorcycle trousers?
We can't be swinging first.
Gotta make antifags look bad.
lol. Auburn ain't Berkeley. Cops will intervene. And not on the side of the commies either. They better enjoy their night in jail.
I still dont understand why not going armed to any of your meetings, I mean you are burgers and got access to more weapons than any other country, so why not going armed so this antifa people cant mess with you, taking pics and shit is worth nothing but keep on the millenial agenda
are you retarded?
Fuck that I'm not waiting to get hurt
This is bad advice
>30' waistline
>riding gloves

What are you...
Too early yet. Think people are waiting for the SJWs to do the stupidful first.
Who cares anymore. If an antifa punched a baby, the media would still hail them as heroes.
He's a big guy, of course....
This, already fought antifas in such melees

Cameras do more damage than guns.
Gotta add to the punch and weighted gloves were all fingerless pieces of shit. I've built myself to be a tank.
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New thread, lads.

Then get your head caved in.

If you're going for a ruck, then you need to have the balls to throw the first punch. Standing around waiting to be hit before retaliating is madness. Might as well stay at home.

It's not about what's "better for the movement." The movement IS free speech. Silencing someone for the good of the movement would be counterproductive, wouldn't it?

The point is that Antifa doesn't get to decide who gets to say what. If we let them silence the racist idiots, they can silence us when they call us racist idiots, which they well.

There's a reason I bought so much armour.
I can take that first hit and then be completely in accordance with the law when I put the commie jaws swining.
Dont be violent.
Defend youselves sure.

But do you know how many liberal judges wait to send some "white supremacists" to jail?

Trigger them as hard as you can and if they attack fight back.
I think what happened at Berkeley was everyone was milling around yelling at each other, then that guy got clocked with a bike lock, then it was just open season on antifa and they were blown away

Auburn. Isn't. Berkeley. The cops are going to be on your side! They will intervene, their chief of police will not tell them to sit on their asses.

Work with them :)
Gotta be in accordance with the law. Wait for their group to start attacking at least and swing when they get a little too close.
Remember kids!
Stay smart, don't start!
Talking to protesters in class right now and they are telling me that richard spencer's people are going to be the violent ones and they are going to be the peaceful ones. Don't throw the first stone it is what they want.
this also. Always work with the police. Here they tend to mostly fight against antifas because they target them directly with Molotovs, stones, acid balloons, and so on. Once they charge, they scatter then regroup, but they always lose at least 1/3 or their size when a single charge occurs. What a bunch of pussies.
Not many liberal judges in Alabama. But like I said, the state has a zero tolerance policy against violence at demonstrations. >>121691186

Do NOT bring weapons and do NOT go out of your way to incite violence.

If/When the Antifa fags start throwing sucker punches or pepper spraying students, by all means defend yourselves and the people around you, but don't be instigators.
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Hey Auburnfags, where on campus will this all go down? I want to familiarize with the geography for added viewing value when this all goes down.
First-off...WAR FUCKING EAGLE, second Alabama is a stark comparison to Berkeley. I expect some really good footage and ass-whippings to come for Antifa when they show there.

Pro-tip; Alabama redneck anon-reporting in and will be there to defend my proud University of Auburn from antifa pieces of shit.
The faggy student protestors will be peaceful, but the Atlanta antifa is planning to show up and they'll be ready to throw down.
The police is not on your side.
Maybe some police men are but if they are given the order they will turn against you every second.

You can only rely on your mates. The media is against you, the system is against you and the police will follow the system. Dont think you can just go there and fuck up some antifas that wount work.
Antifa rethoric. Never dismiss any potential ally
Aubs eat boogs.

Fuck Auburn. Hope all those faggots kill themselves.
Not in the deep south, german bro.
Steve Sarkisain ate boogers on TV. Fuck Roll Turd rednecks, and glad Clemson whipped your monkey asses.
Don't forget your groin guards guys.
You never know when you'll need it.
Everybody learns this lesson over the years.
Most police men are good guys but they do what their chiefs want them to.
Police will NOT take your side if you're out there throwing sucker punches and wailing on protesters with sticks, but they will be on your side if you're the peaceful demonstrators getting attacked.
Except niggers and chinks
The new face - and body - of the republican party.
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shit's gonna be cash
ah yes that really showed last time when the police took to the side of the curbs
Showing up with actual swords and armor would be ideal, no?
>"antifa is so fucking violent im literally so triggered"
>entire thread about starting fights at a rally that hasnt happened yet

America needs suicide bombers to take out both of these extremists groups
>t. crossing state lines to riot get's me 5-10yrs

Chinks might be okay to fight alongside with. I remember this counter-protest that happened a couple years ago, antifa broke some chink's front store windows, he and his friends/brothers/whateverthehelltheywere just rushed out and from the surrounding streets to beat the antifa until they ran away.

As for nigs, yeah, nah. Only if they wear MAGA hats.

That's why we advocate the "let antifa attack first" policty.

No, man. I mean, they ultimately do obey orders, but I've been myself released of policemen's grips some times because they just wanted to "secure me from the mob".
Fuck em up anon, do it for the livestream
I don't think anyone's gonna bring a $3000 suit of medieval full plate armor, but being able to fight while wearing one is great physical conditioning.

I know those people. I know that town. The cops there hate commies. It's a small southern town. Auburn is probably the most conservative uni in Murica. It is literally the polar opposite of Berkeley.They may not be too enamored with the alt-right either, but trust me, they hate the commies more. It's not your battle to win - it's theirs to lose :)

The media is always against you. Fortunately they don't matter quite as much as they used to.
I will not be instigating fights with my self defence gear.
But I do plan on defending my self
Also if we're talking about fighting with shields and clubs, the HEMA crowd is probably the most skilled and experienced in that.
Chainmail is way cheaper
>2) Do NOT come armed. Be prepared to defend yourselves and others IF FORCED, bring defensive implements IF YOU MUST, but do NOT under ANY circumstances bring weapons.

Fuck that. If they pull out knives and bricks pull out a fucking firearm. For every one of ours they put in the hospital put three of theirs in the morgue.

Obviously only act in self-defense, but yes fucking defend yourself. This is Alabama. The colleges may be cucked but the judicial system is going to be on your side.
Why are the western parts of Georgia full of Auburn fans and not the traditional techies and dawgs? I see Auburn fans as far as Macon and then anything immediately north of I-75 and east of I-16 is straight up UGA?
Sure because they dont want dead people.
Then they would be in trouble.
Don't EVER rely on the Old Bill for help. Seriously, don't ever think for a moment that the police will be on your side.

Antifa are more likely to get fucked by the police due to their "KILL ALL COPS" bullshit and propensity for attacking them. But you should stick in decent sized groups of guys that are prepared to stand and fight not rely on cops to side with you.
Smash antifa

Make commies scared again
From what I've read defending yourself with a gun is totally chill.
Why are Aubarn fans such dumb hicks? You people are everything wrong with our foot image. Bama fans are classy but you have to be dicks because your team sucks.
It's strange. About 1/3 of the students come from GA, about another 1/3 come from FL and the rest come from AL. And you're constantly hearing chatter about how to get in-state tuition :)

Or at least that's what I remember from long ago
Bringing firearms or weapons of any kind to a public demonstration is an automatic misdemeanor under Alabama state law.
>Bama fans

The antifa has always been the side escalating. They might very well be carrying guns at this point.
Truth is many of the so called conservatives fight us and dont want the right wing to prosper because they want to be the only "right wing" alternative.

We have many enemys. And they will throw "nazis" in jail for years.
Im just saying you have to be carefull.
When does the event start anyways?
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>Bama fans are classy
bama fans = classy. top kek.

kys. You are full of fucking shit dude.
Wrong place to start shooting. Very very wrong place. Deep in the Deep South.
There aren't enough events like this in the UK and when they turn to riots the police just fuck their shit up. (Unless angry niggers)

Feels bad man
Columbus is not even an hour away and Macon is more representative of all parts of GA that isn't Atlanta. Auburn also has quite a bit of GA residents and it's been more successful in football than UGA has.
lel. Hide yo trees, hide yo weed killer.
i think spencer is controlled opposition but it doesn't matter. they should go and bust the skulls of antifa and also yell hail victory doing nazi salutes cause trump is elected and it's time to roll out the real agenda
>missing the point
What I'm really getting at is that those sports/motorcycle suits that people are talking about ITT will feel light as fuck for someone who is used to wearing a 30kg steel armor while beating the fuck out of their opponents.
This is true of course, but it's always wrong to underestimate your opponent.
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Will Based Stickman be attending or he is still banged up?
hi al.com shitposter
That's why I bought a load of weighted clothing recently.
Just to get used to the added weight and then some.
We are. You fuckers are jealous because we win and out 110 k seat stadium isnt a decaying pit like Jordan Hare.
Auburn fans are such classless pussies a f rew years ago a Bama fan stabbed like 12 of them before the cops shot him.
I can't stand the Florida people. We get a lot of South Carolina somehow and there's definitely plenty of GA tags that roam around.
Coulter is coming to Berkley at the end of the month. There's going to be a rematch.
He lives in CA, which is about 2500mi away. Not that he couldn't get there via plane, but it would cost him.
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>tfw I have my great grandfather's WWI uniform in my basement.
>will never get a chance to wear it and have his spirit guide me in combat against commies

Feels bad
It is planned for a gun to be discharged at the protests.
It will be pinned on Milo supporters but it will be done by a black person who doesn't even know anything about Milo or the protest but is payed to fire it possibly with the intention of killing a random ANTIFA in order to force the police to intervene with extreme force against both sides.

A hobo told me this this morning while I was walking to work. Dunno if It's legit or just mental illness but how the hell does he keep up with politics if he just lives in the dumpsters?
The best part was when they held his trial in Tuscaloosa and he got time served plus probation. Fuck your trees. The best part was people expected me to give a fuck about those trees.
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My movement? You mean the government of the United States of America?

What these antifa communist insurgents are doing is illegal and treasonous.

That's a death sentence in any countries law book.

These aren't some protests that get out of hand. These are coordinated riots to test the response of local, state, and the federal government.

The response of the government needs to be swift and clear. These antifa are domestic terrorist and under the Homeland Security Act, should be eradicated with lethal force. A drone strike taking out the buses bringing antifa from Atlanta would be ideal. The National Guard shooting all the antifa would be the second option. The police arresting antifa and throwing them in jail at Guantanamo Bay with the other terrorist for life would be the third best choice.

The only good antifa/commie is a dead one.
Lol everyone hates a winner
WWI was hardly vs commies
You talk like an antifa, buddy, your rotten ideology just can be smelled. Not answering to you anymore.
Id probably consider myself center left but I hope you guys fuck up some more commies, godspeed
we need people disguised as antifa in their ranks. tagging people for later identification, causing general chaos and misdirection, etc. their anonymity can very easily be turned against them

This board is full of German cuck losers

Ignore them
Stay classy, Tuscaloosa. lol.
no, just hate rawl tahd rednecks
Makes a point.
Not like the Libs have never false flagged before.
Guys, remember, Texas police may be a lot more hands-on than Shiterley police. Don't bring guns or obvious weapons and don't throw the first punch.
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Sad part is I usually see them right away, but this one was insidious until he couldn't stop repeating how he hated the popo
You had to make it weird...

Conceal it and use it in self defense if necessary.

This is retard cuck nonsense of "If you use a weapon, they win".

Again, this is not California. A jury will rule in your favor if you use justifiable use of a firearm. Coming unarmed is fucking retarded.
>Body armor size XXL
>Glove size M

Police have a job to do. You can't rely on them as some in this thread seem to be relying on. But end of the day they could save your fucking life in a riot, especially against such degenerate scum as antifa
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Just got sent this. Was on campus
Commies are an enemy of Canada I doubt he'd care
The whole Berkley protest smackdown thing could use some referees. Set up some octagons, and wrestling stages. For the next one each side should name some champions and fight for charities or something.
>no degree from bama
>no connection to school
Chuckling gently
But the law says that bringing a weapon to a demonstration is an offence.
Which is hilariois the entire city of Auburn is a mass trailer park
I'm not buying the 3xl size. It's just the one listed in the title.

If the police arrests every antifa who throws a punch the moment they do - then don't be the first ones to throw punches.

If the police is hands-off, go for it.
>wanna go
>will proably be mistaken for sjw
>will probably get trampled
G-ganbatte, y'all. I'll just cheer from the sidelines of the livestreams
I'm surprised no one is using krav maga style knee strikes when attacked by people. Once they grab you and get close punching does nothing.

Krav maga has it's flaws but the violently kneeing people in the groin thing is the quickest thing to teach people with no martial arts experience. Getting hopeless people to do that knee strike is 10x easier than getting them to even punch properly.
I don't get it, why would anti-fascist groups try to shut down free speech?
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It still unnerves me how a homeless man knows these things, and why Milo supporters? I thought this was all about Spencer.
Maybe Milo will make a surprise apperence?
I know this is crazy but even he is making shit up how does he know these people or the political climate?
Damn it... why'd he have to panic on me? I just wanted to give him 50 levs.
fuck fuck fuck
How fucking new
If spencer is there its a staged event. 100% chance of right on left false flag.

Cap this
>almost to montgomery
>no riot gear
>no cash left for any
Well, at least I get to meet Spencer, thought I wouldn't get to go with this when my car had trouble. Mad as hell I was sick during the A&M stuff much closer, not missing this one even if I get beat up.
Maybe it's just his idea based on what will be happening based on what he would do. This shit is easy to predict sometimes.
I will be there in about 45 min. WAR EAGLE!
They are a militant communist group. The name is simply about maintaining a sense of continuity with older such groups, who mainly fought actual fascists.
Bet he has an RV though and it only goes to one place every autumn...
I donate to the Athletic dept at Bama but went to UAB
Yeah, they already did for me, three times. Got cornered in an alley by a large mob, I fought them off with dumpsters until they started throwing rocks at me. God, I felt like a puppy in any muslim country, hearing the clashes of stone against concrete and the pain in my head.

After a minute or two, the police charged them from the side, and some officers took me off for emergency treatment, then sent me off "to rejoin my friends."
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Sat here in boring little old England. Would love to be over in the Land of the Free fighting those scumbags

Don't hold back, Anons. God speed, stand your ground and chin one of those Marxist fucks for me
live like a minute from toomers corner here please dont incite a riot

would rather not have to go park my car out at walmart or some shit
come on now. You think the commies want a fair fight? there entire ideology uses subversion to trick the unsuspecting prole into becoming violence to become slave labor for the state.
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Its going to either be in the parking lot at the stadium or (more likely) at the parking lot about half a mile west of the stadium.

T. Auburn alumni
God speed anon.
They're anti Fascist because they're pro Communist. It's early 1930's Germany all over again, and they're gonna force the right to create the 4th reich
>But the law says that bringing a weapon to a demonstration is an offence.

...And you might get a slap on the wrist. Furthermore this is not a demonstration. Richard Spencer is going there to give a speech. The "demonstration" is being brought by antifa and if you go there you can claim you just went to hear a talk and had no idea that it was going to turn into a riot. This is the "reasonable doubt" in US law that would allow you to walk even from the misdemeanor charges as there's no way for a prosecutor to falsify your claim unless you posted stupid shit on Twitter or Facebook or something or came there decked in fucking combat gear.

You have a legal right to carry firearms in public spaces, and this is upheld in Republican states (let alone fucking Alabama).

We cannot allow Antifa to endlessly attack us with fucking bricks and other deadly weapons while we tie our hands behind our backs and worry about misdemeanors. The one advantage the right has is firearms, and we need to start bringing them.
>ID ends with FN, I think you guys all know who I'll vote for.
Toomers corner is the one thing I am worried about. It's bad enough fuck head bama fans or LSU fans wanna poison the trees or set them on fire. Hope antifa stats away from toomers
We'll get another London 2011
Alright, you have me convinced.
Antifa showing up doesn't even count as a demonstration in this case as they will be there just to start violence,
You are now aware the Berlin Wall, with its minefields and shooting of those trying to escape East Germany, was called by its builders "the Anti-Fascist Protection Wall".

This Summer could be a good shout, post-election chimp out
> Muh trees
Get it over it already. We do it because we find it funny. Man up; at least your town doesnt reek of corndogs like Baton Rogue
June 19th
Here's hoping for a nice chimpening
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What time GMT is this, can't wait to see retarded /pol/acks get btfo but it might clash with the football.
-6 GMT or Central Time Zone
Have some more shepard's pie hoeny,
it's doing to be okay.
Makes me feel so happy. Wish every Antifa looked like this
i would think they'd have a shitload of cops on toomer's because of how iconic it is to the university/the bussiness there.

the blocks surrounding toomer's that get a little shittier? who fucking knows

that being said ive never actually had an interaction with auburn police, only see them riding around on those segway clones, and have not an inkling as to how they would respond to something like this.
They are claiming these posters are lined with razers.
Holy shit its real
Everything for a fellow white man.
Antifa aren't banning every speaker that offends them, just hate-mongering like shithead Spencer.
And your plan won't work because they need to be baited into fighting, they don't just beat up random bystanders like the alt-reich.

Fucking lowlifes
City of Auburn (aside from campus cops) has ~250 FT cops. Expect the state police as well as Lee County deputies.
Oh, so if Spencer suddenly says he won't be there, Antifa will call it off?

Reminder that the only thing that has ever worked against leftists is Mr. B.
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>Do NOT incite violence, you'll do more damage taking pics of Antifa beating up bystanders than you will cracking skulls and kicking ass

First sentence is a sound advice, but the rest of this point is bullshit. You should both do make a pic AND crack skulls instead of just standing idly when antifa beats someone up. Part of why antifa is coming out in strength is because they beleive they can cause shit, hurt others, be glorious crusaders for the cause without worrying about being hurt - just like in video games! Well, break a few noses, make sure to hurt them the way there will be mar for the rest of their days and they may start to question their policy of choosing violence over intelligent debate in contesting opinions.

Op should get a trip since he wants to be a leader.
They do.

And they will. They always throw the first punches. Maybe Berkeley did frighten them to the point where they'll just yell, tho.
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Good luck brah
>Conceal it and use it in self defense if necessary.
>And you might get a slap on the wrist.
I'll repeat it since you guys didn't read it the first time.

Knowingly bringing ANY firearm or other weapon, concealed or not, within 1000 feet of a public demonstration is a misdemeanor under Alabama State Law and carries a penalty of fines and jail time. It is not protected under Alabama carry or self-defense laws.

Alabama has zero tolerance for violence at rallies and demonstrations. If you must bring tools to defend yourself, they cannot be tools that a reasonable person would construe as weapons. You won't get busted for using a heavy sign as a shield, or swinging a satchel full of books, but if you bring a baton, a bat, mace or pepper spray, any shit like that you WILL get busted and it will not be a slap on the wrist.

Don't be fucking stupid. Let Antifa be the dumbasses getting arrested and expelled.
Liar, they attacked a free speech rally on Saturday.
Pic related.

But guys, reminder that one police force can be 100% different from another, don't start shit until you see the police tactics. Maybe even have a reporter-person go up to the police and ask them what their instructions are.
>they cannot be tools that a reasonable person would construe as weapons.

Reminder that a bike lock does not fall under this.
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dont forget the chain mail
No one's saying stand idly by while innocent people get assaulted. But do not be instigators and do not go out of your way to pick a fight.
You are giving them too much credit. The name is made to sound like they're the good guys. It has no actual meaning.. names like that never do. "People's republic of Korea" etc. Just think of them as commies and useful (or paid) idiots for Soros.
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>They target bystanders, and have attacked women and the elderly...
Fucking hell... around here only gypsies do that.
Our meathead criminals would rarely touch a granny or grandpa even if they get extremely pissed or something.
These ANTIFA really are even lower than scum.
It's not a demonstration if they're just going to see Richard.
Stickman shares his gear.

You can also find surplus riot gear easily for cheap online.

Come to Auburn today and say that shit in person you fat pussy. I'll fertilize those trees with your fucking brains.
You mean the alt-right hate walk where an asshole sucker punched a girl and /pol/ jumped right on doxxing her but ignored the asshole? Ya, free speech doesn't mean you get to walk about spewing shit and hatred with zero consequence.
I built a better gearset than Stickman. More body protection.
Is anyone planning on livestreaming the event?
Fuck off, you filthy animal. The girl was struck because she, and the rest of your subhuman organization, were attacking innocent people.
Please nobody reply seriously to this faggot.
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portnigger finally broke hahaha, stay mad :^) you are just a reddit shill

trumpshits will be labeled nazis, glorious t b h f a m
She had a glass wine bottle i doubt she had it to carry her water. She came to get in a fight and actions have consequences

Not like we will ever know because hate monger Spencer just loves to make a scene and endanger others. Fuck that literal Nazi piece of turd, he is just getting the shit end of the hatred he loves to spew.
If you see *anyone* using a blunt object like a bike lock to hit people with, follow him, restrain him, at least ID him. Do not allow these fuckers to move anonymously through the crowd to hit people.
This is a family friendly board! :^)
Someone needs to keep the Georgia bus from reaching its destination. Get in front of it with vehicles, and put vehicles behind it so it can't move once it gets close.
Oh boy, a grainy ass video with arrows pointing to shadows and pixels. Well I'm convinced.
And consequences will never be the same


>punching someone who has their arms up directly from the front
>"sucker punched"

wew lad
>No one's saying stand idly by while innocent people get assaulted.
That's what it seemed to imply to me. "Make pics, do not fight anyone". Thus, good to have it clarified. Seeking a fight is bad, but if they start one with you or assault someone else, be ready to treat it seriously and give them a painful lesson to the best of your ability.
GoPro nigga
You are quite delusional.
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Which situation you refer to? The last time I've heard about any girl punched was the Berkeley riot from a couple of days ago where some white nationalist guy punched a girl. Turned out later that in the same, most popular video she was attacking and grabbing him by the collar few seconds earlier and she went to the rally itself with an objective of "collecting 100 scalps" of Trump supporters.

Gender equality at its best. Went to cause shit, got shit happen to her. Though she likely will be better off afterwards given how bleeding hearts threw up a gofundme with shitload of cash that will go to her (unless it's a scam and someone else will take it all).
Why would a hobo in your country know shit about what's going on in Alabama?>>121694887
auburn student here, ill try to get some good footage for yall
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Here's a picture of the first altercation. She could have done a lot of damage to someone with that bottle, Nathan literally did nothing wrong
War Eagle! Now, get to class.

We have a way of stopping vehicles from Georgia.

Focus on the faces of the Antifa people.
Get the ones that remove their masks if you can.
Free speech means exactly that friendo.
Wreck Tech!
Armour guy here. I've decided on a helmet.
I dunno, that's why I posted it here.
He just jumped in front of me and went on in bulgarian: "Let me tell you about what's gonna go down..." at first I thought I was getting mugged or something but he looked extremely calm and excited at same time which scared me even more.
So like I'm just standing there listening to him in awe for 5 mins and when he stopped I reached for my briefcase to give him some cash but he screamed and ran away.

He was middle age, dirty-brownish silver hair a green trench coat, gym pants, snickers and smelled like piss and shit and looked like he was covered in piss and shit.

Also his bulgarian was very accented but accurate, maybe he's not from this country? Honestly dunno, it's weird but I think it's nothing now that I got to think about it more.
>He is endangering others by his presence as this automatically forces the robotic hivemind without free will to attack him and everyone around him

>He's a literal nazi piece of turd
>and he spews hate

yeah no
>that shopped bottle
fucking kek, how did it take you so long
It's from the Reuters or Getty page, shithead.

If I had my way, I've be joining you. Here's what you need:

A group of (at least) twenty guys marching in formation with similar colors. Easy at a university, though Red, White, and Blue works, too. All with shields and flagpoles and helmets (and cups, obviously). Form the center of a line and work like hoplites. Wrap your flags around your poles and tie them up. They become spears. Stab over or under your shields at any Antifa protesters that come near you. You're Spartans.

Next, get a big ass fucking speaker (portable if you can, but hooked up to a generator, if not) and tow it in a wagon or on a pallet in the center of your formation when you're marching -- then put it behind the formation when you're in battle line. Blast music at Antifa. This is your "peaceful" artillery. Hit them with every patriotic song you can. I challenge the effectiveness of Horst Wessel Lied and Erika because this might scare allies. Go with Battle Hymn of the Republic as an opening salvo. Follow it with Shadilay. Then Dixie. Then more patriotic music (Song of the Green Berets, Marine Corps Hymn, etc.)

If you can get more dudes and even more musical batteries, you'll really piss them off. And depending on the amount of dudes you get, you could try some nazi shit like Erika to really antagonize Antifa. If you have the numbers, the allies no longer really matter.

People should be encouraged to decorate their shields as they like -- 'Merica, Stars, Stripes, Lady Liberty/Columbia, Eagles, Snakes, Frogs, even Kekistan if they don't trip over their shoelaces.
>being this gay
You can see it in the video I posted above. I don't see why it's so hard to believe she was there for blood, she said it herself ok faceberg
Hell yeah nigga, cups
Nigga that's on the Reuters website.
>A group of (at least) twenty guys marching in formation with similar colors. Easy at a university, though Red, White,

This will make everyone hate you at Auburn FYI.
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Everyone remember their manners.
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You fucking retard
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