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Do you plan on supporting Trump in 2020?

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Do you plan on supporting Trump in 2020?
of course ill support red tie trump

Yes, nobody else has anything comparable to bring to the table. Nobody else can deliver the America first message and mean it.
No. I voted for him so we wouldn't bomb Syria.
im low energy now, let just recharge and se what happens
VERY LOW ENERGY FOLKS! Srs though, probably won't if we start any wars. Fuck all that, 999999D Chess bullshit. Fuck the ruskis and "white genocide", America first means America.
>one thing happens that you don't like
>throw a tantrum and stop supporting him after all we did to get him elected

How much of a baby are you?
The bombing of Syria was the last straw for me after Trump appointed so many globalist cucks to his admin.
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Rand Paul 2020
Such as?
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I won't be supporting him unless he delivers, which so far he hasn't

wanting to oust Assad is a pretty big deal if you give a shit about politics
This. After last week I'm not in the mood for "MAGA high energy awoo!!!" stuff.
Gotta recharge for 3 years and then if things turn out alright then yeah, I think I'll support him again. But like >>121471213 said, no bullshit.
I might give him my half hearted support since he is still better than the democrats.

I dont support him any more though but dont regret 2016.
Any better suggestions? I will vote for whoever isn't the left.
What's the point of supporting him now that he won though? We did it, he's in office. Now it's the time to make sure he delivers. If he makes mistakes we must make sure he knows he did them and has to solve them.
Fuck yes I'm voting for Trump. I'll never get tired of winning. After we mow down the North Koreans, we're taking ISIS all the way down at the same time that we're taking down the gangster class that owns the Chinese Communist party. We go after 'moderate' muslims after that
I flipped a coin to piss off trumpfags and hillary cunts (I ended up voting Trump), probably do the same next year because I really don't give a fuck, I got ~7 years left anyways to live
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Lots of time in between now and then. If he manages to fix the NK problem then I'll be his follower for life.
I would consider it! I prefer him over Shillary.
nah i want kanye to run and win

burn it down baby, burn it down
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No way, the jewspapers tells me he's a really bad man!!!
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Is.. that it?

When did he say he wanted to oust Assad?

Pic related
>why don't you blind support your elected representatives who work for you and not the other way around anon? don't you wanna be a braindead loyalist shill of the globalists too? MAGA amiriite?
With that attitude you're probably right
Supreme court appointments
So I have to drop Trump the second he does something that I disagree with otherwise I'm a globalist pawn?
Only if he dumps Kushner and the rest of the Neo-Cohens I can perhaps forgive all that if the Muslim ban gets upheld or the wall gets built or NAFTA gets scraped. But I'm not optimistic for any of it.
>When did he say he wanted to oust Assad?
His administration did right after they bombed a SAA airfield. Trump personally called him an "animal" and made vague threats if Assad did anything else. This is a complete 180 on his anti-interventionist stance from the campaign

He also insulted Russia for helping Assad

Better vote for Hillary 2020 then! She'll stop ALL the wars!
if Kanye runs he has all my support
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The lying scumbag can go fuck himself. I can't vote (since I ain't American), but I know a bunch of guys who can, not to mention shilling and meming.
>implying it's about one thing
>not the many implications of that one thing
Fuck, I knew Americans were stupid but you just take it to a whole new level. Fucking gas yourself, kike.
>Muslim ban gets upheld

It won't, king Nig nog made sure the filibuster wad not in place when he wanted his federal judges appointed.
No you don't have to. I didn't dropped him, I still support him. The thing is, I won't go "MAGA, Awoo!" everysingle fucking time he does something, specially something I dissagree with. I didn't though the whole 4D chess meme was ever going to bother me because I thought it was only a joke, but last week I realized there where people stupid enough to believe everything he did was a chess move and we shouldn't doubt him, sure most of them where probably from leddit, but it still pissed me off.
The worse is when they start saying shit like "I never liked Bannon anyways, he fucked up this and that, he didn't make Trump", etc. Instead of getting worried he might get the boot some start hating him just because Trump "might" fire him, it's bullshit.
>Russia feeling remorse that they can no longer control the candidate they wanted to win

man you guys got BTFO pretty hard
Only if he starts building the wall and doesn't cuck on deportations/amnesty. If he does, then fuck him. I'll take an honest liberal over a backstabbing conservative.
No, I won't vote for the pile of human garbage that is Donald Trump, anyone who was conned during his election campaign with edgy tweets and brash insults is also a brain dead faggot.

Wow /pol, who would have thought that a guy who has been sued thousands of times for not paying contractors isn't a good person, and therefore, wouldn't be a good president? It's almost like the populace of American lacks any critical thinking ability whatsoever and is swayed with 10 second sound bites from the (((media)))
Steven Mnuchin
Gary Cohn
Betsy DeVos
Elaine Chao
Jared Kushner
Ed Hugler
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>one thing happens that you don't like
>that one thing is defaulting on major campaign promises
>it actually wasn't one thing, the man's been lying and failing for a while
You're a fucking brainwashed personality cultist.
sorry I mean Alex Acosta not Ed Hugler

There will probably be three more SC replacements in the next eight years.
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I supported Rand, then Cruz, then Johnson and only voted for Trump after the Libertarians made asses of themselves and Hillary spent months proving to me that she had to be defeated at any cost.

So far my opinions on Trump are mixed; but overall positive. I really like him nominating Gorusch for the Supreme Court so that scored him a lot of points. If Trump fucks up between now and 2020 and the Dems run someone respectable (like Webb) then I could switch camps; but I wouldn't bet on it. The Dems seem hellbent on flushing themselves down the neo liberal toilet and I expect they'll nominate someone nearly as reprehensible as Hillary in 2020.
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the first 100 days arent even over ye--

fuck it Tulsis arleady won

Yes It'll make Liberals cry even more if we still vote for him despite him not doing anythign he promised desu

Can you imagine how butthurt they will be?

There are a few Dems I'd choose over Trump like Tulsi but the DNC is too rigged to ever let her take command of the party. They might give us Warren in 2020 but she's almost as bad as Hillary. I wouldn't put it past those cucks to make Booker the nominee and hail him as Obama 2.0.

Trump has had legitimate fuckups like the internet privacy bill, striking syria, and environmental deregulation but considering that the media only focuses on muh Russia and muh golfing I'm not too convinced it would have been any different with Hillary (probably would have been worse)
>gets elected
>walks back some of his key positions or gives tells that he's going to do so
>fills his cabinet with awful people

I'll probably still vote for him as long as he doesn't roll over on 2A issues. If he does, I won't bother showing to the polls in 2020 save for congressional elections and ballot initiatives. The shit thing is that the DNC are going even further off the deep end, so I basically have to vote for the Trumpster if I don't want to have my dick and balls cut off during government mandated privilege checking if the Democrats win.
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>I don't see a wall
>DREAMERS are still hanging around
>illegals are still getting food stamps
>It is cheaper for an illegal to go to a college in some states than an out of state American



>honest liberal
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>voted for a candidate with a sensible program; he U-turns the moment the elections are over
It's you guys who got BTFO - stuck with a globalist warmongering cuckservative. That lying fuck is your president, not mine. Russia will be fine: we got nukes. And if we won't, neither will you.

Too bad that evil schmuck proved to be on the side of them "animals who chop off heads and drown people in steel cages". We could've defeated ISIS and figured out the Middle East for real together.
I'll have to see if there will be any challengers. If Bannon runs (he won't) I'll vote for him instead.
Rome wasn't built in a day. We haven't reached the destination yet. But we have direction and we have movement and that's better than what anyone else has offered or delivered.
So tell me nihilist edgelord, who is /your guy/ and why
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It likely will if it goes to the Supreme Court now. The only problem is a) Ultra-Cuckservative Roberts and b) Kusher and the Synagogue of Satan are calling the shots now. It's 50/50 now if they go all the way now, because they might do it just to please the base and get - what should be - an easy win.
>anti environmental deregulation
>trump supporter
You ain't fooling anyone
What's funny is Kanye actually has a chance to win the Democratic nomination. He just needs to threaten to run independent if they don't allow him.
Kanye runs independent = Chicago and a few other black enclaves vote for him instead of the Dems, handing Trump a 2nd term
This is a similar tactic to Trump's threat against the GOP establishment right back at the start of his run where they were still talking about not even allowing him to run on their ticket. If Trump went Independent it would split the GOP vote, and therefore they had to let him stand. Kanye has already said he admired the way Trump ran his campaign, and thinks Trump is smart af.
Notice the shills are always leafs or Ivan.

This just confirms that we made the right choice. Keep up the great work!
I consider myself an Australian intellectual, and I've never heard of this place that supposedly has 200 000 people

Trump isn't actually a billionaire - its likely he has so much debt (from russians no less) that is the won't release his tax returns

Fuck no, not after all the retarted shit he's done.
America first, hurr hurr hurr we gon bomb syria now cuz wrld police and ivanka's beautiful babies.
Betsy DeVos is good. Public school teacher unions hate her, which means she must be a good thing for education
if you let yourself get tricked by that you're pretty fucking stupid
Fuck yeah, I mean he flip flops a lot but so do all these other faggots even without the microscope on his every fucking word he's still my favorite POTUS ever.

But I'm an educated white male with a decent salary so I'm basically untouchable. Things will either stay the same for me or get better... So far things have only gotten better. These whiny liberal faggots need to just get onboard if they're white - it's gonna be a great trip for us. Money will be made, spics get deported and nigs go to prison. The natural order...
If they're Jewish why aren't they wearing their jewhats?
I thought Dwanye Johnson was bald
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Yeah, sure, why not? Unless he does something completely retarded.
They're trying to blend in with the goyim.
>being this mad
Dumb stormfag.

I never had a problem with criticizing him, but you legitimately had people saying they were giving up on him like Paul Joseph Watson, that immediately had to damage control once they realized they fucked up.

The results of what he did really didn't change much in the long run, especially considering you had people claiming he was starting WW3. You have to consider: What would have happened, had he not done it? Abnormally large amounts of people would have been critical of him not doing anything about what the general public thought of as Assad gassing his own people (regardless of if he did or not), and they would have used that as a means of declaring him weak or incompetent, even unfit to hold office.

Ultimately he decided not to go into Syria, debunking the hyperbole that was being spewed the night of the missiles. So why are we dropping him?

Hello falseflagging shill

Trump is a CEO too, and was likely in contact with these people prior to ever considering running. Most of these are skilled people in their positions rather than what, random government officials and political personalities? Why wouldn't you want them there? Aren't they supposed to be good at what they do? I don't see how that makes them globalists by any means.

Honestly, it sounds like you're just butthurt because you're not getting the fair share of control that the MSM has claimed your country supposedly does.

He's done quite a lot in 100 days, you know there are 3 years and 265 days left correct? Even more if he gets re-elected and can accomplish more, which is what this thread was about.

I'm not saying he hasn't done anything wrong, but at least give credit where credit is due.


I know it's reddit, but that doesn't make it any less true.
Warren has no chance. She's less electable than Hillary. She'll have a nice little niche in the North East and a few enclaves like San Francisco, but Middle America would never support her
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why wouldn't I
You can't run for prez when you're in prison
Yeah. I'm not happy with some of the things Trump has done (moreso with some of the things he hasn't done yet) but the Democrats are still the worst people in the country. They still want to take our guns, slam open our borders, and a billion other things.
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Wow anon, great way to derail the conversation into the typical "Shill/ get back to rddit" shitfest that all Trump/US politics threads have derailed into in the last weeks.
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I thought we were going to meme kanye west into office
Trump's going to be the republican presidential candidate.

hard to say who the dems will put up, but chances are a dem president will put more shitlibs on the Supreme Court and Trump will put up far better choices.

Ruining the libtards power in the courts is more important than Trump doing some middle of the road shit

This is all conservative drivel, gun sales are at a decade low. People buy like crazy because they believe the hype and what happens? No one took them away

> Trump's going to be the republican presidential candidate.

You're a moron

wow really hot opinion you got there champ
Go fuck yourself in hell you piece of dogshit. This is the same horseshit we heard during the Obongo years, about how the nigger never wanted to take our guns, until he tried, and then it morphed into "well, he just wants reasonable gun control." It's the same card, played over and over again. Shove it up your commie ass and die.
I'm voting for whatever celebrity throws their hat in.
fuck no
It still showed us he is weak, at least weak enough to bend under extreme public preasure and a bunch of neocon generals. I shouldn't blame him too much because any normalfag would've done the same, thing is many though he wasn't a normie, but he is. If he had done nothing, it wouldn't have damaged his core voter base in the slightless, but by doing so he sacrificed a chunk of his base for some cheap and quick media praise and neocon appeal. It's scary to think he might do it again, which places his international trust at stake.
Unironically yes
All the
shit he's done

>with a t

move to turkey you stupid cuck, you'll fit in better there
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>I stand with ISIS.

>Trump dropping his campaign promises and siding with terrorists didn't change much in the long run.
>no wait and see option
into the trash it goes
I'm done with him.I shilled for him during the election but I can't support his current agenda.
Give me the third option of waiting how he turns up in 3 years until I decide.
I'm not going anywhere, faggot. And neither is Trump.
of course. he's a great man
you have to go back to your subreddit and discord faggot
Most likely, as the democrats are most likely going to try and have some abomination candidate that will try and be overtly progressive while at the same time being a Clinton Neo-Lib.

Also, Green party is insane and lolbertarians never have their head in the game
People just went in with way too high of expectations and expected him to get everything done in 100 days with no roadblocks at all. This could be because it may be a lot of people on this board's first election.
This is literally word for word the excuse they gave for Obama.
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nice copy-paste shill response, what made you go against him?
bombing an empty air field?
I don't give a shit about Obama. I didn't follow much after the 2008 election due to how infuriated I was that we elected that monkey, but if his supporters thought the same thing then my original statement would still apply then.
It is probably going to end up in more normies picking Trump in the next election while the outright anti-establishment sector goes back to not voting or voting lolbertarian.

The masses have been feed a lie that Trump is going to gas everyone in nuclear hell-fire and will user in WW3, meanwhile anti-establishment forces have told themselves that Trump is the messiah and will do everything he promised.
By then Trump will have been completely turned into a neocon shill by god's chosen people. I predict that this will.
Weak enough to take on both democrats and his own party?

Look at the Syria situation now, people are loosening up on him and it's starting to become apparent that America is the dominating force in the world again. They know we mean business, Not sure if you would care based on your location, but the point still stands. Overall I think it did more good than bad, no? If nothing else we at least got the reminder of what country is in charge here

Look at the link of the bottom of my post, did he not fulfill those campaign promises?

Do you not know how to open a link properly or something?

This is based on now

this means that normies will eventually warm to Trump simply because the bar has been set so apologetically low for him that he has no were to go but up, not to mention the fact that Democrats are acting like Republicans did post 2008 race
>Do you not know how to open a link properly or something?

Too lazy to copy it?
Look anon I just don't want jewish interests to be fullfiled. If Isreal support the attack on Syria then believe be it was a bad choice. As a general rule, anything Isreal agrees on or wants, we should do the contrary.
me right there even though I should have known better
>supported Ron Paul 2012
>thought Trump would be funny to troll dems with
>actually start to believe fervor around him
>now he's just Bush III
>fuck voting for that faggot in 2020
if he turns shit around and actually does what he said then maybe I'll give he another chance but for now fuck him
Don't forget the assault weapons ban of 1994, essentially a federal ban of AR 15s and other so called assault weapons that expired in 2004 (ARs were still legal to buy, just functionally made a lot worse, couldn't buy a configuration like you can today)
So Bill Clinton actually did make it illegal to buy a large portion of very popular guns in recent history, definitely not absurd to think they wouldn't do it again and go further with it if they (dems) could
I would consider someone else during primary, but if he's the nominee, I 100% would vote for him over any leftie. I'm so grateful Hillary didn't win.
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He bombed a random airbase in Syria and later said we aren't doing anything more there and that's as much as it takes for you to stop being a supporter? I'd understand if he was going on Twitter and saying "I'm gonna bomb the shit out of Syria and assassinate Assad" but that isn't happening.
Too bad you can't vote for a president that gets impeached
well to be honest I really voted for him just to troll liberals it wasn't until after the election that I really began to believe in Trump
Not recently at a federal level, but at state levels. Look up recent legislation in California targeting AR 15s and like. Only ones that can be sold now in CA require the upper and lower receivers to be detached to change the magazine, no button release - absurd regulation at state level. Lots of Californians probably pretty happy they fell for conservative drivel and bought a few ARs some years ago.
Thankfully some entrepreneurs in CA made tool to comply with magazine change regulations almost as fast as normal eject button, called patriot pin
No wsy. Trump is an idiot who makes us look bad. Like Bush did. But dumber.
I wish Trump cared more about the war in America than the war in Syria.
Have you done any research on this subject at all or are you just guessing and assuming no one will call you on it?
>throws tantrums
Trump is the biggest baby of them all.
The reinstatement of the Clinton assault weapon ban is literally a plank in the official Democrat Party Platform:


The official party, the DNC, the people who run the party, are telling the American people, in no uncertain terms and with no ambiguity, that they will push for an assault weapon ban when in power. And yet still you see these sniveling little moderate types try to apologize for that party as if it isn't in their official party platform!
I would actually vote this time, but I know he won't win my state. At least it'll be a vote toward the popular vote.

I wonder if he'll even want to run. I'm sure it's not as much fun as being a billionaire and not getting shit from trash people nonstop.
So what did obongo ever do to take your guns? Did you have an armed resistance to combat him? I must have missed it
This was after Trump criticized Obama for cucking Isreal in the UN. Netanyacuck was as exited for Trump as a virgin swede about to be fucked by jamal. If Trump said Hitler wasn't that bad, he probably would have said so aswell, wait no, he actually did.
>Hasn't started a war
Please explain burger. In detail.
I bet a lot of Americans in 1985 were happy they fell for conservative drivel and bought automatic guns before Reagan betrayed us and passed legislation banning the sale of machine guns made after 1986, creating artificial scarcity and driving the price of an automatic weapon way beyond what is attainable for most Americans.
Read up a little bit on the subject of gun control or leave the Internet you aren't helping. I'm no expert myself, but your claim that gun rights are not going to be restricted and the idea they might be is just conservative propaganda is easily refuted at federal and state level in recent history.
He is already running for 2020 tho.
Sounds exactly like the response someone would give had they said the same thing this time in 2015, or even 2016. Has the past two years taught you nothing?
Only if he wins the republican primaries.

But that's assuming the liberatarians elect a meme as their candidate
Hillary 2020
He didn't manage to do much damage because the Republicans in Congress stopped him. It's that simple. After Sandy Hook, he made a gun control push. It caused the buying panic. Go ask /k/ about that. What it was like trying to find intermediate calibers in gun stores. The NRA and Congress pushed back, and dashed their attempts to pass gun control legislation. And then Obama fell back on executive orders. He started hiding gun control EOs in Russian sanctions, limiting the amount of surplus ammo that could enter the country, and restriction variations of certain gun models. He even passed an EO that prohibited the importation of M! Garands! The GI issue rifle of WW2. It was a great embarrassment.

The moral of the story is, it had nothing at all to do with the Democrats' unwillingness to fight for gun control, they just got beat last round. Next round should be the same way, which is why voting Democrat is fundamentally bad for gun owners.
What state?
Yup they don't even try to hide it, anyone who thinks Democrats are even remotely pro gun is completely delusional
The first state.
>Democrats won't learn anything and will still push the whole "if you're white, you're evil" bullshit
>Green party is retarded
>Libertarian party is still a joke
Depends if he's running

well considering that I would never vote for a democrat, yes.
*Nobody can deliver the America first message and mean it.

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So far, no. He can still turn it around though. If there's not any physical progress on the wall by January 1st 2019, it'll be a definite no. He's been quite dissapointing so far. Obamacare was a trainwreck, and he's already broken a major campaign promise.
5 major campaign promises crashed and burned. That doesn't go unnoticed, plugs he's a total good goyim. His weekly address was about the Jews, then the christians
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Most likely. I really don't think anyone better will come along.
Explain how exactly Trump is any good for America
So far it's just Bush jr but rich
How are we gonna vote when he has a third term while fighting ww3
>I dont support him any more though but dont regret 2016.

I feel the same way. I don't regret a thing. The guy in the WH now isn't the same guy that spearheaded the MAGA movement.

riiight i forgot. that's what all the nork, syria, russia hubbub is for
Will leftists still be rioting and assaulting anyone who questions their beliefs?
I don't think there's been a single celeb that has actually done anything past "announcing a candidacy".

>Waka Flame Nigger
>Kanye 2020
>Latest: The Rock.
I think he's a genuine retard with 10 LUCK in his stats
Without a doubt.
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We'll be in Iran before August. And then we'll never leave the Middle East. Pic related is how (((they'll))) get us fired up. Not a meme.
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>The guy in the WH now isn't the same guy that spearheaded the MAGA movement.

That's BS and you know it
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By the time 2020 rolls around the liberals will be so far shifted to the left and steeped in unironic racial communism that even if the republicans ran a Deathbot who wanted to kill all humans, I'd rather vote for that than the leftist candidate.
Oh hell yes . Esp after he releases his tax returns in October 19 and it shows the same as the Madcow show !
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>Do you plan on supporting Trump in 2020?

>Already fixed SCOTUS
>rolled back hundreds of Obama EOs
He deserves reelection for these two things alone.

>will let obamacare dry up
>will start construction on the wall
If he does those two things I'll do more than vote for him, I'll volunteer for his 2020 campaign.
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>We'll be in Iran before August.

Screenshotting just so I can prove you wrong
Tillerson says Syria policy not changed and any strikes will only be in proportional response to chemical attacks. I'm satisfied with that as long as we don't send forces to overthrow Assad like Clinton and Bush/Rubio/McCain want.
I'm going Kanye.

Why not, might as well have some laughs until a proper Caesar shows up.
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The thing is that Trump really did do a 180 from his campaign promises and became a Jeb tier Neo-con Globalist. He was elected by the people to break the Washington machine, but within a single goddamn week he has become (((their))) greatest enforcer. Trump promised change, all we got was more of the same. If you want proof then read below.

1) Syria.

One of Trumps greatest campaign promises was to not meddle in international chess game bullshit and 'put America first.' Historically, the only thing the West has done to the Middle East is unintentionally train and equip Bin Ladin, ISS, and destablize the region while indirectly killing tens of thousands of innocents. Surely meddling in the Middle East yet again would lead to disaster... oh wait silly goy, Syria borders Israel! We have to keep Syria weak!

'Chemical attacks' hit some Syrian city and war daddy Trump immediately blames Assad. Newsflash, the last chemical attack was done by the rebels and there is no hard evidence of a new chemical attack besides muh facebook videos. But did lack of hard evidence stop America before, nope! Lets bomb the hell out of Assad and destabilize the country even more! Some of the bombs America launched even killed rebels, what a big fat mess.


>Trump before election: NATO is obsolete and only serves as a way for Europe to make America pay for military. It's a disaster.

>Trump after election: NATO is great folks! I can't make anybody pay their fair share and it's totally the same as it was before I got elected, but it sounds cool so lets keep paying. Germany has gotta get that rapeugee money somehow!
3) His views of other people and dismantling the Washington Machine

>Trump before election: Fed Reserve Chief Yellen is colluding with Obama and destroying the stock market! Yellen 'should be ashamed', it's a disaster. Also, my first order as president will be to conduct a special investigation of Hillary Clinton to expose her.

>Trump after election: I strongly respect Yellen and her tax policies. We don't need to change a single thing. Also I won't investige Hillary because now is a time where we come together instead of enforcing the law (you stupid fucking goy).

4) His Cabinet

His worst offence right here. They say you can tell the character of a man by the company he keeps, and his company is full of neo-cons, old bush adminstators, and J E W S. The only Alt-Right guy who helped Trump form his campaign and political ideals has been all but pushed out of the White House by Trumps daughter and (((son-in-law))). Oh yeah I forgot to mention, even though Trump detested cronyism in his campaign he brings in his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner with absolutley no poltical experince whatsoever as the senior advisor. Also Kushner didn't quit his businesses ethier, but don't worry there couldn't possibly be any conflict of interest silly goy. He, along with the other Jews and Neo-cons, sit in the White House all day and persuade him to break all his 'America first' campaign promises. Honestly Jeb probally would've got a better cabinet.

The list of 180s goes way beyond these four points, but hopefully now you can see that he is a different president from what he promised in his campaign. He went from proud Alt-Right Nationalist to Neo-Con Globalist Cuck. He isn't making America great again, he is oiling the Washington machine, fighting for Globalist agendas, and serving the Zionist overlords.
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No. Trump is a liar and a narcissist. He has abandoned populism and surrounded himself with GoldmanSachs globalists.
I voted for him thinking that he would break away from the TPP, protect my gun rights, and nominate a constitutionalist SCOTUS pick that would vote in favor of my gun rights. He hasn't disappointed so far in the least. As of now he has my vote for 2020, hands down.

t. stuck in commiefornia
Even if Trump gets tricked into an overthrow of Syria.... I'd still vote for gim just for the SCOTUS pick(s)
There's a few years left. Let's wait and see
that's for 2020 to decide.
as of right now though?
I'd support him over any liberal, leftist or Democrat candidate.
If the republicans or conservatives offered a competitive candidate to Trump I'd listen, but it's customary to vote for the incumbent, and our incumbent has been doing a DAMN FINE JOB
>pushing this hard the shill narrative to convince yourself that no matter how much Trump fucks up, he dindu nuffin
Jesus christ redditards really are autistic
No wall, China is good, silence on NAFTA, Zionist, praises niggers, ignores Whites, his cabinet is full of jews.

Ill pass on fat boy Trump, he wants to golf instead of help the people that put him in office.

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For sure.
Nope. I wouldn't trust him even if he said he wanted to cut all aid to Israel.
I'm waiting to see if he builds the wall. If he does, then probably yes, if not, then fuck him.
Whats the problem that needs fixing?
Aslo saved, just in case.
The only reason why I cared about him in the first place is because he wasn't option Clinton, so they only way I'll vote for him again is if the left fucks it up again and somehow picks someone on par with her.
I don't support Trump but I will probably vote for him because muh supreem court.
But what if he did?
>"Wishfull thinking intensifies"
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the real baby here is babby blumpf
kek I probably would. That's a message that is hard to resist. Odds are his opponent will intentionally be a shit, like when Romney vs Obama or Bush vs Gore.
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