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Rich kids of /pol/

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Thread replies: 336
Thread images: 52

Let's gather here and laugh at all the poorfags who think that their opinions on politics matter somehow. What are you sipping tonight?
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Poorfags cant get digits
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>mfw i get called a cuckifornian
>Rich Kids of /pol/
You aren't rich. Your dad is. Now fuck off faggot.
Even putting aside the fact that flaunting wealth marks you as new money, that bottle of Moët & Chandon kind of gives away the fact that the guy is actually a pleb.
The rich kids in your pic are the ones who end up broke ruining the family business/wealth
Rich people are jews and we must lock them up and seize the means of production
> flaunting wealth marks you as new money
this. only poors need to show.
>have every opportunity, cause daddy is filthy rich
>be a drunk lazy fatass
Makes me really think.
Sciencefags of /pol. Let's gather here and laugh at all the dumbfags who can't into dynamic systems analysis and who think that their opinions on politics matter somehow. What are you doing with MATLAB tonight?
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You are useful. At least in a non communist state
>greek thinks hes a rich fag
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha but seriously pay debnts
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>not buying bricks of cocaine

>poor rich nigga
this is usually because old money is so segregated from everyone else that there's no need to flaunt wealth

new money people still have a lot of connections with lower and middle class people and thus it seems like they're pulling rank
This is why Trump is so appealing from a populist pov. He's rich af, but his bling screams redneck who won the lottery.
All money is a worthless interest payment. Men don't need alimony because they work. You don't work. You would do homosexual alimony. You are a woman
honestly the only reason why we become engineers and lock ourselves in libraries for a decade, losing out on all the potential for fun and happiness outside is because we want money
Not even your Government can live without gibs
Nine gallons of poison and my lucre
>ends up like whitney houston
youre not rich faggot
It doesn't matter clammo
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>Washing your champagne


Learn from the Scandinavians
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i'm half german post-aristocracy family, dad's a lawyer, mom's a psychologist
>seize the means of production
>credit card
>not debit card

"Rich (Til' daddy's card finally bounces or you do too much E at a rave) kids of /pol/"
damn nigga tha'ts a good ass joke
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>tfw you're rich and talking to a poorfag and they can't relate to something you just said and you kind of feel sorry for them
If you're so rich then pay your debts already
I fucking hate poor people
Stinky, dirty, disgusting, they should all just die desu
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Is noone gonna bring up the fact that literally ANYONE can get an AMEX gold? is that supposed to be impressive? kek
Anyone else go to Aspen in the winters and Cannes or Ibizain summer?
I've seen that picture used in these threads before.
How bout you take one of yourelf?


Filthy rich people of old money try to be as discreet and low profile as possible.

I feel the exact opposite. Nothing against people who made their own money, but faggot rich kids will never know what real life is like outside their bubble. I can't take someone seriously who's like that.
Is that credit card supposed to be impressive? Maybe if it was black.
>Let's gather here and laugh at all the poorfags
I can live with that. Perfectly happy with a loving wife and kids.
Are you a woman with a stink vag
case in point. I saw a rich chink kid at my uni scream at a fast food worker and call him an idiot because the place didn't accept university dining dollars. If you're spoiled enough to throw a tantrum over a fucking sandwich, if that's somehow the biggest problem in your life, then I really can't even think of you as a man.
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Dear "richfag" do I need to remind you what happened last time?
Most people would be rich too if they never paid debnts.
encinitasfag here where u from
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Drank some Cheval Blanc earlier. Worth x thousands of dollars (it's easter).

Feels good coming from a family worth 100s of millions of dollar and I only have one sibling.

What is it like being poor?
>TFW I'm a poorfag with digits.

Guy in OPs pic is a faggot. I bet he's family just came into money.

You don't show off your wealth in that way. It's just tacky.
>I saw a rich chink kid at my uni scream at a fast food worker and call him an idiot because the place didn't accept university dining dollars.

He sounds like a potential supreme gentleman.

>tfw upper middle class master race
Same just cheaper.
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You're either
>living vastly above your means
>rich family

not gonna lie your life looks dope tho
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> what are you sipping on tonight
Probably the Ardbeg
Anyone here from a very well-off family that just gets annoyed when they see other rich kids always showing off their money?
My family worked their ass off for it, it would be disrespectful if i would just go and waste it.
>all these rp faggots pretending to be rich on an anonymous anime forum and talkng about new money like they have any
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I'm rich but I'm not a kid and I don't get any joy from laughing at poor people. So take this L and this (OP).
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In my $2400 / month apt going to professional school.

No roomate bc... ewww... why?
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>So take this L and this
>What are you doing with MATLAB tonight?
I'm not a sophomore in college so nothing
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Not even upset. Perhaps a bit jealous, but I can't do anything about it, so I won't bellyache too long about it
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Anyone seen Cash? I heard he's hard to reach...
can a poor father of two soon three get a handout? just wanna pay off retarded college debt
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Get on my level

>mannlicher stock

class, I wonder what kind of optic he has on that
I would rather be poor than live in Sweden
For sure, he was a manlet too. I regret not calling him a fag to his face.
I don't drink because I'm self-employed. Alcohol gets in the way of good decision-making.
>drinking soylent

the guy who made that is a fucking wannabe globalist freak and autist.

dystopian fiction is not meant to be an instruction manual
Cheval Blanc?
Ha! what an urchin!
>he doesn't use MATLAB to look at NetCDF data
It's an atmospheric physics thing
>over 9000
>make wrong turn into Beverly Hills
>LAPD billboard next to 'Welcome to Beverly Hills' sign announces they took in 15 people for violations today
>nope the fuck out of there
We also have houses in Switzerland and Jersey leaf. I'll be fine.
In Bulgarian money Poor fag

Drinking a 1963 chateau rothschild tonight, retails ~$5k in perfect condition.
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We don't have to know about little person problems. This is an asset. It allows us to focus on the ROI of our next investment.

Now shoo. Back to the fields, peasant.

You too.
Jesus I can't imagine what kind of retarded ass conversations go down in that break room
What is that like 86 real Shekels?
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who cares, you poor ikea somali peasant nigger.
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Fine choice my good man.
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>summer in Båstad
No, went to my uncles place in Majorca last summer though.
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>dystopian fiction is not meant to be an instruction manual

>no proofs

also that wine went bad 15 years ago
t. sommelier
try again poorfag
Only white people?
Nice try
maybe you should invest in condoms retard
Not even the black is impressive. If you don't get invited you can pay an "access" fee of like 5k usd to get it. What is impressive is a JPM Palladium card.
he got the idea from THIS MOVIE
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>>mfw i get called a cuckifornian
mfw you take a picture out of the parked car of your master
>rich family
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>kamratuppfostran at your boarding school
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Rich non-whites are still shitskins, "Greek"nigger
>tfw Alpine and loaded
Almost no niggers or sand niggers in Båstad. Too expensive.
Seven dollar bottle of costco prosecco. It's pretty fukin good.
pray viiking swedes

PS: why do all the whores in your country dye their hair? Is it any actual natural platinum blondes?
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>tfw i've seen you post the same pasta and pictures like a bot
There are ANY?
liquid LSD. youre a psychopath. you are more flawed than any sane poor man. You are not compatible with nature, make way for the inheritors of the earth, blind man.
>Public highschool
>2340 SAT
>Great college
>Math Major
>Student Athlete
>Graduate into consulting
>Make 100k first year out
>in 4 years went from free school lunches to a $60/day per diem
>Every little luxury is a major quality of life improvement
>2k/mo apartment in major city, sling major dick
>Thank god for every day I open my eyes

>Elite education
>First gay experience in prep school
>Took 2 years off between prep and uni to "travel" (snort heroin and go to edm clubs)
>$50,000 watches you could never afford yourself
>Repressing memory of walking in on your dad with the pool boy
>Got a dui charge dropped, parents took away credit card for a week
>Have to pretend to enjoy $1000 grape juice at easter formal while telling your dying elders about your poly sci courses at cambridge

I'm good man, keep your shitty swedish old money. I'll play some Bryson Tiller out my Mercedes and swoop your bitch if she's bad enough

>also that wine went bad 15 years ago

No it didn't

>t. sommelier

More like t. poorfag.
In the US, there is actually a huge number of people who could afford to live like that.
Upper middle class here. Budweiser
You aren't wealthy, your dad/parents are.
>still no proofs

nu-money detected

my wine cellar is worth more than your house
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Reminder that rich people do this because they're depressed as they already realize that money doesn't automatically make you happy. Even if it does, it wears off and you're back to the mentality of "grass is always greener". It's pretty funny to see. You're better off wondering what's up in the sky then going there and finding nothing, faggot.

I don't know whats up with swedish girls. They look good, but not one of them is really hawt in bed. There's something strangely off... some coldness or something. It's sex, but not even close to euphoric pleasure. They seem to be wrong in some hard to describe manner.
Have you ever pissed on the homeless from 12 stories up? It's actually hilarious, especially when they are gypsies swindleing people.
I'm poor and straight and i get digits sometimes
How does it feel when your girls prefer bbc over you?
I have 3 kids, 1 and 3 are 7 yrs apart. I had them at the time I founded my company and brought it to success. You can CERTAINLY tell the difference in . . . everything, despite the fact that we tried sofa king hard to make the youngest "normal." #1--which we had when we were lower-middle class is absolutely the best--salt of the Earth.

I grew up poor and now have money, money is great dude. Sometimes is nice to be flashy but these people never learned how lucky they are. Doesn't mean they are any less happy though.
Vacation or were you actually born there?
Medniggers should remember their place, when they try to shill Rome as something to be proud of
You think you made, delusional retard? Contempt middle class mongoloids like is the sole reason (()US))) is still alive
Fair enough so let me add one stipulation: no intelligent person will strive for wealth, achieve it, and find that it makes all of their problems go away. You can be an idiot and be happy in any walk of life.
I'm boatfag. I live on a small yacht most of the year. Home base in Fl. See 4plebs for details. I wrote them out once when I was on rareflag country and flaggots hijacked the thread and made it about this anon.
True, I dont even know how it works so good up there, must be aryan genes union (german, english, french, etc) in a new world. Here it is full of inferior muhamed south italians and indians, so not much whites, and the only are spanish (not very working but we have guts to fight, not like nordick cucks)
As a pretty rich person myself, but I used to deeply hate poor and middle class people.
Everytime I saw something disgusting it was almost always done by not rich people.
Everytime I saw something stupid said about politics, rich people, business, money it was always said by not rich people.
Not-rich people do nigger things regardless of race.
Now, my politics have shifted to be more catered towards the middle class whereas I used to believe that catering towards the rich in every way was better.
However, in my personal life, I am hesitant to trust not rich people.
watch me go nigger
>has to drink because his life is empty
well fug. meant
>There is something of the absurd in this composition. Having worked in such environments it was fascinating that such wretched souls could muster the will to commune with one another; rather recoil in mutual revulsion, nay horror.
amateur. now THESE are digits...
Greece nigger lol
>trusting anyone at all
That's your mistake.
I'm poor and I don't drink.
Isn't it because of acclimation?
I've found this to be true, even tho I'm low-tier "richfag"
Good that you work hard.

My parents and grandparents worked hard for what we have (so that our family will prosper) and I will continue to work hard. I'm studying hard and will work hard for my family.

Some of what you said is true and some is false (I'm not a faggot for example), but you don't know me burger. Stop being jealous.

>1 post by this ID

1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

1 post by this ID

Obvious bait
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What's up guys? Rich Dominican only here for college. Pic is the view from the top family yacht back home.

And yes, I'm not completely white.
Oh, and at my school (private), there was a good mix of rich people and middle class people about 50/50 with like 6 actual poor people.
Everytime you do something with poor people that shows money, they would self-deprecate about how they don't have any. It was annoying.
Also, sometimes poor people talked about how great the difference of a $40 thing vs a $20 similar thing would be and I used to be really confused by this. Like, fuck, it's only $20.
But most importantly, when you're rich, you can very obviously spot the difference of lifestyles. And sometimes you meet people that are actually good people but live in shit situations because they're not rich and it actually feelsbadman.
Just like whatever the exact quote from Assange was when Hannity interviewed him: "the best and worst trait of humanity is that we can get used to any situation."
How does it feel that your rich grandfa fucked her slave and here you are as an inferior half slave?
PS: I really hate you and your gay music, dominicucks
you call that a yacht?
Rural commiefornian here.

I'll be rich soon, my digitz confirm this.
That's not a challenge.
>be me
>trust fund baby
>own 4 cars by 18
>monthly vacations
>$25k/yr private school
>$300k lib arts degree
>took a gap year post-grad to pursue my shitposting career and learn how to craft my own cigars
>buy a cuban tobacco farm via canadian gf
>decide to go to law school
>another $300k pissed away
>first job out is $160k/yr atlanta biglaw
>burn out after 3 years and quit
>buy a dropzone and spent every day since managing it & jumping
>currently questioning having kids

comfy as fuck desu, would recommend being born not porn in your next life
>no AMEX Platinum

Gtfo shill
Let's suppose it's all his money and do a little math. The car itself is going to cost you 3k a month to lease after a 30k down payment. That neighborhood looks like Palisades, but could also be Malibu, Newport, or a bunch of other posh beach communities. A shitty house there costs 15k a month to rent.

If homie is independently wealthy and renting/leasing everything, he's blowing at least 20 grand a month without pulling out his wallet. On a year, that's 240 grand, after taxes. that means you're making about 280k a year just to afford your house and car.

More realistically, the car is leased but the home is owned, they pay 20k a month on the mortgage but that goes in the bank.To afford that sort of lifestyle you need to be making upwards of 300k. Factor in the clothing, dinners, auctions, family, prep schools, it's more like 500k.

Now I don't think a senior VP at paramount is shitposting on 4 chan, so it's either his shit son or some faggot who is renting a rolls and air bnbing a 5 million dollar house.
> Flaunting money you didnt earn.

Yep, you are most definately a prime example of a faggot.
not poor*
>I feel the exact opposite. Nothing against people who made their own money, but faggot rich kids will never know what real life is like outside their bubble. I can't take someone seriously who's like that.
Well you had better try, because they have the inside track on everything you dont.
are you white (non jewish)?
It says CHF right above the number stop embarrassing our country you fucking mulattoes
>sudaca chic
Explain this shit
That's the top senpai. The yacht has 3 bedrooms.

Both sides of my family are mixed. Both sides grew up poor. Stop projecting.
this street looks exactly like the one on gta
97% so (dutch/flemish/anglo) 3% cherokee
Any richfags can donate me some money?
Right now im smokin on a "My Father" and sipping some 18 year Glenlivet.

Pretty crap dexu xenpai, should have gotten something more peaty
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I would buy your digits, but I have mine.
I also hated whenever people said that my parents money wasn't my money, that my money was new money, or that I shouldn't flaunt my parents money.
That's actually the most retarded fucking shit. I've always, and will continue to see it as nothing but jealousy.
Though, I will say, many rich kids are stupid, boring pieces of shit that will never learn any skills and have boring and dull lives.
bullshit. It's not poorfags doing coke and having endless casual hook ups at uni.
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I ordered a burrito with double meat last night... Poorfags need to just give up.. right guys?
What are you paid in, free time?
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>greece flag

ha ha ah
for what, so you can give it to the government so the abbos can drink gasoline?
I base my life progress on how much I understand my field of study, not how much money I have faggot. Daddy's money won't help me understand chaos theory.
Can I get it in Paypal?
>Live in North-West of Florida
>Land looks alot like Arkansas
>Have a rich country-style family
>Live in a large cozy western horse ranch themed cabin home
>no fancy cars
>no big flashy lights
>live /comfy/ as fuck all day and night

feels good man
i was thinking the same thing
So i can take time off work to look after and raise my family

commie needs to go back.jpg
What are your parents politics like fellow richanons?

Luckily mine are conservative but my gf's parents are libtards.
>elite education

holy shit you are retarded
I feel bad for your family, who will give you a piece of the pie out of pittance
What a surprise.

You just made it clear the picture is not yours by being an autistic Bulgarian and not noticing

a) The letter is in German
b) The balance is is Swiss Franks (CHF)
>Being against effort
Actually you sound like the lazy degenerate commie
LONG LIFE TO SAINT SIMON, he was NOT a commie, just misunderstood ubermensch
Not flaunting anything. I'm an anon here.

It's not about me. It's about my family. When I have children they will inherit our families money and the values that made us succesful - strong work ethic, valuing education and owning what you do - not being a wageslave.

Some successful entrepreneurs there are skitskins - especially in the nightclub world, but they are ok for the most part. Also some of the girls are not Swedish.

But it's 98% not-skitskins.
Richfags how do I turn my envy into work ethic
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Who rich and secretly fascist here?
Its pretty easy to determine wealth based off watches, hth

pateks, etc. are nigger rich tier
rolex are new money
omega are old money
iwatches are for poors, kys if you've ever considered buying one
How do I become you
My dad is a conservative (free markets, low welfare, fuck Islam, etc). My mom pretty much follows my dad. They wanted Jeb though because they think Trump is crazy.

I have a cousin who's family is also rich, but she was a Bernout. Her dad donates to the Republicans.
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>tfw i'm a leaf with digits
I'll trust a poorfag who makes his own way in life over a bitchass rich kid all day long.

t. hiring director
You mean these?
I will leave everything for my kids, commie. Incl a library of 50,000 titles & 50 scientific periodicals.
you again? do I have to remind you that a bankrupted ''''nigger''' country like greece has better living conditions than russia? you are literally the indians of europe. lay off the krokodil ivan
I rich kid presumably wouldn't need you to get hired.
A rich kid*
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>american express
>amex gold means I'm rich

Well, shit.

I'm sipping coffee liquer on ice that I paid too much for.

Finished off a bottle of pretty good chianti earlier.
Honest question, why do poorfags reproduce? It just becomes a cycle
people actually believe guys Larping
The majority of rich kids get normal wageslave jobs.
Don't worry, you won't have a say in the matter.
I'm not larping.
Is no one going to check that flag?

Do people still check flags?

> omega are old money

Why rich people don't reproduce is a bigger question.
the only reason i want money is to get women
my Paypal is [email protected]
Please richfags send me anything i really want to help
Have more child then your pennis can, get as many white women as you can pregnat and i will forgive you (only do if you are white). Try helping development of science and white race. Compete against jewish pigs. Do good, dont be like this lazy degenerate niggers
Yeah, jobs that their family gets them. Or they work at the family business.
>Some successful entrepreneurs there are skitskins
Any list of names and ethnicities? I'm prepping for the DotR
Derivatives, burty enjoyable

An interesting counter-troll. New money vs. old. Maybe some pleb vs. blue blood, Nigel.
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Of course.

Dad is very conservative and mom mostly follow dad, although she's also a bit new age.

My grandfather was a nazi when he was young.
I think you mean THESE
Paying denbts
>not showing a picture with a time stamp
>I-I swear i'm not larping

sure kid
or these

I never understood people that think having a certain credit/debit card is a sign of being rich. It just looks pretty stupid to be honest.

If you want to be flashy, change this gold plastic card for an actual solid bar of gold of at least 10 pounds (~155K). Then I would be impressed.

Plus the gold Amex is a giveaway. Should be platinum or black
sut min KUKA
>make 100k first year out
I know your mad that some people grow up with more than others but does lying about your life on an anonymous image board really make you feel better? Wait I forgot everyone who browses 4chan is a software developer making 6 figures.
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I'll show a timestamp next month when I'm home. I'm stuck in a college dorm right now. You can image search if you want. Here's another from the boardwalk of the villa.

greece and russia are culturally welded at the hip you gigantic cuck. you clearly know nothing about living conditions in moscow, st pete, vladivostok, karelia, rostov, novgorod, etc, been to a successful family's country home, or how the upper class in russia lives the most luxurious lives in the world outside of dubai. next time, keep your mouth shut instead of embarrassing yourself by comparing who has more suffering whites in poverty . moron
Opinions on nepotism rich fags? Guilty? Dont care?

Personally I think if you're born into a wealth family its your duty to keep or increase that wealth.
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>Tfw have one of three bottles of dandelion wine my father made ~15 years ago
>still saving it for wedding day

luv ya dad
not mine faggit


more related to culture, here in bananistan we still have kids

i never understood this instant gratification mentality, that's why the jews are fucking you night and day.

by no means a member of the negro persuasion here, silly boy
>implying your going to get married
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>I'll play some Bryson Tiller out my Mercedes and swoop your bitch if she's bad enough
La Jolla is for our fags.
Encinitas is for Mexicans
del mar is master rich race
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im an env consultant that mainly does ust removals, phase i's, and asbestos surveys! and i make a cool $42k because i got switched to hourly instead of the to-be-decided min salary of ~47k!
don't give a shit, nepotism is a basic fact of human life and will always exist so long as the family unit exists. i've taken full advantage of it and suggest anyone with that ability do the same.
No, I'd say the majority of people who are remotely wealthy get something completely irrelevant to what their parents do even if their parents own a business that they could work at.
Well, in some cases it actually is.

An AMEX Gold is pretty easy to get if you aren't financially destitute, which is why my comment was very tongue-in-cheek.

However, having an AMEX Centurion means you likely have some good cash flow.
>You can image search if you want.

that means nothing when it's easy to make pictures you copy non traceable

>I'll show a timestamp next month

confirmed larper lol. How bad is the neighborhood your one bedroom apartment is at?
>talking about poorfags
prove me wrong,
Nah, you get invited to pay the 5k. It's about as exclusive as the palladium
That's not my experience. Could be though, idk.
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Rich people are true Master race. All world's rulers and people that make world go around are rich.
If you are poor you are slave/peasant/underclass/servant/ etc...

Makes you think
>be me
>20 lower middle class
>works 50 hours a week
>goes to community college

Yeah I'll never be rich
There is nothing wrong with helping out your family members.

Not helping out your family, or giving away your families money, is cucked.

>Personally I think if you're born into a wealth family its your duty to keep or increase that wealth.
I agree.
how many kid have you got, then, sir??
PS: jewish isnt white

at least get a bitcoin address, if anyone donates to your embarrassment it will be public


we have to outjew the jews
lol lets all larp as rich fags even tho we're all in our mid to late 20's with shitty careers. I make 20 an hour, 15 hours a week overtime, move half a pound of bud a week and still feel broke. 2300 a week and i feel broke. money will never buy you happiness. until i win the lotto and never have to work again then maybe...
Ok, so don't believe me then. It's not my fault I'm not there right now. I have about 10 more pictures, but you'd probably still call me a larper out if jealousy.
Very true. It's also just typical Jew York flaunting. Jews don't do this because they don't want people to look into why or how they have their money. Trump knows all his is legit so he doesn't give AF.
Nope, these.
Dream it up boys.

We all know.
That looks like a modified Chrysler 300 with the Rolls Royce Body Kit put on.
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Oh hey look, if I post:
>Get digits, hur durr
Then that means I'm blessed by kek, that's not how it always works out.
Being rich doesn't bring happiness true but its better than being dragged under water by bills, taxes and rent worries.
>I also hated whenever people said that my parents money wasn't my money, that my money was new money, or that I shouldn't flaunt my parents money. That's actually the most retarded fucking shit. I've always, and will continue to see it as nothing but jealousy.

Honestly this, it's the most stereotypical poorfag or new rich insult. No its not my money, its not my father money, it's the family's money. It's not something to be spent according to who 'owns' it, it's an estate which is stewarded from generation to generation.

That's how money becomes old money. Smdh at you faggots who don't get this.
kek is for poorfags, thoth blesses those of us rich enough
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>Being this triggered by obvious trolling.

How poor are you, faggot?

Thanks anon.
Good post. Don't forget money make no sense, if bloodline is not pure Northwestern
Hey it's life man, and i know us poorfags say this all the time, but life isn't just about money. I don't know why others need to rp as richfags to feel good about their life, that's who deserves that gif buddy.
>I have about 10 more pictures

who cares about the pictures your taking from the internet lol

>but you'd probably still call me a larper out if jealousy.

I'm calling you a larper because you haven't given any proof. Every time someone comes on here saying "rich fag here check out these pics" they always end up being some poor fag whos trying to bring meaning to their life.
Can you start funding Fash orgs? We need a Fascist George Soros

this brit is based
You don't have to be fully white, you just have to be whiter than the majority of people in your country
You can tell he's either larping or nigger rich new money based off his incessant need to "prove" himself.
>but life isn't just about money
it's more like "life is about gettin that money". learning investing, retirement, basic stats, mortgages, p/e, budgets, etc...it's like a real life MMO.
I am a jew.
Whyyyy hasent anyone donated to mee
Whatever gasses keeps the tire inflated. But seriously, it can get out of hand some times. Remember that "Geert will rule the world get"?
Sometimes they can just be raw mathematical chance, and in doing so, actually ruins the quality of the board.
pulling my kinda tricks goy
Like I said, don't care. I'm not there right now, I'm stuck in a college dorm. Even being rich can't physically let me teleport to the family villa in the Caribbean. I can post
my 3 black cards, my bank in Dominican pesos, all of that shit, and you'll still call me larper.
Who cares? Let the plebs have their distractions.
What's the average iq of a richfag?

fucking poor are programmed by jews to think money = life as in a tv commercial.

then if they ever get some money, they immediately spend it.

There's loads of documentaries of rock stars, movie stars, athletes that get a little money, then go broke.

Daddy's money is YOUR money is your kids money, you fucking retards.

Read Bill Bonner, faggits.
This x1000. Moet is entry level peasant champagne
I like how they always have the same excuse. " I can't show it but just believe me guys!"
depends on how many dextroamphetamines i've taken on any given day
Kek does it make you mad knowing almost all of America couldn't locate your capital on a map, because they don't give a fuck Ivan, stop trying to be edgy

Being this assmad you're a wageslave
That's the same kind of attitude that allowed the Reddit faggots to become a permanent fixture on this board.
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>Dad is very conservative
Socialkonservativ eller bara ekonomiskt?
>mitt ansikte när folk fortfarande ser sig som Moderater med deras nuvarande öppna-gränser rasmixande kvinna som partiledare
>Even being rich can't physically let me teleport to the family villa in the Caribbean.

BS. I know guys that fly to other states for parties. If you're middle class then just say so man lol. there's no need to pretend
>calling me a wageslave

Now that does ruffle some feathers

This. I was scrolling because someone had to mention amex gold is not special, they literally give them for free.

Now amex black? That's status.
I learned that the hard way. First pay cheque of £1200 and I spent it in a week. Had to eat tiny bread baguettes and drink it with soda water for a month.

Never again. Don't be a tight ass but save money properly.
Pay debts...
with bitcoin it's very easy to prove it
>I'll play some Bryson Tiller out my Mercedes
Saying this ruined the rest of your post
Yeah I'm gonna fly 5 hours back home to the Dominican Republic during the semester just for a party and then come back the next day. I actually have school work to do.
>rich kids

well underages are not allowed here
How do you save money richfags? Currently doing the 50/30/20 method but thinking I should go to the bank and get a saving plan set up.
personally prefer python over matlab....numpy, scipy, and tensorflow are great
digits say Jesus will deliver me from poverty and assist me into turning my life over for the better and being blessed.
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>assuming i'm a wage slave
I know that new money doesn't understand how to manage time, but literal lol at this fuckin response.
So close, poorfag
MATLAB is a glorified calculator
>Don't be a tight ass
Literally nothing wrong with squeezing out every penny. Look how well it works for Jews.
Daily reminder that this is communist agitation.
Daily reminder that Greece is being pillaged and raped, and all the Greek commies can do is say 'w-well we're the r-refugees of Europe... h-heh,' as their girls get pumped full of syphilis in broad daylight on uni campuses.
Daily reminder that decades of spineless, post-civil war commie butthurt and Slav fetishism has left Greece totally enervated and powerless to resist even cockroaches like these.
Daily reminder that every Greek commie, every Greek anarchist is a useful idiot for the simpering Western retard tourists and their front NGOs, who make it impossible for Greek authorities to even know who is in the country.

Erdo will eat your soul, Nikephoritzes.
What do you guys consider rich? I'd say 5 million total net worth.

I love Chile. When Japan, America and the EU come crashing down due to the (((debts))), Chile will become master race. No debt at all.

We bought a nice apartment in El Golf, Las Condes... Though we still invest in Brazil... it's got too much (((debt))).
2-5 million if house is not included
At least 10 million with house.
My wealth manager oversees my trust, I'd recommend getting one.
no worries burger, pray helps.
Not exactly the same as flying to a different state bro.
>Not paying people to do your work

lol dude the more you talk the more you come off as a poor fag

Live below your means, always. When poor, when middle class, and when rich.

Flaunt your money with care... some people deserve to see the gold as an affront. Most people don't.

Basically, outjew the jews.
You can have mine

Han har länge röstat på M, men har bytt till SD nu. Är väldigt förbannad på M.
Nice larp faggot
Oh, you're flying commercial aren't you lmao
You're kidding right? Why the fuck would I pay someone to do my own school work? I'm here to actually learn chemical engineering.
Ok, thanks for letting me know you're just fucking around.
threads like this make me favor the edgy communist fucks

you won't be spared when the day of the rope happens to niggers,kikes and muzzies
>tfw was just able to save enough money to turn back on my electricity and cable after a medical emergency

C-can I have some cash, rich anon-sama?
Upper middle class quadriplegic here. Probably about 500k€ in family assets and investments, and 1.5 million of including house

We're all good. Tight family
28 and base 130k. Not rich by any means but fine for now.
numpy, scipy is much better than matlab. Python will connect to everything one can ever need.

5 is the start... an amazing book is "the high-beta rich", and he puts 5 as the start, in "lower richistan".

Another crazy thing... americans don't have houses, they have (((mortgages))). Even when they can settle... wtf is up with that?
>not having a private tutor teach you while doing your work

just admit it man you're middle class or lower.
>outing yourself as a poorfag

You might be "rich" by dominican standards, but a nigger on food stamps in the states has twice the annual income that your average countryman has kek. You're upper middle class at best.
where you from in the States? 10m without the house? I'd think that's the rich of the rich.
what would you say is rich (total net worth) in Brasil?
>You're upper middle class at best.

this is most likely it. he's posting a one time summer vacation and acting like he's Richie rich
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>reading this thread
>remember I make $18/h driving a forklift
New York. I only say this because most "millionaires" in the US are worth that much because of their houses. I really don't think a money sink like a house should be counted as an asset.

Americans don't pay for anything. Everything is on credit and they consider themselves rich.
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This isn't facebook, Irwin. This isn't where you show off your things to rouse the tax man.
If extreme poorfag, it actually makes sense- can use offspring as additional labour
wow bro is that the phantom?

15mm R$ or more... around the same. Again, that's the beginning, a lot of ppl have way more.
>tfw not rich
Feels bad man
Bra, låter som en vettig karl.
Var själv högervriden sosse när man var ung och dum (när Göran P avgick var det förstås över med det), men då är man Norrlänning också vilket gjorde M ungefär lika aktuellt som KPMLR.
Tacksamt nog så börjar SD göra insteg här också nuförtiden. (tyvärr inte snabbt nog att S fanskapen inte hinner besudla hela landskapet med deras husdjur från tredje världen)
Thread posts: 336
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