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Thread replies: 309
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>be a nice old man
>walking home with groceries for easter dinner with the grand kids
>live ur entire life not bothering anyone
>nigger decides to end ur life with bullet to head randomly because he lost money gambling
>CNN covers up for him

Is America literally a cucked nation beyond the point of no return?
>nigger killing people

how is this news
Fuck off Canada you have no room to talk.
That congoid is fat.


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>faggot leaf using up space on the catalogue

Kill yourself.

I just saw it. They posted his black face. Full beard, prolly muslim
>That flag.

Don't throw stones when you're living in a glass house.
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Find rope and swing from it.

What is not right is the amount of White people dying and no one giving a fuck, you small dicked chink.
>describes literally anyone

Also, CNN is MSM corporate garbage. Anyone who believes they are journalists and not actors reading scripts is legit retarded.
Jesus christ
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I can corroborate
for reference this is my 5'8" 240lb body. If that nigga is 6'1 and as fat as he is he has to be close to 300

how specific, they coudn't round up one pound?
>He does the 360 after he shoots

Doesn't count
Lol because white people never did anything remotely like this before bahahahaha

American - A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

Webster's Dictionary 1828.
The stock silhouette is that of a white man.
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the stretch marks on your belly are super cute
haha so funny
here have a replie
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Quit lying you dirty leaf. That image next to the description clearly shows a black person.
fuck cnn and fuck niggers.
I- don't know why I have them. my belly doesn't even stick out
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God damn Straya, please never change
blood looks fake as fuck, isnt it supposed to be a much deeper red and well
less of it?
Disgusting animal. Kills a defenseless little old black man walking home from the store. Fuck this gay earth.
the portrait next to the text shows a black guy
>CNN redpilling blacks

Why is no tv station following this?
the guy is not white

CNN did release race
Ah, like a secret code.
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joy lane

If anyone asks you to explain the difference between a black person and a nigger, show them this video. I hope this old-timer is avenged, something fierce.
Cuz he a good boi, he dindu nuthin
They literally just showed his face on CNN 2 minutes ago and called him a "afro-american"
They showed his pics because the cops asked them to
No and no

Bright red blood is oxygenated blood, could have hit an artery flowing out of the heart, or the heart itself. How much you bleed depends on where you get hit.

It could be fake I guess, but I highly highly doubt it. The way he collapses and the blood itself looks very real. I've seen a lot of death but this is one of the more unsettling ones for me. It's pointless, it's inane, it's horrible.
>live ur entire life not bothering anyone

you really think that old man never harmed anyone in his life? he could've served a 50 year prison sentence for raping a white toddler to death when he was a kid for all you know.
Fresh blood is bright
>I- don't know why I have them. my belly doesn't even stick out
Because you sit down for prolonged periods of time in weird positions, I'm guessing with your legs up.
Confirmed genuine.
Only one victime found.
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And i swear thats the exact term they used.
Nigger criminals dont survive to old age.
Evil nigger
>Is America literally a cucked nation beyond the point of no return?
canada would just clear him of all charges and make up shit about the elderly man just to try and make the nigger a dindu noffin
Jesus, killing an old guy, he went past nigger he is just an animal.
On the police scanner they said at least 3 so far.

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Steve Stephens
Oxygenated blood is bright red normally arterial. Darkened red is from veins or organs and is less oxygen rich. So yah, bright red is dead or fatal in most cases
blood boiling. I hope this cunt gets raped to death in jail.
> convienently ignores that they showed his picture directly after that

They showed the police tweet+picture while the reporter (who i don't know) wa S discussing it. It was up for atleast 45sec faggot.
>Is America literally a cucked nation beyond the point of no return?

If we were, Zimmerman would've been found guilty.
He works in a mental help facility
link to a virus?
My sides, they've literally whited this image. Fucking hell.
>could just release HD photo of nigger with maybe 5-10 lookalikes in the entire country
>noo lets give this vague description that matches like hundred million people in America because reporting about niggers doing crime again is too racist
i juss snapped know what i mean nigga? juss fuked up n snapped das all playa!
Yawn. Not even (You)ing it.
i thought kimbo slice was dead>>121422737
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>wanting this /r9k/ tier piece of nigger trash to survive long enough to see the inside of a jail cell

I hope the last thing he hears before he exsanguinates is a cop saying the name of this old man.
Hey idiot. Theyre showing his face. Stfu
Fucking noob
>be nice old man

You mean A FUCKING NIGGER SUBHUMAN ANIMAL. He's not a man and this is just typical behavior for subhuman chimps.

>she got lupus
You are quite fat pal.

240 at 5'8 is probably closer to obese.
>CNN refuses to refer to him as black

I think because it's jut assumed?
Because you weigh 60 pounds more than you should

My point exactly. The old-timer is a black man who paid his dues. The shooter is a no-good nigger.
>tfw 5'10 and 220lbs but look twice as far as you

Fuck, I really need to start going to the gym.
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The shooter is Sam Hyde. He is trying to kill 32 people for his 32nd birthday.
fugg :D
bro thats murica youre talking about.
they plaster his face on every news channel, find him quickly and probably shoot him during the arrest.

in good ol cuckmany they would withhold his pic for 2 weeks before releasing it as not to infringe on his right to privacy
It's ok Trump will blame on mexicans
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This makes me mad fucking coward i wouldn't care if it was a teen or middle age but cause he's old you know he literally didu nuffin

He's a big guy
yeah I know I weight a lot but at most I'm just a little doughy in places. It's not like I have a big protruding gut or anything for me to have marks all over it. Its on my arms too and they aren't that big
By bmi you are about 40-50 lbs overweight.

Probably aim for 190 with a considerable amount of muscle and you'll be in good nick.
Yeah you carry it well to be fair.

Still a lifestyle adjustment would be worth pursuing, even just cutting back a little.
This is the face of a killer
this is a perfect example of the two.
wow. That's insane. May as well say, "we know what he looks like, but fuck you"
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TV stations probably wony report he's black in a majority black region because he's black in a majority black region but the written report mentions his race
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stop getting away with it
it because you are part tiger grrr

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I swear, some of you are just as bad as CNN.
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you are like me and I cant fight with the best of them because when I hit u it hurts.
Depends on frame size. You can measure distance between the protruding bones on either sides of your elbow (angled properly) to measire that. He has a large frame it looks and reasonably muscular so not that bad, just needs a bit of cardio and cut out sugar/trans fats.

Also fuck that nigger.
Yeah, that's my objective. I've already lost 50lbs since last summer, but I've been too self-conscious to go to the gym. So I've been doing exercise at home every morning, which has been good enough to lose weight, but probably not to really build muscles. Or maybe I just have too much fat to really see progress, I don't know.
The nigger literally broadcasts his face on FB livestream and CNN still shows a blank generic pic as if he has not been identified.
show us your dick
>Sam Hyde is 32
I thought he was 26 tops. Superior Aryan genes
>tips hat
I've even noticed my local news leaves out the suspect's race now, what the fuck is this bullshit?
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races are a social construct that only exist in the mind of a racist.
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Losing weight isn't the goal. Losing fat is. If you're doing exercise, you're building muscle. Unless you are at a net deficit in caloric intake after the energy spent exercising, then you'll lose fat.

Get a scale that measures body fat percentage. They aren't super accurate, but it'll help you monitor progress better.

I'd also suggest downloading a calorie-counter like myfitnesspal or something on your phone. Works wonders.
it's news because mass shootings are usually not nigger crimes. They usually shoot each other to fragments in da hood yo dog yo yo dog knawmsayn, not randomly in public like this. The character of this crime is unusual for the breed of human that he is.
animals never do this
humans, especially "black humans", do
Her name was joy lane
you can take the nigger out of the jungle but you cant take the jungle out of the nigger. Just because the nigger that got shot is old and senile doesn't mean its anything you make it out to be.
>niggers making shit up


you are not 240lbs lol, I'm 6'3 240lbs and still look fat. you're probably 5'6 too
Why the fuck would someone do that?
Most mass shootings are gang shootings, but they are not counted as mass shootings, for (((reasons))).
50lbs is a good shift man.

Get to the gym, once you get over the first few times you'll realise no-one cares and you'll start to love it. You're big so you'll be strong as well.

Good luck either way you've come far already.
this is the description reported by police, word for word.
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Vanilla is a very, VERY strong flavour. If you put in so much that the ice cream became black, it would be fucking inedible.
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>Is America literally a cucked nation
>beyond the point of no return?
no this is
Looked like a harmless old lonely man on easter to me

I like how there was just a call of a black man with a beard attacking a woman in her home, but it was a different violent black man than the other shooting suspect.
His skin color doesn't fit their agenda and they probably want him to kill more p for a better news story.
I hope he suffers.
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People like this should be blinded in thrown into a lion pit.
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Shoot you're right!

I am very powerful, I have strong muscles I think is why
Wrong. It's because it's on Facebook live streaming and the last two times it was on the news niggers were gangraping.
CNN is only reporting because they sort of have to if everyone else is reporting it.
But yeah CNN takes their lefty social justice shit seriously.

its "news" because the berkeley shit from yesterday antifa psyop did not turn out the way the gov wanted.

so now its boohoo for niggers acting like niggers.
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>be americuck
>get shot
Shut up you dickless shrieking gun control shill

Burgers are not the issue, that nigger is. That nigger gotta explain himself and justice served.
I am so mad, right now.
social justice has fucked this world completely
In country I had the pleasure of seeing a headshot up close. Thank pink is his grey matter mixing with blood.
I'm hoping the next person he targets is smart enough to have a CCW on him. Plant a .380 right in his eye socket.
the police released a picture along with it, which cnn also showed.
I like how /pol/ is spinning this as an immigration issue instead of a gun control issue
too bad this nigger didn't find a CNN anchor to shoot instead.
CNN is fake fucking news

I cannot wait until more people wake up to realize this
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call him
why do you have to make everything about fucking skin color

kek, don't even list the race. IT COULD BE ANYONE!
15 people killed?
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I'm gonna do it guys.
Zimmerman strikes again! He can't keep getting away with this!
No one's spinning it as an issue except for you and that faggot from the Netherlands. We just want this asshole caught so he can stop fucking murdering people.
The phone appears to be off. I called 16 min ago and got busy signal, 6 min ago I got message box full.

Probably took him a while to realize they could track it.

So he went from Nigger to Religion of Peace

CNN dun goof'd the narrative
You mean this could be an high IQ nigger?
Wew. Spicy developments.
Lived in very black neighborhoods my whole life and your statement is wrong. Blacks over 50 were good citizens - they worked, were respectful, dressed professionally, went to church, and held family units together. It's only since the 60s civil rights movement that you see the gangs and degeneracy
Text him racist photos
This rustles the fuck out of my jimmies.
>Most mass shootings are gang shootings, but they are not counted as mass shootings, for (((reasons))).
like how most terror attacks are commies and atheists but not considered as such for (((reasons)))?
>Is America literally a cucked nation beyond the point of no return?

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I've been using a calorie-counter since a month and a half in, you're right, it helped me tremendously. Realised how much I ate before.

Thanks for your advice, I'll look for that kind of scale.

Thanks a lot. I'll try to get over my shame.
what in god's cock

If this murdering fuckshit isn't a Muslim, I'll eat my own cum
Kek this
Also links to pol
I called and said: "I just call... to say... I looove yooou"

He cried, I cried, we hug each other and he stopped killing people.
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>mass shootings are usually not nigger crimes.

2 minutes with google search disproves this.

Anecdotally, come back later for the nightly CPD Scanner thread. The only thing slightly unusual is niggers hitting where they are aiming.
We know you'll do it anyway Shinji yo
> Edgy deutcher
Why do you even hate niggers? You're fucking Dutch. Smoke some weed and let us relevant flags figure it out.
>shoot old man
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
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Unfortunately as a California citizen, living in a conservative neighborhood, in a sea of libtards, I can definitely tell you, the cuckfucks have thourooughly surrounded the last survivors men on earth with actual brains.
i-it's the thought that counts
excellent bait, you got four retards
Gets more attention. Just like the guy who shot a reporter on live news AND filmed it himself with his cellphone.
Which they whited up so much. They can't accept it was a black guy! And they didn't say"black" they said "afro-American" stop spreading misinformation.
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ID the cap? Vet cap?

Imagine someone killing your grandfather like this, get mad.
You must be built as fuck. I didn't believe your original post. I'm 5'8 and 150, heaviest I've been is 180 and I can feel the blood pumping in my armpits when I run because shit is so crammed under my skin at that weight. I have no clue how you can do 240 is the gist of my post I guess.
can they just go exterminate blacks already?
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Hi Guys.

Were looking for a guy called Steve

Last seen in a polo shirt

Driving a white SUV

>pic related silhouette is obviously what he most likely looks like

Its fucking insulting at this point kikes.
No. Camouflage OSU hat.
muscle is denser than fat
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It's a Cleveland Indians hat
he likely hit an artery since the blood trail looks like it literally sprayed out his neck during his fall
No it's Ohio State.
>Steve Stephens
His parents could have named him Jaekwond'elle and it would have been an improvement t.b.h.
It's just the University logo of the state, with a camo backround. Everyone wears cloths with their state/city Uni logo.
It's this hat.
it's just an ohio state university cap
Goddamn animal
At my college the blacks demanded that the campus police leave the race of the suspect because it "causes hatred."

It just so appens that our campus is in the middle of a ghetto. It's always a black guy that robs someone.
> implying Afro-American is any different from African American

Do you want them to say negro or nigger?
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Nah he's right you can see OHIO on the visor
I want them to say black male and show his picture without making him look "white" or, more accurately, Islamic.
So far it seems like it's just one body, that makes it worse in my eyes. He wasn't in a murderous rage when he killed the old man, he only did it to show off for facebook nigglets.

Damn, a humble burger. That's a first.
>Innocent black man killed by a fucking nigger vermin

Hope he gets burned alive in all honesty
They actually are showing his picture on cnn, they just white washed it a ton.
I'll never be a 6'1, 244 lb black man. Why live? I seriously hope the police find him before he hurts others.
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They don't actually want him captured. That's why they are not assisting with image.

They are on his side, they want him to kill more whites.
Looks like blacks being black to me
Looks black in the picture
Pizza inbound
Mass shooting isn't even a definite legal term. It's a term the MSM made up to portray whites as just as violent as blacks.

You think when there's a big gang shootout, 3 dead, 9 injured, it's not a 'mass shooting'?

tfw 6'4" (193cm) at 195lbs (88kg)

fucking fat asses smdh
(((white))) vehicle, no black, dark, nigger or whatever
Because the dumb nigger aired it on the Internet and that's usually rare because even most niggers aren't that dumb
The old dude was just walking around though.
>kill more whites
repeat that statement to yourself until you realize your mistake

Its just CNN

Even the CPD posted his pic

its on many other sites

are there people who watch CNN and only CNN
They said Afro-American..
You do realize they have the same meaning in this context, right?
Then another black shot him, this is what they do all the time.
Guess this doesn't apply anymore, huh?
Well it is an immigration issue
Without the niggers this would not have happened

And there's nothing else going on until shit hits the fan with NK
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He jus' misunderstood.
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BMI 36 - Obese and well on the way to Morbidly Obese
Fake link
I'm 6' and have a similar build. I'm 205.
Calling bullshit.
Then we would have known his name by now
Just becauae fit ran you off lanklet doesn't mean you can shit post here.
When will Obama cry about this on TV?
Arterial bleed, shots in the head can also cause bleeds like this.
when a dog gets rabies it gets puts down, you don´t talk rabies out of him
me before:
>black guy approaches
>wary but friendly

me now:
>black guy approaches
>*runs away*
>claims to have killed a dozen people
>only releases proof of one
Anyone else think this might just be another fake?
If he was rolling around in Cleveland and shot 14 people this would hardly make a bump in their daily shooting numbers.

Shit he could have done this every day after work for a year and they probably wouldn't have caught him if he hadn't chosen to live stream it, that's how ganged up that town is.
Literally this
Can someone give me a tldr on what is happening with the nog?
Fucking savage, this nog deserves cartel style execution.
A .380, just what kind of limp wristed faggot are you?
You're no more than 200 fag
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>guy gets jilted by his favorite roastie
>live streams the murder of an old man
>claims he's shot 13 other people today
>gives out phone numbers
>anons have tried to call, phone now unreachable
>black man spotted on foot minutes ago in cleveland, report claims he shot 20 times at a man
>soon he will be dead and the media will do their best to move on
>trump will speak on this, making it impossible for the media to walk back
just another day in the usa
>don lemon is shitting his pants right now, knowing he will have to justify this black man's anti-negro rampage
>"I know, let's tweet about SNL, that is news because it was on TV last night!" he thought as he popped his third antidepressant that hour.
CNN at its finest https://twitter.com/PhillyD/status/853749589987401728
>be croat
lol just kys already
anything to distract from that fact that it's a black alleged mass murderer
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its easy to justify.
>The man was crazy, he had health problems and didnt get the good meds cuz he was blak and he didnt do nuffin. Poor man, all bcs of this racist system.
Man, you sure know a lot about justifying being black
What's your secret, Argentina?
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What the actual fuck.

I hope the shooter gets what's coming to him.
That image is not a terribly accurate representation, I'd go so far as to say it's intentional misrepresenting itself.

The first "3" categories, from 3-12%, are all roughly the same category of 3-6%.

From 15-25% is roughly your 10-15% area.
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>old man heading home to enjoy he snackus he just bought
>gets shot
I already showed it's true REEEE!! >>121428182

I am very strong and powerful
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good luck with the sand niggers
Fuck you, us Americans are literally the most humble people in the world, literally the most important examples of how to be humble
Recurrring digits don't lie
do u run the streets over there?
>April season
>not a single white dude shooting schools
>not one, but TWO black men shooting and killing people in a week

I bet CNN is pissed as fuck
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Do I sense some tension here?

Oh, I get it now.

New livestream where?
The manhunt livestream is live again.
Back up, be patient thootise
Damn that must be what Hell is like.
full video/story?
>The character of this crime is unusual for the breed of human that he is.
Holy shit how could you be so fucking wrong you retard ?

>The character of this crime is unusual for the breed of human that he is.
>unusual for the breed of human that he is
>human that he is
It's not a fucking human, it's a nigger. Get your facts straight even though you ain't, Tyrtwo.
God damn, these sacrifices are getting quite ridiculous.

Seems like a lot of them just freeze up and drop. fuck
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Hell is your country being flooded with subhumans and the people cheering as it happens.
Looks like he converted to islam a while ago.
>It's not a fucking human, it's a nigger

this is nu/pol/
Go rape a little white girl, Ahmed.
what an intelligent and well reasoned response
>live ur entire life not bothering anyone

he was a fucking niggers you shitleaf
now kiss

I guess, a french boy calling someone else "Ahmed" is some kind of high level irony.
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>CNN = America
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This level of passive-aggressiveness place you deep in cunt territory, sugarcube.
fuck off racist

there are no human races

also its no surprise, (((fake news))) do this all the time
Thats not what a mass shooting is. Theres a difference between mass and spree killings.
you are stupid and never seen arterial blood
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I know they're getting scarce, but there's still humans in France.
Not a lot, but we're still there.
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Until you realize that socially and generically races are diffrent. There are even race specific deseases.
They shoot all the time for no reason. USA doesn't have a gun problem if you remove black people from crime statistics. There are 90 black on black murders per 100 000 black people. Whites on white murder rate is like 10 per 100 000.
prison rape is a meme



>/pol/ outraged at the murder of a old black man who was doing nothing wrong

This thread is proof that we have as much moral fiber as anyone. Fuck the shills


This Dindu actually Dindu and still got shot dead
If newfags lurked a bit they'd realize that we're not anti-black at all, but we realize that the Democrat LBJ's social policies destroyed black America and was the main forcing agent (along with the deep state's niggerization program) which gave us ghettoes and anti-white terrorism and the drug war and all of it.

We're not anti-black, we're anti-nigger. This is a societal issue and it has to be confronted as such.

Also people who aren't deluded fools or shills realize that blacks are here whether or not anybody likes it, and there will never be a genocide or a deportation or anything like that. Best move is to de-niggerize blacks, point out that the media which works against blacks and targets them is basically a Jewish plot, and let the blame fall where it belongs.
And also that Ice cream will be expensive a fuck.
Neck yourself, you fucking leaf. Your pathetic excuse of a nation is cucked beyond repair. Not ours.
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I'm going to hump my hand to you later.
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http://praisekek.bigcartel.com/ Peace be upon you brothers.......
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Never spare a civic nationalist.
Holy shit he literally 360 no scopes
>killing an innocent elderly man because some cunt broke up with you

so this... is the power of.. the negro..
Is that why nobody ever invented chocolate ice cream?
>be a fucking leaf
>say america's cucked
Christ that's a lot of information
Do you have to get a new licence in America every time you put on or lose some weight or move town?
Stop watching anime
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Arrests for 2015.png
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>10 per 100,000
Sweden at it again with that anti-white horseshit

White Americans actually have a homicide rate lower than Belgians.
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it's science faggit
fat people shouldn't be allowed to lose weight.

guess i can take solace in the fact that your body will always show the damage
not an argument
When you eliminate sanctuary cities, we have a much lower rate than you do.
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They need to skin, draw, hang, immolate, quarter, and then hang him once more. Killing of the elderly is the most monstrous sin imaginable.
Exactly. Ever heard of black on black crime?
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