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How do stores work in north korea if they are communist? How

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How do stores work in north korea if they are communist? How do north koreans even buy stuff? Arent they given equal rations?
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Also do you feel a little bad for them? I mean just look at how innocent their luxary products are. Kinda brings a tear to be honest
foreign visitors and nk elites only lol
Then how do you explain this?
foreign visitors and nk elites' children

They have money. People earn a salary and spend their money.

State stores are furbished, and people of the elite from the capital city earn enough to buy some products.

The rest of the nation buy from black markets, which are mostly populated by women sellers because the men work. You find there mostly products from agriculture or illegally imported from china.

Sometimes the police gets harsher and hunt the black market sellers, and sometimes they look the other way. It depends on the policy at the time.
The stores are there to distribute the products of socialist economy to the workers. Thats how they work capitalist stooge

Watch some youtube videos of foreigners visiting the country. The show is the same as the one put on the foreign visitors during the USSR. It's all fake. Fake villages, fake workers, fake students, fake farmers.

But the veil is very thin, you might have noticed THERE'S NO ONE SHOPPING. Beautiful high end restaurants : EMPTY ! You can hardly find any tourist video without power outage at a moment or another. People visit "computer science" classrooms without people standing in front of computers... doing nothing. Not typing, not clicking. Nothing. Libraries are huge, but empty, with decade old censored books in poor shape. Nothing technical, mostly propaganda.

Kids in school don't learn math, physics etc. They learn Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il biography. Their school books are like a poor version of superman stories.

They spend most of their GDP for weapons, army and propaganda huge statues. People spend a huge amount of time training for the next big propaganda show.

Meanwhile, the factories are in poor shape, with extremely old machines of which most don't work. They mostly use hand labor. For digging : use a shovel. They don't know what a Caterpillar is. You want to move stones to build a monument for Kim something : people bring every stone by hand. They can't use a truck. They want to farm : they use picks. Farmers don't have tractors. Only some collective farms like the russian kolkhozes have tractors from the 50's, given by Stalin.
Rare and insightful.
breddy rare
you seem to know a lot about norks, anon
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i want one of those upside down watches
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>and people of the elite from the capital city earn enough to buy some products.
So at what point did the Kims throw communism out the window and just set themselves up as a ruling class?

Is there a culture in North Korea? From what I've heard it seems like the people have been broken and don't even know what's happening to them, and there has been generations of it. That's the worst part. Beyond the poverty, the actual theft of their humanity from under their noses.

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Basically the same as in the USSR, which had different kind of stores for the regular people, for the elite and for foreign tourists where all goods were selling for dollars.
bullshit they have tractors. there were pics of an entire fleet of tractors towing missiles yesterday
>there were pics of an entire fleet of tractors towing missiles yesterday

because they don't have enough dedicated vehicles for motorized artillery units

but then again farming is officially an army business in NK

The cult of personality behind The Glorious Leader(s) is North Korean culture.


Those packages are probably all empty and this is just a display store. Rations definitely aren't divided equally, and the commoner will pretty much have a diet consisting of nothing but dirty water and rice except on special occasions (i.e. a Kim's birthday or deathday), when households are allegedly given a small ration of meat. Aside from that meat is a luxury exclusive to the elite.
Isnt that capitalism though? Shouldnt they all get payed equally and have the same things?
I love Best Korea, it's fascinating. As a historian, it's like having a Stalin era reservation.

Small school for the Elite. You don't get their based on your grades, but on your family karma. It's funny, because most of the defectors in the last 5 years come from this small elite class. You should listen to the crazy stories of the foreign teachers that worked in those school and how sad they are for their students drowning in a dream of lies.
I hope you understand the difference between the life of nobility at Versailles in the 17th century and the life of 99.99% of the rest of the french population.

>So at what point did the Kims throw communism out the window and just set themselves up as a ruling class?
Well, that IS communism : an elite brain washed class crushing the rest of the population in the name of the people. Same happened in every communist countries.

Oh yes, they have a culture. They actually invest a lot of time and energy in arts : patriotic songs, patriotic paintings, patriotic monuments, patriotic shows and so on.
Would it be fair to say that nothing actually stopping the people from overthrowing the dictator class except their inability to organize together?
ITT stupid western imperialist propaganda.
Communism doesn't mean equal rations you burger dumbass.
ITT: Some leafer making bs while yall sip the koolaid
Yes it does? Isnt the whole thing centered on equality?

indeed. there's a documentary Vice did that sent a couple of reporters there. they were in a very nice restaurant. all the tables had silverware, flowers, etc. no one was there except them.

they have a central hotel (on an island) that they cram the tourists into, and lead them on a prepared tour throughout the city/country. they can't go anywhere without an escort. they aren't allowed to photograph certain things, unless approved. much as this post says, everything is scripted, and entirely fabricated to appear like they are "advanced" and thriving.
>it's like having a Stalin era reservation
what's french polynesia like anon? or are you a proxyfag

for a second i thought you were lebanon
what is it like living there
NK isn't communist, it is actually in the final stage of capitalism where wealth has consolidated into a single individual/family
Communists receive a living wage until death, capitalism doesnt


Check it out for all your North Korean questions
>Would it be fair to say that nothing actually stopping the people from overthrowing the dictator class except their inability to organize together?

You enslave people by putting chains on their minds, with police brutal force, killing a lot of people, and maintaining a part of population in absolute misery and a part of population that you bribe... and than you show them the people in misery and say "See ? That could be you if you stop supporting the system".

The official politic and economic system of North Korea is the Juche. It's a specific brand of Stalinist monarchy. Communism doesn't mean you get ride of money or that everyone has the same things.

Communism means that everything is the property of the state, which is controlled by a bribed elite class that serve a ruling class. The workers and farmers are exploited, have a poor output productivity, and have nearly nothing. Most of what they produce goes to bribe the elite class that lives in Pyongyang (you can identify them by the tiny flag pins they wear). They serve the ruling class : Kim's family and friends. It's a lot like the society described in the Hunger Games.

Yeah, 50's era tractors. And you don't wonder why tractors are used to tow missiles ? Because there is not enough military trucks. So they use tractors, and the farmers use their bare hands.
If they don't learn anything or have any tech industry then how did they create nukes? I know Russia and China are bold, but I doubt they gave NK what it needed in that regard.
Koreans aren't stupid, there would be enough scientists and elites able to buy and piece together partly functional nuclear weapons
They created it through satanic thaumaturgy out of distilled farmer blood, dried mud from the endless wasteland outside of Pyongyang, and Lil' Kim's pure evil as the nuclear core, of course.
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>>121410999 (nice, very nice)

Nah, i'm the real deal.
>Pic related : my land.
Who will protect her smile?
who is this guy?
so dyou speak french and olyneasian?
that looks real comfy
Is it worth it to visit Bora Bora?
What country? I'm on mobile. Fucking nice land dude
It's not fair. Why I am a wagecuck trapped here and you are there living the life. And tomorrow is Monday I just want to kill myself now.
We had commercials back in the Soviet Union.
Like why the fuck would you need commercials for? Everything is always out of stock and you buy the thing that is on the shelf.
People bought tons of useless shit just because it was available and "MAYBE I'LL USE IT SOME DAY!"
Commercials were there to make people feel good. Make them feel like they were living in the West.
Same with Korean """stores""" I suppose.
french polynesia
can't argue with satan
Google Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton giving the Norks two nuclear reactors and you will be nearer to finding out how

Hahaha, rations, is this what you call it when you are forced to eat your youngest child?
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That's some dystopian shit estibro, commercials for products you can't get
I can believe this. I've got some friends who come from various Asian countries and who've come over to the UK to study/work, and they basically say their system's a corrupt one, more so than what I consider corrupt in my own. If that's the case in Asian countries which aren't North Korea, then I'm assuming it's x100 worse in North Korea.
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I speak French, Tahitian and English.
It's a french territory, we have a lot of autonomy (own government, laws and taxes). It's necessary, because we are 20 000 kms away from Paris, literally the other side of the planet. But we also have french state servants (police, army, teachers, doctors). We are french and EU citizens. I will vote for the french presidential election and parliament. We have our own money, but it has a fixed rate with the euro : 1 E = around 120 Pacific Francs. We are not part of the Schengen Space : European citizen can come visit freely, but they MUST have a flight ticket back. But french citizens can come to live here.

Yes and no. It's expensive, really small and tourist oriented. You can find the same thing, and a lot cheaper, in the Caribbean islands and south east Asia.
Now, if you want to live in a country with one of the lowest crime rates in the world, a beautiful tropical island with still a small part of what a modern society can offer (shops, internet, TV, decent hospitals and schools), but understand that there is a price to it : you don't have ALL the commodities, and things are necessarily expensive if imported because big ocean. Than it can be a decent fulfilled life.
west euro nations by and large are not corrupt whatsoever. sure, minor issues exists, but those are fucking nothing compared to just about everywhere else on the planet
>Like why the fuck would you need commercials for? Everything is always out of stock and you buy the thing that is on the shelf.
I doubt you're 60+ so you can actually remember any shortages.

And if you really were that old, you'd remember that "commercials" were literally called "economic propaganda" and they served the exact same purpose as everywhere else where there is money and people and products, except more transparently and honestly than in the west.
>>west euro nations by and large are not corrupt whatsoever.
Yes, this is how they all became governed by a body that no one elected, that imposes laws and dispenses regulations that no one debated on, because they're so transparent and democratic.

But your dentist not giving you a receipt for a 20% discount is the true evil.
Mostly due to technology transfer from Russia, China and Pakistan. They have a limited number of scientists and engineers... and they are mostly put toward weapons rather than civil use. The Russians built 2 small experimental nuclear reactors. It's easier to remove the fuel bars and extract the plutonium, than it is to purify uranium to weapon grade quality. That's why NK has nukes and Iran doesn't even after putting all that work into it.

The missiles are old USSR tech. It's a lot easier when you have people teaching you how to build them, bring the machines necessary, and provide the pieces you can't make. But they have a really high level of failure, and it's difficult to modify and expand the missile to increase the range.
Also, remember that the Germans managed to build the V2 with a small team in a small factory... and they had to invent everything. It's easier when the tech is already known.
Now, all that energy put in building missiles and nukes is not spent in making cars, trucks, tractors, factory machines etc.
>west euro nations by and large are not corrupt

They are corrupt as fuck even more than other countries but life isnt that bad so people dont even notice
wtf is he driving a mitsubishi at the start of the video??? why is he driving a Japanese car in NK ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
looks nice
Yeah, we got the same thing. Communism is always the same regardless of where it is implemented, down to smallest details.
> French Polynesia has its own flag
> Good post from French Polynesia
Give relevant explanation to justify where this knowledge comes from.
You've never seen a commercial for something that will never be in your price range even if you live on cabbage soup and save up until old age?
Why would you waste money on commercials for million dollar yachts in Kurdistan?
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I'm an historian interested in authoritarian systems.

I visited NK and China a few years ago.

>my island
You work on Easter monday?

And yeah, life is unfair. Just make it unfair for the others
I like this thread. It's: /pol eats up biased propaganda from someone who has never been to north Korea about what it's really like there.
>I visited NK

How was it ?
If we ignore that Kurdistan doesn't exist, every country has rich people.
looks comfy. What's the wildlife like? Lots of critters?
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> mfw French taxpayers give money for some guys to live the comfy life at the other end of the globe
Lmao I meant Kyrgyzstan. But in any case, what I meant was; know your market. Yachts wouldn't sell well in Kyrgyzstan for a number of reasons.

I saw a commercial years back for a Van Cleef and Arpels watch; only $175,000. Of course, I saw it on the internet, because they wouldn't waste their time or money on TV time for that.
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Here's an interesting website. It shows old photos of one of Kim Jong-il's homes. I've noticed that lots of his mansion have nice water features.


The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK) has lots of publications with clearer satellite images of the death camps.


Other good info sites.


http://38north.org/ (currently down, too much traffic)
I'd have to learn French. Better to live cheaply in Vietnam?
living in a state-enforced lie, weird
Sure, but it did exist in large quantities that richer people around me might afford
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You can cut off their gibs, but then they will come to France...
>The rest of the nation buy from black markets, which are mostly populated by women sellers because the men work.

Wrong. Women are the breadwinners in Nork society. The men are in the military, the women are the workers.

> It's funny, because most of the defectors in the last 5 years come from this small elite class.

Wrong. Most Nork defectors come from communities on the northern border of NK because their only chance is to escape to China. also, most defectors are overwhelmingly women

Theres been an estimated 100-300k defectors since the 1990s. What they don't tell you is that every country has had hundreds of thousands of defectors in the past 3 decades.
Got me thinking, in asia do they have white people working the mini-marts?
No, Tyrone; they don't.
>Yachts wouldn't sell well in Kyrgyzstan for a number of reasons.
>After Bakiyev and family members fled, Kyrgyzstan’s interim government moved quickly to nationalize properties the Bakiyevs had acquired with misappropriated government funds. Yachts, luxury cars, and resort properties were seized along with a hydropower plant, almost half of the country’s largest mobile phone provider, and the nation’s leading bank.
Just remember that there's someone out there being a wagecuck on a tropical island, dreaming of living in Spain

Live out their dreams for them
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>looks comfy. What's the wildlife like? Lots of critters?
there's not a lot of creatures, because big ocean. Mostly animals brought by polynesians and later European settlers. The usual tropical fish, some insects, oceanic birds, and farm animals : chicken, porcs, cows, goats. Some people have bunnies and goose. No niggers, they can't swim.

The only things that can kill you are lazy overfed sharks and venomous stone fish. It happens like, once every 10 years. Nature is mostly generous and peaceful.
>My cows

It was around 4000 $US.It was short, and it's sadly the same trip everyone make, there's tons of videos of it on Youtube. Statues after monument after statues. I was interested in farms, people, workers etc but it was impossible to talk to them. Only time i managed to go out script was an unscheduled picnic with 2 guides. They opened up a little, but still talked very little. They mostly listened to me describing the outside world and them disbelieving most of it as capitalist propaganda.
this video actually makes me want to fucking cry like a faggot
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>no niggers
>tropical paradise
>western governing

North Korea is pretty much the property of the Kim family and has been since the "end" of the Korean war.
When you are born in the country you are pretty much born as a slave to them. You attempt to leave the plantation, you get shot.
no, it's focused on universal liberation. equality is a classical liberal ideal
how much does it cost to move and maintain a lifestyle there on the island ?
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Is it a white man's haven? Is it boring to live there?
I thought historians were less redpilled.

About NK, you gave me a chill, imagining myself as a gook living in commieland and listening to some pale guy explaining how you don't starve in the real world. Feels.
Bora Bora is pretty nice to visit once to see the lagoon, otherwise it's amazingly expensive desu.
I don't know, i've never been to Vietnam. You might want to try Hawaii ? It's more expensive than Vietnam but less than Tahiti, easy to settle for an American, and it has all modern commodities.

You don't give that much money, and the state provide a lot less than to it's citizens in France. We don't have unemployment benefits (no RMI or allocation chomage or familliale), we have our own social security we pay for, and we live mostly out of our own taxes.
Yes, France provide the highschool teachers, gendarmes, military and judges... like everywhere in the republic.
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Are those Casio knockoffs?
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Its all CGI technology, you can buy food like buying an app off a phone.
Do you have high quality hospitals?
You look at the displays and then go tell the clerk what you want to buy, then she will give you an invoice to take to the cashier. You pay the cashier and then go back to the clerk, who will then give you the merchandise.

t.been to korea

There's a great documentary called "Under The Sun" that shows how the propaganda is made.


From every tourist video I've seen of those places, you need to carry small bills and quarters, because they won't have change for anything large.
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>Is it a white man's haven?
No, most of the population is mixed Polynesians with old French settlers. There's a tiny but powerful chinese minority (around 10%), and some 1st generation french (like 5%) and most of them work as public servants.

Chinese were imported in the 19th century to produce cotton during the american civil war and the rise of cotton price due to blocus and than destruction of the South. It didn't last long cause the cotton production in USA recovered really fast. The chinese (who were only identified by their registration number) worked on land for people, than rented land to work it for themselves, than opened shops. Now they own all the shops, restaurant and businesses (import/export). French people are mostly public servants, small industry owners or liberal jobs.

>I thought historians were less redpilled.
Nearly all french historians are commies. But my mom was a math teacher from Alsace, and my dad was a WW2 spitfire pilot. My education was pretty bluebill and nature oriented. My mom taught me logic, dad taught me how to fish, fight the jungle and nurture pretty friendly calves and than slaughter them to BBQ them.

>how much does it cost to move and maintain a lifestyle there on the island ?
It's expensive, but i have some money and enough assets to reduce my expenses (my own meat, fruits, vegetables, house, electricity, etc).
Does everyone speak French or do they all know English to deal with tourists?

t. English only
You want some NK, this is the best source. You have been warned that once you start watching, it will be hard to stop for a bit.
>you just know that fat autistic kid has a shitload of forbidden western shit (food, videogames, computers, clothing, smartphones and overall electronics) in one of his many bunkers/mansions
in your opinion, will KJU back down (on nuke testing,etc) and play nice for a while?
Don't use the official change system if possible. If you can access a local shady guy or sometimes a guide who will accept to change you dollars or euro for local currency, you will get 20 times more local money for your dollar than the official rate, and you would still be ripped off by a good third.

They are good quality, not over crowded, and you get more care than in an overused french hospital. If you need a really specific high end treatment or surgery, something that requires an unusual specialist, you get sent to New Zealand or Paris. A lot of doctors here are high end renowned french doctors that use their end of career to move here in semi-retirement.
Everyone speak french, a lot of people speak english because of tourists, and generally the level of english is far bette
r than in France. But it's not an english country, and common older people will not understand you.

No fucking idea. They have their own logic and their own reality. China mostly prefer things to stay the way they are, and fear any change that add uncertainty. Trump is unpredictable.

Now, what can happen, is problem at the border between both Korea. If there is a lot of tension, idiots can start shooting (as it often happen). And it can escalade from there if some people want to fuel it.

Best Koreans are batshit crazy, but they are mostly harmless to the rest of the world if you let them live in their little homemade hell.
What's interesting is that Cuba is communist but doesn't do shit like that. In fact they LOVE tourists, and are trying to avoid importing vehicles because one of the main appeals of Cuba are the old cars that Americans love to see. It's still a shithole in many places, but at least they are mostly honest shitholes and don't try to put on an act. Helps that it still has all the old American resorts from the 50's still in decent shape since the weather is near constant.
Hawaii requires a median income of like $50,000 just to live in an apartment. And the job outlook is terrible as half the islanders are already working their asses off for supermarkets and the sort.
oh, here with 50K$ year income your family can live in a big house with a big garden, and you're pretty well. You're in upper middle class.

There is no income taxes, but taxes on products you buy : import and VAT taxes. Schools are free, and healthcare is not expensive.

For jobs, it mostly depends if you have a skill or if you're smart. Being an American, that offers you some job opportunity in the tourist market.
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Bora Bora?
they're culture is kinda stuck in the 1950's
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...why the Moldavian town rapist pic ?!
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I visited Moorea and was comfy as.
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1300 $ per month. Furnished, 3 bedrooms (one with AC), 2 bathrooms, terrace, living room, kitchen, garage, garden.

I know this house. It's nice.

... now, the real deal is... can you get a 50K$ job here :D

Bullshit, you pulled all that out of your ass.
They showed missiles on ceterpillar vehicles yeasterday.
>Because there is not enough military trucks.
They mostly use vehicles oter than tractors for missiles so again seems like a bullshit.
Why does it have only the ground floor?
>No, most of the population is mixed Polynesians with old French settlers.
Are you an asiatic mongrel yourself?
Anyone that hasn't drunk the jew's koolaid feels bad for them anon, all it takes is a mention of 'muh troops' and 95% of the american cocksuckers on here starts spouting jewish propaganda about the only non-rothschild controlled, ethnically pure, nat-soc country in the world. The war is being fermented in order to create profit from the bloodshed of innocent people (norks) and useful idiots (the shabbos goyim of the US armed forces).
Oh, we don't build multi layer houses. If you have the money for a second level... you just buy a bigger land and build a larger house.

I only know 2 houses built with a second level.

A lot of houses are built on stilts (piles) like here. It's a habit from building houses near the ocean or rivers in case of floods (1 typhoon every 10 years).
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>communism claims to be classless
>only elites can afford nice items
b-but its not real communism

Just a quick heads up here...not everyone is 14 as you are...some of us are quite a bit older...

I'm 52 myself...

See? When i die i want to a place like that. Sound like heaven.
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you don't even know what you are talking about

>haha guys everythings fake !
>haha nobody learns anything
>haha they can't use trucks! only hands!
They kidnap foreign internationals and force them to work for them building these things.

Look up how many Japanese and Korean citizens have been kidnapped over the past fifty years. They kidnap about a dozen each year. They're not even picky, they'll kidnap english teachers to make them work on nuclear centrifuges using only slide rules because the little education they have regarding nuclear power beats the nothing the North Koreans have regarding it (in which case they're taught that great leader splits atoms using his pecs)
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except this literally isn't true
kim jong un went to school in switzerland
also, they get intel from the chinese and maybe russian sources about nuclear weapons
also they have sent satellites into orbit, people were doing such stuff in europe 60+years ago, why is it hard to believe ?



Come on man, this isn't even hard to look up.

>also they have sent satellites into orbit, people were doing such stuff in europe 60+years ago,
Yes, because they kidnapped/bought scientists who would work for North Korea.
Funny you bring up those trucks, they're fueled by biofuel because they have no such thing as an oil industry.

And you haven't even seen this yet?


My uncle works as a slave driver for Lil' Kim and he told me they dug a tunnel straight to America and they kidnap 6 thousand babies per day straight from the nurseries and use them as food for the war elephants. It's all done through a 1 meter wide tunnel with a pulley lift that goes through the Earth's core.
>In North Korean movies, the only characters who prayed were the cowardly Japanese prisoners begging for mercy.
incorrect, there are many religions in dprk actually

stopped reading here

none of these say they kidnapped english teachers or people to work on nukes though do they
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I find people who believe in "communism" and "capitalism" cute.
>End Stage Capitalism - A small number of ruling elite live in luxury while everyone else lives in shit and squalor.
>End Stage Communism - A small number of ruling elite live in luxury while everyone else lives in shit and squalor.
Once you have centralized control the end result is always the same.
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>posting the mirror
literally sensationalist fake news
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Satan, forgot to mention WHEN (and how) you did under each system. The devil is ALWAYS in the details.
They have salaries (for often bullshit jobs) and can buy what they want at stores. However, certain goods are in very short supply, and most people are on a similar economic level (rather poor).
>none of these say they kidnapped english teachers or people to work on nukes though do they
They absolutely do, but you have blinders on that completely negate anything that isn't approved by dear leader.

> What most Americans don't know is that North Korea has been systematically kidnapping foreigners for the past 60 years.



Move along, Kimmy. You have books to be censoring.
can confirm, this guy is right
The difference is: There are no stores for the common man outside of the black market. They get a war ration, and aren't allowed anything else at all.

That's part of why so much of their wildlife and agriculture is dead: Overfarming and overhunting.
The have a culture. They have music, literature, sculpture, and even cinema. The range of subjects about which to write is limited though.
Here's some more because it seems to make you piss yourself so much:

Would also like to note: You can't run a war on corn cobs and wood. I am eager to hear how you think they're able to run Trucks in a constant automotive industry with wood and biofuel.

Wood being a difficult resource to come by as most of it has been consumed.

Active this thread?

How did you learn Tahitian?
ask people that grew up in east-germany,
I remember reading a story from someone in the navy in late 90s maybe when they were making a 'tribute' to north korea of rice or wheat or whatever the hell the USA would give to NK to get them so behave for a bit.

Anyway, the captain had two or three North Koreans come on to his ship to discuss details of the transfer or docking of the ship or something like that. And as they were talking he offered them popsicles. And the north koreans were so happy to have them. He said it was funny to see otherwise very stoic, serious, North koreans, start getting giddy over being able to have a popsicle
who is this 'kid' exactly?
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Really gets that noggin joggin
EBT + SNAP, the Nork equivalent.
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>haha guys they dont have trucks at all they move stones and stuff by hand !

>wait n-no guys they actually have trucks, but theyre run on corn cobs ! it says here in my
western tabloid !

>w-wait no it's wood

next step is realising it runs on gas tho
>w-wait it's methane from kidnapped capitalist pigs
I was born here. I went to France for university. I came back cause it was too fucking cold.

Yes, activate my almonds, please.

The last night we invited the guide and the driver to The pizza's restaurant of Pyongyang. They were so happy. The place was beautiful, huge, marble style, and kinda Chinese looking restaurant. Lots of staff. We were the only customers.

The pizza was kinda shitty to my standards, but not that bad. The kind of pizza you get in a low end electric oven restaurant, where they use a machine to flatten the doe.

At the end, I ordered 2 more pizzas "by mistake", than claimed i was stuffed. So the driver and guide could bring one each to their family so their kids could taste a pizza.
Cute story :)
do you not see that the pump isn't even off the hook? she's siphoning fuel out of a barrel presumably because the gas station can't get proper deliveries
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what did he mean by this
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what did she mean by this
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what did they mean by this

Ima guessing the top dogs get this benefit...

Makes sense in a commie hierachy...
All the farmers use oxen
Trucks are too rare to use on a farm
>French Polynesia
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the gas stations also have car washes
wtf i love north korea now
I mostly ignored the KFA chills on the thread, cause it's a waste of time to talk to them.

But regarding the topic of vehicles... i was there. I was in the capital city of 3.5 million inhabitants, with huge roads... and 3 or 4 foreign cars per hours at best. It felt like i could take a nap in the middle of a 6 way road.

I have heard things have improved, thanks to China. They now have more cars, but still less than in my third world 300K inhabitants country. Please, keep in mind it's still only a small part of Pyongyang elite class and foreigners that can afford a car.

You can look at Best Korea roads on google map sat, and watch what they call "traffic" in that country.

Agriculture is dark age level. Everything by hand, like in most of rural china. I didn't even saw any oxen cattle like in the wealthy china farms. People used homemade wheelbarrow made out of wood. Some people had bicycles.
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they even have gas station in rural villages

d e v e l o p i ng
eh, if it weren't for famine I'd guess that norks are probably significantly happier than westerners simply because they aren't bogged down in consumer culture. The one's that aren't starving are probably pretty satisfied with their lives.
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wtf i hate north korea now
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yeah, pretty empty gas stations...

I don't know how it is in your countries, but this is what a gas station looks like for me. THERE ARE FUCKING CARS IN IT.
>kfa shills

"haha my experience was different from yours ! you are the shill!"
>north korea doesn't have consumer culture
How dumb are you
Yesterday was their biggest, most important holiday, bar none
And the best they had to show their military """might""" before the world stage was old ass tractors and construction vehicles.
You think the fucking peasants get the same access???
The lucky peasants use livestock, or their bare hands. The unlucky ones are dying in concentration camps by the hundreds of thousands.
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>no cars in my pic

wow what a shithole desu usa and french polynesia are 3rd world
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what did he mean by this ??
>North Korea would never stoop so low as to use propaganda!! How darea Yuu srander the name of Kim IL Sung!?
OK chingchong
I'm on vacation, ok. Now the orangutan is in charge, you can stop blaming me for everything.

you realize this tractor is older than your mom, right ?

And i said that only some collectivist farms have tractors, not farmers.
That's just a lot less likely..
i want to hear from some real dprk citizens...hehe
>What is propaganda
Really, tell me. I'm curious. Are you actually retarded?
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>the average farm doesnt even have a tractor


>but that tractor is old wtf !!!!

((goalposts moving))
I've been monitoring the thread for awhile, thanks for the insights on NK and French Polynesia. Looks like a nice life you're living but I don't think I could cut it outside Chicago.
>illegal photo taken by a tourist on a bus through a remote village of a south korean digger being used


open your fucking mind
he never said that you dumb brit
Thanks for posting your insight French Polynesian bro, it was very interesting. I had planned to visit NK while I was doing a round the world trip because I'm also interested in authoritarian governments, but China only gave me a single entry visa. I went to Myanmar instead. It was a lot cheaper and I expect Myanmar will change a lot now that they've opened up again, but I'm worried that I won't have the chance to go to NK before the system ends, one way or another.

It sounds like your tour was very much on rails with little opportunity to venture out of the boundaries they place upon you. Would you still recommend visiting?
Do you think those are just cardboard vehicles with rats turning the plywood gears inside?

dude, shut up and move there. You will live a great life as a useful propaganda tool. Literally getting paid to spit out the shit you're writing here.
that wasn't an argument against my post though was it
explain how an illegal photo from a tourist is government propaganda ?
you're welcome :)
It's always nice to meet people from other parts of our planet.

Well, would you pay hard earn money to get a 50's Stalin era "USSR is better than everyone!" show trip ? Hell yeah i would.
If you too, you should hurry, cause things are improving.

This entire thread is a reverse psy-op mindfuck propaganda piece written by Master Kim Jong III, time traveller and first person to touch the sun.

Your beloved French-Polynesian informant is a highly skilled Pyongyang propagandist working directly for the best korean.

Michael Palin filmed part of his Pole to Pole documentary in the Soviet Union just before the collapse, it was very interesting to watch how commerce worked in the controlled economy.
how diffrent are languages beytween nk and sk?
how about accent wise?
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Comfy Best Korea thread.
Why wouldn't stores work in Communism? During Soviet times everybody got land, so you really didn't even need stores, you grow it on your land and exchange with neighbors.
Proof or tits out.
>bought the guide and the driver a pizza
your a good lad, enjoying all your posts
I don't even think they get a ration anymore. Back in the 90's and early 00's, it was like 2 kilos of rice per person (which is like 2 fistfulls of rice) per month. Not much to last the whole month. Now they are entirely on sustenance
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>glorious leader kim jung ill has raised the rise rations to 1.5kg per person, what a benevolent leader we have
Because Americans are too stupid to understand the difference between private property and personal property.

>>I don't even think they get a ration anymore. Back in the 90's and early 00's, it was like 2 kilos of rice per person (which is like 2 fistfulls of rice) per month. Not much to last the whole month. Now they are entirely on sustenance
Actually the rations are -2kg of meat per month now, this means that they have to produce 2kg of meat every month to feed Lil Kim's pet tigers, if they can't they have to cut off some off of themselves.
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jesus christ this thread is cancer. So many newfags spouting the bullshit they heard from the MSM about North Korea.

>Muh poor north Koreans are being oppressed look how poor they are.

What do you think would happen if they West coerced almost everyone into not engaging in any trade with them? North Korea has shit for resources and the USA blockade is unequivocally to blame for any economic stagnation for starvation.

>Muh Death camps and refugee sob stories

Fucking christ?! Where have we heard this bullshit before... hmmm. MAYBE NAZI FUCKING GERMANY?!? These fucking Nork traitors get more shekels for more outrageous stories. And if it was so fucking bad... why do almost 50% of the turncoats try bribe or sneak their way back into the country?

>Muh Communist State
Dude, fucking christ. They scrubbed all mention of marxism from their constitution as soon as the soviets fell. It was always in name only. They don't recongnize Isreal as a legitimate state and they have a political system that is basically Japanese Fascism.

>But... But... But they don't let foreigners wander around in their country wherever they want.

No fucking shit. If you had every country in the world trying to slander you with false stories, would you let them wander around taking pictures of just anything? Fuck just leaving them alone for 30 minutes and they might try to stage some shit, or beat themselves up and claim it was muh nork oppression. These "tourists" are probably looking for anything they can to twist out of perspective and claim Muh evil norks. Like they take pictures of kids playing with farm equipment and they claim MUH CHILD SLAVE LABOR. Fuck off You people are fucking retarded. Besides a little manual labor is good for kids. Builds muscle and discipline.

If you want to know more about North Korea read The Cleanest Race by B.R Meyers.

Here is some cool shit you might find interesting about Korea https://itwasmyprivilege.com/2017/03/11/best-korea-is-best-korea/
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> No niggers, they can't swim.
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I only saw 2 fat people in North Korea : Kim Jong Un and a US defector called James Joseph Dresnok

See ? That's proof Best Korea is far superior to US&A fat burger land with poor diets.

The Supreme Leader sacrifice himself so his beloved people don't have to struggle with obesity.
>I went several times during the festival to Pyongyang Department Store Number 1. This is in the very centre of the city. Its shelves and counters were groaning with locally produced goods, piled into impressive pyramids or in fan-like displays, perfectly arranged, throughout the several floors of the building. On the ground floor was a wide variety of tinned foods, hardware and alcoholic drinks, including a strong Korean liqueur with a whole snake pickled or marinated in the bottle, presumably as an aphrodisiac. Everything glittered with perfection, the tidiness was remarkable.

>It didn’t take long to discover that this was no ordinary department store. It was filled with thousands of people, going up and down the escalators, standing at the corners, going in and out of the front entrance in a constant stream both ways – yet nothing was being bought or sold. I checked this by standing at the entrance for half an hour. The people coming out were carrying no more than the people entering. Their shopping bags contained as much, or as little, when they left as when they entered. In some cases, I recognised people coming out as those who had gone in a few minutes before, only to see them re-entering the store almost immediately. And I watched a hardware counter for fifteen minutes. There were perhaps twenty people standing at it; there were two assistants behind the counter, but they paid no attention to the ‘customers’. The latter and the assistants stared past each other in a straight line, neither moving nor speaking
They have fiat currency.
>Eventually, they grew uncomfortably aware that they were under my observation. They began to shuffle their feet and wriggle, as if my regard pinned them like live insects to a board. The assistants too became restless and began to wonder what to do in these unforeseen circumstances. They decided that there was nothing for it but to distribute something under the eyes of this inquisitive foreigner. And so, all of a sudden, they started to hand out plastic wash bowls to the twenty ‘customers’, who took them (without any pretence of payment). Was it their good luck, then? Had they received something for nothing? No, their problems had just begun. What were they to do with their plastic washbowls? (All of them were brown incidentally, for the assistants did not have sufficient initiative to distribute a variety of goods to give verisimilitude to the performance, not even to the extent of giving out differently coloured bowls.)

>They milled around the counter in a bewildered fashion, clutching their bowls in one hand as if they were hats they had just doffed in the presence of a master. Some took them to the counter opposite to hand them in; some just waited until I had gone away. I would have taken a photograph, but I remembered just in time that these people were not participating in this charade from choice, that they were victims, and that – despite their expressionless faces and lack of animation – they were men with chajusong, that is to say creativity and consciousness, and to have photographed them would only have added to their degradation. I left the hardware counter, but returned briefly a little later: the same people were standing at it, sans brown plastic bowls, which were neatly re-piled on the shelf.
I have several questions

What do you do for a job?

How did you learn all this stuff?

Are you a Polynesian shitskin or white?

Did you guys also get rekt by the recent hurricane or was it only us?
>Clearance 14'6"
>FRENCH polynesia
shouldn't you be useing metric?
>I also followed a few people around at random, as discreetly as I could. Some were occupied in ceaselessly going up and down the escalators; others wandered from counter to counter, spending a few minutes at each before moving on. They did not inspect the merchandise; they moved as listlessly as illiterates might, condemned to spend the day among the shelves of a library. I did not know whether to laugh or explode with anger or weep. But I knew I was seeing one of the most extraordinary sights of the twentieth century.

>I decided to buy something – a fountain pen. I went to the counter where pens were displayed like the fan of a peacock’s tail. They were no more for sale than the Eiffel Tower. As I handed over my money, a crowd gathered round, for once showing signs of animation. I knew, of course, that I could not be refused: if I were, the game would be given away completely. And so the crowd watched goggle-eyed and disbelieving as this astonishing transaction took place: I gave the assistant a piece of paper and she gave me a pen.
That's what communism is, Jude as a political ideology
>The pen, as it transpired, was of the very worst quality. Its rubber for the ink was so thin that it would have perished immediately on contact with ink. The metal plunger was already rusted; the plastic casing was so brittle that the slightest pressure cracked it. And the box in which it came was of absorbent cardboard, through whose fibres the ink of the printing ran like capillaries on the cheeks of a drunk.

>At just before four o’clock, on two occasions, I witnessed the payment of the shoppers. An enormous queue formed at the cosmetics and toiletries counter and there everyone, man and woman, received the same little palette of rouge, despite the great variety of goods on display. Many of them walked away somewhat bemused, examining the rouge uncomprehendingly. At another counter I saw a similar queue receiving a pair of socks, all brown like the plastic bowls. The socks, however, were for keeps. After payment, a new shift of Potemkin shoppers arrived.

>The Department Store Number 1 was so extraordinary that I had to talk to someone about it. But the young communist from Glasgow to whom I described it simply exclaimed: ‘So what! Plenty of people go to Harrods without buying anything, just to look.’ Nevertheless, I returned twice to Department Store Number 1 because, in my opinion, it had as many layers of meaning as a great novel, and every time one visited it one realised – as on re-reading Dickens or Tolstoy – that one had missed something from the time before.
All of this shit is a facade propped up to foreign eyes. Pyongyang is like a theme park village.

Outside of easily accessible areas, NK is a third world wasteland.
>Department Store Number 1 was a tacit admission of the desirability of an abundance of material goods, consumption of which was very much a proper goal of mankind. Such an admission of the obvious would not have been in any way remarkable were it not that socialists so frequently deny it, criticising liberal capitalist democracy because of its wastefulness and its inculcation of artificial desires in its citizens, thereby obscuring their ‘true’ interests. By stocking Department Store Number 1 with as many goods as they could find, in order to impress foreign visitors, the North Koreans admitted that material plenty was morally preferable to shortage, and that scarcity was not a sign of abstemious virtue; rather it was proof of economic inefficiency. Choice, even in small matters, gives meaning to life. However well fed, however comfortable modern man might be without it, he demands choice as a right, not because it is economically superior, but as an end in itself. By pretending to offer it, the North Koreans acknowledged as much; and in doing so, recognised that they were consciously committed to the denial of what everyone wants.
I have never before seen such extremely obvious shilling, holy shit

was this guy killed for failing to convince us?
>Libraries are huge, but empty, with decade old censored books in poor shape, mostly propaganda.

Inner city library in America
>But the most sombre reflection occasioned by Department Store Number 1 is that concerning the nature of the power that can command thousands of citizens to take part in a huge and deceitful performance, not once but day after day, without any of the performers ever indicating by even the faintest sign that he is aware of its deceitfulness, though it is impossible that he should not be aware of it. One might almost ascribe a macabre and sadistic sense of humour to the power, insofar as the performance it commands bears the maximum dissimilarity to the real experience and conditions of life of the performers. It is as if the director of a leper colony commanded the enactment of a beauty contest – something one might expect to see in, say, a psychologically depraved surrealist film. But this is no joke, and the humiliation it visits upon the people who take part in it, far from being a drawback, is an essential benefit to the power; for slaves who must participate in their own enslavement by signalling to others the happiness of their condition are so humiliated that they are unlikely to rebel.

This is from a book called The Wilder Shores of Marx. A very good read, it follows the travels of a British doctor who goes to 5 communist countries before the collapse of the soviet union and just describes what he sees. I recommend it though it is probably out of print, a pdf exists somewhere.
Are you CIA?
>A very good read, it follows the travels of a British doctor who goes to 5 communist countries before the collapse of the soviet union
Did he mention how Ceausescu managed to pay off the entire foreign debt of Romania, and shortly after that got a CIA-backed revolution against him as a result, where he was killed and replaced by a puppet government that immediately took massive IMF loans and sold off most of the country to the foreigners?
No. He went and simply described what he saw. Im sure the romanians would love to be back under Ceausescu though comrade

At this point, I think their population is too brainwashed to matter. Living zombies.

Use non-radioactive nukes (do those exist?) or drop like 50000 missiles on the entire land, tell South Korea it's up for grabs after the debris gets blown off into the Pacific Ocean, so that SK can expand further and advance the Samsung/Hyundai empire.
>it's focused on universal liberation
How is being made dependent on a system being more liberated than figuring out yourself how to make ends meet?

the stores are for show. average people cannot afford to buy, aren't allowed to buy either
>Im sure the romanians would love to be back under Ceausescu though

>More than 53 percent of Romanians last month told the Public Affairs polling agency that they would prefer to live once again under the regime of Nicolae Ceausescu. The dictator, who terrorized Romanians for 24 years, was toppled and executed with his wife, Elena, on Christmas Day in 1989.

>Two years ago, the polling firm found that 44 percent of Romanians favored a restoration of the communist regime.

Also, there's this:

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Oh God, i'm discovered... i took some random google image of a gas station to illustrate what a gas station looks like outside North Korea rather than driving out to town to take a pic of one of our own gas stations. But i can assure you they look exactly the same.
>Congratulation, your autism level increased by 1

Probably a commie or a KFA shill (Korean Friend Association), they have an antenna in UK.

No. But that's what a CIA agent would answer anyway.

Yeah, you have to go to a country were people read books, obviously. Also, burgers use E-books or order on Amazon, no ?


>What do you do for a job?
I'm a philosopher, epicure style. I mean the REAL epicure style "enjoying a tiny cheese on bread and drinking a small glass of whine while watching people struggling on a boat in the tempest."

I have a degree in history and wrote a book about WW2 Tahitian fighters. I have a Computer science degree and made some websites when i was young. Made enough money and inherited some, so i retired around 30 yo.

I take care of my lands and houses. I rent one. I take care of my cattle, and sometimes a chinese come and give me money and meat in exchange of a cow. I grow my vegetables. I can fish fish, sea shells, lobsters. If i want fruits, i grab them on trees. If i want bacon, i shoot a wild pig. If i want chicken, i shoot a wild chicken. Most of the time, they just hang around the house.

I have solar panels, and a river for free water. Only expense i have is fuel for the car i hardly use, and a computer every 10 years.

>How did you learn all this stuff?
I went to university, traveled, and read a lot. I have a lot of time for that.

>Are you a Polynesian shitskin or white?
Mother is math teacher from Alsace, it's like german France. Father was a WW2 Spitfire pilot coming from a a family of old french settler mixed with natives. I'm 7/8 European.

>Did you guys also get rekt by the recent hurricane
>How is being made dependent on a system being more liberated than figuring out yourself how to make ends meet?

Because human beings are supposed to do more in life than just "figure how to make ends meet"? Hard to explain that to someone from a protestant country who believes in money as the ultimate value though.
Communism doesn't achieve such lofty goals. Most of life is still spent laboring away. You're just robbed of choice and opportunity while doing so.
How do you explain that evil western capitalist influence being sold in NK?

Is this another episode of communist tries to defend norks
power to them, maybe they can vote for it like the turks just did
Nobody wants to see 1,000,000 drafted North Koreans make a mad dash to Seoul.

It makes me wonder, does anyone remembers the Korean War? Imagine that bloodshed on a scale 50x. That's what we're faced with. They don't give a shit about their people, only military affairs and the power to keep the peasants down. They read Asian history, which is a massive series of peasant revolts one after the other resulting in the deaths of millions.

Their information war on the populace is complete. These fuckers are born and bred to die one day for their mother land and god-king. If you get a chance, watch the vice documentary on NK. Good info.
>>Communism doesn't achieve such lofty goals.
Worked just fine in my country, it wasn't Soviet style Stalinist bullshit though. Ever heard of the 8+8+8 model? In communism, the third 8 is yours, for cultural enrichment. In capitalism, they steal it from you in such a way that you don't even notice.

Ever since we got glorious capitalism, there's no culture anymore, you can literally see it in the cultural output, its quality and its reception (for example books and films), it's not some nebulous fantasy.

And if we have any Serbs in the thread, they can tell you how many years their major museums have been closed for.
>Worked just fine in my country,

so what happened to it?
I was gonna say it seemed weird that a gas station in your country wouldn't use metric or french for that matter
>Ever since we got glorious capitalism

Capitalism is pretty much the default modus operandi of humans. We've been doing it since the dawn of time, in slightly different forms, ever since the concept of ownership was thought up.

What you're really criticizing is consumerism, and that is merely the byproduct of excessive wealth. Which you don't have under communism. Nor choice, for that matter.
It wasn't needed as a buffer zone anymore, so major world powers partitioned it because it couldn't deal with it as a whole, and sold off everything.

Such is the fate of all smaller independent countries, if you haven't noticed by now.
You know very well what's meant by "capitalism".

What important choices do you imagine having the right to that are capitalism-exclusive btw?
>The one's that aren't starving are probably pretty satisfied with their lives.
we had someone on here who met a lot of NK expat escapees and apparently they'd beg to differ
>all our problems are because of other people
>if we had our way we'd go back to socialist dictatorship
sounds like you cunts have your own problems
There's like 14 out of the 25 million are fighting ready.
>why do almost 50% of the turncoats try bribe or sneak their way back into the country?
>>all our problems are because of other people
All colonial countries suffer from this fate.

What's wrong with socialist dictatorships btw? I thought you guys liked Hitler.
>What's wrong with socialist dictatorships btw?
read the thread, NK is a shining example of the problems you get, and there are a dozen other examples from the 20th century on top of that.

hitler gets a free pass on here because he rose out of fucked circumstances that werent his fault, was actually fighting marxism and he valued traditional european culture, ethnicity and history, unlike most gommies.
the fact that he lost the war and the empire collapsed so soon actually helps now, it keeps a romance there as it meant the reich never had time to stagnate, oppress and lose its lustre, which it certainly would have with time.
Literally just looks like northern Florida.
the right to get the fuck outta there lol
>The Yugoslav passport was issued to citizens of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for the purpose of international travel. The Yugoslav passport has been described as highly regarded and that with it immigrants were able to find jobs among European firms trading with the East and other countries.[1] It was also described as 'one of the most convenient in the world, as it was one of the few with which a person could travel freely through both the East and West' during the cold war.[2]

Alright, anything else?
Well shit. Guess im a socialist now
Is that a Casio F91W?
>retired at 30, man I wish I was you
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The sad part is that if North Korea opened its borders and moved to a chinalike socialist market while retaining its commie state system, it could develop so fast.

They have more an USSR industry based production system rather than Mao china or Polpot red Khmers that was more focused into agriculture. They have a high level of security and stability. Their workers are obedient and hard working people. They are poor as fuck.

If Kim opened borders and allowed international busyness, factories from everywhere would rush to there to produce for even cheaper than in China or Vietnam.

They have nukes, no one, even Trump's America, can do anything about it. Nuke tests now are useless, we all know they have functioning nukes. More rocket testings ? Mostly useless, they already have them able to reach china, russia, japan and worst korea. The problem is inside NK and Kim Jong Un seems to think he need to play those cards a lot to strengthen his grip on power. He really seems worried about it, as he felt the need to execute his uncle and his brother, and purge a lot of people from his father's generation.

>I took a photo from my window. A little dark, it's soon sunset.
Trade your life with mine
>I recommend it though it is probably out of print, a pdf exists somewhere.
libgen.io has this one
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Trade your life with mine
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What do you have?
That's intriguing so if the norks move to a two type economic system they would be the new china?
but the only reason they don't is because their current leader is of the mindset that the west is evil or something because he thinks that it will win him power and loyalty in his own gov't?
wasn't kim jong un educated in the west though?
wouldn't he know about china's success even if he wasn't?
if either of those are true then wouldn't he see the benefit to doing what the Chinese did?
also that looks beutiful kinda looks like florida in a way
Being able to keep what I make if I want for one, taxes shouldn't exist
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Do you need someone to talk to? If you want I can add you on steam or something.

Thread is probably gonna 404 soon, so you gotta reply fast.
cheers. i paid a stupid sum for a hard copy which i enjoyed very much so. I dont like reading off a computer or ereader i find

crazy dictators dont think rationally
Living in the nicest country on the planet for one
I guess but I still want to know exactly why glorious leader thinks the way he does
>implying I have steam

>New Zealand
>nicest country in the world

t.someone who has never actually travelled out of the country except to the pacific islands and/orAustralia perhaps

we are top 50 MAYBE

Why so much dictators control so shitty countries, even those that have a lot of resources and yet starving GDPs ?

It's because a dictator control the wealth, but he does so through the heads of army, the heads of administration and so on. So he share its wealth with them through bribing. And those guys share their wealth to the guys under them to stay in control. It's a pyramid with wealth flowing top down.

That's why such a huge part of GDP is spent on military and propaganda. To maintain the system.

That's why the nationalism and fear of the enemies outside is milked as much as possible, to maintain the system.

But you can bribe the lower part of the elite class through apartments, house furniture, sex slaves. But to bribe generals and high end admins, you need stuff from outside you can't produce. So you need dollars and euros.

To get them, the Kims sell gold (through macao) and coal to china. They sell rocket tech to arabic countries, like Iran. They send slave workers in Siberia for harvesting wood in forests. Yes, they delocalized some labor camps to russia :D They even send workers to outside countries through state owned companies. Like in Poland, they used NK slave workers that earned no money (it's paid to NK and they are told they will get the money when they go back). They work over 12 hours a day, every day, and are kinda jailed in hidden houses that they never leave outside for work. No vacations, no week ends.

The succession was not easy, and Kim Jong Un had to be pretty harsh to stay alive and keep his hand on power. Thus the military spending and nuke tests. The problem is that the whole nukes and rocket shenanigan infuriated worst korea, japan and USA, and even threatened a little china. So the economic sanctions hit hard on the foreign money Kim Jong Un can gets his hands on. Which lower his ability to bribe, and put him in a difficult situation.

>to be continued
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shit kiwibro are you okay?
What do you have then?

So Kim Jong Un execute his uncle who was trying to create "special economic areas" like china in the early 90s. But Kim was afraid his uncle was taking too much wealth out of it for himself and his own grip on power. Thus the execution.

This infuriate china that felt that the uncle was "their guy". Feeling threatened, Kim Jong Un assassinate his brother who was under chinese protection to avoid being replaced by a coup supported by china to put his brother in his place. This infuriate china even more, that cut the importation of coal from NK. Which reduce even more the incomes of Kim Jong Un.

What cards are left for him to play ? nukes and rockets. And threats from the outside.
> war is being fermented
Fomented. So much for self-proclaimed masters of the language.
>Why so much dictators control so shitty countries, even those that have a lot of resources and yet starving GDPs ?
Because they can't outsource their lower class to other countries.

Imperialist countries can have the exact same pyramid, except the lower class and underclass of their economic system are actually in Vietnam and Congo, respectively, so the inhabitants of the imperialist country only see the better part of the system.
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But fermented war tastes so far better than distilled war. It has a stronger flavor.
You literally just pull that western propaganda about the camps in Russia out of your ass. Can you please provide some kind of evidence for your claims next time?
starvation is often a desired outcome in these dictatorships too. Alleviation would all of a sudden cause the people to ask why it hasnt happened sooner. Small sustenance for which they must be thankful for receiving keeps the people in line. Starvation is one of the best thing you can hope for as a dictator looking to tighten your grip.

Im really enjoying your posts french poly, very nice stuff. Any recommended readings you can give on this topic?
(((vice))) did (((a))) mini-doc on (((it)))
Isn't Obama on that island?
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the pay is the same.

i was born in post ussr era

telling you guys communist life is the worse
What kind of evidence doesn't count as western propaganda?
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It's Jewish wet dream about white people on a global scale.
all fascinating stuff Spitfire Jr. Thanks for posting here.
ah so Kim Jong Un is just a product of how his system is set up to work guess in hind sight that should have been obvious we are all a product of our own circumstance thanks frenchpoly
NK is surprisingly interesting when you look at it in depth
he who makes himself a tyrant destroys his own freedom
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You're suspiciously knowledgeable about North Korea.
Did you work there as a diplomat or some shit?
I dont get it. Why dont they just get their shit together and feed their people and improve living conditions? They have an unlimited supply of slave labor.
Protect it. I hope it stays like that for a long time.
I am curious though what do you know about the current situation (politically) in NK?
are the generals/elites really thinking about a coup?
Does Un think that threatening the US/SK/Japan with missiles will really work to prevent a war?
Do you think the common nork has any idea whats actually happening and I mean anything at ALL?
maximum comfy
Merci for making this thread comfy
how does a historian has the funds to travel to tropical places around the globe? afaik the job title pays a little more than being a hobo
Is that your evidence? A Jew and a Canadian alcoholic show some Asian people working in Russia. But they were also first to find out because nobody new that before they found out about the Russia' labor camps. OK then.
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Difficult questions, i'm sorry, i'm a historian, i study things that happened, i can't see the future.
>Do you think the common nork has any idea whats actually happening ?
No they don't. They really have no idea of what is going on inside and outside, or what regular foreign people want and think. The high end officers do, and the regular Pyongyang elite that is in contact with tourists have a kind of idea of what the world look like outside. But they still believe a lot of NK propaganda about the outside world. And from my tiny experience, they don't really understand the way we think or the bullshit we believe in.

Mostly academic stuff that's not easy to get your hands on unless you have a paid access, and real interest. A lot of it is in french.
You can find some stuff in the medias, but they mostly don't care about North Korea except starvation and nukes.

He's in Tetiaroa, the atoll of Marlon Brando. I've been there once, it's beautiful. It's like the hollywood shipwrecked survivor movies.

Thank you, it's nice to talk with people interested in the topic, those threads are becoming pretty rare on /pol
Too much circle jerk memes about trump, kikes, niggers and so on. I really enjoyed this thread, where people were actually interested to dig a little into the political topic.

It's fascinating, i agree. It's like studying a human society that gets its first contact with the outside world. They really developed their specificity, and those cultures are becoming extremely rare in this globalist culture where everyone wear the same clothes, listen to the same pop music and so on.

I already answered that. It's funny how knowledge has become suspicious in our world of information :)

>Dad in Antwerp, winter 1944.
How much rice do you think that fat fuck eats?

Then this isn't real communism? :^)

Henceforth it will be known as North Korean feudalism, not socialism.
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Do you think there is any chance that the Kaesong factory thing could ever turn into a North Korean equivalent of a Special Economic Zone?

Why did you say earlier to visit now because things are getting better? In what civilian way is North Korea improving?

Thanks for helping to make pol less shit btw.
its a beautiful island but its honestly garbage

shit nigga its more than that to live here

Some NKers do go to school and learn math. Guy escaped to South Korea and went to high school, only started a year behind NK grade level.
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What happens in NOrth Korea if your house catches fire or you need an ambulance?

Man it seems so dysfunctional
>knowledge has become suspicious in our world of information

Of course, when you get saturated with useless trivia the things you say about NK stick out.
Clinton gave them the ability and reactors to refine the necessary elements for nukes, how else do you think he was able to hop on a PRIVATE jet and go rescue LISA LING's sister and friend when caught smuggling kids.
Communism is collectivism. Everyone pitches in and everyone benefits from the efforts of themselves and their peers. Noone rises above and collects everything for himself, and noone rules.
That is communism as the idea.
Very very unattainable IRL by every biological creature that isn't an ant nor a bee and both of those are monarchy based anyway so communism is simply impossible.
You know there are international NK students and workers working and studying around the world right.
ah well thanks any way
also yep fuck "global culture" when everyone is the same it's gonna be a very boring world to live in :(
(though I have a fetish for cyberpunk dystopias which is where we're headed)
Hey do you think you can give me a sort idea of what kind of military equipment the norks have aquried or built over the years or even just what they may have stored up or is that not realevent to whatever type of historian you are?
actually now that I think about it what type of historian are you any way?
>Marlon Brando
like the actor???
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Meh, i will enjoy my life the best i can, i don't think humanity will last a lot longer. Too much idiots with nukes and hate, and virus can spread really fast with airports now.
My philosophy, at the moment, it might evolve later, dunno, is "Fuck it, i will enjoy my life, and the next guys can screw it i don't care anymore"

Thanks, but let me say you're making it comfy too with your comments :)

I already answered it a little, but ok, let's go personal than. I got out of university with useless diplomas, but self taught me coding and photoshop. I did some jobs for web designers. I wrote a book and corrected/co-authored another one. I inherited a small piece of land from a family member and i sold it for a good price. I sold everything i didn't needed and invested it in wall street when things were going great in the 2000's. I got scared by how insane it was going up and pulled out actually too early, around 1 year and a half before it crashed. I bought gold with it. I got scared when it went so high and sold it when it hit 1100$ per ounces i think. Stupid from my part cause it kept on climbing.

I invested in safe stuff with secured small % interests and bought a shitty house. I renovated it myself and put it on rent for a nice monthly income. I live on family land from dad, and get income and free food from farm. I don't work hard, cattle and plants take care of themselves here. I have really low level of expenses, so what i earn is enough to sustain me, without hitting the capital. I loose a little due to inflation, but the value of lands goes up, so in the end, if i have a real problem i can always sell some assets.

>Pic of old stone temple that is the heart of all the polynesian culture. Even New Zealand maori and Hawaiians link their origins to it.
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hot damn that is a solid plan for comfy living. My family invested in real estate as well and we are getting steady rent monthly.
Find a pretty woman make many kids enjoy true love, you my friend have quality of life fuck bullshit quantity and egotistical i want more society programs in humans, Godspeed.
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Would you trust an Asian to pump your gas?
Should visit/10
>those legacy ports
>north korea
Kill yourself mate
I thought they used product stamps. Atleast a decade ago they did.
Ur life sounds comfy
>Mostly academic stuff that's not easy to get your hands on unless you have a paid access
Just checking. You do know about scihub?
>Would you trust an Asian to pump your ass?
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That's what they tried to do, but the hostile climate, the assassination of Kim Jong Un's uncle and the tensions with china have put a stop to it. Things are highly unpredictable in 2017.

>Why did you say earlier to visit now because things are getting better? In what civilian way is North Korea improving?
Well, a french Political scientist friend of mine went there in December. He noticed a lot more cars than in his previous visits. Even saw a tiny traffic jam once in Pyongyang. The agricultural country is still shit though. The elite can afford smart phones now, and they get access to china and SK when they are near the border with a smuggled foreign SIM card bought at black market.

What really impressed me along the years was watching on googlemap the north koreans leveling their mountains to build farm land on the ocean. They seriously increased their farm land surface compared to the 90's.

Oh yes, things are never that black and white. The level of education of the regular people is still pretty low though, but they can read and count. But don't ask them normal physics or biology question a middle school student know in western countries. Farmers had no fucking idea what i was talking about when describing F1 hybrid generations for corn production. They still use pure race breeds, with really low yields. They replant a part of the seeds from the annual production, and if the production was too low, they don't leave enough to feed the farmers and replant next year. They don't know what a seed company is and do.

Now obviously, the elite pyongyang class has better education, as they are the "officers" of the system. But they are there based on their family history (how good obedient commies their family was), not their own performances. And their level of instructions is still limited. They have a huge level of propaganda to stay "clean" as they are the future "officers".

No idea.

Oh yeah, that's true
>spitfire pilot

Fucking ace dude. My dad was a SA330 Puma Pilot :>
that literally is what communism is. you get the peasants to overthrow their 'oppressors' then you set yourself up as the defacto ruler and lord over them until your economy/country collapses.
Your life sounds awesome. How much does a house with so.e land cost in a place like that?
>when a communist told him that he would get 'his fair share', this dumb goy thought he meant 'an equal share'.

you dont get shit in a communist country unless you are part of the communist party, and you arent allowed to join the communist party unless comrade says you can join.

>tfw for 1300/month you can get a basic one bedroom apartment in Denver.

Fuck this I'm moving
>except their inability to organize together?

through compulsory state sanctioned education and propaganda they are never given the opportunity to even learn the concept that their leader is a dictator who must be over thrown.
hey you fucking leaf. Capitalism is NOT the opposite of communism. Every single socialist revolution has been funded by bankers.
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I will never understand why the current Kim didn't just co-opt the special economic zones for his own political power. Surely there was a way for him to boost his own power by using the revenue from Kaesong to boost his own patronage system. If the threat comes from his uncle using it instead of him, and now his uncle's dead, why doesn't he use it for himself?

As a serious question though. In North Korean propaganda how do they reconcile the idea that they are unstoppable communist supermen with the fact that they didn't win the Korean war? The generals must know how small their country is. They must know that they only survived because of Chinese intervention. How do the elites reconcile their propaganda with the most basic understanding of the world?
>hurr theyre all dumb and starving
If that was the case they wouldve collapsed. But they havnt. The fact that china and sk and us all keep thousands of men on the border ready to fight all the time shows that these guys arnt fucking around.

Yea we will mop the floor with them but there will be 100 million dead bodies if we fight them
pls anwser sorry if I scared you off with that global culture comment
also do you think that the NK would have a VC/Iraqi insurgency type resistance if the US invaded or would the people (because of all the years of propaganda) simply act like the Japanese civilians in WWII?
sorry that I keep asking these questions that really don't relate to history all that much but your the first person on /pol/ I've talked with who knows something about a topic that isn't philosophical in nature
Yeah, not an Ace though. He got a Dornier 217 down (official records), and a Messerschmitt Bf 109 (unconfirmed). At the end of the war his squadron was moved to Fighter-bomber as there was not enough Luftwaffe left. Mostly tanks, flack, trains, ships, infantry on roads.

Nop, never used that.

Well, if you do, it's gonna be easy to find me.

WTH ? i have a decent life, why would i fuck it up with a wife oO
There are plenty of women out there, you don't need to get married.

Yeah, the actor. He bought the island after making the movie "The bounty" here. He actually married a tahitian girl who was an actress on the set. They had a kid. He liked the life here, when he wanted to run away from hollywood.
>do you think you can give me a sort idea of what kind of military equipment
They have a lot of deprecated weapons from the 50s. Some elite units have more modern firearms from china.
They still fly mig 21s, they actually tried to buy those left in cuba, and spare parts, but the ship transporting them was seized when crossing the Panama canal.
They have some few more modern mig 29, but they really don't fly them a lot.

All in all, it's mostly 60 year old weaponry, with small elite units having more modern china weaponry, that is of lower quality than what the Chinese actually use. They are more behind than the Iraqi army. They would be really easy prays for USA.

The problem is china and the nukes. Please remember, that exploding a nuke in a test, is not the same as miniaturizing it enough to put it in a scud rocket. Their rockets are also to unreliable to risk putting a nuke in it. They could more easily build a bomb that an airplane can project, but if anything take off, the USAF can shoot it down before being even seen.

So the NK nukes are basically a suicide bomb, they have to detonate them on their own land. But it's still enough to keep any foreign invaders out.
>>WTH ? i have a decent life, why would i fuck it up with a wife oO
>There are plenty of women out there, you don't need to get married.
>>My philosophy, at the moment, it might evolve later, dunno, is "Fuck it, i will enjoy my life, and the next guys can screw it i don't care anymore"

ITT /pol/ falls for a nihilist globalist degenerate shill.

This explains why they keep on making nuke tests, beside a warning thread to the outside world : they are trying to miniaturize it. Same with the rockets : they try to get them more reliable, with bigger range, higher load and higher precision. They got some serious progress on the range, but reliability and precision became even worse.

There would be a lot of useless sacrifices during the war. Like charging M1A2 Abrams with Kalashnikov and only a few rounds, only for the tanks to move backward, fire from outside range and calling artillery and Airstrikes for support, as is the US doctrine for decades now. But once the head is cut off and the system surrender, there will be no rebellion. Any trace of rebellion has been purged out of their genes and culture. It's a country controlled by a strong state, with an homogeneous obedient population. Nothing like Iraq, but more like Japan and Nazi Germany.

I'm trying to answer your questions, but we are getting away from information and facts to analysis and opinions.

>special economic zones
China was upset and pulled the plug off.

>How do the elites reconcile their propaganda with the most basic understanding of the world?
From what i experienced, some real 1984 double thinking shit in real life.

>so.e land
what is that ?
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