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AUS/pol/ no bully edition

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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 34

G'day cunts

The events of the past few days have proven to me that Melbourne is the only red pilled city in Australia. What other city in Australia is unafraid to btfo niggers?

Anyway, let's get to the news of the day:

>sudos btfo by brave gook shop owner sick of their nigging


>based png army shoots (((asylum seekers))) at manus island refugee centre on our behalf because looking after them is getting expensive


>fat autistic neet gets btfo at his work for the dole program, mum cries


>cucks in nsw are reopening rail line for some stupid reason as if anybody lives in nsw amirite


>regional vic wants to waste cash on commonwealth games


>tasmania apologizes to faggots for some reason


>crazy cunt drives through mall in wollongong, btfos bogans and iceheads, apparently a terrorist and not doing a public service


Anyway cunts, looks like that fat gook cunt in NK pussied out
Looks like WW3 has been averted. I think it's safe for me to join the army and enjoy getting a 61k per year salary as a rifleman. Fuck yes cunts.

Anyway, let the shit posting commence.

dumb cunt t b h
[citation needed]
Sorry have to post this because it seemed to piss people off, haha
Want to be physiotherapist in army or airforce. Do they get treated with any semblance of respect?
>semblance of respect
we're all just good goyims willing to die for that old cunt lizzy m8
if you wanted respect you would of done well in school
t. cunt whos considering joining in a trade

not him but don't complain about rent increases if it gets scapped

u wanna rub up some cunts dicks or something?
Why would it? Seems fairly accurate to me.
I did do well in school, hence why I am considering physiotherapy.

t. somali
property prices will drop which means i can buy instead
>Abolishing negative gearing will matter with the other inflationary pressures on accomodation
Are there any Aussies that are ambitious on here? Seems like every Australian on this site is a tradie or thinking about joining the army because they're a NEET with no other options.
yeah in the army they're gonna treat you like shit

hence why it's the army we're all there to get shot at and die potentially/get legs blown off then come home and larp as heroes to the normal fags
who's the most obnoxious Australian comedian?
nothing wrong with the army m8
I have always hated Wil Anderson.
medfag if that counts as ambitious
what is ambition to you?
running a big fucking biz? having a big family? making lots of money?
ambition is different from person to person

whats stopping chinese and immigration from keeping them high

get out

any comedian thats been on the project
damn it foiled by the gooks
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might kill myself
Some people are. I agree there are a lot of army people though, too much considering less than 1% of the population are in the army.
so dave hughes
oh lord i honestly didn't see it
don't bully me please i'm too sensitive

Not completed, where is 'the project' ?
I drink new and watch NRL so this doesn't apply to me.
sorry to hurt your feelings sweetheart, but yeah ambition is wanting to do more than be a tradie or rifleman. without shitting on those people, that's pretty much as low as you can aim.
this guy has the right idea
he can meet god and tell us what he's like
Nah, let the gooks stay. Nothing too much wrong with them, their ladies love you long time. Get the blacks in control, they and Muslims cause trouble wherever they go.

How do these uneducated scum from primitive Africa get into your country anyway? I thought you had a point system you Australian cunt?

Well, at least you aren't Londistan yet. The English are getting their assholes spread really good right now to accommodate multicultural cock.
>ignores own thread title

I thought this was the welcoming aus/pol/ thread m8
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>when Aussies are talking about that huge desert in the middle of their cunt
>he says on 4chan on a saturday night
Based Asian merchant
Thoughts on friendlyjordies?
you didn't answer my question: what is ambition, according to you?
loudest shill there ever was
He's our guy whether he likes it or not
Gay cunt, but makes some valid arguments.
i don't really find any Australian comedian funny. i think they're all kind of shit. no bully even. it's just objective fact.
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How are we doing, convicts?
All of them are shit, name a good one
being a sick cunt, as usual, master.
I made that picture, that is to say I put the watermark at the bottom
lel you cunts can stop getting defensive, i'm a highschool dropout, not shitting on anyone.

>what is ambition
having a career path that takes years of study maybe, hoping to earn $150,000+, having ideas/plans on how to change or affect society in a broad way, something more than just finishing an apprenticeship and getting double time on sundays.
What's wrong with a clock?
You pomey cunts should pay us reparations for sending us here.
no i want a comfy simple life impregnating my missus over and over thanks
slightly better than you abdul, but not that great
What did you get up to today m8s?

>applied for a bunch of jobs in the mines
>went for a walk on the beach unironically
>watched the coachella stream
>watching the sigur ros stream now that was on at the same time as coachella
>about to go down to the bowlo for a few drinks

Its great to come home to visit the parents for easter but fucking hell its boring as shit
Fuck off elitist cunt. I make 6 figs and I have nothing but respect for people who work hard rather than leech Centrelink.
>ate chocolate eggs
>cooked meme food from aldi
>drank cheap goon which made me feel a bit ill
>got bullied in my last thread
>getting bullied in this thread
i'm going to kms tonight
>highschool dropout
for a cunt making that much money you're pretty fucking illiterate mate
was going to go out for a ride on my motorbike, but remembered it's a long weekend and every cunt and his dog will be out on the road so stayed home and got on the scotch and watched some movies.
Sat in my room wanting to kill myself because gf left me after 4 years together and I have no friends that I want to hang out with.
>career path
finished my meme degree
>having ideas/plans on how to change or affect society in a broad way,
i'm shitposting here
>something more than just finishing an apprenticeship and getting double time on sundays

sounds quite comfy actually
You look down on people who make less money than you. You're an elitist piece of shit.
Only leftists hate negative gearing because they don't understand economics or investment losses.
are you biz owner from last bread?
what kinda biz are you running?
quote the post where i did that cunt

nah mate im just an underemployed cunt with no future
at least you didn't do a meme degree who works as a freelance writer who gets bullied by that guy in the last thread ;(
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>Be a crook on a rainy shithole island
>Get 'punished' by being given a whole sunny continent
I'm the business owner. Online business, sole employee but it's a company not sole trader.

since i'm a freelance writer who has an abn and clients does that mean i'm a biz owner too?
Day of the Emu when?
Fuck boys i hope it better for you. Nothing worse than feeling down on a (((festive))) weekend like this one

My parents live in a small coastal tourist town. There are so many fucking baby boomers here with their brand new caravans, land cruisers and little annoying yipping dogs, it drives me up the fucking wall. The highway is fucked atm too, i just want to go into town but nah, a 15 min trip turns into 1 hr. I can definitely sympathise what you're dealing with
no wait i'm a sole trader
*waits for bullying to commence*
Saying that the liberals should not emulate LDP and ONP because that's "full autism" is either an appeal to the authority of intelligence or is ad hominum.
dw cunt i don't really want to kms i'm memeing.
everything else is true though.
That's not what we're going to bully you about
it's argument autist man
Technically yes. You can't call yourself a managing director though.
I'm not memeing. I can't even function without gf. We spent so much time together, everything is associated with her.
Btw is aldi any good? Theres one near where i live but ive nevrler done a full weeks worth of shopping there before. Im a little broke atm and looking for alternatives to woolies
staying at home to work is fucking comfy though and not being shackled to a set salary is good too i can work as much as i want and theoretically get over 100k if i work hard enough
i'm only good at writing and shit at everything else
>She used to be a functional adult
sounds like me man
we've been together just under 7 years still together
i knocked her up so she's not going anywhere unless she wants to be a single mom or if she finds a rich cuck

yeah it's got less brands but they're wayyyy better priced than cucksworlth or cucks (coles)

better price, good quality, less choice of brands (but who gives a fuck?)
Aldi is good for everything except meat. The prices aren't that great though. The big two beat them during half price sales. Stick to the half price foods. You can eat on less than $30pw.

If you work for Fairfax prepare the noose.
this guy can't stop BULLYING PEOPLE
nah cunt i just do commercial writing
aka copywriting
I do comm and science degree at GO8 if that counts as ambitious
>You can eat on less than $30pw

Thats frugal as fuck. What do you normall eat each week?
Ever do PR?
>tfw see her on snapchat being happy with friends and I'm here wanting to kms

I just want WW3 so I can be conscripted and die a hero.
About 45 minutes ago, didn't you see the pics?
You say this in every thread. Where should we meet up at?
Don't know how you're on $30p/w unless you're fucking anorexic. I fall into the anorexic weight range (not an ano though) and I spend minimum of $50 mostly about $55-60 a week.
Would love to break into the PR field. But I'm just a self taught copywriter. Have applied for PR jobs in a past life, but never landed anything.
>watching gay-fl
>drinking vaginal backwash
>listening to the abc

What kind of gay shit is this?
Or picked up a client that wants press releases written. Just comfy copywriting with a splash of SEO to drive sales for my valued clients.
I am fanatical about saving money. I never buy I want to eat I let the specials dictate what I eat. If you're serious about saving money you want to eat:

- Rice
- Spaghetti
- Chicken breast (buy in bulk and freeze)
- Soups
- Veggies (lots, they're cheap and good for you)

Just simple meals. I don't get bored and I save a fortune.
Veggies aren't cheap.
$30 would buy a few kg of flour and a few dozen eggs. I don't mind the odd spoonful of flour but even if you don't, I'm sure you could make it work somehow
Sounds pretty good. Hit up the fresh food markets too. Cheaper than Aldi. Less perishable though.
M8 where I live every second cunt is a tradie making big bucks. It's the only job they haven't fucked over with shitskins, yet.
Yeah they are. Broccoli, peas, corn, cabbage, carrots are all extremely cheap. I eat a lot of them. Broccoli is honestly the shit. Cheap and super good for you.
Frozen are cheap as shit.
Fresh from farmers markets are cheap as fuck. Coles, Woolies and Aldi are a rip off for fresh fruit and veg. Avoid.
You do know we live in a first world country right?
I don't recommend sardines
Tradies TEND to make big bucks in Australia.
I think it's because most highschools encourage kids to do the uni meme, instead of getting a "bogan" trade. That's what happened to me, anyway.
This thread is like 10/shit posting. Good job lads. Now tell me what part of your country i need to see when i visit. I hate sandniggers and such
Ah yep thats generally what i have for breakfast and dinner. I cook enough chicken for a few days and eat it with some rice. I do the same thing for dinner but cook frozen veges (you're right they are cheap as fuck).

I usually have fruit for brekky but im pretty sure that is a terrible idea. Still havebt figured out an alternative that i dont get sick of within a week though

Do you enjoy shitposting on /biz/ from time to time?
Give it time for the full effects of ChAFTA to flow through. Then even Wang and his dog sandwich will be invading the trades.
Australia is not a "first world economy"

56% of the population don't pay taxes and there's not a developed private sector to tax.
Saving money is saving money
Lunch and dinner* my bad
Ambition in Australia means buying a bigger boat. Not because you wanted a bigger boat, but because you want your neighbour to envy your bigger boat.

Australia. Covetous and clueless.
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Recommend Melbourne
not looking down on anyone, you're projecting shit
Keeping up with the Jones is fucking cancer.
My ambition/s:
Earn decent money
Pop out a few kids to beat the replacement rate (more than 2)
Stay out of fucking debt like all hell
Have a nice, happy and successful family
>Then even Wang and his dog sandwich will be invading the trades.

They already are mate. Those Chinese property developers bring their own labor with them, just like in Africa. Sites are full of Wangs dangerously wielding circular saws.
- A gram of mince $10
- A couple of tins of soup $3
- Spaghetti $2
- Assorted veggies $6
- 5 tins of tuna $5
- Chicken breast bulk pack $14
- 2x bread $2

That should last you 10 days at least.

Occasionally. I'm not much of an investor though. Try oats for breakfast. Add some jam if it's too bland for you.
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How does it feel to have lost your old renowned number one shit poster status on this site?
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Go to Melbourne to see red pilled street art like this.
Northern Queensland is always a top destination for natural beauty and Australian culture.

If you want to be a degenerate and get fucked on drugs, alcohol and pussy, Gold Coast is your place. Some of the theme parks are alright too.

Sunshine coast is good for beaches and cruisy coast life.

Brisbane itself is not really much for tourists. Maybe see a play, visit the fine art and war museums, eat street markets if you're a little hipster and maybe you'll catch a fireworks show for River Fire or New Years.

If you're after architecture, stay in Europe.
>gram of mince
Cunt are you making burgers for ants?
Don't think that isn't ambitious anon, most normies won't manage to even achieve the last on your list - let alone all of them

Good luck, we're all going to make it
A kilo*
It's been a year or two. I haven't noticed anything.
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No, Melbourne.
It has red pilled street art.
You must be young, m8. Ever heard of Rodney fuckin Rude?
I can get a kilo of mince at the local butchers for 7.50$
I'm the superior cheap eater.
Melbourne is also cancerous as fuck. Getting a flight to Melb is not worth it.

Queensland is based because the coast just has tons of war stuff from being terrified of Jap invasions.
It often means fuvking people over with housing, then buying a big boat, or taking out a mega loan with your house as collateral, then getting it.

I agree most Aussies make me sick. Selling the joint out just so they can piss off their own people.
no one's given a fuck what you think since ghengis khan snowfaggot
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It has red pilled street art. What part of that don't you understand?
Why don't butchers accept EFTPOS? I'm too lazy to get cash.
Yeah I guess they still push kids into uni. Then half of them end up basket weaving retards.
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At least if they own 5 investment properties and 2 massive yachts, they're successful and happy right?

Materialism is a meme. Unless you like that meme.

I'd assume mix of avoiding tax and avoiding what ever makes eftpos profitable for banks
I'm lucky I have an Aldi next to the farmers market. So I can just get cash out there.

They don't want to pay the fees, I assume, or maybe so they can pay their employees under the table.
you're a gay cunt I take out $500 every pay day and bank the rest. If i run out of money then I don't buy smokes or booze. Only time I use digital currency is for online purchases
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Why the fuck are there Muslims in Australia? You're supposed to be our panic room and you're ruining it
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My fucking teacher tried to push me into a Bachelors of Music. Lucky I had enough foresight to not fall for that. I'd be worse off than now.
Trust me, everybody fucking hates them.
Im pretty you guys are to blame for it. Dont be such a shit father next time, dad
What do you do with all of your shrapnel?

We don't have anywhere near as many as you, my British friend.
I can play guitar like a mother fucker and did some session work. Everyone wonders why I'm not raking in cash. Keep telling them you can't make money in that business unless you are a sellout to the jews
>Gold Coast is your place. Some of the theme parks are alright too.
>Some of the theme parks are alright too.

Mate are you forgetting the meat grinder that occurred 6 months ago? We even had numerous thunder river rapids threads that resulted in an IRL /pol/ punch on
work at woolies at night, though those cunts just butt fucked me out of money so now I work afternoons
>aus thread
I stopped playing bass and guitar as much as I used to years ago. Just because I had some minor talent in HS, they tried to get me off to their meme music degree. Cunt lords.
You have a powerful orgasm?
I'm sure the themeparks are busting their balls on maintenance to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Jesus. Well maybe you could've been a music teacher in a high school. Somewhat useful and would pay alright.

I got pushed into engineering even though I had zero interest in it and was only about a 7/10 in chemistry and failed physics. Ended up it instead. So many adults are dumb fucks and should have no input on young people.
Woolies nightshift is comfy as fuck. Did they replace you with a Panjeet?
Anyone on FTTN?
The theme parks are cheap as fuck now mate, less lines too.
Ambitious? Nigga I haven't even figured out what I wanna do yet.
I agree, and we're all so fucking impressionable at that time in our lives at the same time not knowing what the fuck we're actually good at/want to do with our lives.

Never did they say "get money first then figure out what you want to do with life" it's just "do meme x degree and you'll be a success!".
some of you are alright. don't go to the stones corner aldi tomorrow
how much does it cost to live in western sydney?
Yeah they have no clue about the economy and who's getting what and don't give a shit. People say you shouldn't think about money but they are stupid cunts. That's how you end up unemployed neet and alcoholic.

There's no way the top private schools say that shit I am sure.
I was about to say we're full but Sydney deserves Allah Akbar.
I wish i was more ambitious, i'm relatively successful i think and only a year out of uni but i have no fucking idea how to progress
Please fuck off. We don't need any Wahhabi Muslims shitting up Western Sydney any worse than it already is.
We don't need more Islamists there.
I'm a biomedical research scientist
there's been like 5 incidents since, including one where people got stuck upside down with VR goggles on for like 4 hours

thats a good point, however keep in mind you may die if you go on the rides f a m
Who knows. But I guess none of us can predict that shit. Did you know that we'd be in a massive housing bubble 10 years ago?
Did you know the mining boom would fuck off?

I don't think anybody but the kikes know.
nah they fucked us all over with some bullshit about getting more staff so we didn't have to work as hard. Lost $100 a week so they could hire a bunch of young kids that don't do fuck all. The place is going to shit so I expect in a few months they will put us back on nights. Happened before they pretty much sucked our dicks to fix it,
Ok I'll tell my family you're open
Nothing like spending 6 months of the year sucking the governments dick as hard as possible to get those grants.
It's cheaper in Melbourne. Go there.
0.43 camels/month
>my family
>my playboy saudi prince daddy with oil millions
Cunt can't you just go and fight the Houthis in Yemen before you get overrun?
Nauru island would be more your speed
been playing heaps since I bought an Axe FX and can use headphones. Thinking about buying and 8 string to use as a bass and start recording again
You got me there, but you don't always need government grants. Private companies got 'em too. Besides I don't handle the grants, my supervisors take care of that.
But he's a Saudi. They're cashed up. They can afford the extra cost of living in Sydney. Besides, Sydney has more Muslims. He'll feel more at home there.
I've won numerous ARIA's if that counts m808
>no gibson v
>no fender jazz bass
I did but I looked at non msm media.
I hear any sort of research is very stressful nowadays. Any truth to that?
Can I have one cunt? I need to feel like I've achieved something in the form of a shiny golden trophy.
no man, the memes
>Sydney has more Muslims. He'll feel more at home there
we'll see about that

we don't need another salim mehajer here
Were you old enough to take advantage of them?
>tfw highschool the year of the gfc and mining boom died
>tfw housing bubble is high as fuck right now
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Which member of Jet are you?
Yes you do, you racist cunt.
They hand those out like NAB pens
hmm an excellent source of slave labour from the natives I presume

sudanese people running free? no thanks

meme war, just poor people on both sides
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this is my main guitar
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Which of you cunts did this?
They are an R selected population.
Those that have the genetics that push them to the market are of incarcerated for drug dealing as young adults.
It's literally dysgenics
Just go live in the UAE like all the other degenerate Saudis.
Now there's some shitty memories I didn't need to remember.
You're right, I'm literally worthless and even winning a grammy doesn't make me feel any better.

i'm not

Yeah but I didn't. I thought prices were crazy as fuck back then. They would have gone down if Rudd hadn't open up the market to gooks. I had no idea what a massive faggot he was.
>very stressful nowadays
Well for the hard sciences it is. It won't be very stressful if you do a PhD in translesbian poetry and gender studies.

I'm early in my research career but it's only going to get more hectic.

If you enjoy working in a lab, being patient and failing time to time, then you might like research.

Do Australians also like that snarky cunt John Oliver too? I thought it was just American liberals.
>meme war
>houthis occupy Taiz and other southern provinces
>launching scuds at Riyadh

cunt you better get your fighting shoes on and not desert to Australia.
Oh fuck a Jackson V
Can't read the head
Is that an ESP or Jackson?
They still do that? Shit makes me die of cringing. Australian television is so fucking bad.
At least I got a free $900 the year I finished with HS though.
Research isn't my thing. I like med and dealing with hurt people.
its Edwards which is made my ESP, they are only sold in Japland
No we don't. That is a trash tier meme.
>Research isn't my thing. I like med and dealing with hurt people.
Fair enough, I'm the opposite.
I don't like dealing with a lot of people.
Cool jack. Into fast metal and shit I assume since ESP.
Do you like Alexi Laiho from Children of Bodom? Guy is god tier at guitar. Go listen to their first album.
Well there's people and then there's hurt people. Hurt people are usually grateful. Normal people are huge cunts.
That cunt really fucked this country. Everyone thought he was gonna be a Gough, but he just turned up the Jewing even more. The leftists never say that though they just say muh mining tax and nbn.
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We have a non-white muslim version of John Oliver called Waleed Aly here. He's more pretentious but doesn't tell you the current time, only 7pm.
yeah into COB for ages mate
>medfags confirmed for god complex
I got drunk with the local abbos that night on cheap goon and they said his apology meant fuck all and he's just a sissy white cunt.
You're surprised? People do medicine for three reasons, money or they're expected to medicine or they have a god complex.
Yah that cunt is great. Their shit now isn't as good as their first 4 albums. They simplified or someshit.
That's true but I prefer research over being an actual doctor/GP.

>medfags confirmed for god complex
>tfw i'm research gene modification
yeah are you dead yet is probably their last good album, a few songs off the new ones are alright

I remember that 2020 summit where all the top leftist faggots got together and yapped on about how smug and intellectual they were.

They were so insufferable everyone voted them out even though that meant trashing the nbn.
t. roo
>I'm an aussie studying a masters in Germany, does that count?
it's scary though. i don't want some cunt who thinks he's god flicking around my lungs or grabbing my heart.
Surviving daily Trucks of Peace is pretty ambitious.

A lot of them are severely autistic as well. I have never met a more socially awkward group of professionals. They make judges look like men of the people.
Is that a real trailer?
>tfw none of them have ever sunk a whole gask of goon with an old gin and her 23 something year old boong nephew
>call me a racist

Fuck them.

Yank cunt

Bred any Germanic white girls?
As opposed to a cunt who's doing it for money making you go through uneccessary and expensive tests to embelish himself?

Or as opposed to a cunt who hates his life and his job but can't disrespect his family?
Do you have to know German to study there?
I'd have to say yes.
Not to mention they usually breed with asians because white women don't want to listen to their autistic 'muh heart surgery' talk.
i liken any situation in which i'm completely helpless and trusted to someone to being rescued by some soldiers in some backwards country.

would i want to get rescued by someone very good at his job? of course, i'd prefer the navy seals coming to help me. would i want to get rescued by someone who gains an almost erotic pleasure from castrating random illiterate 60 IQ arabs and regularly masturbates to pictures of patton? probably not.

nobody can beat IT professionals in that domain. have you ever watched two nerds argue about what distribution of linux they prefer?
There's quite a lot of WM/AF couples here. Saw a AM/WF today too.

Also saw a niqab again today.
Did you preach to them the dangers of miscegenation?
>nobody can beat IT professionals in that domain. have you ever watched two nerds argue about what distribution of linux they prefer?

I don't interact with them, really. They just fix my computer when I've gotten too many viruses from watching porn at the office.
Kek, I saw a tram of peace run a gook on a bike over the other day.

Got a german girlfriend over here now, unfortunately. So breeding her regularly. Gotta get one back for the war.

Depends on what you want to study, I'm studying physics, so most unis offer their physics masters in english only. For most other subjects, its german. IT's not so hard to pick up though.
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>castrating random illiterate 60 IQ arabs and regularly masturbates to pictures of patton?

Mate I assure you, every person I've met maybe with the exception of 3 people doing med has been completely and totally autistic.

Also I masturbate to Anzu, I'm not some sort of the gay.

No, I don't see a point desu and I don't want to get in trouble where I work.
there were a few 25-mid30s and a couple 40+
What tram?
got a video?
I need a Aussie girl once during hurricane Katrina when I jizzed on a pile of shit
>For most other subjects, its german. IT's not so hard to pick up though.

I want to study abroad but the language barrier scares the shit out of me. Like would I have to live there 6 months prior to just get to grips with the language first before jumping into study?
Thats so bizarre since i was friends with a fuck tonne of med students when i went through uni, and they were the most outgoing non-autistic bunch of people ive met. Biggest bunch of alcoholics by far. I guess that all changes once they do several placements and specialise though.
Bred**** thanks Google for auto correcting all the niggers
You have to dump loads in her to make it breeding. No rubbers.
Dumb yank.
Reminder that Australian needs tighter gun laws or we'll get more of what happened in the Lindt Cafe.

Not to mention shootings are all over the news right now, something must be done.
>Le stolen % generation
Don't let them fool you, med students are very good at appearing social and outgoing. It's part of the job when you have to deal with people.

But just attempt to pick their brain a bit and watch them dissolve.
hello flume

I've mostly dealt with surgeons, though. I think they select for jeopardy skills.
Most of the ones i knew were from the country so being outgoing came to them naturally. But i know what you mean
have you fucked any of the locals yet? do they like Aussies?
I know you're bait but to anyone in this thread that believes this unironically.


> AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) was used to predict future values of the time series for homicide, suicide and accidental death before and after the 1996 National Firearms Agreement (NFA). When compared with observed values, firearm suicide was the only parameter the NFA may have influenced, although societal factors could also have influenced observed changes.

AKA. Gun laws actually didn't change anything other than the amount of people shooting themselves. Didn't actually change the suicide rate.
Cuck cannons are racist.
Sounds about right. Johnny howard used to go on about suicides via guns fell through the floor when the nfa was enacted.

>tfw it was all smoke and mirrors
I appear outgoing and social but I'm actually pretty socially anxious and I overthink everything. I can 'switch' it on and off in how it comes out in my body language.
I've got a pic of the aftermath, let's see if I can find it.

6 months? You'd wanna be good at languages then. I'd say be at least B1 level before studying. At least.

Literally haven't used a rubber since April 2013 when I met a 16 year old Icelandic girl on a boat.
>Look guys people stopped killing themselves with bullets. Now they're killing themselves with much more painful methods like overdosing or suffocation which have lower chances of success and thus cost more on medicare to fix their retarded ass just so they can try again later.

I don't know how Australia became so anti-gun in just 2 decades. Everyone I show this two just flat out says "Okay but I still don't want guns to be legal."
Northern Europeans love aussies. If you can't get laid in Australia (like me) come here and all of a sudden you become a Chad. English girls are even easier, but they all turn to shit after 20.
>I can appear outgoing and social
Thanks to Alcohol?
>I don't know how Australia became so anti-gun in just 2 decades.

I'm only anti-gun in terms that I don't want you having one. All for me having a bunch, though. It's about context, mate.
If we're allowed to have guns, I'm just going to make a homemade railgun. You can't stop me.
I have done alright pulling girls in Aus that you wouldn't want to GF, but I'm in a LTR now

Not alcohol, its almost like acting. I can take on the role of a 'Chad' social-able person if the situation needs it. I'm often complimented for my calm personality but they don't realize internally its anything but
Can't really see much, unfortunately.

I certainly can, because I'll have 10 Addlers.

t. gun control lobbyist.

Sounds like you could get a proper 9/10 over here then.
did he die?
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nah m8

high velocity aluminium can penetrate you from long distance, addlers got nothin on me
long term relationship. if things don't work out and I want to be a man slut then I may consider a Euro trip
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>saudi flag.
>wants to live in Sydney.

There was a time in this country where this story would have made national headlines. Now it is just routine:


>A man has suffered slash wounds on his face and hands when a gang wielding a machete and an axe stormed his Melbourne home.

>Up to six armed offenders broke into a house in Oakleigh South and stole cash and wallets on Saturday afternoon before fleeing, police say.

Welcome to your multicultural paradise.
He better have. Took me an hour extra to get home because of this.

Ahh yeah. I know what you mean. Girls seem to throw themselves at you when you're in one, but when you're single, they're no where to be seen.
I've been woken up multiple times this year to people attempting to break in, i'm not even in a shitty neighbourhood, shit's fucked
Is that a good suburb?
No it has gangs of niggers doing home invasions.
nah it used to be full of greeks last time I went there
Looks like it's near Chadstone. That's a good suburb.
How do you redpill a bitch when she starts saying "we are all part of the human race" crap without coming on too strong?
Oh well better it them than whites.
tell her you'll leave her in a sharia control zone and she can walk home
If a bitch ever said that I would want nothing to do with her ever again.
at least you know greeks aren't white
Make her browse /pol/
No I don't consider wogs to be white.

The only white people are those that want to severely lower or stop immigration and votes for it. Everyone else is a piece of shit.
>We're all part of the human race
>We should all love each other and get along
>>Unfortunately the world will never work live that. People will always have unreconcilable differences. Like I disagree with stoning women to death and I will fight to death to stop that from ever come to this country.
Would you consider a black guy who wants to severely lower or stop immigration and votes for it, white?
Yes. Well maybe not but I would respect him anyway. As long as he was black and not a nigger.
u wot m8, most australian greeks support golden dawn openly and don't buy into the SJW shit anglos do

t. greek
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So it's more of a culture and immigration issue not a race issue.
>le civic nationalism maymay
Right sorry then. I don't believe you though. I bet most of them just vote liberal or Labor like most other tards.
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civic > ethnic
>civic > ethnic
You are a fucking clown.
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I can only speak for the ones in Sydney desu, the majority of us are crypto-fascists, extremely traditional, nationalistic and have strong family values
Is that like 1st or 2nd gen? I find it hard to believe that people who grew up in aus support golden dawn
>Muh in group preference doesn't exist
>Muh I would totally value a random stranger as much as I value my own family
Just google golden dawn australia if you don't believe me, both 1st and 2nd gen
my life lacks purpose and direction, should I kill myself?
I know a lot of navy fags and they were 4channers in hs. I think the defence force attracts nerds more then normies.
Fuck thats heavy

Wouldnt that be contradictory for 1st gen to support the "australia first party"?
Doesn't seem to be many Greeks around anymore, they used to run all the fish and chip shops. Where are they in Sydney?
No. Stick around to piss other people off.

Are South African Whites even worth saving anymore when this is practically the only thing they've made that had commercial success in decades?
If you are going to kill yourself, wait till your parents pass away.
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If you're not to busy sucking off the government for grants, can you whip up an ethnovirus to deal with all these chinks, poos, and arabs
Its weird how being in a relationship makes you more desirable. Maybe the key to picking up when single is to pretend you're taken

No, find what you are passionate about and find a way to get paid for it
Not really, both parties aligned in 2014 and have really similar views. AFAIK AFP is against non-europeans and Islam, rather than Greeks/Italians

Marrickville still has a lot, but there are a lot of Asians there now too. Otherwise Earlwood now has the majority
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BoganVirus™ is already patented. I will release it within 6 months.
bogans > indians and chinks >>>>>> niggers and muslims
Let me tell you a classic about visiting A mate in western Sydney
>be me with my 10/10 Slavic qt gf
>get off at auburn station and gf gets dirty looks for having a crucifix
>start drinking at mates shitting house he talks about muslims opening his back gate to let his dogs out to run away because Muslims hate dogs and last week his street was in lockdown with federal cops searching muslim houses
> we go to local pub to have some beers and play pool
> walk in every is Lebanese and they give my gf rapey looks and look at my mate and I with filthy looks but they won't fight is because there were only 8 of them and Lebanese only fight 10v1
>pokies room full of chain smoking Asians smashing lucky 88 and 5 dragons with their weird triple slaps
> beers were $6.40 for a schooner of Carlton dry
> fuck this shit lets go to Granville diggers because we are veterans
> get there and the staff are Asian and tell us because we live in the Sydney area but are not members we have to pay entry
>we tell them we are veterans and show proof yet they don't budge until the manager comes down
> get inside noting but Arabs , poo in loos and chain smoking Asians with their weird cigarettes
> turn to my mate and ask why the fuck does he live in this third world shit hole
>in the car park waiting for uber some Lebos talk shit to us but they are the biggest manginas when not in big enough numbers as they backed down pretty quickly
>haven't visited mate since that evening

Sure hue anon go live their it's a third world shithole and it's not even cheap shit is over $500 a week
Hey mate Rome tried the same thing. Didn't work. Turns out, when money runs out in a society people still retain their 2 billions year of programmed in group preference for their own kind. Therefore blacks will always group with blacks and whites always group with whites. What a great way to run society that in times of economic hardship it goes straight into a race war.

Not once implying that every single white is better than every single black.
tell me how to get a hot slav gf
same lmao
sort yourself out.
>in a pub

cool story bro.
what uni lad?
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