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Thread replies: 135
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>enter that address in your VLC Media player
>enjoy classical musics as Nork news soon arrive at your computer screen

Tag: North Korea
>go to link above for how the daily program usually goes. GMT +8:30 is north korea time. +12:30 for you east coast fags.

Bump this up if interested
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Self bump cause IT IS STARTING!
Go ahead and punch that address into your VLC. It's definitely not a video reenactment of lemon party.
Bumping with youtube link

Is there any tits?

(Do they even have nipples in Best Korea? I know Dear Leader doesn't poop so therefore he has no butthole.)
And we're live!
thats actually very nice voice without the screaming but i like the screming too
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north school.png
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A month ago, the girl in the "North Korean Rocky" (pic related) had a smaller sized pair, but she was overall pretty damn fit.

Sad she lost the race at the end. The american profited of her weakness.
They act like nothing's going on, didn't pyongyang get evacuated?
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>tfw your country will never get this close in national pride
It's south korean lies, to lead the US to bomb civilian occupied Pyongyang
No. That was fake news.
I've always wondered, do north koreans actually love their country? Or do they feel forced? It's hard to get a good understanding of morale in north korea because you can't trust anything western media says.
yes they realy love it, no matter where they live. kim is actually the good guy. degenrates have no chance in NK also weak people.

I think they actually do. My brief interaction with South Koreans made me feel that they are very operatic and emotional, like Italians. Their feelings for their homeland and their society seemed honest and real.

I could be wrong. It could all be an act. But it felt sincere.
is that video of Kim live, about to be assassinated by Navy SEALs any second?
That was yesterday when he went to cut the ribbon for a new apartment building construction in Pyongyang.
Well, I guess it is actually live.
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I think only 3 countries left without rotschild bank.
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Worship of state is their religion, apparently.
Is that cutie kitty holding an ICBM on the backpack?
Unlike us in the WEST
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Damn right.
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You guys ever see this?
After 3 minutes they shoot off they missles.
I love the Moranbang band!

here so motivation-

comfy thread.
North Korea is Best Korea
i need advice, theres a rat trap on the inner ledge of my front porch because rats have been using the power line to get in my attic. It just went off but it only caught the rat by the gut and its dragging the trap all over the concrete. What do i do?
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smash it with a bat
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ho men....stop this you make my cry again

i cant listen to them without tears...
eww no. my hubby wont be up for another 2 hours and i hate hearing it squeal.
would pouring bleach on it do anything?
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kim being cute.jpg
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give it to a cat.
throw it off the balcony.
No cat. i was hoping for a non bloody way to finish it off.
better to drown it in a bucket of water
give it to a cat you know then.
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Think Kim will die on his own or do I have to get a shovel and bucket?
i'd rock that chair right over its head and crush it
pls dont ;_;
gonna pick him up with a shovel and put him in a bucket of water. right now hes just suffering and squealing. thanks guys
Your regularly scheduled propaganda will now resume. Long live the other Kim
that would be best
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Shit just got serious.
use the shovel to finish him off. Give him a quick honorable death. Let him take his place among his ancestors.
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>tfw no medals
Wow, this is some cringe shit.
I wonder if this is going to get jammed when the invasion starts.
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Holy fuck it just turned into a 70s tokusatsu seies theme song.
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Okay, the song they're doing now sounds more like something for a football marching band.
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HOLY FUCK look at what these guys did with trees!
you're looking at the north korean navy
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Fuck yeah! Newspaper time!
audio on this is too quiet
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Oh shit, looks like there may be a happening on the horizon.
Why is this fucking old lady talking forever? Learn to entertain. This is perhaps the most boring news I've ever seen.

It's not news. It's a public announcement. She's reading the statement of the DPRK Peace and Reunification Committee Chairman.
NO! It's fucking just an educational show!
those kids look happy as fuck
Wholesome Values Kiddie Time
are those laptops from 06?
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Oh shit it's a niggabear book.
Alright, but it was still the most boring thing I hae ever heard. At least it's something stimulating on now. Is this "NK got talent?"
What with Koreans and accordions? Is it a Marco Polo influence?
North Korea training elite ping pong team to take over the world of table top sports
how many times was that girl beaten while playing
Thanks, /pol/ now i watching north Korean TV. It's so weird to hear after kpop.

Clearly not enough.
>teary eyed western pedos looking at all the young people whose futures they will never ruin
haw haw
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theyre like little goslings
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Why do I get the feeling that those little girl pageants will get super popular in North Korea after the liberation?
Man, this is great. Back in the 90s my dudes.
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Communism BTFO.jpg
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It really makes you think
The national Who's Gotten the Most Beatings Competition
Wow this is my jam
Murican fireworks when?
Trump dropped one of the MOABs on sunni goatfuckers in Afghanistan to make sure they were not past their expiration date. Now they he knows they still work he will be dropping all of them on kim's fat head.
MOAB (mother of all bombs) largest non-nuclear warhead in our arsenal with a payload of 21,000 Kilograms. Its an instant Mushroom cloud without the messy radiation. Only America with a military budget larger than the following ten biggest countries combined would build such a monstrosity.

Your gonna see some pretty spectacular fireworks.
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Dear Leader4.jpg
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>Clapping Intensifies
are they preppin' for war
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Dear Leader5.jpg
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>Your audience will never be this aesthetic
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Will war actually happen?

I really hope so :3
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Pray to dear leader for a happening
Oh boy. Korean War 2.0
>strengthen sanctions on the tortoise trade
>twitter-trained orangutan president himself
>DPRK will correct that using nuclear weapons
>reduce morbidly obese fat to ashes

Why would anyone want to silence this litany of lulz?
I cant get the stream to work on VLC, mac. I want better audio but it wont open
Chosun is lagging boys, happening imminent
runs OK on my mac.


Best part of the broadcasts short of the synchronized gymnasts
communists have the best music
>owning a mac in the year of our leader and not a pyonyang 5000

are we required to sing along?
you don't?
let it suffer and bleed out as a message to the rest of them.

then douse it with cat urine
Pyongyang actually looks nice
Here we go...
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is there live stream?
>tfw not Pyonyang elite living in comfy anime city

this is what i'm seraching for
Why doesn't north Korea just detonate a nuclear warhead under seoul from one of there tunnels.
If this is correct then ceremonies started about half an hour ago.
They will probably cap things off with the nuclear test.
Then a spectacular fireworks show courtesy of the USA.
Because it would be like firing a nuclear gun into North Korea, it wouldn't vaporize the earth like you think.
The only person that I wish I could have asked was my grandfather since he served in Korea. But he's long gone.
last 2 are my chance of getting a NK waifu

Fat little motherfucker. If he weren't so damn mean, he'd be cool.
I wouldn't trust a little girl that knows how to cook domesticated animals 50 different ways.
Who is really in control of North Korea?
Wish i knew what they were saying
Mexico no chill
Thread posts: 135
Thread images: 42

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