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>le based Assad xD nu-/pol/ needs to leave.

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>le based Assad xD

nu-/pol/ needs to leave.
We thought assad was ok before trump was even running
at least say shill or shareblue you retardcultist
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Not seeing the fact that Trump did a complete 180.
/pol/ has been calling Assad based before you even came here you fucking child
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t. Muslim lover


Stability in syria means less refugees, hans. Don't be retard.

You sound like a kike lover
nu-pol is Trump

What is OLD SCHOOL /POL/ then?


Being for the enemies of Israel
Fucking hang yourself newfag, /sg/ has been up since before the election cycle even began and Assad has always been /ourguy/ in Syria.
>It's another Turk posting as a German thread
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Fuck off
Are you retarded? Assad is a secularist. He is actively trying to protect Christians in Syria.
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Cash me Assad how bout dat
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/sg/ threads were a thing before Trump ever considered doing politics.

r/thedonald fags really need to get the fuck out.
where is Breivik? scrap Putin put Breivik instead

Also, Netanyahu did nothing wrong and Israel need or support
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At least we can all agree that we love Hitler. Man, I miss the old days.
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Fuck off jew
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LEL the MSM thinks we are Assadists, we will show them.

We HATE Assad now because God Emperor Trump changed his mind on him. Assad GASSED HIS OWN PEOPLE[* We don't have proof but the emperor said so]. Anyone who says otherwise LOVES muslims.

I can't wait until Trump orders another Truck attack false flag to confuse morons.

By GASSING civilians and SHOOTING at opposition? ASSad's protecting his own corrupt Muslim ASS and his sect.
It's a pic from several years ago. The point is that Assad fanboyism is almost as old as Zimzam memes.
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>He is actively trying to protect Christians in Syria.

by bombing their cities and gassing innocent children?
Sage, gtfo
Breivik was a jew lover
/pol/ liked Assad long before Trump.
t. Shmuly Goldbergsteinowitz
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>It's another Turkroach posting from his workplace in Germany
>Remember goyim, there is 6 billions hospitals in Syria with only children in it and Assad is trying to GAS them all. Please believe me, we need the land for the great Israel.
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>be /pol/
>its a "sandnigger dictators never lie its all a conspiracy!" episode
>trump now hated while retards swear alliance to a chinlet lanklet maximum retard who only survives because hes propped up by the vodka chuggers
>fucking /sg/ leaking like a loaded diaper all over the fucking board
>"WE LIKED ASSAD BEFORE WE LIKED TRUMP SO ITS OKAY" they spout while using a name made up by current year man
i just dont know anymore
Haha, no.
He didn't though. He's just doing this to get the jews to shut up.
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>old /pol/
Natsocs who hated neocons and zionists
Retarded Trump ledditers who love jews
le based mudslimes XD

Debate this.
thread reported for literally no content in the OP.

I have neven seen it before, but the point stands. I'm flaggerbusted by the amount of shills whining "why /pol/ all of the sudden prefers this ebil Moslem dictator over the great Trump".
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Damn right Turkbro, these PC, "one world", open border fanatic Trumptards need to GO!

pic is mos def related
hes bombing the radical Islamic sunni terrorist goatfucking cities you retarded nigger

the alawite government controlled areas are literally perfectly safe and normal

the only people against Assad in Syria are the same kind who run over people with trucks in Europe ot atleast symphatize with them
nu-/pol/ btfo
>nu-/pol/ needs to leave.

I agree. Go back to rebbit you kike enabler.

Or tell us about the great success in removing:
The Shah.

Things really improved, right?
This is so dumb
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>Fighting for Israel

It's not like there is a secular opposition in Syria, right? I've spoken to Syrian refugees, and they claimed to be fleeing from ASSad more often than from ISIS and Al-Nuzra put together!

You are HOPELESS, BRAINWASHED Putin shill!
Fuck off JIDF we were pro-Assad long before Trump shills showed up
>implying nu-pol aren't the ones who supported trump in the first place
>Not understanding that a Syrian collapse would be a fantastic gain for Israel
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By doing the things they want him to do in a incredibly unstable region where one wrong move can fuck everything? Great strategy there.
Most of the rebels want to make an Islamist state which will be put together by groups influenced by al-qaeda. Just like Afghanistan in the late 90s.

If they don't get their government because Drumpf puts the FSA in power, then they'll start an insurgency. Just like post-invasion Iraq

Americans HELPED us to remove our retarded dictator, gave us democracy and we're still THANKFUL to them, instead of siding with retarded MUSLIM dictators.
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>"Syrian (((Refugees))) "
>Talking to "Syrian (((Refugees))) "

Fucking roaches i swear.
>be anon
>be in so much in denial that trump fucked up
>be this ignorant that there actually can be normal middle east leaders like assad
"they spout while using a name made up by current year man"
wtf is this suposed to mean
Shills are saying "nu pol" now. Get with the times.
Hes a piece of shit but hes not worth starting a war over either.

Let Syria solve their own fucking problems. How many times do we have to intervene in some undeveloped country?
>loaded diaper
I laughed
Hourly reminder that Assad is a war criminal and a dictator that gassed innocent children and is responsible for over 90% of civilian casualties in Syria. After the war he will be tried at an international court and sentenced to life in prison.
We always wanted Trump to start shit.
Fuck off kike nobody believes that bullshit

I though nu-/pol/ LOVES Syrians, as long as their side with their RETARDED DICTATOR and RUSSIA.
>Jews tell him to do something
>he does it
Lmaooo it doesn't matter if hes just doing it to shut them up. Kek these t_d mental gymnastics are sad!
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i dont give two fucks about asshat assad but the /SG/'s have been going on longer than Trump being elected
just stop being a faggot please

there will be an American/Russian alliance and you can't stop it kikes.
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Serbs should have finished the job and gassed all of (You)
Oh yeah we're afraid of sand niggers.

We just don't want them bringing their shit to us, and they get here through lefties like urself lol.
>10 shekels have been deposited into your account
>old /pol/
Ask me how I know your nu-fag.

Go behead some children back at your desert, you truck driver wannabe
Hitler saved Germany's ass from the Great Depression, and he only "failed" because America, much of Europe, and Russia invaded him. Dictators aren't that bad, and ultimately, democracy can work for whites only
>Putin shill


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Only retarded marxist shills pretend otherwise. Old /pol/ was natsoc. moot threatened to scrap us plenty of times because of this.

So this is the face of nu-/pol/. Third world niggers circle jerking to Russian dictators. I get it. Picturesque!
Based /pol/
Back to plebbit nigger
That pic is from like 2013 or some shit
>falling for zionist propaganda to be involved in their wars

keep being stupid sheep, /pol/
/pol/ has always been by and large pro-Assad.

>this level of understanding of the situation
Go do your school work instead of posting your inanities here.
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Let me guess you believe in the holochaust too.
T. lolocaust believer
The ebola face is an addition from 2015 to cover the shame that was moot. The picture itself is from around that time.
I know one thing for an absolute truth... despite all the discord/reddit shilling, /pol/ represents absolute disgust in all forms of Nigger and Jew, and strives to counter them at every turn. Assad is Sand Nigger, less dangerous than a classic Nigger, but STILL a Nigger /pol/. Fuck Hajjis, Death to Islam!
You sound blue, share your feelings.
Pro-Assad you kike scum
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assad is a nazi you dirty jew
Mostly libertarian actually. Natsoc myslef, but we were a loud minority and a lot of it was just larping.
It eventually evolved into real non-larping white supremacy, but I don't really consider that old/pol/.
Is the whole shoes are gross thing related to street shitting or something?
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Assad will win.

/pol/ has always sided with Muslims over Jews.

If your main enemy on this entire fucking planet isn't Jews and their Marxist ideologies, and you aren't willing to make allies with anyone capable of bring them down

>/pol/ ever an ally of Iran

gas those that support Assad and Iran.
>mfw kikes hanged an assad body-double they'd spent years training just for one lousy /Pol/ post
>/pol/ ever an ally to jews
>if you are against Iran, you are for Israel

kys leaf
All arabs have a foot fetish.
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That pic has been on here for a good 4 years m8, if you dont feel like you understand it, that just shows how much you need to get the fuck out.

nu-/pol/ seems to be in favor of these MUSLIM HACKS.
Next thing nu-/pol/ does is to support PALESTINE and fight for GAY RIGHTS
>i want to fight in jewish wars because i'm a good goy
Kill yourself, burger.
You know Syria, Iran and Russia are allies with eachother right? Go away please shill, I supported Donald but what he's doing now is just fucking retarded.
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/pol/ always named the jew as the ultimate ennemy.

If you side with the jews on any points, you're nu-pol.
Sadam was /our guy/ KYS.
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Nigger I have been in team Assad since before 99% of this board even knew who drumpf is
Fuck off Isis scum
>implying mike "third reich" stoklasa wouldn't be the one putting the noose around their necks
>jewish wars

die in a fire leaf. there is no war other than the one Assad started and can't end.
Oy vey! iran needs a central bank
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nu-/pol/ seems to be in favor of fighting for JEWISH WARS
Next thing nu-/pol/ does it to support ISRAEL and fight for the IDF
Iran needs to die.

Since muslims destroyed human heritage in their countries and persecuted nonmuslims

Just gtfo you disgusting fucking Türkmann roach scum
>every war is a jewish war

kill all mudslimes
Holy fuck how bluepilled can you be?

Try it harder, Linkskrebs
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>die in a fire leaf
But I don't plan on fighting in Jewish wars

>the one Assad started
The ones the Jews are starting by tricking Trump***
This. destroy every enemy of israel and be a good goy
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This is true but there's more nuance to it. Wahhabis and most gulf muslims in general are more or less allied with Israel so there's no choice to be made. The Shia and Alawites, while still being mudslimes, are fighting the good fight against Zionism and are not anywhere near as much of threat to us as Sunni extremists are. The retard newfags who don't understand this still have some redpills to take.

>children that think everything is a jewish war.

Fuck the jews. But fuck mudslimes even harder. go suck a mudslime dick you fucking faggots.
How new are you to believe this shit?
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Jews are the most evil people in the world. I'd rather the jews die over mudslimes because the jews are the only reason mudslimes are coming to the west in the first place.

If Hitler finished the job we wouldn't be flooded by mudslimes to begin with.
>we need to bomb the shit out of every muslim country in order to have more refugees

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It worked so well in Irak and Lybia.

Muslims need strong military leaders as president.
These strong leaders can manage to calm internal religious wars and prevent chimpouts.
Removing them only cause a power vaccum that is favorable terrain for extremists to grow. That's how you get Al Qaeda, ISIS etc.
But it only benefits Israel. Look at a map, the country that were destabilized in the last decades and look at the greater Israel project.
Notice anything ?
Every war in the middle east is a jewish war goyim.

But I don't expect you to understand this since you're a retarded burger that thinks that war is cool and that you win wars by sending the most missile into a country.

He's a shill.

Supporting crusades to civilize sandniggers and overthrow their dictators is a RIGHT-WING position.

It's /nu-pol/ that is LEFT-WING KEKS.

>gassing the opposition is just their customs xD let them be!

>/pol/ is one person

Die Türkmann
>id rather jews die over mudslimes

you are fucking retarded. jews arent invading and replace the native population of Europe. get your priorities in line.

>letting mudslimes in in the first place


mudslimes require a dictator to rule over them. They aren't advanced enough for democracy.
this.... brought a tear to my eye
>claims /pol/ vet status like an obvious newfag
>uses John Oliver meme
Woo lawd, death to you, your family, and Assad.

SURE, having civil wars all around it BENEFITS the only pro-Western DEMOCRACY in the Middle East!

Kill yourself, Palestinian ghetto trash.
He didn't. You faggots are the ones acting like anything other than doing literal nothing in Syria other than direct support for Assad is Trump doing a complete 180.
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Part-Jew here, I wish you faggots would stop with the antisemitism. I don't even give a shit what happens in Syria it's just good interesting geopolitics.

Instead of being shits about it just enjoy the show.


Nope, Muslims love to push this meme that they'd be all peaceful and developed and shit if only if it weren't for the evil Jews and stupid European antisemites buy it because you would believe anything that paints Jews in a bad light.

Fact is that the war between Sunni and Shi'ite is older than the State of Israel or even the idea of Zionism.
>They aren't advanced enough for democracy.
They're anti jew and anti pedo elite.

Pick your poison, faggot.
That when you know you are bluepilled. There is nothing worse than the jews and they're the ones that are bringing muslim immigration and rapefugees to our countries, not Assad.
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>Jews aren't

Yes they are, kike lover.
No but, they're actively promoting mudslimes to do it.
Like western countries had strong leaders to calm internal fights, muslimes haven't passed this stage and we ought to propel them into the """democracy""" stage.

They need military leader to calm the chimpouts. Removing them only cause a power vaccum that helps extremism grow.

You're 12 if you can't understand this.
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Jews are letting the muslims in. If Israel didn't exist, or if the jews were killed off, there would be no ISIS, there would be no refugee crisis, the middle-east wouldn't be destableized, there would be no radical muslim terrorism, and muslims would have zero incentive to come out west in the first place.

Jewish wars led to the destabilization of the middle east. Jewish wars led to the refugee crisis. Jewish wars led to the influx of anti-western sentiment from muslims. You're a literal Jewish puppet if you're anti-Assad.
This. Keep the Muslims in their countries and fuck Jews.
they aren't. name one stable democracy in the middle east that shitskins have. Ill wait.
>mudslimes require a dictator to rule over them. They aren't advanced enough for democracy.

So why are you in favor of removing Assad ?
Syrian war is a Jewish war.
>assad isn't killing his own people and driving them to europe

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If you wanna have some serious feels here's the unmodified version from a year earlier that I just found buried in my /pol/ folder.
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>Part-Jew here, I wish you faggots would stop with the antisemitism.

Do you even know where you are?

>Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews

/pol/ every time, every day, 24/7

Do you goyim ever get tired of repeating the same stupid shit like a broken record?

Also LOL at

>and muslims would have zero incentive to come out west in the first place.

Except for the fact that their own countries are shit-holes and the West is an objectively better place to live.

>Supporting crusades to civilize sandniggers and overthrow their dictators is a RIGHT-WING position.

That's not what is happening.

Try it harder, shill.
best goy
Sandniggers need dictators. No other authority can keep them in line.
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pictured: you
>Oy vey! bomb the filthy israel enemies
>Oy vey! takes those refugees from the country you bombed, you filthy racist goy

Fuck kikes
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Their countries are shitholes because of Jewish wars you literal kike.
>If you're against Israel, you're for Palestine

I just hope Iran would nuke Israel so we can get rid of dirty Palestinians AND kikes.

Daily reminder that Palestinians are the ones invading Lebanon that was once a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY.
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Feels like Western Europe: a lot of irrational hate against Jews and Israel and constant Muslim cock-sucking by edgy LARPers who hate America and everything cool and decent and civilized.

>SURE, having civil wars all around it BENEFITS the only pro-Western DEMOCRACY in the Middle East!

Grow up and educate yourself on geopolitics, you underaged faggot.
>the middle-east wouldn't be destableized
fuck I had semantic satiation so hard, at first I was like wow this leaf can't even spell... wait that doesn't seem wrong am I the retard? it can't be


Fuck off you shill
opposition that wants to kill all the chriistians?
gass civis?
proof where?
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And what, did all of the people who had any sort of drive to fix things die out completely?
Frankly this LARP is pathetic even for a leaf

>No one is responsible for the state of their own country, just blame the Jews
>Somehow countries with large Jewish populations are mostly civilized
>The most antisemitic countries on Earth are mostly barbaric shit-holes

Makes perfect sense.
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>claims /pol/ vet status like an obvious newfag
>/pol/ vet status

Nah,fuck off,only newfags and outsiders accuse other of being a """newfag"""

>>uses John Oliver meme
>excepts randoms to know where a fucking meme comes from
Meme master coming truh

>Woo lawd, death to you, your family, and Assad.
Wew lad,death to you,you and you
And yes, destabilizing country around you and then claiming lands as a "Guardian of Peace" is in favor of Israel.

Screencap my post.
If Assad and Syria falls, Israel will claim land in Syria.
>And what, did all of the people who had any sort of drive to fix things die out completely?

They exist but it's not that easy to fix your society when it's full of Muslim idiots who blame Jews and America for all their problems and refuse to face facts.
>star of david

man that's a pretty dumb fake

Not all of /pol/ is a /sg/ regular
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>stability is possible under Assad
Right because thats going to happen at this point? Are you retarded?
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t_d cunts truly are pure cancer

neocons aren't looked at too kindly here
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Pic related.

There's a very special place in the oven for you.
>/pol/ is one person
>a really, really fucking stupid person

Sounds fucking retarded

>There's a very special place in the oven for you.

There's a special place up your own ass for you.
Yeah, its a fake of this
I'm sure some communist thought he was ultra clever with that one
You seriously spent like 20 seconds writting this and doing captchas to talk about a fucking typo?
Christianity is a middle eastern religion you dense faggot
I've come here since 2011 and don't give a fuck about him. Doesn't mean I appreciate what Trump did, but /sg/ is just as guilty of cult of personality rubbish as t_d fags.
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>>120299032 it's funny how you're a fucking jew
No, you RETARD, Russia and ASSad created ISIS, to send refugees to EUROPE!!!
>driving them to europe

Do you really know (((WHO))) is driving them to europe?

Israel is the ONLY country who is standing up to these muslim degenerates.

It's the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is thriving instead of disappearing-by any reason, attacks, or being forced to leave.
Youre all fucking newfags who have sat in your circle jerk threads for far too long. Now youre exposed to one anothers differing opinions. Meanwhile most of us are laughing at you and enjoying the show. I hope Trump dumps a fucking billion dollars of cruise missiles into Syria, just so I can see how big of a fireball it makes.
The amount of reddit in this post is ridiculous
>Assad created Isis
God I'm sick of these t_dfags
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Russia should annex you.
Stop with your idiotic false dichotomia. I don't suck muslim cock, in fact i hate islam. But i also hate israel that's a fact, and Assad, even if he's muslim, isn't a threat to the west and fight those that are a threat to us, simple as that.

The war happened because we want to destabilize the ME for the Jews, this we created all these terrorists groups to overthrow stable regions.

I.E: Iraq, Iran,South America (like all of it), Libya, Egypt, and now Syria
>people don't support going to war in the middle east for no reason with no outcome again, they must think assad is based
No mate, Assad is irrelevant to our country and we don't want to spend resources and men on his country for no reason. Also, you're fucking
German mate. None of this is your business at all. The only thing you will get out of a war with syria is a few new bulls for your wife to fuck before she slits her wrists
is this a real tweet? fucking hell..
How can you support Ass** and hate Israel while he's its best ally
This is what Trump promised and this is why a lot of us shilled for him.
If he's going all in in the ME he is doing a full 180° on his presidential campaign and if you're not a retarded redditor you should be against this shit.
DON'T fall for POOtin propaganda! Its here everywhere, I know how to recognize POOtin KGB propaganda!
See ya soon, you fucking dune coon.
Fpbp, upboat my kind sir!
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You are Putin KGB propaganda m8
Nice proxy, holhol
This is an 18 only site
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It's funny how far le jew meme will go.

I for one support Trump now more than ever.

I don't even think Assad is that bad but fuck Russia and all its allies.

All that Russia has ever done is support shit socialist regimes all around the world, but that's okay because they stand against Israel, right?

Nah, fuck that shit. I hate commies much more than jews.
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Idk about you personally but that's how it feels to me. A lot of edgy anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism, and a lot of Assad cock-riding like everyone is pissed off that their sand-nigger-fu got BTFO'd by Trump for some stupid gas attack.
>we shouldn't intervene in foreign nations destabilizing the region
>drops 59 tomahawks

There's a RUSSIAN telling you how it is and you still don't get it.

ASSad has been sending refugees to Europe on PURPOSE.
shills need to leave
>I hate commies much more than jews.
How do you account for the fact that they are both one and the same?
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>ASSad has been sending refugees to Europe on PURPOSE.
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>tfw you get to watch the same arguments for invading Afghanistan and Iraq all over again
Fifteen years wasn't long enough, desu senpai.
Dude... Merkel literally busted out her knockers and bridged them into Europe on them like the dried up spinster bag she is
Sure. He also coordinated the afghani, iraqui, somalian, lybian, nigerian and the rest of assorted sandnigger countries to have been doing it, years before there was a Syrian refugee crisis to begin with. BRILLIANT PLAN!
>Fuck up with Irak, create a favorable ground for extremists to grow and threaten the west
>Let's never do this again
>Fuck up with Lybia, create a favorable ground for extremists to grow and blows up the barrier that held mass immigrations from third world african shitholes
>Trump : I'm campaining on the fact that the US shouldn't be involved in wars with the ME that costs us money and valuable lives for nothing but creates more extremists
>This guy gets it, stop fucking up countries, let them sort their shit out
>Trump fucks up with Syria
>Oops I lied boy, but everyone who points out the fact that I lied and that I am repeating the Irak and Lybia fuck up are cock riding muslims lovers.
The Bolshevik party was led by Jews. I can tell you're a Reddit shill by the use of "le" anyhow. Modern Russia isn't communist
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did you mean slummy hovel?
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((Kushner))) benefitted bigly from the kikiest schemes out there, H1-B (aka Replace American Workforce Act) and EB-5 (Welcome The Globalist Elites Act):
>Trump the Relative Closer to H-1B and EB-5 than Trump the Investor
>In this case, while Trump's name is on the complex, his financial involvement is far less than that of the (((Kushner))) family, the actual developers of the place. (((Kushner))), as in (((Jared Kushner))), Trump's son-in-law and confidant. ((((Jared Kushner))) is said to be so powerful that he forced the departure of N.J. Governor Chris Christie from his job as head of the Trump transition team; Christie was the former U.S. Attorney who sent (((Jared's father))) to jail years ago for his activities involving the family's real estate business.)


> Obama Administration Hides Huge Tilt of EB-5 Funds to New York City

>The project in Jersey City is the Trump Plaza, run by the Kushner family; a second generation of that family (Jared) married a second generation of the Trump family (Ivanka), and the press has reported that Jared managed to remove N.J. Governor Chris Christie as the Trump transition director. Christie, in an earlier role as U.S. attorney, sent Jared's father to jail for some of his real estate practices, as the New York Times reported.


>(((Charles Kushner))), a multimillionaire real estate executive, philanthropist and one of the top Democratic donors in the country, was sentenced on Friday to two years in federal prison after pleading guilty to 18 counts of tax evasion, witness tampering and making illegal campaign donations.

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>Yfw you realize commies are a Jewish creation
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The_Donald is not welcome on /pol/ anymore, Kraut.
They were coming either way, faggot. Only thing she did was formalize it so we could actually do something about it - see - burden sharing, coordination, identifying them at Greece and other points of crossing that all mysteriously happened after she gave the speech and all of a sudden there was a plan in place to manage them. can't outright kill them without sparking an international crisis and they're already here, what are you gonna do?
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literally this

/sg/ is a Russian PR campaign.

>shilled all over /k/ for years to trying to dissuade people from buying ARs
>tried to actually say Russian shit was more accurate and devastating
>used /k/ to try to drum up support for russia, people got sick of it when the underage faggots outed themselves roleplaying russians
>Russians didnt know wtf to do when the klanking happened
>tried to shitpost in the streams to no avail
>only after the special forces russian team rushed into ukraine presidential building, taking it over did we see any massive concerted russian posting trying to tell people they werent russians, it was cops or some militia even though it was proven due to the weapons they used and tactics
>conflict started you saw russian shills all over saying it wasnt russian troops, it was just russia supporters from ukraine fighting for russia
>wearing russian uniforms
>using specialized russian weaponry
>with pictures posted from actual russian troops with geotagging on, proving they invaded ukraine
>and the russian shills online started to push the chicken proofs meme, because thats all they had when facts proved them wrong

and thats what led us here to the /sg/ threads being pure russian PR campaign. cant stop outsiders from viewing and posting online, especially on 4chan, but what they can do is have some russian military post on the board to manage what is being said, or to call in support on sensitive topics or happenings. we know russian military sits in the /sg/ threads, because of the artilley striking screencaps.
assad will rule the world
This, must of kike shills are from leddit
five seconds later
>By GASSING civilians and SHOOTING at opposition? ASSad's protecting his own corrupt Muslim ASS and his sect.

when reddit sends their people, they arent sending their best
Maybe not send boats to ferry them from 1km off the Lybian coast ?
America did the Chemical Attack for the Kikes,

<<< OY VEY
Assad is the best option in Syria.
The other options all lead to an islamist state that has the resources and is prepared to export terrorism on a global scale.
Fuck off cunt.
Ahahaha, you STILL believe the RUSSIAN propaganda? ASSad created 90% of the REFUGEES!
A couple shills endlessly circlejerking in their Syria generals is not "we".
If only they tried that
Speak for yourself. /pol/ is filled with faggots. First /pol/ wants all muslims dead, then they suck the dick of assad. Fkn faggots
Israel wants assad out but they don't want to fight a war against an actual army for themselves.
>obvious bait thread
>6 million replies
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>He's just doing [what the kikes want] to get the [kikes] to shut up.
awesome plan, no wonder Trudeau approves
just in case you forget where /pol/ stands
united in opposition to the kikery unfolding before us
The thread could be helpful. We need a anti-semitic and racist tests in order to detect shills

Ah, so opposing MUSLIM dictators is BAIT now??!

Everyone, behold, this is /nu-pol/!
For example: this is a kike lover from leddit. The good goy probably believe the lolocaust is real. kek
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this actualy sums it all up nicely
dude russia isnt socialist since 1993
This. /pol/ anti-semitism is very helpful to keep the shills out
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reddit faggots need to leave, /pol/ has always been pro assad, you are a MASSIVE faggot if you support this syrian interventionist shit, this is exactly what trump said he wouldn't do. You really want to be on the side of israel and western europe cucks? You're on the wrong team faggots, fuck yourselves
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Putin is cucking israel by helping syria. He's useful for now.

Also, stop using that proxy. I know you're ukranian
Some, I assume, are good people.
>I hate commies much more than jews.

Except the jews are behind communism and that Russia isn't communist anymore
This is true.
You're a fucking idiot. Classic /pol/ (2012-2014) was lib, then we had a wave of immigration from stormfront which caused the shift to old-nu-pol (2014-2016) which was heavily nat-soc. Then after Trump began running we got a shit ton of noteriety and were infected by le epic centipede meme man Xd and hillshills, thus beginning nu-pol(2016-)

/pol/ was originally a libertarian board.
There's nothing cult of personality about it. Syria is one of the few countries that *doesn't* have a privately owned, central bank. It's one of the few holdouts against globalism and the bankers.
So you want a true nationalist leader?
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Azuha nazi.png
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>classic /pol/ (2012-2014)
>classic /pol/
Never call anybody an idiot ever again.

Wrong, you fucking SHILL.

/nu-pol/ started with the "Assad is based xD" meme, when everyone abandoned Western civilization for a fucking MUSLIM dictator.
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>nor all Russians are so stupid

yes become one of those
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>Classic /pol/
This board has always been a clusterfuck. Just because you found it in 2012 doesn't mean dick. You cite a time when RP was running in the primaries. Of course the board would be saturated with libertarian posts then, you dipshit. Not even seeing your own wave as a wave of waves within waves is top tier egocentrism.

>le based sandniggers xD
Leave, Redditor.
people are just falling for basically Iraq war 2.0. They are too busy having trump's dick in their mouths. similar to when rednecks had George W's dick in their mouths. they basically agree with anything trump says or does. The cognitive dissonance has been strong on Pol for the last few days. The people with principles are calling out trump for being a zionist shill. while the trump fanboys are making excuses for trump. its been really fun to watch DESU
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You realize he the only one protecting Christians in his country, right?

>go back to plebbit
Not sure if dumb or shill
If you are using this phrase you are either

1. a troll fishing for (You)s
2. literally a paid shill working for a skeezy pedophile
>t. newfag redditor trying to fit in
He can be Trumped however.

Enjoy being a footnote in Donald's history book
>>120290883 (((You)))
>nu/pol/ nu/pol/ Reddit Reddit Reddit shill shill shill Reddit
Assad was here before trump

Reddit leave
For (You) OP

>CIA supports sunni psychopats to dispose of Assad because he is leaning to Russia and not US
>The power vacuum created by CIA disposal of Gaddafi in Libya helps to form the ISIS
>Rebels trained by CIA leave the movement to join ISIS making them much smarter and stronger
>Weapons that US provided to the rebels end up with ISIS making them stronger
>Assad is easily beating rebels but starts to has problems when US and sunni psychopats of Saudi Arabia and Quatar support them, >meanwhile US does nothing about ISIS just pretend to bomb them while forcing them to move toward Assad in a hope that ISIS and Assad will clash and make Assad weaker
>Russia joins and again the rebels and ISIS are getting their ass kicked war could be ower but stupid US helps rebels
>Turkroaches fight against both rebels and Assad, trying to remove the Kurds and prevent them to create their state in Syria next to Turkish borders
>People of Syria are sick of the long war created and prolonged by the US (there would be no war in first place without US support of the rebels and the war would be over in few moths if US didnt support the rebels)
>not only US created migrants crisis, but also rich Americans like Soros helped refugees to get to the Europe and said we need to take more
>not all refugees were from Syria, they also came from Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, all countries fucked by the US

>nu /pol/
/pol/ has always been pro-Assad. the fuck is this 'nu' shit?
I'm hoping he's smart enough to realize he's going to be Hussein'd / Gaddalfi'd and strike a deal to step down without being lynched
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This is the only pic actually related.
r/thedonald fags worships Trump's cock.
Hey check out this BASED ARAB MAN with a fash hat, FUCKING BASED
I's sooner have Assad that Merkel you stupid fucking kraut.
get gassed Juden
If you support Israel you need to leave /pol/.

Same here.
Why would you hate Assad though? I understand not being particularly fond of him but i can't think of any reason to hate him

Trump supported Israel from the VERY beginning, that DIDN'T seem to bother you much.

He's a dictator, Muslim and MASS murderer, solely responsible for the refugee crisis.

Yet, /nu-pol/ defends him.
This. There is nothing redeemable about him.
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>meanwhile at op's house
If you support palestine you're a dirty arab
>falling for propaganda this hard.
>being so uneducated that you don't know that the best that Arabs can do for government is a Dictator.
>he honestly thinks we should try regime change

Nah. If we do that, it's clear our government isn't our own and everyone is too stupid to notice. I'll just start fighting here.
The choice is pretty simple
>makes a few islamists dissappear, isn't very gentle about it
>other than that, everything stable

>not Assad
>murderous muslims kill anyone in Syria that isn't there sect
>50 million rapists traipse into Europe, and perhaps the US
>Israel starts salivating at doing the same with Iran
Trump saw, this Trump realised this was a problem. If he goes back on this, you're either a stupid fucking nigger or a kike.
Our hope here is that Trump's putting a firework display for pr.
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>be /pol/
Fuck off leddit
Except that the whole crisis wouldn't have happened if the CIA, Israel and the Saudis didn't start funding and importing the rebels to topple Assad's Government. The whole thing would've blown over in a short while.
You are a jew, I can smell you from here
t. le real oldfag
He's pretty secular and non-crazy
>MASS murderer
Who has he mass murdered? If your answer is other muslims then that would not be a reason to hate him but love him since you appear to hate them so much

t. le based oldfag /pol/man
"nu German"
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everything you need to know about anti-Assad posters
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My dream is that Iran will nuke ""Israel"" removing dirty palestinians AND filthy kikes.
awful photoshop
Dare to dream

Sadly I think Iran will be invaded long before then
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