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I'm confused

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Thread replies: 232
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/pol/ ever since trump bombed that air base I have started to lose faith in Donald Trump but after reading some threads in here i realised that it was all fourth dimensional chess.
But there are some users on /pol/ that say they have jumped of the trump train.My question is are they really disapoonted with this trump attack like i was or are they just paid shills who came here to raid /pol/ i honestly don't know who to trust anymore on /pol/ everyone seems to be a shill.
Okay time to go to sleep. Already looked into this, nothing substantial here. Just sleep. Get a glass of water. And sleep.{

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Go fuck yourself sir
Was legit disappointed. But at least casualties were kept at minimum.
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Okay time to go to sleep. Already looked into this, nothing substantial here. Just sleep. Get a glass of water. And sleep.
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It's over probably a good thing humans are stupid maybe this is probably best for us
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Newfags need to get the fuck out. Trump always has had Jewish connections and this shit was bound to happen, oldfags supported him over hillshill but we didn't get our hopes up because we knew shit like this would happen. Every good goy in office has to carry out some military intervention for the greater israel. But no anon, let the other T_D fags here tell you israel isn't benefiting from Assad losing 14 Jets, it's just (((chess))) goy. Still support him for his immigration policy, but NEVER trust a neocohen especially when its obvious
trump hasnt much to say in that matter i think, the bombing of the airfield was planned months before the alleged gas-attack had happened.

he didnt seem to confident when he announced the attack.
Dude this is the problem how do i know if you are no playing the divide an conquer tactic and that you are a fucking shill?
What the fuck are you talking about? He has Jewish ties, I'm just saying that you need to acknowledge that he is doing shit for israel, but at the same time hope for the best that he carries out his promises. Not every criticism of trump means some one is a shill.
Since you're new here I will give you a quick tip. Don't trust anything anyone says here unless it's backed by fact or good use of logic. You should lurk moar. If I was a shill I also wouldn't be replying to you, I'd just go on to make more slide threads about racemixing with asians.
Man i know what you are saying and it may be true but have you seen the discord pics? /pol/ is being raided by a fuckton of shills, I'm just saying you could be one of them or maybe not I don't know
I'm not new here i have been on this board for about 5 years
Yeah I was in their discord larping as a commie till they kicked me out, they found out I was in a /pol/ discord. Raiding it persistently shitting out a one point narrative with zero depth, I'm engaging in atleast some form of discussion, and you don't have to take my word for it on the neocon israel connections, just look at it yourself. I just don't understand how he would waste near 100 million dollars in taxpayer money to simply refute a shitty media narrative thats been debunked for months. The clear intention is to benefit israel, obama did it, bush did it, eventually everyone has to.
Let me help you out bro. Trump has been compromised by the deep state and neo cons. He is now bending to his will, Buzzfeed were praising the air strikes so you know he's on tye dark side now. This isn't 4D chess, this is a man outside of hia depth unfortunately.
>I'm not new here i have been on this board for about 5 years

No offense but you seem new owO
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class Pol4Chan {
public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("It's 10pm cunt, go to bed you little shit you
have uni tomorrow"); // Java Masterrace reporting in

>But there are some users on /pol/ that say they have jumped of the trump train.

I would guess that 95% of those people are shills. I'm not even joking. It's so fucking obvious and pathetic. No, trump supporters havn't jumped shit.

There was a fake gas attack to try and force trumps hand into syria
Trump does an attack on a shitty airfield that's just not important

Trump looks tough to the left, Assad is still going, and the rebels days are still numbered.

That's basically it.
You Sir are a moron.
>Trump said no more wars
>Trump said we will defeat isis
>Then he bombs the people bombing isis

This is bad, clearly he is just a puppet at this point doing what the neo cons want. Hillary Clinton was parsing these strikes, clearly the guy is just doing what he is told at this point.
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No it's leftypol raiding

Hold the line. Pic related.
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Spread this in every drumpf thread
Trump has basically handed foreign policy over to Kushner, he actually meets foreign leaders in place of Trump.
>95% of those people are shills
>PJW, Richard Spencer, Thernovich, Ann Coulter, Ben Garrison and Alex Jones aka his biggest supporters are all shills payed for by shareblue

The autism levels to still think Trump is on our side and this is just 63d chess is sky high
You cunt, are a little bitch, and a shill, or just plain fucking retarded.

You have no fucking clue about politics.

It was a fake gas attack
The attack was a failure to do any real damage.

Result? = Trump looks tough, he 'reacts' to the fake attack with a shitty half arsed attack of his own.

It's fucking theatre, you pricks like you to swallow up. No wonder you buy it, bitch.
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>the discord pic

Don't forget Putin told Israel to fuck off. Putin now has an excuse to move a shit ton of manpower and equipment into Syria, all under the guise of US aggression.


March 21 - Putin Sends Message to Israel: ‘Your Freedom to Act in Syria Is Over’

"As 21WIRE previously reported, Israel has attacked Syria again for the twelfth time since the conflict in Syria began in 2011, only this time, Syria fired back.
For the first time ever, Israel was forced to officially acknowledge the airstrike in Syria – most likely because this time an Israeli plane was downed, as well as another possibly hit – while carrying out pre-dawn strikes against Syria near Palmyra.
Predictably, Israel is completely denying their planes were hit, for public relations reasons.

After the Friday attack by Israel, its Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that, “The next time the Syrians use their air defence systems against our planes we will destroy them without the slightest hesitation.”
According to Syria’s UN Envoy Bashar Jaafari, Putin has sent a message to Netanyahu that Israel’s free pass to disrupt anti-terror operations in Syria is over, and that.. Syria has a right to defend itself."

He just choked out Israel, appeased Neo-Kikes, and libshits all with a glorified firework show.
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Support trump, because what's the alternative? Hillary? LOL
Guys this is precisly what i was talking about even if neither of you are paid shills , they are making us fighting each other , the are playing the divide and conquer tactic
>PJW, Richard Spencer, Thernovich, Ann Coulter, Ben Garrison and Alex Jones

Wow! Take a look at all those government insiders...oh wait.

You fucking idiot. As if any of those know what's going on. Time is running out for the rebels, nothing will change, they will be squished, and Assad will still be in charge. Trump wins. It's not even 3d chess or whatever, it's just takes a little bit of thinking.

No wonder you don't get it.
Yeah cause some shitty screen shot of some shitty plan totally doesn't mean; Trump betrayed Russia, further destabilised the world, bent over backwards for neo cons and war profiteers and Lied to his voters.
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This is reverse psychology shilling intended to convince people to defend (((Kushners))) Syria strike
>He just choked out Israel, appeased Neo-Kikes, and libshits all with a glorified firework show.

This. If there is one thing Trump is, it's a showman, the amount of times he played the media during his campaign, was beyond count, and he's still doing it. Russias response was so fucking limp that it's obvious that they knew what was going on.
Time will tell but if the deep state is as powerful as we think they are he has to play along
Cause when you come at tha king you best not miss.
Kushner is calling the fucking shots, we need to meme him out before he gets Trump to do something retarded
The other guy who thinks Trump has fallen, is either a shill, or a brain dead fuckwit. Either way he's not 'one of us'.
/pol/ isn't reddit, We don't blindly follow Trump and call his blunders 16d chess, We want what is best for white people, Don't buy into his cult of personality, The true divide and conquer on /pol/ is the people making those fake discords of people saying they're critiquing Trump to divide us and calling everyone who actually has a valid criticism a troll.
He allied with the jews mate. it's over. time to pack up and leave. this is a red-pilled board.
Sometimes is good to wait and see. This is one of those times, /pol/ is just sperging out because let's not forget /pol/ is pure autism.
Whether you like those people or not, They're his biggest followers and the most popular figureheads of his movement.

How does it feel to be less redpilled about Trump than cernovich and PJW?

There was a jew created fake gas attack and instead of responding by fighting it he responded with a fake bombing. This sends a message to the other side that he's not falling for their jewish tricks while he reaps political hay. All his enemies were forced to support him and he got a supreme court justice confirmed. Sad that so many of his supporters can't follow the game.
These are just the mad ramblings of someone with no argument. I mean you seem to know very little about the CIA or how geo politics works. I agree with you it was a false flag, but bitch please.

The POTUS is just a figurehead a puppet, the CIA says Jump a Trump has to aak how high. Otherwise they JFK his ass. This move mmakes no sense if you wanna be friends with Russia or defeat isis. It however does make sense if your following neo con orders.
Your just being tinfoil hat dude, i mean there cannot be this many shills especially outside of election time. The whole media is in favour of these strikes both left and right. To me it looks like Trump has been compromised, especially when he's behaving like Bush 2.0
he already did more than Obama in relation to Syria. at least the nigger always resisted McCain's calls for arms.

he failed at every single attempt at domestic policy and the one where he has absolute control, foreign policy, he does exactly what he campaigned against. this is irredeemable. at least now we know
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You're right. It's the objective reality of the situation and the aftermath that benefited all three leaders involved that means Trump really dindu nuffin.

Congrats on giving yourself away dude. I had my doubts about Kushner long before people starting pushing this but now that I see you shill this it just reassures me that I have nothing to worry about. I'm also saving the pic for future reference.

'Democrat Propaganda group Shareblue has ties to China"

You do understand that article has been circulating around pol since the SourceAnon threads started two months ago? And you know it was about Clinton's relationship with China, Saudi, Israel, Mexican cartel, and the City of London?

And China sold the media platform to David Brock of all people.


"As the American press has shone a spotlight upon alleged Russian involvement both in the U.S. presidential election and its aftermath, Disobedient Media has identified a number of foreign public and private sector groups using DNC operations to peddle influence in American politics. An investigation into a shadowy world of shell companies and chains of influence stretching all over the globe has revealed that Democratic propaganda figure David Brock's organization Shareblue appears to be a apparent front group being used by a number of Chinese, Middle Eastern, British, Israeli, Mexican and American special interests to spread anti-Trump and anti-democratic rhetoric both during the presidential election as well as in its aftermath."

Pic related.
Not a shill. I was legit disappointed.
I honestly thought he was different.
Still, I'm leaning towards giving him the benefit of the doubt; who knows what the actual motive is at this point, his hands may have been tied, there's a slight chance it may b 4d - I don't know.
>Kushner is calling the fucking shots, we need to meme him out before he gets Trump to do something retarded

Trump isn't as daft as he seems. Bannon is still there. Hes a master showman. Trump has people close to him who know the real score.

(ID: GoyiWiHm)

ID checks out. Goyim.

>Whether you like those people or not, They're his biggest followers and the most popular figureheads of his movement.

Are you some sort of fuckwit? In what way, does them being popular, make ANY of them privy to the corridors of power? They, like you, are spouting off about shit they know nothing about.

Let them buckle at the first sign, they utterly fail to see the bigger picture.

>How does it feel to be less redpilled about Trump than cernovich and PJW?

They arn't redpilled at all. If they can't see what's going on, they are just plain fucking stupid.

See >>120125556
They are both political morons. Trump trolled the world with a fake attack and they fell for it like the shallow minded idiots they are.
Shills are everywhere right now. It's a raid. Ignore all people who call Trump "Drumpf" and individuals that obviously don't understand board culture.
It's just fifth dimensional chess brah
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>has a single critisism of Trump
>thinks he's a supporter
McCain wants to topple Assad with military troops, that's lightyears beyond what Trump did yesterday.

>he already did more than Obama in relation to Syria

Are you forgetting about all the gas and weapons that was smuggled into Syria for the rebels under Obama and Hillary?

He didn't do shit there was no '''damage'''.
You want to say i have no idea about politics when you come out with that garbage? What he says, what he does, and what the end results are are all different things. Try to take your head out of your cunt ass and see the bigger picture.

If that is at all possible. I doubt it is though.

>the CIA says Jump a Trump has to aak how high

Right. See this is what i'm talking about you little cunt, you have no fucking clue. CIA can't do overt assassinations anymore. Period. Not to the POTUS.

Who goverment organizations are filled with those who are pro globalist, and those who are pro National interests. If you think that trump isn't aware of this, and isn't taking measure to correct this, then you're a fucking idiot. Period.

>This move mmakes no sense if you wanna be friends with Russia or defeat isis.

Idiot. That's all i can say to that. You're a fucking idiot. Did you not read the bit about the pathetic airfield attack in response to the fake gas attack? If Trump really wanted to, he could go all in.

He didn't.

A fake attack was made
A half assed airfield attack was made
Their fake attack was all for nothing, Trump 'looks tough', Russia giggles, the play continues, rebels days are numbered.

Crazy singles checked Internet friend. Drumpf will be impeach but i do like how he bombed le brown ppl. TopLol, we need moar datboi the frog memes, chan culture nd reddit is so cool!
Whatsamatter shillbitch? Getting called out on your shit triggers you?

That's the thing about shills, they can't back up their shit, and know next to fuck all about what they are on about.
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Found one.

um how is russian aggression towards israel going to work out for us? if Russia flat-out attacked them it would be 100% WW3, US would absolutely respond. this isn't 9d catan it's fucking neocon treachery

just think for yourself portapotty
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Guys we're being fucking raided have you noticed the lack of bantz and the stormfront tier dialect that these niggers keep using every thread is earily similar to boot and the shitposting has been kept to a minimum if at all. How many of these lefty faggots are on here?
KEK is telling us we're being Goy'd
Russia won't flat out attack them. Where are you getting this from? Russia will on the other hand prevent intervention in their allies turf.
Are you fucking srrious? Lurk before posting, that's a good start.

>people who understand board culture
>people who fall for drumpf-posting

pick 1
>using proper punctuation
you're not from around these parts are you fellow

Russia is there to protect Syria from Israeli aggression.

See the article here: >>120125556

Here's a novel idea why not be such a retard and read the thread.
You just really wanna cling onto the idea of Trump. Your probably just a teenager who's never been disappointed by a politician before. I mean this Attack destroyed planes that were used to kill isis. People do say isis is CIA controlled you know. Either way you are not thinking, bombing assad makes the world a lot more dangerous. The idea of voting for Trump was so the world would be safer and we wouldn't have Hillary bombing everything that moves. I will say it again Hillary was the first person to come out and praise these strikes. Please stop these mental gymnastics its clear who is in control here.
It's a joke holy shit dude, i know this is 4chan but could you try not to be an absolute social retard?

>Where are you getting this from

One of the posts you linked to as support was basically saying this was a good move by Trump because it puts pressure on Israel from
Russia, as if that's what he wanted to do

>Russia will on the other hand prevent intervention in their allies turf.

and the US/Israel are intent on intervening on their allies turf... you dont see how that can cause problems? you really think this was a good idea and not a kike plot to get the US to fight another war for them?
>i know this is 4chan but could you try not to be an absolute social retard?
>implying he's wrong and you're not acting like a flaming faggot

>please stop these mental gymnastics
>does all the mental gymnastics in the world to avoid making an accurate assessment on the situation, evaluating the risk-reward factor and the long term/short term goals
>not even surprised
>accuses others of being a teenager
>writes like a teenager

I mean, come on
>People do say isis is CIA controlled you know
>The idea of voting for Trump was so the world would be safer and we wouldn't have Hillary bombing everything that moves
Is the kind of retarded black and white thinking that anon was calling you out on. You don't understand how the world works, geopolitics is a messy business.
Suddenly /pol/ doesn't want shit to hit the fan. What went wrong?
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If this is all it takes for you to lose faith then kill yourself.
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Stop ignoring my post that explains why you're retarded.

Read again: >>120127247

>Implying the US and Israel are allies when everything Trump has done so far as just cucked Israel even harder under the guise of '''helping''' them

Yeah that post is exactly what I was referring to (which is copypasta btw)- how do you think that's going to end? Increasing tension with Israel means increasing tension with US, you think we're just going to stand by and let Russia talk shit to our jew overlords? This whole thing is clearly setting up US to fight another war for them.
>4d chess
No he's a ZOG puppet. He'll fire Bannon soon
You fucks realise your basically shilling for ((neo-cons)) at this point. What's coming next? "Iraq wasn't a mistake" "Bush jr was a great president?

You are naive as all fuck if you think the US will stand by and let Israel lose power + influence in the region to Russia/Syria. How can you not see that the sarin false flag was a pretense concocted by Israel/US to intervene in Syria and overthrow Assad and achieve the exact opposite? You really think Trump's goal was to put Israel in check? That's patently false. The neocons surrounding him are foaming at the mouth to overthrow assad on Israels behalf, how can you not see it
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where u belong desu senpai
>runs out of arguments
Did you come here from your favourite Bernie Sanders subreddit? Grow the fuck up, the world isn't just divided into "good people" and "neocons"
You are just tone policing. You haven't much of an argument. What i see is Trump doing the opposite of what he set out to do. Quite rightly I'm concerned but the people here are defending Trump on no basis and telling me not to worry. I'm not going to turn my brain off when it comes to Trump, what he haa done is shit, he has strengthened isis and betrayed Russia. So excuse me if I'm going to be suspicious of the guy when he is doing suspicious shit.
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html best programming language :^]


You can go to the fucking article and read it yourself you dense piece of shit.

>Increasing tension with Israel is increasing tension with US

Except there's no fucking tension being increased you jackass. Syria just gets more defense FROM Israel (Israel is the aggressor. They are launching shit at Syria, working with ISIS, and treating Al Nusra insurgents in their hospitals). Israel can't just fucking attack Syria without repercussions. If Israel the aggressor no one's going to fucking stick up for them.

My god for once just read and absorb and think for once.

>muh neo cons
>iraq war
>bush jr

Thanks for outing yourself kike. Pic from this post very related: >>120125282

It's already been explained why none of this benefits Neo-Cons. If you're too fucking stupid to retain the information thats on you.
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>I'm not going to turn my brain off
are you sure you already haven't you type like a fucking retard
>what he haa done
>he haa
He had every right to do what he did get btfo you dumb nigger KEK praise the digits
Lol pls. I have a right to be concerned, you people are telling me to go to sleep and to not worry. Your defending Trump on no basis, 4D chess is not an argument when you cannot explain why bombing Syria is a good idea. You fucks are fucks, what else can i say.
>tfw the kikes think they can come in and out shitpost us
In for a rude awakening desu
>people here are defending Trump on no basis
People have explained again and again why it made sense for him to act the way he did, no matter if the original attack was a false flag or not. The strike was purely symbolic to make the US look strong, that's all it achieved. Stop freaking out about your own fantasy of Neocons taking over the world and starting WW3.

>he has strengthened isis and betrayed Russia
He didn't "betray" Russia, he never promised Russia anything in the first place. He said maybe they could work together in the future and maybe it wouldn't work out. Right now, nothing has changed on that matter.
>I have a right to be concerned
Your concern trolling is weak. You have to go back.
>tone policing

I've never seen anyone who wasn't from Ieddit use this phrase

>You are naive as all fuck if you think the US will stand by and let Israel lose power + influence in the region to Russia/Syria

But we just fucking did stand by as they boosted defenses in Syria you piece of shit.

>How can you not see that the sarin false flag was a pretense concocted by Israel/US to intervene in Syria and overthrow Assad and achieve the exact opposite?

"Donald Trump's Syria strikes 'not start of campaign to topple Assad'


"Donald Trump’s decision to blitz a Syrian air base with cruise missiles was only to punish Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons and does not herald a major military escalation against the Syrian dictator, senior Republicans have said.

The Republican’s senate leader said the barrage of 59 missiles “was related to the use of chemical weapons only," while the US secretary of state said America’s military plans in Syria were unchanged.

As the blasted hangars and bunkers at Shayrat air base in Homs on Friday night began to cool, analysts said the missile strikes could have little immediate military impact on fighting in the six-year-long Syrian civil war."

>You really think Trump's goal was to put Israel in check?

He just did you shitter. And this wasn't the first time.
That's because they're all from leddit. We need to genocide them and do a full 1488 stat.
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>4 dimensional chess by 70 old fat goy pupet who doenst know how to use computer right

>Durr i can explain how your wrong but i won't.
Real convincing bud.
I'm on my phone, anyway are you going to make an argument or you just gonna make non arguments for the rest of the thread.
Fuck off, kike.

Non-taxpayers should have ZERO say in anything related to American affairs, you snaggle-toothed sand nigger.

>You can go to the fucking article and read it yourself you dense piece of shit.

I have. It's from march 21st, the sarin false flag was just a few days ago. Kind of changes things a bit...

>Except there's no fucking tension being increased you jackass

oh im laffin

>If Israel the aggressor no one's going to fucking stick up for them.

aaahahaa oh man you are one thick motherfucker. I guess all those other times we went to war for Israel it was just self defense
the literally only thing I wanted him not to fuck up was foreign intervention

fuck drumpf
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>being a phone poster
To busy prepping Mohammed to be on your computer? How do you feel about the word NIGGER. Have you enjoyed your stay here so far? Be honest do I turn you on?
>worrying about anything on a cartoon message board.
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Dina Powell
Gary Cohn
Jared Kushner
Ivanka Trump
>his whole cabinet was approved
>gorsuch was approved
>he rejected the TPP
>massive jobs growth through the winter
>Tom Cotton already has an immigration bill in the Senate going
>the wall is being planned right now
>illegal immigration already down 60%
>tons of shitskins deported
>10% of the dreamers are making plans to go back to their home countries even before Trump has officially started deporting them

Yes anon, Trump has been stumpfed in domestic policy.

And by that you mean his bans on Syrian refugees. Bans which will be upheld now that the Supreme Court has 5 Republicans again.
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Lots of people are blind but there are some people who are woke enough to see what is happening

meet the new boss, same as the old boss

>4D chess is not an argument when you cannot explain why bombing Syria is a good idea
>except it's been explained a thousand times in this thread alone as well as a million times on this board
>but yeah it's not your goldfish brain that's the problem
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>masturbating to anything on a cartoon message board
for me.....it's the McChicken!
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>after reading some threads in here i realised that it was all fourth dimensional chess.

This 4d chess bullshit are Trump white knights defending a Jew puppet who just attacked a nation defending Christians.

Trump has proven, with this attack, he is a Neocon.
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>posting very ethnic looking nat geo esque pictures
are you jewish
If he wanted to look strong why didn't he bomb isis who everyone hates? Bombing Assad makes isis stronger i mean from a military stans point it makes no sense unless you want to ((Weaken Assad))

As for Russia, every agreement they had with the US is now gone. You are completely bullshiting here, US planes can't strike isis in Syria without risking an engagement with Russia. This destabilisation is insane, the world is not a safer place because of this.
I'm not shill, check my flag, or have you ever seen finnish shill? Then again this is exactly what a shill would say, so you can't really trust me.

I had 3 MAGA hats on display on my bookshelf, now they are in dumpster.

Fuck ZOG.
This message brought to you by Kremlin Shill Services Ltd.

>If I pretend not to read any of the posts of him explaining how I'm wrong then he can't explain how I'm wrong technically!

wew lad


It changes nothing at all. Russia's threat was foreshadowing their move into Syria. Can you really not put two and two together?

>Everything Trump has done so far has hurt the kikes
>He surely is a kike puppet
>Man those kikes really enjoy fighting their puppet

Seeing an obviousness that isn't there is a sign of wishful thinking or stupidity
Finland you are too beautiful like a Gondola I trust you and your words you are no shill *tips fedora*
>are you jewish

Yeah, I'm a Jew calling out Trump for being a puppet of Jews and Israel like all Neocons are.

It's real Jewish of me to defend Christians.

You're the god damn kike.
Your either a shill or retarded. If your a shill your irrelevant. If your retarded then you'll be back on the Trump train the next time Trump does anything remotely good in your eyes. You'll flip flop back and forth because you refuse to take a second and think things through.
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The make America look strong argument makes no sense when he could have bombed isis in Mosul. I mean its so Obvious Trump is being played. Your only sticking to your guns because you know nothing else. Trumps actions are indefensible if you want a stable world.
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I don't know you're acting really jewish right now ep8UKg8V *sniffs* you smell like one too
EVERYONE WHO BELIEVE ep8UKg8V is a jew pls raise a paw
*raises paw*
He killed 4 children of God.
>children of god
obviously not if god let them die lmao
Athiest 88
God like 5
I've been off the Trump Train for a few weeks. I'm off it because unlike you i actually take a second to think things through. It's clear this is a bad move but you ain't thinking, i mean shit how is Trump not doing Isreals bidding here?

Now gtfo.
>implying redirecting someone to a shitpost you made earlier makes you right
years HAH

>Everything Trump has done so far has hurt the kikes

I just dont see how you can think that. Whatever, you'll see whats up soon enough- you won't be able to deny it anymore when the US does go in and overthrow Assad. I'd like to see how you spin that as a blow against Israel
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I was
Changed my mind after reading pic

Sorry i made some of you doubt
8 more years
and 59 more tomahawks
59 beautiful tomahawks
the best 59 tomahawks
Probably 4, but it probably doesn't matter whoever is president it is the same agenda.
You know what's funny about 4chan when you're on here long enough you're able to follow the dialect and train of thought of most people who post on here to the point where it's almost scary it's kinda how people realize when you're are or aren't a shill. The way you talk the way you type the lack of an actual argument it's like you think we were all born yesterday. Using buzzwords like neocon and spamming this board with planned raids it's almost cute, but not as qt as your boipucci post pics please I'm fucking throbbing right now desu famalam.
desu I wish our god emperor would mcnuke everyone and let America be the only nation on earth so only Americans could post on 4chan and Barron would be our Moot
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Here man
Singles check. Seriously though do you think I'm a shill? Just asking for my amusement.
Now I understand what NeverTrumpers must've felt like having to listen to fanatical Trump fans.
This is actually the first time where Trump did something so fucking stupid that I decided it's time to get off the Trump train. I never gave a shit with any previous scandal. I thought "Grab her by the pussy!" was funny as hell.

You idiots hate the word "neocon" but that's exactly what the syrian strike looks like. They even used the same exact "Muh chillun" propaganda that the USA always uses everytime we want to kill the shit out of a secular sand nigger dictator. We've been doing this exact same scenario since the 90s with the first Gulf war and it still works because Muricans are retards. What's the point in this Trump ride when it's leading up to the same exact bullshit that Hillary, King Nigger & Bush have done? It's either that you Trumpy motherfuckers are just young and this is your first time seeing this specific false flag, build up to war scenario or you just really like Trump's shoved down your throat.
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how many time is this gonna be posted?
and how many times do we have to tell you it's phtoshopped?
Your reading comprehension skills are only matched by your likely long list of female rump buddies.

Because that was probably too difficult for you to understand, I will rephrase it in a way that should be easier for you to read:
You're not too good at reading, are you?
I'll stop believing if you post your boipucci
I'll take that as a yes, kek. Time to buy more supermale vitality tinfoilfriwnd.
I'll tell you who's jewing who.
>leftypol is trying to jew pol
Leftypol has lost their board and like another familiar group who lost its homeland has taken up (((enriching))) pol. They just kinda suck at it.

>ISIS tried jewing Assad but got jewed by him instead
What I don't see people discussing enough is that this last chemical attack was either an ACCIDENT or PLANNED from the get go. The most likely scenario I've come across so far is that Assad's regime (((accidentally))) bombed the (((Moderate))) Rebels owned chemical plant causing the chlorine gas leak. The Soros Backed Terrorists PANICKED. So they do what comes naturally blame it on Assad and use it for propaganda. Soros must have thought he just matched Trump the 3D chess match. Too bad Trump was playing 4D chess because he knew the chemical weapons attack was an emergency false flag the entire time. WHY? Because Assad KNEW what he was bombing. Russia KNEW what Assad was Bombing and Trump KNEW what he was bombing. The whole thing was planned out.

Now for the cost of, what?, 14 planes,
Trump has
>destroyed the Russia Narrative
>gained public support from the Neocons and democrats just in time for Gorsuch's Confirmation
>looks tough and all that other shit blah blah

Assad got
>Publicize the fact that the rebels are actually the ones who have the chemical weapons. something that we all knew but the normies DO NOT
>Ability to announce future retaliation against Israel
>Increased Support from Russia
>And even got to bomb ISIS who hoped to take advantage of the (((destroyed))) air base.

And Russia got
>Justification to increase their presence in Syria.

So to reiterate;
>Fuck leftypol
>Assad Jewed ISIS
>Russia Jewed Israel
>Trump Jewed Congress

t. One of the Jew 26% who voted Trump.

nigger the 'actual argument' is that our glorious leader just took direct military action against a power thats directly opposed to Israel and ISIS, and you're trying to spin it like some 11d backgammon move against the kikes.

i always get a kick out of being called a shill on a place ive been for almost a decade, thats when I know the other guy is out of arguments and has reverted to lizard-brain REEEE mode
>"I have the best words"
>"I have the best reading skills"
If Trump escalates in Syria it will give credence to the hypothesis that is has fallen under the influence of some other power.

If Trump now leaves Syria to its own devices then the the opposite is true.

But suppose Trump leaves Syria to its own devices, what if whatever power that was responsible for the false flag decides to escalate? What would they do next?

And who are these powers and what do they want? Does the military industrial complex simply want money spent of tomahawk missiles, or do they have other agendas?

It's undeniable that Israel, or, at least, Zionists had some sort or influence over this.

But what realistically can the USA do about Israel? The USA has no control over Israel so they try and manage the situation. Whatever happens, Israel will continue doing evil shit, with or without US support, and so will the other states in the middle east.

You picked out 1 and forgot 6 other benefits. And you didn't even address it. Bombing Mosul? What the fuck are you talking about?

Mosul wouldn't bring him what he wanted long term you fucking shitter. You should ctrl f my ID and read you fucking retard.




>spending $200m on a war operation doesn't benifit neocons

They just got a nice deposit into their bank account by weapons manufacturers.

Hahaha you just outed yourself you fucking ejit you and probably a few others have been raiding /pol/ for days, i recognise your formatying and the same talking points literally the JIDF and most of /pol/ can't see it. Haha go fuck yourself i bet you made all those screenncaps to convince /pol/ they're being raided. 7/10 nice effort, i can tell you have been here for months studying /pol/ and waiting for the right time.

just show me a lil that boi pucci bb i dont bite
If that's what you want to take away by all means have fun. Thanks for the (you)
>He's been found out
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>destroyed the Russia Narrative
Why do you keep shilling this? Unless Trump bombs more shit the narrative will come back and the neocons will demand more action.
Also your video supports my points. You sure you don't have a little jew in you?
How about you use your fucking brain? What he says about Trump is true, that anon is not a shill. The people who tell you to blindly trsut Trump whatever the fuck he does are either shills or retarded.
People are just too high on the black pill or white pill, everyone is freaking out because of all the happenings taking place in so little time.

Trump's decision to bomb the military base may have been a good move depending on the perspective you look at it, there are still plenty of inconsistencies to the whole story anyway and we have very little information right about now.

The best thing is to consider the advantages of this, hope that it doesn't go any further and stay calm until further notice, while also remaining critic and smart about it.

This is just the beginning of who knows what, it's also remember that there's always existed the possibility that Trump wouldn't be the president everyone was expecting him to be, he was a wildcard from the start.

As long as there are memes, there's hope.
I doubt we will see it again. Not after democrats and neocons praised Trump's actions. But even if it returns it will not be nearly as potent.
but your arguments have all been empty ad hominems and useless arguments, we all know youre a shill, fagot

Kek! I admitted to it.

You're funny anon. Would have a beer with.

>The USA has no control over Israel so they try and manage the situation

That's why they got Russia in Syria. Russia can safeguard Syria from Israel and do Trump's dirty work for him.

>But suppose Trump leaves Syria to its own devices, what if whatever power that was responsible for the false flag decides to escalate? What would they do next?

Pray he 10D chess'd this one freebie for gains and then 'decides' Syria's fate after an informal investigation.

"If this is your gas you're fucked"
"Ok sounds good"
"Oh shit we tested the gas and Syria isn;t getting glassed we found out it's the rebels after all"

A second attack would look foolish however.

>Second attack happens
>Ok we JUST bombed Assad for this did that fucker really just do it again
>But the first time was also very suspicious
>Ok let's look into this and make sure before we glass Syria

Trump can ride the high of the first '''retaliation''' into the second one and say "Yeah if he did it he's fucked" only to expose what he knows was a rebel false flag.

He got points from libs for bombing Assad now it'll make international headlines that the rebels have been false flagging the whole time.

Libs now want to help Assad or don't care about Trump supporting Assad. If Assad is a good boy till the end he gets to stay.
M8 pls your too angry to think clearly or have the right opinions. I just got done having a great shit and your points are shit. Like your clearly wrong, srop the emotion and you'll realise something if you ain't stupid.
I find it so amusing that you think I'm a shill. Who do you think is paying me ans to what end. Please go on this will be fun.

They just took what we know but actually spun it as negative.

They want to stop the people who are committed to ending world wise terrorism and subduing the people who fund them (((israel))) and Saudi Arabia. They want to support the people who are responsible for all the pain and suffering in this world. Dear God how did it get to this point?
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Learn the ways of the 4D chess master
actual poltards knew trump's jewish connection and expected him to turn any time.

sorry it turned out to be disappointment, friend. just remember with jews, you lose.

>Just reiterate my opponent is wrong
>Offer up nothing to support my claim

>ISIS tried jewing Assad but got jewed by him instead
What I don't see people discussing enough is that this last chemical attack was either an ACCIDENT or PLANNED from the get go. The most likely scenario I've come across so far is that Assad's regime (((accidentally))) bombed the (((Moderate))) Rebels owned chemical plant causing the chlorine gas leak. The Soros Backed Terrorists PANICKED. So they do what comes naturally blame it on Assad and use it for propaganda. Soros must have thought he just matched Trump the 3D chess match. Too bad Trump was playing 4D chess because he knew the chemical weapons attack was an emergency false flag the entire time. WHY? Because Assad KNEW what he was bombing. Russia KNEW what Assad was Bombing and Trump KNEW what he was bombing. The whole thing was planned out.

Now for the cost of, what?, 14 planes,
Trump has
>destroyed the Russia Narrative
>gained public support from the Neocons and democrats just in time for Gorsuch's Confirmation
>looks tough and all that other shit blah blah

Assad got
>Publicize the fact that the rebels are actually the ones who have the chemical weapons. something that we all knew but the normies DO NOT
>Ability to announce future retaliation against Israel
>Increased Support from Russia
>And even got to bomb ISIS who hoped to take advantage of the (((destroyed))) air base.

And Russia got
>Justification to increase their presence in Syria.
See>>120125556 (You)
I get rowdy
>I get rowdy
>Checks flag
No shit
A strong leader wouldn't care about counter narratives, especially the retarded muh Russia argument.

Honestly dude the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend. The Trump administration attacked Assad he is friends with isis and Israel. I mean i know you really want to believe that Trump hasn't been compromised. But its obvious he has, instead of being emotional you need to seek the truth.
Alright then riddle me this?
If Trump is really friends with ISIS and Israel. Why hasn't he put boots on the ground? Why waste this perfect opportunity? Hell, why warn Russia thereby warning Assad guaranteeing as little damage as possible?
Because ww3. Its too huge of a risk. Even the psychopaths running things from behind won't be that wreckless.

Your five sentences were nothing more than hot air. Impressive fluff. Are you going to dissect and refute my points or double down on the mindless drivel?
Bullshit WW3 is exactly what they want.
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>My question is are they really disapoonted with this trump attack like i was or are they just paid shills who came here to raid /pol/

They're shills.

It's one thing to be upset at something Trump did. It's another to divorce yourself entirely from Trump because he blew up sand people.
>Trump says "America first", rejects foreign wars
>people vote for him
>Trump betrays them
>people are disappointed
>"only shills are opposed to this!!"

Quite the dedicated shills if they actually voted for Trump, wouldn't u say?
I don't need too. Your basic premise is so flawed, you think Trump is anti Israel? That's Palin wrong the Isreali PM praised the strikes ans trump has said pro isreal shit loada of times. You want to believe the fantasy that there is an anti isreal POTUS, such a thing will never happen. You are being very silly
Prove it
>Prove it
I assume you were talking to me>>120135561
McCain has been chomping at the war with Russia Bit since he ran against Obama in 2008 and the Neocons have followed suit.

Hillary ran on establishing a No Fly Zone. Something multiple military experts warned would lead to war with Russia. Additionally, while running accused Russia of Hacking her and asserting such actions should be met with retaliation.
Right before Obama left Office he did literally everything in his power to antagonize Russia. For example moving a battalion of Tanks onto their Border.
Lets see what else....
Oh lets not forget the sudden increase in attacks on Russian Diplomats leading up to Trumps inauguration. That wasn't suspicious at all.

I could go on but you get the picture I'm sure.
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>i honestly don't know who to trust anymore on /pol/ everyone seems to be a shill.

Sometimes it's hard to tell in particular cases, but the general *true* /pol/ consensus usually appears eventually, like the sun coming out after a couple of rainy, gloomy days.

Something like pic related - a peek into the shilling community's anti-/pol/ tactics - can help in the discernment process.

Finally, I expect there are some legitimate posters who've missed the fourth dimensional aspect (I did at first), and are genuinely disappointed (as I was on Thursday, when I was quite angry and legit felt, like PJW, that I was off the Trump train).
I think these guys are just irrational and egotistical. I mean if ww3 happens and the nukes drop no one would win. Nuclear winter would set in and we'd have a mass extinction event. I don't see how any could gain from that it doesn't make sense. Can you explain why they would want the end of the world? I don't see how ww3 could be the real agenda.
Anyone who made their minds up about anything that fast and was vocal on it is an idiot and a shill. If there's anything I've learned from this shit it's that many times what world leaders do is a language of sorts. Trump did something he kinda had to and we still don't know the full effects of it. So yeah anyone shitting around an hour after that is a shill and also just a dumb person in general
Can you explain how WW3 automatically leads to Nukes?
I have lost faith in him for now

When the wall gets built,
When the tax measures get passed and we start deporting people, ill believe in him again

Not sure if he was full of shit all along or he's been compromised, I'm sad about it though

He's a shill. Calling trump a neoconservative is part of the gamelan. Look at the shills jumping too.
do you believe in "based assad" narrative though? kek
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pol is breaking apart on Trump, keep at it. Fuck it feels good to

Does it lo-

oh fuck. FUCK

We have John Bolton dropping "this is what nazi Germany did"

The war machine has been ready to go since 2013, We need to put pressure on Trump
No i cannot but i certainly would be likely. The traditional idea of ww3 is something that will last a few hours as the whole world gets nuked.
Hey, I have been pro-trump since he announced his run, I am also an anarchist.

America as envisioned by the articles of federation and by compromise the constitution of the USA - is the closest thing we can get to a functional anarchist reality.

I feel a bit bothered by his attack on Syria but we know what he is up against here, the real enemies are the deep-state.

This is not a red-flag, Trump is in the right. Keep on supporting the first real POTUS the USA has seen for many decades

Fuck you and fuck your people

I hope your country get nuked and the white countries remove your country in my lifetime

What you've done to us and what you're trying to do to us is unforgivable
You do realise the term neo conservative is an actual word with a definition. Trumps behaviour fits this definition.
I am not a paid shill, i know that it was one of the reasons that i hated hillary - she wanted involvement in the middle east. Csome people just blindly follow trump the same way a muslim follows his faith. Both of which are utter cancer
I'm legit disappointed and not a shill. I don't know what made Trump change, and I don't really care.

He was supposed to be non-interventionist and pro Russia.
We've known for years that Russia and Syria have been fighting ISIS and Al-Queada (e.g., moderate rebels).

The best option was to completely ignore the gassing, and the most ok I would have been was to give the Russians and Syrians support. Instead, he acted brashly to a false flag, and started pouring down missiles on Syria, a blatant contradiction to tens of tweets and campaign promises to ignore Syria "let them fight their own war".

Muslims are children of Satan.
As for agenda WW3 would be extremely lucrative for the Elite, Israel, and the EU.
The Military Industrial Complex would be making bank and Bribing our government for the right to do so. Greater Israel would be guaranteed. And after the US is economically spent, Russia and the Middle East is war-torn, the EU would be sitting pretty (if a little more enriched) with their untouched economy ready to be the new World Power.

As for >>120138173
you should really apply yourself a bit more. WW3 never equalled MAD. Obviously the fear consensus is that WW3 could lead to nukes but a Nuclear Option would only be considered by a country with its back to a wall (i.e. its very existence at risk). Something neither party would force on the other for that exact reason. But don't think for a second that the Elite don't have their own secret private bomb shelters just in case.
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>I love guzzling nigger cocks and taking Muslim dick in the ass SO MUCH OMFG GLBLURGULBLG
This is you.
Idk man your premise seems flimsy. Though i definitely agree that they want war and lots of it. War is what got America out of the great depression and all these fucks make a lot of money from it.
your entire argument boils down to:
>it looks bad
You have yet to offer anything of substance to the conversation.
Not 100% off the train yet, but god damn it was that a terrible move, very disappointed.
>hurr durr le ebin shill meme don't fall for the kikery divide n conker fellow pedes! MAGA!!!1

How about you go back to the_donald (oh, here comes the discord screenshot!) so we can get our board back, niggerfaggot? trump was the worst thing to happen to this fucking board and I'm glad more people are opening their fucking eyes to the mental gymnastics it has been taking lately to justify his awful decisions. fuck outta here with this cult of personality shit.
>assad uses chemical weapons on civilians
>media blows up and butters the people up
>media immediately turns to trump
>if he doesn't do anything it will be a massive shitstorm
>if he does it will also be because they'll accuse him of being a neoconservative and abandoning his cause
>sends a warning to Syria
>shills in full force ever since

Also where is the death toll? Step back and see this for what it is. A game, it's a fucking game. Don't listen to these shills who have been off the wall since the hour it happened.
Well I'm right about Trump i think your idea is far fetched and your probably not as smart as you think you are. How bout dat?

Cheeto Jesus is just playing his cards.
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package chan4;

public class ShitPost {

private static int randomWithRange(){
int max = 5;
int min = 1;
int range = (max - min) + 1;
return (int)(Math.random() * range) + min;

public static String blamewho(){
int randnum = randomWithRange();
String blamer = "";
if (randnum == 1) blamer = "kikes";
if (randnum == 2) blamer = "gooks";
if (randnum == 3) blamer = "spics";
if (randnum == 4) blamer = "niggers";
if (randnum == 5) blamer = "sandniggers";
return blamer;

public static String reasonfor(){
int randnum = randomWithRange();
String reasonfo = "";
if (randnum == 1) reasonfo = "WW2";
if (randnum == 2) reasonfo = "9/11";
if (randnum == 3) reasonfo = "terrorism";
if (randnum == 4) reasonfo = "white decline";
if (randnum == 5) reasonfo = "round earth theory";
return reasonfo;

public static void main(String[] args) {
String blame = blamewho();
String reason = reasonfor();
System.out.println("i think the " + blame + " are the true culprits of " + reason);
>Ideas based on reality
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>he shitposts in java
Alright one more and I'm done.
You just implied your ideas are true because......reality. Let's go with that.
Here>>120139169 you agree they want war and lots of it. Here >>120135506 you claim that Trump didn't put boots on the ground because it would lead to war and (((they))) don't want that.

Your reality is broken so your argument is broken.
i dont like trump anymore. i always thought he was a little bit different but he's prooved that he'll cuck on forgin policy. burgers arnt even going to get the wall

any ameribros still on the trump train? what are your reasons
I said ww3 dumbass not war in general. Why are you so mad at me anyway? Face it Trumpis a stooge and he will let you down. Bitcsh.
if you're going to live in england atleast learn the language, achmed
It's /b/ faggot and I'm still right. Trump got btfo. Bitcsh

not anymore

fucking newfags, man
i'm not mad at you. We are having a discussion and I'm trying to help you develop an argument.

So to review. Your earlier argument against Trump putting boots on the ground was that it would lead to WW3. Therefore your implying that War with Syria will lead to WW3 (I agree with this statement). But unfortunately this negates >>120141472 where you claim War in general (i.e. Syria) doesn't lead to WW3. Then you called me a dumbass and a bitcsh <sic>. Why are you so mad at me? I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU
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this is my last bastion of hope
shaky as fuck but I will wait and see what happens next

I wouldn't consider myself on the train but I am not yet wishing I voted Rand Paul
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I am to, I wish he would tell kushner to fuck off.
wow, if only someone told you that he was obviously full of shit.

you fuckin dummy
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I honestly feel as if i were cheated on. cant imagin how you non-(((chosen))) americans felt when it was happening. whenever i'd agrue with people saying shit like "that swamp really looks drained hmmm" and "looks like hillary is in prisin XD", i'd always fall back on his promise of the wall.

he's a liar just like every politican. he's destroyed nationalism for the near future, LePen isint going to win now. armed revolution us the only way we can achive anything and we'll all know thats not going to happen

>guess im just gona have to keep larping
Your confused bro. I said War with Russia will lead to ww3. Not war with Syria. He won't directly attack Russia because of this.

This is mostly irrelevant though, America should stay the fuck away from Syria. I mean Trump was against it were you? Like are you suddenly in favour for attacking assad because Trump "changed his mind"? Or were you always for more war in the middle east?
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Pic related.
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sumbuddy gimmie a recap of what's going on with /pol/ in the last 3 days.
whats wrong in putting hope into someone, faggot? when every part of establishment is attacking someone i tend to tjink this guy is all right

it sucks being played but you live and learn
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Oh no your confused. I wrote in Jeb.
what part of obviously full of shit dont you understand?

wait, i think i can guess
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you're full of shit and i still dropped a (you)

But you love Trump? I think its obvious whose confused. But thats what happens when you have no principles or core values. Also Jeb! Holy fuckin kek what a useless fuck, had all that money and came dead last.
>doesn't know about Slow and Steady 2020 Chess
>I like Turtles
because you were told... for months... there are literally dozens of hours on content based entirely on listing the inconsistencies and stupidity of the man. how did you miss that?...i wonder what else you are missing.

disregarding as not "red pilled" perhaps. dang liberal media makes it hard to cut through the static right?
fuck off shill
i mean we know the americans have lost their minds but you have no excuse for being so gullible.. he is a con man, they con people, he was conning you and now he has conned you and now you are beginning to realise you have been conned.

many people told you, you were being conned and you were probably on the look out to see people being conned, perhaps thinking that everyone else was being conned, but then that is what the con man said to you, while you were being conned and we were telling you. over and over and over and over ... its pretty funny really
Whatever you say schlomo
Australia pls gtfo. Ain't it like 4 in the morning there right now?
>any ameribros still on the trump train? what are your reasons

Of course I am. It hasn't been that long, something needed to be done towards Syria, and we don't have all the info still. No reason to abandon ship only shills are pushing that.
Not only a shill, but a complete faggot as well.
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Thread posts: 232
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