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Am I the only one who'd love to watch Russia detonate 5

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Am I the only one who'd love to watch Russia detonate 5 of theses bombs on each US States and after that deport all male Americans to clean our toilets, use Americans LGT for experiments and make USA the official whore hole of the planet…

Very extreme measures just because they have better sanitation and personal hygiene.
>all male Americans to clean our toilets,
pretty sure it wouldn't take all American males to clean 10 toilets
Why poo in the loo when we can use yer dumbericunts mouth buttface?
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>Even once
Russia probably only ever made like two of those. Thats what they always do cause they cant afford to build a ton of anything. Just the prototype.
russia can not get past our defense system poo in the loo.
>our toilets
So your streets then?
Nuking America means India is fucked retard, you'll be reincarnated as a Dalit again btw kek
I mean. America could probs get you some street sweepers if you're so worried about your toilets.
Our streets are now officially cleaner. Thanks to Mr. Modi for the "Swach(clean) Barat(India)"
Hi kangaroo! I'll have you know that I'd punch a kangaroo

>clean our toilets

India's toilets are spotless already currynigger, they've never been used
>have 151.8 million American men enter your shitty country
>have every American fight 4 Indians
>indians are piss weak
>kill all male poo in the loos
>take over, MIGA

That would entail you leaving your taxi for a few minutes and that's the only place I've ever seen live indians...taxis are like the zoo for poo.
>have every American fight 4 Indians
One Indian male would take 10 American males fucking easily, you pussy… Count 3 Aussie as bonus.

Im starting to think that America is a lost cause in any way shape or form, and today's bombing proved that,too corrupted ,

Srsly if ASAD is fighting ISIS then why bomb them if ISIS are the terrorists ?? doesnt make any sense ??

what I think happened here is that someone posed as ASAD military and bombed the place so that then they could have a excuse to attack ASAD, is simple as that

Am with Russia/ASAD all the way
Poo in dumbericunts mouth loo
I would love it if you would learn how to use a toilet
>Clean our toilets

You mean wash your streets?
>and after that deport all male Americans to clean our toilets

But you don't use them?
>One Indian male would take 10 American males
>clean our toilets,
You mean your prayer bowls?

Indian delusion is real. Reminder that you are in a nuclear stalemate with PAKISTAN, you pathetic fucks.
>to clean our toilets
They don't have street sweepers in india?

Indian males are scrawny malnourished uneducated unmotivated unwashed pieces of shit. Rapist scum and street shitters, all of them.

One American could destroy your entire polluted fuckin wasteland, but that won't happen cause they'd rather die in nuclear fire than go anywhere near you.
>Why poo in the loo when

basically every indian ever
it's just turned out to be impractical
Holy shit. My dog came into my room to bring me a plate of dog nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of dog nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my dog but I'm literally in shock from the news tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he attacking Syria? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Trump to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was going to put America First???? This is so fucked.
I can already feel that one picture of the oiled up muscle bollywood poos ready to be shat into the thread.
> cant poo in loo
>thinks itself world power
>can't poo in loo + world power = error
>If you Poo = 1 and loo = 0 then Poo * loo = 0, therefore you can't be a world power if your P*L= 0

Yup. Same soros-style false flag attack as in Maidan. Except that here, the russians entered the game and btfo'd the new uppets installed in kiev by simply claiming the eastern clay.
India's first domestically produced weapon of mass destruction will be a fertilizer bomb made from human street-feces.

>clean our toilets

They are all pristine and unused. Why the fuck would we clean them?
After America, Russia and we are coming for you to make Australia the official waste land and make you raise cows for us.
I thought people in India didn't know what toilets were. I mean you people bathe in shit rivers for the sake of religion. Can't wait till China finishes their upstream river to steal all your fresh water. Less Indians in the world sounds great to the rest of us. Keep shitting in your clean water bitch.

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Why are you so mad shit skin?
Nice fanstasy. Did you dream that up while meditating in front of your three headed, six armed, hermaphroditic mermaid, monkey god? By the way, the bottom light on my router is blinking orange again, what should I do? I've already tried resetting it.
Go to bed Pajeet
Yes start with New York and California please.
It was an experiment for whether or not there's a ceiling to the potential nuclear bomb power.
There isn't.
It was made in the lovely times when Soviet rocket-delivered nukes weren't very accurate, and as such the main mean of delivering peaceful atom to every American household was by air.
Chances of a nuke-carrying plane getting past air defenses wasn't exactly high. Since high-quality nuclear rockers weren't anywhere near ready, same for their infrastructure, what was decided to pursue was maximum nuke power, so when one hits it hits hard.
If Tsar Bomba was build fully to the project, without replacing usual fission fuel with lead, it would've made about as much radiation as Chernobyl.
Are you the shithead poo who was posting CP earlier? Fuck off.
Pajeet is mad his H1B application to Google for $140k/yr got rejected LOLOL
We do, and we also fuck dumbericunts like you in the head.
>India's first domestically produced weapon of mass destruction will be a fertilizer bomb made from human street-feces
Nice, we would detonate those in Murica
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kek.. it is strange how they always want to poo everywhere else but the loo, why India. why?
Clean our toilets, Donald.
clean your toilets? already done buddy, helps you never used them.
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Your shit is detectable across the entirety of the globe. Your poop travels across to the other side of the world and basically pollute south americas shoreline.

Kys, learn indoor plumbing you lazy cunts, it's like a 175 year old invention.
We do you blind bastard so gave you an offer to clean it. Do it, bitch.
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>clean our toilettes
Shut the fuck up you shit obsessed, inbred savages.
That's America polluting the planet, fuckwit.
Just get nuked already, you dumb ass americanas

yo faggot you realize Merica is the one dropping the bombs right? faggot ass spineleas putin barely got away taking a tiny part of the Ukraine. Hopfully your sqaure of the desert is next
I think u mean Streets and sidewalks pajeet

>clean our toilets

you don't have toilets.
>tsar bomb
>not modern Status-6 system

Are you a cuck or something?
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Yea, about that Pajeet.
Didn't yer mama tell you NASA steals half of the ideas from indians? She wouldn't tell you shit in alley.
It's sad to watch the world be torn apart by the Americans. Their imperialistic predecessors already fucked things up beyond repair. I cannot stop but cringe when pirates think some how they are better than everyone because of their stolen wealth. It's like the school bully claiming to be the leader of the free world after beating everyone up and stealing their lunch money
Poo in the Loo
No meant toilets. Our streets are cleaner than your full of zits fucking ungly faces.
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>use Americans LGT for experiments

Why'd you spare the bis, faggot?
muh superpower by 2020
Dumbericunts in the loo.
don't care what you use american slaves for, but yeah, i'll fucking celebrate the day america loses it's global hegemony.
Not to knock a kekworthy pic but that's a tsunami chart, it says so at the top

poo in loo and go worship auntie's navel
You don't have toilets, what are you on about?
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All these angry Pajeets, glorious.
Hey man, glad you're here, sorry to bother you outside of your call center but my Dell computer is running slow and keeps rebooting, what's wrong with it?
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OP- bottom row, 98 from left.
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Is OP deliberately trolling by making a toilet comment? We all know you "people" dont use toilets.

If Russia wants to chimp out and destroy itself its free to try though

You are but dust compared to us, savage scum. Go poo in the rail tracks and flung your shit miles away from it's inception, it's the only thing with any progression in your LITERAL asshole country.
I can't comprehend context for this. what the fuck happened?
I personally will cheer the next terrorist attack in America. they voted for more regime change/indiscriminante bombing I cant wait till they get whats coming to them.
Clean our toilets.
It's sad to watch the world be torn apart by America. Their imperialistic predecessors already fucked things up beyond repair. I cannot hold the cringe when pirates brag about how they are better than everyone because of their acquired stolen wealth. It's like the school bully claiming to be the 'leader' of the 'free' school after beating everyone up and stealing their lunch money. Americans need to put a leash on their leaders, and not the other way round. You're pretending to be a democracy, right?

Nice faggotry, edgleord. Go fuck yourself, or one of your sacred cows.
Shouldn't you be worrying about clean drinking water instead of trying to talk shit about a country that could own yours with one aircraft carrier?
Dalit seems better than being americunt. Slaves for kikes.

>russia can not get past our defense system poo in the loo.

The USA could detonate two well placed nukes and kill over 10% of the entire Russian population. 5 nukes on the United States in the most populated areas wouldn't cause nearly the same damage. Russian population is significantly more populated than the US. A nuclear war would fuck Russia. A conventional war would be just as bad since the USA has over double the population.
I'll fuck that Angel then force her to clean all the poo in the loo lmao
ranjeet my son...
>truck carrying cows to slaughter over turns
>two got away from crash
>one booked it for a supermarket with open doors
>shot dead by someone in meat aisle

Okay cool, I was starting to get worried, it's a good thing India's currency is shit otherwise we'd have to pay people for tech support.
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it's 2030
India is a superpower
has white slaves
still poos in designated shitting streets and beaches
says it part of their heritage and culture
*densely, More Russians live in higher population dense areas than the average American.
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>implying India has any toilets at all
Cleaning Pajeet toilets sounds like a pretty easy gig, since they are never used. Sign me up.
what toilets?
at least he is not poo in the head
Are you mad that pissant Pakistan is still fucking your shit up?
What fucking toilets? You mean the ones you turned into shrines while continuing to shit in the streets?
>still poos in designated shitting streets and beaches
>uses dumbericunts mouth
says it's new culture
I want you to know 2 things

I didn't read that shit

And I'm enjoying delicious dead cow.
Probably. Now wipe your butt Pajeet.
Sure you do, Muhammad. You always love a good bombing.
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Fuck Trump
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Kill yourself
Indians hate freedom
you're fucking commies

raged pajeet. I liked him.
Wasn't your country owned by the Brits like less than 100 years ago?
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>trying to get a job at Krogers
>call their help line to set up interview
>Pajeet answers
>hang up

Well. So much for working at Krogers.
Only when its on people who deserve it. unlike retards from the west.
70% of which is neets, cucks, liberals, feminists and women.

If they start drafting, I bet a civil war will break out.
>Tsar Bomba
When they detonated this bomb in the 1961 it was recorded to breaking windows in Norway and Finland, even though it was blown up in a middle of Siberia. Windows recorded shattered from the pressure in 1000km radius from the blast
Russia … rules? Oops! Putin sucks the big one!
Fuck off Boston.
Indian toilets. Google is dumbass.
OP for real though, why do you guys smell so bad?
he means their streets.
America is a vessel at state to the state of Israel a Jewish colony if you will it not their fault we should Gas the Jews and nuke the middle east
He's probably a Michigander.
Lolfag likewise.
Indians haven't had a lick of originality since before the British invasion. NASA doesn't still your ideas, pajeet. Also you might want to look into the idea of pooping in a toilet.
This post is absolutely spot on
>all male Americans to clean our toilets
You meant to clean you streets right?
Are you fucking retarded that bomb as no use has a delivery vehicle it was just made for cold war dick measuring competition
Modern nukes are fired from ballistic missiles in silos or submarines
Given the competence of average American male, you would have to call for reinforcements from Mexico.
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I tried, all i get is pictures of beaches and streets.
Tsar Bomba is a hoax.
Got cucked hard and left.
>Tsar Bomba contained the power and blast of all explosives used in the World War II multiplied by ten or approximately 38 million tons of TNT
Are you referring to the fact that America was run by the British over 200 years ago? We fought them off meanwhile they managed to own yours while fighting in the two largest wars ever.
They do. Your mom lied to you about not being adopted son of alla hu akbar.
How do you explain that the fucking ground literally shook and shattered windows here in Norway and Finland? Fake news too?
What toilets?
I'm like 4% sure they just stopped caring, I don't know India's history because nobody cares about it here.
Death to the USA.
>I think the American people who are majority leftists would totally join the draft
Your fucking retarded.

You realize that you and Pakistan are more likely to start a nuclear war than us and Russia, right?
What's the matter? That H1B not get approved?
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>our toilets
u wot, punjeet?!

>Got cucked hard

Look in the mirror, you have anglo traits. They're worthless cause you're a disgusting Hindu but a piece of them is inside of you.
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No you can't have sex with white women and you have to live the rest of your life knowing they all think you're a disgusting Pajeet.

Stay mad.
You must be one of those "refugees" we here so much about.
Probably tired of the rape...
too edgy. Tone it down a bit before you poo all over
You stupid curry nigger, can't wait to watch your shithole country try to get into space, watch each member of the crew die midlaunch. Your designated shitting streets will be the death of you and your ugly smelly curry nigger babymakers

Czechd & kekd
May you be blessed with many children, all of them girls.
Your country can't even build toilets without international aid. You wouldn't stand a chance if Americans were serious about destroying you.

r u upset?
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pick one
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>but the test program was being delayed to re-check key hardware components before initial launch.[18] Apparently, it will receive the NATO designation SS-30 Satan 2 when operational.
>still nonoperational

top kek you stupid fucking canadian, take off that proxy.
you smelly brown scumballs don't even know how to clean yourselves when you to come to america, no way your country is clean
>our toilets
What did he mean
God bless
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>Typical dumbericunts can't do anything right.
Stay buttdumb
Awww who is mommy's big boy
When will you learn that your country is tech support and nothing more?
When will you learn that America is a fucking joke?
Canada may be the most hated on pol, but I think we can all agree India and it's. People.are legitimately the most disgusting.
ok i'm in love with this idea
Sometimes I feel my island is shit. Then I see a documentary about India and I say to myself, it could always be much worse. I could be an Indian without indoor plumbing and proper nutrition.

Shit man my shitty island looks like the future compared to India.
They are "bad" tech support.

Nobody can understand their ibbity ibbity retard speak and serve no purpose other than an extended call waiting/queue recycle.
Over 50% of Russia is female, which alone would allow the USA to raise a larger army if you remove 70% from eligible Americans, because of population. Not that it matters, because you all huddle in a small handful of areas making it easy for any invader to concentrate their attacks. Not that a draft would be necessary for a nuclear war.
OP is a canadan with a proxy and so is this cuck >>119905419

Nobody in India would actually defend it or talk ill of one of the few nations pulling the borderline salvageable workers out of it.


The reason they recorded it is because thats rare to see in a developed country. No one films your disgusting people shitting on the streets because everyone fucking shits in the street.
>Highest earning demographic in the US
America has double the population of Russia. Even without the liberal or a draft, Russia is going to have a problem. If Russia is the first to strike, even a good chunk of the leftist would have a hard time arguing against the war.
>replying to your own post with fake surprise

Canadanon is losing it, you forgot to swap proxies you fucking idiot. Don't ruin the immersion so easily.
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>implying india has toilets
As soon as another county sinks all 19 aircraft carriers and you get potty trained.
What bothers you more? That she gets to eat more food than your entire village, or that her weave is made from the hair your sister sold to pay the rent on your tin shack?
no sense in cleaning your toilets, you don't use them
>[citation needed]

Is this the proxy you ment to post with? >>119905712
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>Why poo in the loo

Stopped reading there and fucking broke. Good one Ranjeet
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>shits into your path
I'm not gay , I don't feel remotely anglo.We don't have trashy cunts parading around naked.
Congratulations on finding a single nigger who can't poo in a loo. 99% of niggers are potty trained though, still better than India.
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>deport all male Americans to clean our toilets
>Nobody in India would actually defend
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And not a proxy
Whether you be Canadian or Dune coon just know that 2 of our fighter jets could dominate your country.
Type once the rage passes india, you are playan yourself
Try your luck slugger.
If war starts I hope India will die. Fucking subhumans.
People get tired of free shekels?
Why make Australia the wasteland when you already have India?
I look like both my parents of European descent. Also NASA isn't stealing your ideas. Go back to shitting in the street.
We don't want to try, India has nothing to take, absolutely nothing worth the fuel to fly those aircraft.
>Why poo in the loo
bloody hell you're making it too easy
Lol we couldn't even win against towel headed niggers running around in the desert. I wouldn't exactly be thumping my chest right now.
>Am I the only one who'd love to watch Russia detonate 5 of theses bombs on each US States
Okay I speak curry.
"Anyone else want to see Russia bomb the US"
>and after that deport all male Americans to clean our toilets
"Then afterwards we import US men to clean our streets"
>use Americans LGT for experiments and make USA the official whore hole of the planet…
This parts unintelligible. Something about being attracted to gay peoples anuses?
India shut the fuck up, we don't need that now
You might want to stop reading liberal propaganda.
>both my parents of European descent.
No they don't.
Go be dumb in Afghanistan, dumbericunt.
We can't because of restrictions implemented by Obama. Now that those restrictions are gone the sand folk are getting a JDAM left and right.
Aww, canadacuck tries to make a funny! Sooo cute
We literally pay people to do that shit for us.
Gotta try. Dark times in cuckistan
> it's all Obummers fault!!!!!!!

What about Korea? Vietnam? Syria? Yemen? We have lost every war since WW2 you fucking shit stained dick sucking "patriot." Get that squared in your head before you go around talking about how great Americunts are
It's ok, I thought it was funny, plus you guys have good syrup.
>implying you have toilets
Shit what? Osama owned you dumbfucks and got away with it for years.
You're not fooling anyone. Get out.
an attack on america is an attack on britain!

pajeet you even think it i swear you god you will be the british raj again by next week
Don't worry, the Indians are having their H1Bs revoked in America. So they can no longer earn six figures writing spaghetti code.

Fuck off Pajeet go poo in the loo for once
We do but you have no knowledge of it, white apes.
god, I hate Indians. disgusting subhumans with a misguided superiority complex
fuck off street shitting rat
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nuke murica, fuck ya!
We fucked you out of our country when we weren't even using weapons. Your Britain is so small, 1 tzar would be enough to toast all you diggers.
silence colonial scum!
See: >>119906737

Cry harder bitch. Shitskins beating you in your own country. HAHAHA that must hurt. Fucking shit stained white niggers like you are the ones with the biggest misplaced superiority complex in the world.
You mean that one toilet built by foreigners in your village that no one uses, right?
if you mean some child raping nappy wearing faggot who got shot did yes,now look at you

we got what we wanted,the gold and reduced your population haha

and the kalde noor diamond is still in the crown :)
Korea is at a stalemate.
Vietnam was new warfare and political. And I assume you don't have any idea of the actual restrictions placed on soldiers in the sandland during Obama's term. I can assure you that since trump took office the military has been far more effective in eliminating terrorists.
Have mercy on us, O' Great Pooer.
You are not only to not use loo
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lol mike is still mad we wont pay for his shit cartoons!
That makes no fucking sense. WE PAY PEOPLE TO BOMB SHIT FOR US.
Street shit eating rats were your ancestors who got kicked out like the street shitting rates they were 70 years ago.
>watch Russia detonate
Why don't you do it yourself poo? too scared?
No brother Pajeet, I wish the same. West needs to burn in fire.
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How do you make these edits
>Have to use POO vpn because Hiroshima went full Mazel tov
Why clean unused toilets?
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not really pajeet,you still bend the knee when we come over to lord it over the peasants
but who will get rid of the toilet witches?
India is burning in poo right now
>Delivering a nuke with a shitty platform based on the superfortress

WW2 russians were basically chinks copying shit from the allies. That plane could get close enough to even open the bomb bay
Don't worry we'll have all that by making you bend at our knees while you all take a piss on your face lol
Also India has only 3 years to became a superpoower left

ugh, what are you doing on our internet? get back to your designated shitting street.
Without the west, you wouldn't have shit.
> I can assure you
Wtf i love trump now. Thanks for the convincing evidence!

Whatever helps you sleep at night. The fact remains that the "greatest military on the planet" can't even beat a bunch of desert rats.
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india will never make the west bend the knee

we could engineer a virus to attack only your peoples DNA we dont need to even nuke you lol

the only advantage you have is you breed like rats and that gives you people power

shut your mouth you filthy low caste peasant

That's what brits do when they come to India now.
underrated file name
what stand in front of the taj mahal and take pics? well yeah dumb ass
Sounds good to me. Just leave Nature the hell alone, or I'll fuck your hand-wiping shit.
Objectively false my Americuck friend.
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>clean our toilets

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Enjoy the watchlist, Pajeet.
It is right about Poondia what you are wrong about West you poopster. Also you will never be as good as we are you shitskin.
that would cause a major shit storm
a real one
>male americans should clean our toilets
>look at flag
>clean our toilets

i'm confused
nice. that photo made me hard
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I have nothing but disdain for Indian people. Fuck you, Poo.

oh fuk.. btfo
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They'd still have their "space" program
>without the west you wouldn't have shit
sadly poo is right. even with the west, east, or the whole world india would have all the shit they wanted because they don't poo in the loo, the shit in the street, which is why they have all the shit they could ever hope for
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hnnnnnnggg thanks dad
No, India would have shit, they will have loads of crap. They would just lose everything else without the west.
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highly under fucking rated
I would rather let them test it first on India.
>india will never make the west bend the knee
We did. Ask your street shit eating cowardly gradpa, kid.

>we could engineer a virus to attack only your peoples DNA we dont need to even nuke you lo
And we will walk inside your houses and force your om shit on you instead

>the only advantage you have is you breed like rats and that gives you people power
We don't breed like rats we breed rats to make up a rat that sounds like you for our personal amusement lol

That'd be your queen with our piss in a Chinese bowl, fucking white ape
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holy fuck I was curious why this thread has so many replies than I noticed the flag top kek
>You mean that one toilet built by foreigners in your village that no one uses, right?
Your president is fucking Crasto's inbreed. Go figure that out, AIDSkin.
Grow a brain, white ape.
Funny, India has more aids than Canada. http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Health/HIV-AIDS/People-living-with-HIV-AIDS/Per-capita

Also we have a Prime Minister, not a president. Also I am pretty Cuban and Canadian gene pools are distinct enough that he isn't inbreed.
There is no poo in your loo because you use designated shitting streets. Can't even handle Pakistan, you 3rd world losers.
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grow a toilet pajeet
Nice to hear from a real poltard. Thanks dad.
Well, barefoot anyway. Because you still don't into shoes. Fucking Africa-tier savages.
You don't grow toilet you build it, you absolute piece of retarded shit.
Without India, You wouldn't have numbers. Without India, You all would be savages.
No, foreigners build toilets for you, and you savages ignore them or worship them.
>loo will be space loo by 2020 , u won't be able to go to space cause gravity make poo float unless inside of space loo
Shouldn't you be shitting in the streets pajeet?
Without India we wouldn't have creepy monkey looking fuckers on H1Bs writing shit code and staring at white women.
>>11991413 Your ancestors walked barefoot too. Today most Nike, Rebook, Bata is sold in India.
Actually most math was developed independently in several parts of the World and most mathematical breakthroughs happened outside of the Indian subcontinent. Se we would still have math without you.
My descendants will be shitting in your streets soon enough.


American women are whores anyway and there is no point wasting decent code for immoral American corporate.
>to clean our toilets
Come now, you don't even HAVE toilets.
Come to think of it, you don't even have
latrines or outhouses, you filthy fucking
stoneage yard apes.
Learn ti use Google and whwn you see actually see Indian toilet, worship it like Jesus. At least that'f put a litte sense in your empty brain.
Fuk u
Destroyed epitome of civilization because muh nazi atrocities, Africa tier IQ,letting corporates control every aspect of their lives,pedo enablers,muh LGBT rights, turned white House into a gay orgy meusium.dumb fcks can't cook their own meal , would rather eat petri dish of corporate pukes,pigs at the trough.
Pajeets don't shit in streets you dumb cunt.
>to clean our toilets
but those are spotless

Amen. Amerifarts need to be called out for their shit. I gave them a pass because Trump seemed like a ballsy dude but turns out America is cuck central and Trump is a merely the newest cucklord. Fuck You America. FUCK YOU
In the west, we have a parable about the fox and the grapes that applies here. You'll never get a white woman. Hell you probably won't even get a Poo-ess in an arranged marriage, because you're low caste trash. You'll keep beating your 3 inch dick to Desi auntie porn. But you claim you don't want white qts anyway.

Stop lying, you scrawny thirsty street shitter.
>worship a toilet
Poo goes in the loo, Pajeet.
Learn to use Google first and when you actually see an Indian toilet, worship it like Jesus. At least that'd put a litte sense in your empty brain.
Worship it. It's your bread and butter of the future lmao
You're not even coherent, Pajeet. All the people who could speak proper English left for Pakistan a long time ago. What's your major malfunction, besides your tiny monkey dick and your lack of housebreaking?
Your mom is designated for being is whore
Right, you disagree that poo goes in the loo. That's the problem, that's why you need literal toilet training videos. You don't worship poo, Pajeet. Poo in the loo.
I keked
Like Jesus, you have to have faith that an Indian toilet actually exists.
That doesn't change that fact that Indians think it is okay to shit on the street.

Your people are mentally still in medieval times but live in a modern world given to them by the West.
Americans should just GET THE FUCK OFF /POL/ at this point and make another forum for their Wahabi, Zionist and Roach Allies
Holy shit, Canada, good one.
Muh dick,you sound like some variegated Tumblr whore .
Amen .
Yeah, so how much do Indians earn in India compared to America?

Check mate
Hey Linda, how many guys climb up on an American mom? Exluding before marriage 10? 20? 30? Honestly.
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kek, this street shitting scatskin is so mad he must be shortening his own lifespan lmao :^)))
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