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Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 94

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Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump & King Abdullah II Press Conf 4/5/17
>Pres Trump meets King Abdullah II of Jordan 4/5/17
>Pres Trump remarks at 2017 NABTU Conf 4/4/17
>Pres Trump @ CEO Townhall 4/4/17
>CEO Townhall on American Business Climate 4/4/17
>Pres Trump meets a sissy 4/3/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #10 3/31/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Trade 3/31/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>119764311
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>2003 was 200 years ago
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(((trump))) can eat a bag of dicks
/pol/ voted for a globalist.
We gonna kick ass in Syria.
Then take the boys to erase Russia next.
Starting to actually like Trump now..
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>playing Diablo II while listening to senate hearings
Is this guy a faggot?
>doubting Trump
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Based Turtle
hey hey what is up kike bois. why you no answer? another threat? why are you TD jew noobs and zionist kike fags and commie fags pushing for another war? can one of you jew fag shills answer? answer for this b-b-b-ased gook pixelmessage image post board. maybe one of the faggot jews that reads this site and puts it in his fag jew speeches? or maybe the social media guy that rips people off? what about the new york kike that bought don's daughter's poon. or any retard jew that is here. why? even if you started to build your temple we would just kill it with fire anyway. after you've all been impaled and pooped on then fed to pigs. fucking subhuman filth. be careful don and steve.
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Reminder Rice still on the menu
Give it a few bump.
Reminder that Trump is a neo-con cuck that sucks kike dick like it's going out of style

One-term president at this rate, sad!
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I really shouldn't be saying, but I like you assholes. Risking my job here so I have to be discreet.

I work for a B4 public accounting firm, we're currently doing IPO work for the Trump organization.

>pic related is proof of things setting in motion.

Many of the family wants to move into politics, except Eric. Don jr has met with our team early in the engagement.

>Really nice dude btw.

Anyways company gonna go public, i think eric is gonna stay as the CEO.

My advice is that when it does go public, buy that shit. It gonna start at $90-$100 per share, but this is one of the most undervalued companies I have ever seen.

Their internal controls are easily the best, and their management is like on a whole nother level. Always easy to get along with, especially during walkthroughs. Alot of their assets are measured in a very conservative accounting basis.
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...You wanna know something funny? I bet you 99% of the libs crying about Merrick Garland didn't even know he existed until it was time to confirm Gorsuch.
Only the Democrats would vote in this lispy megafaggot, holy shit
Seems like a certain little liberal is mad as fuck.


The claim that Trump is some grand tactician or master of 4D chess is, at this point, clearly absurd. He reacts to things and occasionally plots countermoves, but isn't particularly subtle or cunning. He's also verbally inept to a degree that is stunning. His Twitter feed has lost all steam and is now impotent. Trump sincerely pushed the healthcare bill and failed to use its collapse against Ryan. Despite Ryan not being a friend to Trump or Trump's agenda, he continues to suck up to him. Trump actually conceded that his victory was due in part to Russian interference -- this is perhaps the most damning indictment against this stupid claim. To concede something for which there's no firm evidence (the DNC wasn't hacked and Podesta's password was password) amounts to delegitimatizing oneself. To what end was this done? Trump blathered about Taiwan and then folded. He absolutely folded and failed to use the Taiwan squabble constructively -- it wasn't leveraged at all. Trump isn't perspicacious. His understanding of things is superficial at best and, it would seem, he's intellectually lazy.

If I were a betting man, I'd bet against major US intervention in Syria. I do not discount an escalation of airstrikes and possible targeting of Assad's forces, however.
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>they think a majority brown country is going to vote in a way that makes spoiled white liberals happy
>they think muslims will somehow decide to make feminism and buttsex permanent institutions in america
>they think a few frappucinos makes immigrants into shitlibs
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>1945 was 1488 years ago
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shut up jew he's right.
this doesn't mean shit, retard. they're still going to stand behind Assad's narrative on the gas attacks and they are not going to stand by and let America attack the SAA and let the same disaster of Libya repeat itself.

use your fucking head
There's this much salt now, just imagine how much there will be when he's actually confirmed.
This only replaces Scalia.

We need RBG to drop.
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Why is trump being a retard?
>tfw 2003 isn't right now
>Rush talking about cucks and globalists
>SCOTUS vote
She should but absolutely will not do that
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Oh no, they're turning on their favorite neocon.
Could you post the first rule change? I want to see the writing.
>buy my stocks!
hey eric :)
Hate that cunt
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Guys, this is it....

She will by August, check my numerals to confirm.
rush is a neocon
Holy shit a picture! WAR WAR WAR
Fucking women
Thanks, Barron.
he's not "based", he's doing his job, for now
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3-D Chess guys!
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Assad is done. Better find someone else to hitch your wagon to now

im crying laughing so hard right now

>jared gets called out for being a globalist
>suddenly bannon removed from the NSC and jews on TV celebrate his death

did trump get butthurt at bannon for calling out his jew?
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Nikkie Haley understands that what is at stake for not removing Assad goes way beyond pictures of dead children.

Him and Merkely brought this on themselves.
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Jews live forever.
>b-but Rachel Maddow and Stephen Colbert told me this was unprecedented
/ptg/ is the comfiest general. Besides /tgg/ nothing ever came close. god damnit I love this thread.
>" Trump actually conceded that his victory was due in part to Russian interference -- this is perhaps the most damning indictment against this stupid claim. To concede something for which there's no firm evidence "

yes. the jews went to him with information they passed off as their own. that info was then blamed as being from russia. it wasn't from russia. it was entirely american. the jews just set donald up to look like a fool because they sadly run his chain of ops it seems. but correct. it wasn't russians and donald fucked himself by even hinting it. he has bad jews running his show, so of course it's fizzling quickly. by plan. fuck jews.

Reminder that in 2013 democrats literally believed they would never lose another presidential election because there were too many spics in America, and millions more being imported every year

Good Goyim.
>tfw poorfag
I'd buy, but I can hardly afford to live
1. Dems would've abolished filibusters for SCOTUS appointments back in 2016 if they still had the majority.
2. Baby boomers will living for at least another 20 years
3. Older Hispanic immigrants tend to vote more Republican
4. Younger blacks vote way more Republican than their older counterparts, especially male blacks
5. Asians and natives can be ignored for the next 50 years.
6. Younger whites will likely become more Republican as time goes
7. The black and spic birth rates have been falling for over 2 decades now
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>That ending
This lisping faggot needs to sit down.
Oy vey someone seems mad as fuck.
I donated my wife's sons savings, who will match me?
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Post your face when Democrats got blown out
/leftypol/ floods back in after tapping out for a few hours. You niggers are so cute, it's beyond adorable.
t. retard
Trump supports Assad, but saying so publicly is suicide because the public BELIEVES he's gassed people before.
Trump is not stupid and is not going to ruin the ME. He and Putin aren't dumb.

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>this same spamming London mudshit
> da joooooos
Why don't you just shoot up a synagogue already, Ahmed. You guys aren't really fooling anybody. Keep sucking Assad's muzzie cock even though Russia has disavowed him.

If Don Jr became governor of NY and Bo Dietl became mayor then I would have to remove the state from my top 5 most-hated list
he isn't, though.
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President Xi has arrived
Just donated my kidney do the dnc
I just saw a dude here in Florida with Trump bumper stickers and anime dolls on the dashboard. Show yourself!
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Any Spicing today?
is there a stream were watching
>still using children's cartoon analogies
>14 heartbreaking pictures that will make you say "fuck having borders and law and shit"

Why are you pumping a stock? Trump has issued public shares in the past and the outcome for retail investors, and larger investors, was horrible.
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Hey you, yeah you

Show me your OC
Don't make me pull this trigger

I'll do it motherfucker
>history will remember this with an asterisk
What did they mean by this
>All we need is another billion dollars to flush down the toilet, we can do this!
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reminder that they are correct and donald wouldn't have won if it wasn't for an extreme divine providence troll job by ______________ . They will still win in the future because donald isn't fucking deporting shit or building a wall. he needs to start doing that NOW. ASAP. it was priority number one and the reason he was even relevant for the last year. remove beaners now. or get impeached.

Putin just washed his hands of him, he's done.
Go back to your Syria General and jerk it to him while you still can
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>muh pictures
>muh feels

Women in politics. Not even once.
>there are people on /pol/ who still support trump even after it's revealed he's a neocon warmonger and went back everything he said
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread
>CIA red pill thread
CIA red pill thread

Help bump and fight off shill threads

Imagine this guy doing a 13 hour filibuster.
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>I won't spread your ashes to the heartless sea. I will always be with you.
F Scalia.

Also who's this guy? I can't tell if he's for or against Gorsuch yet. He started off sounding like he's for, but now he seems to be shaping his argument as against. He's apparently from Oregon so probably against?
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They literally don't have the power to win the Senate in 2018 no matter what. And the House looks similar.
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Go home /leftypol/
Your plan to pretend that anti-jew means pro-mud does not work, it was already tried and it already failed
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Multiple News Outlets confirming: US Military using radar analysis shows Syrian Aircrafts dropping chemical weapons
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The article itself:


Pretty obvious more is going on behind the scenes than we are hearing. Especially with regards to the Russian and US positions on Syria. I think the UN is all for show.

I'd imagine any hope of the Russia/US relationship improving is basically on hold until Tillerson's state visit next week and possibly the conclusion of this bullshit Russia/Trump congressional probe.
>7. The black and spic birth rates have been falling for over 2 decades now
shut up jew. why would i do that? why would you ask me to? you are such a pathetic jew scum lelllelel tell me how much you hate yourself ahmedberg?
>which temple do you go to faggot?
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samantha powers was even worse. to bad churkin died, at least he always brought good banter to the table
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Two thing need to happen for complete control:

1) RBG needs to die or fuck off. Trump needs to pick even something right to Gorsuch and force it down their throat.

2) Republicans need to nuke the legislative filibuster. 51 votes for laws.

A man can dream...
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microns when will they learn.gif
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>In fact, six nominees to be Supreme Court Justices, including two members of the current Court, have been confirmed with less than 60% of the vote:
>send me $20 and see what happens
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Finished like Trump's chance of a second term.
>but stock
Um, everybody here is a NEET. Might wanna try reddit, they actually for "gold posts" over there.
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>This commercial on Fox
They confirmed the planes, not the weapons. It was a warehouse they bombed where rebels stored chemicals.
Senator Blumenthal, Democrat, almost certainly against
Pic related (from CDC).
>Give us more money goys, or we can't stop those evil Repulicans!
>We promise we won't just pocket this money and continue to shove shitty candidates down your throat!
My sides can only take so much
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Fucking women.
All it shows is that there was a bombing, not that gas was involved
>implying we don't have an extradition treaty with the fucking UK
t. Slave
How does NBC News get highly classified military intel?
Will there be a press conference from Florida?
So, they bombed the site where "moderates" were storing Sarin gas?
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>Democrats literally do the same thing 3 years ago to Republicans
>They are now mad that Republicans do it to them
>"Ohh hurr durr this'll change the senate forever so evil the partisan politics"

Oh fuck you, you liberal pieces of crap.

You think you're some warriors fighting for justice against Donald Trump. Some resistance force fighting a guerrilla campaign. Freedom Fighters trying to prevail.

You're not.

Conservatives are the majority in The Senate. The House. The majority of state Governorship. The majority of state legislatures. The President is conservative. The Supreme Court will be conservative.

You are not resistance fights. You're resisting a paradigm shift against your king and are clawing every inch of the way holding onto every bit of power that you can.

You've lost, and unless you want to lose again you should recognize that. Or don't. It matters not.
it's just jews from the plebbit, remain calm, and fire back.

We're talking about the filibuster. Has the filibuster always been there or is that a rule from 20 years ago?
not to mention that turnout rates for low IQ minorities with zero agency are low and a systemic problem, they never vote except for a president with the same skin color as them. if democrats want another win they'll have to run some kind of hispanic muslim afro-carribean, and then their infrastructure will collapse even further like it did under obama (nearly total collapse, dems powerless)
quote correctly. Also it's retarded, radar doesn't identify exactly what munitions are dropped. They never denied shelling and flying airstrikes in the area to begin with. Their version of hitting a rebel storage facility that happened to contain toxic chemicals is still just as or even more likely than them dropping CWs.

t. Saudi Arabian slave

What if there was an airstrike on a location rebels intentionally stockpiled with chemicals to make it look as if there was a chemical attack and get this result?
>new generations are overwhelmingly left
Yea and then they grow up. Usually around the time they get out of college and start having kids.
That still fits with the claim that they bombed a factory that just happen to contain chems
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By Donald, have fun, I hope the weekend isn't too boring for us
A source familiar with the matter confirmed for them
>neocon warmonger
No proof. You guys are trying to predict the future, let Trump's actions speak. He is not going into Syria.
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Agreed. Cant stand her at all
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One more day till weekend here though
And check.
Weekends are suffering
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Also this. Obama managed to turn out blacks, Asians, Latinos and the youth. Clinton didn't and it hurt her badly. Only place she did better was Arizona (because of the spics) and Texas (because of the spics and Californians moving to the suburbs of Houston and Austin).
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So I don't get it. Are we going to fuck with Syria now or not?

Didn't Trump say not to long ago that we should be fucking around with foreign regimes?
>has to hold his own umbrella
>>I'd imagine any hope of the Russia/US relationship improving is basically on hold until Tillerson's state visit next week and possibly the conclusion of this bullshit Russia/Trump congressional probe.
That's true. And I think Russia gets it, and is willing to make concessions (or at least the appearance of it) for the moment so Trump can save face until an actual rapprochement is possible.

No, Russia will give Assad a slap on the wrist, so Trump can save face without having to take military action.
Time will tell

Or Cucknedy
You know what unstable military regimes who have multiple foreign governments operating within their borders do?

They drop chemical weapons on civilians
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Don't forget Utah.
filibuster was killed by the dems in 2010, but the 60-vote to confirm rule has been in-and-out

President XI

Just landed in FL
Trump played lip service to neocons. We're not fucking with Syria.
>New generation are leftist

Wow they're in for a rude awakening

They got worked hard by McCain
jesus can this dude fuck off already
>walking out of the rain to go play golf in Florida
jealous af
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3-D Chess Guys!

Slow and steady wins the race...
What sort of man would choose to not hold his own umbrella?
Is there anything in Kushner being a leak, do you think?
I don't know anon. My mind says yes but my heart says no
In Utah, McMuffin and Trump almost got the same number of votes together as Romney. If anything, Utah will be red for a long long time to come.

I thought he wasn't married?
Seriously, the whole "women are peaceful men make all wars" feminist narrative is getting pretty discredited. It seems like women these days and more pro-war than men.
What sort of man uses an umbrella anyway?
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Yeah he's made his point as against Gorsuch now. I can't hate his arguments though, unlike every other Democrats I've watched on this. He's at least shaping it around personal liberties and the federal government needing to fuck off. He seems to be a decent Democrat, which are very rare. I may not agree, but can respect his arguments so far in this little speech he is giving.

Come to think of it, how many Democrats do we know of that aren't complete absolute faggots? Jim Webb instantly comes to mind. I didn't agree with him during the first Democratic Primary debate, but he was the only sane person on the stage. I could respect his views even if I disagreed. Hillary and Bernie both appeared to be insane in comparison.
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We're going to kill Assad and establish safe zones.
Rich homosexuals or black men
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thats quite a step
Could be. No way to know until there's a happening, though.

Gary Cohn Backs Reinstating Glass-Steagal, Breaking Up Big Banks

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We came, we saw, he died.

[cackling intensifies]
This is also true.
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>when your pet turtle develops nuclear capability
Trump said he wanted to knock the hell out of ISIS and bomb the shit out of them. That will take us to Syria, but he doesn't want to fight Assad.
Any raw stream on tv of chinese president?
I want to hate fuck this bitch.
>We're going to kill Assad

Can't mossad the assad.

Trump should go into Syria but to help the Jew Fighter.
Tulsi is okay. Misguided on a lot of things, but she's at least not evil, and deeply anti-war
Remember when Trump was softening on immigration, then came out and said we need merit based immigration? Or when Trump said Healthcare was off the menu, but it's actually back on? Or when he said Obama tapped him when there was no evidence we can see?

No, surely this is the time Trump is playing tic tac toe
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it's not them that have to do the dying in the end after all. And with nowadays demographics they don't even need to fear for their husbands/family anymore since they don't have any.
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WTF IS THIS SHIT!?!??!?!?!?!
ew anon
Yea you're right, Trump is a kike puppet. And so is Putin. And so is Xi Jinping. As a matter of fact, the only only non Jewish puppets are Saddam and Assad. Whoa based Muslims containing all of the extremists. That why the West has had zero Islamic terrorist attacks. Because gadaffi was keeping them in check. And now that he's gone, Assad is keeping them in check.

Aren't we so lucky to have Assad looking out for us?
/our (((cohn)))/ ?
Do you think Cialdini regrets teaching shitlibs to say "dark"? Everything is dark with these fucks. That Farkas dummy called people repeating her words "dark" Russian propganda. What idiots
They're giving this mf a red carpet and everything
To make way for Gowdy and Conaway

Isn't Gowdy taking his place?
lol yes
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Because Republicans love to hear the screeching nasally "YAAAASSS QWEEEEEN" of the Democrats at every little victory, evidently.
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Voted Trump over Clinton for 4 reasons...

1. Trade - TPP is dead. Win.
2. Immigration reform - Looking good.
3. Supreme Court - Gorsuch confirmed tomorrow. Win.
4. Avoid conflict in Syria - Whoops.

3/4 ain’t bad, I guess.
Yeah they got Gowdy instead. Not exactly a victory.
The nuclear option has always been about the filibuster. The actual vote to confirm has never changed. Clarence Thomas passed with 52-48 because the Dems decided not to filibuster. My question is was the filibuster always around since the beginning, or is it a recent rule that we are removing?

For reference, SCOTUS nominees have been filibustered before, but never successfully since the nominees were normally pulled since they couldn't get 60 votes. After that, simple majority is all you need.
>Trump isn't a neoco-
How long does this faggot get to speak?
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>Implying there actually will be conflict in Syria
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Imagine the feeling. If you fuck up one thing, you're done.
The stress of being that close to the President.

Or imagine being the pilot. Fucking gosh.
That would be some bullshit.
Then again, maybe he's trying to appear impartial...
WTF I thought Trump promised to murder all liberals and niggers what happened to that!?
Until we actually actively bomb assad i would rule out the 4th one
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>when your pet frog develops nuclear capability and you follow it down a hole and find a tank and defeat secret underground mutants and save the world using said tank, all to save your pet frog
Is Jason /ourguy/?
>I have not seen evidence
>Therefore it does not exist
>no evidence
Fucking retards.
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what are some good podcasts to listen to? gavin mcinnes is a retard and i want something more coherent than ghost's TCR or TRS' stuff.
>Rush talking about cucks and the evolution of the insult for the last 30 minutes

Holy shit my sides.
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>I haven't seen any evidence
>There is no evidence
Really gets my noggin a joggin'.
The moment he utters the words "Assad Must Go" he falls from kek's favour and the Assad curse will strike him down.

I think he will be pushing the legal side of things rather than proper military intervention. He did say he should go to the hague.
He'll make the push like the US did with those various Serbian leaders they fought to put on trial a few years ago.
Offer deals to Syria in exchange for handing Assad over, once he is out of power.
That's more in line with the way of thinking he has demonstrated so far.
All he said was 'I haven't seen the evidence'

use your brain, c'mon you can do this
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He said it's because he hasn't seen any evidence related to Rice at all yet. Stop shitposting.
I was curious because Roger Stone said he was. You'd know far better than me, to be fair.
Any live streams of the meeting with Xi?
>has not seen any evidence
Well now that he's leading the investigation he's going to :^)
>babies of color
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What is wrong with this man?
>that sneaky chinamen taking a peek outside
>Originalists not treating the Constitution as a living document
>N-not all rights are in the Constitution!
>If I say something's a right, it's a right
>stop the deplorable status quo!
>what even is precedent?

Gonna lmao when SCOTUS overturns Roe-v-Wade, because "the SCOTUS was WRONG".
Finally they shut off those fucking engines
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>Jared is whispering this Syria shit in Trump's ear

This is what we call "concern shilling". He is building the wall, he is deporting thousands of spics, and the flood of spics across the border has been reduced to trickle without even building the wall simply because of the perceptions he has created across the border with his statements

Trump will have a 60-vote majority in the Senate after 2018, will coast to reelection in 2020, and Pence will easily win in 2024 to succeed him

Leftshitpol will be eternally BTFO and will kill themselves one by one over the next decade
Alright alright. I was freaked out.
poor indigo people
Nunes was part of the transition team that got surveilled. You can't investigate a crime that you're the victim of. Conflict of interest and such.
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>we don't need a weak person being POTUS
- Trump during the primaries
>falls for retarded false flag gas attack and now wants to invade syria
- Trump as POTUS
Stefan Molymeme is probably the closest /pol/ podcast you're gonna find.
Fair enough. Taking in out just gives the left less fodder to fight the inevitable arrests and convictions.
>immigration reform

me and my BASED dreamer in a trump hat here agree
Where the fuck is filtration
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Does anyone have a source on the origination of the filibuster? They were saying on Fox Biz it was originally created to keep racial legislation in tact if I heard them right. If we can make it sound good we can make it seem like the democrats are supporting practices that further racism.
indian scalping
Xi has a cutie chink wife
Not to mention that he will seriously suppress non-white and liberal birth rates.
Tulsi's okay on foreign policy, I dunno about the rest of her positions
I hate China's guts
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>look at this BASED black guy in a MAGA hat
Give me the deets on realclearpolitics.
Christie put Kushner's father in jail and Trump didn't like that. Kushner has no beef with Trump. I'd look towards Obama holdovers for leakers.
She wants to reinstigate Glass-Steagall, that's a plus
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Here's hoping
Thought he died a decade ago

Is that a link I should be watching?
Why the fuck is Trump meeting the president of China in his own fucking private club? This is an important meeting with some Trump talked so much shit about. Is the historical White House not good enough for Trump?

This this guy.
Wait is there a rally today?
>whadda ya lookin at, ya bald-headed Jew prick
>Meeting in a bugged building

The Chinese requested it I believe
Though I always thought of him like ernest borgnine.
I thought he was already dead
Still trying to get the nigger stench out of the carpets, I'm guessing.
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So doesn't Schiff have to go since he's already come out on day like 2 of the investigation indicting the entire Trump administration on like every cable news network?
>Had to look up the name to put the actor to the name

F, rest in pepperoni, Mr. Potato Head.
>look at this dank black guy in a trump hat fucking based
get it right
The White House is bugged

also DC sucks
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Because Obama holdovers are still spying and leaking.
I think Hillary's obviously a psychopath. I've never seen anything that looks like a sincere smile on her face.

I know, there really should be some conditions to have voting rights, perhaps military service. Personally I think voting should be limited to married people with children - people who actually have a stake in the future and the long-term.
>i come to gof wif pesiden tump
>big swing, ball go vewwy far
>liddle ho, bahl go in
>vewwy good
>yes yes
God damn it. Confirmed.

>>This this guy.

Too scared to say 'I love'

I'll do it for you

I love this guy, trump, he's the best.
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I saw him perform a couple of years ago. He had to sit in a chair for the whole set.

They said Xi liked the informality of visiting Mar-a-lago for the first date.
Watch him put Cummings in his place.
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Why are you talking about U.S Politics again? Doesn't your country have a law that bans speech against mudslimes to pass?
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how old are you
>>Meeting in a bugged building
This. Trump probably let Jinping know he suspected bugging of the WH during their discussions of where to meet.
He was a funny dude, he always did racist jokes that people couldn't get away with today.

>Are you Chinese? You are? Good, because if you're not not, there's something wrong with your eyes

Plus he always had plenty of good Jew jokes, since he was one.
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>Democrats caring about rules and ethics
You were thinking of Don Knotts.
chinese people love opulent shit like trumps houses, have you seen their fucking palaces kekek
gun him down while hes here boys
>Do nuclear option
>cry when republicans do the same
vote democrat 2018
i supported trump but he can go fuck himself now, even r/the_donald are calling him out over this syria bullshit
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It's nice of you to spend time with your wife's son.
Did the ethics committee say he has to go?
>implying Democrats will follow thier own rules
>implying cuckservatives will make them follow their own rules
No, CNN told us it was okay for Schiff to stay on.
It's 200 years of tradition goy! Think of the protocols!






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He's just showing he's going to be impartial and objective. Gowdy's one of the good guys.

Oh, friend. No... only Judeotheocratic countries have kings and palaces in 2017.
>even weak-kneed bitch-made bernie bro fairweather friends are crying and shitting their diapers prematurely

less than 2 weeks to see just how much of a bloodbath 2018 will be, heavy republican seat in danger, if this hold until 2018 reps could loose by historic margins
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No I wasn't
Too young; can't say I've seen any of his performances. Most of them were before I was born.
Stop jumping the gun. We're going to Syria to take out ISIS, we're not touching Assad.

Wait till the Putin meeting to get a real feeling for where we're at.
Responding to myself cause I just thought of why. It doesn't matter. That's why Gowdy is saying how he's seen no evidence that Rice did anything wrong. They are taking the high road so the inevitable decision on how the dems should all be imprisoned is irrefutable. Meanwhile, the dems will have this dumbass on the committe who has already shown himself to be impartial. It's a chess move that will give us all a total uniumpunable victory.

i have no idea who he was


Don't give up on 4, anon. Trump has still said he doesn't want endless wars or to be the Pres of the World. That being said, there is something to be said about political diplomacy and providing lipservice to the neocons and MSM. Politics is messy and sometimes requires you to play both side even if it's just for show. Let's see what Mattis, T-Rex and him do behind the scenes. Remember: T-Rex is going to Russia next week lest everyone forgets.
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thanks anon! i had forgotten about ol' dirty lionel.

good god, i hope not. i'd rather listen to hydewars desu senpai
Look at the time stamp! Nunez just stepped aside and said he'd show ALL committee members the documents he had access to, which mean Gowdy probably made those statements BEFORE getting the documents.
>President of Empowered Women

Does that mean "housewife"?
>Wow, what a perfect pictu-
All the best deals are made on the golf course you autistic - chill.

One of the "disturbing" things Nunes discovered was that Obama spied on him too. He can't investigate the crime against himself
The fun part is that they ALWAYS have that small, implicit acknowledgement that women are incapable of doing anything without being "empowered" by others.
>Actual statement: "No, Ms. Reporter, I have not seen any evidence that Rice committed a crime because I am not yet a part of the investigation"

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not sure if legit, or just a pump and dump
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