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What kind of Christian are you? Pentecostal here aka the most

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What kind of Christian are you? Pentecostal here aka the most redpilled Christians

>no smoking
>no drinking
>no cursing
>no whoring
>if something happens to one of us we put hand to hand and help each other

Why aren't you a Pentecostal?
protip: CIA uses these fringe religious groups to prop up makeshift churches and siphon donations to be used in black operations. Pentecostals will be content with having church in a vacant lot for years because they think they'll have a real church someday. CIA pulls a white van into a walmart parking lot, agent in a suit with a southern accent says he's having a revival, idiots line up and give their tithe, and that money goes to fund illegal CIA operations around the world

Yeah I'm sure $100 will help CIA conquer the world
You sound like a faggot


Pentecostal women a.k.a. bigger whores than feminists.
I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for my sins, I pray almost daily and try to be in communion all the time.

I think about God on the way to work, at work, on my way home, every morning and every night, and it kills me that I still haven't experienced God supernaturally in my life in a physical way as many have.

Last time I was in Church I saw a Romanian woman touched by the Holy Spirit, she fell to the ground, but I stayed in my seat and didn't want to get up and be prayed for, because I was a fool. I want to do more for God, but I'm too caught up with work and my own lazy life, and I really want that to change soon.

I used to smoke and drink and curse a LOT, now I still smoke, drink occasionally, curse rarely.

I don't care about red pills or blue pills, I just care about how to please God, even though I fail many times.

So yeah, in short, just a Christian, but not a very good one at that...

I donate though, and have debates on the internet, so I'm not totally useless to God's kingdom I guess lol
Taci in rasa mati
Because Benny Hinn didn't heal my grandma.
Your grandma either didn't have enough faith or her death was a sign for you to come back from your wrong ways.
If you are anything besides Catholic or Eastern Orthodox you are a literal degenerate disgusting heathen.
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I tried to turn a Christian Sharia (aka United Pentecostal) to the red pilled Nazarene denomination. There is something you crazies do to your females that makes them believe wearing jeans will subjugate them to a life of whoredom and damnation. It didn't work. While we were dating she would tell me that the guys at her church would always drink, smoke, etc.. Not very red pilled to me.
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>no drinking
Okay, now as a Pentecostal that's just not true. You can drink, you just can't get drunk.

But yeah, Pentecostals are the most redpilled denomination.
>supporting holy rollers
Top kek

Ma-ta are cratima
Or maybe she was sick and died? Nah, that's is crazy talk.
Presbyterian. Its the closest to Jesus' teachings.
>I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for my sins, I pray almost daily and try to be in communion all the time.

You're only halfway there.

The last half is to believe in your heart God raised him from the dead.

You want to please God? Then believe in the Son of God and allow the Holy Spirit to enter into your body and resurrect you to eternal life.

Otherwise, what have you that God needs?
>Romanian Pentecostal
>Abandoning Orthodoxy

Seems legit
Abandoning sinking ships is wise.
>No cursing

What are you, a Baby Boomer?

Only old people care about cursing.
the money and power church. my mother was excommunicated for marrying a Presbyterian. Not very Christian is it.
Orthodox only because muh tradition. Not really religious though. Need to start going to church but I doubt I can get a vacation every single Sunday.
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Maybe it was just her time to go?
Pentecostalism is the fastest growing Christian denomination. Churches are being built in the US, Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and other sites deemed strategic by the CIA. Then CIA agents travel to these churches and countries under the guise of being a missionary, and the churches double as safehouses.

The average Pentecostal tithes 10% of their earnings, but many churches take offering not only on Sunday but during various meetups during the week. These numbers add up. And the church administration can report whatever they want when it comes to offerings. We got $2,000 in offerings this week? Let's make that $1,200. No one church member knows the real total."

Of course not every church is compromised, but most are.

Romanian Orthodoxy is a retard ideology.

> be romanian orthodox cuck
> must deny any form of evolution
> must belive in Noah's Ark story

And the priest are corrupted as fuck. They take money from christians for every shit they can. Weddings, baptize, blessings of things like cars.
Oh of course I believe that God raised him from the dead, no question about that!

I did pray that, but it's not just words, we have to sincerely repent and ask God to change transform us, and continue repenting daily.

>Otherwise, what have you that God needs?
He doesn't need anything, but he does want something, and that something is everything that I am :)

Not easy to give it all up, hardest thing for me to give up is comfort, as in going out and praying to people and preaching to them face to face, which puts us all out of our comfort zone.
Are you a proper Presbyterian or one of those loud "reformed" ones. Frozen chosen represent.
Yes because I'd rather spend my time in church with God than with a pedophile pope and give him all my money and pray to bones

> he belives the orthodox christians have a pope

Top kek, what a retard.
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Pentecostals are red pilled because they belief in the false doctrine of works-based salvation, in other words they believe you can lose your salvation. Not true. Let me drop you a few real red pills.

>Once Saved Always Saved

>The Bible Way to Heaven

>Pentecostal Speaking in Tongues = Being Demon-possessed

>Pentecostals are NOT saved!

>Pentecostal Soul winning Demonstration Video Baptist

>The Pentecostal Movement Baptist Preaching independent, fundamental, KJV only

>Speaking with tongues - Steven L Anderson (KJV, Independent, Fundamental Baptist preaching)
Her faith was unshakeable, actually.

She not only didn't get healed from something that didn't kill her, she lingered on with other underlying health problems until she met a very slow and painful demise 15 years later. Prove to me there's some form of mercy in that, and I'll show you some ocean front in Arizona I have for sale.
Or father, I'd rather not have that creepy faggot teach me about God
I dont know what you mean. If by waving signs and whatnot no I dont do that. I do undercover preach though its the most effective way to convert people I have found.
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I don't know much about Orthodoxy, but if it's anything like Catholicism there's a lot of un-Biblical stuff in there.
>So yeah, in short, just a Christian, but not a very good one at that...

Mate, you're the same as all of us Christians. But by saying you're not a very good one isn't the point. You've done what you needed to do so far, however there's always more. God has a plan for you so just stick to it, and do your best to follow what he wants.

I've experienced God physically, and it's great.
If you're in England I'd highly suggest going to Elim - The Gathering, when it's next on. That's where I first gave my life to God about 2 years ago.
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I'm Poppycostal.
Pentecostal bitches cycle between extreme repression and extreme whoredom. Seriously crazy. GTFO, now.
At least he's not an apostate.
You are wrong, you can't come to church a few weeks, be saved, then leave the church forever, kill a dozen of people and life a disgusting life and still expect to go to heaven.
I hate these threads worse than any of the reddit threads.

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OP, please.. the true church is the Roman Catholic. True Peter's Church. Al the other is blasphemy and foggotry. Also, you "christians" legitimized the fucking jews by incorporating them into "Christianism".. bullshit. Also bulshit your "pastors"
Orthodox here means to pay the father to pray to God for you, while you have to pray to bones and pictures of saints hanging off the wall.
Um, yes you can. This is exactly the problem with Christianity: It bought into the vicarious redemption meme.
Giving in to just another middle eastern cult is a sure way to promote the destruction of white countries. I might be biased because most of the christians I have spoken to were catholics, but they were massively in favor of the replacement of European people, and welcomed mudshits as if they were their own blood.
Every progress and golden ages we have encountered has been a return to pre-christian roots. All throughout history, all christianity has done is systematically destroying European morals, values, and identity.
Even marxism is heavily inspired by christian "values" (imo the whole point of semitic religions is justifying any sort of behavior by finding loopholes in their books' "teachings", and thus they have no values).
ce proasta-i ma-ta
Not more bullshit than your money sucking pedophile popes

Yes, they care about a lot of shits that are not in the bible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_tradition
Christianism is a secular fake Chatholicism.
So edgy!
No sweetie, it doesn't work like that. Once you fuck up you can expect to rot in hell.
because I like having fun and you faggots are fucking nuts
I'm not a superstitious retard, thank you.
>no drinking
All civilized peoples drink. It is one of the cornerstones of civilization. Y'know who didn't drink? The fucking Natives in America because they're fucking savages.
Our church is corrupt, so corrupt that the Pope is a pedophilic, satanist with military ties, belive me i know.
But, that does not mean that we are not the true and only Church of God
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>Pentecostal Speaking in Tongues = Being Demon-possessed
Clearly Biblical teaching being denied by person = not Christian
If you can say out loud "Jesus is Lord" and know in your heart God raised him from the dead, you're already saved and you have already done the work asked of you by the Father.

I just want to caution you that you will always be in Jesus' debt. You'll have to come to terms with that on your own. You will never be able to "do" enough to earn your own salvation.

Everything necessary to be done was done on the cross.
And after 80 years when we die I will have fun FOREVER in heaven while you will burn FOREVER in hell.
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Catholics lost me with the entire concept of paying debts to the church to reduce purgatory time. That and paying money to the church for the complete eradication of sins. Oh, and not being able to commune directly with Jesus/God. Oh, and the idolatry of Mary.

I think that covers it.
You need baptism
Because I don't agree with heretics and only follow the catholic and apostolic church passed down to us from jesus not heretic cults
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Sir or ma'am, I encourage you to reconsider and examine the evidence in the bible. If you don't have time then watch this short video.

>Repent of Sins for Salvation? Repentance Spectrum Disorder - Pastor Steven Anderson

However, if you do have time, then see my original post and watch the full evidence sermon in "Once Saved Always Saved" which actually proves it directly from the bible.
Sure, mate, whatever you say. Fucking retard.
Reminder that Mormonism is the least degenerate religion:
>church is essentially 100% Aryan
>girls want to marry young and become mothers to large families
>no drinking, no drugs
>women dress modestly
>nicest people ever
>low divorce rate
Are you crazy? You need to do a lot more than just say a phrase. You need ACTS.

I don't think you have read the Bible. But if you did and still think you can live a life of misery and be something totally opposed to a Christian and still go to heaven you are just fooling yourself.
>no smoking
Yeah, blame the cigarette, and not yourself for abusing a substance that has nootropic and prohormone value. Enjoy your crazy anti-everything wife
>no drinking
You can't be a Christian if you don't like alcohol, I'm sorry. "This is my blood".
>no cursing
Enjoy being completely overwhelmed by a dead rule that only gets applied to keep people in line. This probably works for angry tribal people though.
>if something happens to one of us we put hand to hand and help each other
Oh, so just like every other Church huh?

Funny, I'm a Christian but I'm sure atheists were put here on Earth to bring balance against this low IQ bullshit.
You will be judged in heaven. you cant go to church on Sunday to make up for being a shit person the rest of the week. There's a special place in hell for people that use Christianity for its advantages without acting like one.
We don't know what happened or why, and there's no point arguing over it, but know that God's will is that all are saved. If her faith was unshakeable as you say, rest assured she's with God.

Is it God's will that all are healed? I would say yes, but that's not our debate. Many Christians don't know what power they have in Jesus, and go through hell to get to heaven.

Watch this:

Or for example this:

Or this:

Ever heard of these people? They're not famous pastors or anything like that, but simply Christians, who believe the word when it says:

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
(Mark 16:17-18)

Second channel especially, I highly recommend to subscribe to, it's pretty much The Book of Acts in the 21st century!
That is the baptism that you need to be saved. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, which by necessity precedes your water baptism, since He is sealed in you the moment you believe, is the only baptism necessary.
dude I wont make it to 80 and dont want to. Ill get to retire to driving a porsche and writing a book, sounds pretty comft. with my personality type I'd probably get bored with eternal salvation anyway.
Enjoy burning in hell when you die you riceposting NEET.
>get qt pentecostal
>only downside is she wont have sex with me
>have her walk in on me masturbating with my 12 inch thick penis
>she'll be so overcome with the thought of me penetrating her and have the S E X with me
>im black
>impregnate her with mulatto babies
>leave her
works every time, and ive done it 5 times
Sure and after you die there will be no more Porsche, just either eternal happiness or eternal pain, you can still choose today.
Unitarian. The Father is God, not Jesus. Youtube Anthony Buzzard.
Nope. That's it. Per the bible, m8. Romans 10:9-10.

Your righteous acts are as filthy rags to a holy God.

That's the corrupted part of the church, it appeard right after the curch started. Politicians from all arround the Mediterranean Sea saw the power of the Catholics and pretended to be one themselves.

I had a complete catholic education from German Nuns, they encouraged us to talk to god personaly and read the original bible.

Also, all the money shit, that's fucked up, priest should not handle money, and many don't.

But again, it is the only true Churc. Jesus asked Peter to build his Church on earth and Peter started de Chatholic Church
>hand to hand

fuck off faggot
I'll be judged in heaven the same way Meryl Streep is judged at the Academy Awards.

Really looking forward to it!
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That is an invalid argument, because in the video I posted in that same post titled, "Speaking with Tongues - Steven Anderson" he uses bible verses to directly refute the practice of speaking in tongues. Therefore, there is clear biblical teaching to support his claims and he is in fact a Christian.

You obviously skipped past the information that I provided, so here is more proof.

>Pentecostal Tongues Speaking is a Fraud
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Newafg here, who decides "Today there will be 10 threads about X?"

Today is pentecostal christians.
Orthodox, born and raised.

Because I'm a part of the Catholic Church, which was the only Church started by God himself (Jesus).

All forms of Protestantism only make it harder for evangelizing, because you've got some asshole thinking they've pleased God with their random sacrifices while preaching an obviously erroneous belief system.
hard drinking, hard smoking

high-church Anglican, probably 2-3 Sundays/month
Hahaha now you make fun of it but I'll see your laughter die on the judecation day.
I'm glad to hear that you did! I'm planning on visiting a similar place as well, I want that FIRE!

Thank you for the encouraging words

I agree, grace is enough, and once you believe, good works will follow naturally.

I do think we have our own parts to play, namely to love God and do his will. This isn't the same as saying we earn salvation by works.

If we don't commune with God and actively seek to live for him, we will go through hell on earth to get to heaven, but God not only wants to get us to heaven with him, but to put heaven in us while we're on earth!

As Todd White says "We should destroy hell and the works of the devil for a living"


If she was a christian, she's completely healed, in a new body that will never experience pain, suffering or death, and joyfully living face-to-face with the living God.

If she was not a christian, then you have the right to mourn indeed, and the opportunity to not join her where she is now. She would not want that.
Go to the Penticostal Church your life will change in better I promise you. If you pray with faith you could drop your addictions instantly and have a better life already.
I'm not making fun of the Bema Seat Judgment.

I'm looking forward to it.

(You don't know what the Bema Seat Judgment is.)
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I'm not wasting time watching hour long videos. If you're so confident in your message, speak it yourself.
Because I belong to the one true faith anon, Catholicism.
He doesn't believe in Holy Spirit and thinks you can do whatever you want and still go to heaven so good choice.
what if I was a masochist? would they send me to heaven as punishment? honestly eternal anything sounds fucking awful, I only enjoy this life in the first place for the struggle and obstacles.
>no more porsche
the difference between you and me is that you will never get to expireance a porsche at all. I feel bad for you romanon
You keep saying things that are a little off.

By God's grace he provided a means of salvation. That means is not grace. It is by grace that it was made available.

And I do believe you're dodging the test; saying out loud that Jesus is Lord, and believing in your heart God raised him from the dead. (Rom. 10:9-10)

only believers can do that, because that is what makes people believers
Popes are milking you of money so they can build more fancy gold made cathedrals and they teach you to pray word by word, as if you are a robot.

So many confused Church of Peter people think they have something to do with Jesus. Many such cases. Sad!
Well, I was raised by extremist Christian Orthodox parents and that's probably why I'm no longer a believer desu. I've suffered a great deal at the hands of these fanatics,
>spent a week in a rock hewn monastery in the middle of nowhere and got baptized everyday because i had average grades while I was 11
>frequently had monks rub some oily irritating ointment on my eyes, armpits, inside my ears, mouth and around my peewee and bumhole. the more i think of it, the more i suspect that i might have been a victim of childhood abuse
>never was allowed to grow out my hair because apparently the devil got hold of me every time i did
>my best friend growing up was an old priest
>was taught to repress any emotional feeling i had whether sexual or violent.. basically got cucked
christianity, not even once... i'd rather be beheading infidels than be brainwashed into submissiveness
I'm not even a mudslime, but Islam is Alpha as fuck whilst Christianity is for beta cucks.
>my personality type I'd probably get bored with eternal salvation anyway.

low brow ideas of heaven. You are the same as the 72 virginers
Funny, no christian believed that for about 15 centuries.
You're anticipating living forever in your current state.

That's not how we will experience eternity.
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>honestly eternal anything sounds fucking awful
I think you underestimate God.
Are you of East European heritage? Which type of Orthodox
maybe, I had to miss church yesterday because I've been drunk for days. I don't want any extroverted singing touching shit.

My regiment has an alright deacon that's brought me back into things
If you enjoy pain try holding a lot match under your hand for more than 3 seconds and then we'll see if you still like pain, I bet not.
Except all of them, of course, as it is the defining characteristic of a Christian. The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of God.

You can take as many baths as you want; they will never get you into heaven.
your conception of heaven is probably as off as mine is. Theres no point in worrying about things outside of our perception. The only thing that interests me are things I can change and things I can achieve. anything else would be a waste of this wonderful gift of life
>Islam is Alpha as fuck
It's for violent idiots who take to jihad because they can't stand raping goats and siblings anymore.

Whatever religious path you take Ethiopia, it won't be a regular one. best of luck.
>be me
>raised by Catholic nuns from age 2 to 7yrs
>i dont even know (period in my spiritual life) 7 to 19 yrs
>be adult (start to mingle with born again Christians)
>accept salvation / get baptized
>lol wat do now.
>stop going to church

Im now 28 / general shit head with /b/ tier humor. I spent most of my adult life lurking 4chan. Not sure if i got meemed on by not having sex before marriage. I always thought id find a qt Christian girl that would drag me into church again. All in all im just on cruise control with no real direction. On occasion i troll atheists on here. :^)

Supp. xD
>Be the church that compiled the Bible for use in the church.
>Be accused centuries later of unbiblical beliefs.
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catholic. my canton is, and always will be catholic. tradition trumps any nu-age heretical teaching
You still have not figured out that your catholic experiences had nothing to do with Christianity.
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SJW's are now running the top "conservative" evangelical denominations now.
>Why aren't you a Pentecostal?
because i'm not part of a kikeish desert religion you race traitor.
>Claim to have compiled the bible that had been finished 200 years before my creation.

>Take credit for everything.
>got baptized everyday

wtf? That's not cool in an orthodox context as far as I know
then who cares? I am only interested in this life, I wish there was an opt out for eternity, I literally have no interest in it whatsoever.
The only thing I have the gall to estimate is myself and others, Im only interested in what I can do, or what others can do to enact my vision.

just did 5, quit being a pussy.
Bullshit. The pope is literally the highest SJW on planet earth, and his minions do whatever he tells them to do.
we decided it on secret /pol/ if you want access you need a 4chan gold membership and have been here for 3 years though
You need to sort yourself out a bit man, you seem to be a good man but have kinda fallen off the path a bit.

I don't think so. Go to the Romanian Pentecostal Church in your city, if you see faggots or SJW type things report back to me.
God's Orthodox Catholic Church. I'm not a Pentecostal because I'm not a heretic.
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>Checks Flag
Please leave my country. Thanks, genevois trash.
You will care. Heaven will either blow away your highest and best expectations of it, or hell will be more horrific than you can possibly imagine.

There is no opt out. You already know this.

There are two, count them, two eternal destinations from which to choose.

Choose life, and good, and Jesus, and heaven.
Jesus denounced phony traditions you heathen

>no cursing


OP is a b8er faggot.

Sure thing Martin.
You did not beware.

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
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>t. cultureless negroids
Yes, that of heathens and corrupt kikes.
My friend, I've said those words many many times, I have absolutely no problem saying Jesus is Lord who died for my sins and was raised on the third day, Halleljuah and Hosannah to the highest!

All I'm saying is that I want to live for God in every way, to work, eat, sleep, speak, drive and brush my teeth for his glory.

Remember Jesus did say:
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father..."

In any case, I want to love God with all my mind, strength and soul, and not just believe so I can get to heaven. Y'know?
Sorry to break it to you, but the Pope can't get you in heaven no matter how much you pay him.
Getting real sick of Christfags trying to spread their bullshit on /pol/

Nobody gives a fuck about any of your religions, all of you only use religion as a way to feel superior to others anyway. You're literally the fedora fags of the 2000's, like typical teenagers you have to do the opposite of what came before you so now Christianity is "in" again because Atheism has become uncool. Faggots.
I was unaware they had pentecostals in your part of the world. Anyway I'm from the US and was a Baptist but that doesn't exist here in Ireland so I'm thinking about the local Presbyterian church
>muh Peter has the keys and will let me in so long as I have extreme unction performed on my dying body.

This is what papists really believe.
>What kind of Christian are you?
I am not one but when i was i used to be a Protestant and if my father stuck to his culture i would have been a Catholic.
>no smoking
Fuck this
>no drinking
Fuck this even more
>no cursing
How the fuck to you expect someone from Jersey not to curse?
>no whoring
This is the worst one of them all
>if something happens to one of us we put hand to hand and help each other
And this is the most delusional thing of them all.
>Why aren't you a Pentecostal?
Its bullshit.
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Catholicism is the singular church founded by Jesus christ. Please stop (You)'ing me hamburgler, your opinions on matters of faith are meaningless to me on the basis of your negroid animal blood.
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proof? no, ok cool. its amazing to me that for how wonderfully complex this world is you people seem to think its an issue of arbitrary binaries.

>Romanian Pentecostal Church in your city
You will burn in hell then
You too
I'm trying to tell you that if you are a born again Christian, you have already done that.

John 6
Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”

Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”

Did Jesus not tell you to walk humbly and meekly with him, as he is humble and meek? Did Jesus not say rest in me? Did Jesus not say abide in me?

So walk. Rest. Abide. These things are pleasant to God.
Fucking kill yourself, there is only one christianity. Dont act like its 1000 different groups.

They all have the same Bible and if they added some retarded shit its no longer christianity at all.
>muh cult of Peter will get me into heaven.
How can a ROMANIAN be so damn ignorant about Orthodoxy and the pope? That is inexcusable
Even if it was true I can assure you it's not Orthodox or Catholic where you pray to bones
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Oh really? Why is it that the Catholics have so many unbiblical doctrines?

>No Salvation Inside the Catholic Church

>"Pope Francis and His Lies" False Religion Exposed by Pastor Anderson

>Catholicism in the Bible By Pastor Steven L Anderson

>Preaching Against Roman Catholicism by Pastor Steven Anderson
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This post exemplifies why I will never take a hamburgler seriously
>The cult of the apostle of Jesus Christ
This post is a close 2nd for sure
>Threatening me with a fairy tale

I'm a grown man not a child, your scare tactics don't work on me. Go find some youth to indoctrinate if you want to grow your stupid scam church.
It's what Jesus laid out.
For Jesus or Against Jesus.
Gathering people to Jesus or scattering people.


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You don't have to be Christian to do any of those things though
Yall motherfuckers need Kierkegaard
at least you can point us out on a map
>dude look at this out of context verse I found

Read the read of the letter, the Spirit is speaking through Paul, saying don't be deceived by Judaizers who teach that Christians must be circumcised and follow kosher.
Because they're merely a continuation of Mystery Babylon, the mother of all pagan religions including Roman catholicism.
You know it's true but you try lying to yourself that you don't believe it. Remember, the fire in hell never runs out.
Hear, hear
Yes, Peter has a cult following. He'll never meet any of them, though, as he is in heaven, and his followers are in hell.
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Baptism is something that we do as a symbolic act of obedience but baptism is not required for salvation.

>Water Baptism Not Required nor Necessary For Salvation - excerpt from a baptist sermon

>Biblical Baptism By Pastor Steven Anderson

"Oh magical sandnigger in space, the god that does not belong to me"

You motherfuckers should follow the Jonestown-christfags AND KILL YOURSELF REEEEEEEEEEEEE
what's up with these trash religion shill threads?

pentecostal, methodist, nigger church, westborough baptists, it'a all the same

it's not UCC, UU, Episcopal, or Presbyterian

so fuck off we're full
if god is as amalgamous and inconcievable to earthly conscious as you people like to claim you sure do point to the same faliable earthly text a lot. bible is cool tho, super useful for dissecting films and literature.
you fucking shitting me, I'm a catholic, technically going to the bathroom is a sin in my religion
I'm non denominational. I was born into it, but I like the aesthetics of eastern orthodox Christianity quite a bit.
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If you go to church in the hope of getting into heaven you're honestly a piece of trash. I believe in God because I hope that I can of service to God on earth and utilize my higher than your negroid IQ, higher than your negroid wealth, higher than your negroid lifespan to do His bidding on this earth and make it a better place to live for non-negroids. Something you can never appreciate being an ape.

To savage negroids like you acting in a way that doesn't necessarily result in immediate reward is impossible to even fathom. Pathetic savage animal.

>A literal retard
The traditions of men include the non-biblical traditions of the Roman Catholic church, not just Jewish circumcision and keeping kosher (which are not traditions of men, but commandments from God).
Same as Pentecostals but we don't worship planets.
>You too
Ah cool ill finally get to meet all of the rock stars that died before i was born or when i was too young (bon scott, brian jones, jimi henidrix, sid vicious, gg allin and so many more).

Not only that but all of the scientists and all of the cool people will be there so hell will probably be scientifically advanced by now to the point where it is a cool 67 degrees in hell.

Boy i can't wait to go to hell now in all seriousness prove your bullshit is true before you make more unsupported claims.
Tongues are actual languages. If someone is not there to interpret you are to be quiet. All in all you guys are great Christians.

Praise Jesus!
Yup. Fun day, too. You get to be the center of attention for a moment.
When did reddit protestants invade this board? Say what you want about /lit/ and /his/ at least they don't have mouthbreathing retard evangelicals
I have already done that, and I do walk as humbly as I can, but I stumble and repent, and keep going at it. I'm not sad or worried about my salvation, but simply thirsty and hungry for more of his presence in my life.

BTW I highly suggest checking out Todd White if you want someone really good to preach straight to your heart, he's been walking with the Lord for over 11 years now, and is completely free of guilt and full of Jesus. Great guy!

More sacraments, more fun.

>Rise-and-shine LAWDY LAWDY

You're the definition of parody.
Pray to God yourself, don't get the Pope to do it for you. And don't pray to bones and pictures of saints.
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Why is it that you haven't refuted any of the numerous points in the video I posted? You simply said I was wrong without refuting a single point that was made. That is evidence that you automatically concluded that I was wrong and you were right without examining the biblical evidence. I implore you to watch the video and learn something instead of saying it's wrong without even knowing what was said.

>Pentecostal Oneness Doctrine Debunked
I am non christian.
Watch your mouth to a Christian woman, nigger.
God inspired the bible. 30% of the bible tells the future; the entire bible tells the story of the earth from beginning to end, which is something only God can do.
Majority of scientists had a strong belief in God. You won't be meeting anyone faggot. You're clearly underage though, hopefully you'll grow out of being a tremendous faggot soon
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Southern Baptist here. Pentecostals are pretty hard core. You've got to admire them.

IF you choose to do so, you can start here:

(He's no Alfred Brumley)
The devil believes in God, too. More than you do.
Explain to me how the theif on the cross was baptised.
I think I missed that part, lad.
Regular Roman Catholic, confirmed, i don't go very oftenly to church though
protestantism was started by malcontent laypeople about fifteen centuries after the time of Christ.
There is no such thing as a "redpilled" protestant denomination.
Traditional Catholics are the most redpilled

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>Southern Baptist Convention

>Supposedly one of the most conservative.


>Feb 22, 2017

>Evaluating our hearts for signs of bigotry

>Jesus said that what comes out of our hearts defiles us (Mark 7:21-23), and bigotry is a harmful example of this defilement.

>Do I have a personal bias? The terms "racist" or "bigot" might sound more appropriate for people who are extreme in their views, language or behavior, but any form of bigotry starts with a personal bias unchecked.

Yeah.... "unchecked."

>Spending time with each other was a powerful way of challenging our assumptions and learning about one other.

Yeah... "Challenging our assumptions."

>We talked about ethnocentrism, unconscious bias and more, but those issues were not "the" problems or explanations for what we were witnessing in neighborhoods or reading in the news.

Yeah... "unconscious bias."

>As a non-white, non-black female, it would have been easy to focus on our differences, but it was evident that our deepest needs and struggles transcended ethnic or any other divisions.

This one explains itself.

>The solution to our guilt is genuine repentance, not more works. If we have sinned against someone in words or deeds, then we need to confess our sins to God and to that person.

>Do I have accountability? Ask people to help you.

This is an article written by a woman who goes out of her way to tell us about her race, that is white. She then goes on to talk about "unconscious bias" and how people should "challenge" their "assumptions" as a "solution" to their "guilt."

It is an anti-white hit-piece which basically saying that all whites are racists who need to repent of their racial sin-guilt.

While I cannot speak for the Orthodox churches, for instance, the Southern Baptist Convention is supposedly one of our most "conservative" churches.

The leader of the SBC ethics wing is an SJW.
I'm the leader of The Church of Infinite Light
Deep down you know hell doesn't exist but you lie to yourself that you believe it. Lying to yourself is the only way you can handle all the cognitive dissonance believing in your bullshit religion causes.
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Of course he does you fucking moronic african

Yep. Recovering research scientist here. The more math that one learns, and the greater one progresses through physical sciences (especially physics and chemistry), the more one sees evidence of God.
Fast for three days and ask God to speak to you, to give you the peace that passes all understanding, to bring joy to your heart.
t. cultural traitor
Hell isn't like a bar where you can talk to others while you burn, sorry.
Refute what? You are crazy if you think you can even be an atheist, or a people killing muslim and still go to heaven because you went to Church a few times.

Pick one :^)
Mark 16:16: Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

1 Peter 3:21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
There is no higher SJW than the pope.
>Pentecostal here aka the most redpilled

Lutheran. The whitest christians. Our viking Jesus is real.
I dont understand what bones you refer to. Catholics are kind of heretics if they think the pope is holy or that a human beeing can forgive sins.
Hence you believing there is a God profits you nothing.
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Why are so many people tangled up with false christianity? Mormonism is well known to be a cult and false christianity.

>Mormonism and Islam Baptist Preaching KJV Bible by Pastor Steven L. Anderson

>"Latter Day Satan" Baptist Preaching against Mormonism

>How to Become Whiter according to Mormons (LDS)

>Mormons believe in BILLIONS of gods or more! Basically, an infinite number of gods
>Traditional Catholics are the most redpilled

Yes it exists, ask any person who went into clynical death and came back. You still have a chance to not go there if you change your life, in good of course.
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How do you know the bible isn't a tradition of men?

No, you can't.

If you fuck off after a few weeks thinking you've got fire insurance, you were never saved in the first place.
>John 3:5 Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.

This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit; baptism of the Spirit.

That which is baptized in the flesh is flesh; that which is baptized in the Spirit is spirit.

Nobody's bath got them into heaven.
I've actually never fasted, would be cool to try that. Thanks for the reminder!

(I actually have a book on fasting but it's collecting dust in the corner)
Non-practicing Catholic college kid
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Yarp. Chemical Engineer/Ph.D in G.E here. Academic R.S on my end. God is real. The more time you spend in Science the more evidence you find for His existence. There's a reason the majority of Atheists are fucking idiots with low-level degrees and inflated egos.
? My family has lived in Fribourg for 15 generations. All 15 of those have been Catholic. Please fuck off you Albanian muslim faggot.
What does living the way christ intended make you sacrifice? Nothing much beside not obsessing over body parts and Chinese made "goods". Free love is over. we inherited std's and broken families because of the sins of the hippies. You will live a much more fulfilling life AND be rewarded in the afterlife if you followed his teachings.
Do you think king Saul is in Heaven or Hell?
Do you think Esau is in Hell?
It's God speaking through his men, his prophets, his Son, and his apostles.

It's 66 books written by about 40 men over 1500 years perfectly harmonized and inerrant. And prophetic.

It's the only holy book on the planet, because only God can make a thing holy, not men or angels.
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A bunch of snake handlers being the most redpilled Christians.
It will quiet your body (drink water) and allow you to hear the still small voice of God.

That's what you want, yes?
More redpilled than praying to bones and having a pedophile pray for you.
revelation is a fucking trip, listened to audiobook while enjoying a jazz cigarette, good stuff.
that whole inspiration stuff sounds like a load of shit though. the bible makes sense as a parable for maintaining a cohesive community undergoing persecution, hence the usefulness to society. Beyond that though I dont really see the point, as long as enough of you are participating in christian communities society will probably endure. I personally dont see the need for me to engage with it, thanks for picking up the slack anon
Up the provos
>and there's no point arguing over it
I beg to differ. Suffering without sin bares no testament to his glory, nor his enduring love for his creation, or even his existence.

I'm not an Epicurus fag, but seriously; what's the point? That lack of why is my problem with all of it.

Next time you see a child under the age of 10 dying from cancer of the ass, convince me how awesome and purposeful that situation is. It's intergalactic faggotry; that's what it is.
All Christians, including the pope, including 'faith alone' heretics, are called to a life of holiness.
Johnny Cash's version of this song is Truly Epic.
Atheist, but I believe Christian values are a great model for how to live.


lmao, like the one where steam comes out of a fucking chimney because a room of men decided who would be the vicar of Christ on earth? Whatever, I don't mind devout Catholics, but the fact that they consider themselves the only true following is a joke
Tough calls. Saul was an anointed king of Israel, but he did also try to be a priest. Still, even in his madness he knew that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob existed.

I don't expect Esau to be in heaven, no.
My father was clinically dead for a few minutes after getting shot in the head. There is a God, but your version of God is blasphemous bullshit. I don't have to be part of your shitty scam church to know and experience the love of God, which I might addi s something you clearly don't really know anything about or you wouldn't be damning strangers to hell. Only a real piece of shit would do that.
Mormons are 0% Christian.
They are just a bunch of confused lunatics.
we dont take serious the delusional ramblings of a drug user but we will take the ramblings of a comatose person as evidence for god?
seems like flimsy evidence
the day you realize everything in the bible is real will be the day your mind is fully blown
>Nigger laughing about Traditions because he has none
Tell me more of your thoughts. I care.
I hear the voice of God everything, in the birds sing, in the wind blow, in the rain pour, I feel His presence everywhere, you just have to look close.
You make fun of Bible like this?? You will go to hell I tell you right now to stop.
>Majority of scientists had a strong belief in God
It depends on what you mean since their beliefs still contradicted the Christian religion therefore in the Christian sense they are burning in hell.

Especially if one scientist is a catholic, the other is orthodox and the other is a follower of luther and his teachings since if Christianity is true then only one of them is going to heaven.
>You won't be meeting anyone faggot. You're clearly underage though,
So reject your bullshit and use hell as a place of partying must mean i am underaged?

Believing in something you cannot prove on faith is childish far more then simply mocking your fictional concept.
>hopefully you'll grow out of being a tremendous faggot soon
No evidence just your bullshit stating if i reject your belief i must be an underaged faggot.
>Hell isn't like a bar where you can talk to others while you burn, sorry.
You can't prove to me your God even exists so you can make no assertions about it but even if you were correct it does not matter if i can talk to these people the fact is i will be with these people for all of eternity whether i can speak to them or not.

And finally all your bullshit religion is made of is your scare tactics and not evidence. The carrot and the stick is all you got.
Islam for Whitey.
>>if something happens to one of us we put hand to hand and help each other

muh poolan so cuckholic
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>Refute what? You are crazy if you think you can even be an atheist, or a people killing muslim and still go to heaven because you went to Church a few times.

Oh boy... you are actually arguing against claims that were never made... nice trolling I guess.

>Eternal Security Of The Believer - Full Sermon
That doesn't answer the question
I only believe in the bible. Please cite the verses in the bible to support these claims.
Anything God related is good, so yes ;)
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Not possible.
Im not a cuckstian.
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Pentecostals are maximum heresy and are literally one step bellow nondenominational charismatic Christian megachurches in regards to their misunderstanding of the great works.
Yes man with your vocabulary you are damned, that's why I told you you can still change, but not with that attitude. If you continue like that you will indeed go to hell.
WATER and SPIRIT just means spirit, ok.
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this level of reddit posting. this is why children should be banned from reddit. look at the degree of faggot this underage edgelord is.
Southern Baptist here.
Pretty great except for the subversion by the ERLC (Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission) who push for shitskins and queers.
Also American Protestantism has largely been subverted by Jews. They push a narrative which says "The Jew is your brother, we worship the same God, we must support the Jews." Which is probably the biggest reason I will be leaving the Southern Baptist Convention.

Thinking about converting to a more Conservative branch of Christianity (Orthodoxy)
i hate that faggot. I hope he dies.
I guess I just don't have the superstitious and priggish personality traits

If you have never heard from God directly, I would urge you to seek out his voice. He will speak to you in your language, again, in a still, small voice. Don't be satisfied with substitutes.

1 Kings 19
Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.
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Please stop arguing against claims that were never made. If those claims were made, then please show the direct quotes so we can all see. Please stop your strawman logical fallacy.

Can you lose your salvation? Can I lose my salvation? According to the Bible: no, no, no! Losing one's salvation is impossible, as proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in this sermon on eternal life of the believer by Pastor Steven L Anderson. You can't lose your salvation.

>Eternal Security Of The Believer - Full Sermon
Get fucked, your special snowflake rules won't make God love you any more than God loves me :)
Because we don't pray to bones and don't pay the pope a few thousand to get us into heaven? I think you should reconsider your thoughts about something you seem to know nothing about.
It's not the tradition of men because it is the scriptures.

The tradition of men are outside of the scriptures. The pharisees had their traditions outside of the Law of Moses, and the catholics have their traditions outside of the bible entirely.

2 Timothy 3
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
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>including 'faith alone' heretics
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast"
Can you even dare to call yourself a kid of God with that attitude? Seek change now, or go on your dirty path.
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>this level of reddit posting. this is why children should be banned from reddit
Gimme fucking evidence that your goddamned religion is true. If you can't show it you don't know it.
>look at the degree of faggot this underage edgelord is.
Not an argument.
Funny how the OP keeps churning stupid shit but his Pentecostalism is filled with corruption as well

pic related
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
― Werner Heisenberg

this guy knows whats up
I might be using the wrong word here. I'm not sure if you're familiar with this, but here in Ethiopia people suspected of being possessed are sent to monasteries for a certain amount of time where they'll have to endure daily exorcism ritual which consist of monks ganging up on you and dumping cold water on you whilst they spit bible lyrics. Shivering is tolerable, but if you start making sounds, regardless of the reason behind your mumbling, they (feral monks) will assault you with their crosses and beat you to a pulp. At which point you have no other option but to scream even more and try to resist which leads to more beatings and cold water until you pass out. Only then will you be deemed as being free from the grasp of Satan. The whole experience is rather hectic. I had to endure that at the age of eleven, but furthermore, I spent the week sharing a cave dug inside the mountain with a deacon and a sick girl not much older than I was. She was ill, but her parents who were peasants unfamiliar with modern medicine sent her to the monastery instead. She died whilst I was there, on the fifth night of my stay. Can't really blame the parents because they don't know any better, but my father was educated at a private internation school here in Ethiopia before doing his Bachelors in Germany and his Master's degree in Italy. Religion, and most importantly christianity truly is the opium of the people. It's a disease that renders even the most educated people into spergs deprived of common sense.

Thanks! But, I'll have to disagree with you on that one, truth be told, running people over with vehicles, having fun executing people in numerous ways, shilling oil, etc... all sound way better than having to willingly cuck yourself. With that said, religion in general is kill, I'm a homosexual top so it's not like Islam will accept me either.
You misunderstand water.

When a woman goes into labor, her water breaks. That water kept you alive in your mother's womb.

That's why Nicodemus asked "what? I'm an old man; how can I be born again? Must I crawl back into my mother's womb?"
Jew here.

Yes it is corrupted in some places but not nearly ad corrupted as Orthodox or Catholic.
Not Christian Jesus, but god as an abstract concept, like the Diest founders of the USA.

Diest God =/= Jesus.
if he accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior he can go to heaven.

If he is a sinner, a murderer or rapist, or is responsible for the misery of other people (like angel merkel or the swedish government), he wont get salvation.
>All Scripture
This refers only to the Septuagint
Of the 55 men who signed the Constitution, only 2 were deists. 36 were christian pastors.
After the way he talks to his supposed brothers he hasn't accepted Jesus yet.
Has nothing to do with the Greek translation. It was likely written prior to the completion of several books in the NT.
I'm not catholic and am no fan of Francis, but he's far less faggy than most other prodestant church """leaders""". He's dumb on Muslims and some purely political stuff, but still extremely tough on homosexuality, abortion, hedonism, ect. Not bad compared to your average western person.
omniscent figure who gets offended if you criticize his fan-fiction.
theres that character inconsistency again. the prophets should have tightened their narrative a publisher would have stopped reading after 10 pages
yeah, yeah shut up heretic
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>If he is a sinner, a murderer or rapist, or is responsible for the misery of other people (like angel merkel or the swedish government), he wont get salvation
They can get salvation too, but only if they repent.
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>protestantism was started by malcontent laypeople

>William Tyndale
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Atheist will ignore the quintessential fact that their scientific heroes were/are universally Christian. B-b-u-t my near-zero published academic papers Richard "The Faggot African" Dawkins. Sure thing Atheists.
>Le Abstract MayMay
No. They were objectively Christian. Deal with it. I work with some of the best Scientists on planet earth and they are overwhelmingly Christian. No semantic desperation will allow you to escape reality. For a so called "Rational" people, atheist sure do love dodging reality when it doesn't agree with them :^)
Oh it's the "I have read Noam Chomsky I will characterize God in a sentence" guy.
You will go to hell.
I probably have more problem with those "protestant leaders" than you do.

Nevertheless, the pope has not only invaded American politics and policy making, but in the most SJW way possible. "Build bridges, not walls". "Take in more refugees." That kind of stuff.
duten pula mea de pocait
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Catholic here. All my old heathen friends have become degenerate lefties and are starting to hate me because I won't join them in their new activities. Feels breddy lonely not associating with real people anymore
Sounds like Mormonism.
in my defence I have never read Chompsky. thats an unfair criticism
Example of Orthodox here he cursed me for no reason other than I am Pentecostal. Good job man.
verse 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Faith without works is dead. By works a man is justified and not by faith alone.
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amazing that you can naturally channel such a high-level faggot without having read the works of king-faggot. you have a talent friend. maybe you can channel some of that talent into noose making, trigger pulling, or bleach drinking
the punchline is Protestants doesnt have leaders with authority.
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I checked his sources, he doesn't have anything backing it up.
Yes he have God. I don't need a pope when I have the Creator himself coordine me throughout the path.

Guys remember who you are in Christ, and how you ought to love one another and even your enemies, so even if someone else is wrong, love them, don't patronize or insult them!

The spirits of anger and pride are not of God!

Remember, self-righteousness is very dangerous for you as a Christian, and pride as well, remember it's not just about believing in your head, but in your heart, and also actively seeking a relationship with God! We should look at people, like God looks at people, in a loving way, wanting to save and help them!

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."
(Proverbs 14:12)


>Yes man with your vocabulary you are damned
Stop spreading false doctrine, hetetic.
Jesus did all the work, and you trying to make a spectacle out of yourself and save yourself is top blasphemy.

You can't save yourself.
seems like Id have a better future writing books if you can get that triggered over a single shitpost. whats wrong mate? too skinny for the swiss guard?
Good night!
No but if you act like you do, it means you are not accepting Jesus and you will burn in hell.
If they are Christian or not is utterly pointless. There have been scientists outside of Western tradition too and no one claims that their science wasn't science just because they believed the fundamental reasons of the things they studied to be different to Christian tradition.
>Faith without works is dead. By works a man is justified and not by faith alone.

Exactly the opposite of what the bible says. Well done, papist.

Romans 4 (that's a book in the bible, towards the back)(the bible is that dusty thing on your bookshelf)

For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.

But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works:

“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven,
And whose sins are covered;
Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.”

See, you papists don't understand James any more than you understand the other 65 books of the real bible.

James says "A man says he has faith".

Not "A saved christian".

So to a man "who says he has faith", i.e. an unbeliever, where is the fruit of the works Jesus prepared for you to walk in once you were saved?
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So God created 3000 some denominations that can't agree with each other even though they read the same book and even the same translations sometimes?
Just Jesus.
Neck yourself, you trash.
I know hhow it feels...just don't give up!
Orthodox. ROCOR parish. Too bad it's infiltrated by the CIA.
No, denominations are created by humans.
Did Jesus say "write this in remembrance of me" or "do this in remembrance of me"?
People like to worship God in different ways. The Pentecostal would be bored at a baptist worship service; the baptist might feel very uncomfortable at a Pentecostal service.

But they both worship Jesus as God, unlike the papists and orthodox whose faith is in their church.
>I'm a homosexual top
An anti-Christian turns out to be a literal faggot, what a surprise.
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>this post
Jesus said to eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of him.

Not eat bread and drink wine in order to have his body and blood literally inside of you.
stupid humans like you and a lot of anons ITT pervert God's word and make it a joke
how big is your "pictures of kikes" folder? im curious
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> implying I need Indulgences.

Look, faggot. Just because other fuckers fuck their soul up by fucking kids and infiltrating abstract organizations for self-benefit, doesn't undermine the operational structure of faith itself.

Burn those pedophiles in the bull. Go full Auto-da-fé. What? Like we do not have a multi-thousand year history of torturing creeps? C'mon, bro.

You want to have a HEAVILY corrupted interpretation of the word of fucking god? So-be-it. But, just because you are a lazy piece of shit that didn't invest his time into learning The Vulgate, or Koine Greek or even piece of shit Hebrew, just to understand the word of the God you supposedly "worship" but you really don't because you only pretend to, for stupid rewards that you believe you would be granted like a 5 year old playing Super Mario Bros. 3 with a Game Genie.

The LORD wants your investment. Not your corrupted ass interpretation of ths word. If you do not understand this shit, than stay the shit out of people who actually give a fuck.

Not me, kike-lite. My soul is cool. Get your dick sucked on Grindr if you want to pull some fag-ass re-interpretation of Christ.
By citing bible truths?

1 Corinthians 1:10
Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
I haven't, although I'm kinda afraid I'll go crazy or something from the social isolation
Yes and wine in Herbew has 2 words. I don't remember the letters but one meant fermented wine and the other one meant no fermented wine and you are supposed to drink the no fermented wine but when the Bible got translated it was first translated in Greek where wine has only one term and is the fermented wine.

Jesus is a Jew.
The Jesuit Catholics literally run the CIA.
Inquisition yourself, papist shill.
How about that incident when a whole crowd left Jesus (people like you) when he said to his flesh and blood. Was that a metaphor to? Sometimes Catholics are more fundamental than protestants
eat his flesh and blood*
You're basically talking about the distinction between wine and "fruit of the vine" or new wine, which has a lower alcohol content.

Fun fact: Because yeast is everywhere, and because sugar is in everything, anyone who has ever eaten a grape or a raisin has had wine inside of them.

This would of course include Mohammadans.
Nice trolling, remember you laugh today but you will cry when you burn forever.
The problem is you are not invested, you pay your pope or father to be invested and he tells you to pray to bones and worship pictures.
It's all in a single folder.
Organization is for papists.

People were following Jesus the Miracle Caterer.

Jesus told them that He is the bread of heaven, and that they have to have Him inside of them in order to see eternal life.

The people that were following Jesus then for free meals left because they thought (as papists do today) that Jesus was talking about physical food and physical drink.

Not spiritual food and spiritual drink.
t. butthurtt nerdvirgin in langley
this actually made me laugh, good one anon
SCOTUS right now is all Jews and Catholics; hence the vitriolic opposition to an actual Christian, Gorsuch.
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If you don't eat his flesh and blood you have no life in you, heretic. Keep "feeling gud n shieet I dont need no sacrament lol"
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lmao Pentecostal xians are the ones adopting nigger babies u fucking evangelical cuck
>also you're a jew lover and you don't even know any jews lel faggot
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You guys didn't get rid of authority, you just changed the one large authority system of Catholicism into thousands of cultish low IQ smaller ones. Now these christian denominations are so different they don't even use the same book and they nearly don't even belive in the same gods- that's what you get without quality control.
Nobody ever ate Jesus' flesh.
Nobody ever drank Jesus' blood.

Not even his disciples, at the last supper, who were handed bread and wine.

But you pagans gotta do what you pagans gotta do, I guess.
I thought protestants were simple and to the point. He said EAT and DRINK my flesh and blood. How more straight forwarded could He be?
nah it's kikes and literal pet mormon retards. and dumb wasps kinda richard spencer dumb. (((the us gov))) discriminates against top of class white Catholics because
All Christians are united by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.

Or else they are not Christians. They are something else, like Mormons or Mohammadans or Catholics or Orthodox.
I was thinking of becoming a monk and leave this rot behind...but maybe God calls us to live in such broken societies for a reason: be His tools to give an example to others.

Have a blessed day!
Spiritual food.
Spiritual drink.

Jesus did not order us to violate His Law.
Tell me of all the works the theif on the cross did before he was with Jesus that night in paradise.
Also explain how he was baptised, you filthy lying heretic.

Also, put down the HIV Bible and get a proper KJV.

>What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? 15If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? 17Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

>Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 24Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. 25Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? 26For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.


In the world, not of the world.
The CIA are atheists and moloch-worshippers desu
How can you even believe in Miracles like walking on water but not believe in the Eucharist? You're just like those people who abandoned the Lord because you wan't some miracle doer
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handle all the snakes you want and blabber like a retard while pretending to speak in tongues it doesn't make you christian.
>say he hath faith

This is the key. The man is making a false claim. Faith in the Buddha does not lead to the works of the Holy Spirit.
As are Jesuits, only more consciously so.
I am sure as fuck invested. I pay "the pope" exactly what I would pay if I were a Protestant, if not more.

Money is just stupid meme currency. I have the physical capacity to generate it, what I do not have the capacity to generate is the benefit that the church has upon people around me.

Have you ever tip'd a bartenders? Or a waiter? Or paid taxes? Or did this and that that has little or no meaning behind it, because that money gets squandered?

My church is fucking amazing. They feed veterans, they shelter homeless. They post financial records publicly, because we take our shit seriously.

Money is easy to make, easier to spend. Investment is hard and is most important.
That's what the Eucharist is, spiritual food and drink not "lol just accept Jesus in yo heart n shieet"
You didnt say anything of relevance or value, just because your typing doesn't mean you're making an argument
Because walking on water happened, and nobody ever ate Jesus' flesh, and nobody ever drank Jesus' blood.

Like many of the beliefs and rites of Romanism, transubstantiation was first practiced by pagan religions. The noted historian Durant said that belief in transubstantiation as practiced by the priests of the Roman Catholic system is "one of the oldest ceremonies of primitive religion." The Story Of Civilization, p. 741. The syncretism and mysticism of the Middle East were great factors in influencing the West, particularly Italy. Roman Society From Nero To Marcus Aurelius, Dill. In Egypt priests would consecrate mest cakes which were supposed to be come the flesh of Osiris. Encyclopedia Of Religions, Vol. 2, p. 76. The idea of transubstantiation was also characteristic of the religion of Mithra whose sacraments of cakes and Haoma drink closely parallel the Catholic Eucharistic rite. Ibid. The idea of eating the flesh of deity was most popular among the people of Mexico and Central America long before they ever heard of Christ; and when Spanish missionaries first landed in those countries "their surprise was heightened, when they witnessed a religious rite which reminded them of communion...an image made of flour...and after consecration by priests, was distributed among the people who ate it...declaring it was the flesh of deity..." Prescott's Mexico, Vol. 3.
A deadly viper bit Paul, and the natives expected Paul to die. Paul just shrugged of the viper into the fire and kept collecting firewood.

As to speaking in tongues, that means you are supernaturally able to communicate with someone in their language, having never studied that language before. It is one of the gifts of God, as is the interpretation of tongues.

Not everyone is given every gift; the gifts are distributed by the Spirit as he deems fit.
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> and nobody ever ate Jesus' flesh, and nobody ever drank Jesus' blood.

It's called the last supper
The Jesuit conspiracy is just a redneck baptist butchering of the Jewish conspiracy, stop embarrassing yourself senpai
See Catholic theology here is simple and to the point and protestants use shit they claim Catholics do like "its all metaphors" and "that ain't biblical lol"
that sounds like some weird shit man. Sorry to hear about your bad experience growing up. That kind of weird shit would never fly in Orthodox churches in a developed country.
You are of Simon Magus, and he of you.

Acts 8
And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”

But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.”
I'm outta here, this fanatical cult shit gives me the creeps
No, no it is not. Not per Catholic catechism.
False claims were made and refuted. What else do you expect?
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