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Thread replies: 221
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Remember this? http://www.freedomwatchusa.org/freedom-watch-march-21-letter-to-chairman-nunes-and-other-me
Well there's more to the story.

this is fucking huge guys. the interview is over an hour long. the guy is intimately familiar with Montgomery and discusses his information as well as a bunch of other conspiracies in depth.

parts one and two are mislabeled.


>Its been sat on and the left painted arpaio as untrustable to montgomery kept going to others to try and get it out
>basically clapper and the cia know all kinds of shit. they are bad hombres. trump's election has fucked up their plan
> It looks like it was posted over a year ago. A lot of what this guy is talking about can now be confirmed from the vault7 shit from wikileaks.


> "trump is a double agent" ~27:30. unclear what this means.
> not mentioned in the Freedom Watch letter: the CIA apparently hacked every foreign embassy on US soil and stole their crypto keys and bank records. 31:00

http://www.freedomwatchusa.org/pdf/170321-Final Whistleblower Letter.pdf

People speaking:
1) Sheriff Joe Arpaio 2) Mike Zullo 3) Tim Blixseth 4) called and left voicemail for Carl Cameron
CIA Leaker Montgomery is real - he's been given immunity. See overview here via Freedom Watch
Part One:

15:00 - Major voter fraud "We want you to go on to the florida voter registration and download it"
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Part Two:

2:08 - Fox News (Carl Cameron) filmed a week of content with CIA Leaker, possible tie in with latest trump to urging people to watch Fox tonight
4:10 - "I've heard others previously stating that Montgomery couldn't be trusted and was a con man. However, if you listen here, it explains why. They smeared him on purpose and planted stories with the NYT so the public would think he was a con" I think I found one of the NYT articles here: https://archive.is/YxCiN. - /u/baybreezes
12:50 - THE HAMMER is used, WIKILEAKS just published this in VAULT 7. The "Hammer" a massive computer that runs through 1 billion potential passwords a minute than cracks them.
18:11 - The head of the FISA court Reggio Walton and John Robert Chief Justice Supreme Court was hacked without warrant
25:00 - Discussing how this leak of intelligence overreach and hacking 150,000s of Maricopa county citizens accounts is far bigger than the alledge birth certificate fraud
27:30 - "Trump is a double agent"
26:20 - Phone call to Fox News reporter Carl Cameron to discuss story.
31:00 - the CIA apparently hacked every foreign embassy on US soil and stole their crypto keys and bank records. HUGE!
31:05 - Addendum: Montgomery sent FOX NEWS EVIDENCE of the stolen crypto keys from embassy
37:30 - Sheriff Arpaio gets fucking spicy talking about crooked McCain being on other team. "McCain?? Are you kidding? McCain's behind all this shit!"
51:55 - Investigator working on Obama's birth certificate case was killed a day before testifying regarding changes to the birth certificate.


Can someone download this for safekeeping? We all know how shit online likes to disappear.
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If the govt has backdoors in everything why would they need the hammer to brute force through the front door?
they forgot about the backdoors
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> "trump is a double agent" ~27:30. unclear what this means.
donald trump is james bond; he was pretending to work for the russians but he was secretly working for the CIA.
best timeline ever.
I think the short answer is:


They were using different tools in different departments to keep them off record. This guy, Montgomery, was a private contractor with his own setup and a 5million dollar supercomputer that could be used by bigwigs like Clapper.

Compartmentalization is a common practice in the CIA/NSA and they, until EO12333 didn't share their tools much. In the first place CIA wasn't allowed to have these tools. It goes against their mandate.
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Kek I hate it when that happens.

>be NSA
>have a key to the front door.
>pay someone to build a machine to kick down the front door and tell the world about your elite door busting skills.

The sheriff calls him a "conman" that gave "junk"
This is being slid like a motherfucker.

US waking time is lame as fuck.
Bump before op suicides bny two in the back of the head
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>Don't have NSA toolkit
>illegally build your own.
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Also, what email system could accept 1 gorillion password attempts a second? This Hammer sounds like fiction used to impress old people like sheriff Joe who know jack shit about login in attempts.
I just woke up, but I am so sleepy I think I'll go back to bed.
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you ought to listen to this burgers
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Pretty sure they just slide under the system that prevents too many retries.

Also, consider major systems like Gmail that have tens of millions of users. They could easily handle a few million password attempts in a minute.
fuck you nigger. im drunk and i just wanted to see some THICC legs. why u gotta post this?

By double agent they mean he went rogue,

>Trump was part of the elite, and then turned on them with the patriots working in intelligence. He was a sleeper cell. They exposed their crimes to him and he stayed clean in order to run.
bump for you
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It's Sunday morning and the moral fags are acting extra pious I guess.
anon don't be drunk in the morning
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Is it happening?
Why would CIA steal money? With that kind of power they don't need money
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if the jews double agented trump...they're just too jewy /pol/...don't know what to do
My Liberal acquaintances would like to know if Trump is a double agent for reals.

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listening. is this shit real?
Could this be related to the Wikileaks black monday claim on /pol/?

i heard by the letter
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Listening. Bump.
>i heard by the letter

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bumb 4 justice
You know the drill, someone has to make an easy pictograph with links to the hearing and the highlights in writing
Yawnn.. I'm feeling sleepy
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Man, this looks like a lot of information to process. Best approach it with a clear head. Nothing clears my head better than a good night's sleep.
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Listening now.

So we still don't know who Montgomery is, right?
Please let this be true and for the Curse of Trump to strike down every last democrat.
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Pick related yo
What's going on? TLDR
10:30 "There's bank records here" WTF. This is insane.

Around 10:00 on the first link he mentions Trump being the list a "zillion" times.
I've always had the thought that Trump is also playing with (((them))). Get the families in deep and talk about defending Israel so much to get the blessing for President.
Listen to the soundcloud links. You don't have to read. Just look at the dates and compare it to what's already been released in Vault 7.
I'm here to bump.
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sweet gif bro
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ok buck.
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Do you have goldmoney? I've heard of it and I think it's a pretty neat idea, I just worry since after an economic collapse what's to insure I will get my gold.
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Moving on to part 2. Don't let this slide. Bump!
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That's what I thought also anon. I wish pol would just forget about this nothingburger and go to sleep

These idiots probably believe JFK was assassinated and that there is something behind the podesta emails

.. It's not as though this has the potential to be the crime of the century
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Dindu nuffin
Listen to the first SoundCloud link in the OP. First part is only 20 mins long. Second link is an hour. They're talking about Montgomery.
part 2, 6 minutes

900 million phone calls recorded

bank accounts and user names, 153k in this county alone, hacked by Brennan and Clapper, DNI and CIA
Sorry, I haven't been following the threads
what's montgomery?

The city in AL?

I don't recall hearing anything about them using bank data to steal money. They probably use it for blackmail, vulnerabilities testing (can i bribe them) and stuff like that.

Then again the CIA runs an illicit drug trafficking and growing operation that it uses to fund a blackbox budget. So...
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Lol, I wish I could forget the tapes and listen to again for the first time to get that cozy happening feeling back
Hopefully it's this, I've always been worried that he was supposed to be an infiltrator to the freedom/truther/redpill movement, meant to shake things up so hard it collapses everything and brings forth martial law
This is a bait post but you got me. 10/10

Montgomery is an EX-CIA contractor with a brain aneurysm who has been trying to go through legal channels to whistleblow for 2 years.

He left the CIA's employ with 47 hard-drives and 600 million documents on illegal activity.
CIA whistleblower that came out a few days ago. He has 47 hard drives and over 900 million documents.


In the SoundCloud audio that OP posted, they mentioned that he tried giving it to the right people and everyone sat on it. He even faxed it to Obama's personal fax number and he did nothing. In other words, they don't give a fuck.
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OP is a FAGGIT for not linking to previous breads. fuckin newfags, I swear
***600 million documents, typo
Montgomery the Wikileaks source for vault7?
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trump bump listening
according to this soundcloud he's the guy who made the hammer in maryland

part 2 12:20
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How the fuck is this guy not dead yet?

and what do you think the Russians, Iranians, Chinese, and Pakistanis do?

just like snowden, only a fraction of this is of interest to the civic rights of American citizens

but most of it is shit every other country on the planet does, and by leaking it you are essentially cucking and emasculating your own country

betrying national security

when do you plan to expose the other world governments?

I hope you are ready to convert to islam or feel the boot of socialism on your neck
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>tfw you're OP and you screwed up because you didn't save the previous breads last night because you didn't post the original breads.
>tfw you've been here since '04

Have this fine meme as compensation.
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I'm gonna listen to this and play mine craft like a fucking queer
Thanks, I just haven't been following this story lately
>These idiots probably believe JFK was assassinated
He was buddy, bump
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BTW fellas did anyone make a new thread for this yet?


We were making serious headway on that in Chapter 5.
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are you retarded? if you don't understand how this matters you're literally retarded or need to lurk more...or i'm being trolled. I'm easy bait today.

They are using these tools AGAINST US CITIZENS. This is a flagrant 4th amendment violation. Its totalitarian. Its criminal. It violates the mandate of the NSA/CIA.

Of course everyone else is doing this. They're supposed to. And we should be too; but we should be doing it externally as we had been doing up until around 1992. But suddenly that all changed and now we're living under police state bullshit.
based, and accepted
It's possible. Wikileaks has an insane amount of documents they're releasing. Remember the first round was only 1% of it.
the entirety of theUnited States upper government is corrupt....as evinced by recent history and Trump unable to get shit done despite being the supervisor of these people....so Comey won't do what the president asks? So the intel community want to run things?! The black projects crowd have forgotten their place....they have had too much power too long with no check or balance.....

I say civil war now.....burn it all down.....a nuclear exchange, a meteor, a super volcano I don't give a fuck, but the USA needs an enema
>partaking in the liquid jew
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Different jobs require different tools

how much of these files is shit that will jeprodize national security and has no importance to spying on trump or the american people

BTW, are you following the assassination of the former Russian Duma leader who had dirt on the Russian government

notice protests in Russia today, belarus yeserday, Moldova closing off travel to russia becuase of threats in its own investigation of the russian government

paul manafort being called to testify in ukraine

Ukraine is the central piece of this puzzle

Fucking look at the grand picture here
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gotcha anon
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Remember when FBIAnon showed up? Even if he was LARPing he made some good points about civil war. First off it would be quelled fast and the media would pretend it's not even happening so it didn't grow from town to town. Second of all, remember he said if this country ever really fell into a civil war it would be the undisputed end of the USA. It would cause other countries to come in and land on our shores which would snowball into this becoming an occupied colony of some other country like China, Russia, or the EU
>It would cause other countries to come in and land on our shores which would snowball into this becoming an occupied colony of some other country like China, Russia, or the EU

thank you....

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THE CIA ALREADY LOST THEIR HACKING ARSENAL BECAUSE THEY'RE INCOMPETENT. This does not compromise our security because thanks to the dumb fucks in our agencies, that damage was already done. This is informing the public of it. And people need to know this so they aren't continually being brainwashed by our media and other forms of propaganda.
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>look at the grand picture here
>muh russia and ukraine

I sense your shariablue and counter with:

Anyone mind explaining what more has happened since yesterday? I can't watch the video right now
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Besides everything else, this really just proves that the entire Russia thing is a complete and total farce beyond every question of a doubt. We've now seen so many holes blown open in that narrative and the fact that they're spying this hard and no smoking gun has appeared this "investigation" is total proof of the fakeness of it.

It must be frustrating as fuck being Trump right now. Kek (pbuh) shine your light down on the God Emperor in these trying times
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What's the matter Anon, you have something to hide?



I just looked through these interviews, but sadly, found nothing substantial. I wouldn't bother wasting my time on this.
He is globalist and a freemason, he doesn't care about your country
NSA isn't CIA. Try again shill.
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how can i get in on this zhid scam?


just ignoire whats happening in eurasia, its a long ways off and has no relevance, just go masturbate to some russian women or something and forget about ti

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Kek confirms.
thx for reposting.

previous breads:
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Who's the guy asking Blixeth about where he got all his money and why he would fund his wife? Why is his tone so accusatory
pol server?
Mike Zullo. The guy who presented the evidence in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuhF-Ok3djI

Its his job to ask questions like this. And given how a year later Blixseth was bankrupt and is now in prison on contempt charges it seems reasonable for him to be curious. I wonder whether Blixseth himself was/is part of the deep state as his responses were a little evasive.
>Snowden leaked actual tools

you're an idiot. Shariablue is THIS incompetent.
t_d thread with more info


>Implying fractional reserve is not a violation of the NAP
snowden is former CIA and probably is, in fact, current CIA.
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confirmed narcoleptic shitposter
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Bump for mr Blumpf
incidentally, georgewebb has been on fire the past week, linking together the domestic and foreign rat lines. the latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPjiLupOmgE
i heard something years ago on alex jones, that the gov. is 25 years technocigically ahead of the general population, so this is possible.
Pirated copy all I have is singleplayer
why do newfags always insist on trying to prove they're not newfags? you're transparently pretending
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>tfw too stupid to comprehend anything but images
Slide threads everywhere right now
Does this mean russian protests are a smokescreen for this, prepared long in advance along with muslim happenings?
Rapid bump vs rapid slide

Who will win? Only YOU decide, /pol/.

Save the world.
This is fake news and has been debunked. Can we talk about BLACKED.com instead?
> bottom of the catalog

Groundbreaking shit.Im spreading the SoundCloud to everyone I know. Reminds me of movie All The President's Men
NSA isn't the CIA. NSA has found the CIA to be a threat to National Security, this is why they have leaked everything and put Trump in office. Have you even paying attention?

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Lol, everyone I sent it to is ignoring me. Unsure what this means

Also, not on Twitter
Bump. This is being slid insanely hard.
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Listening to this rn,
>Take this bumpity bamp.

the birth certificate talk was so fucking annoying

the CIA thing is 1,000 times more important but The Sheriff won' shut up about that fucking birth certificate for even 2 sentences

jesus fucking christ
By (((Michael S. Schmidt))), (((Matthew Rosenberg))), (((Adam Goldman))) and (((Matt Apuzzo)))

How many kikes does it take to write an article?
>The Sheriff won' shut up about that fucking birth certificate

This here is probably why the whole thing was and still is ignored.

he sounded either drunk or like the dementia was taking hold
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No I think Arpaio views it as a concrete piece of CIA fuckery that everyone wants to ignore. And this is 100x worse so he's concerned rightly that this too will be ignored.
1 post by this ID. Pay attention to the conversation next time for context. Thanks for the bump newfag!
>he's concerned rightly that this too will be ignored

I'm concerned also

I'd say there's a 80 or 90% chance that Fox footage never sees the light of day
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Have a (You)
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Their narrative may be antitrump, but the contents help your case.
I hope he was right about this reaching fox. It would be huge if the MSM started reporting it.
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When was this recorded? This Montgomery guy is never going to get immunity.
can someone explain this to me in retard terms because i didn't understand
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>Arpaio says he wants to keep this top secret
>is recording the entire thing
He received it per the freedom watch letter.
>the CIA apparently hacked every foreign embassy on US soil and stole their crypto keys and bank records.
Greatest ally
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Just finished listening to it... very interesting stuff..

When was this recorded??
Description says October 18, 2013
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Holy Shit, has anyone listened to this stuff?
I believe we're going to see some shit explode come Monday/Tuesday.

I don't know if anyone has noticed this but it seems that Trump always blasts out something inflammatory on Thursday/Friday and Monday/Tuesday is when something good comes out.

I suspect this is because he wants to let all the mad speculation take its course before dumping the truth.
>w-we got him this time
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It's Mr. Burns fool, the real one
>The birth certificate, Barack
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>In the first place CIA wasn't allowed to have these tools. It goes against their mandate.

Which is the one thing they're trying to obfuscate with all the media static.
Sad shit, not to mention the toll this have had on the tech industry.
>We can't use any of your products
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maybe this hint was for montgomery
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thanks anon 4 rememberme how beautiful is the creation of God
Funny isn't it, ARPA net was actually not only developed in the US, but at our not CIA but mil shit stuff all the way back in the 70ies....
Same as we were the first nation to get nuke tech from you goyims

Anyways my grandparents lived within the area where this pre internet was, actually my uncle took over the house, and the cheapasses here were still using the damn lines til fucking 2k something, till they changed it.

And now we are here........

Fucking DDR tier crap, which we once FOUGHT AGAINST
I bet you won't find any of this information on the interwebs......
Gonna bump these threads all day as long as you guys keep making them. Can't let this slide.
I have not heard this name at all in MSM. We need to repeat his name without explanation to generate normie curiosity.
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Funny they even mention Trump in 13 never mind this double agent shit. Wtf is/was going on? Nevermind the hammer and Obama's certificate.
You shouldn't be scared. We have a group of patriots that are putting themselves out there much more than any of us. We just need to support them and not let them hang for nothing. If this is any indication of what's coming in Vault 7, I'm excited (and kind of angry at the level of corruption).
If you remember Trump was out front back then with the birth certificate stuff. There were rumors that he was gonna run in 2012
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Naw, this shit is too hot. I think even he and the media know this is to much of a red pill for normies to swallow
they hack system and get hash.
with key you can easly compute hash, without key its damn near impossible.
supercomupter is used to try differents keys to get matching hash. When real key is obtained, then they use it on internet server to login.
You can't just slide under the system. Modern systems are specifically designed to have a limit of login attempts on an account. The only way to remove that limit would to be have to access to the server to manipulate it. And if you have access to the server already then you can just reset the account password...
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Actually it fits the narrative like a glove.
This right here.
I could see it working with a botnet, this way it could cycle through all of its IPs
I know that Flynn was on record trying to discredit Montgomery. Maybe the administration dumped Flynn to pave the way for these leaks.
>And if you have access to the server already then you can just reset the account password...
What are user privileges?
spic wasting trips. Not surprising.
What if one of the built-in backdoors is a secret set of Stasi privileges?
New thread when?
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Have we even hit the bump limit?
Not yet, soon. But it keeps sliding so a new thread soon may not be a bad idea
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Fair enough. I'll keep an eye on its place in the catalogue and if it drops too low I'll rethread.
Doing the same, I've got the whole OP copied if need be. You're doing god's work anon.
LOL, every foreign embassy in the country was hacked, crypto keys are known. HAHAHAHAHA!
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Fuck the CIA.png
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>THE HAMMER is used, WIKILEAKS just published this in VAULT 7. The "Hammer" a massive computer that runs through 1 billion potential passwords a minute than cracks them.
Do you have a link to that? I couldn't find it- the only "hammer" I could find in wikileak's Vault 7 release was "HAMR" (link: https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_20250978.html)
>HAMR (pronounced hammer) = throwing framework for browser exploits contracting effort with QUAFFLE run by ESD and based on MissionControl to throw against OSX, Linux, and mobile devices (basically anything except Windows) existing EDG throwing framework was Windows based and did not work well with these platforms
It's mentioned in a couple of other wikileaks pages from Vault 7 as well
I feel like I'm missing something here.

Wtf, what's your source?
I wonder what they mean about him being a double agent
a double agent to globalism?
if so in what way
like was he a part of the whole secret society shit and then decided to go against it?
That doesn't sound like what they mean by their tone. It also wouldn't make sense as globalists hate Trump.

Fuck, I had the wrong Michael Flynn. Never mind.
what is he a double agent of then
Idk, Anon. I wish I knew what they meant

I think I remember them actually initially promoting trump over other rep candidates because they felt Hillary had a better chance of beating him. It obviously backfired

Bernie Sanders was the same, but got greedy at the end pissing off especially podesta the molesta
>Trump goes to dems and says he will run as a republican so that they can win and in return they cut him deals like they do every billionare who helps them
>Trump instead actually tries to win and does
>Triple agent Trump
>>118379999 (checked)
Will do after 60 Minutes. Bumping for exposure.
On the front page there's a sourceless contextless open-ended question about the right number of sexual partners for a girl. It has over two hundred replies.
Totally not thread topic but whats the deal with all these "adjective adjective animal" filenames i see all the time?
Thank you.


"A CIA leaker was suffering from a brain aneurysma and came clean regarding the shady shit they where doing. This is a conversation between the guy he came clean to, Sheriff Arpaio, discussing it with others."
Judging by the content and tools discussed, it is likely that this leaker is the source of the CIA Wikileaks.

CIA Leaker Montgomery went to 18 different places as a whistle blower to expose the hundreds of thousands of criminal offences. ....rebuffed by all. Including Obama - HE FAXED OBAMA ON OBAMAS SECRETIVE FAX LINE....
THUS, IF THIS IS REAL, IT COULD BE THE CRIME IF THE CENTURY. Especially with records of submitting information, ignorance cannot be claimed.

I think it is just a script someone wrote for saving files
Could it be Share Blue programmatically retitling their own stock images? I notice they love to sage while saying they're bumping, as though we couldn't tell.

Other replies are fucking retarded. It's the format GFYCAT.com uses
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1MB, 1687x2048px
When will it actually be happening
BUMP. Nice write up.
Huge if true
It has been ignored, this recording was from over a year ago. They were talking with the guy from Fox to see if they would break the story, but Sheriff Joe rightly stated that the story will never see the light of day.
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I think we can make it happen. Why else did it just show up on /pol/

We're good and spreading things.
Yes we can, we need to act now while we still have a somewhat open Internet. No MSM outlet, and probably not even Alex Jones will touch this unless they are forced to.

We should get these clips out first to decently known alternative news on Youtube, it can spread to the mainstream from there.
He just said an hour ago that he covered PizzaGate because we bullied him into it lol so we should just do the same with this.
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