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Krautchan, biggest German imageboard, raided and taken down by police.

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>Earlier today, the German police released statement regarding raids that took down far-right websites across Germany in a fell swoop as the police arrested administrators for propagation of hate speech. One site, Krautchan, notorious for it's international board filled with racist content and Polandball memes was specifically targeted in the raid, and can no longer be accessed through it's address.

problems weren't
they can all come here now

we need more based Krauts to counteract all the cuck ones
Fucking angers me. but ultimately chasing the rats from their nest will only cause them to spread.
Are we going to do anything about this or will we just shrug our shoulders and laugh at eurocucks?
>not using American servers
I don't think there's feasibly a great deal we can do for our eurofriends. It's hard to retaliate against foreign police unless there's some underlying corruption to expose. Given that Germany's bringing in boat-loads of serial rapists with open arms I don't know what it would take to sway public opinion.
what can we do about it?

I guess we could try re-opening Krautchan with an American host site or some shit
We could make like faggy liberals and use a hashtag.
>Krautchan is down however
I don't get it, I saw it earlier too, and I saw it elsewhere, but it doesn't really make any sense
What's there to do, your idiot meme magic with a get and some Facebook frogs and forget about it? Let's just skip to the last step.
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Krautchan is hosted in the US.
Its only a matter of time. Never thought Id see the day that "free" countries were taking down websites for having opinions.

From America with love.
>notorious for it's international board filled with racist content and Polandball memes
It was all worth it
>krautchan goes down for the 400th time

Not news, saged.
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What's the point of anonymous sites if you're gonna take them down if people who use it say anything that can't be said without anonymity?

Germany wants a Ministry of Truth, they won't even allow anonymous dissent, how can anyone in their right mind think this is better than "fascism" or what left-wing boogeyman.

>Merkel says Facebook, Google ‘distort perception,’ demands they ‘reveal algorithms’

>Angela Merkel caught on hot mic griping to Facebook CEO
>Merkel Coalition Seeks to Punish Social Media for Hate Speech

>German Minister Pledges to Protect Families… from Social Media Posts About Migrant Rapes

Sweden and Germany are especially bad. They essentially want a Ministry of Truth.

>A married couple, Peter and Melanie M., were prosecuted and convicted in July 2016 of creating a Facebook group that criticized the government's migration policy. Also, in July 2016, 60 people suspected of writing "hate speech" online had their homes raided by German police.

>Facebook wins German lawsuit over refugee hate-speech posts

>Germany wants to fine Facebook, Twitter up to $53M for "fake news"

Is this 2009?
>news link 404s
>krautchan has always regularly gone down for lengthy periods

Is there any other source on this?

>free country
as a burger you should know better


Also, wtf do you think you're doing putting the discord link here?
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>Krautchan was taken down
What the fuck.
Imagine the diaspora if 4chan was 404. We'd be like a plague of locusts.
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Really big,really big if real.
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>when they came for r/The_Donald I said nothing for I was not a redditor

>when they came for krautchan I said nothing for I am not a german

>then they came for /pol/ there was no one left to stand for me
didn't they create unteralterbach, the greatest VN ever made?
pedo scum
I think we're being trolled.

Wayback and Cachedview produce nothing.

Realistically, what would we do if this site, or even just /pol/, got knocked down? It's like the final boss in regards to places like it (right-wing politics forums?)
if /pol/ or 4chan was shutdown, the tidal wave of shitposting and degeneracy unleashed by pissed off anon would be like nothing ever seen before

basically, all of normie internet would become unusable until 4chan was reinstated
German anons need to be careful at this point. Use vpns and Do what you can to hide yourselves. Good luck my friends.
fayge nuise
We will create thousands of social media accounts to spam and flood places like facebook and twitter with right-wing memes and antics.

If they take down /pol/ then the rest of 4chan will be sorry. If they take down 4chan, then the rest of the internet will be sorry.
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your country is objectivly worse

and you cant even see it
I don't actually think that's true. You'd need to organize this and where would you do that without 4chan? 99% of people wouldn't know where to go or what to do.
What the fuck is happening to Europe.
most would default to infinity chan

you'd have to shutdown every high to mid level english imageboard to stop kek's retribution
basically what he said

We carry the golden apple of Eris.

Good riddance.
The site was a racist cesspool, they deserved being taken down.
>1 post by this ID
More sites would show up. It can't be stopped aside from rounding ever single anon up and isolating us fro eachother.
>most would default to infinity chan
Would they though?
I don't see the userbase doing much migrating out of their own if something like this where to happen, it'd scatter.
1 in 12? ha
you underestimate the power of autism
Did this happen a year ago too or am I having deja vu?
I would go there or any other chan alternative. Until there are no chans left.
A few government agents would die under suspicious circumstances.
Wtf Germany actually shuts down websites for that? It's worse than I already thought.
It never happened really, everytime KC goes down people always say it was the police
nice fake link genghis pekka.
they do. Finnfag is making this shit up.
he suffers ON ukraine

get your runglish right.
it was kctire
Collect a few more examples of this sort of behavior in Germany and tweet them to Trump. Get him to publicly condemn their violation of the fundamental human right of free speech.

He's already pissed off at Merkel for being a cheap Jew about Germany's financial commitments to NATO, so it probably wouldn't take much to get him going on a rant.

t. u n t e r m e n s c h
Yeah because shutting down speech always works. It never has repercussions. It always ends up making people stop believing what they believe in. It doesn't create extremism at all. Yup. Proper measures taken right guys?
>Create hatespeech laws
>Create hatespeech in areas of freespeech
>Political prisoners
Germany prosecuting dissent since 1939
we beat the nazis and protected freedom

l o l
it's adorable you believe that (well, CLAIM to believe that) even while you retarded peasants are still clawing desperately to come move here.
They were dumb enough to actually host it in the kaliphate?
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is it a coincidence that i went there a few days ago just to check on them. I haven't visited them since 2011. Is CIA shutting down sites based on my visits?
Ate chan
RIP in peace krautchan
Germany is a lost cause though, nothing could be done
Good, we can't let racism spread again in Germany
>Wojak and polandball fatherland destroyed in action of shitposting

Press F to pay respects
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Freedom to experience an Orwellian future.
To be fair a lot of the Germans on here are fairly leftist but I assume the ones on "Krautchan" are probably more autistic and worse at English than those who typically venture here.
They just forgot to pay the bills or lapse in server maintenance.
Another feeble attempt by the cucked Krauts to stop the inevitable. The more shitskins enter the country to rape and murder, the harder it will be to control the narrative.
Quick! Check CNN
>/pol/ once again blindly believes any story that fits their narrative

really gets your noggin joggin
Should have used servers in a free country instead of a regressive EU cuckstate like Germany.
I was wondering why I can't access it and now it's clear. Thank god for it though. /pol/ is retarded as hell but kc was representing whole new level of stupidity and delusion. Average IQ was around 89 and average age of posters around 15, and on top of that this fucking unique snowflake/highschool philosopher attitude they all presented was fucking unbearable. Hope they shut it down for good.
Seems like you forget that 4chan and /pol/ were down multiple times in history and nothing happened. Only creation of other *chans that divide the userbase even more.
>be me
>based aryanian boi
>reads 1984 in class
oh boy good thing im not living in a George Orwellian distopian authoritarian novel where the government wants to control everything political and wants a ministry of truth, love, war, etc right?
Looks like they are going after (((alt-right))) sites huh.
See you boys in the Gulags.
That's where I got pictures of German qt3.14's
Where the fuck am I supposed to get non-disgusting pics of German women now?
nice quads
Does kek want us to save the Krauts?
Come to Greece in the summer. Many German women. They are also easy to fuck.
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>well shit
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They don't have the balls to take this place down
You and most of the people active on the board are too young to remember but when /new/ got nuked we spread like a plague and it got so bad that luggage lad had to make us a new board just like he did the robots
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I hope that comrades eurokomissars won't execute me though cuz I posted some politically incorrect stuff that is punishable by death and it's all in server logs.
>Posting literal propaganda
Just stop
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Why does any white euro continue living there, god damn, just come to the U.S already.

Could also take a page from ANTIFA and conduct "direct action", i.e, taking shit to the streets. picket the courthouses where the trials are going on, that sort of thing. Its a lame "here is your sign" sort of thing, but if they are trying to silence us we should just get louder.
this has happened like 8 times in the past, with exactly that scenario
You can't contain autism of these levels.
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It all just seems surreal to me.
Everything around me is a joke, media, video games, music, its as if its lost its soul. People look at me strange when I tell them I dont watch tv.

Its as if you are the only one noticing your country is turning into Orwells communistic Oceannia.

Fuck censorship, fuck social media and fuck the european union.
If this is what it means to be democratic we need a dictator of our own.
This is a good idea, can we get more anons behind it?
They're getting nervous but why
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That said though, I guarantee there are a ton of lawyers on /pol/ right now who would file lawsuits pro bono if they tried to take us down.
This happened seven months ago
Way to strike while the iron is hot, /pol/.
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>get quads
>Realize even my ID has dubz
Germans, literally Hitler. You can take the German out of the Nazi, but you can't take Nazi out of the German.
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What the fuck man
>Be based Neo Nazi Aryanian boi with seething passion to take Germany back from the democrats and rapists
>race war driven by political agenda starts
>Fucking kikes
Lets go my guys
>Lowkey i hate the those people they just seem to not be able to use their own brain
This. /tg/ was a wonderful place before /news/ died. Literally overnight /tg/ and /v/ were on fire. It was so bad the mods threatened to freeze /tg/ until the shitstorm was over if Mootles didnt do anything. We'd be talking about fucking orc STR bonuses and having a grand ole time and some asshole would Glenn Beck the thread to death.
Really it's 1 in 4. I myself am with an Asian qtpi
>You can take the German out of the Nazi, but you can't take Nazi out of the German.
maybe why this get >>118383333 is impressive
Kek, Krautchan got DEUTSCHED.

German anons on /pol/ are next.
why were they hosting their servers in germany?
they knew that germany has stricter laws on speech and has been evermore pro-censorship as time goes on. it was only a matter of time before they started taking down websites for hatespeech and wrongthink
Im down, i want my land back from this she bitch devil jew thing
Lies has expiration dates.
Make a new one/transform a dead one in new /pol/
>worse at English
Worse at English AND at German.

If the site gets permanently taken down, I'll throw a fucking party.
The fucks at Krautchan are subhumans who are monopolizing the niche for a German chan with unfunny """"humour"""" that consists of Google translating 4chan memes.
They have no identity of their own. They are fucking leeches.
>lowkey Hitler was right about these damn jews taking shit over
If the German authorities are cracking down on anonymous image boards, you'll be needing a VPN to come here shortly.
They can't take us down only individuals.
I would like to say that I care, but 4chan is so far gone at this point that I don't.

I'm only here to see /pol/ react to happenings at this point. And even this has become increasingly tedious, as 90% of all threads are clickbait fake news and slide threads.

Man, I remember when /b/ was chaotic and not an endless cycle of various types of gay porn and a few other archetype threads.
>hosting a pro-freedom-of-speech site from a jewish-controlled pro-censorship country
It's like nobody expected this to happen at some point.
Wait, isn't krautchan hosted in the US?
Ready for the camps, anons?
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Europe doesn't have freedom of speech, thought everyone knew this already

when im done with education im moving to New England and never looking back
All the boards that become popular die. /b/,/r9k/ and now /pol/ is on the way out. Rules 1 and 2 turned out to be extreamly important but newfags wanted to show people the super secret internet club they go to.

/tg/ still hasn't recovered. It's almost unreadable, now.
Yes, this is literally fake news.
But this is /pol/ so everything that fits the HURR GERMANY IS KEKED narrative gets taken at face value.
>>>/pol/ is just a containment board, unless they just started vanning people they cant shut this place down, if they did, the whole internet would burn.
>All the boards that become popular die.

No. I came from /a/ and /tg/. /a/ hasn't quite died yet, but it's already showing the clear symptoms of impending death.
/tg/ has become a homogeneous mass of generals.

I never would have imagined that I would one day say it, but fighting for the right to general threads was a mistake. They did much to destroy the website.
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>wants freedom of speech
>"I'm moving to New England"

enjoy losing your job over not using preferred pronouns
I see. You are cucked though, actively trying to become an arab Brazil and all that.
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You said no but then agreed with me?
You're just a redditor who's too retarded to spot irony and Zangendeutsch
Organize. you didn't get 4chan. Comment sections of even the smallest news outlets are filled with us, /pol/ bots are constantly firing harassments at journalists and politicians, and most ain't organized, it just happens. One dude goes on a rant, second dude sees it and bait triggers, third dude does the same and you have a platform that is unusable.

Their is no need for a specific platform to live hate, like it is the only universal meme, more widespread then love. /pol/ is containment for the worst, if it is gone, there ain't 5 shitposter per forum anymore, there will be about 30K/Forum, is this the shills goal?
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>now /pol/ is on the way out.

People have been saying that for years though. Some people say it died after Zimmerman trial, some say it was during or after GG with /pol/ harbor, some say it died during the election in 2016, some say it died after it.
I agree that popular boards die, but I disagreed with your implication that it was only the popular boards that are suffering.
This is the seventh thread today on nothing but a broken link to an article from 2014, with more than a hundred replies from retards and shills
I don't understand it, but I don't tolerate it either
I would sage, but sage is invisible, so it's pointless.
No reason to sage when you can't create a snowball reaction where everyone sages.
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>implying /a/ isn't popular and well known
You don't need to
You just need to post once, to tell it's a shill thread with a broken link from an unrelated article about KC from TWO YEARS AGO
You don't need snowball or positive feedback from it, you just need it to sink to page 10, and when another one is made just do your civic duty as a /pol/ browser and do it again
If you're really interested in what's going on in KC right now (apparently, maintenance) you can just ask people that went there, on 4chan's own /int/
>You just need to post once, to tell it's a shill thread with a broken link from an unrelated article about KC from TWO YEARS AGO
This has never prevented the fucktards from bumping.

>You don't need snowball or positive feedback from it, you just need it to sink to page 10, and when another one is made just do your civic duty as a /pol/ browser and do it again
Using sage to fill the post limit helps tremendously in killing asinine threads. It allows you to derail the discussion and have fun while you moderate the board.

/a/ is a thing. It's at the heart of the site, it's one of the big boards, but I wouldn't call it one of the popular ones.
random fucktards bumping the thread is easily prevented by making it real obvious that the thread is made with malicious intent toward the board, and the information relied is false or worse, fabricated
US 2016 elections killed 4/pol/
That's the optimistic way of thinking.

Realistically, it just invites spiteful dickheads to bump the thread anyway. Either that or another member of the paid slide squad.

Just look at the constant barrage of BLACKED threads. Do you think anyone doesn't know that they are bait at this point?
This is not as general as bait threads go, this is a very specific kind of thread that has appeared in the last 24 hours and has been kept alive ever since, and it's used mainly to spread misinformation, for whatever reason
It's actually one in a long chain of similar fake news bait threads.

If the mods weren't wastes of space, they'd actually do something about it. This shit isn't hard to detect.
In older times, we'd just self moderate as a response, but that's also impossible now.

And this is what is killing the place.
>for whatever reason

Probably to advertise Krautchan.
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Does that mean the same is going to happen to 4chan one day?
Speak of the devil.

so much for western ""democracy"" and ""freedom of speech""
shut the fuck up you nigger, poland already has "index of prohibited domains" in case you havent fucking noticed, thanks to jaroslaw kaczynski.
those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.....dark times, indeed....

who cares, as long as the Catholic Church holds any influence here we won't be as ideologized
/a/ has been popular for a long time yet remained true to itself and still today is going fairly well, thanks to the period of strong elitism it had.
No, it's not a German-based website.
Yeah but that's only across the boards. What the fuck can you do to all of the Internet?
>OP posts a bunch of dead links and a discord server he's advertising
>all of these idiots buy it blindly

stay 89iq, /pol/.
It's dissolving, however.
Yeah but at the same time it feels like not many new people are coming in, so there's no fear of a replacement
That or everyone just got tired of fighting and just wants to discuss anime
>That or everyone just got tired of fighting and just wants to discuss anime
Didn't the Precure community die thanks to yurifags?

A few days ago I randomly stumbled over /a/ and found out that the Raildex shits were still running in their General, with the same old memes.

The impression that I have is that they are starting to slow down and will die from thermodynamic loss at some point in the future.

The death of subbing really hasn't helped. Fuck, a while ago I managed to find an anime in decent encoding for the first time in a while and almost cried over the old times. Back when anime was encoded properly and /a/ was a bastion of technology in that regard.
All those beautiful colors, displayed accurately and without banding.
I think it's the first time that my monitor even showed what it was capable of.

Fuck, I'm starting to rant like an old fuck.
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>kek sponsored degeneracy
I'm rather new, started in 2012, but yes, ironically I got into raildex and read the novels but at some point you can't help but get tired of them, I think for every 3 people that get tired of it, two new ones join so it's a slow, slow death
they count hispanics as a different race and they intermarry with whites at a >50% rate.
This fucking site is full with imbeciles.
They are not even 89 IQ.

I miss KC so much.
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It's for the best
Also some mod started progressively deleting some generals, you'll notice /djt/ is gone
Since krautchan's servers were located on US soil, does that mean the US government took down a german language internet server located on US soil, in a joint operation with german police over a 'hate speech' issue? Doesnt that violate the First Amendment?
>dead link
>0 search results for "krautchan" on dw.com
>300 replies
every time
>Posting literal propaganda
Just stop
This, time for some Burgers to make some deutsch 4chan bucks
Even though this is a joke thread, I can confirm that people who use krautchan are autistic.

>Bernd xdd
host Krautchan on server outside of Germany's reach?
This already happened several times actually.
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The link in the OP doesn't work. This is the xth thread today with the same exact OP. This is obviously a shill campaign of some sort (or just Ylilauta Finns shitposting.)
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