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If obesity isn't a social construct, then please explain

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If obesity isn't a social construct, then please explain to me where there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat.

Go on, I'll wait.
>there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat

The body is an engine and no engine can make fuel from thin air. Name one of these people who has meticulously counted their carb intake and is verified as truthful and isn't just posting this claim on the internet with nothing to back it up.
there's a solution. Let's just make the world cleaner
>self-reporting calories
t. nutrition phd student
Obese people should be mass slaughtered.
Checkmate atheists.
inb4 >lol then you'd get killed too xddd

Greatly reduced does not mean calorie deficit. Just that they are only eating 10 schnitzels a day instead of 25.
We all know how those magical calories are possible.

first law of thermodynamics

are you denying physics? does your body create energy beyond what it injests? if so then we need to study your wonderous metabolism
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>be rugular human
>weigh about 150-185lbs
>some inhuman monstrocity comes along
>weighs 684lbs
>pure fat
>the human realizes that the monstrous blob in front of him actually isnt real, and is, in fact, nothing more than a social construct
>the person was just crushed to death via their imagination
OP, only fat people say that fatness doesnt exist, so go be fat somewhere else
I fucking hate this country, I'm moving to Australia
>explain to me why there are people who claim that they've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat
Ftfy. Pathological lying is a seemingly common trait in fatties.


>there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat

>be 500lbs @5'10
>BMR is 5500 kcal, just sitting and doing nothing
>daily intake is 7-9000 kcal
>reduce by 1-2000
>why am I not losing weight?

Most people have zero idea how nutrition works
fats getting thin slows their metabolism and the body "expects" to be fat. that just means they have to exercise their whole lives, just like everyone else in the world who wants to stay fit
eat nothing but raw vegetables and legumes. you'll eventually forget what candy tastes like
>who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat
They need to exercise as well.
>The body is an engine and no engine can make fuel from thin air. Name one of these people who has meticulously counted their carb intake and is verified as truthful and isn't just posting this claim on the internet with nothing to back it up.
[214] New England Journal of Medicine 348(2003):2082.
[215] Annals of Internal Medicine 140(2004):778.
[216] Dansinger, M.L., Gleason, J. L., Griffith, J.L., et al., "One Year Effectiveness of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets in Decreasing Body Weight and Heart Disease Risk," Presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions November 12, 2003 in Orlando, Florida.
[217] http://atkins.com/Archive/2003/12/11-933145.html Accessed 1 June 2004.
[218] Scripps Howard News Service 13 November 2003.
[219] Journal of the American Medical Association 280(1998):2001.
[220] Obesity Research 9(2001):1S.
Obesity is a social construct, since it doesn't have a proper definition nor does reaching obesity change much physically.
Weight, however, is not a social construct, and weight is only maintained by having the same or a larger amount of matter go in than out. If your fat people have "greatly reduced their calorie intake" but still keep their weight, it is because they are still consuming at least as many calories as they burn. Thus, if they want to lose weight, they must cut down their intake even further, or exercise more to increase their calorie burn.
if fatties cut out all of their processed food intake they would lose tons of weight

modern processed food is insanely calorie dense and most of these people just don't realize it
so you claim the body violates the laws of thermodynamics?
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>following in the steps of uncle Adolph
>haven't eaten meat in 4 years
>more or less forgotten taste and don't miss it

Can confirm.
spics and niggers
No. Why would it?

Do you even know how calories are calculated for food? Do you know yhow your BMR and TDEE is calculated?

Do you even know what a calorie is?

Do you know what the first law of thermodynamics is and how it is applied?

Obviously, the answer to all these questions is "No".
what a time to be a chubby chaser
This is why there are no kids. Too many fatties. Can't fuck fatties.
That's not possible.
I do actually know all of those things

if you did you would realize what you said is impossible. The body can only use the energy it takes in and what energy it has stored.
The only reason "fat acceptance" is a thing is because woman are getting fatter. If it was just men who were turning into porkers the media would be slaughtering them without mercy.
When you sit on your ass 10 hours a day it doesn't matter.

Stop eating simple carbs too, processed sugar and enriched flour is bad.

>Go on, I'll wait.

You just made yourself look like a giant fucken faggot.
>where there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat.
Nowhere kiddo ,
>I do actually know all of those things
Well, obviously not, considering the body is not a closed system, calories are a measure of heat and not "fatness", calories are calculated by using the digestion of mice, not humans, etc etc.

>if you did you would realize what you said is impossible. The body can only use the energy it takes in and what energy it has stored.
See? You don't understand thermodynamics at all. Not that thermodynamics have anything to do with gaining or losing weight anyway - proof: See the current obesity crisis.

Medical disorders exist that make it extremely hard to lose weight, a lot of them are from awful diet for decades.

I knew a kid at my HS who was fucken huge and he ate healthier than most people. He had a thyroid problem, i felt bad for him.

When i see a manatee feeding its calfs mc donalds as it crams down 10 dollars of mc doubles, and it sufferers from a 'Thyroid condition' i don't give a fuck and it should lose custody for child abuse.
Non-sequitur and anecdotal anyway.

What are you trying to say? The 250 calorie burger from MacD is making you fat?
>See the current obesity crisis.

Are you part of it?
This is what happens when women don't know how to cook AND think fat positivity / thin privilege is good.

Good ridance, anyway.

Not an argument and ad hominem also.
When you eat a half dozen every few days and chug down a 48 ouce coke to come home and bask in front of a TV and eat chips while you wait for the next meal to arrive from dominoes it is.

sitting on your ass all day is making you fat retard

the mcdonalds burgers are just making you extremely fat
I didn't intend it to be a argument, i was just making fun of you.
Calories are calculated by burning the food ,

No matter how special you think you are , your body need energy and he has different sources to his disposition , the main one are:
-The food in your belly .
-The glycogen currently stored in your liver & muscles .
-The fat currently stored everywhere on your body ( from adipose to visceral ) .

To keep you warm and perform action your body will need energy , and he has no choice bu to pick from one of these sources , If you're glycogen depleted & doesn't have much in your belly , your body WILL be forced to dig into your fat storage .
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>who've greatly reduced their calorie intake
thats interesting because ive done just this recently and despite not even being obese i lost 30lbs since about december
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>US women who aren't obese
Its simple. They are lying about their caloric intake.
All fat fags are liars. They want you to think they are trying because they are ashamed of their weak willpower
>I used to be fat until I started using self control
Yes, very funny.

>When you eat a half dozen every few days and chug down a 48 ouce coke to come home and bask in front of a TV and eat chips while you wait for the next meal to arrive from dominoes it is.
6x250= 1500 calories
48 fluid oz Coke= 500 calories
You think 2000 calories are making you fat? You realize this is below the recommended Daily Allowance everywhere in the world, right?

But thanks for proving my point - you have no fucking clue at all. You just repeat what you have heard because "everyone knows this".
And all of this energy can be calculated and quantified in the form of Calories or Joules , which we can then use to accurately measure how much weight we can gain or lose .
>Calories are calculated by burning the food ,
WRONG. Thanks for playing.

>No matter how special you think you are , your body need energy and he has different sources to his disposition , the main one are:
Is that energy calories? If yes, how do you calculate them?

>-The food in your belly .
>-The glycogen currently stored in your liver & muscles .
>-The fat currently stored everywhere on your body ( from adipose to visceral ) .

>To keep you warm and perform action your body will need energy , and he has no choice bu to pick from one of these sources , If you're glycogen depleted & doesn't have much in your belly , your body WILL be forced to dig into your fat storage .

Again, thanks for playing, but this is basic knowledge.
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>Everyone who disagrees is just lying
American school of discussion, I guess.
>And all of this energy can be calculated and quantified in the form of Calories or Joules ,
There is no proof for that.

>which we can then use to accurately measure how much weight we can gain or lose .
This is definitely wrong. Else we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic in lab animals, for example.
2000 Calories is just a rule of thumb for the average population , and this 2000 value is kinda old , people are becoming lazier and more sedentary over the year .
A 5"8' , 80 kg male ( obese ) will only require around 1650 to live a sedentary liftstyle
>t just means they have to exercise their whole lives,
No it means they have to eat a normal amount of calories. Exercises isn't required.
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>4 in 10.
I don't even have words for any of this anymore. I just quietly plod on through life.
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>WRONG. Thanks for playing
literally a bomb calorimeter - TEF
They really need to work on education in Arabia
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>You think 2000 calories are making you fat? You realize this is below the recommended Daily Allowance everywhere in the world, right?

God you are really misinformed. You can be a fucken land whale, eat 1k a day. If you eat a bunch of fucken carbs and dont move you won't lose weight faggot.

The 2k a day thing is meant for healthy individuals with proper diet and mineral/vitamin intake. You aren't even worth a debate at this point.

I actually spelled ounces wrong to see if you would be a faggot and call it and act like you won the argument and surprisingly you didn't. You blew my mind with some retarded fucken statement that goes to a whole new level.
Wow gents we're being visited by Donald Trump himself.
>obesity epidemic in lab animals
found the fatty
I think sideway belgium is just a retarded fatty who want to be healthy at every size :^)
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For those that don't know, if you are overweight it is ENTIRELY your fault.

It is simply a matter of calories in and calories out.
Depending on your height, you burn anywhere from 1600-2000 calories just being alive. That is WITHOUT ANY exercise. That is if you were to live as sedentary as one can. In other words, weight loss is dictated almost entirely by your diet -- not your activity level. Losing weight can be either 100% diet or 90% diet (10% exercise, if you'd like to waste your time running and shit).

Any calories that you eat beyond that is considered excess.

For you to gain ONE POUND of fat, you will have to eat 3500 calories in excess over any period of time (in other words, maybe you'll eat 500 calories in excess for 7 days. that would be one pound of fat).
If you are 10 pounds overweight, you have eaten 35,000 calories in excess of what you should.
If you are 25 pounds overweight, you have eaten 87,500 calories in excess of what you should.
>reducing caloric intake doesn't work

Show me one fat jewish prisoner in the camps.

I'll wait.
Was never a fatty but started eating clean in college for the gainz. I can't even eat most processed food anymore because you realize how much sugar and salt is in packaged foods, they taste gross.
when your so fat you dont even remember what gender you are because you haven't seen your genitals for 30= years
>fat people
>don't know about ketosis
>don't have self control for ketosis
>complain about not losing weight
>visiting GNC with French fries in hand looking for fat burners
>2000 Calories is just a rule of thumb for the average population ,
Wrong, it was invented by the (US) industry during or after WW2. Before WW2, the recommendations were more in line with 3600 calories per day for an average adult male without hard work.

>and this 2000 value is kinda old , people are becoming lazier and more sedentary over the year .
Correct. this is why the new recommended value is 2500 to 3000 calories daily, depending on the country you are from (which should tell you a lot about how unsciemtific this shit is, but you're apparently not so good at thinking anyway).

>A 5"8' , 80 kg male ( obese ) will only require around 1650 to live a sedentary liftstyle
Source/Proof? This is over 1000 calories less than what the average European should eat per day.

>God you are really misinformed. You can be a fucken land whale, eat 1k a day. If you eat a bunch of fucken carbs and dont move you won't lose weight faggot.
Which completely disagrees with your earlier point. What is it, now? Decide. Or stop posting.

>The 2k a day thing is meant for healthy individuals with proper diet and mineral/vitamin intake.
Wrong, it was based on an average human adult male and recently got increased anyway.

>You aren't even worth a debate at this point.
And I won again.

No, you just can't argue for shit and have not facts.


Not an argument. You have none. Admit it.

KZ jews ate 1750 calories per day. By your standards a bit too much, I am sure. Back then, this was an inhuman starvation regimen.
Keto is trully the real redpill , but only if you're not one of the retard who disregard fibrous veggie
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>nutrition phd
Still proves that reducing caloric intake makes you lose weight.

Thanks for backing me up.
>>A 5"8' , 80 kg male ( obese ) will only require around 1650 to live a sedentary liftstyle
>Source/Proof? This is over 1000 calories less than what the average European should eat per day.

It's called BASAL METABOLIC RATE. Please, look it up.
It's in your best interest to know how your body works.
Your numbers -- the notion that the average male eats 2600-3600 (as you imply) -- are GROSSLY wrong.
You have to account for your HEIGHT.

The mental clarity you get from keto is unparalleled. Nitrogen rich leafy greens are key.
You think KZs only reduced calories? Is that what your science looks like? Lmao.

Or did you get confused because I posted that "people baxck then thought it was a starvation regimen"? Please explain.

>He confuses BMR with TDEE
American education, I guess.
Would you recommend a basket weaving masters?
Eat less
Move more

You'll lose weight.
Reducing calories = lose weight.

Same way increasing cals = weight gain.

But then again, you cucks haven't exercised in a very long time. No wonder you don't understand it.
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Ok so let me clear things up :

-You acknowledge that " becoming more sedentary = get fat if there is no calories reduction "

BUT you don't acknowledge the fact that people are becoming fatter because they don't move enough / eat too much ?
Spic immigration and blacks
/r/ that study showing fatties vastly underreport calorie intake
These people are very "efficient", they basically reduce themselves to a sitting in the dark in a vegetable state and burn like 20 kcals an hour.

If 2 bags of chips can run you for a whole day, you'll quickly get runaway weight gain.
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>KZ jews ate 1750 calories per day.

Yes, I'm sure those Holocaust victims got all the food they needed. Those Nazis just couldn´t stand seeing their Jew friends waste away.

You see everyone? The holocaust was clearly just caused by excessive dieting regimes.
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I knew my chance of getting bamboozled where high when entering that thread , but It's now confirmed.

>Tfw Bamboozled again
Since I don't trust you to actually look it up, BMR is your "BASAL METABOLIC RATE".
Break that down.
By BASAL it is the MINIMUM. Hence, when we're talking about sedentary living, we use BMR.
>tfw 5'3" manlet
i was fat until i learned that food wasnt portioned for someone my size
Enlighten everybody then instead of saying wrong. I'm genuinely curious what the correct answer is.
But height is a social construct anon. The patriarchy invented it.
There are outliers. I'm a forever skeleton and can't gain weight no matter what I do.
The average young American / European only need around 1600 Kcals a day unless he play sports / his in the workforce .
>Reducing calories = lose weight.
>Same way increasing cals = weight gain.
>But then again, you cucks haven't exercised in a very long time. No wonder you don't understand it.
Repeating your argument without any proof doesn't make it true.

>You acknowledge that " becoming more sedentary = get fat if there is no calories reduction "
Nope. I say that everything is a big pile of shit in this area of "science".

>BUT you don't acknowledge the fact that people are becoming fatter because they don't move enough / eat too much ?

>Yes, I'm sure those Holocaust victims got all the food they needed. Those Nazis just couldn´t stand seeing their Jew friends waste away.
>You see everyone? The holocaust was clearly just caused by excessive dieting regimes.
Argumentum ad absurdum.

No, you're just stupid.

You think sitting doesn't burn calories? How about sleeping? Breathing? Thinking?
All of this burns calories. You don't even understand your own bullshit.

>Enlighten everybody then instead of saying wrong. I'm genuinely curious what the correct answer is.
We don't know yet what causes obesity. That's the bitter truth. Personally, I'd say it's to do with hormones and nothing else.
You're not eating as much as you think you are. It's that simple.
I really wish fitness experts and broscientists would start classifying cardio exercises in terms of (EE - BMR), where EE is energy expended. That way people trying to lose weight can understand how shitty the opportunity cost of walking is, which is like barely 10-20 kcals/hr above sitting, and exercises like running or rowing start to look way more effective on the charts.
>You think sitting doesn't burn calories? How about sleeping? Breathing? Thinking?
>All of this burns calories. You don't even understand your own bullshit.


lol, I must be getting trolled.

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This should clear everything up. Your statement OP has already been proven to be incorrect.
And by that i'm talking about all the average / nu male who have close to 0 muscles thanks to a youth of over protection from anything strenuous .

If you were active as a child , ( sports / helping doing manual labors ) and move around alot it's already closer to 2400
>there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat.
Most humans don't lose fat very easily (after all, it is your body's emergency reserves). To avoi excessive adipose, and maintain a healthy weight, one must watch their calorie intake AND get sufficient exercise to burn off all that fat.
Anyway, obesity is by no means a social construct; you could argue that body standards are, but obesity is a medical condition.
>Argumentum ad absurdum.
Which is a completely logical argument.

Also, >Repeating your argument without any proof doesn't make it true.
You need some self-awareness, friend.
You have zero idea about BMR. 5500 kcal bmr is impossible.
euros take walking for granted. if Jose McFatass were accustomed to walking 5 miles in the course of a normal day, things would be different.

meat is fine, not every meal though

my entire sweets palette is dark chocolate nuts and bittersweet coffee cakes. those oreo shake calorie memes are almost vomit inducing
Nope. BMR is lying in a coma, basically. As I said, you're not understanding your own bullshit.

ONE study from 30 years ago? Please tell me you are joking.

>Which is a completely logical argument.
No, not really. You're jumping to conclusions awfully fast, but I guess that comes with being low IQ.

>You need some self-awareness, friend.
I was never asked for cources. You prefer to attack me instead of my arguments. But I can't blame you since you don't have any arguments yourself.
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>We don't know yet what causes obesity. That's the bitter truth. Personally, I'd say it's to do with hormones and nothing else.
Eating more calories than one's TDEE for a long period of time. Which can only be undone by doing the opposite. That's the bitter truth. Personally, I'd say fatties have no clue, and moreover a strong desire to be oblivious to, how many calories they really eat.
The 4/10 overweight doesn't surprise me. At 6'1 and 210 in technically overweight. The BMI scale isn't super accurate for fitness level.
>move around alot
I move around a LITTLE and I break 2500 kcals per day. An active lifestyle easily puts you above 3000.
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Go ahead and show me a single study demonstrating an inability to lose weight that doesn't rely on self-reported calorie intake.
>then please explain to me where there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat.
>explain to me where there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat.

They haven't done it long enough. If you take 30 years to get 500+ lbs, its not going to take a few months to get to a healthy weight.
works in hospitals, nutritionist are actually quite helpful to help restore the appropriate levels of electrolytes and essential nutrients in your body.

Don't undermine the work of nutritionists.
>Eating more calories than one's TDEE for a long period of time. Which can only be undone by doing the opposite. That's the bitter truth. Personally, I'd say fatties have no clue, and moreover a strong desire to be oblivious to, how many calories they really eat.
Yes, I understood your point. Which you can't prove, mind you.

>Personally, I'd say fatties have no clue, and moreover a strong desire to be oblivious to, how many calories they really eat.
See above. You can't be seriously saying "Everyone who disagrees is a liar, that is my argument."

More info please, what kind of study would you accept? I know you Americans are very picky when it comes to studies that go against your dogma.
>ONE study from 30 years ago? Please tell me you are joking.

One of numerous studies. Facts don't change because time has passed...

To be honest an infant could make the connection between eating like a horse and ballooning to the size of a house. If you eat less you won't be fat.

Find me a picture of an overweight concentration camp inmate, I'll wait...
>people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat.

>still fat

still too much calories
>going from 10,000/day calories to 9,000/day
>No, not really.

>I guess that comes with being low IQ.
Ad hominem, however, is a logical fallacy.

>I was never asked for cources.
I'm asking you now,

>You prefer to attack me instead of my arguments.
>You're jumping to conclusions awfully fast, but I guess that comes with being low IQ.

>But I can't blame you since you don't have any arguments yourself.
My argument is that you made a baseless claim about Holocaust victims getting the calories that they would've need to survive, with zero sources to back it up. when I pointed out how this conflicts with Nazi doctrine, you just said "no" without any argument to support it.
>4 in 10


If you're eating 2 bags of chips a day that is the reason you are fat.
>Nope. BMR is lying in a coma, basically. As I said, you're not understanding your own bullshit.

The numbers wouldn't be that much higher if we're talking about a sedentary lifestyle.
I think the point we're disagreeing on is just the amount of calories you would burn from even the slightest activity level.
You're trying to imply that it is much higher than others, myself included, would say it is, right?
Or are you arguing that weight gain is a phenomenon that we don't fully understand yet?
why would anyone base their life standard on sitting around like an inert loser? shouldn't they be forgetting the numbers and riding a bike or something?
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>One of numerous studies. Facts don't change because time has passed...
Then link them.

>To be honest an infant could make the connection between eating like a horse and ballooning to the size of a house. If you eat less you won't be fat.
I understand you agree that your mind is child-like, but please.

>Find me a picture of an overweight concentration camp inmate, I'll wait...
Okay, here you go. 1 minute googling.

Gave up meat, eggs, dairy, gluten, and anything with HFCS

Dropping weight monthly, feel incredible. Was only at 220 lbs 6'1" but my cholesterol numbers were though the roof.

Meat is plebe tier, though I still love the smell of bacon
We got a Muslim dietician on our website? Cool. As-salaam alaikum brother!
Like I said, subjects demonstrating an inability to lose weight, which doesn't rely on them reporting their own calorie intake.
>Ad hominem, however, is a logical fallacy.
Good to see we agree! Now, why did you guys start with it and cry when I do it? How odd.

>I'm asking you now,
Okay, what sources do you want?

>My argument is that you made a baseless claim about Holocaust victims getting the calories that they would've need to survive, with zero sources to back it up. when I pointed out how this conflicts with Nazi doctrine, you just said "no" without any argument to support it.
Ah, no problem:

>“Whereas according to the standards of the Physiological Committee of the Section of Hygiene of the League of Nations a hardworking man ought to receive in 24 hours about 4,800 calories and an average working man more than 3,600 calories, the prisoners at Auschwitz were getting at most from 1302 up to 1744 calories for 24 hours! 1744 calories daily represent a little less than the basic conversion of food into energy of a grown man, or in other words a little less than the amount needed by a man resting in a lying position, covered and motionless. A man who works, nourished in such a way is burning up his own tissues in order to cover the amount of energy expended. This inevitably results in the wasting away of his organism in a manner dangerous to life.

Source: http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/genocide/gcpol10.htm

>The numbers wouldn't be that much higher if we're talking about a sedentary lifestyle.
Of course they'd be. Just use a caloric calculator, you know them, you love them.

>I think the point we're disagreeing on is just the amount of calories you would burn from even the slightest activity level.
Wrong, but go on.

>You're trying to imply that it is much higher than others, myself included, would say it is, right?
>Or are you arguing that weight gain is a phenomenon that we don't fully understand yet?
The latter.
Your picture proves nothing. We don't know how long in the concentration camp was he when the picture was taken.
Way to miss the point.
In 2010 70% of the US where obese
>We got a Muslim dietician on our website? Cool. As-salaam alaikum brother!
Ad hominem. Yawn.
>>You're trying to imply that it is much higher than others, myself included, would say it is, right?
>>Or are you arguing that weight gain is a phenomenon that we don't fully understand yet?
>The latter.

Okay, then there's no point in arguing with you. You're not open to being convinced.
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/pol has ruined me. I love seeing Jews get BTFO
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> OP secretly made thread as excuse for me to post even more SSBBW pics
I meant the snack size kind or whatever (180 kcals each or so?) and I wasn't talking about myself, though I do need to lose weight even for my height.
Okay, it's a bit ahrd to find a study like that in English and available onlibne, but I think this one has it:
tl;dr: medical ward study, 1200 cals a day - a big deficit for anyone involved, average weight went up.
"Reducing" your caloric intake from 4x too much to 2x too much is still 2x too much.

Energy in , energy out.
You google it, you're the one who believes you'll live a healthy life being a fat fuck. Try it, you'll eventually find you are wrong.

That picture is from Dachau Concentration camp, the image is dated 1938 - prior to when they began to intentionally starve the prisoners. In late 1941 the decision was made to punish prisoners through starvation. Have another go if you'd like?
>Your picture proves nothing. We don't know how long in the concentration camp was he when the picture was taken.
Y'all wanted a fat Jew in a KZ ("Just one"), I gave you one. Now you're crying. Boo-hoo.
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Everyone's body is different, you faggot. If you get fatter more easily, then you're just going to have to deal with it.
> About 57 percent of black women are obese. In contrast, about 47 percent of Hispanic women, 38 percent of white women, and 12 percent of Asian women are obese.

How the fuck can over half of black women be obese?
Russia general

Dieting may be deleterious to psychological well-being and biological functioning, and changes in clinical recommendations may be in order.

wow this is really a relevant study, xd
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>Participants assigned to the Monitoring and Restricting condition received training on how to follow a classic low-calorie diet consisting of 1200 kilocalories per day with no more than 50% energy from carbohydrates, 30% energy from total fat, and 20% energy from protein. Participants also received instructions on how to complete a daily food diary, so that they monitored their caloric intake.
This is self-reported calorie intake retard.
Starvation mode and vegetatative state is bullshit. Look at holocaust survivors who barely ate anything. Their bodies burned calories until there was nothing left to burn
Do you have a link to the document calling for this decision?

regular women weigh 100-130lbs
>Okay, then there's no point in arguing with you. You're not open to being convinced.
Well, you're not really trying, to be fair.

>You google it, you're the one who believes you'll live a healthy life being a fat fuck.
Nice assumption. But wrong anyway

>That picture is from Dachau Concentration camp, the image is dated 1938 - prior to when they began to intentionally starve the prisoners. >In late 1941 the decision was made to punish prisoners through starvation. Have another go if you'd like?
Lmao, I guess this will be the hardets pic to find on the net, but okay, gimme a sec.
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Because obesity is a snowball problem, the moment you get obese it gets harder and harder to undo the permanent damage you've caused to your body. Most overweight people will stop eating a bit and then maybe walk once a week and expect themselves to get thinner.
It varied in actual date of implementation (camp 'commanders' having morals and whatever) but here's 1 regarding auschwitz
You have no idea what it means to eat for gains. I know because i used to talk that same shit. You haven't puked from eating yet have you?

Looks like you need to browse /fit/ anon
>Well, you're not really trying, to be fair.

You're way too dogmatic for me lol.
You're linking irrelevant studies, refuting statements at face value without providing a counterpoint, and way too concerned with semantics.
>1 post by this id
Everyone below and above this line who posted or posts without saging is a retard.
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>tfw you're one of the few who struggle to GAIN weight

>tfw 6 foot and 170 pounds

>tfw people think I'm a skinny twerp.

>tfw I can't get past the 170 threshold because I hate eating

>tfw you find eating just another biological construct that you're forced to do so you don't want to do it

What the fuck is wrong with me /pol/
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Proof? Chezuz have you ever been to a gym or done any physical exercise?
My body is proof you idiot.

Nice bait thread
>Before WW2, the recommendations were more in line with 3600 calories per day for an average adult male without hard work.

[citation needed]
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>We don't know yet what causes obesity. That's the bitter truth. Personally, I'd say it's to do with hormones and nothing else.
you have to be trolling, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that eating more calories in a day than are expended causes obesity. Are you telling me that pic related is obese because of hormones and not because they sit on their ass all day stuffing 10,000 calories worth of food down their throat?
170 pounds for that height is fine you retard
>>tfw you're one of the few who struggle to GAIN weight

I know that feel bro
Don't bother trying to enlighten him, he has the profundity of a wet rat.
Go to /fit/

Accept zyzz as your lord and saviour

Realise what eating for gains means

Thank me someday.
fat people are dumb. i'm in the same boat as you my friend, nothing wrong with being limber and athletic. maybe our max strength will never be super high but we can do just fine.

also, you're metabolism is gonna hit the fucking wall when you hit 30 and you'll be saying "OH MAN WHEN I WAS YOUNG" all the fucking time.
I'm a 5'9 male at 70kg with <10% body fat.

On days when I only walk to the bus and stand around in work (retail), I get by on 1800-2600. If I cycle to work (10 miles) or I'm working out I'll eat closer to 3500-4000.
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God, I love being thin.
It's so nice.
And all it requires is that I don't stuff my face with food like all of these fat people around me.

She's literally the Michelin Man
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>You're way too dogmatic for me lol.
>You're linking irrelevant studies, refuting statements at face value without providing a counterpoint, and way too concerned with semantics.
Ah, yes. Lmao, Americans.

Here see guy in front. Not a super fatty like before, but you can see the bulges clearly. Also note the rest of the people. None of them skinny. This is from 1945, after freeing them.

As you can see: Starving doesn't make you skinny 100%.

Already posted one. >>117351825
You can also look at cook books from that time.

>you have to be trolling, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that eating more calories in a day than are expended causes obesity.
Yet you can't prove it and nobody has any sources, instead sending me around on a wild goose chase to find "fat Jews in a KZ". Fucking lol.

Now I'm out, btw. You guys have had nothing for over an hour. It's safe to say I won this round (again).
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You think alternating between sitting on your ass all day and sleeping is going to burn kcals?
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You need get out more bro. Real women start >500lbs and up.

Use pic as guide
Are Germans trying to take the shitposting king tittle away from the Canadians or something
HAHAHA you sound like some fat whore in denial. I really dont like kraut shitposts though you guys are way to autistic, and get into the stupidest shit. You come across as complete fucking idiots that will end up necking themselves after a convo. Very sad.
they use their gibs to buy cheap junk food and sit around eating it all day.
>then please explain to me where there are people who've greatly reduced their calorie intake but are still fat.
They are lying.
You said without "hard work", but in the 1920s, an AVERAGE working man was still a physical labourer who would most likely walk to work and work with his hands at some kind of strenuous physical activity.

Or do you think the average working man today is doing as much physical work as the average working man of the 1920s?
Yes. Your body needs to keep itself warm.
Australia has fatties too tho
I honestly don't understand HOW someone could get that fat. That takes serious dedication to the cause.
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I'm a lifter and know this feel.

Gotta eat big to get big.
I hope you're a troll because everything you say can be disproven by any serious lifter and bodybuilder. There's a reason why bodybuilders are able to bulk and cut at will and it's not because their genetics specifically allows for it.
If you watch that "My 600lb life show", you really get some great insight into the mental gymnastics these people go through and what compulsive liars they are.

>If you had followed my diet, you should have lost 40 pounds in a month, but you only lost 10
>Cuts to her inhaling pieces of fried chicken
Go to /fit/

We're all gonna make it bro
You think these people are chilling themselves next to an open window?

Give it up man. Some people hibernate their whole lives. That's how they get that huge. If your estimates for their BMR were as high as they were they wouldn't get that fat simply from getting up to pay the pizza guy.
Dood, did you even read the source you linked? First of all, they were researching cortisol levels, secondly it proves our point:

"The restricting groups lost significantly more weight (mean weight loss of 1.9 pounds) than the groups who did not restrict (mean weight gain of 2.6 pounds), and therefore weight change was used in all analyses as a covariate."
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We're more like the US than you know. Obesity epidemic here too.
most are minorities

57% of black women are obese
48% of hispanic women
38% white women
12% asian women
Give me some irrefutable studies on caloric restriction on people without diseases and get back to me. I dont want self reported claims of dieting while they sneak some donuts in at night.

They literally eat all fucking day. They're on welfare, food stamps, and disability. One of their family members brings them food and they sit there on the bed eating the entire fucking day. But yeah according to krautbro you can't prove this is causing her to be obese, it's just muh genetics and hormones.
Unless room temperature is 98.6 degrees, your body spends energy keeping itself warm. It also spends energy circulating your blood and operating your lungs. If you consume less food than is required to sustain these functions, your body will consume its own fat instead.
I know that feel. 6'2 and 160 lbs
shoo shoo

I'm 6'1 (or 6'2, not sure) and about 185 and I feel thicc
You can thank the feminists who tell women it's okay to be oveweight and that you can be healthy while overweight.

I myself being an Amerifat but I've lost 25 pounds in the last month after realizing that Fascism is all I need in life and not food.
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I already do.

Rich Panini is my favorite bodybuilder.
if it wasn't for blacks and hispanics the US would be closer to a New Zealand in female Obesity rates.

test scores would be higher. less crime, less people on welfare and et cetera.

one of the many reason why multiculturalism with lesser peoples doesn't work
Being forced to eat a maximum of 10 schnitzels a day is cruel
in 6 weeks seems a bit unhealthy tbqhf

remind me to buy more stock in OkCupid
He didn't lose it in six weeks.

Nice to see a post like that without the stars and stripes on it...
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Was hoping this would be a Boogie2988 video.
Calories in vs calories out. Its simple thermodynamics.
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They just need to reduce their intake more. Speaking as someone who used to be fat from baby to young adult I just needed to go below "healthy intake" to extremely low intake. Basically almost no carbs for me ever and only water or calorie free beverages for drinks. I eat meat, cheese and vegetables for almost all meals, different mixes with different spicing for good variety. I do eat something unhealthy like a pizza generally for one meal per week.

I guess basically my body is just extremely efficient ripping every single thing it can from the food I eat. I used to curse it for making me fat on an average diet but after realizing how little I need to eat it has really been a cost saving feature.

And don't even try to claim different bodies don't have different efficiencies. I have a friend who doesn't exercise and eats candy by the bucketful (normal people buy candy bars and bags of candy individually, he buys giant boxes with dozens of bars/bags) and burgers/pizza/subway sandwiches every day of the week, usually multiple for one meal and is the thinnest fuck I know. He just shits it all out without absorbing all the calories, it's the only explanation.
I never understood this problem. I mean do these people have no shame? One would think once they became chubby or fat that they'd start working on fixing the problem instead of continuing all the way down to becoming literally obese.
Hello anon, how are you doing today? You need to lose 50 pounds before you can respond to this thread

Thank you based fatty Kraut.
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Yeah, that... that's fucking stupid. ofc obesity is caused by EATING TOO MUCH. Who doesn't know that? They're larping surely.
170 for a 6' man isn't that bad. I mean you're a bit skinny, but you're not like Holocaust skinny or anything.
His friend texted for 6 weeks straight, he didn't lose it all in 6 weeks.
Then I challenge you, go find sources that actually contradict your point, do it yourself, read them, unbiased.
You go out of your way to search for studies that support your point, now search for ones that dont support it.
You will probably see that there is more than one study that is over 30 years old that prove your point wrong
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1 pound of fat = 3500 calories


1 pound of coconut butter = 3,902 calories


Science can't explain this
>I see you only lost 29 pound this month
>What the fuck is wrong with you, you fat fuck?
>I gave you a diet that should have lost you 40 pounds, and you can't do 30?

> Fat muslim nazi who writes like Trump in a country that hates him

You must be one of the least liked people around
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Sure doc. How much meat do I give up?
>>WRONG. Thanks for playing
>literally a bomb calorimeter - TEF
>They really need to work on education in Arabia

Most manufacturers (like 99.95%) use the Atwater System to calculate calories in their food.

Burning the food and measuring the change on a given volume of water is not an efficient way to calculate things like juices, or other items which cannot be burnt.

In this system, calories are not determined directly by burning the foods. Instead, the total caloric value is calculated by adding up the calories provided by the energy-containing nutrients: protein, carbohydrate, fat and alcohol. Because carbohydrates contain some fiber that is not digested and utilized by the body, the fiber component is usually subtracted from the total carbohydrate before calculating the calories.

The Atwater system uses the average values of 4 Kcal/g for protein, 4 Kcal/g for carbohydrate, and 9 Kcal/g for fat. Alcohol is calculated at 7 Kcal/g. (These numbers were originally determined by burning and then averaging.) Thus the label on an energy bar that contains 10 g of protein, 20 g of carbohydrate and 9 g of fat would read 201 kcals or Calories.

They then round the numbers to the nearest 10, because the system is not perfect and is usually off by a few calories.
It's more than just a social construct. I used to eat nothing but garbage diet while my metabolism burned through it. I literally maintained a weight of 95 lbs while being lanky as fuck til I was around 17-18. Now my metabolism has slowed down, I eat the same stuff, and maintain a higher body mass.

Last year I had a bout of pretty bad depression where I basically stopped eating for days, and had like 2 slices of bread and a bunch of water on the days I did eat. Rapid weight loss. Lost like 15-20 lbs over a couple of weeks.

I also think its related to all the extras in grocery store food, if its cheap its usually unhealthy
>KZ jews ate 1750 calories per day
Nigga, what? The were fed about 700 calories because that's all they needed to survive.
Just like how Germans deny how their country is in shambles rite now and it wont exist in 20 years?
Yeah, but they churn out so little that they fill up TDEE with 2-3 slices of pizza, but of course they're hungry for 4-6.
>body is an engine
>carb intake

try vegetarian diet. with tofu, potatoes, rice, beans'n' stuff. brought me 5kg.
i could eat 1kg fatty meat and would weight less the next day...
genetics, hormones, stress, and feelings duh
this. its just logic called "the laws of thmerodynamic"

You got it anon? The Fat Virus? Who gave it to you?
I've been using serious mass. I think I gained 2 pounds in a couple weeks
>tfw 5'4 and 102 pounds
you know that something called density exists?
and that fat isn't simply fat, but that there is a difference between fat from animals and plants? And difference between the fat coming from coconut or sunflowers ?
Skillful LARP
I don't know how 170 could be bad, I'm at ~150 with the same height and feeling a bit tubby if anything
So? They can be hungry.
more like 250+ fatboi
Yeah, there are all sorts of energy-consuming internal processes. Easiest to observe are breathing and heartbeat.
But calorie burn would be way less than if you take some physical activity ofc.
dyel bro? body composition matters. If he's lean than 170 at that height is pretty small and he needs to eat big to get big.

Not the explanatory variable, you shouldn't be able to eat 1 pound of something and gain more than 1 pound of weight.


>and that fat isn't simply fat, but that there is a difference between fat from animals and plants? And difference between the fat coming from coconut or sunflowers ?

From an energy perspective? There should't be a difference. The calorie is just a poor unit of measurement for the purposes of human consumption. It shouldn't be the end-all-be-all number for people to aim towards.
Nope not at all, I assumed he didn't either if he's got no appetite
This. Even many doctors have no idea how this works. It's fucking disgraceful.
>obvious bait thread
>2 comments, including this one, by this ID
>238 replies so far

Not bad for a Kraut, eh? :^)
Obesity is a worldwide epidemic, you don't have any way out.
And many fatsos fall into any of those "lose weight with no effort at all" scams.
try 6'2" at 145 mate
If biological beings are capable of breaking the 1st law of thermodynamics then please point me to them so I can become a trillionaire after patenting the perfect energy system.
This. I started to get overweight to I decided to cut off processed meat and sugar, and I lost weight in no time.

Hitler get confirms.
Calorie counting is a gross oversimplification of how the human body works.

Aside from that most fat women lie about how much they eat. They often have a 'secret stash' that 'doesn't count' when they talk about what they eat.
It's a good conversation topic Hans.
What do you think? I think you should have a sincere opinion about this.
No need for magic. The body will produce the amino acid it lacks and so goes for energy.

Don't give away your mum's secrets
Just take enjoyment out of the fact that your friend is killing himself slowly, even if it isn't visible.
>check blood for ion levels

Eat more carbs and you'll be hungry
Lets not mix fiction into this.
That chair is a social construct. It'd take a village to keep it from falling apart under that much stress.

>2 in 5 women are hambeasts
>Wondering why men are laughing about it
Feminism asked for this.

Captcha: Wok
If she had gone for a wok once in a while, maybe she wouldn't look like a fucking riceball.
My ex eat Doritos behind my back, she gained 30lbs before I broke up with her.

When you calculate the BMR, you are supposed to use what you are supposed to weigh, the 350 lbs of blubber you are carrying does not go.
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>6x250= 1500 calories

Stop pretending you know anything germanigger.
You lost all credibility claiming a mcD burger is just 250 kcal.
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Gut flora asswipe.

They are infect with bad gut flora, ever wonder why the shart in Mart people loom sub human.

Gut flora is ruined by eating shit.

>They are infect with bad gut flora

It's more that they don't have any.

And a lot of it has to do with antibiotics in cheap meat.
those arent sources
I love throat and ass fucking fatties. Idk what your problem with this is. More fat women to use as cock sleeves. Just dont date fatties.
where you at? you were talkin all that good shit a second ago then you pluged your ears like a child and ran home
Alright let me get this straight, are you implying that the ingestion of macro-nutrients is in no way shape or form linked to fluctuations in weight?
Because you have to exercise to lose weight too. And fat people are incredibly lazy so they won't and therefore stay fat. Dumbass.
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Wow how ignorant of you,

There are many overweight/ obese people who eat very little food at all. And the numbers are higher than diseases like hypothyroidism can account for.

There is some supernatural force, it may be God it may not be, that adds calories to peoples bodies, because many overweight people claim to eat very little at all. This cannot be tested or confirmed with science because it is supernatural like events described in the bible. You should consider yourself very privileged because you can lose weight thru diet.
How fucking old are you fritz, where are the sources?
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