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How would an anarcho-capitalist society even work?

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How would an anarcho-capitalist society even work?
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It probably wouldn't
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>anarcho-capitalist society

pick one
Without roads
"Roads are Communism!"

"Long live the NAP!"
can you guess what me and shinji have in common?
The NAP would regulate society.

Ask an ancap anything.
White people live in communities where they voluntarily trade and agree not to initiate violence.
you're gay?
Pretty much like the walking dead tv show. It wouldnt.
jerkin it to asuka :)
....Fucking kill me.
why do ancap honestly get triggered by the concept of roads ?
How is life going in middle school?
In order for ancap to exist it needs an authority to keep it in line. To maintain the anarchy. It needs a moot. If you have that it's very possible.
Very well
>mfw ancaps think ultra rich kikes will give a shit about the NAP

>how does a splitter ideology work
By splintering the right-wing into competing factions, so that Marxists face less resistance, and can smash the state at their leisure and take over, that's how.
There has been isolated examples of micro an-cap systems in the past.

Some businesses even got away with issuing their own government free currency.


Here's a song about those glory days.
The tax rate in 1960 was 91%
>no roads
>only private infrastructure
>no central government to prosecute crimes
Basically, worse than Feudalism.
They are expensive, economic inefficient, you're forced to pay for them, and they impoverish people by making them buy cars.
Sorry if I seem like a dumbass, but can someone explain how the NAP prevents violence? Because I'm sure lots of people would be happy to watch the world burn without a government.
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The song was about the 19th Century you dimwit. The glory days of company scrip. It's one of the catalysts that lead to the 20th century labour movement.
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Ignore the shitposters. It would be more or less like this:


What ancap means is basically a private law society. It is just means replacing all the services that are provided monopolistically by the state by voluntary market exchange.

A good example is security, which most states have failed miserably to do and now the private sector is stepping in.
>By adding an additional for-profit party to the process it will cost less money.

Really made me think.
pick one
Your both fucked in the head.
>Criticizing a for-profit in favor of the monopoly of violence
you're braindead
>not being a Sovreign Citizen / Freeman
was this a satire reply ?
>Policing is violence.
Then why not do away with it completely?
>But m..muh...NAP
Well then if some violence is necessary shouldn't police be bound by the public interest?
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Anarcho capitalism doesn't wor-
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It wouldn't
>not violence


>the state
>public interest

holy shit the misconceptions
I just don't get how utilities and infrastucture wil be guaranteed. What would prevent anyone from doing things like say poisoning the water supplies and selling bottled water at hugely inflated prices?
Bitcoin is just a giant speculation bubble. It's just another fiat currency with zero intrinsic value inflated entirely by investor confidence which could collapse at a moments notice due to a man made or natural catastrophe.

It also depends upon the internet to actually continue to exist. So a really bad solar flare could basically erase it's entire market from existence in the literal blink of an eye.
Ah! The wonders of Libertarianism !


digging trash to find your 7.5 million dollar worth digital ponzi money
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It wouldn't, like every variation of anarchism. Anarchocapitalism is "Anarchy, where everyone is respecting private property". Because you cannot guarantee it, it wouldn't be anarcho-capitalism. It would be just be Somalia-tier shithole. For capitalism to work, we need state to throw commies out of helicopters.
>le intrinsic value meme

>It also depends upon the internet to actually continue to exist. So a really bad solar flare could basically erase it's entire market from existence in the literal blink of an eye.

>le stock market depens upen humanity to actually continue to exist. So a really big meteor could basically erase this market from existence in the literal blink of an eye.

pls quit

pointing blatant lies in your post is not an argument
You're both faggots?
>create The State, Inc.
>raise a private army
>provide basic services (roads, sanitarion, etc)
>make subscription mandatory
>too strong to be stopped by disorganized NAPcucks
>Literally no argument
>You're wrong
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>It's just another fiat currency
Wrong. Fiat means 'by decree' which means state-backed. The purchasing and using of bitcoin is completely voluntary and its value is like everything else as subjective as gold's is.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Time to stop posting my leafbro.
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Gold has some industrial applications. It's estimated worth is roughly 10% of it's market price.

Bitcoin is literally nothing. And I used the word fiat as an analogy. The dollar is worth a dollar because the state says so. A bitcoin is worth a bitcoin because some private investment firm says it's a safe investment.

But it's just a ponzi scheme. It's value is inflated by subsequent investors. If everybody went to cash in their bitcoins all at once it's intrinsic worthlessness would become apparent long before everybody was done collecting their money.
>Le 1 post, magically caught up to 51 post thread, immediately zeros in on defending the spainfag with an equally vapid lack of argument.

Wow. You're totally not spainbro on a vpn. I'M DOUBLE BTFO NOW.
With great difficulty.
>we will get rid of the monopoly of violence!
>okay, now everybody has their own violence, except it's decentralized

that's not better
It's almost as though the benefits of organized society come at the cost of some kind of centrally agreed upon social contract and that people prefer to democratically elect a government to interpret, enforce, and occasionally amend said social contract.
>that people prefer to democratically elect a government
And if they don't? If some local community 100% voluntarily secedes and privatizes everything?

>social contract
I didn't sign shit.
Doesn't need to be a moot, it can be anything as long as everyone subject to it is participating willingly.
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All any "government" need to enforce is the common law - thats it. If there is a victim, the state can dispense justice.

But everything else shoud require consent. That we're al being governed by insolvent governments that can "revenue raise" by distributing tickets for not adering to thier increasingly stringent statutes and acts (these aren't laws btw) should be a sign that we all need a day of the rope.

The fact that these threads instantly fill with memeballs with fucking stupid scenarios should tell you that the shills don't want you thinking for yourself and thinking independently and being self dependent and self reliant
Is approximately 200 years old. It didn't fucking work in any way, shape or form even once. It's quite safe to assume it never ever will.

Hence, your question is something like "Will Harry Potter beat Darth Vader?"
Didn't sign the social contract?
So you'd be fine with having voter fraud, or maybe even no elections at all, along with people rioting because they didn't get their way? Now I get why you like autismo-capitalism
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>people act like beasts without government
Garbage. If we can settle disputes peacefully under democracy we do the same under ancap.

Corporations would rule. The end
>People don't act like beasts without government
Take a fucking trip to Africa, or the beginnings of the human race.

>government entities rule in a government free system

Anon pls
>we'll never advance beyond chimping out like nogs

Society is what we make of it. Kings and emperors fall if people want them to. Democracy can as well.
It will work on small scale, but will result in many large-scale "quirks" and inefficiencies.

For more details see the old and tired debate between microeconomists and macroeconomists.
Without a moot one faction would invade everybody else creating a kingdom.
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This thread is a violation of the NAP. ICBM launch protocols have been initiated.
>not a nog
>pick one
the most hilarious ancap concept is the idea that a court corporation can "fairly" pass a ruling when faced with a dispute between 2 parties who operate under 2 wholly parallel legal systems
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>private property without the state
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It always works

If you actually care about answers to that question, there are many, *MANY* papers and books on the subject.
I will spoonfeed you a fairly comprehensive source.


There you go.
If you have any questions after reading that, come back and present them.
Thank me later.
too many socialist faggots on this forum
Feeling triggered little man?
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If they don't they'd have to go to war which isn't good for either side. If one side isn't happy with the rulling they can just not decide on that court in the future. At least in this system there is incentive to keep up the quality of the justice system whereas under a monopoly justice gets more perverted and expensive as time goes along.
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You're already seeing it. What we have with Fed-psychosis is as close as the world will ever get to anarcho-capitalism.

Or perhaps Zimbabwe.
Society will become feudalistic.
The rich will hire security to protect their property.
Those who cannot hire security will either voluntary become slaves to the rich who can afford security, or they will pool their money together to create a commonwealth, so they can raise enough money to hire their own security.
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It would be a meme. The kikes would own everything and we'd be simply slaves (like now more or less). Everybody unironically defending it without owning a corporation is just a retard.
Because we all know Academi really improves things...

yes it is, it's why the US has the second amendment
Who ever poisoned tge water supply would be shot. Bottled water prices would be governed by supply and demand
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Reminder that Leopold II did nothing wrong
Yes, some violence may be needed to enforce the rule of law. That's exactly why we should privatize law and justice services though. Socialized law allows for more negative externalities. If you got a bill in the mail every time your local police brought in some teens for smoking a joint I'm sure as shit you'd quit funding that garbage asap.
Mafias everywhere providing protection services.
The formation of hamlets followed by villages followed by towns to cities to city states and then nations.
By faking it while the usual bankers still steal all your stuff in a new & different way
Bitcoin does not depend on the internet. You could literally mine bitcoin by hand and send transactions through the mail. Bitcoin through sms and by radio is also being (has been?) implemented to make adoption easier in places like africa.
What if I dam the river and start bottling the water? That doesn't violate the NAP.
Bitcoin is literally backed by TH/s of computing power

i don't think you understand what these words mean
of course it does.
plenty of people downstream would own some portion of the throughput of that river
Bitcoin is a medium of exchange. You're not as intelligent as you believe.
Unlikely with voluntary exchanges. Insurance agencies would need to prevent people from leaving and people would most likely cut their funding.

Bankers can steal much more effectively with the help of the state. The bailouts, money laundering, regulations, monopoly over currency all enabled by the state.

If people downstream are hurt by the dam they could sue for damages. If you make an agreement with them instead and provide a service and thereby improve the community I'm sure they wouldn't mind. In contrast the state can do whatever the hell it wants no matter if the people object.
But doesn't that mean it works exactly as intended?
if you mined it by hand how would the the fork you're generating it from be aware
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