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Daily reminder she got rekt in debate against mudslime and she

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Daily reminder she got rekt in debate against mudslime and she also sucked brown dick in high school. She is a joke.

>rekt in a debate against mudslime

This is a shill thread.

>muslim country being pro-kebab
so? hasn't everyone sucked brown dick at the high school
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>Mfw SHE is the intellectual leader of the Alt-Right (formerly alongside the good CatLick-Childlover Milo)
>She is a joke.
I know. She's some basic bitch libertarian alt-lite (((Rebel Media))) journalist.

Go for Evalion or Emily Youcis or something if you need a Nazi waifu chick to stalk and make cum tributes for
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Goddamnit man i wish i was there to debate that self righteous nu-male little taqiya shilling shit

as someone who was born and raised and lived all his life in muslim countries I would have destroyed that yellow grin off his face
sure thing buddy
she really handled this terribly. I could have wiped the floor with that Muslim apologist the moment he mentioned Indonesia.

Lauren is just a pair of legs. She isn't a serious scholar and she doesn't understand much of the arguments that she has taken a stance on.
she's a woman, did you really put a woman on a pedestal?

women are incubators
>she sucked brown dick in high school

explain pls
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2 anti-lauren posts active at one time
Old news get with the times... I see that flag your always a little behind that's ok
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shes not very smart and articulate


we need her to be pretty and keep pushing this kind of ideas
theres 2 threads at the same time saying the same shit
>muslim country
>mostly catholic
remove yourself
she's not pretty
she's average
The only reason she is popular is because she is attractive. If you had a normal bloke with the same views / positions etc as her they wouldn't have a platform anything like the size of hers.
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Pack it up, Sharia Blue.
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she's good looking

but of course and that's a good thing. it's basic marketing.
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I've been very wary with all those divide and conquer threads on pol lately, but Southern really isn't worth defending. She's just an opportunist poser who say anything that sounds edgy without actually being edgy or insightful. Literally just a pretty face with nothing to say.
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I don't have the correct at hand right now so this will do
>hurr durr taqiyya
>an Islamic term referring to precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.
It's doesn't command you to lie to the unbelievers. For example, alawites and shias have been using taqiyya to survive for centuries, pretending to be sunnis so they don't get persecuted.
Further proving that the U.K. is a caliphate.
>convert to Islam
>get persecuted by my fellow Muslim

Wow it really is the only and>>115209507
best religion
>98% Christian = muslim
good to know

Do you know what caliphate means? I am an Arab, yes - but do not count me under that death cult
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>Shariablue trying to incite infighting
>Ends up making me erect
>shes only 21 years old

why does she look so old? still bangable though
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i like that look
makes the bepis becomes the big bepis

thiccness = +estrogenic
she's begging to be impregnated anon
jewish coal burners go away
holy shit these projections are astounding
at first I thought you were baiting
but now I know you're an insecure woman jelly that there's someone prettier than you who's getting attention that rightly belongs to you

fuck off and die
Based Arab, get rid of that fucking trip
She wants to be Ann Coulter-tier, but she isn't smart enough (or maybe she is too smart).

Ann Coulter is ambiguously masculine which gives her a competitive edge and intellectual stamina. Southern is too feminine, and will eventually run out of steam and have (hopefully white) babies and never work again.
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I hope you guys realize you're in a ShareBlue thread.
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Got your back, Austriabro.
what the fuck are you on about nigger
can I get a job at ShareBlue? I'd like to shill for a bit for $$$ to pay my denbts and then flip and leak all their juicy seditious pedo secrets on /pol/ when I got enough...
I agree that she is a joke but I don't care right now because this is a shill thread.
Evalion looks jewish
what specifically are you referring to?
>It's a reddit numales throw all principles over board in hopes of losing their virginity over the internet to an ugly kike
Look how thick make up she puts on. Look at the nose shadow whenever she turns sideways. She's as ugly as it gets.

I would have destroyed his argument, hes using the first line of defence for mudslimes which is semantics - what is the definition of Sharia law

it really isn't as malleable as muslims would have you believe, after all the source material is fixed and is absolutely incompatible with the west no matter how they try to shill it.

Lashing and chopping off hands and heads is in the Quran - and the quran is directly from Allah. there is no denying any of it
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>Daily reminder she got rekt in debate against mudslime
She was born in 1995.
>she also sucked brown dick in high school
nice source faggot. Let me guess, that picture of the look-alike who has piercing holes Laren lacks.
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Yeah she got rekt alright
She put the penis of a brown person in her mouth to stimulate it and give him sexually pleasure while attending high school

She is a leaf and a jew. Why do you people keep posting that subhuman?

Daily reminder we got an insider at shareblue

The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.





Previous Threads:
>>>115155757 #
>>>115103715 #
>>>115113666 #
t. Jamal Hernandez
Any pics of her taking black dick?
God, she's so dumb
I couldn't watch this guy talk for more than a minute

I don't even like Lauren but I have zero tolerance for Islam.

She got the creep to admit he wanted sharia law. Its all that matters.
>using taqiyya to describe taqiyya
wew lad
Yes she might have sucked brown dick in highschool, and there isn't enough Colgate in the world to clean out her dirty Kike mouth, but that doesn't mean she isn't good for the cause.

She's fit (don't lie, you would), semi articulate and is a great entry point for normies to begin questioning multiculturalism and globalism. You don't become redpilled overnight. It's a slow process.

Ease them in gently with people like her, then you can move onto the whole gas the kikes race war now shit. ya fucking degenerates
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>she's not pretty
>she's average
guys she browses here be nice.
also post legs.
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>Can you imagine how hot the sex was between ThatGuyT and Southern last night in Mexico?

>I can close my eyes and just in-vision how it went down. I can see Lauren holding T's hand with a smile on her face as she leads him to her hotel room. Once they get in, she shuts the door behind them and starts kissing T while trying to get her green shirt off.

>They begin to frantically make-out like two horny undergrads after a night of too much partying. T, using his brutish black strength, picks Lauren up and plants her onto a nearby bed. At this point, Lauren is laying on her back with T hovering over her. His shirt is off and you can witness the contrast of his glistening, jet black skin as it begins to press up against Lauren's porcelain, aryan chest. Its as if Africa its self had manifested inside the room and engulfed Europe into its very own being. From this view, the difference was that glaring, T's muscular black stature was the pinnacle of male masculinity, while Lauren Germanic traits represented soft femininity. Nothing seemed more natural and true than black was meant to dominate white.

>Once T and Lauren had fully undressed, he positioned his erected member to enter Lauren. She was stunned by how massive and engorged T was, she wondered how her body would be able to withstand him, and of-course, T was bareback, but neither cared of the consequences. This was unbridled lust, a condom would be an insult to what both were about to experience. Lauren leaned her head back with her eyes close as T finally infiltrated her womanhood. In this moment she had transcended and became one with the son of Africa.

>The stimuli from T's well endowed mast was too much for Lauren's senses to handle, she begin to experience convulsions of euphoria that ran up and down her spine from each stroke by T. "No white man has ever made her feel this way", she moaned at T.
Why don't black guys cut their nails? It's fucking gross.
that only happens in turkey.

everyone, male and female, have sucked brown dick.

this is why the turks and arabs are now a minority in turkey. the actual majority are european muslims.
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pretty sure the only guy spamming this is that gay T himself.


completely agree
nice porn about your southern idol.

too bad all they did was smoke kush and pass out.
another useful idiot for the alt-right crowd.
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Next tine you see Laura Southern
you will feel an uncontrollable urge
to watch Blacked.com and be a cuck
This is super cringy

a pretty-faced useful idiot for entry level redpilling, and she's fine at it.
Lauren has burned more coal than an industrial revolution.

But i'd still marry her.

Women virtually never win debates against men unless they are against Sargon
checked, and i agree
Okay that wasn't good but fast forwards to the end for some lolz when a Young Turd tries to interrupt her.
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Muslims look like dark jews. Like a cross between niggers and jews.
You have a vagina, don't you?
she banged that muzzie later.
>german edgy humor
Do you renounce allah and his evil?
she was getting the itchy pussy.
exactly, beta numales need to see there are hot non-libtard females and they can simultaneously grow a spine and free themselves from the cuckshed

Why are all Europeans so obsessed with white women taking cock that isn't white?

At every corner on this website (and a few instances in real life) you faggots talk about big black dicks and how if a white woman even looks at a brown person that means they are lusting after them.

Creepy af desu senpai
they're a cross between europeans and arabs
Not lettings someone speak is not the same as wrecking them in a debate that's molymeme logic
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>Burger Flag

You do realize that your average is this.
hue hue.
> Sharia means to interpret!
> DO you even KNOW?

who the fuck cares its a religion.
none of it's real.

citation for existence of (insert deity)
you're forgetting that it's not white people. /pol/ is filled with the muslims from these countries because /pol/ talks about anti-semitism and that's muslims favourite thing.
I guarantee that you've never seen a vagina in your life.
>They both work for Slate

Ahhhh... Now it all makes sense.
>Why are all Europeans so obsessed with white women taking cock that isn't white?

err, that's America. IR cuckolding is a national activity over there. just check the interracial section of any given porn tube site. 99% of all the millions of amateur videos featuring white women taking and slurping on BBC features an all american white girl.
>implying the owners of all of the interracial cuckold porn genres aren't jews
She's rubbing her pussy underneath her pants as he was dominating her in the verbal battle.

That's what Lauren loves, black and muslim domination.
She even spends holidays in Mexico to meet a black guy. She's totally digging that stuff.

Lauren will have black children one day, she doesn't hate the white race, she just loves to be blacked more and ruining her (((white))) bloodline.
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>I don't want your taqiyya

Fucking love Lauren

im talking about cellphone videos and other private videos and not just cuckolding but also just straight amateur vanilla sex its all north american white women and negros. Im not talking about pro porn of course that all jew owned because all porn is.

even muslim men in the west turned into faggots. kek
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>Sharia LeBeouf
sounds like you watch a lot of amateur cuckold porn
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>"she was getting the itchy pussy"
I'm no expert, but its not hard to understand.

"Sharia law" is a misnomer.
Sharia === Law
Its like "PIN number".

The Law, Sharia in islamic countries is heavily based on islamic doctrine, regardless of exceptions, there ARE common themes.

Sharia in islamic countries is hard to complain about, it is their countries and their rules.

We can sit by and say how barbaric they are, or state we do not wish to have those values here or people with those values moving here.

The issues with Islam should be clear.
Islam is an ideology, not a religion, and is incompatible with secular values for the following 3 reasons.

> 1. Death to apostasy.
The dullest of minds should see that a club you can join and never leave is a clut. No wonder there are 1.2 billion of them, how many are really free to leave?

> 2. Demands of non believers (Kaffirs).
Tax, Threats of violence, curtailed freedom of speech, special dispensations.

> 3. Their holy book makes political claims.
Like it or not, Islam's fundamental ambition is construction of a world caliphate.
This poses an existential, "its all or nothing", "us or them"... and makes islam a threat to all secular states.

Things to note:
Reform is never going to happen. It's like asking cancer to "pls stop spreading!" the parts we want to remove are the same parts that threaten us. Islam has no interest in reform.

Jihad is a necessary byproduct of multiple wives policy. In islamic countries you have too many beta males who can't find a wife, Jihad and "72 virgins" is a trick to kill off unwanted beta males while advancing Islam's borders.
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