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/polder/ Hiddema calls out the Geert jew edition

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Thread replies: 306
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15 March is the next Dutch election day.

>Coalition tier

>Useful idiots
50 plus
>Commie tier
Nieuwe Wegen
Ondernemers partij

Molyneux redpills:

FvD meme folder
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1st for Thierry
Hallo kankerhonden
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Shoo shoo Rutte, this is a cartel free zone
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Guess you're getting scared, eh Libero?

Now read a real campaign fvd.nl/standpunten and fuck off.

Zoals ik al in andere thread zei, ik sluit FvD niet uit. Ik wil graag ze in actie zien in de kamer voordat ik een keuze maak, ik hoop wel echt dat ze erin komen.
You guys don't have rallies?
Dat is aan jou en mij vriend. VVD komt er toch wel, stem dan gewoon FvD.
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Als ik op ze zou stemmen, maar in de kamer wordt het gewoon een PVV 2.0 (Niks klaarspelen, alleen maar schreeuwen) word ik wel verdrietig.
I haven't seen anyone defending Rutte like this since Jan Kees de Jager.
Not in the sense that you in the USA have them.
Those things have always perplexed me anyway. People taking the effort to go to those things have already decided who to vote for right?

>Hallo kankerhonden

Denk het niet
Ik ook.
Ik ben het persoonlijk meer eens met de standpunten van VNL maar kan niets met Jan Roos. Helaas.

Also our campaigning culture is more one of 'getting out amongst the people', like our MP was handing out free coffee's at a cart in some hicktown somewhere. Stuff like that.
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Wat waren jullie resultaten eigenlijk?
Not necessarily, I went to a Trump rally before I was a full supporter, just see the man in person, experience, the negery, see what it was all about, etc...

It really changed my prospective being there, the energy was so good, all the positive supporters, the "USA" chants, it was just an awesome environment
You stick out like a sore thumb, libero.

Jan Roos is de ondergang van VNL jammer genoeg.
Ik had vnl boven aan maar stem op fvd
>like our MP was handing out free coffee's at a cart
utter bullshit. That's retarded.

Just fucking go out and talk to the people
Beter, VNL trekt toch alleen maar stemmen weg van FvD
>jammer genoeg
Wat vond je goed aan WNL?
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We do. Although everything is smaller scale.

Our campaign cycle is two months. Not stadiums but auditoriums. Posters and yes they get ripped away.

PVV Geert has been sitting on his ass avoiding debates.

News media is claiming that it's a boring uneventful election. It's more obvious than ever that the debates are a sham. In one case someone was even trying to seek an alliance (and was rebuffed hard). Typically you don't do that until after the election.

There are the beginnings of a real recolution taking place, but it will take years to grow.
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Ik vond het een iets mildere versie van PVV, vond ik wel fijn. Hoopte dat er meer PVVers naar VNL zouden gaan
>ullie resultaten eigenlijk?
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Who cares? I've never trusted any of the voting aids. Don't know if this is the same or a different one.
Yeah the idea is that people come and make some small talk, see how 'normal' the guy is and that he convinces them he's a good guy in the process.
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agreed. Don't trust them ever.
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rate me

Different one, this one only got real bullshit off GeenPeil
>but it will take years to grow.
Yeah that's the sense i get, your system is a much slower but more democratic system than ours

Ups & downs

Nah man, you need to start a movement. A real movement.
Buma wil het volkslied verplicht in het curriculum stoppen van basisscholen. Is het CDA dan toch gebaseerd?
Ze zijn in mijn opinie iets genuanceerder met hun europa standpunt, i.e. terugbrengen naar de basis in plaats van complete Nexit.
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De conclusie in de laatste alinea in pic related slaat echt nergens op.
Klinkt best logisch. VVD campaigned wat harder op muslimproblems. Dit haalt PVV'ers naar VVD maar jaagt de meer multiculturele VVD'ers weg naar andere partijen.
>NOS teletekst
wie leest dit uberhaupt.
>het partijkartel probeert mensen te lokken voor stemmen
Niks nieuws
97% FVD
96% PVV
89% SGP
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Ze willen ook "striktere grenzen" maar geen grenscontroles.

Partijkartel bullshit.
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Geert is going berserker mode

Fotos of gebeurde niet
translate? Is it Trump tier?
We Dutch people don't like movements. We like things how they are. Don't make too big a show of it or people will think you're a bloated showoff who's not being normal. If a party was go to all grand shows like in the USA this will legit cost you votes.

We have a saying that translates to 'just be normal, its crazy enough', which should tell you someting about our mentality.
>wie leest dit uberhaupt

Snelle manier om ANP headlines binnen te krijgen voor de dagelijkse dertig seconden hartkloppingen.
Lol hij heeft het echt gezegd.
Geert will win. Kek wills it!
Hiddema calls out the Geert Jew:

>één of ander islamitisch land

They already are in The Randstad, Greet.
Geert won't win then? Digits as confirmation.
"Can't those hate-imams and DENK politicians piss off to some Islamic country for the sake of Allah?"

Can't hate-imams fuck off to some islamic country because of Allah?

It's in response to an imam that called for people to vote for Denk because of Allah.
>30 min

I hope so.

Dit is een test van 1 maand geleden dus ik heb geen fotografisch bewijs meer helaas.
Can't those hate imams along with DENK fuck off to some Islamic country by Allah's will?
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Look this is what kek really wills:


Forum for Democracy. Calling out Soros, breaking partycartels, crashing EU parliament with no survivors, gunrights, border controls and taking back the sovereignity of our nationstate.
23:00 of zo iets
Transcription for burgers:

>Hiddema is talking about the trial against Geert Wilders
>Hiddema is a famous lawyer, being interviewed by Kockelmann, who looks and sounds Jewish to me
>Wilders had a different lawyer called Moszkowicz, also a Jew
>Kockelmann asks, "why didn't you offer to represent him?"
>Hiddema explains that he doesn't approach potential clients, and that there were "moving reasons for Wilders to go for Moszkowicz"
>This upsets Kockelmann, who asks him to explain
>Hiddema says that with a name like Moszkowicz, Wilders can open some doors that would otherwise have been closed
>Kockelmann basically asks if this is about...
I know man, it almost sounds like the Swedish term for just be reasonable or something like that, I'm not bashing it.

You know your country better than I do, I just don't want to see you overrun by lefties and mudslimes Sweden style based off some principle.

Sounds based desu. These threads had me doubting Geert, but damn that's a good post.
:-) wow that's even better than Trumps!
the link has a timestamp shit for brains
Kockelmann was grasping for breath. Literally triggered, kek.
Based, can you give a timestamp for the "basically asking about"

Even if I can't understand the language I'll understand the body language and reaction
Geert is still ok, but FvD is better and them getting a few seats is more important than the PVV gaining a few seats out of the many they will surely get.
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Ha ha check

timestamp is in the link, 25:10
I hope they will still get many.
Hopefully it will be a PVV+FVD+VNL+SGP coalition.
Hiddema (FvD candidate top lawyer) vs journalist jew in relation to geert wilders not asking him to represent him in court during the hate speech trial

>Hiddema: I think Moszkowicz (a well known Jewish lawyer) can open a few more doors for him (geert wilders) than me.
>journalist: what do you mean?
>hiddema: think about it
>journalist: no I want you to say it
>hiddema: ehh, Moszkowicz, has a certain... appearance shall I say, that will appeal to people, because when they see his name, Moszkowicz, they might be inclined to be helpfull
>journalist: you mean his (Jewish) background?
>hiddema: yes, you have to think across borders.
>journalist: ehh...
>hiddema: are you OK?
not gonna happen if the polls are right and we give Thierry a little more credit, 28+4+1+5 is not enough.
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He always says things well, but he is all bark. All he had to do was go to debates and he would have sweeped the votes.

Just look st his intentional crash and burn (pvv)
>if the polls are right
I don't think the polls are going to be right. But who else is going /onastrike/ when the coalition is going to exist out of PVDA, D66 or Groenlinks?
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ik ben niet zo goed in fotoshop maar hoop dat jullie hem leuk vinden
Shoop suggestion:
A spurdo Thieery Baudet with text along the lines of
'Breek teh bardijgardel, zdem scrotum voor pornocratie :-D
Derrie Patat :-D'
>PVV+FVD+VNL+SGP coalition

Will never get 75+ seats.
PVV will get 40 (at best!)
FvD hopefully at least 1, but they are virtually unknown
VNL, with Jan Roos = 0
SGP, always steady at 3 seats
no but it's not even close.
Het maakt niet uit als iemand niet goed in Photoshop is. We hebben memes nodig als we deze electie willen winnen.
Don't forget 50PLUS :^)
>All he had to do was go to debates

Or just send someone else.
It was retarded to completely bail on debates.
Even the PVV backbenchers like Tony Saxofoni (Teun van Dijk) could trigger leftists on live TV.
That fucking sucks. Why did he bail?
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What a shitty shop
Eh, 1 debate he skipped because he claimed the news station responsible promised to only have a debate with the top 3 parties, but invited a 4th because they they were tied in the polling.

Another he skipped because his security was compromised and one of the guards was handing over safe house locations to Morrocan gangs.

And another debate he did not even respond to.

He hasn't been to a single debate and we're two weeks away from the election.
>Why did he bail?
He felt unsafe. His security was compromised because one of the diversity hires leaked info to his Moroccan friends.

He didn't sent a replacement for debates. He has capable people, especially Martin Bosma, but he wants total control.

I smell controlled opposition.

Because he is a pussy. Wilders as seen as our Trump by foreign people, but Thierry Baudet/Theo Hiddema come way closer
Because Wilders wants to shout what's wrong but doesn't offer any fucking solutions. his party program is literally 1 page where the other parties often have 100+, he wants to remain in opposition so that he doesn't have any responsibilities.
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Trump is a succesful busisinessman that loves his country.

Geert is a career politician who loves Israel and who's stance on everything except immigration and EU is Bernie-tier.

Those are hugely important of course, but his complete spazzing out can't be ignored.
>his party program is literally 1 page
he doesn't need any more
The most retarded thing about the PVV is that Wilders is an extreme narcissist. If he would've sent Martin Bosma to the debates the PVV would win in a landslide. He is destroying his own party and thus destroying his country.

He is either controlled opposition or mentally handicapped. The future is fucked.
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Anyone remember this?
Can we do anything with it?
I hope loads of stupid hillbillies will vote for him. We need his party to receive a lot of votes but I'm 100% sure of it that Wilders would do anything in his power to stay out of any coalition unless he can continue complaining.
He is a rat.
Fuck him.
But we need him.
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Wilders or bust

Jellie kenne allemoal de kenker kreiguh.

>Geen geld meer naar ontwikkelingshulp, windmolens, kunst, innovatie, omroep enz.

What did he mean by this?
>eerst alle zakkevullers de laan uit, en dan vervangen.
He also boycotted a broadcasting company because they held an interview with his brother shitting on him.
He has 11 days to undo the damage he has done this week. I hope he succeeds anon.

Wilder hates the Netherlands as much as he hates Muslims. He is a kike through and through and wants to make the Netherlands a colony of Israel.
>I hope loads of stupid hillbillies will vote for him

That will only happen in case of a huge happening the day before the elections. 30%-40% of the people simply refuse to vote
I know.
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Can someone redpill me on his financial impact plan? Banning mosques and headscarfs will net us 7.2 billion yet leaving the EU somehow has ZERO effect?
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I just made this one, please no bully.
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>tfw I finally know how to vote for
I think it's the stop paying refugees part that nets us money.
It's bernie tier

>it was real in my head
No more gibs to new 'migrants' is my guess.
Deporting double nationality scum will save a huge ammount of money in the long run. The Mercedes-Mocros are usually on welfare.
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You're welcome
stem die vrije democratische partij jonguh

VDP mafkees!!
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But then he will have to deport himself with his Israeli passport.
>vrije democratische partij

That one gets the award for mocroforum meme tier party.

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Thread theme:

Muzak for Frogs
>we Dutch

Fuck off nigger. I do. And I know a lot of people who do as well.
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Lol that was great
ik heb vandaag zo'n kieskompas gedaan... FvD kwam als beste naar boven 63% KeK
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Well he only says he'll stop allowing new migrants. Fair enough that saves some money but 7.2 billion is an insanely high amount in the Netherlands budget. WW and bijstand COMBINED are only 11 billion and even though percentage wise foreigners are more likely to receive gibs, in absolute numbers the vast majority of recipients are Dutch citizens with a Dutch background

Same with #7. Sure, 'we' spend 4.7 billion on foreign aid, but that isn't just govenment. That includes shit like Rode Kruis etc. who spend their own money (okay their donors money, at least not the government). All of Cultuur & Media combined is only 1.6, 'windmolens' probably refers to Milieu (Klimaat, Lucht en Geluid) under Infrastructuur & Milieu and is only 100 million, nobody even knows what the fuck he means by 'innovatie'. He doesn't want people to innovate?

My guess is he's just pulling numbers out of his ass because he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
Have you read the VDP 'party' program? That thing is riddled with errors. He should have just released it in slimespeak so his voters can actually read it.
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Sometimes we really are such a fucking degenerate country

>this person will probably have a parliament seat.
Dus het partij kartel bestaat uit de volgende partijen:

GroenLinks en
PVV (controlled opposition)
yeaaaaaano. Geenpeil fucked their chance over. Good riddance, she is an open-borders retard.
Buma wilt ook dienstplicht terug zodat "de jeugd" weer "gewoon normal gaat doen". Gevolg: kutmarokkanen leren schieten met geweren
En in die andere kwam ik als midden - autoritair
Christ this shill line is getting old
I'm inclined to think so yes.
Think he meant more of a maatschappelijke dienstplicht. So they can also help in healthcare or care for the elderly. Not entirely sure though
>Well he only says he'll stop allowing new migrants.

Did you miss the part about deportation?
Only of criminals
>Wilders hires firm to confirm Wilders point of view
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>in absolute numbers the vast majority of recipients are Dutch citizens with a Dutch background


Consider the CBS stats that Stefan uses in OP video.

Welfare usage by Dutch 2% by non-western 14%

So that's 7x as much.

About 18% are non western immigrants.


So the Dutch who are 13 million use less welfare than the roughly 3 million non-western immigrants.

1.26x as much welfare usage. Even though there's roughly 4 times less of them.

Per capita they use 7x more
>if it doesn't fit my viewpoint it's not nonpartisan weeeeeeeeeeeeehhhh
>Only of criminals

So a large part of the Moroccan males.
You cannot seriously believe that a report issued by the PVV doesn't have a bias to it.
Go ahead and give me an actual rebuttal of the report instead of saying "ANYTHING PVV BRINGS OUT HAS TO BE FAKE" like a retard
Helaas geen screenshot, maar ik kreeg PVV, FvD, VNL, VVD in die volgorde
Hoewel ik FvD steun en zelfs lidmaatschap overweeg krijg ik vaak het gevoel bij deze threads alsof de FvD ze zelf schrijft. Pls bewijs het tegendeel.
Ain't she from the Pirateparty?
Yeah Geenpeil screwed them over by taking over an idea of them (I believe they wanted the e-direct democracy stuff as well) and pretty much splitting the vote of the already small camp of people who want that sort of stuff.
FvD too
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>tfw leftist and cuckservative friends
>be hanging out
>they bash Trump
>they bash Wilders
>they bash Baudet
>they praise Obama
>they praise Pechtold
>"lol what are you guys going to vote anyway?"
>the most right wing answer is VVD

For fuck's sake, how the hell did this happen?
Yeah. Wouldn't be surprised if VNL had something like it as well. New parties were a complete clusterfuck this year. Wouldn't be surprised if we are gonna see 2 seats worth of 'restvotes' going to waste because so many small parties don't meet the threshold.
Fine. Research by UvT: "De welvaartswinsten of –verliezen verbonden aan immigratie zijn verwaarloosbaar klein voor de Nederlandse economie"

Another one by Nederlandse Bank concludes immigration has a net positive, though negligable, effect.

Note I'm NOT saying these are correct either but blindly believing a rapport that was issued by Geert when he has an obvious agenda is dumb.

Also it still doesn't change the fact that Geerts party program makes zero sense. Please clarify how he gets the 10 billion in #7 and how (top kek) leaving the EU has exactly 0 impact on the budget.
thread theme

60 jaar lang subversie
rode pil
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>She wants to become a member of parliament

She's not getting my vote but those titties tell a different story.
Both talk about immigration as a whole, not non-western immigration which is what the 7,2 miljard report is about (or your reports are so sub-par quality that they forget to be specific about this in their abstract). Try again.
>Western+East Asian High IQ migration: +++
>Polish plumbers: ++
>Africans + muslims: ------
Net result: -
>Voting for a fetish model cause you have a boner
Dude just rub one out and join FvD
Heb mijn ouders naar de FvD kant overgebracht, het gaat lekkurrr jongens.
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Poor little VNL guy
gewoon pvv stemmen
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Gewoon de zetels overhandigen Greet
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we vragen het nu nog netjes
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>manlets, when will they learn

>nogsteeds PVVer zijn

kies een
Omdat degenen die niks zeggen wijselijk hun bek houden en stiekem rechts stemmen.
Onze links/rechts baseline is zo gigantisch naar links verschoven dat ons uiterst rechts in Amerika nog links zou zijn.
Its not like FvD is Haram tier. Just say you like a Eurosceptic party that isnt PVV or SP
Wrong. Read the report he uses as a source.

2.2% of the Dutch use welfare benefits, 4.1% of western immigrants (you left those out), 18% of first-generation migrants and 5.4% of second generation migrants.

79.5% of the netherlands is Dutch, only 8.5% are non-western immigrants and the rest is immigrants with a western background (we have many, many germans, belgians, etc).

0.022 * 0.795 = 0.01749 > ((0.18*0.054)/2) * 0.085 = 0.009945.

This uses the simplification that there are an equal number of first generation and second generation migrants. In reality, there are many times more second (and third) generation.
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Already made my choice back in November. Hiddema is getting my vote.
>Ancilla will never sit on your face
And she expects us to vote for her?
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That's not how doubles work.
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van versplintering op rechts komt niets dan slechts
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>they bash Baudet

And you are not erudite enough to fight their arguments? You're on /pol/ ffs.
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I'm a perfectionist, anon. Why else would I vote FvD?
>birthday party
>the question pops up
>youngest brother surprises me by trying to redpill me on PVV
>feel somewhat proud but hide this
>middle brother doesn't know who to vote for yet
>my mother, who has always voted SP, asks me for my opinion
>drop the kartelpill, explain reasoning behind voting for FvD
>my mother's interested and says she'll maybe change her vote
>((((mother's boyfriend))) asks me questions in detail about FvD, explain most of their agenda, seems really interested

Good birthday party overall.
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Wrong. Lefties don't like it and it can cause friction, but they're also hugely vulnerable to social pressure. It's good to speak your mind in a somewhat coordinated way. It can help break their conditioning.
>Implying that VVD is a real right wing party and not a shill globalist banking cartel party
Besides the FvD is the only right wing party that will get any seats in parliament. Its likely that all the competent politicians like Hero Brinkman etc will join up with FvD, and Jan Roos goes back to being Geenstijl Clown which is what he does best.
Because they don't use arguments, you idiot. It's like you've never even met a leftist.
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Hoe waren de gevulde eieren?
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Lekker wel.
Wait your moms bf is a real Jew? Or was this metaphorically?
>competent politicians like Hero Brinkman

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Sounds like a good. Goid for you.
So who is going to be your next pm?
And civil at that, it is a rare sight these days...
I believe at one point the whole pirate-party board actually went over to join FvD because they were unhappy with how Ancilla was running the party.
Realistically, we probably won't get a new PM this year, Rutte will most likely stay in office.
More to put emphasis on the 'divorced family' meme, really. I might have misused it.

Average Dutch get-togethers in a nutshell. Praise normalcy, I guess.

Top kek
Ancilla was running the Pirate Party like Geert is running the PVV, a one (wo)man show.

The German Pirate party was / is extremely degenerate, btw:
It doesn't help that the Pirate Party is essentially leftist as fuck. Like the Animal Party, they are pretending to be a one issue party, but will default to cucked leftist standpoints whenever pressed. Which also means they'll likely do little to oppose all the privacy restrictions and such that they claim to hate, because it all comes from the left.
I agree. Ban VNL to the 'muh car' tier.
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Snel, pak de kartelschaar.
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Kek nice

Yeah true as well.

Yeah, the Pirate Party is just a sad, sad case now. Was low energy before and now is just completely devoid of any of it.
>disrespecting SGP
VNL just cucked their shit up with Jan Roos, SGP is one of the most politically incorrect parties and is going strong for 50+ years.
lmao what a fucking loser

Better them than PVV. You do realize that PVV is about as left as it gets on everything except immigration? I'd rather have a true right government.
This is the best FvD meme by far
This is the coloured debate or something along those lines.
wat een pittig miempje heb je daar
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>when you can't help but vaguely remember Piratenpartij's frontrunner from somewhere and you remember link related

Kan mij daar niet echt in herkennen. Gros van de politieke discussies die ik heb gaan vrij snel de kant op richting 'jij bent nationalist, jij bent nazi' enz, terwijl ik enkel kritisch sta tegenover het tot dusver falende multiculti experiment.
The report is useless because (as it states in the beginning) it doesn't take into account impact on labor market and housing market. Hundreds of thousands of migrants work, which has a positive economic impact. They also live somewhere. Also positive economic impact.

>le no immigrants work meme
You do realise that if (according to Stefan's sources) 18% is unemployed, that implies that 82% is NOT unemployed, right?

The report is purposely structured to only measure the negative side. CBS showed in 2004 that, by those measurements, even native dutch are a drain on the economy. Also, it classifies Turkish immigrants as 'western, other' instead of non-western (kek). This is because Turks are a net plus, and this would hurt Geert's precious narrative.

Furthermore, it assumes a constant increase in immigration in the ten-year period that the report encompasses. This is demonstrably false, since for example in 2004-2007 immigration decreased.

It also doesn't take into account the major drop in unemployment rates between first and second generation (18% to 5.4%) and instead assumes it to be constant.

Conclusion: uselessly inaccurate report made only so that Geert could say "I have a report to back up my statements".

Again, NOT saying immigration is good or anything, simply stating that Geert is a con artist who pulls numbers out of his ass.
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Yernaz is speaking by the way.
Dutchbros, which party do i help meme into office? I'm new to dutch politics
Also you both forgot to respond to this part:

>Also it still doesn't change the fact that Geerts party program makes zero sense. Please clarify how he gets the 10 billion in #7 and how (top kek) leaving the EU has exactly 0 impact on the budget.
But even if there is a new pm, can we categorically rule Geert out at this point?
DENK is /pol/s party
>Een slaafse christenhond in de regering willen.
Just proves you don't pay attention. On a lot of economic decisions they voted the same as the VVD. It's purely to attract voters.
Links vullen rechts vullen.

Ha ha die zwarte gast heb ik jaren mee gewerkt
Yes, we are going to have to face that.
Dat is wel zuur inderdaad - gelukkig is mijn familie iets meer open-minded om in ieder geval te luisteren, of ze er iets mee doen is een tweede.

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there's only one choice, burger.
FvD will break the party cartel.
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>literally shitskins
>/pol/s party
Well, on the bright side, I'm going to make 30% profit when I make a bet on this after payday next week as long as the betting sites keep offering overly generous odds.
>imply stating that Geert is a con artist who pulls numbers out of his ass.

Yeah, we understood that from the fact that he's a politician.

I've realized that all these ideologues lie so much, it's simply to be expected. Geert lies about their economic impact, but so does the left (who vastly overstate it). And they also lie about crime, culture, education, etc. etc. In the end, they are idealists. They have a plan for the country that they want to put into action, which in the left's case is multiculturalism and socialism. They will do anything to make that happen, and Geert will do anything to stop it.

Personally, I'm getting really tired of all these leftists who, with Trump's victory, are suddenly giving two shits about fair politics. And even more so because they expect total honesty and fair play from the right, while excusing any old bullshit on the left. I mean, I had those friends of mine complain about Trump's ties with Russia. But the left's ties with radical Islam? Not a problem. All those disappeared Clinton Foundation millions? Not a problem.

Politicians lies. I don't vote on them for their honesty, but for what they want to achieve with those lies. Geert wants to stop Marxism in the Netherlands, and that has its own worth, even if he were claiming to be a triple-breasted prostitute from Mars.
alsnog gewoon nederlanders, de tijd dat nederlanders alleen uit blanke mensen bestond is voorbij.
>He has 11 days to undo the damage he has done this week.
Worse still, it's also the 11 days when his main competitors are rolling out the big guns (the biggest dedicated canvassing teams teams, television ads, radio ads, social media ads, newspaper fluff pieces, et cetera). And the PVV, despite its once-high place in the polls, has an absolutely inferior campaign staff, design staff, et cetera to most other major parties.

The VVD has the best campaigners and designers, because in their ranks people understand that winning elections isn't about policies or even about candidates, but about branding. They are not a party, they are not representatives, they are not the backbone of a government, they are a brand. They understand that to win elections they can't be the Republicans or the Democrats. They have to be Ford, Apple, Heinz, Facebook. And they're succeeding at that.
But you agree that you have to differentiate between migrants. Western secular Turks with uni education are a plus, while goatfuckers are a minus. Asian phd electrical engineers are a plus, Somalians are a minus.
>tfw je zo dik bent dat je je pens lekker naar binnen moet drukken met je vrije hand om semi goed op de foto te komen.
Picture of two pale as fuck Erdogan puppets dot p n g
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Hoera mensen vinden mijn meem leuk.

>Geboren in Istanbul

kies maar
See >>115218093, I inadvertently answered your question as well.

Ask the average voter what the VVD's stance on the situation with the national railways or refugees is, and they'll probably get it wrong. The truth is, for most voters actual policies don't matter. They see the old, reliable-looking logo of a 'sympathetic' party, they see the smiling faces of the candidates and the campaigners, they are handed a leaflet - and they'll vote for that party. VVD understands this the best (or maybe even exclusively): winning elections isn't about intellectual debate, it's about branding.
>my wife's son votes FvD
Het is een mooie mime. Gefeliciteerd.
>de tijd dat nederlanders alleen uit blanke mensen bestond is voorbij

Ah, de Trudeau-fallacy
Maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen zijn niet lineair, maar volgen een golfbeweging. Herinnering dat Spanje een tijdje islamitisch was.
this DENK is based
>PVV is left
>wants to cut income taxes
>wants to cut motor vehicle taxes
>wants to stop subsidising to just about every leftwing hobby
Kek. That was really a good me me, find it cancer funny
Ayyy, I'm going to do the same and make some money I hope. What sight do you use?
Found it on r/chan
>But you agree that you have to differentiate between migrants.

Sure, why not.

>Western secular Turks with uni education are a plus, while goatfuckers are a minus. Asian phd electrical engineers are a plus, Somalians are a minus

But you see, we don't know that. There is no study that definitively shows that. The Nyfer study is clearly bullshit. We will probably never see one since the issue is too complex for a report.

Furthermore, in the case of TRUE refugees, not economic migrants who pretend to be refugees, there is also a humanitarian argument that can't exactly be captured in numbers, although /pol/ is probably 2edgy2 admit that.
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>Geert wants to stop Marxism

Based on what? He's an israel, holocaust group funded jew. Besides immigration and EU, his policies are left as fuck.

He once used the marxist "research on money and finance" writen by nine marxist social scientists to argue against the euro and for the guilder

Mind you, I want our own currency, but do you have any reasonable reason to believe Wilders is against marxism?
>humanitarian argument
Not an argument.
>Not an argument
Not an argument
Iemand die zichzelf Turks of Marokkaans noemt, in de Turkse of Marokkaanse cultuur leeft, en Turkse of Marokkaanse politiek ondersteunt is niet Nederlands.

Het feit dat linkse malloten Nederlandse paspoorten uitdelen alsof het snoepgoed is betekent verder niks voor de Nederlandse cultuur. Daar horen deze lui niet bij, en dat willen ze ook niet. Het enige probleem is dat ze wel hier willen wonen, en zeggenschap willen hebben over onze cultuur. En dat zal ik pas accepteren als wij ook mogen dicteren hoe de boel in Ankara en Casablanca geregeerd gaat worden.
I just moved from germany to the netherlands and want to ask what I have to do to be able to vote here.
Do I need dutch citizenship or is it enough to live here?
Tut mir leid, dass ich noch kein Niederländisch beherrsche.
Is there a youtube link? I'm not making a normiebook account just for this
only the ones that came in the formal way should be allowed to stay, not those that were supposed to be kicked out of the country but the leftist cuck gov allowed them to stay and allowed them to import their 100's of thousands of family members

those should all go
Ladbrokes, its going to be my first ever bet, actually, so much regret not getting on Brexit and Trump despite being 95% sure of the results.

I actually feel bad that I'm going to be profiting on negative outcomes but I'm sure it'll go away when the money hits my bank.
You need citizenship to vote in national elections, but a EU passport is enough for local elections.
Yernaz left already, it's over.
flikker op, kutmof
>70% of somalians is on welfare.
I dont need a study to conclude that they're a huge waste of resources.
And they can be refugees in neighbour Ethiopia, which is a stable country. Theres no reason why these kangz have to travel this distance for safety, when the majority of countries they passed is safe (but lacks decent bennies ofcourse)

My country is not an afvoerputje for "refugees" leaving their failed states because they couldnt manage to develop some semblance of civilization
>All Jews are the same
t. Stormfag

You might want to read based (((Paul Gottfried))) who is the number 1 scholar in the history of cultural marxism
>Het feit dat linkse malloten Nederlandse paspoorten uitdelen alsof het snoepgoed is

this, the more unfit people you give the dutch passport the lower the value of a dutch passport, citizenship should be a valued commodity, like gold, because once a individual has citizenship their kids do too...and what happens when you deal it out to tons of middle eastern couples--thousands of babies that don't even deserve to be here
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my sides.gif
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keep em coming
Stop trying to bait me into defending mass immigration. I never said that. My point is, and has been from the start, that Geert is a charlatan who makes up numbers on the spot. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Still waiting for one example of Geert being against marxism. I've given plenty of reason to suspect he's a neo marxist. If he is a marxist slaying hero there should easily be evidence everywhere. Where is it?
Somalians are the least labor participatory in every single society.

They're to niggers what niggers are to whites.
Read Martin Bosmas book.
He only opposes all major Marxist parties in the Netherlands, so I don't know where people get this idea...
He opposes the positive discrimination plans of Groen Links and the compensating neutrality concept of Cohen. He also made fun of the feminist journalist who was thankful for her Taliban rape.
He spoke out against a lot of Cultural Marxism MO in the Tweede KAmer, and got flack for it for all parties except SGP (reminder that PVV and SGP were the only parties who voted against the pro-islamization motion (islamisering niet actief tegengaan) of GroenLinks.
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If you read it and understood it you should be able to give a gestalt.

Only if he isn't controlled opposition and leftists fight each other all the time anyways. Anything a little more concrete?
>He spoke out against a lot of Cultural Marxism MO in the Tweede KAmer

Ah that sounds a little more reasonable. Any chance you remember a rough date or link?

RIP Amsterdam, may the provincials leave behind a presentable corpse.
Er is nog een overeenkomst. Bosma schrijft het dreigende lot van Nederland toe aan de ’multikul’, die volgens hem in 1975, halverwege de regeerperiode van het kabinet-Den Uyl, is begonnen. De grondgedachte van deze multikul is dat alle culturen gelijk zijn, waarbij sommige groepen, zoals niet-westerlingen en vrouwen, altijd goed zijn en sommige altijd verkeerd, zoals blanken. Hij ziet de politieke correctheid als een vervolg op dit ’culturele marxisme’, waarin schuld tegenover groepen die ooit slachtoffer werden van het westerse kolonialisme centraal staat en alle symbolen van het eigen verleden en het eigen land, zoals de vlag en het volkslied, verdacht zijn. ’De arbeider heeft immers geen vaderland’.

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Anyone here who's going to FVD bijeenkomst in Hengelo?

WHAT SHOULD I ASK Thierry? I've met him before, I asked him before about Right of Return for Afrikaners and he's in favour of it.

>Pic related
Ga op zoek naar de PVV-inbreng bij de debatten over anoniem soliciteren, motie halsema vwb islamisering en vooral Bosma's inbreng bij debatten over de publieke omroep.
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Enjoy a fresh meme
Ask them about public transport. Their stance on it seems to be missing from their programme.
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Herrie van Thierry.
Some drawfag should draw a Baudet simpson character, or find a character that looks just like him

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I've heard this from another thread from you. What do you mean specifically?
1. Our brethren in south Africa and their future within our kingdom.
2. His vision on our relationship with the UK
3. Future of our municipalities and provinces and their mandate
4. His vision of our armed forces and Mandatory conscription (whites only would be great)
5. How do we protect the most weak of our society
Als ik niet meer visite voor mijn verjaardag kreeg was ik even gegaan.

t. Almelo
They support kilometerheffing or something similar to it, but they say nothing about investing in alternatives for driving. I'm all for changing the ways we travel, but just making things more expensive and screwing over the little blue collar man who needs to drive for work won't improve anything.
Neem je visite mee. Het is immers jouw verjaardag
Yernaz Ramautarsing is on again, or at least he will be in a bit:
"Controlled opposition" is nonsense. They're constantly trying to way lay him. Wilders is in favour of certain social policies. But the crux is, he doesn not believe in internationalism, which is essential in Marxism. Hence, he can not be a Marxist and you're only trying to paint him as such to favour the FvD, which is a poor move.
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Dit is waarom ik echt geen zin meer heb in het Nederlandse politieke sfeertje, het is extreem geradicaliseert en iedereen denkt dat als je maar genoeg mensen van een groep de middelen uit de handen trekt dat dan ineens alles toppie gaat, niet denkend aan het feit dat we allemaal individuen zijn en mensen in groepsverband brandmerken echt nergens op slaat. Al die kleine kutpartijen die het alleen opnemen voor een bepaalde groep gaan dus echt niks voor elkaar krijgen in Nederland behalve meer polarisatie en meer ruimte voor links - en rechts extremisme.

Tuurlijk is Denk kut en zie ik ze ook liever niet in Nederland, maar hoe is Geert het hier makkelijker aan het maken, hij gedraagt zich als een radicale ideoloog.
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If it's not in their progam they probably don't support it. Who cares, it's such a minor issiue. Kilometerheffting has been tried for 20 years and they havent been able to even implement it because there's no majority for it.

Already answered your 1st question.

Your other questions are more or less in their progam. They want to invest more in the army, no conscription though. Een belastingvrije voet voor inkomens van €20.000 dus AOW-ers pay almost no taxes n shit.

I don't understand your UK question, I think he's likes the country because of the Brexit and wants to do the same here.
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"is dit nog mijn land". Voel je je niet thuis. Ga dan gewoon.

>is het dan zo erg om je gedrag aan te passen of tradities aan te passen
-Yasser Klaver
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>PVV has been thrown out of /ourguys/
A week ago few people here had even heard of FvD. I intend to vote for them as well but why is Geert being dropped so hard by /pol/ suddenly?

Right-wing parties attacking each other is exactly what we don't want.

It's actually a change. Why pay taxes on a car that isn't being used when you could tax the actual use of a car. The user is paying for its usage. Purchasing a car will become alot cheaper. Using a car will become more expensive.
Unfortunately I can't draw or photoshop
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>Migrate legally, new thread, passport ready

>Migrate legally, new thread, passport ready


>Migrate legally, new thread, passport ready

ye that is super good for when im some prick that wants to own 5 cars
driving a car is already more expensive as not driving it, you pay for oil dont you
Das wel heel vroeg
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>290 post
Hoi debieltjes, Partij voor de Dieren reporting in.
>10 replies to go
Kunnen we stellen dat FvD de meme oorlog heeft gewonnen?
This has been explained many times over the course of this thread.
People are getting sick and tired of Geert actively throwing away his chances time and time again. It has become clear to many that he has no intent to ever do what his party stands for. Besides he's a clown without a plan anyway. Many people voted for him because he was the only alternative. Now we have another option that's run by intellectuals. Ofcourse we're dropping Geert the moment we get that chance.
Hij reageert op een statement dat een "echte Moslim" op een islamitische partij stemt. Hij trekt het verder door te zeggen dat de "echte Moslim" er dan beter aan doet door op te rotten naar een islamitisch land.

Grof en kort door de bocht? Ja. Maar dat klimaat heeft hij niet gecreëerd, en ik wordt er toch een beetje moet van dat mensen het hem altijd in de schoenen schuiven. Geert is een reactionair, en het is het linkse klimaat waar hij zich in beweegt. Voordat Geert überhaupt een ding was hadden we al twee succesvolle aanslagen gehad, en ik weet niet hoeveel kleinere "incidenten". Kale mensen werden in elkaar geslagen omdat ze op Fortuyn leken.

Ja, als ze zo'n klimaat drie decennia lang laat rotten, dan krijg je verschijnselen zoals die Tweet. Maar je moet niet vergeten dat de linkse mannetjes die de discussie beheren, en altijd prat gaan op "het fatsoen" en "de nuance", zelf wat rap klaar staan om mensen tot fascisten en Nazis te bombarderen. Dat zijn ook gewoon platte beledigingen zonder enige onderbouwing. En daarmee zijn de genoemde begrippen wapens tegen "rechts", waar men zich plotseling aan regels moet houden die niet bestaan voor links. Daar doet Geertje niet aan mee, en ik kan er niet wakker van liggen, Zo was Fortuyn de beschaving zelve, en hij werd net zo behandeld als Geert nu.

Zo is het gedrag van Geert een heel bewuste afwijzing van de valse waarden die door de linkse politiek gepredikt worden. Beter weigeren het spelletje te spelen dan spelen en sowieso verliezen. Want wat jij nu zegt, zei men ook over Fortuyn. Zodra je namelijk niet de kernwaarden van links onderschrijft, ben je volgens hen een radicale ideoloog, en zo zullen ze je ook behandelen. Ik heb mensen zelfs nog de VVD voor Nazis horen uitmaken...
Also its not really attacking. Geert will get his 20+ seats anyway. Better to get both Baudet & Hiddema a seat than another 2 PVV yes-men.
Ik zeker hoop jullie gozers dat niet doen
I just worry that provoking PVV voters will make them dig in and vote Wilders instead of considering this alternative. I imagine that Thierry has enough trouble appealing to these people with his elite aura already.
I want to know if he will try to get a common policy for traveling to each country without visa.

A treaty that the UK will step in if we want out the EU and the EU won't allow it.
>erases name from image
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We don't support Geert anymore? Who the fuck do we shill for?
buy a tesla poorfag
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Ik weet niet waar je hebt over hebt maar Nederland heeft geen links klimaat, we zijn altijd Liberaal geweest en daarvoor zelfs nog republikeins Immigranten is geen links vraagstuk, laten we niet vergeten welke partijen al die immigranten naar binnen haalden, dat waren geen linkse partijen zoals de PVDA. En zelfs de PVDA is gewoon centrum-links, wat ongeveer neerkomt als het eens zijn met wat dingetjes uit het neo-Marxisme die niet van tafel zijn geveegt.

Waarom doe je alsof we in Nederland gebukt gaan onder linkse persecutie? Mensen met een radicale ideeënwereld krijgen gewoon meer negatieve aandacht omdat ze niet pragmatisch en individualistisch zijn zoals dat behoort in Nederland, Sylvana en Denk worden ook gewoon overal uitgekakt omdat ze steeds groepsidentificatie gebruiken als politiek machtmiddel, net als Geert, dus ik schuif hem niks alleen in de schoenen, het geld voor het hele politieke klimaat.

Laten we niet vergeten dat nog geen 30 jaar geleden half Europa gebukt ging onder ideologie, dus excuseer mij als ik me zorgen maak.
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