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The Unites States is going through an evolution.

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Hear me out boys.

Average American is fat, as all the shit eating Muslim rape victims spew from across the pond.

Here's my theory.

>Anyone from 1975 would think the tech we have in 2017 would be inconceivable.

>That was only thirty years ago.

>In the last thirty years, studies show that the average weight of an American has gone up, but the IQ level has also gone up.

>It stands to believe in thirty years from now, technology will have expanded twice as much as it did from 1970s, because of the tech we have now.

>Kids can use an Ipad like they were born with it.

>IQ of the next generation, technology wise will go up.

>We don't need to find Poland on a map because anything that isn't in North America is a 3rd world country that doesn't matter anyways.

>Singularity is right around the corner.

>We won't need our physical bodies once we are hooked up to wifi.

>tfw i'm going to be a floating pile of electricity, probably on Mars, because Trump and Nasa. I mean other countries barely have a space program while we are finding planets light years away.


Technology is the next step in the evolutionary cycle, only the US will have the capability of achieving this goal, thats why most of us are fat, but smarter than the average Eurotrash.
if you had any brains you would have figured out there are no technological breakthroughs these days.
all they do is cram more technologies into one, aka smartphone.
these are old technologies.
Consumer products maybe. I'm talking like real scientific break troughs, not a lame apple phone.
>>Anyone from 1975 would think the tech we have in 2017 would be inconceivable.

Most of the tech we have now was already conceived in 1975...
i expected immersive virtual reality by now. smell and touch included.
there just isn't much innovation going on these days.
they were sending humans to the moon half a century ago but today that scam artist musk can't send a rocket to space and back.
>We watched Tupac sing on stage like five years ago
>Thinks VR doesn't exist.

Its called having money, poor people get the goggles while rich people have Tupac chilling on the couch next to them. Its money, we will get there.
On a basic level yes. However we conceived of Genetic manipulation. And of robotics and of AI already yet the technologies did not yield much of what they could do. 30 years from now we will have prolonged life and beauty through absolute genetic manipulation where we can complety design human dna and know every little effect it has. Practically full control. Robots physically superior more nimble than any human sex robots and Super Smart AI. Yet all of this sounds now like Scifi.
>Anyone from 1975 would think the tech we have in 2017 would be inconceivable.

Stopped there, the foundation of your premise is bullshit.
You're an idiot. No normie would of thought that we would have cell phones capable of searching any knowledge the human race has. Let alone genetic manipulations and head transplants, fuck some of you niggers still think the Earth is flat. You will be left behind, because you are useless.
>Obesity rate in the US increasing
>Directly correlates with the rise of the Hispanic population in the US
>Mexico has a higher rate of Obesity than the US

Hmmm really made me think.
LOL you are clearly a teenager.
>Average American is fat
>Muslim rape victims

How are these things even related?

How much Autism does one need to understand these inferences??
im 25 with a phd in fucking your mother.

Because every other thread on this board calls Americans fat, and its usually eurofags doing it.
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This is how they enslave us dipshit.

You are already living in 1984.
You know Alphabet Corporation? The one funded by DARPA?

It owns Google, Youtube, Ebay, Calico biotech, a chunk of Morpho (biometric recognition) etc etc

Your phone always listens, but do not worry goy, it just waits for you to say "ok google"
It always tracks you, but do not worry, goy, it just wants to tell you about dinner places
It recognizes anyone and anywhere you photograph, but worry not, goy, it's for you to tag and organize your pictures easier
The videos you viewed and your searches are tracked and evaluated, but worry not goy, it's only to make new suggestions for you
Even the captcha on 4chan tracks your posts.

In reality Alphabet knows everything about you, including the last time you farted and you are categorized and put on different threat and watchlists.

NOW, think about the Alex Jones/JRE podcast, the big enchilada... remember what AJ said Google was doing?

I'm no luddite, but as long as (((they))) remain in control I trust no new technology.
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>Not being fully OK and content with your eventually future as a near immortal physically perfect cyborg consisting of electronic synthetic organs, titanium bones, and your 200 year old brain "in a jar" piloting the whole thing.
>Implying transhumanism doesn't mean you fucking die, but a hollow copy of your memories are uploaded to a soulless computer with lower processing power than your own human brain.
>Implying Trump isn't going to take us to Mars and have America establish to Adeputus Mechanicus
>Kids can use an Ipad like they were born with it.
Make a kid read a book at the same level of mastery than this

if a kid uses a tablet it doesnt mean the kid is smart, it means the technology is programmed so that even a complete retard can use it
My theory is that books are irrelevant in this day and age. With singularity we will know everything that everyone knows, instead of reading what some philosopher said 200 years ago, lets move forward with what we have now.
>My theory is that books are irrelevant in this day and age
your theory is wrong then
intelligence isn't measured in how many dates you can memorize or google, its based on how you can create with any little tools you have
Thats bullshit, I graduated college in 2015, I had to take "advanced history" which I spent a majority of my time studying for, I can tell you, right now, learning that shit was the biggest waste of my time. Once you get to the real world, everything schooling has to offer (mostly) is useless.
>on /pol/
>Trying to argue /his/ is pointless

/TheDonald cuck located. History is the single most interesting and useful thing to study. It is literally the ultimate redpill. Only a cuck would go there lives allowing other to tell them what occurred in the past.
Yeah no, standard history is learned in middle school. Anything passed that is useless. Its like making a welder learn calc, its just so schools can get more money out of kids.
Thing's well see:
>Next 5 years - Augmented reality, Self Driving taxis, Real World Virtual Assistants, 10TB Hard drive and 5TB SSDs for under $150, Resonant wind farms (hopefully), Transparent Cell Phones, Meatless Meat.

>10 years - Cure for Alzheimer's spectrum (neurodegenerative spectrum (NDS)), Self Piloting Small Jets, Self Driving Large Truck, Electric Motorcycles with range of 1k miles, Large Scale EM drive, "Desert Rose" initiative in preparation for self assembling factories on Mars, Large scale robot sports (NRL), Vidya-to-reality games (control a tractor in game and it plows a field in real life, control a ball from your computer an play with your dog at home 100 miles away), V2R will also translate to jobs where a single operator may control a swarm/cluster of mining robots, harvesters, prison guards ect.

>20 years: Death of Death (for the rich) which extends life span by 60 years, Automatic Cars Freeway and first in-transit car stores, regular freeways will be heavily tolled to maintain the legacy system, First Helium farm on moon, first matron/parent-less human (Adam) born, for $15,000 you can buy a robotic limb (penis included) that provides full sensation, Ocular augments to see IR or record streams available

>30 years: Deep ocean habitats with autonomous farms and desalinization, Subterranean cities in Australia built with self replicating robots, Lunar colony and project Lawson (solar wind turbine and microwave projection power plant), Human vs. Robot sports, China and Japan begin to buy large portions of Africa.
I´ll be out fishing with my son, coming home to my wife who has dinner prepared.
i said immersive VR. learn to read.
fuck you and fuck your dead nigger too.
I said five years ago, the tech is there, just not to the public, you're just an idiot.

2070 gay marriage is finally legal
This is all implying that greater technology doesn't already exist and is being withheld from the greater public, society and civilization.

This is implying that we live in an open and free society.

This is implying that you actually mean anything to the people who control and have access to the wealth and technology of global elitists.

This is all implying the best case scenario of which we have all the evidence to signal to the contrary.

You will die as fat sack of crap lying face down in the mud of the ghettos of Silicon Valley.

>Average American is fat

Stopped reading.

When immortality is achieved it will be the worst kept secret on the planet.
Every dog has its day, Amerilard. You will be no exception.
Transhumanism is the next obvious step for humanity. You might not like it, but eventually you WILL have to fight fire with fire.

And living as a brain in a jar; plugged into VR will essentially be immortality anyway. The brain really doesn't age. its your metabolism that produces junk molecules like beta amyloid that damage it.
>planes fly at the same speed since the 70's
>no cancer cure, nothing even in the pipeline
>but consumer gadget crap got more novel
It will not be a secret how it is done, but it will be costly as fuck and not an option for 90% of people. Even now, without healthcare having a baby in a hospital would bankrupt most people.
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u were sayn'?
just more welfare for blacks/Muslims/Latinos.
>That was only thirty years ago.

stopped reading
implying you're not the public.
stupid wigger.
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it's the endings of the chromosomes (forgot how they're called) that get damaged over time and replication of cells becomes more and more inaccurate until a cancer tumor evolves and kills you, or the cells are replicated not good enough to maintain a young body, that's aging. once we find out how to synthesis the protein that repairs back the damaged endings of the chromosomes (a protein which was found in some crustacea, giving them the power to live until they are killed by an outside source), we can talk about immortality.
i don't really know why would you want to live more than ~70 years, thats long enough to experience all of life's joys and sorrows.
This. OP is far too optimistic. Any real technological advancement is held away from the public. Flying cars should've been a thing by now, since it's possible (just a quadcopter enlarged)... but do you see any fucking flying cars in your neighbourhood?? It's not just the cost, but if you were to regurly fly with your own-made; you'd be shot out of the sky. Because your government decides you're not allowed to do that shit.

We've been on this planet for thousands of years, yet there is still hunger and chaos in certain area's in the world... but people are complaining about climate change. People are ignorant and under control.
We're all born a few thousand years too early to explore the world. If we are immortal we can at least explore the universe.
About the flying car's thing though, people crash enough as is on a two dimensial plane. Just because we have the technology to make personal sized flying vehicles doesn't mean we can set up a safe enough infrastructure and failsafe to accommodate flying vehicles like that.

At least when you're driving on the road, you won't plunge to your death should the battery or engine die.
This is a problem that Automation of vehicles will solve. We drive around daily in 2000lb meat grinders. Handing over the reins will save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Also, a 3d plane would have an additional vector to avoid collision. You can't drive up to avoid a car from swerving into you. If we had 8 lanes of horizontal flight and 8 lanes of vertical flight we would have 700% more room to maneuver.
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the world has become too beaurocratised, if i may say so. to get a flying car on the roads you would have to pass innumerable regulations, the gov would have to accomodate the entire country just for this new invention, which would cost an immense investment in infrastructure, calculated by them not worth it (probably).
i agree, the problem is not that there isn't progress, the problem is that we have to maintain order, and changing a piece in the big societal machine is not going to turn well, or that's what i think (((they))) want us to think.
i bet you at your 20th decade you would fucking beg for death.
how would you feel to work 5/7 days a week, 8 hours a day, for 150+ years? it's not like you'll accumulate miraculously enough money by 100 to live good well into your thousands. and the routine of work, home, work, home, periodical entertainment, won't get you very far.
A true story about fortune cookies. They look Chinese. They sound Chinese. But they're actually an American invention. Which is why they're hollow, full of lies, and leave a bad taste in the mouth.
>anything that isn't in North America is a 3rd world country that doesn't matter anyways.

USA is epitome of imperialism.
Please Mario, tell us about how Italians invented spaghetti.
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hello, my Emperator!
how's the starvation of your people going? still feeding with propaganda instead of actual food?
First times they're attested was in XII century Sicily
whats up kim
tell me a story!
Wow, did you just watch Wall-E or something?
Well said
1975 was 42 years ago moron. By reading your replies you're absolutely fucking stupid.
hey, fuck you, you stupid cunt.
Here here, lets go back to a more traditional route.
Technology be damned its great for learning but in the wrong hand? I dont know.
Maybe we should start a program to get this people into the light and warn others or government tracking.

only the brain does not incur neurogenesis all the time.

If we are looking at the human body as a machine it would make more sense to only have to repair one organ instead of the whole thing.

I would image keeping the brain alive forever would be much easier than keeping an entire body going forever. And again, metabolism also plays a key role in that chromosomal damage. If glucose and nutrients are just fed directly into the brain there is far less cell division required to keep you going.

I would image intense therapy is required after you break 200. But by then we will be completely uploaded and how we perceive time wont really be the same.

I also don't think its going to cost that much to live like this.

what, your going to take up like one cubbed foot of space. even if you rent a tendy little closet in downtown NY thats only 30 bucks or so for rent a month. only reason you would want that tho is if you need to be closely networked with other minds.

Being out in the country with an okay inet connection with nearly infinite inner worlds and waifus.

biosynthesize the sugars and nutrients. its only 20% of the energy you need to exist as an entire meatsack. economy of scale could make that a public utility like water. or we could make it ourselves even. its a negligible cost.

The most expensive part will probably be having your head removed and installed in your pod. say 10k for a knowledgeable human to do it. assuming that part cant be automated.
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hello there Kim how's it going?
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The (((USA))) truly is, greatest leader
Math, history of your country and science with some English study.
All we should be teaching kids an hour each a day.
Teach kids to be young adults that can save their money and not booty shake and we will be alright.
The saddest thing around is watching the new generation lose interest in learning and curiosity die.
>no cancer cure

Cures for most cancera exist right now. It's the FDA standing in the way of getting them to market so pharma firms can recoup the tremendous cost the FDA made them spend getting the current, approved drugs to market.

Look up crispr and cas9
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it's the future brothers
>smarter than the average Eurotrash.
hahaha... ha. haha. yeah about that
is this even real
i thought everything was blocked in best korea
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Welcome kim
NASA isn't going anywhere.
1975 was 42 years ago you fucking retard
Is this your first time here?
North Korea is best Korea!
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>Anyone from 1975 would think the tech we have in 2017 would be inconceivable
>1975 is the stone age
i post here only occasionally
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You are naive.
(((they))) will surely end us right before we hit singularity so they can live like kings.
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>titanium bones

Graphene is stronger, and can be used as a scaffold for bones, or as the bones themselves;


>and your 200 year old brain "in a jar" piloting the whole thing

Graphene can be used as a scaffold for neurons;

>Monolayer Graphene-Directed Growth and Neuronal Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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>1975 was thirty years ago

>born in 78
>not too far off from being considered middle-aged

Fuck you for reminding me. God damn I need to stop hanging out with you fetuses.
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